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1.An English song

2.A and B:Good afternoon, everyone. Welcome to listen to our English broadcast.

A :Hello,My name is …. I’m from Class 3 Grade 5.

B :Hello,My name is …. I’m from Class 3 Grade 5,too.

A : Today, the program for everyone to bring “Everyday English " "englishi story" and "English knowledge”. 我们的栏目有3个,天天英语,英语故事,英语天地。

B :First,Lets learn some everyday English.(首先,请跟我们一起学习日常用语,今天的“天天英语”,我们将和大家一起来学几句就餐用语。)

A :What would you like to drink?你想要喝点什么呢?

B: I’d like a cup of coffee. 我想喝杯咖啡。

A: Which do you prefer, pork or beef? 猪肉和牛肉,你更喜欢哪一个呢?

B: I prefer beef. 我更喜欢牛肉。

A : Would you like some dumplings? 你要不要来点饺子?

B: Yes, please. 好的。谢谢。

A: Help yourself,please. 千万别客气啊。

B:Thanks . 谢谢。


3. A lamb in a lion’s skin

A: A lamb found a lion’s skin on the road.He wanted ato have some fun , so

he covered himself with the skin.

B: 一只羊在路上发现了一块狮子皮。他想捉弄一下伙伴,于是把这狮子皮盖在自己的身上。

A: He approachd some deer .The deer were frightened and run away immediately.

B: 他靠近了一群鹿。。鹿马上就被吓跑了。

A:He then approached some rabbits and scared them away.

B: 他又靠近了一群兔子,又把他们吓跑了。

A: The lamb was enjoying himeself very much.

B: 羊玩得很开心。

A: Then , the lamb saw a fox.

B: 然后,羊看见了一只狐狸。

A: He wanted to scare the fox and cried to him in a loud voice , “hey ! you ! Look at me .I’m the scariest animal in the world ! ”

B: 他想把狐狸也吓跑,于是用低沉的声音喊道:“嘿,你!看着我!我是世界上最可怕的动物!”

A: Just then , the deer and the rabbits went up to the lamb and uncovered him.


A: The fox said to the lamb , “Uh oh,everyone recognized you by your voice.”

B: 狐狸对着羊说:“一听你的声音就知道你是谁。”


4.B:Net,Let’s learn some English World.(下面请听英语天地栏目 )

我们今天的英语天地将带大家进入一个flower show,“花花”的世界,我们身边的“花”有很多,你会用英语说多少呢?下面我们一起来学一学。

Kapok 木棉花sunflower 向日葵lotus荷花

Peony菊花morning glory牵牛花plum blossom桃花

Violet 紫罗兰rose玫瑰lily百合花

Carnation 康乃馨tulip 郁金香bluebell风铃草


5. A and B:OK, That’s all for today’s broadcast. Thank you for your listening! Goodbye!



1.An English song

2.A and B :Good afternoon, everyone. Welcome to listen to our English broadcast.

A :Hello,My name is …. I’m from Class 4 Grade 5.

B :Hello,My name is …. I’m from Class 4 Grade 5,too.

A : Today, the programs for everyone are “Everyday English " and "English world”“ Holiday”. 我们的栏目有日常用语、英语天地以及假日英语。

3 B :First,Lets learn some everyday English.(首先,请跟我们一起学习日常用语 )

A : Here we are! 我们到了! B: Thank you for coming.感谢光临!A: Have a good trip! 一路顺风! B: Enjoy your meal! 请慢用

A : It’s a long story说来话长。B: Just wait and see! 等着瞧!


4.B:Net,Let’s go to English World.(下面请听英语天地栏目 )


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