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Ladies and gentlemen: hello.

First of all, I on behalf of all our Chinese travel agency staff to come to visit zealously welcome to nanjing light view, in this first I introduce myself, my name is wang, everyone in the itinerary of the next call me xiao wang or Wang Dao is ok. I will be in line with the guests first, service first purpose for you to go to the best of service work, at the same time, also hope that my work can get your cooperation and support, so as to improve the quality of our service, enables you to play happy, go smoothly.

Nanjing scenery is beautiful, has a long history, beautiful landscape is looking forward to your taste, the beautiful scenery is waiting for your appreciation. I hope this trip to nanjing will be your holiday paradise. Here I wish you all the pleasure of the next trip and the success of the game. To be satisfied, to be satisfied.

Nanjing hereinafter referred to as "better", is located in the fertile Yangtze river delta, north to cut the vast jianghuai

plains, he is the capital of jiangsu province, the province's economic, political, and cultural center, is also one of the center of the Yangtze river delta cities and one of the central city of the Yangtze river basin. Nanjing, with a population of nearly 8 million, is 6,598 square kilometers, and the climate is a northern subtropical monsoon climate, so the climate is warm and humid, with abundant rainfall and distinct seasons. Nanjing is the three sides of the mountain, one facing water, the Yangtze river, the mountain ring water, the terrain is dangerous, has always been a place for the soldiers. It is known as "zhong shan longdish, the city of shicheng".

Nanjing has a long history and is one of the four famous ancient capitals of China. It is known as "the land of the jiangnan, the king of jinling". The east wu of The Three Kingdoms, the later eastern jin, song, qi, liang, Chen all in this order, so nanjing is known as the six dynasties. Then the south tang dynasty, the early Ming dynasty, the taiping heavenly kingdom and the republic of China were all in this order, so nanjing is also known as the ten dynasties.

Nanjing is an ancient city and a new and developed city. Nanjing is also the eastern part of our country's comprehensive industrial base and backbone industry of electronics industry, automobile industry, petrochemical industry, steel and electricity,

nanjing is a national garden city, national excellent tourism city, national sanitary city and so on. Nanjing Ming tomb of world cultural heritage, and sun yat-sen's mausoleum, Confucius temple and other national 5 a-class scenic areas and more than 4 a level scenic area, there are more than two hundred sites at the same time, the amount of distributes the tourists sightseeing here. So it's a collection of mountain, water, city, is an organic whole, full of economic vitality, rich cultural features, modern center city of beautiful living environment, is a melting characteristics of ancient and modern civilization as one of the riverside city.


Hello everyone!

Confucius said, "it is a pleasure to have friends coming from afar." first, please allow me to extend a warm welcome to all of you on behalf of nanjing China travel agency. My name is wang. I'm the tour guide. Can do for you guide is my pleasure, I and the driver Mr. Wang must service for you, try our best to meet your request, help you solve the problems and difficulties, spirits, to everyone needs. I hope that through my introduction, the ancient and beautiful nanjing will make a memorable impression. I wish you a pleasant journey!

Now I will give you a brief introduction to nanjing. Nanjing,

or nanjing, is located in the lower reaches of the Yangtze river and is located in the golden belt of the lower Yangtze river. The area of nanjing city is about 6,597 square kilometers, with a population of nearly 8 million and a total of 11 districts and counties. It is the center of politics, economy and culture of the whole province. Climate is subtropical climate, four distinct seasons, is a very ideal tourist attraction.

Nanjing has a long history and is one of the four ancient capitals of Ming dynasty. There are "jiangnan beauties, jinling empire state" reputation. It has been more than 2,400 years since the king goujian established the "yue cheng" in 472 BC. In history, the official construction of the city began with the eastern wu sun quan, and later the eastern jin, song, qi, liang and Chen have all been established. Therefore, nanjing is known as "the ancient capital of six dynasties". Since then, the southern tang, taiping army and the republic of China have also built the capital, so nanjing has another ten dynasties.

In today's reform and opening up, nanjing's economy is booming, nanjing in developing tourism, nanjing has become a comprehensive industrial base in east China, pillar industries include: electronics, auto industry, petrochemical industry, steel, electricity. Nanjing is increasing the infrastructure of the city

and improving the hard environment of foreign investment in nanjing. Nanjing is also a national garden city, a national excellent tourist city, a national health city and so on. Nanjing has more than 200 tourist attractions, attracting many domestic and international tourists. Nanjing's urban features are: "human and green" as one. Therefore, nanjing will become a modern international humanistic and green city with more dynamic economic development, distinct cultural features, more beautiful living environment and more harmonious society.


南京旅游概况导游词 各位游客: 大家好! 南京市地处中国长江下游的宁镇丘陵地区,东望大海,西达 荆楚,南接皖浙,北联江淮,总面积6597平方公里。南京属北亚 热带季风气候区,四季分明,年平均气温16℃,年平均降雨量1106毫米。南京现辖XX个区(玄武、白下、秦淮、建邺、鼓楼、下关、江宁、浦口、六合、栖霞、雨花台)2个县(高淳、溧水),总人口约530万人。 南京是中国七大古都之一。东郊汤山猿人头骨的出土,表明 35万年以前,就有了南京猿人的足迹。自公元229年东吴建都南 京始,南京曾十次成为京都,留下了丰富的历史文化遗产。 南京地理区位优越,物产资源丰富,地处长江“金三角”地区,是中国区域经济中的重要城市。南京对外交通四通八达,形 成了航空、高速公路、铁路、长江航运的立体交通体系和网路。 南京,山环水抱,葱笼毓秀,山水城林融为一体,自然风貌 久负盛名。自然界厚赐于南京龙蟠虎踞的山川形胜,历史在此又 遗存下灿烂的文化。孙中山先生曾有名言概括南京之美:“此地 有高山,有平原,有深水,在世界三大城市中亦诚难觅此佳境”。位于城东紫金山麓的中山陵、明孝陵,掩映在绿色葱葱的紫金山

中,布局宏伟。太平天国遗址,殿阙巍峨。数十处南朝陵墓刻, 硕大洗炼,堪称一代巨制,国之瑰宝。栖霞寺内舍利塔,造型雄健,比例匀称,装饰华丽,是我国现存石塔中不可多得的佳品。 总统府、雨花台烈士陵园、日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆、梅 园新村纪念馆、渡江胜利纪念碑是我国民主革命的历史见证。玄 武湖,三面环水,一面临城,秀峰塔影,碧波荡漾,堪称“金陵 明珠”。莫愁湖,蕴含动人凄丽的传说,湖光倩影,花团锦蔟, 典雅、幽秀而豁达、奔放。 独具南京特色被誉为中国织锦工艺“活化石”的云锦及“国 之瑰宝”的雨花石,成为南京旅游商品的代表。美味的秦淮风味 小吃及盐水鸭,享誉中外。今天的南京,既是现代文明的经济都会,更是虎踞龙盘的秀山丽水,城桓殿阙,街巷格局,园林苑囿,绿地广场。共同构筑起一幅山水城林融为一体的多彩画卷,展现 出“绿色古都,文化之城”的独特魅力。 各位游客: 大家好! 各位游客,您们好!欢迎各位亲莅国防园参观游览。 南京国防园始建于一九九二年八月,总占地300亩。现在大 家看到门楼上五个镀金大字是在建园前专门为公园题写的园名。 国防园的所在地,远在公元前333年楚威王修建的金陵邑城堡;其后,东吴孙权鉴于石头山地势险要,为扼守建康门户,于 公元212年在金陵邑旧址上筑石头城,建烽火台;东晋义熙年间,


夫子庙 1,景点概况—1分钟30秒 (秦淮河简介、夫子庙景区特色和历史沿革、5A级景区等)说起夫子庙,我们还得先来谈谈南京的母亲河—秦淮河。秦淮河古称淮水,本名“龙藏浦”,是南京地区的主要河道。它从东水关入城,从西水关出城,流经夫子庙前的这一段长约十公里,因此被称为“十里秦淮”。从古至今,秦淮河的两岸就是一派繁华的景象,唐人杜牧的诗是这样说的:烟笼寒水月笼沙,夜泊秦淮近酒家,商女不知亡国恨,隔江犹唱后庭花。一首诗说尽了秦淮河的繁华。 庙市合一是夫子庙景区最显著的特点之一。广场纵向为庙,横向为市,庙市合一,独具氛围。东晋年间,朝廷在这里兴建了学宫;宋代在东晋学宫的旧址上扩建了夫子庙;南宋又开设了科举考场——贡院。因此,夫子庙景区共包括孔庙、学宫、贡院三大建筑群。然而,夫子庙在历史上曾经五毁五建,最后一次是在1937年毁于侵华日军的战火,今天的夫子庙是1984年以后重建的。经南京市政府的大力建设,夫子庙-秦淮风光带已成为展现江南特有风貌的一处国家5A级风景名胜区。 2,庙前广场—2分钟 (大照壁的体量及作用、泮池的由来及作用、文德桥及“文德分月”奇景、魁星阁,天下文枢坊,聚星亭及棂星门简介) 各位游客,我们现在来到了孔庙前的广场。大家看到的这堵红墙称为照壁,气势磅礴,为全国照壁之最。照壁起遮蔽和装饰作用,是整个夫子庙建筑群的开始。它长 110米,高10米,代表着南京的母亲河秦淮河全长110公里,流经夫子庙前的内秦淮段全长十华里。 照壁前方这个半圆形的池子为泮池,南京夫子庙是利用秦淮河的天然河道作为泮池的。古时候孔庙也叫泮宫,庙前半圆形的水池就这样被称为泮池了。西侧的这座桥叫文德桥,因儒家提倡文章道德而得名。相传,每年的农历11月15日晚,每当月到中天的时候,以此桥为界,月亮的影子被平分为两半,这一奇景就是著名的文德分月。(古有在学府前建泮池能振兴学业之说,许多孔庙、文庙、学宫前也都驻有泮池。) 广场东边临秦淮河而立的亭是魁星阁,三层六面。里面原来供奉奎星的画像,魁星是天上主宰文运之星,古代参加科举的文人士子喜欢在考试之前来此,以借文气,期盼科举夺魁。 迎面这个大牌坊,是“天下文枢”坊,造型为仿古三门四柱,斗拱托顶,它的意思就是说这里是天下文化的中心(因为这里是孔庙的所在)。 广场西侧的聚星亭,六角飞檐、古朴大方,外表看双重飞檐翘角,貌似两层结构,其实只有一层,亭名取群星聚集、人才荟萃之意。(魁星阁与聚星亭东西犄角相望,互为呼应,融为一体。) 庙前广场北面的石砌坊门,是孔庙第一道大门——棂星门,六柱三门,古朴优美,中间横楣刻有篆文“棂星门”。(棂星是古代天文学中的“文星”,取名之由是要表示天下文人学士集学于此的意思。)这是皇帝祭孔的仪门。


南京明孝陵导游词 【篇一:明孝陵导游词】 明孝陵导游词(2011修订) (2011-10-19 18:26:06) 转载▼ 标签:分类:国导证考试资料 2011 现场考试 总统府 教育 明孝陵 各位游客,我们即将参观的景点就是位于紫金山独龙阜玩珠峰的明 孝陵。明孝陵始明代开国皇帝明太祖朱元璋及其皇后马氏的合葬墓。朱元璋1328年出生于安徽凤阳一个贫苦农民的家庭, 17岁投身皇 觉寺,1352年参加了元末郭子兴的红巾军,1356年领兵攻克南京,1368年登基称帝。 明孝陵修建于1381年,1382年葬入皇后马氏,1398年朱元璋病逝后入葬于此,工程直到1413年才完工。取名孝陵,一说是因为朱元 璋主张“以孝治天下”,另一说是因为马皇后死后谥号“孝慈”。故此 陵明代称“孝陵”,到清代始称“明孝陵”,以示朝代的区别。 明孝陵依托紫金山,陵园依山就势神道蜿蜒曲折,陵寝恪守中国建 筑之传统,中轴对称,首创了宝城宝顶,前朝后寝的陵墓形制开创了 明清600多年帝王陵墓之先河。为全国重点文物保护单位,2003年 列入世界文化遗产名录。 现在我们看到的就是明孝陵的第一道大门-------大金门,当年明孝陵 陵区从大金门的两侧延伸出一道45华里的外墙,把整个紫金山都包 括在内。 原大金门重檐歇山顶,顶覆有黄色琉璃瓦,现在屋顶和大门都荡然 无存了。只剩城座以及三拱门。过大金门,我们就来到了四方城, 这里原来是一座碑亭,由于顶部毁于清代咸丰年间的战火,只留下 了四面墙壁和四个门券,每边长26.86米,犹如一个四四方方的古 城堡,所以南京人俗称它为“四方城”,城内有一座“大明孝陵神功圣 德碑”碑高6.7米,下面的碑趺高2.08米,称赑屃,传说为龙生九子 之一,好负重,这块碑是南京地区最大的一块明碑。碑文是由明成


介绍南京导游词 导读:南京导游词800 字南京以“博爱之都”闻名海内外,是江苏省的省会城市,全省政治、经济和文化中心。全市面积6598平方公里,常住人口为800 万人,下辖11区2 县。 南京位于长江下游的中心地带,主要是丘陵盆地地形,城区附近东有紫金山,西有清凉山,南有牛首山,北有栖霞山。紫金山由东向西延伸,从南京城中横穿而过,使南京城南城北形成了两条水系,南为秦淮河,北为金川河。除此之外,还有玄武湖和莫愁湖宛如两颗璀璨的明珠镶嵌在南京的城东和城西。山与水的交织,共同造就了地形险要,山水壮丽的南京城。 由于南京城山环水绕,自古就是兵家必争之地。公元前472 年,越王勾践命范蠡最早在此建城,也就有了南京的第一个名字“越城”。从越城算起,南京的建城史已有近2500 年。古城南京具有深厚历史文化底蕴,位列我国四大古都之一,在此定都的朝代有:东吴、东晋、南朝时的宋、齐、梁、陈、以及后来的南唐、明初、太平天国和中华民国,故而南京又被称作“六朝古都”、“十朝都会”。历朝历代为南京留下了许多名字,如:金陵、秣陵、建邺、建康、蒋州、江宁、昇州、集庆、应天、天京等,有些名字作为南京的地名沿用至今。南京的得名来源于明朝初年,当时的南京叫应天府,朱元璋曾经打算把都城迁到开封,将开封命名为北京,应天府称南京,后来国都虽然没有迁成,但是南京的名称却一直保留下来。 中国的近代史从南京开始,也在南京结束。1842 年,清政府在南京下关的江面上与英国侵略者签订了中国近代史上第一个不平等条约——《南京

条约》。1949 年,中国人民解放军解放南京,标志着中国进入了社会主义的全新时代。 今日南京铁路、公路、航空、水运、管道等运输方式齐全,是华东地区重要的交通枢纽。南京禄口国际机场已开通覆盖国内45 个城市以及韩国、日本、泰国、新加坡等地在内的国内外航线。南京港地处长江下游黄金水道,目前通航五大洲近50 个国家和地区。近年来,南京市实施了规模空前的城市建设,南京第二长江大桥、南京第三长江大桥、玄武湖隧道、九华山隧道、赛虹桥立交桥、华东最大的双桥门五层立交等均已建成通车,大大提高了城市的交通能力,进一步优化了南京的投资环境。 南京是我省惟一跨江发展的城市,在我省沿海、沿江、沿线开放格局中处于枢纽位置,是中国东部地区重要的综合性工业基地和全国六大通讯枢纽之一。目前已形成了以“电子、石化、钢铁、汽车”四大支柱产业。 近年来,南京外向型经济成果显著,产业结构不断优化,第三产业占国内生产总值比重明显增加。金陵石化、南汽集团、熊猫电子等著名企业实力雄厚、产品畅销国内外,苏宁集团已经成长成为中国零售企业和民营企业的龙头老大,在业内具有较高的知名度。同时,南 京还是全国高等教育和科研重镇,科教实力雄厚,综合实力仅次于北京、上海。教育、科技的发达,为南京城市经济的持续发展奠定了坚实的基础。 南京城市品牌众多,多次被评为全国十佳卫生城市、全国城市环境综合整治十佳城市、全国园林城市、中国优秀旅游城市、环保模范城市等称号。南京的绿化水平全国闻名,森林覆盖率达到23%,森林与城市绿地在改


夫子庙英语导游词 【篇一:南京夫子庙英文导游词】 dear visitors, welcome to the fuzi miao the fuzi miao in nanjing was originally constructed in the year of 1034 in the song dynasty. it was a place to worship and consecrate confucius, the great philosopher and educator of ancient china. this temple suffered repeated damage and has been rebuilt on several occasions since that time. 1937 was the most destruction when it was burnt to ruin by japanese aggressors. in 1984 the temple was rebuilt under the support of the local government. during the long process, the original building expanded to be a complex building in the architectural style of the ming (1368-1644) and qing (1644-1911) dynasties, including the fuzi miao itself, the jiangnan gongyuan(江南贡院)(the place of imperial examinations) and the xue gong (the imperial(帝王) academy). the complex is still called the fuzi miao out of habit by locals and visitors. in front of the fuzi miao, the qin huai river is flowing. on the south bank of the river, there is the longest screen wall in china which is 110-meter-long (about 120 yards) and piled(堆砌) with bricks(砖). the dacheng hall(大成殿) is recommended(推荐) on your trip. it is 16.22 meters high (about 53 feet) and 28.1 meters (about 30 yards) wide featuring a 1.5-meter-high (about 5 feet) pedestal. there are two worthwhile attractions found in the inner hall. one is the largest figure of confucius in china. the other one is the beautiful collection of 38 vivid panels which are made by various jade, gold and silver, detailing the life of confucius. out of the hall, you will see the bronze(青铜) statue of confucius as well as the white marble (大理石)statues of his eight disciples.(门生) a fantastic insight into how ancient chinese governments choose officials(行政官员) can be gained from visiting the jiangnan gongyuan. it is a sight not to be missed. the development of gongyuan began in the southern song dynasty (420-589), expanding into the ming and qing dynasties, until in


明孝陵英文导游词 XiaolingTomboftheMingDynasty明孝陵景点概况各位游客,我们现在来到的便是明孝陵明孝陵坐落在紫金山第三峰天堡山之阳独龙阜下,是明朝开国皇帝朱元璋和皇后马氏的陵墓,始建于明朝洪武十四年,完工于永乐十一年孝陵之名,一说是因为朱元璋主张“以孝治天下”,另一说是因为皇后马氏死后谥号“孝慈”,故称孝陵到清代才称“明孝陵”朱元璋1328年出生于安徽凤阳一个贫苦农民的家庭,17岁投身皇觉寺,1352年参加了元末郭子兴的红巾军,1356年领兵攻克南京,1368年登基称帝,定都南京明孝陵依托紫金山,陵园依山就势神道蜿蜒曲折,陵寝恪守中国建筑之传统,中轴对称,首创了宝城宝顶,前朝后寝的陵墓形制开创了明清600多年帝王陵墓之先河为全国重点文物保护单位,2003年列入世界文化遗产名录大金门、碑亭各位游客,现在我们所看到的就是明孝陵的第一道大门------大金门大金门又称大红门,是正式进入陵区的第一道大门,门有三拱,中门较大,两侧稍矮稍低原是重檐歇山顶,通体红色上覆黄色琉璃瓦,可惜毁于战火经过大金门,我们所见的便是碑亭碑亭建于明永乐十一年,重檐歇山顶,亭顶毁于清代咸丰年间太平天国与清军的战争中,仅存四壁,因其四四方方,犹如一个古城堡,所以俗明孝陵是明朝开国皇帝朱元璋和皇后马氏的合葬墓,位于紫金山南麓独龙阜玩珠峰下,是我国现存古代


南京英语导游词 2

南京英语导游词 注意表达能力和仪容仪表,切忌死记硬背 外语现场考试分四大项:语言与仪态30%、景点讲解30%、外语阅读复述10%、综合能力30% 城市概况(市情简介)、景点介绍、导游规范》=2、应变能力》=2、5A景点知识》=2、综合知识》=1、旅游相关中级水平外文短文阅读和复述 一、欢迎词 Ladies and gentleman:Good morning .Welcome to the captical city of Jiangsu Province——Nanjing.I’m honored to have this opportunity to welcome all of you come to visit this beautiful city.May I introduce my colleagues to you?This is Mr.Li,our driver,his bus number is SuA36099,please remember it.My name is Sally,I’m from the branch company of China International Travel Service in Nanjing.My job is to smooth your way,care for your welfare,try my best to answer your questions,and be your guide during your stay in Nanjing.Now I’ll give you some tips during your stay in Nanjing:Firstly,please put your head and hands inside of the window,or it’s very dangerous.Secondly,when you come back to the restaurant,don’t go out https://www.doczj.com/doc/5415905237.html,st but not least,when you travel around this city,please be careful of your wallet and some other valued things.If you have any special interest,please tell your leader or let me know that,we’ll try our best to make your stay in Nanjing a pleasant one.We highly appreciate your understanding ang co-operation,Wish you enjoy these days you stay here.Thank you. 二、简介南京 When you come to Jiangsu province,of course you can’t miss the capital city——Nanjing.She is one of the political,economic and cultural center over the Yangzi Delta region.And she was been called China’s southern capital. There are about 8 million people here and Nanjing is one of the historical and cultural cities rectified by the state.She was one of the 6 famous ancient cities in China.For almost 2000 years,there has been 10 dynasties which eatabished their capitals here,they are Wu,Eastern Jin,Song,Qi,Liang,Chen,South Tang,Ming,Taiping Kingdom,and Republic of China subsequently. For tourists,Nanjing is one of China’s most attractive cities.In octorber 2010,there comes a research among foreigners from more than 100 countries,Nanjing is the 3rd popular city in China,just next to Shanghai and Beijing,I think wo must work harder together for it. I think all the pretty scenic in Nanjing will make you feel cheerful in heart and pleased to eyes when you are lingering among them. 三、景点(8个) ㈠中山陵 Dr.Sun Yatsen’s Mausoleum Among all the historical and cultural attractions in Nanjing,the most favored highlight is Dr.Sun Yatsen’s Mausoleum.Dr.Sun Yatsen’s Mausoleum sits on the southern slope of the Purple Mountain in the eastern suburb of the city.It took more than 3 years and 1.5 million silver dollars to build the mausoleum. Dr.Sun Yatsen is considered as the forerunner of the Chinese democratic revolution,the great pioneer of Chinese democratic revolution. On October 12, 1866, Mr. Sun was born in a farmer's family in Caiheng village of Xiangshan county (the present-day zhongshan City), Guangdong Province. He put forward the famous guiding principle- "driving the invaders out, restoring the


南京导游词 本文是关于演讲稿的南京导游词,感谢您的阅读! 篇一:南京导游词 各位游客:下面我们将要参观游览的景点是中山陵。中山陵是中国伟大的民主革命先行者孙中山先生的陵墓,位于南京市东郊紫金山第二峰小茅山南坡。中山陵坐北朝南,前临平川,背靠青山,其建筑采用依山为陵的形式,墓室建在海拔158米的山顶最高处,比独龙岗明孝陵所处的位置高出90多米;从牌坊到墓道,高差70多米,平面距离700多米,显得十分雄伟壮丽。 【孙中山生平—安葬紫金山的夙愿—陵墓设计者吕彦直】 各位游客:在到达中山陵之前,先向大家简要地介绍一下孙中山先生的生平。孙中山,姓孙名文,字逸仙,在日本从事革命活动时曾化名“中山樵”。他于1866年11月12日生于广东省香山县翠亨村(现已改为中山市),是中国辛亥革命的领袖。孙中山早年曾求学海外,1892年毕业于香港西医学院,曾一度行医。20世纪初年的中国,灾难深重,清政府与帝国主义列强签订了丧权辱国的《辛丑条约》,使中国完全陷入半殖民地半封建社会的苦难深渊。目睹清政府的腐败,孙中山毅然放弃行医,投身革命,于1905年8月和一批资产阶级革命的知识分子,在日本东京组织成立了中国近代史上第一个带有资产阶级政党性质的组织“中国同盟会”,提出了“民族、民生、民权”即“三民主义”的革命纲领。从1907年到1911年10月前,同盟会在我国华南地区不断发动武装起义,特别是在1911年4月27日发动了广州起义。广州起义虽然最终遭到失败,但为同年10月10日的武昌起义取得胜利奠定了基础。从此各省纷纷响应,推翻了 2000多年的中国封建帝制,这就是中国近代史上影响深刻、意义深远的一次伟大革命——辛亥革命。 1911年12月29日,在中央临时政府会议上,大家一致推举孙中山为中华民国临时大总统,商议成立中国临时政府并定都南京,确定1912年为民国元年。1912年1月l日,孙中山从上海到南京就任临时大总统。但因袁世凯的扶持和革命党人的妥协,1912年4月1日,孙中山正式辞去临时大总统职,袁世凯窃取了革命果实,并定都北京。革命虽然受到挫折,但是孙中山先生没有气馁,继续展开了护法运动、护国运动、讨袁运动。1924年1月同中国共产党进行了第


Nanjing Presidential Residence Members tourists: now we will visit the famous tourist site in Nanjing ——the Presidential Palace and understand its history. The Presidential Palace is located at 292 Changjiang Road. Up to now it is over six hundred years old. It was constructed as the Marquis Guide 's Residence and then Prince Han s Residence in early years of the Ming Dynasty. It successively became the Official residences of Liangjiang Viceroys in the Qing Dynasty. The Emperors Kangxi and Qianlong often used here as their temporary Dwelling Palace when they made inspection tours of South China. During the period of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, Hong Xiuquan erected a large-scale Heavenly King ' s Palace in the compound of the Liangjiang viceroy Residence'. s Official On 1 January 1912, Dr Sun Yat-sen was sworn in as the Provisional President here. It successively became the Official Residence of the Jiangsu Military Governors, the Vice- President ' s Office and so forth in the following fifteen years. In 1927, the Nanjing Nationalist Government was established and here became the offices of it. After the occupation of Nanjing by Japanese troops in December 1937, the offices of the Nationalist Government served in turn as the Headquarters of the 16th Division of Japanese Troop. On 23 April 1949, Nanjing was liberated. The People ' s Liberation Army occupied the Presidential Palace on 24 April. The scenic area of the Presidential Palace covers a space of 80000 square meters. The Presidential Palace It comprises three pieces of scenery: the former Nationalist Government and the Presidential Government in the center; the former Provisional President Sun Yat-sen's Office Building, the Office of the Secretary General, the West Garden and the General Staff Headquarters in the west; the Executive Yuan, the Tao Shu and Lin Zexu Memorial Temple, Stable and the Exhibition of the Material on the Liangjiang Viceroy's Official Residence in the east. The presidential Palace has a heave historical culture, unique historical materials and beautiful natural environment with classical constructions. Now it was opened to the world as the Nanjing Museum of Modern Chinese History. Now, please follow me to visit the Presidential Palace. Opposite to the gate of the palace across the street is the Screen Wall. Built in 1930, the Gate Tower is a two-storeyed building with three arch-gates in an imitation of ancient Rome style. It used to be the guardroom during the period of the Republic of China. The Palace of Heavenly King, surrounded by the two walls, is found right at the entrance of the gate. The area within the outer wall was called “ The City of Sun ”,while that within the main inner wall was called “ The city of the Golden Dragon ”.There were many grand buildings within the two walls. On both sides of the main hall were gardens. The palace is newly restored, including the study, throne and imperial harem. In addition, the history of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom is on exhibition here. The complex in the east of the count was the yamen of Governor general of Multi-province. Yamen is the government office in feudal China. The building is the Presidential Palace. The first floor was the office of secretariat. The second


介绍南京导游词800字 南京,江苏省省会。历史上曾有很多事情发生在南京古城。小编为大家收集整理了南京导游词,欢迎阅读! 南京导游词800字南京以“博爱之都”闻名海内外,是江苏省的省会城市,全省政治、经济和文化中心。全市面积6598平方公里,常住人口为800万人,下辖11区2县。 南京位于长江下游的中心地带,主要是丘陵盆地地形,城区附近东有紫金山,西有清凉山,南有牛首山,北有栖霞山。紫金山由东向西延伸,从南京城中横穿而过,使南京城南城北形成了两条水系,南为秦淮河,北为金川河。除此之外,还有玄武湖和莫愁湖宛如两颗璀璨的明珠镶嵌在南京的城东和城西。山与水的交织,共同造就了地形险要,山水壮丽的南京城。 由于南京城山环水绕,自古就是兵家必争之地。公元前472年,越王勾践命范蠡最早在此建城,也就有了南京的第一个名字“越城”。从越城算起,南京的建城史已有近2500年。古城南京具有深厚历史文化底蕴,位列我国四大古都之一,在此定都的朝代有:东吴、东晋、南朝时的宋、齐、梁、陈、以及后来的南唐、明初、太平天国和中华民国,故而南京又被称作“六朝古都”、“十朝都会”。历朝历代为南京留下了许多名字,如:金陵、秣陵、建邺、建康、蒋州、江宁、昇州、集庆、应天、天京等,有些名字作为南京的地名沿用至今。南京的得名来源于明朝初年,当时的南京叫应天府,朱元璋曾经打算把都城迁到开封,将开封命名为北京,应天府称南京,后来国都虽然没有迁成,但是南京的名称却一直保留下来。 中国的近代史从南京开始,也在南京结束。1842年,清政府在南京下关的江面上与英国侵略者签订了中国近代史上第一个不平等条约——《南京条约》。1949年,中国人民解放军解放南京,标志着中国进入了社会主义的全新时代。 狂日南京铁路、公路、航空、水运、管道等运输方式齐全,是华东地区重要的交通枢纽。南京禄口国际机场已开通覆盖国内45个城市以及韩国、日本、泰国、新加坡等地在内的国内外航线。南京港地处长江下游黄金水道,目前通航五大洲近50个国家和地区。近年来,南京市实施了规模空前的城市建设,南京第二长江大桥、南京第三长江大桥、玄武湖隧道、九华山隧道、赛虹桥立交桥、华


江苏夫子庙导游词五篇 夫子庙是一组规模宏大的古建筑群,主要由孔庙、学宫、贡院三大建筑群组成,占地极大。有照壁、泮池、牌坊、聚星亭、魁星阁、棂星门、大成殿、明德堂、尊经阁等建筑。下面是小编收集整理的江苏夫子庙导游词五篇范文,欢迎借鉴参考。 各位游客,大家好!我们今天要参观的是位于秦淮河畔的夫子庙。说起夫子庙,我们还得先来谈谈南京人的母亲河秦淮河。秦淮河又名淮水、小江、龙藏浦,是南京文化的古老渊源。它从东水关入城,从西水关出城,流经夫子庙前的这一段长约十华里,因此被称为“十里秦淮”。从古至今,秦淮河的两岸就是一派繁华的景象,唐人杜牧的诗是这样说的:“烟笼寒水月笼沙,夜泊秦淮近酒家。商女不知亡国恨,隔江犹唱后庭花”,一首诗说尽了秦淮河的繁华。解放以后,经过南京市政府的大力建设,今天的十里秦淮已成为展现江南特有风貌的国家5A级风景名胜区。 夫子庙共包括孔庙、学宫、贡院三大建筑群,东晋年间,朝廷在这里兴建了学宫;宋代在东晋学宫的旧址上扩建了夫子庙;南宋又开设了科举考场贡院。然而,夫子庙在历史上曾经五毁五建,最后一次是在1937年毁于侵华日军的战火,今天的夫子庙是1984年以后重新修建的。 庙前广场(2分钟) 各位游客,现在我们来到的是孔庙前的广场。庙市合一是夫子庙

最显著的特点之一。广场纵向为庙,横向为市,庙市合一,独具氛围。位于大家身后的这堵红墙称为照壁,具有遮蔽、避邪及装饰的作用,全长110米,是我国照壁之最。照壁前的这个半圆形的水池称为泮池,古时皇帝讲学的地方叫辟雍,诸侯讲学的学宫叫泮宫,夫子庙的学宫等级相当于诸侯讲学的地方,所以这池便称为泮池,位于泮池西侧的这座桥叫文德桥,因儒家提倡文章道德而得名,由于桥向与子午线方向一致,因此每年农历十一月十五日子时左右,天上明月的倒影便会被桥影分成两半,这一奇观被称为“文德分月”。文德桥畔广场西侧有一聚星亭,取“群星集中,人才荟萃”之意。迎面这个大牌坊,是“天下文枢坊”。造型为四柱三门,它的意思是说这里是天下文化的中心。牌坊南侧有魁星阁,古有“奎主文章”之说,魁星是文运兴旺之兆,也是科举考试夺魁的象征,因而,魁星被历代学子奉为神灵。在广场北方便是棂星门,相传棂星是天上的文星,是主管教化的星宿,取名之由是表示天下文人学士集学于此的意思。 大成门、露台(1分钟) 大成门是大成殿的正门,也是夫子庙的正大门。在古代森严的封建等级制度下,只有官员可以从大成门出入,一般士子只能从旁门进出。门后两侧墙壁上镌刻两个大字,分别为“礼”和“仁”,是孔子思想的核心,也是其本人毕生追求的目标。在大成门后,大成殿前有一甬道,甬道两旁立有孔子十二位门生中的八位,均由汉白玉雕刻而成,分别为闵损、冉耕、冉求、端木赐、冉庸、宰予、言偃和仲由。甬道的尽头为露台,高米,东西长米,南北宽14米,四周围以石栏,前


江苏明孝陵导游词优秀范文 明孝陵作为中国明皇陵之首,代表了明初建筑和石刻艺术的最高成就,直接影响明清两代五百余年20多座帝王陵寝的形制,依历史进程分布于北京、湖北、辽宁、河北等地的明清皇家陵寝,均按南京明孝陵的规制和模式营建,在中国帝陵发展史上有着特殊的地位,故而有“明清皇家第一陵”的美誉。以下是为大家整理的江苏明孝陵导游词优秀范文,供大家参考学习。 江苏明孝陵导游词1 明孝陵坐落于钟山南麓玩珠峰下,明太祖朱元璋和马皇后合葬于此。明洪武十四年(公元1381年),朱元璋命中军都督府佥事李新主持陵墓的营建工程,第二年八月,马皇后去世,九月葬入此陵墓,定名为“孝陵”。孝陵之名,取意于谥中的孝字,有“以孝治天下”之意,一说是马皇后谥“孝慈”,故名。洪武十六年(公元1383年)五月,孝陵殿建成。洪武三十一年(公元1398年)闰五月,朱元璋病逝,与马皇后合葬于此陵。明孝陵的附属工程一直延续到永乐三年(公元1420__年)。 明孝陵规模宏大,建筑雄伟,形制参照唐宋两代的陵墓而有所增益。陵占地长达22.5公里,围墙内享殿巍峨,楼阁壮丽,南朝七十所寺院有一半被围入禁苑之中。陵内植松十万株,养鹿

千头,每头鹿颈间挂有“盗宰者抵死”的银牌。为了保卫孝陵,内设神宫监,外设孝陵卫,有五千到一万多军士日夜守卫。清康熙、乾隆帝南巡时,都曾亲往谒陵,还特设守陵监二员,四十陵户,拨给司香田若干。咸丰三年(公元1853年)孝陵地区成为太平军和清军对峙的重要战场,地面木结构建筑几乎全毁。 墓区的建筑大体分为两组:第一组神道部分,从下马坊起,到孝陵正门;第二组是主体部分,从正门到宝城、明楼、崇丘为止。现存建筑有神烈山碑、禁约碑、下马坊、大金门、四方城及神功圣德碑、石像翁仲、御河桥、陵门、碑亭、孝陵殿、大石桥、宝城、墓及清末所建碑亭、享殿等。 下马坊即孝陵的入口处,是一座二间柱的石牌坊,额枋上刻“诸司官员下马”六个楷书大字,谒陵的文武官员,到此必须下马步行。坊高约9米、中间宽约6米、额枋长约6米、高1.28米、厚约0.32米,曾毁坏成数块,倒置路旁,后来修复。坊旁有明崇祯十四年(公元1641年)立的禁约碑,重申严格保护孝陵的条例,违者立即处死。过孝陵正门大金门,到四方城,四周围墙形如壁垒。城内有一大石兽,昂首曳尾,宛然若生,背上驮“大明孝陵神功圣德碑”,碑文正楷,长达2746字,字大如拳,历述了明太祖一生的功德,是明成祖朱棣永乐三年(公元1420__年)为其父朱元璋所立的。碑通高8.84米,碑身高4.78米,宽2.24米,厚0.83米,是南京地区地面现存石碑中最大的一个。


南京明孝陵导游词英文 篇二:南京明孝陵导游词英文 Xiaoling Tomb of the Ming Dynasty Hello, everybody! Welcome to Xiaoling Tomb of the Ming Dynasty. It is the first world cultural heritage site in Nanjing. Xiaoling Tomb is situated at the southern foot of Zijin Mountain in the east part of Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. It is the burial place of Zhu Yuanzhang, the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty, and his wife empress Ma. As one of the largest imperial tombs existent in China, Xiaoling became a major historic and cultural site under state protection in 1961. On July 3, 2003, together with the 13 Ming Tombs in Beijing, it was accepted into the World Heritage List as an associated site of “the imperial tombs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties”. Ming Dynasty was the penult feudal regime in China’s history. Its founder, Zhu Yuanzhang, was often referred to as a “beggar emperor” for his miserable childhood. Zhu was born into a poor peasant family in 1328 in Anhui Province neighboring Jiangsu. In 1344, a serious drought and plague swept the north of the Huaihe River. All his family

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