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导时间状语从句的从属连词很多,如较基本的有before, after, when, while, as, since, till, until, as soon as 等:

Things were different when I was a child. 我小时候情况与现在不同。

We must strike while the iron is hot. 我们要趁热打铁。

I t’s a long time since I met you last. 从上次见到你,已有很长时间了。

He waited until she was about to leave. 他等着一直到她准备离开。


(1)表示“一…就”的从属连词:the moment, the minute, the second, the instant, immediately, directly, instantly, once, no sooner…than, hardly…when等。如:

Immediately he came I told him the news. 他一来我就把消息告诉了他。

The moment I saw him I knew there was no hope. 我一看到他就知道没希望了。

We had no sooner set out than it began to rain. 我们刚出发就下雨了。

Once he arrives, we can start. 他一来我们就可以开始。

(2)涉及time的几个从属连词:every time(每次),each time(每次),(the) next time(下次),any time(随时),the last time(上次),the first time(第一次)。如:

Every time I see her I’ll think of it. 每次我看到她,我就想起这事。

He felt nervous each time she spoke to him. 每次她和他讲话,他都感到紧张。

He didn’t tell me the last time I saw him. 我上次见到他时他没告诉我。




Turn off the lights before you leave. 走前关灯。

I will tell him as soon as he arrives. 他一来我就告诉他。

(2)与since 从句搭配的主句的时态通常是现在完成时态:

He has lived here since 1999. 自1999年以来,他就一直住在这儿。

Where have you been since I last saw you? 自我上次见到你之后你到哪里去了?


It seems like years since we last met. 我们似乎几年未见面了。

Yesterday he told me that he hadn’t eaten anything since Tuesday. 他昨天告诉我自星期二以来他一直未吃任何东西。


when, while 和 as 引导时间状语从句的用法


一、when 的用法

如果只从现象来看,when 从句用的最多的是一般过去时,而主句的时态没有限制,根据具体情况而定。

1. When he was a child he was always trying out new ideas.


2. When she came into my room, I was just reading a book. 她走进我房间时,我正在看书。

3. Were you writing when the teacher came in? 老师进来的时候,你在写信吗?

4. Sorry, I was out when you called me. 对不起,你打电话来的时候我出去了。

5. He was on the point of leaving when someone knocked at the door.


6. I thought of it just when you opened your mouth. 就在你要说话的时候,我也想到了。

7. I had hardly [scarcely] closed my eyes when someone knocked at the door.


根据以上的例句,我们可以总结出一点:when 从句的A事件,相当于另一个事件B发生的时间点。也就是说,when 从句的重点不在动作本身发生的状态,而只是把它作为一个时间点,所以when 多数情况下用的是一般过去时,则不用正在进行时。因为如果用正在进行时,它表示的就是一段时间而不是一个时间点了。根据这一点,有的文章补充说:when 从句的动词大多是瞬时动词。这种说法也可以参照。

实际上,when 从句也可以有其它的时态,但几乎也不用进行时,因为它也只是作为一个时间参照点。例如:

1. When I got to the airport, the guests had left. 当我赶到飞机场时,客人们已经离开了。

2. When he had finished his homework, he took a short rest.


3. Why do you want a new job when you have got such a good one already?


4. You shall borrow the book when I have finished reading it.


5. When the manager comes here for a visit next week, I’ll talk with him about this.


二、while 的用法

相比于when 来说,while 从句的侧重点就不一样了。while 从句的侧重点在于描述动作正在发生的状态,它的意思是:当while 事件正在发生的时候,另一件事如何如何。所以,while 从句一般用的是正在进行时。而另一件事的状态没有硬性的要求,根据具体情况而定。例如:

1. While my wife was reading the newspaper, I was watching TV.


2. While Jim was mending his bike, Lin Tao came to see him.


3. While they were talking, the bell rang. 正在他们谈话的时候,上课铃响了。