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Well goes an old saying, no one is perfect.We all make mistakes,and we do so with regularity.Some errors are small.Some are bigger.And some are crucial.

No one enjoys being wrong.It’s an unpleasant emotional experience for all of us.Hence,some of us admit we were wrong and say ,“Oops,you were right .We should listen to your advice.”Some of us kind of imply we were wrong,but we don’t do so explicitly.For instance,they would say,“The moment I heard your advice,I suddenly had a headache.”But some people refuse to admit they’re wrong,even in the face of overwhelming evidence.

Why do they never admit they were wrong?The answer is related to their ego,their very

sense-of-self.Some people have such a fragile ego,such brittle self-esteem,that admitting they made a mistake or that they were wrong is fundamentally too threatening for their ego to tolerate.Accepting,they were wrong ,absorbing the reality,would be so psychologically shattering.Their defense mechanisms do something remarkable to avoid doing so.As a result,they come up with statements that are fake.

Admitting our mistakes is a process of being better.What we need to keep in mind is that we’re not supposed to say we’re wrong easily or stubbornly say we are right.Deal with such situation with rationality.

1.The word underlined are similar in the meaning to





2.What does the underlined word in the text refer to

A.Someone never admits he was wrong.

B.Someone admits the mistakes in a way that is not so satisfying to other people.

C.Someone never makes mistakes.

D.Someone admits the mistakes explicitly.

3.What’s the best title for the passage?

A.Admit you were wrong.

B.It’s better to admit mistakes.

C.What is fragile ego?

D.Why certain people will never admit they were wrong.

With the tremendously rapid development of the economy,our environment is being faced a great threat,global warming or pollution.Our companies are devoting ourselves to such problem.

With our technology we capture carbon dioxide directly from the air. The air-captured carbon dioxide can either be recycled and used as a raw material, or completely removed from the air by safely storing it.Our machines consist of modular CO? collectors that can be stacked to build machines of any size.

Grey emissions are below 10%, which means that out of 100 tons of carbon dioxide that our machines capture from the air, at least 90 tons are permanently removed and only up to 10 tons are re-emitted.

The core element of our technology are the CO? collectors.Our CO? collectors selectively capture carbon dioxide in a two-step process. First, air is drawn into the collector with a fan. Carbon dioxide is captured on the surface of a highly selective filter material that sits inside the collectors. Second, after the filter material is full with carbon dioxide, the collector is closed. We increase the temperature to between 80 and 100 °C - this releases the carbon dioxide. Finally, we can collect this high-purity, high-concentration carbon dioxide.

Leading scientific studies indicate that by mid-century 10 billion tons of carbon dioxide will need to be removed from the air every year. Direct air capture is one solution that can help achieve this goal. In order to scale direct air capture up to the levels required, we need to start today and act now.

1.Where does this passage probably come from?

A.Science magazine

https://www.doczj.com/doc/5217656648.html, show

C.Local newspaper

D.Science lecture

2.If the machine captured 200 tons CO ?,how much is re -emitted at most? A.180 B.100 C.20 D.0

3.What ’s the structure of the passage? A.



Could Antarctica become habitable in the next two centuries?

Amazingly, the answer is yes! First, to be clear, we can live there now, but only with food shipped in. And no matter how intense global warming gets, Antarctica will always have one enemy: darkness.

It’s conceivable that the temperatures on Antarctica, particularly on the coast, could be warm enough for “normal” people to live there, but the maximum solar angle is still so low for the entirety of the continent that plants would really struggle to survive.

During the summer, the sun is above the horizon for long stretches, but always at low angles. During the spring and fall, the sun is above and below the horizon for roughly equal periods of time, but when the sun is above the horizon, it’s only barely so. And of course, in winter, it’s dark for very long stretches.These conditions would be unsuitable for subsistence agriculture, but it turns out there’s a place very much like what the coast of Antarctica might be like on a much warmer Earth: Vester?len, Northern Norway. This lovely Norwegian town is just north of the Arctic circle. The Antarctic coast is more or less on the Antarctic circle, and thus gets similar amounts of insolation. As you can from the pictures on this site, some plants do grow here, but you’d have to be pretty selective in your crop choice.

Antarctica is currently very dry, but with climate change going the way it is, it’s possible that not only temperature but precipitation could significantly increased, and if it did, it’s possible that humans could live there without food from the outside.

Two centuries is not that much time for our climate. If we continue burning fossil fuels without slowing down for the next 200 years, I suspect the coastal temperature in Antarctica might rise as much as 10 degrees Celsius, maybe even more. That’s enough for a legitimate growing season, warm enough for grazing animals, and habitable enough for a self-sufficient human colony.

1.What can we infer from this passage?

A.We can live in Antarctica now.

B.We will live in Antarctica in 200 years.

C.We could plant various plants in Antarctica.

D.The solar angle in summer is the biggest than any other seasons.

2.What’s the main factor concerning plants growth in Antarctica according to the passage?




D.Carbon Dioxide

3.What’s the main purpose of this passage?

A.To call our attention to protecting the environment.

B.To explain why Antarctica could become habitable.

C.To introduce us a new product regarding Antarctica.

D.To attract people to sign up for a tour.

There’s no two-ways about it, the Universe is an extremely big place! And thanks to the limitations placed upon us by Special Relativity, traveling to even the closest star systems could take millennia. The estimated travel time to the nearest star system (Alpha Centauri) could take anywhere from 19,000 to 81,000 years using conventional methods.

For this reason, many theorists have recommended that humanity should rely on generation ships to spread the seed of humanity among the stars. Naturally, such a project presents many challenges, not the least of which is how large a spacecraft would need to be to sustain a multi-generational crew. In a new study, a team of international scientists addressed this very question and determined that a lot of interior space would be needed!

The study, which recently appeared online, was led by Dr. Frederic Marin of the Astronomical Observatory of Strasbourg and Dr. Camille Beluffi, a particle physicist with the scientific start-up Casc4de. They were joined by Dr. Rhys Taylor of the Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Science, and Dr. Loic Grau of the structural engineering firm Morphosense.And they also made a little bit of success.

1.Why many theorists have recommended that humanity should rely on generation ships to spread the seed of humanity among the stars?

A.Because the spacecraft needs to be much larger.

B.Because there is no way to accomplish it.

C.Because travelling to even the closest star systems could take so much time.

D.Because it’s the easiest method .

2.What does the underlined word in the passage mean?



C.Put forward


3.What is most likely to be said in the following passage?

A.The success they have made.

B.The problem they have met.

C.The reason they did this research.

D.The time the research can be completed.


Auguste Rodin (1840 -1917)



H. 180 cm ; W. 98 cm ; D. 145 cm


Cast made by Fonderie Alexis Rudier in 1904. Transfered to the musée Rodin in 1922.

When conceived in 1880 in its original size (approx. 70 cm) as the crowning element of The Gates of Hell , seated on the tympanum, The Thinker was entitled The Poet. He represented Dante, author of the Divine Comedy which had inspired The Gates, leaning forward to observe the circles of Hell, while meditating on his work. The Thinker was therefore initially both a being with a tortured body, almost a damned soul, and a free-thinking man, determined to transcend his suffering through poetry. The pose of this figure owes much to Carpeaux’s Ugolino (1861) and to the seated portrait of Lorenzo de’ Medici carved by Michelangelo (1526-31).

While remaining in place on the monumental Gates of Hell, The Thinker was exhibited individually in 1888 and thus became an independent work. Enlarged in 1904, its colossal version proved even more popular: this image of a man lost in thought, but whose powerful body suggests a great capacity for action, has become one of the most celebrated sculptures ever known. Numerous casts exist worldwide, including the one now in the gardens of the Musée Rodin, a gift to the City of Paris installed outside the Panthéon in 1906, and another in the gardens of Rodin’s house in Meudon, on the tomb of the sculptor and his wife.

1.What kind of category the Thinker belongs?





2.The raw material of Thinker is ?

A Iron




3.Where does the passage probably come from?





Bandwagon Effect as a Cognitive Bias

The bandwagon effect refers to the tendency people have to adopt a certain behavior, style, or attitude simply because everyone else is doing it. The more people that adopt a particular trend, the more likely it becomes that other people will also hop on the bandwagon.

Why exactly does the bandwagon effect occur? Individuals are highly influenced by the pressure and norms exerted by groups. When it seems like the majority of the group is doing a certain thing, not doing that thing becomes increasingly difficult. This pressure can impact many different aspects of behavior, from

what people wear to who they vote for in political races.

Some of the factors that can influence the bandwagon effect include:


The bandwagon effect is essentially a type of groupthink. As more people adopt a particular fad or trend, the more likely it becomes that other people will also "hop on the bandwagon." When it seems that everyone is doing something, there is a tremendous pressure to conform, which is perhaps why the bandwagon behaviors tend to form so easily.3

A Desire to Be Right

People want to be right. They want to be part of the winning side. Part of the reason people conform is that they look to other people in their social group for information about what is right or acceptable.4 If it seems like everyone else is doing something, then people are left with the impression that it is the correct thing to do.

A Need to Be Included

Fear of exclusion also plays a role in the bandwagon effect. People generally do not want to be the odd one out, so going along with what the rest of the group is doing is a way to ensure inclusion and social acceptance. The need to belong pressures people to adopt the norms and attitudes of the majority to gain acceptance and approval from the group.

Some negative and dangerous effects of the bandwagon effect.

1.What does the underlined phrase in the passage mean?

A.Jump on

B.Blame on

C.Depend on

D.Basied on

2.Why may not be the factors that may influence the effect?

A.A person wants to pursue accuracy.

B.A person who don’t want to be left behind.

C.A person who want to join a group.

D.The pressure and norms exerted by groups.

3.What will be mentioned in the following passage?

A.The dangerous and positive effect of the Bandwagon Effect.

B.The negative influence of the effect.

C.How to address the problem.

D.The example of the Bandwagon effect.





Passage4:CAA Passage5:BCA Passage6:ACB

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