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Unit 2 I ’ll help to clean up the city parks.


1.clean up打扫或清除干净

2.cheer up使振奋起来,高兴起来

3.give out分发散发hand out 分发

4.volunteer to do sth 志愿做某事

e up with想出,提出

6.put off doing sth推迟做某事

7.put up sighs 张贴标语

8.make notices制作通知

9.call up sb=call sb up打电话给某事ed to do sth过去常常做某事be used to do sth习惯于做某事11.care for=take care of=look after照顾12.several+可数名词复数几个...13.a strong feeling of satisfaction/happiness一种强烈的满足感/幸福感14.the look of joy喜悦的表情15.the owner of ...的主人16.try out 参加...选拔17.go on a different trip进行不同的旅游18.raise money募捐19.He is at home alone,but he never feels lonely.他独自一人在家,但从不感到寂寞20.repair=fix up 修理修补21.give away 赠送22.take after像23.wheel wheels24.write a letter/letters to sb=write to sb给某人写信25.set up建立设立26disabled people 残疾人27.make a difference to对...有影响28.the blind/deaf/old/young 一类人29.have difficulty in doing sth做...有困难30.open closed open closed open/close the door31.carry things拿东西32.train trained training33.by train take the train34.excited exciting interested interesting 35kind kindness happy happiness36.clever smart37.understand understood38.change one’s life改变某人的生活39.have an interest in在...有兴趣40.interest interests hobby

hobbies41.hope to do sth希望做某事42.outside inside43.help sb (to) do sth/ help (to) do sth/ help sb with sth44.would like to do sth=want to do sth45.homeless people无家可归的人46.ask sb (not) to do sth47.let sb (not) do sth48.tell sb about sth49.needn’t do sth need to do sth50.have lunch51.make a plan/plans52.write down写下53.That’s a good idea.=That sounds like a goog idea.54.a lot of good ideas55.this morning56.talk to/with57.a wonderful young man58Good morning!58.tell our listeners告诉听众59.many kids60.enpugh money61.love to do/doing sth62.help people in need帮助需要的人63.be proud of以..为豪64.no more=not...any more不在65.get money=make money挣钱66.sick kids生病的孩子67.at the food bank在食物库68.make some plans69.in an old people’s home在老人家里70.this st summer72.help out帮助解决73.read the newspaper/newspapers74.tell stories讲故事75.That sounds interesting76.a lot of old people77.listen to sb 78.You’er right.79.one day80.give up doing sth81.each week=every week82.help others83.love animals84.want to be an animal doctor85.at an animal hospital86.every Saturday morning87.get one’s future dream job找到将来理想的工作88.hard work艰苦的工作89learn more about了解更多90.get better变好91.owners’faces主人的脸92.a book lover读书爱好者93.by oneself独自单独94.at the age of在...岁时st year96.spend time kill time消磨时间97.一段时间+ago用一般过去时98.decide to do sth99.once a

week100.help kids101.learn to read102.in the library103.each new book104.a dream come true梦想成真105.at the same time同时106.next summer107.be busy with/be busy doing sth忙于...108.this year109.at least至少at most最多110.in one’s free time111.think about112.less lucky than比...不幸113.a good way to do sth做...的好方法114.a few months几个月115.move to搬迁116.be similar to 和...相似117.thank you for doing sth118.I’m sure that...119.make it possible for sb to do sth使某人又可能做某事120.normal things平常的事情121.answer the telephone 接电话122.be difficult for sb123.a friend of+名词性物主代词124.six months of training125.be able to do sth能,能够126.feel lucky127.because of128.For example/like/such as129.at once=right away130.a photo of131.Good luck to you!=Best wishes for you!祝你好运132.be excited about对...而感到兴奋


1.You could help to clean up the city parks.

2.We’re all going to be old one day.

3.I can do what I love to do.

4.动副结构的短语使用时当宾语是宾格时放在其中间:clean up

cheer up give out hand out call up fix up give away


疑问词+不定式where to go what to do

固定动词+不定式decide/ want /plan /volunteer to do sth