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(2012-05-30 18:19:21)




1. After she won a gold medal in figure skating at the 1956 Olympic Games, Tenley Albright attended medical school and becoming a surgeon.

(A). school and becoming

(B). school and became

(C). school, also became

(D). school, she became

(E). school; also becoming

2. In his Star Wars films, director George Lucas is a contemporary mythmaker, plus being a master of special effects.

(A). Lucas is a contemporary mythmaker, plus being

(B). Lucas, a contemporary mythmaker, moreover

(C). Lucas is a contemporary mythmaker as well as

(D). Lucas, who is a contemporary mythmaker and also

(E). Lucas is a contemporary mythmaker, he is also

3. Because of geothermal changes beneath Old Faithful, the frequency and duration of the geyser’s eruptions are now more predictable.

(A). eruptions are now more predictable

(B). eruptions, they are now more predictable

(C). eruptions are predicted more easier now

(D). eruptions being easier to predict than before

(E). eruptions, they can now be predicted more easily

4. Founded in 1919, the aim of the Bauhaus School was to create a revolutionary modern style that would unite art and mass production.

(A). aim of the Bauhaus School was

(B). aim of the Bauhaus School having been

(C). Bauhaus School, whose aim was

(D). Bauhaus School aiming

(E). Bauhaus School aimed

5. Coleman Hawkins is often called the “father of the tenor saxophone” on account of he was the first to realize the instrument’s expressive powers.

(A). saxophone” on account of he was

(B). saxophone” because he was

(C). saxophone” due to him being

(D). saxophone,” which he was

(E). saxophone,” he was

6. The ship will not leave port until every one of the crew members have been examined by

a physician and given a clean bill of health.

(A). have been

(B). has been

(C). had been

(D). are

(E). were

7. It appears that either Jane or Marek will be elected to be presidents of the student union.

(A). to be presidents

(B). are presidents

(C). presidents

(D). for president

(E). president

8. Apparently honoring the actor’s desire for a flattering biography, there is no mention by the author of any of the scandals in which her subject was involved.

(A). there is no mention by the author of any of the scandals in which her subject was involved

(B). none of the scandals in which her subject was involved is mentioned by the author

(C). none of the scandals in which her subject was involved are mentioned by the author

(D). the author does not mention any of the scandals in which her subject was involved

(E). the author mentions none of the scandals in which her subject were involved

9. An odd friendshipin certain respects, she being an outdoor enthusiast and he a dedicated bookworm.

(A). An odd friendship

(B). As an odd friendship

(C). Their friendship being odd

(D). Theirs was an odd friendship

(E). Having a friendship that was somewhat odd

10. Each of the men who attended the meeting were suspected to be a spy.

(A). were suspected to be a spy

(B). were suspected to be spies

(C). were suspected of being spies

(D). was suspected of being spies

(E). was suspected of being a spy

11. The island of Madagascar, off the coast of Africa, is the habitat of more than 200,000 species of plants and animals, many are not found anywhere else on the planet.

(A). animals, many are not found anywhere

(B). animals; many, are not found anywhere

(C). animals; of which many are not found anywhere

(D). animals, many found nowhere

(E). animals, finding many nowhere

12. This film has earned (A) more money (B) from(C) ticket sales than have (D) its closest competitor for the Best Documentary Feature Film Award. No error (E)

13. Dr. Ling strongly (A) encouraged each of (B) us contacting (C) our federal and state representatives and urge them to increase (D) funding for elementary school music programs. No error (E)

14. In the years following (A) the Second World War, as millions of soldiers returned to civilian life, the demand for (B) housing will cause (C) a massive expansion of (D) suburbs. No error (E)

15. Because (A) they build (B) nests on telephone poles as readily (C) as they do in trees, ospreys adapting (D) well to various environment. No error (E)

16. Whiptails, the more speedier (A) of lizard, are remarkable creatures because (B) in thirteen of the known (C) species the females reproduce without (D) mating with males. No error (E)

17. Scientists have discovered that walnut trees respond to (A) environmental stresses such as

(B) drought by producing (C) significant amounts of (D) a substance similar to aspirin. No error (E)

18. For our hike, my two companions and I (A) had chose (B) to walk along the Appalachian Trail, one of (C) the oldest and best-loved (D) hiking paths in the United States. No error (E)

19. When people see (A) Lake Michigan for the first time, he or she (B) may think that it (C) looks more like (D) an ocean than a lake. No error (E)

20. Teeming with (A) hundreds of species of tropical fish, the clear (B) waters of the Caribbean Sea provide (C) a paradise for (D) scuba divers. No error (E)

21. The museum’s latest exhibition, featuring (A) the works of several relatively young (B) artists, have been (C) praised in reviews by (D) influential art critics. No error (E)

22. The proposed environmental legislation would devote (A) billions of dollars in (B) federal grants to (C) conservation activities such as acquiring new public lands, preserving coastal habitats, and to establish (D) urban parks. No error (E)

23. Though the island was formed by (A) volcanic action long ago (B), volcanic activity still threatens (C) its inhabitants occasionally (D). No error (E)

24. Damselflies closely (A) resemble dragonflies except that (B) when at rest an adult damselfly holds its wings parallel to the (C) body, while a dragonfly holds theirs (D) perpendicular

to the body. No error (E)

25. Each girl in my class (A) wanted (B) to have a quinceanera—an elaborate party with plenty of (C) food and dancing—to celebrate her (D) fifteenth birthday. No error (E)

26. Experts who decipher (A) ancient written languages report (B) that the Indus civilization’s script is more difficult (C) to decode than other civilizations (D). No error (E)

27. Although both (A) birds are known for their distinctive (B) songs, but the rufous songlark has a sweeter (C) song than has (D) the brown songlark. No error (E)

28. Because (A) sound waves travel faster (B) in liquids than they do(C) in gases, the speed of sound in water is greater than that of sound (D) in the air. No error (E)

29. Mary Whiton Calkins was an imminent (A) psychologist and philosopher whose (B) research focused on (C) such topics as (D) memory, consciousness, and dreams. No error (E)

(1)The word “dinosaur” is derived from two Greek words meaning “terrifying lizard.” (2) This fact might therefore lead you to think that today’s reptiles—including lizards—are descended from dinosaurs. (3) Modern reptiles are probably not directly related to the dinosaurs. (4) Instead, it is birds, not reptiles, that most scientists now think are the dinosaurs’ true descendants. (5) Some even say that birds are dinosaurs—dinosaurs as they have evolved over millions of years. (6) That claim may sound incredible. (7) It is based on extensive fossil evidence.

(8) A definite evolutionary connection between birds and dinosaurs was first uncovered in 1861.

(9) The fossil was the petrified remains of an animal that in many respects resemble a small, winged dinosaur. (10) There was, similarly, one astonishing difference between this fossil and any dinosaur fossil previously found. (11) The newly discovered animal’s body was covered with fully developed feathers. (12) Scientists gave the creature the name Archaeopteryx, which means “ancient wing” in Greek, and declared it a transitional species between dinosaurs and birds. (13) Ancient Greek is a language that lends itself to forming logical compound words such as these. (14) In the years since that discovery, scientists have unearthed other unique fossils. (15) These fossils show that dinosaurs and birds share many common skeletal features. (16) They reveal that several species of dinosaurs had what look like primitive feathers. (17) They indicate that some dinosaurs brooded over their nests, much as chickens do. (18) There is even fossil evidence that a few dinosaurs had four-chambered hearts. (19) That means that they may have been warm-blooded—just like birds but unlike modern reptiles, which are all cold-blooded.

30. In context, which of the following would be best to place at the beginning of sentence 3 (reproduced below)?

Modern reptiles are probably not directly related to the dinosaurs.

(A). In any case,

(B). It is believed that

(C). As it turns out, though,

(D). They now say that

(E). Moreover, it appears that

31. In context, which is the best way to revise and combine sentences 6 and 7 (reproduced below)?

That claim may sound incredible. It is based on extensive fossil evidence.

(A). As incredible as that claim may sound, it is based on extensive fossil evidence.

(B). That claim may sound incredible, but he based it on extensive fossil evidence.

(C). The claim is based on extensive fossil evidence, but they sound incredible to us.

(D). That claim sounds incredible; it will need to be based on extensive fossil evidence.

(E). Based on extensive fossil evidence, that claim may yet have sounded incredible.

32. In context, which of the following would be the most effective revision of the underlined portion of sentence 10 (reproduced below)?

There was, similarly, one astonishing difference between this fossil and any dinosaur fossil previously found.

(A). obviously

(B). however

(C). they claimed

(D). therefore

(E). in retrospect

33. In context, which is the best way to deal with sentence 13 (reproduced below)?

Ancient Greek is a language that lends itself to forming logical compound words such as these.

(A). Insert it immediately after sentence 1.

(B). Delete it from the passage.

(C). Change “is” to “was”.

(D). Change “lends” to “lent”.

(E). Change “these” to “Archaeopteryx”.

34. In context, which of the following would be the most effective revision of the underlined portion of sentence 14 (reproduced below)?

In the years since that discovery, scientists have unearthed other unique fossils.

(A). many others

(B). many interesting fossils

(C). more of these kinds of fossils

(D). other fossils that confirm the link between dinosaurs and birds

(E). fossils that provide evidence disproving these early findings

35. Where in the passage would be the following sentence best be inserted?

It was then that a worker in a German limestone quarry accidentally discovered an unusual fossil.

(A). Immediately before sentence 5

(B). Immediately before sentence 9

(C). Immediately before sentence 11

(D). Immediately before sentence 12

(E). Immediately before sentence 15

1. Just after returning home, the discovery was made that the basement had flooded during our absence.

(A). Just after returning home, the discovery was made

(B). Just after returning home, we discovered

(C). Having just returned home was when we discovered

(D). We returned home, just thereafter we discovered

(E). Our discovery, just after we returned home,

2. Unlike other members of the bear family, which rely at least in part on a diet of insects, fish, mammals, or other meat, but pandas are primarily vegetarians and eat mainly bamboo.

(A). but pandas are

(B). but a panda is

(C). pandas are

(D). pandas, which are

(E). that of a panda is

3. Maya Lin is best known for designing the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, but her work also including buildings, furniture, and sculptures in stone, wood, and glass.

(A). but her work also including

(B). but her work also includes

(C). but her work also having included

(D). her work also includes

(E). then her work also includes

4. The Mansion House, once home to a thriving utopian community, remained closed to the public for over a century and reopening as a museum in 1987.

(A). century and reopening

(B). century, it reopened

(C). century but reopened

(D). century, when reopening

(E). century, so reopening

5. Voicing their concern about heavy traffic near the school, the town council’s plan to build

a bypass was supported by local parents.

(A). the town council’s plan to build a bypass was sup ported by local parents.

(B). local parents supported the town council’s plan to build a bypass

(C). a plan by the town council to build a bypass was supported by local parents

(D). a bypass was planned by the town council and local parents supported building it

(E). building a bypass was planned by the town council and supported by local parents

6. Diamond is harder than any other naturally occurring mineral, and the reason is because its carbon atoms are arranged in a strongly bonded crystal structure.

(A). mineral, and the reason is because

(B). mineral; and the reason for it is that

(C). mineral and because

(D). mineral because

(E). mineral by

7. Relatively little is known about the Suminoe oyster, which is new to the Chesapeake Bay, this has resulted in it being difficult for scientists to decide whether it may disturb the ecosystem there.

(A). Bay, this has resulted in it being difficult

(B). Bay, which have resulted in difficulty

(C). Bay, and results in difficulty

(D). Bay; they result in difficulty

(E). Bay; as a result, it is difficult

8. The reason that many films succeed is that it reflects the private yearnings of audiences.

(A). is that it reflects

(B). is that they reflect

(C). is because of reflecting

(D). are because they reflect

(E). are their reflection of

9. Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin used x-rays to discover the chemical structures of penicillin and vitamin B12, winning a Nobel Prize for her work.

(A). winning a Nobel Prize for her work.

(B). she then won a Nobel Prize for her work

(C). this work won her a Nobel Prize

(D). she won a Nobel Prize for her work

(E). her work having won a Nobel Prize for her

10. Although the development of an all-electric airplane is more problematic and complex than an all-electric car, several aeronautical companies are working to design and build all-electric airplanes.

(A). an all-electric car

(B). all-electric cars

(C). those of an all-electric car

(D). an all-electric car being developed

(E). the development of an all-electric car

11. In appearance much like the traditional yellow-fleshed Peruvian potato, Canadian researchers developed the hybrid Yukon Gold potato about 30 years ago.

(A). Canadian researchers developed the hybrid Yukon Gold potato

(B). Canadian researchers have developed the hybrid Yukon Gold potato

(C). the hybrid Yukon Gold potato was developed by Canadian researchers

(D). however, the hybrid Yukon Gold potato was developed by Canadian researchers

(E). but the hybrid Yukon Gold potato was developed by Canadian researchers

12. One of the few marine mammals that makes use of tools are the Indian Ocean bottlenose dolphin, which uses sea sponges to stir sand on the ocean floor while hunting for prey.

(A). that makes use of tools are

(B). that make use of tools are

(C). to make use of tools is

(D). to make use of tools are

(E). to make use of tools,

13. The Institute’s exhibition of pictures of Arctic animals displays a f irm commitment and a deep interest in the conversation of the world’s endangered animal species.

(A). displays a firm commitment

(B). display a firm commitment

(C). displays a firm commitment to

(D). display a firm commitment

(E). that display a firm commitment

14. In addition to scientific talent, Santiago Ramon y Cajal had artistic talent, as is evidenced by the excellent drawings in his papers about the nervous system.

(A). as is evidenced by the excellent drawings

(B). which the excellent drawings are seen to be evidence of and appeared

(C). the excellent drawings which are evidence of this are

(D). his excellent drawings as evidence, appearing

(E). to be evidenced of in the excellent drawings


新SAT语法的三种题型 语法题则占到了600分。对于满分为2400分的SAT考试来说,语法在整个考试中的比例已是四分之一。因此考好语法对于获得一个理想的SAT成绩来说是至关重要的。 对于许多尚没有接触到新SAT的同学来说,语法对他们可能是讳莫如深,但其实对于基础功扎实的中国同学来说,语法却恰恰是最容易突破的部分。笔者在新东方学校主讲新SAT的语法,对此感受颇深,下面就给大家提纲挈领的介绍一下它的主要题型与解题方法。新SAT的语法可以分为三个部分。分别如下: 一.识别错误 这种题型非常类似于托福语法中的改错部分,即识别一个句子当中四个下划线里语法有错误的选项。不过新SAT的语法与托福语法最大的区别在于,它还有第五个选项放在句后:NO ERROR,选择这个选项即认为这个句子没有语法错误。比如考过这么一道题: A number(A) of horticultural arts, including(B) bonsai and ikebana, began(C) in(D) Japan. NO ERROR(E) 这道题目里面就没有任何的语法错误,所以答案应该选择E。而且大家要注意E成为答案的概率是很高的,基本上可以占到20%,所以大家确实找不到错误时要敢于选E. 下面我们就来看一下识别句子错误中经常会考到的一些考点。 1.动词 动词里面主要考三个考点:主谓搭配一致;平行结构;时态语态一致。 主谓搭配一致主要就是指谓语的单复数要和它所对应的主语的单复数一致。比如有这么一道题: The existence of consistent rules are(A) important if(B) a teacher wants to run (C) a classroom efficiently(D).NO ERROR(E) 很明显这道题目当中主语是一个A of B结构The existence of consistent rules,这种结构的中心词应该是前面一个词A即existence,它是单数,而后面的谓语动词却是复数are,所以主谓搭配不一致了,答案应该选 A.再请看下面一道题: Like every other(A) sociological system, the commune has(B) a way of functioning that may be easily upset(C), either slightly or extreme(D). NO ERROR(E) 这道题目所考察的就是平行结构,因为either or所紧连接的两个词在语法功能和时态结构上应该保持一致,前面是副词slightly,所以后面也应该是副词extremely.答案选D. 时态和语态一致即指前后的时态和主被动的语态应该保持一致,比如: Many(A) biographers had stated(B) that Samuel Langhorne Clemens changed(C) his name to Mark Twain to echo the riverboat captain’s call ascertaining the safe navigation(D) depth of the Mississippi River. NO ERROR(E) 很明显这句话的主句应该是用一般过去时而不应该是过去完成时,所以答案应该选B,将had 去掉。 2.名词 NEW SAT中的名词主要是考察名词的单复数错误。 Although(A) they have(B) radically different career plans, Luna and Gabriei both(C) hope to be a Michigan State graduates(D) one day. NO ERROR(E) 这道题目的D前面用了不定冠词a,后面又出现了一个复数形式graduates,所以明显是错误的。


SAT语法关于名词的考点 SAT语法考点都有哪些呢?同学们在做SAT语法真题的时候会发现,SAT 语法考点是比较多的,也是比较零碎的。所以大家在做SAT语法练习题的时候要注意总结。下面小编就为大家总结了SAT语法关于名词的考点的相关内容,供大家参考。 SAT语法关于名词的考点: 1.总的说来,名词分专有名词和普通名词两类。 专有名词: 表示具体的人,事物,地点或机构的专有名称。 Lucy China 中国Asia 亚洲Beijing 北京。 专有名词的第一个字母要大写。 普通名词: 表示某些人,某类事物,某种物质或抽象概念的名称。例如: teacher 老师tea 茶reform 改革 普通名词又可进一步分为四类 1) 个体名称: 表示单个的人和事物。 house 马car 汽车room 房间apple 苹果fun 风扇picture 照片 2) 集体名称: 表示一群人或一些事物的名称。 people 人们family 家庭army 军队government 政府group 集团 3) 物质名词:表示物质或不具备确定形状和大小的个体的物质。 fire 火steel 钢air 空气water 水milk 牛奶 4)抽象名词:表示动作,状态,品质或其他抽象概念。 labour 劳动health 健康life 生活friendship友情patience耐力 2.名词按其所表现的事物的性质分为可数名词和不可数名词。 可数名词(Countable Nouns)有复数形式,如:

an apple two apples a car some cars 不可数名词(Uncountable Nouns)一般没有复数形式. 抽象名词, 物质名词和专有名词一般是不可数名词。 sand 沙sugar 糖 有少数名词即可作可数名词,也可作不可数名词,但含义不同。 glass 玻璃glass 玻璃杯paper 纸paper 报纸,文件 名词的功能 名词在句中作主语, 宾语,介词宾语,宾语补助语,表语以及名词短语作状语。The bag is in the desk. bag 作主语。 书包在桌子里边。 I washed my clothes yesterday. clothes 作宾语。 昨天我洗了我的衣服。 This is a good book. book 作表语。 这是一本好书。 We elected him our monitor. monitor作宾语补助语。 我们选他为我们的班长。 Mary lives with her parents. parents作介词宾语. 玛丽和她的父母亲住在一起。 He is a Party member. Party 作定语. 他是一名党员。 They study hard day and night. day and night作状语。 他们白天黑夜地学习。


SAT语法真题常见高频考点 下面天道小编为大家搜集整理了SAT语法真题常见高频考点,希望大家看完之后会对SAT语法考试备考有所帮助。 1.v+ing与 v+ed作状语时,应该与主语有关系,v+ing是主语发出,v+ed与主语构成被动关系,如出现错误被称为“悬垂结构”(以下即使是悬垂结构也是正确的:①副词+speaking②V.ing+介词(judging from/talking of)③V.ing+从句(supposing that+从句=if从句/granted that+从句=although从句/allowing,considering,given that+从句) 2.特殊同位结构:主句+逗号+抽象名词或者重复+定语从句或者其他形式修饰(该重复与SAT简洁原则不冲突,该结构一旦出现时,没有明显错误通常可以作为正确答案。) 3.SAT不接受which指代一个句子,不接受it指代整个句子。 4.SAT注重语言的简洁性,能用一个词或者词组表达时绝对不用一个从句(往往很多定语从句可以用形容词表达),能省略时尽量省略(定语从句常省略that/which/be),句意用词不要重复(each year=annual)。简洁表达目的是只用“to do”(如果原文中没有出现不定式,选项中含有不定式的可能是错误的。)。n+that is(are) adj―〉adj+n。 5.用“because从句”表达原因,而不是用“n+V.ing”的结构,表达复杂原因时,只用because表达最为简洁。Because不可以引导名词性从句(it is because)。For+句子同样也表示原因(for +n表示目的,for +doing表示用途)。 6.凡是SAT中的双重否定基本判定为错。(barely,hardly,scarcely,seldom,without,never,no,none) 7.表达“是否”只能使用whether,不能使用if和whether…or not(whether>if,whether>whether…or not)。 8.举例子时,一句话就用“for example”;不是句子时,一律使用“such as”,而不使用“like”。 9.动宾结构使用do so,不使用do it/them/that。 10.not any被no取代,that which被what取代,having been done被done取代。 11.对于“不是…而是…”rather than优于instead of. 12.SAT不考情态动词,IS选项中不包含原有的情态动词均排除。 13.only,first,often,at once,more,even需要尽量跟紧修饰对象。


新SAT语法部分也被称作SAT Writing and Language Test(写作和语言测试),其考察会在短文中进行,因此,考试更加注重语境,段与段之间的逻辑,从而需要学生掌握句子的结构和逻 辑结构的发展;虽然新SAT语法和旧SAT语法的考点范围相差不会太大,但整体而言,新 SAT语法的逻辑推理性有所增强,更加注重实际的应用。 一、OG给出的考试结构 1)问题总数:44题 2)考试时间:35分钟(平均每道题小于1分钟) 3)文章数量:4篇 4)文章篇幅:每篇文章大概400到450字,总共有1700字 5)文章主题:4篇文章分别为职业话题,人文学科,历史社会学科,科技类 6)文本类型:1篇非小说类,1-2篇为说明文,1-2篇为议论文 7)文章难度系数:美国高中9年级或者10年级开始,一直到美国大学一、二年级的水平 8)每篇文章题目数量:11题 二、新SAT语法考察的主要知识点 新SAT语法考察的两大知识点如下: 1)exxxxxpression of Ideas对文意表达的考察 2)Standard English Conventions对标准英语规则的考察 三、新SAT语法涉及的范围详解 1. exxxxxpression of Ideas对文意表达的考察 此部分主要侧重于篇章的文意表达,强调了考生对文章中心思想以及作者传达的观点的理 解;exxxxxpression of Ideas主要分为三大方面,即:Development Organization和Language Use。 1) Development 文章发展 此类问题通常和文章的内容相关,通过润色内容来实现作者的目的。具体阐述如下: A. Proposition主题 添加,修改或保留主题句等与篇章或段落主要思想相关的句子。 B. Support 支持原文观点 添加,修改或保留能支持文章观点或主张的内容。 C. Focus是非理由题


SAT考试语法部分的知识点汇总 为了能够顺利拿下sat考试,我们可以向一些有经验的同学借鉴一下备考方法,看看他们但是是怎么备考的,说不定这其中就有和你经历类似的人,为了增强语法部分的能力,小编为大家总结了一些sat语法考点,希望对大家有帮助。 下面是对sat语法考点的总结,希望对大家sat考试有帮助。 1. 简洁原则 because 比because of,aware of, considering;主动>被动;直接>间接;动词〉名词。 2. run on 句型 SVO,SVO 两个句子相连:SVO,conj SVO 或者SVO;SVO 副词和介词不能连接两个句子:SVO,adv SVO 或者SVO,prep SVO adv:①以ly 结尾的词;②词根判断法;③however, thus, hence, then, also, even 练习: SVO, thus SVO. SVO, however SVO. SVO, but SVO. SVO, although SVO. SVO; therefore SVO. SVO; but SVO. SVO; although SVO. 3. 逻辑主语Logic subject doing/done ··· ,SVO. adj./adv. ,SVO 4. having,being 自杀词:在句子中充当时态的组成部分。 正确:放在句首大写。 5. 时态tense

6. 单复数singular & plural 5、6 常常合在一起考,从动词开始划线 7. 平行结构parallel structure ① doing, doing, and doing / 名词,名词,and 名词 ② 两者之间的平行 ③ 同类相比较 8. 固定用法 so that,just as… so,had hardly…when,no sooner…than,…not… any more… 9. 双主语 N SVO / N, SVO / N, S, VO。 10. 同位语优先 主语,…,VO 11.代词pronoun(it, they, their, which, that) ①singular & plural; ②不能pro-verb, per-sentence; ③不能pro-none; ④ambiguous usage; ⑤一个句子有两个同样的指代,成立前提是必须指代同一内容―― plague 原则 12. S,…,V+O 错误用法:S, ... , doing+OS, ... , which / that +OS, ... , and +v. +OS, ... ,he / she +v.+O 13. S+V+O;S+V+O→S+V+O;it+V+O it 只能指代上一句话的主语。 S+V+O,which…


SAT语法常见知识点介绍 SAT语法是考试中很重要的一部分,那么我们SAT语法有哪些知识点呢?一起看看小编给大家整理的内容,一起了解吧。 一:平行结构 说起SAT语法经常考到的知识点,平行结构无疑就是其中之一。对于SAT 语法平行结构,SAT非常青睐平行结构,它是指两个或以上句法或功能相似的句子成分,通过连词将他们完美的连接起来。完美的平行结构要在词性上保持一致,也要在句式上保持一致。 例:Some parents believe that excessive television viewing not only by itself can waste their children’s time, but also that it lower their attention spans. 这显然不是一个完美的平行结构not only but also 需要保持A与B的一致。 正确答案believe not only that excessive television viewing wastes 常见平行结构短语(保持词性和句式的一致): not only A but also B Both A and B Either A or B Neither A nor B A rather than/instead of B From A to B Prefer A to B

平行结构中and 是一个重要的“符号”。平行句的前后一般都有and 连接起来。例如看到了and doing, 那么前面必定有个doing;看到and because 则前面比有一个because 从句。 二:代词指代 代词指代这样的问题,同样是SAT语法必考的内容。同时,根据SAT语法经验,在SAT中,对于对于代词的指代十分严格,要求代词能清楚的看出指代对象。如出现Mary则代词只能是she或her;出现students是则代词只能是they 或them。 记住,SAT代词不同于普通文法,SAT代词指代必须清晰明确。 例:Mary told her mother that she was pregnant. 这里的she 指的是Mary,但SAT可能认为也许是Mary 或是mother。 例:They say Mary is a nice girl. 这里的they显然指的是一般人,在普通文法中这句话没有错误,但是SAT 认为代词指代对象必须是出现过的名词,不能让读者去猜想指代谁。所以应将they改为people。 注意SAT中which和it的指代,which千万不能指代一个句子!!!It可以作为单数名词也可以作形式主语。 三:比较 1. That of 和those of 例:Hockey fans in the 1990s saw more violence on the rink than the 1950s and 1960s.


Identifying Sentence Errors 一、主谓一致 1. 就前原则 (1) N1 of N2 verb(SAT考试中动词的单复数与N1有关,与N2无关) 如:a group of students are the details of the problems are 例:The bright (A) fiberglass sculptures of Luis Jimenez has received (B) critical acclaim not only (C) in his home state, New Mexico, but also in (D) New York. No error (E). (P161.1) (2) 名词1+介词+名词2 如:students in the classroom 名词,插入语,verb 名词+doing/done 如:students studying hard 例:Flints found in (A) the region extending from the Nile Valley to (B) the highlands of eastern Iraq attests to (C) the presence of people there as long ago as (D) one hundred thousand years. No error (E). (P166.3) 2.“欲擒故纵”法 动词单复数做题基本原则是就前原则,如果句子太长、太难、太复杂时,用“欲擒故纵”法。 3.动词单复数的特殊固定用法 (1) a number of 一些;一般情况下其后动词用复数,(不受任何规律限制); the number of …的数量;其后的动词在任何情况下都用单数。 量词考点:a group/list/line of 使用“就前原则” (2) 倒装结构:就后原则。 如:here comes the bus a. 地点状语+动词+主语 b. Only置于句首的倒装 例:In the foothills of that large mountain range is (A) the sources of a river whose course (B) was not fully mapped (C) until (D) this century. No error (E). (P 776.19)


SAT语法考点不间断句子 SAT考试的复习是个长期的过程。既要坚持背单词,做题相结合,又要坚持逐个联系和整体模拟相结合。下面是SAT语法考点不间断句子。 什么是不间断句子? 如何改进不间断句子? 会如何考察不间断句子? 1.什么是不间断句子 不间断句子在英文中成为run-on sentence, 是一种错误的语法现象,它指的是两个完整的独立句子之间,没有任何连接词或者冒号、分号来将这两个句子连接,简单的说就是直接用逗号连接两个独立完整的句子。 例:He has only one book, I have two. 2.如何改进不间断句子 (1)根据两个句子之间的关系,在两个句子之间加上连词。 He has only one book, but I have two. (2)将原句中的逗号改为分号,分号在语法功能上接近句号。 He has only one book; I have two. (3)将其中一个句子改为从句或者是伴随结构。 Though he has only one book, I have two. 例:A recent report indicates that sleep-deprived drivers caused more than 100,000 accidents last years, they fall asleep at the wheel. 改正:A recent report indicates that sleep-deprived drivers caused more than 100,000 accidents last years, by falling asleep at the wheel. 五大基本句型 主谓 主谓宾 主系表


新SAT语法考点汇总 Writing and Language Test分为两个大类:1.Standard English Conventions2.Expression of Ideas 下面详细介绍了新SAT语法的考点。 1. Standard English Conventions 1.1 Sentence Structure ?Sentence boundaries ?Subordination(although / because) and coordination (and / but) ?Parallelstructure ?Modifierplacement ?Inaccurate shifts in verb tense, mood, voice, pronoun person and number 1.2 Conventions of Usages ?Pronounclarity (antecedent) ?Possessive ?Agreement ?Frequentlyconfused words (affect / eff ect) ?Logicalcomparison ?Conventionalexpression 1.3 Conventions of Punctuation ?End-of-sentencepunctuation ?Within-sentencepunctuation ?Possessivenouns and pronouns ?Itemsin a series ?Nonrestrictiveand parenthetical elements ?Unnecessaryp unctuation


SAT语法重要知识点之名词 名词是最常见的SAT语法知识点,也是相对比较简单的,需要大家单独记忆的考点不是很多。在SAT语法考试中,关于名词,大家主要关注下面的几个方面就可以了: (一) 名词的分类:可数与不可数 以名词形式判断单复数,特别注意一些单复数同行的词 例:people,deer,species,series,means,sheep,grouse,craft,chinese,japanese,aircraft 翻译:人,迪,物种,系列,意味着,羊,松鸡,工艺,中国,日本,飞机 小练习: 1、There are many________(fox) in the picture. 2、Their________(dictionary) look new. 3、The________(child) are playing games on the playground now. 4、The________(leaf) on the tree turn-yellow. 5、How many________(sheep) are there on the hill? 答案:foxes、dictionaries、children、leaves、sheep) (二)名词的前后搭配 1、名词的前搭配——冠词 1)分类:定冠词,不定冠词 2)定冠词:the具有很强的特指性 3)不定冠词:an/a是one的弱化形式,表示“一个”的意思,一般和可数名词单数使用,用于泛指。 例:One apple a day keeps the doctor away.(一日一苹果,医生远离我。) 小练习: 1、I wanted to catch ____ early train, but couldn’t get ____ ride to the station. A. an; the B. /; the C. an; / D. the; a

SAT语法重点知识讲解 SAT语法题型解析词之句法分析

词法和句法 1、时态的考点为2道,特别要注意现在完成时和一般过去时的区别。 2、代词考点为1道,涉及形容词性物主代词与主语的性数配合。 e.g Mudskippers thrive in intertidal regions that are marked by regular, cyclicalchanges in water levels, adjusting its respiration depending on how muchwater is available. 其中的its应该改为their,因为该句的主语是mudskippers。 3、比较结构这个题目出的挺好的,还涉及到助动词前提的问题。 e.g It is widely known that wind turbinesproduce no pollution and thus cause less environmental damage than do powerplants that burn fossil fuels. 一般情况下我们都会这样写这个句子,注意划线的部分,less environmental damage than power plants that burn fossil fuels do. 但是在比较结构中,如果第二个主语过长例如powerplants that burn fossil fuels就过长,是可以把do前提的,所以这个句子是正确的。 4、介词考点为1道,主要是与名词的搭配。 e.g In particular, bimodal respiration—the abilityof acquiring oxygen using gills or through wet skin—sets mudskippers apartfrom their purely water-based counterparts. 其中ability后面的搭配应该为abilityto acquire。 5 、连词考点为9道,仍然是重头戏,5道为run-on句型,4道为平行结构。 e.g The economy of Jeju has expanded toinclude farming and tourism, the reliance on the seafood industry is notas strong. 明显可以感觉到逗号是不可以链接句子的,所以需要在两句话中间加一个连词。 e.g Rather than being activated atdifferent stages of the organism’s life cycle or under particular environmentalconditions, but these two modes of respiration


SAT语法知识点总结 p181,P198 过渡词 用对比或因果的过渡词,前后句必须要有极明显的逻辑关系 没有明确逻辑关系可以不用过渡词 P181 过渡句(增加、删除、替换、排序)判断方法: 1) 指示词+名词,则上下文必有对应的名词, 上下文中的名词可能和指示词对应,也可能和指示词搭配的名词对应 指示词包括:this, that,these, those, the, such, each, his, her, their, its指示词的作用是将名词具体化。 2) 具体优先。具体名词优先于抽象名词。 3) 词汇重复(上下文有原词) 4)同义词 5)词汇平行(包括列举和反义词) 6)逻辑关系(即P181过渡词) 7) 时间顺序 8)人名或其他名称。含介绍的在前,无介绍的在后。全名在前,单名在后。 P207 主旨题,先回顾一下全文再做题 1)优先看文章标题,确定关键词,在选项里找原词或同义词、相关词 2)如果有必要,看每段第一句(一般是主题句)找关键词 3) 如果有必要,再看其他句 划分段落 1. 找新名词,有新名词的一句可能为新一段开头。如果是重复前面的名词,那就保持在同一段 2. 和段落第一句平行。如果出现段落第一句的关键词相对称的词汇,那么可能开始新段落 P25 most of them可以做独立句的主语 most of whom, most of which 只能做定语从句的主语 P30 在并列句中,FANBOYS(七个并列连词)应当放在第二个分句的句首,前面用逗号。 P30-31 从属连词引导的从句,可以在主句前,也可以在主句后。 though既是连词,又是副词 P35 逗号不能分隔两个句子 句号、分号可以分隔两个句子 分号=句号=逗号+Fanboys 过渡副词:However,nevertheless, therefore,thus,consequetly moverover,meanwhile, instead 过渡副词不可连接两个句子 过渡词在句首,则过渡词前不可用逗号,应当改成句号或分号 过渡词如果在句子中间(主语之后的任何位置),则过渡词前后都用逗号。


SAT语法练习题(按考点分类) SAT语法测试题 1. 主谓一致: 易: 1. Studying (A) the language and culture of a foreign country is highly recommended to (B) the tourist who expect (C) to learn from (D) his or her vacation abroad. No error (E) 2. The bright (A) fiberglass sculptures of Luis Jimenez has received (B) critical acclaim not only (C) in his home state, New Mexico, but also in (D) New York. No error (E). 3. Despite (A) the heavy rain, the television reporter, accompanied by her royal film crew, were willing (B) to wait (C) outside the hotel until the delegates finished their (D) meeting. No error (E). 中: 1. The grooved and barbed spears of the box jellyfish, each (A) trailed by (B) a poison thread, is released (C) when (D) the animal is threatened. No error (E) 2. Flints found in (A) the region extending from the Nile Valley to (B) the highlands of eastern Iraq attests to (C) the presence of people there as long ago as (D) one hundred thousand years. No error (E). 3. In the early 20th century, new thinking about (A) symbolism and the unconscious were (B) greatly inspired by (C) the writings (D) of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. No error (E) 难: 1. The derelict old house across from (A) the warehouses and the even more (B) decrepit one just beside (C) them have been placed (D) on the list of historic landmarks. No error (E) 2. Air pollution caused by industrial fumes has been studied (A) for years, but (B) only recently has (C) the harmful effects of noise pollution become (D) known. No error (E). 3. At the heart of the program, enthusiastically en dorsed (A) by the city’s business association, is (B) plans for refurbishing neighborhoods and for making (C) low interest mortgages available to (D) young families. No error (E) (P956.12)

SAT语法题型汇总 复习资料使用及解题技巧分享

一.SAT语法资料的使用 1.Official Guide:SAT语法考试的官方辅导用书,凡是准备SAT的考生都需要这份资料,建议在备考初期使用。并且在时间允许的情况下做到2-3遍。 2.可汗学院SAT文法资料:下载请点击。可汗学院新SAT语法真题PDF下载(48篇)、可汗学院新增SAT阅读语法真题PDF及答案下载(2016-9-21日新增阅读7篇、语法6篇)。 3.SAT真题:建议大家在完成前两份资料的使用后就可以选择真题来备考了,体验真正的考试题型,了解其中考点,考察方式,建议大家做两遍,并总结其中的错题,尤其是一些遗漏的语法点,一定要学会自己总结。 SAT真题下载,请点击相应的链接:2016年10月1日亚太SAT真题PDF下载、2016年10月1日北美SAT真题及答案下载、2016年5月亚太SAT真题及答案下载、2016年5月北美SAT真题及答案下载 二.SAT语法题型解题技巧 1.SAT语法改进句子:SAT语法改进句子从题目中我们可以理解一定将句子中的错误进行适当的改进,从五个选项中选出相对比较合理的答案,使其更加清晰,还有一种可能就是原句不错误,那么A选项就跟原来的句子一模一样。其实应对这类题目的方法一般就是排除法,排除有语法错误的选项,有一些选项比较明显可以直接5去3,剩下的就简单了,但是一定要注意尊重原句的意思,改进的只是语法,而不是句意。 2.SAT语法改错题:其实改错题看似比较简单,但是有时候就是越简单的题目越容易出错,因为改错的题型丰富,语法的考点也比较多,这类题目涉及的考点多但是都比较常见的,藏在句子中不容易轻易发现,只能通过不断的练习和平时的积累。 3.SAT语法改进段落:改进段落通常都是一个短篇的草稿,共有6道题,考察的点一般就是段落起承转合的衔接、段内的逻辑关系等等,还有写作手法的问题。应对这类题目的方法就是同学们一定要通读全篇然后看题,而且在读的过程中要边读边思考,这样总能发现一些句子语法有问题,或者一些逻辑关系不准确,再去坐后面的问题就节省时间了。 以上关于SAT语法的讲解希望对大家的备考有所帮助。接下来和大家分享SAT语法考试的常见句型分析。把这些固定的用法记忆清楚,在备考语法项目的时候,就会更加容易理解,也更容易用到实际的解题中去。 1. Even though California is smaller than Alaska or Texas it has a far larger population. Texas,California has by far the largest population. 点评:首先防止Run-on。其次注意到Alaska和Texas中间是“or”,所以代词“it”的指代对象需要说明,将它直接换成“California”。 2.When the students take a trip on the intracoastal-waterway system next month,they will learn facts with which they have heretofore been unacquainted. Right! 点评:倒装语句,其实在这种状况下无妨。但也有多个类似题目大家可以在平时发掘,实在不行就死记。且有being在句中的选项经常是错的。 3.The unique culture of Cork is primarily founded by its great musical and lyrical traditions. Cork has a unique culture founded primarily on 点评:又体现了最好还是用顺叙这个原则。 4.In June,Juile was certified in CPR and aquatic rescue,and she has been working as a lifeguard ever since. Right!

SAT语法 Improving Paragraph

Improving Paragraph 一、语法题 (1) 划线修改 (2) 二合一体 考点:a. 语法结构; b. 从平行并列的两个句子中,找出两个句子的重心; c. 从句意上,考两个句子的连接词。 难点:题目出得很长。 单句>从句>分词>平行句 (3) 代词的指代 (4) 不划线修改 有错改错,没错删整句。 例:In context, what is the best way to deal with sentence 4 reproduced below)?(P958.30) They had actually been in use for half of his lifetime. (A) Delete it. (B) Switch it with sentence 5. (C) Change “They” to “Such elevators”. (D) Change “his” to “Otis”. (E) Insert “supposedly” after “lifetime” 例:What is the best way to revise the underlined portion of sentences 5 and 6 (reproduced below)? (P958.31) What Otis managed to do in 1854 was to demonstrate an elevator with a built-in safety device. So that the elevator would not plunge to the bottom if the rope used to raise and lower it broke. (A) device, by which the elevator would not plunge (B) device, and the elevator would not plunge (C) device because an elevator plunges (D) device to prevent the elevator from plunging


天津新东方SAT语法OG-IS考点分类 2010.7

一、句子结构 (3) 二、Awkward Expression (11) 三、谓语动词 (15) 四、非谓语动词 (18) 五、逻辑:句意 (22) 六、平行结构 (23) 七、比较:比较的对象要一致 (28) 八、冗余:句子不简洁 (30) 九、所有IE考点 (33) 十、正确 (39) IS主要考句法 详细考点见课件 方法:“语法-忠实原意-简洁”,先杀语法错误句子、再杀修改原意句子、再从剩下选项中挑出最简洁的。 目标:熟练掌握已归类的OG所有IS题目。 建议:将改正确的句子尽可能多地背下来。

一、句子结构 1. A recent report indicates that sleep-deprived drivers caused more than 100.000 accidents last year, they fall asleep at the wheel. P407-1 (A) year, they fall (B) year, and they fall (C) year by falling (D) year and falling (E) year, they were falling 2. Several of the forest firs that occurred last summer which were because people are careless. P407-3 (A) which were because people are careless (B) were caused by human carelessness (C) because people are careless (D) are because of human carelessness (E) happened from people being careless 3. The shift from traditional to cosmetic dentistry is because adults are getting fewer cavities and becoming more vain. P429-7 (A) is because adults are getting fewer cavities and becoming (B) is because of adults getting fewer cavities and their becoming (C) is caused from adults getting fewer cavities and in addition become (D) is occurring because adults are getting fewer cavities and becoming (E) occurs because of adults getting fewer cavities and become 4. Sir Ronald Ross, winner of the 1920 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine, and who identified the Anopheles mosquito as the transmitter of human malaria. P469-2 (A) and who identified (B) ha has identified (C) and he has identified (D) and who is identifying (E) identified 5. As a choreographer, Judith Jamison has enriched the world of dance, she uses as her work’s inspiration African American culture. P470-5 (A) Jamison has enriched the world of dance, she uses as her work’s inspiration (B) Jamison has enriched the world of dance with works inspired by (C) Jamison, who has enriched the world of dance by works whose inspirations are (D) Jamison , enriching the world of dance, with works inspired by (E) Jamison enriches the world of dance through works that had the inspiration of 6. Leslie Marmon Silko has said that her writing, which was powerfully influenced by storytellers in her family but that the landscape of her childhood also shaped her vision and provided stories.P470-6 (A) her writing, which was powerfully influenced by storytellers in her family (B) her writing, powerfully influenced by family storytellers (C) family storytellers powerfully influenced her writing

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