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1.单数名词和不以-s 结尾的复数名词在词尾直接加“’s ”.如:Kangkang’s father 康康的父亲Mary’s mother 玛丽的妈妈my brother’s car 我弟弟的车

2.以-s 结尾的复数名词在词尾只加“’”.如:the students’ book 学生用书the teachers’ office 老师的办公室the twins’ bags 双胞胎的书包

3. 以s 结尾的专有名词的所有格,一般加“’”或加“’s”.如:Jam es’ ( James’s) computer 詹姆斯的电脑Dickens’ (Dickens’s) books 狄更斯的书Engels’(Engels’s) works 恩格斯的著作

4.如果一样东西为两人或几人共同所共有,则在最后一个名词的词尾加“’s”;如果分别属各自所有时,则在各个名词词尾都加“’s”. 如:Jim and Kate’s house 吉姆和凯特的家Mr and Mrs Smiths’ son 史密斯夫妇的儿子Mike’s and Jack’s rooms 迈克的房间和杰克的房间

5.合成名词的所有格,在最后的一个名词的末尾加“’s”.如:my brother-in-law’s camera 我姐夫的照相机a day or two’s leave 一两天的假the editor-in-chief’s office 总编辑室someone else’s money 别人的钱

6.表示时间、距离、重量、集体、世界、国家、城市等无生命的名词,也可用’s 构成所有关系.如:today’s newspaper 今天的报纸twenty minutes’ walk 二十分钟的路程one pound’s weight1 磅的重量the world’s people 世界人民China’s population 中国的人口Chongqing’s industry 重庆的工业

7.-’s 所有格的省略式:在-’s 所有格中,被修饰的名词,有时在下列场合可以省略.

(1)被修饰的名词出现在上文或下文,这时可以省略掉被修饰的名词,以避免重复.如:This shirt is Michael’s.这是迈克尔的衬衫.Jenny’s is a big house. 珍妮的房子很大.

(2)被修饰的名词表示店铺、教堂、诊所或某人的住宅时,这一名词可以省略.如:I met her at the tailor’s (shop).我在裁缝店遇见了她. We visited St. Paul’s (cathedral) last year. 去年我们参观了圣保罗教堂.He’ll take me to the doctor’s tomorrow. 他明天要送我到医生的诊所.She went to her uncle’s (house) yesterday.她昨天到她的叔叔家去了.

of :1.of 所有格主要用于表示无生命东西的名词的所有关系,通常用“of+名词” 的形式.如:the door of the room房间的门the factory of our school 我们学校的工厂the questions of the text 课文的问题the cover of the book 书的封面the legs of the chair 椅子的脚the door of the house 屋子的门the light of sun 太阳的光对于大部分非生物的名词,可以与of构成所有格。A的B——>B of A

2.表示有生命的东西的名词,也可用of 所有格表示所有关系,或者表示主谓关系、动宾关系、或事物的来源等.如:the death of Deng Xiaoping 邓小平的逝世the arrival of the headmaster 校长的到来the laws of Newton 牛顿定律-

’s 所有格和of 所有格结合在一起表示所有关系,叫做“双重所有格”.

1.双重所有格的形式双重所有格一般有以下两种形式:(1)of+名词所有格:如Ann is a frien d of my sister’s.安是我妹妹的一位朋友.This is a new design of Mr White's.这是怀特先生的一项新设计. (2)of+名词性物主代词:如Jane is a friend of mine.简是我的一位朋友.I borrowed a pen of yours.我借了你的一支钢笔.

2.双重所有格的特征:(1)双重所有格所修饰的名词(即of 之前的名词)通常和不定冠词a, an 及any , some, no, few, several 等表示数量的词连用,表示“其中之一”或“其中一部分”的意思,但不可以和定冠词the 连用.如:This is a book of my mother’s. 这是我母亲的一本


4.—He is in the ________ .

A. teacher's reading room

B. teachers' reading room

C. teacher reading room

D. teachers reading room

6. This is ________ ball. It's not ________ .

A. the boy's, girl's

B. the boy's, the girl's

C. the boy, the girl

D. boys', girls

7. This year, the most popular ________ hat is that kind.

A. woman's

B. womens'

C. women's

D. womans'

8. Look at the book, it's not mine, and it's not yours, so it must be ________ .

A. somebody else's

B. somebody else'

C. somebody's else D . somebody' else

9. These are ________ .

A. newspaper of today

B. today's newspaper

C. today's newspapers'

D. today newspaper's

10. It's about ________ from my home to our school.

A. twenty minutes' walk

B. walk of twenty minutes'

C. walk of twenty minutes'

D. twenty minute's walk

11. ________ is very small and white.

A. The hat of your brother's

B. The hat of your brother

C. Your brother's hat

D. Your brother hat

12. This is ________ .

A. Mike and Jim's bike

B. Mike's and Jim bike

C. Mike's and Jim's bike

D. Mike and Jim bike

13. He is ________ .

A. one student of my father

B. one of my father's student