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新编研究生英语 期末复习材料
新编研究生英语 期末复习材料






4. 填空(出自背诵段落,形式同小测);



U1/16 The role and importance of ethics education have begun to be recognized by the NIH. Guidelines for NIF research training grants now require a minimal number of hours of ethics educatio'1. Ethics need not be taught within a single graduate course, but it is beginning to be recognized that education in the basic conventions of the field and in the basic approaches to ethical decision making can no longer be left to one-on-one mentoring alone.

As the ever-dwindling availability of research funds fuels the fire of competition, there will be increased pressure on scientists to bend or break rules. Research laboratories, particularly large groups where some students rarely see their faculty advisers, cannot be assumed to teach research ethics, or even to train students in all research conventions.

U1/17Whether scientific ethics is approached through a single course or a series of courses or seminars throughout the graduate curriculum, it has become obvious that students need exposure to ethics in a number of contexts. Research ethics can and must be taught in a formalized manner. It is our belief that courses in research ethics that incorporate a solid philosophical framework have the greatest potential for long-term usefulness to students.




U3/12Equality is, for Americans, one of their most cherished values. This concept is so important for Americans that they have even given it a religious basis. They say all people have been “created equal.” Most Americans believe that God views all humans alike without regard to intelligence, physical condition or economic status.

In secular terms this belief is translated into the assertion that all people have an equal opportunity to succeed in life. Americans differ in opinion about how to make this ideal into a reality. Yet virtually all agree that equality is an important civic and social goal.

U3/13 The equality concept often makes Americans seem strange to foreign visitors. Seven-eighths of the world feels quite differently. To them, rank and status and authority are seen as much more desirable considerations — even if they personally happen to find themselves near the bottom of the social order.

Class and authority seem to give people in those other societies a sense of security and certainty. People outside the United States consider it reassuring to know, from birth, who they are and where they fit into the complex system called “society.”

U3/14Many highly-placed foreign visitors to the United States are insulted by the way they are treated by service personnel (such as waiters in restaurants, clerks in stores, taxi drivers, etc.). Americans have an aversion to treating people of high position in a deferential manner, and, conversely often treat lower class people as if they were very important.

Newcomers to the United States should realize that no insult or personal indignity is intended by this lack of deference to rank or position in society. A foreigner should be prepared to be considered “just like anybody else” while in the country.








U4/6Think for a moment about the goals of our society. We want a high standard of living for all citizens: clean air, safe streets, and good schools. What is holding us back from accomplishing all of these goals in a way that would satisfy everyone? You probably already know the answer: scarcity.

U4/7Society’s problem is a scarcity of resources — the things we use to make goods and services. Economists classify resources into three categories: labor, capital, land. Anything produced in the economy comes, ultimately, from some combination of these resources. Think about the last lecture you attended at your college. You were consuming a service —

a college lecture. What went into producing that service? Labor was supplied by your instructor. Many types of capital were used as well. The physical capital included desks, chairs, a blackboard or transparency projector, and the classroom building itself. It also included the computer your instructor may have used to write out his or her lecture notes.

In addition, there was human capital — your instructor’s specialized knowledge and lecturing skills. Finally, there was land — the property on which your classroom building sits. These very same resources, however, could instead be used to produce other desirable things, such as primary schools, hospitals. As a result, every society must have some method of allocating its scarce resources — choosing which of our many competing desires will be fulfilled and which will not be.

U4/8Many of the big questions of our time center on the different ways in which resources can be allocated. The cataclysmic changes taking place in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union arose from a very simple fact: the method these countries used to allocate resources was not working.

U4/7 社会的稀缺主要是资源的稀缺。资源是指我们用于生产产品和劳务的东西。经济学家把资源分为三类:劳动力、资本和土地。经济社会中任何产品和劳务的生产都需要这三种资源。比如你刚




U6/5Being able to die at home is a major part of the appeal of hospice, but patients and family members may not see it that way at first. “A lot of people still view hospice as giving up and letting the disease in,” says Campbell. That’s why the decision to call in hospice care can be an incredibly difficult one for a family to make. Once they do, though, most patients and their families soon understand the value of having a team of dedicated professionals---including social workers, health aides, chaplains, and nurses---work together to provide not only physical but also emotional and spiritual support.When Campbell took the job at Gilchrist Hospice Care three years ago, she had the same fears as anyone about hospice. As a mother of three and a veteran nurse who’d worked in operating rooms, she expected it to be unbearably sad. But on her first home visit, she was surprised that the family members were relaxed and sharing funny stories about their dying father. “There’s still happiness in the sadness of it,” she says.

U6/5.能够在家中逝去是人们选择临终关怀的主要原因之一。但是病人和他们的家属起初并没有认识到这一点。坎贝尔说: “很多人把临终关怀视为放弃治疗并且向疾病屈服。”这正是为什么对于家人来说做出选择临终关怀这个决定有如此艰难的原因。然而,一旦他们做了这个决定,大多数病人和家人很快就会理解其中的意义所在,即一支由社工、健康师(助理)、牧师和护士组成的专业人士通力合作为病人和家属提供身体上、感情上和精神上的支持与帮助。三年前当坎贝尔开始在吉尔克里斯特临终关怀中心工作时,她和其他人一样对临终关怀抱有相同的畏惧和忧虑。作为三个孩子的妈妈和经历丰富的手术室护士,坎贝尔原以为这份工作需要承受难以忍受的悲伤。但是当她第一次到病人家造访时,她很惊讶地看到病人的家人都很放松,并且他们能够和即将离世的父亲分享有趣的故事。坎贝尔说:“在悲伤中仍然能够感受到幸福。”

U6/10Because many people see hospice care as the end of hope, ther are even some doctors who are reluctnt to bring up the option. As a result, more than a third of hospice patients don’t start palliative care until they have just days left to live. Ironically, some patients who get hospice care live longer than those who don’t, studies show. But many wait until it’s nearly too late, and those people often sacrifice the chance for closure.


U7/11Grand strategy: life of death

Intriguingly it was Napoleon’s grand strategy that was later to lead to his downfall. Britain, un-invaded and unconquered, became an increasing thorn in Napoleon’s side as it used the huge reserves of cash and credit, derived from the industrial revolution and the expanding empire, to fund alliances of various European nations against the new French Republic.

Napoleon decided to starve Britain of cash: he would conquer the whole of Europe and force the continent to stop trading with Britain. It was an over-ambitious strategy that led him to invade Britain’s old trading ally. Portugal, and then Spain, and finally Russia, with disastrous consequences.




. U7/12Welch, Leighton, Gerstner and their fellow business leaders will not be wrong: get the grand strategy right and then sweat the execution; get it wrong and your are doomed. But, if the grand strategy is right, then the devil (and potential victory) is still in the detail. You can execute for all you’re worth but, without brilliant conception and faultless planning, the minor strategies that you employ in pursuit of the overall goal will fail.


U7/13And I stick to my guns: these are indeed strategies: they are not mere “implementation.”


U8/2Where is the hype coming from? On the one hand, higher education is ripe for “disruption”— to use Clayton Christensen’s theory of “disruptive innovation”?—because there is a real, systemic crisis in higher education, one that offers no apparent or immanent solution. It’s hard to imagine how the status quo can survive if you extend current trends forward into the future: how does higher education as we know it continue if tuition fees and student debt continue to skyrocket while state funding continues to plunge? At what point does the system simply break down? Something has to give.


U8/7Given these realities, I would suggest that MOOCs are simply a new way of maintaining the status quo, of re-institutionalizing higher education in an era of budget cuts, skyrocketing tuition, and unemployed college graduates burdened by student debt. If the MOOC began in the classroom as an experimental pedagogy, it has swiftly morphed into a process driven from the top down, imposed on faculty by university administrators, or even imposed on administrators by university boards of trustees and regents. For academic administrators and policymakers, the MOOC phenomenon is all about dollars and cents, about doing more of the same with less funding.


U8/7And while MOOC-boosters like to deride the “sage on the stage”model of education-delivery — as if crowded lecture halls are literally the only kind of classroom there is — most of the actually-existing MOOCs being marketed today are not much more than a massive and online version of that very same “sage on the stage” model. Through edX, for example, San Jose State University is incorporating videos of lectures by Harvard

professors into its own curriculum in an explicit attempt to build a model that can then be expanded throughout the California State University system, the largest public university system in the world. But that model is simply a massive expansion of the lecture-based content delivery that the MOOC boosters claim to despise. And what could be more hierarchical than a high prestige university like Harvard lecturing to a less prestigious institution like SJSU?

U8/7尽管大规模在线开放课程的支持者喜欢嘲笑“舞台上的圣人”的教育传递模式———仿佛拥挤的演讲厅确实是唯一一种课堂的模式———大部分今天被市场化的大规模在线开放课程与“舞台上的圣人”的模式差不多。例如,通过EDX,圣何塞州立大学正将哈佛教授们的讲座视频纳入到它自己的课程当中,并试图建立一个可以扩展至整个加州州立大学系统——世界上最大的公立大学教学系统——的教学模式。但这种模型正是大规模在线开放课程的支持者一直鄙视,以讲授为主来传递内容的大规模扩展。有什么能比一个像哈佛那样享有崇高威望的大学给一个不那么著名的机构如SJSU(San Jose State University) 讲学,更具有等级性?














first and foremost



without regard to


be replaced with/by

be addicted to


be superior to





hinge on


shed light on








barely addiction navigate agony dedicated specialize

to the fullest slip away with a vengeance



studded with downplay




impetuous outmaneuver

stick to one’s guns catastrophe




lifeline groundswell





status quo


研究生英语My English Story

My English Story Part 1(Past) Before entering middle school, English is a remote and mysterious realm I roughly have not ever touched. In other words, I began to learn English till I was 12 years old, about 5 or more years later than other children around me. And hence I have a rough time when I attempt to learn it. For instance, asked by my classmates, “What is your name, please?”, I felt so inferior and downcast because I may hardly recite the 26 letters at that time. Fortunately for me, my English teacher, Mrs. Sun, encouraged and helped me a lot. She gave me extra classes during her noon break. She told me I should never be too timid to use English and must have enough valor to speak loudly. With her selfless help, I finally caught up with my classmates after months of hard working. I felt enlightened and became interesting in English, though I could only say measly several simple sentences such as “Good morning” and “How old are you”. Afterwards my English learning gradually turned in a relatively positive direction. However, the primary force I studied English was simple, just to get a higher school record to go to a better high school. And in the high school, it changed to go to a better university. As a result of this simple but inappropriate motive, after being accepted by Harbin Institute of Technology to get a bachelor's degree and breezing through the CET4, 6, I hardly learned English for quite a long time, nearly two years. On one occasion, I read a poem from Tagore’s Stray Bird. Different fro m my usual reading, it is written in English. And it gave me more fantastic sense than when I read its Chinese translation. This fantastic sense gave me totally new aspiration to relearn English. As I found I extremely need English to know more about the world. Part 2(Present) Trying to get my master’s degree smoothly, I currently use English in readings of foreign literature in my field of expertise. Due to the previous learning, I may digest some elementary literature with the help of my teachers and dictionaries. But that is not enough, I must try to learn more. Very luckily, I get a foreign teacher, Mrs. Taylor, to give me guidance in learning English. This is the first time I get in touch with a native speaker of English so frequently. Mrs. Taylor speaks clearly and fluently, it is a relish to go to her class. In her class, we enjoy harmonious and relaxed atmosphere she establishes for us . She not only tells us how to learn English effectively, but also gives us much more knowledge about the foreign world. Watching the movies she recommends to us, we improve our English, at the same time, we begin to think more about the gap between China and the western world in politics, economy and culture. On the other side, I integrate my English learning in daily leisure and entertainments.

研究生英语精读教程第三版上unit one原文

Unit One Text: You Are What You Think And if you change your mind-from pessimism to optimism -you can change your life Claipe Safran [1] Do you see the glass as half full rather than half empty? Do you keep your eye upon the doughnut, not upon the hole? Suddenly these clichés are scientific questions, as researchers scrutinize the power of positive thinking. [2] A fast-growing body of research—104 studies so far, involving some 15,000 people—is proving that optimism can help you to be happier, healthier and more successful. Pessimism leads, by contrast, to hopelessness, sickness and failure, and is linked to depression, loneliness and painful shyness. "If we could teach people to think more positively," says psychologist Craig A. Anderson of Rice University①in Houston②,"it would be like inoculating them against these mental ills." [3] "Your abilities count," explains psychologist Michael F. Scheier of Carnegie Mellon University③in Pittsburgh④, "but


Unit One Task 1 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.D 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.D 11.A 12.B Task 2 1.public(c) 2.discipline(b) 3.strength(a) 4.reference(a) 5.strength(d) 6.public(a) 7.demonstrated(b) 8.discipline(c) 9.references(c) 10.personality(a) 11.discipllining(d) 12.demonstrates(a) 13.public(d) 14.reference(b) 15.personality(c) Task 3 1.employment 2.paid 3.adjust 4.setting 5.discouraged 6.credit 7.cite 8.demonstrate 9.teamwork 10.rules Unit Two Task 1 1.A 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.C Task 2 1. bud (n.); budding (adj.) 2. access (n.); access (v.) 3. taste (n.);tasted (v.) 4. fool (n.); fooling (v.) 5. produces (v.); produce (n.) 6. garnish (v.); garnishes (n.) 7. reigns (v.); reign (n.) 8. concern (n.); concerned (v.) 9. named (v.); name (n.) 10. practiced (v.); practice (n.) Task 3 1) integration 2) choice 3) handed 4) aspiring 5) steaming 6) masterpieces 7) pleasure 8) partake 9) amazing 10) presented Unit Three Task 1 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.A Task 2 1. stack up against 2. struck a chord 3. amounted to 4. chopping off 5. appeal to 6. pick up on 7. turned out 8. fade away 9. brought together 10. pulled off 11. thrust upon 12. be kept clear of Task 3 1) swirling 2) delivered 3) glowed 4) intervals 5) converge 6) wanderings 7) navigate 8) jealousy 9) presence 10) absorbed Unit Four Task 1 1.A 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. C 7. D 8. C 9. A 10. C Task 2 1. maintained (a) 2. romantic (a)


以下都是按阶梯排名的,感觉比较权威了,希望被采纳~~~ 第一阶梯北大复旦南大中大北外厦大上外 第二阶梯南开清华广外北师大南师大华东师大对外经贸 第三阶梯解外浙大华中师大上海交大华南师大北二外东南 第四阶梯川外天外武大暨大川大山大西南大学湖南师大 第五阶梯苏大人大大外吉大北语西外华南理工中南 第六阶梯福建师大上大同济中国海洋河大西安交大重大 英语专业考研、研究生:翻译研究、翻译学方向 主要研究中西翻译理论,翻译史,口、笔译技巧,对名家名著的翻译作品进行赏析,并从中、外文化的不同角度进行对比研究。介绍、就业前景和方向、招生院校介绍。 开设学校:北京外国语大学、广东外语外贸大学、上海外国语大学等。 研究内容:主要研究中西翻译理论,翻译史,口、笔译技巧,对名家名著的翻译作品进行赏析,并从中、外文化的不同角度进行对比研究。 该课程是英语语言学与文学专业硕士研究生的主干课程之一,由翻译理论和实践两部分组成。翻译理论主要包括翻译过程中对原文旨意、风格的分析与理解,翻译的功能,以语义翻译和交际翻译为主的各种翻译方法,翻译与文化的关系,翻译的标准等。翻译理论课的教学目的是使学生通过系统的翻译理论学习,对国内外影响较大的翻译理论、流派、代表人物有系统的了解,为今后的翻译实践奠定扎实的理论基础。翻译实践课的主要内容是进行与翻译理论同步的翻译实践,使学生通过翻译实践了解和熟悉各种翻译技巧,增强中英语言和文化差异对翻译影响的认识,进而提高实际翻译能力。 就业方向:多在外事外贸部门、大型企业,大多从事翻译工作。 所学课程:口译基础、笔译基础、交替口译、接续口译、同声传译、文体翻译、文学翻译、应用文翻译、文献翻译研究与实践、西方翻译理论概要、翻译理论与技巧、口译理论与技巧、语言与翻译等。 英语专业考研、英语专业研究生同声传译方向 开设学校:北京外国语大学、西安外国语大学、天津外国语学院、南开大学等。 研究内容:这是实践性很强的研究方向,主要学习英汉、汉英的同声翻译。 就业方向:主要就职于政府涉外部门、大型企事业单位和高校等。 所学课程:英汉笔译、汉英笔译、视译、英汉交替传译、汉英交替传译、英汉同声传译、汉英同声传译、翻译理论等。


Language Points 1.Subtitle:Toxin sniffers,missile jammers,dirty-bomb detectors: The post-9/11security blitz is affecting more than public safety—it’s changing the course of science. Toxin sniffers:毒素嗅探器missile jammers:导弹人为干发射机 dirty-bomb detectors:放射性核弹探测器 全句可译为:毒素嗅探器、导弹人为干发射机、放射性核弹探测器:“9·11” 事件后闪电式的保卫行动不仅影响着公共安全——还在改变着科学的进程。 2.Par.[1]:In the race to prevent future9/11-style attacks—or worse—Washington has marshaled the U.S.science establishment on a scale not seen since Sputnik. 全句可译为:华盛顿以前苏联发射人造地球卫星以来所未有的规模对美国的科 学机构做了安排。 3.Par.[2]:“A lot of it is security theater technology designed to make you feel better,”says Bruce Schneier,author of Beyond Fear:Thinking Sensibly about Security in an Uncertain World. 全句可译为:《超脱恐惧:明智地考虑变幻莫测世界的安全问题》的作者布鲁 斯·施奈尔说:“这当中有许多都是做表面文章的保安技术,目的是让你感到 更安全。 4.Par.[6]:As the archive of visa applicants balloons,scans of all10 fingers will provide more fail-safe identifications. 全句可译为:随着护照签证申请人的档案急剧增加,对十指全部进行扫描将 使身份验证更加万无一失。 5.Par.[9]:Resembling a sleek outhouse,the$150,000walk-through machine sends a quick blast of air over your clothing to dislodge trace explosive particles. walk-through:(建筑物)从两端都可进入的 全句可译为:这种价值15万美元的从两端都可进入的机器像个造型优美的 户外小屋,它在你的衣服上面迅速地吹过一股气流,从衣服上吹下微量炸药 粒子, 6.Par.[10]:Still,building technology today already seems light-years beyond pre-9/11days. 全句可译为:然而,今天的建筑技术看来已经远远超过“9·11”事件以前的 日子了。 7.Par.[11]:GPS:Global Positioning System全球卫星定位系统 8.Par.[12]:A cyber-attack on the country’s financial networks or power and telecommunications grids could make other means of protecting our physical assets moot. 全句可译为:对国家的金融网或电力和电信网进行的网络攻击,可使我们保 护有形资产的其他手段变得无实际意义。 9.Par.[12]:Developers describe it as a“Google-esque”tool and predict


第一单元? 如何发表演说 斯蒂芬·卢卡斯? ???? 在人类创造的万物中,语言可能是最卓越的一项创造。通过语言,我们可以分享经验、阐明价值观念、交流思想、传播知识、传承文化。确实,语言对于思想本身至关重要。和流行的信仰不同的是:语言并不是简单地反映事实,而是通过对事件意义的思考来帮助人们感悟现实。? ???? 优秀的演说者尊重语言并懂得如何驾驭语言。语言是演说者展示才能的工具,对于他们来说,如同其他职业的工具一样,语言也有特殊的功用。作为一名演说者,你应该意识到话语的意义,并懂得如何准确无误地使用语言,使其表达清楚,趣味横生,恰如其分。? 如同数字对于会计的重要性一样,准确地使用语言对于演说者至关重要。在没有确切知道一个词语的意思之前,千万不要盲目使用。碰到没有把握的词语,一定要查词典追根究底。当你准备演讲之前,一定要不断地问自己:“我究竟想说些什么?我究竟想表达什么样的意思?”因此,对于一篇演讲稿的用词来说,必须准确无误。? 如果语言表达清楚无误,听众就能很快抓住你的意思。鉴于此,演说者应该使用那些对于大多数人来说非常熟悉的词语,这些词语不需要任何专业背景就能够理解;演说者应该使用那些表达具体而不是相对抽象的词语;并且千万不要乱堆砌辞藻,哗众取宠。? 准确生动地使用语言能够使你的演说贴近生活。有一种方法可以使你的语言更加生动形象,那就是通过展开联想或创造语言图示。通过使用表达具体的词语、明喻或者暗喻等手法可以展开想像。明喻是对事物不同之处的比较,不过有些是相同的:它们总是包含“像……一样”或者“如同……一样”这样的连词。暗喻是一种隐性的比喻,它能够把两个形式不同但是有一些相通之处的事物联系在一起,暗喻不包含“像……一样”或者“如同……一样”这样的连词。? 另一种让你的演说生动形象的方法是注重语言的节奏感。有四种修辞格可以让你的语言富有节奏感:排比、重复、头韵和对比。排比是将一组或一系列具有相似结构的词语、短语或者句子排列在一起;重复是在一系列短句或者长句的开头或者结尾使用相同的一句话或者一组词语;头韵是指邻近或者相邻的几个句子中的首个词语的辅音字母相同;对比是将一些意思相反的词语或者句子并列在一起,通常使用排比结构。 恰当地使用语言是指语言的运用要符合特定的场合、特定的观众和特定的主题。同时,恰当地使用语言还意味着演说者要有自己的语言风格,而不是模仿他人的口吻。如果演说者的语言在各个方面都能够做到恰如其分,那么这篇演说成功的机率就会大大提高。??????? 优秀的演说并不是空穴来风、缺乏论据的决断。演说者必须找到强有力的论据来支持其观点。实际上,熟练地使用论据经常是区别一篇优秀演说词和一篇空洞演说词的关键所在。一般来说,通常有三种论据材料:事例、统计数据和证词。? ???????在演说过程中,你可以使用一些简明扼要的例子——比如过去发生的一个很具体的事件——有时候,你可以罗列好几个简明的例子,借此增强听众的印象。扩展性的例子——描述、叙述或者奇闻轶事——通常长一些,但更具体。夸张性的例子描述想像中的情形,这种例子能够将相关的想法有效地传达给听众。这三种例子都能够帮助演说者理清思绪、加强印象或者使演说更加娓娓动听。为了使表达更加富有效果,例子应该生动活泼,丰富多彩。 只要演说者对于统计数据用之得当并且加以解释,这些数据将有助于有效地传达信息,听众也能从统计数据中获益匪浅。最重要的是:演说者应该对统计数据了如指掌,并且运用得恰如其分。由于数据很容易操纵和捏造,因此,对于演说者来说,一定要确保图表没有张冠李戴,并且要确保统计方法正确,数据来源可靠。?

研究生英语精读教程翻译 上 课后习题及其答案。。

一、你认为自己是什么样的人,那你就是什么样的人 如果你改变想法——从悲观变为乐观——你就可以改变自己的生活 [1]你看酒杯是半杯有酒而不是半杯空着的吗?你的眼睛是盯着炸面圈,而不是它中间的孔吗?当研究者们仔细观察积极思维的作用时,这些陈词滥调突然间都成了科学问题。 [2]迅速增多的大量研究工作——迄今已有104个研究项目,涉及大约15 000人——证明乐观的态度可以使你更快乐、更健康、更成功。与此相反,悲观则导致无望、疾病以及失败它与沮丧、孤独、令人苦恼的腼腆密切相关。休斯敦莱斯大学的心理学家克雷格·A·安德森说:“如果我们能够教会人们更积极地思考,那就如同为他们注射了预防这些心理疾病的疫苗。” [3] “你的能力固然重要,”匹兹堡卡内基–梅隆大学的心理学家迈克尔·F·沙伊尔说,“但你成功的信念影响到你是否真能成功。”在某种程度上,这是由于乐观者和悲观者以截然不同的方式对待同样的挑战和失望。 [4]以你的工作为例。宾夕法尼亚大学的心理学家马丁·E·P·塞利格曼与同事彼得·舒尔曼在一项重要研究中对大都会人寿保险公司的推销员进行了调查。他们发现,在工龄较长的推销员中,积极思考者比消极思考者要多推销37%的保险额。在新雇用的推销员中,乐观主义者则多销了20%。 [5]公司受到了触动,便雇用了100名虽未通过标准化行业测试但在态度乐观一项得分很高的人。这些本来可能根本不会被雇用的人售出的保险额高出一般的推销员10%。 [6]他们是如何做到的呢?据塞利格曼说,乐观主义者成功的秘诀就在于他的“解释方式”。出了问题之后,悲观主义者倾向于自责。他说:“我不善于做这种事,我总是失败。”乐观主义者则寻找漏洞,他责怪天气,抱怨电话线路,甚至怪罪别人。他认为,是那个客户当时情绪不好。当一切顺利时,乐观主义者居功自傲而悲观主义者只把成功视为侥幸。[7]克雷格·安德森让一组学生给陌生人打电话,请他们为红十字会献血。当他们的第一、二个电话未能得到对方同意时,悲观者说:“我干不了这事。乐观主义者则对自己说:“我需要试试另一种方法。” [8]无论是消极还是积极,都是一种本身会成为事实的预言。安德森说:如果人们感到没有希望,他们就不会费事去获得成功所需的技能。” [9]据安德森看来,有无控制感是成功的试金石。乐观者能够掌握自己的命运。如果事情不顺利,他立刻做出反应,寻找解决办法,制定新的行动计划,并且主动寻求指点。悲观者则感到自己只能由命运摆布,行动拖拉。既然认为毫无办法,他便不去寻求指点。 [10]乐观主义者也许认为自己比事实能够证明的要强——有时正是这一点使他们充满生机。匹兹堡肿瘤研究所的桑德拉·利维博士对患晚期乳腺癌的妇女进行了研究。对那些通常持乐观态度的妇女来说,两次发病间隔的时间比较长,而这是生存下去的最好预兆。在一次对早期乳腺癌妇女的初步研究中,利维博士发现这一疾病在悲观病人身上复发更早。 [11]乐观态度不会使不治之症痊愈,却有可能预防疾病。在一项长期研究中,研究人员跟踪观察了一组哈佛大学毕业生的健康史。所有这些人都是班上的学生,并且健康状况良好。他们之中有的是积极思考者,有的是消极思考者。20年后,悲观者中患有中年常见病——高血压、糖尿病、心脏病——的人数要比乐观者多。 [12]许多研究显示,悲观者的无助感会损害人体的自然防御体系,即免疫系统。密执安大学的克里斯托弗·彼德森博士发现悲观主义者不能很好地照顾自己。他消极被动,无法避开生活中的打击,无论做什么都会担心身体不好或其他灾难将临。他大嚼不利于健康的垃圾食品,逃避体育锻炼,不听医生的劝告,还总是要再贪一杯。 [13]在多数人身上,乐观主义和悲观主义兼而有之,但总是更倾向于其中之一。塞利格曼说,这是一种早在“母亲膝下”就开始形成的思维模式,来自千万次警告或鼓励,消极的或积极的话语。过多的“不许”及危险警告会使一个孩子感到无能、恐惧以及悲观。 [14]随着年龄的增长,儿童能体会到许多小小的成就感,如学会系鞋带等。家长可以促使这类成功转变为控制感,从而培养出乐观主义。 [15]悲观是一种很难克服的习惯,但并非不能克服。在一系列具有重大突破的研究中,伊利诺伊大学的卡罗尔·德韦克博士对小学低年级儿童做了一些工作。她帮助那些屡屡出错的学生改变对失败原因的解释——从“我准是很笨”变成“我学习还不够努力”——因此他们的学习成绩提高了。 [16]匹兹堡的利维博士想知道把病人变成乐观主义者是否会延长他们的生命。在一次试验性研究中,两组结肠癌病人受到同样方式的治疗,但其中一些人还得到了鼓励乐观态度的心理帮助。试验结果表明这一做法有一定的效果。现在已在计划实施一项重大研究,以确定这一心理变化是否会改变病情的发展。 [17]因此,如果你是个悲观主义者,你完全有理由乐观起来。你能改变自己。以下就是范德比尔特大学的心理学家史蒂夫·霍朗指出的方法: [18]一、当坏事发生时,仔细留意自己的想法,把你最初的想法原原本本地记下来,一字不改。


Task 2 A contrary to implicit assertion look up adapted Sustain unbiased In the course of metaphor clutter B bolster credible impromptu sparingly anecdote Credentials testimony hypothetical paraphrase juxtaposition Task 3 Translation B.发言提纲是有效发言的基础。通过写发言提纲,你可以确保你的思想是相关联的,你的思路从一点谈到另一点,你的讲话结构是连贯的。通常,准备讲演你可以采用两种提纲方式:详细准备提纲和简单发言提纲。 在准备发言提纲中,应该写出你的特定目的及中心思想,并以连贯的方式确定主要观点和次要观点,发言提纲应该由简要的提要组成,这些提要在你讲话时能够给予你一些帮助。发言提纲还应该包括帮助你记忆的重点词或重点短语。在写发言提纲时,可采用准备提纲的模式,尽可能使你的发言提纲简要,同时,要确保提纲清晰,易于辨认。 C. 1. The younger generation should continue to sustain and develop our fine traditions and long-standing culture. 2. In the course of preparing one’s speech, one should be clearly aware of how one could make effective use of statistics and examples to bolster one’s point of view. 3. An impromptu speech is one of the speaking skills that college students should learn and develop through practice. 4. By using simile and metaphor, you can make your language more vivid and more attractive to your audience. 5. The proper examples you cite might help reinforce the impression on your listeners and make your viewpoints more convincing. 6. When you are speaking, you should choose common and easy words and at the same time avoid clutter in you speech. 7. When you write a paper, citing the views from some experts is a good way to make your ideas more credible. 8. A good method of delivering a speech will improve its quality and will help convey the speakers’ ideas clearly and interestingly. 9. You should mot blindly use a word that you are not sure about, and if you are not sure, look up the word in a dictionary. 10. Your language should adapt to the particular occasion and audience. If your language is appropriate in all respects, your speech is successful. D. Before you deliver an academic speech, you should, first of all, get well prepared for it. Then, you should make your major points clear in your speech, and your speech should be well organized. When speaking, you should not speak too fast, and your language should be explicit. Don’t always read the notes you prepared beforehand. From time to time, you should look at your audience. On one hand, you can show your respect to your audience, and on the other hand, you will be able to go on with your speech more smoothly.


研究生英语精读教程(下)答案 Unit 2 Exercise A I.Comprehension 1.The distinction between active and passive euthanasia is clear.In the former case,some direct action is taken(for example,lethal injection is given.) to help finishing the patient’s unbearable pain for good,while in the latter,no direct action is taken,merely letting the patient die. 2.The attitude of AMA is somewhat contradictory.First,it states that mercy killing is contrary to what the medical profession stands and also to its own policy.But then it goes on to say that the advice and judgment of the doctor should be available to the patient and/or his family. 3.A lethal injection is one which can“kill”the patient immediately.The author thinks that once the decision not to prolong the patient's agony is made,to give him a lethal injection is the best choice.Otherwise the patient will suffer more rather than less. 4.The most painful thing to do for a surgeon is to stand by and watch a savable baby die because his very duty is to use the scalpel to fight off death. 5.Some people are opposed to all kinds of euthanasia because they believe that all people have the right to live. 6.The author believes that the reason to let the baby die is only an excuse.And the real reason is that the child has Down's syndrome because the operation is very simple. 7.No,killing someone is not morally worse than letting someone die.(An example is omitted.) 8.What the doctor does in active euthanasia is only for humane reasons.In a civil case of killing,however,the person acts from the motive of personal gain.That's the main difference.9.Mercy killing and conventional euthanasia are the same thing,because in both cases the passive part the doctor plays is emphasized. 10.The attitude of AMA in its statement is contradictory.First,it forbids mercy killing, but then it goes on to deny that the cessation of treatment is the intentional termination of life.This is where the mistake is made, for the former is none other than the 1atter. Ⅱ.V ocabulary 1.C 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.D 11.B 12.B 13:D 14.D 15.B 16.C 17.A 18.D 19.A 20.D Ⅲ.Cloze 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.B 11.D 12.A 13.B 14.B 15.C Ⅳ.Translation A.没有一个年轻人相信他是要死的。青春时期有一种永恒的感觉,使我们能自我纠正,适应一切事物。年轻人酷似神仙。虽半生一晃就过去了,还有下半生带着无限的宝藏给我们储备着,因为前程远大,希望无穷。这个新的时代是属于我们年轻人的。“一个远大无边的前景展开在我们面前。”我们环顾周围这个新的世界,充满着生命,活跃和不断的进步;我们自身感到朝气蓬勃,精神焕发,紧跟时代步伐。没有任何征兆会使我们预感到有朝一日,自

研究生英语综合教程(上)熊海虹课后部分翻译答案 (1)1

第一单元 “一年365 天,一周7 天,一天24 小时,生意始终在进行,那意味着一年365 天,一周7 天,一天24 小时,竞争也同样在进行,”豪特说,“公司取胜的方法之一就是要更快地到达‘目的地’!这就是说,你不仅要把所有能支持公司快速运转的功能都调动起来,而且还得知道如何决定‘目的地’是哪里。这样,不仅对那些行动快速的人们,也对那些思维敏捷,并有勇气按自己的想法行事的人们都提出了要求。这需要全公司各部门的运作,而不仅仅是管理部门的工作。 “Business happens 24/7/365, which means that competition happens 24/7/365, as well,” says Haut. “One way that companies win is by getting …there? faster, which means that you not only have to mobilize all of the functions that support a business to move q uickly, but you have to know how t o decide where …there? is! This creates a requirement not only for people who can act quickly, but for those who can think fast with the courage to act on their convictions. This needs to run throughout an organization and is not exclusive to management.” 最后,职业地位包含对职业标准的遵守。很多律师通过在行业内外把自己塑造成一个具有良好职业道德的典范来找到自我价值。对那些在所有职业行为中都表现出极度正直和谦逊有礼的律师们来说,当管理阶层对他们理应受到的特别尊重表示肯定时,便又获得了另一种形式的精神报酬。 Lastly, professional status encompasses adherence to ethical standards. Most lawyers find self worth in setting an example—both within the profession and within the larger society—as ethical actors. When management affirms the special respect due to lawyers who act with the utmost integrity and civility in all of their professional dealings, it provides yet another form of compensation. 第四单元 很多研究发现婴儿获得关爱的质量会影响到他们以后的交友,在学校的表现,如何应对陌生的或可能充满压力的情况,以及他们成年后如何建立并且维系情感连系。正是因为这些原因,人们与家庭成员的早期亲密关系才如此至关重要。在人情冷漠的环境中(如孤儿院,某些寄养家庭,或缺乏关爱的家庭)长大的孩子会出现情感和社会性发育不良,语言和运动技能迟缓,以及精神健康问题。Much research shows that the quality of care infants receive affects how they later get along with friends, how well they do in school, how they react to new and possibly stressful situations, and how they form and maintain loving relationships as adults. It is for these reasons thatpeople's early intimate relationships within their family of origin1 are so critical. Children who are raised in impersonal environments (orphanage, some foster homes, or unloving families) show emotional and social underdevelopment, language and motor skills retardation, and mental health problems. 一开始让人相互吸引的是什么?许多人相信“世上有一个人是你为之而生的”,而且命运会将你俩带到一起。这样的想法很浪漫却不现实。实证研究发现,是文化标准和价值观而非命运,将人们连系在一起。我们错过了成千上万的可能的爱人,因为他们早就被正式的或非正式的挑选理想爱人的准则筛选出局,这些准则包括年龄、种族、地域、社会阶层、宗教、性倾向、健康状况或外表。 What attracts individuals to each other in the first place? Many people believe that "there's one person out there that one is meant for" and that destiny will bring them together. Such beliefs are romantic but unrealistic. Empirical studies show that cultural norms and values, not fate, bring people together We will never meet millions of potential lovers because they are "filtered out" by formal or informal rules on partner eligibility due ton factors such as age, race, distance, Social class, religion, sexual orientation, health, or physical appearanc e. 第五单元 做瑜伽没有场地的限制,一套瑜伽动作通常需要20 分钟到两个小时或者更多的时间,而一个小时左右的时间则是一系列动作和冥想的最佳选择。根据瑜伽师和学派的不同,一些瑜伽动作做起来辛苦异常,而另一些却只是在呼吸和心跳平稳的情况下调整和伸展肢体。每天练习瑜伽会达到最好的效果,随着动作越来越熟练,你就可以加大强度和难度这样瑜伽就能成为你相伴终生的日常锻炼方式了。练习基础的瑜伽动作即可收到增强力量,改善柔韧性并使人感到舒适的效果,但要想达到完美和高深的境界还是需要日积月累的练习,这也是瑜伽吸引人的地方之一。 Yoga routines can take anywhere from 20 minutes to two or more hours, with one hour being a good time investment to perform a sequence of postures and a meditation. Some yoga routines, depending on the teacher and school, can be as strenuous as the most difficult workout, and some routines merely stretch and align the body while the breath and heart rate are kept slow and steady. Yoga achieves its best results when it is practiced as a daily discipline, and yoga can be a life-long exercise routine, offering deeper and more challenging positions as a practitioner becomes more adept. The basic positions can increase a person?s strength, flexibility and sense of well-being almost immediately, but it can take years to perfect and deepen them, which is an appealing and stimulating aspect of yoga for many. 第七单元 人性的恒定性是众所周知的,因为没有人相信一个人能够从根本上改变他的本性。这就是为什么一个恶名远扬的人很难重建公众对他的信心。人们凭经验知道某一年中表现出无赖性格的人不太可能在第二年有任何改观。小偷也不会变成值得信赖的员工。吝

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