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1、清华同方学术期刊网 https://www.doczj.com/doc/4416083887.html,/


2、维谱全文数据库 https://www.doczj.com/doc/4416083887.html,/zk/bin/home.htm


3、万方数据库收录了核心期刊的全文,文件为pdf格式,阅读全文需Acrobat Reader 浏览器。

二、外文全文站点(所有外文数据库,阅读全文均需要Acrobat Reader)

1.Highwire https://www.doczj.com/doc/4416083887.html,/


2.ScienceDirect https://www.doczj.com/doc/4416083887.html,/

Elsevier Science是荷兰一家全球著名的学术期刊出版商,每年出版大量的农


3.Wiley InterScience:https://www.doczj.com/doc/4416083887.html,/cgi-bin/home Wiley InterScience是John Wiely & Sons 公司创建的动态在线内容服务,1997年开始在网上开通。通过InterScience,Wiley公司以许可协议形式向用户提供在线访问全文内容的服务。Wiley InterScience收录了360多种科学、工程技术、医疗领域及相关专业期刊、30多种大型专业参考书、13种实验室手册的全文和500多个题目的Wiley学术图书的全文。其中被SCI收录的核心期刊近200种。(注册一个用户名密码,下次直接用注册的用户名密码进去,不用代理照样能看文章全文,Willey注册一个,就可以免费使用CP了,那可是绝对好的Protocols )

4.Springer http://link.springer.de/



Springer Link 涵盖的学科范围及种数:

Law (法律): 5种 Environmental (环境科学): 37 种

Medicine (医学): 179种 Geoscience (地球科学): 53种

Mathematics (数学): 73种 Life Science (生命科学): 105种

Economics (经济学): 30种 Chemical Sciences (化学): 36种

Engineering (工程): 58种 Computer Science (计算机科学):45种

Physics and Astronomy(物理与天文学):61种

5.EBSCO https://www.doczj.com/doc/4416083887.html,/

EBSCO公司是专门经营纸本期刊、电子期刊发行和电子文献数据库出版发行业务的集团公司。其数据库是一个大型综合数据库,其中的学术研究精粹数据库(Academic Search Elit)包括生物科学、工商经济、咨询科技、通讯传播、工程、教育、艺术、医药学等领域的1,700余种全文期刊,该数据库每天更新。Academic Search Premier 包括3,400余种科技期刊。

6.ECO https://www.doczj.com/doc/4416083887.html,/oclcpsp/oclclogin.jsp

即OCLC或First Search也是一个综合性较强的数据库,大部分文章都有全文。

7.Kluwer https://www.doczj.com/doc/4416083887.html,/

荷兰Kluwer Academic Publisher是具有国际性声誉的学术出版商,它出版的图书、期刊一向品质较高,备受专家和学者的信赖和赞誉。 Kluwer&****;**line 是Kluwer出版的750余种期刊的网络版,专门基于互联网提供Kluwer电子期刊的查询、阅览服务。

OVID Kluwer https://www.doczj.com/doc/4416083887.html,.br/kluwer


8.Lexis-nexis https://www.doczj.com/doc/4416083887.html,/universe

9、Nature Press https://www.doczj.com/doc/4416083887.html,/



11.Oxford Reference http://www.oxfordreference./

12.Oxford Press http://www.oup.co/牛津大学出版社出版的150多种期刊/

13.Karger http://www.karger.ch/

卡尔格公司(S. Karger AG),是瑞士一家著名医学和科技家族出版公司,年出版期刊76种,新书60多种,主要是英文版,并有电子版。卡尔格公司出版的图书,以医学图书为主,另外也出版一些科技图书.

14.Catchword https://www.doczj.com/doc/4416083887.html,/

https://www.doczj.com/doc/4416083887.html,/vl=1184273/cl=34/nw=1/rpsv/cw/web/nw 1/browse.h


15.BioMedNet https://www.doczj.com/doc/4416083887.html,/


数据库管理系统的介绍 Raghu Ramakrishnan1 数据库(database,有时拼作data base)又称为电子数据库,是专门组织起来的一组数据或信息,其目的是为了便于计算机快速查询及检索。数据库的结构是专门设计的,在各种数据处理操作命令的支持下,可以简化数据的存储,检索,修改和删除。数据库可以存储在磁盘,磁带,光盘或其他辅助存储设备上。 数据库由一个或一套文件组成,其中的信息可以分解为记录,每一记录又包含一个或多个字段(或称为域)。字段是数据存取的基本单位。数据库用于描述实体,其中的一个字段通常表示与实体的某一属性相关的信息。通过关键字以及各种分类(排序)命令,用户可以对多条记录的字段进行查询,重新整理,分组或选择,以实体对某一类数据的检索,也可以生成报表。 所有数据库(最简单的除外)中都有复杂的数据关系及其链接。处理与创建,访问以及维护数据库记录有关的复杂任务的系统软件包叫做数据库管理系统(DBMS)。DBMS软件包中的程序在数据库与其用户间建立接口。(这些用户可以是应用程序员,管理员及其他需要信息的人员和各种操作系统程序)。 DBMS可组织,处理和表示从数据库中选出的数据元。该功能使决策者能搜索,探查和查询数据库的内容,从而对在正规报告中没有的,不再出现的且无法预料的问题做出回答。这些问题最初可能是模糊的并且(或者)是定义不恰当的,但是人们可以浏览数据库直到获得所需的信息。简言之,DBMS将“管理”存储的数据项,并从公共数据库中汇集所需的数据项以回答非程序员的询问。 DBMS由3个主要部分组成:(1)存储子系统,用来存储和检索文件中的数据;(2)建模和操作子系统,提供组织数据以及添加,删除,维护,更新数据的方法;(3)用户和DBMS之间的接口。在提高数据库管理系统的价值和有效性方面正在展现以下一些重要发展趋势; 1.管理人员需要最新的信息以做出有效的决策。 2.客户需要越来越复杂的信息服务以及更多的有关其订单,发票和账号的当前信息。 3.用户发现他们可以使用传统的程序设计语言,在很短的一段时间内用数据1Database Management Systems( 3th Edition ),Wiley ,2004, 5-12


9个常用的国外英文论文文献数据库 9个论文文献数据库,科研搬砖,阅读涨姿势,论文写作小帮手!先说说什么是数据库:学术科研中说的「数据库」和「文献数据库」,往往是一种的形式,这个的贮存了大量文献数据(比如论文)可以简单的理解为一个网络图书馆。 数据库中的论文往往都是耗费了大量的时间和精力整理出来的,还有很多是需要购买才可以放在互联网上的,再加上维护这个本身就耗费颇多,因此这些数据库通常不是完全免费的,你可以在上面免费查找文献,浏览摘要等简介容,但是如果你要下载文献,就要付钱。 大学因为科研和教学需要,常年要下载大量的论文材料,所以就会和数据库的经营者签订很多协议,例如包年,就是给一定量的钱,然后就可以无限制下载论文。也有按照下载的数量进行计费。那英语作为世界第一学术语言,有哪些数据库是值得大家分享的呢?1、Wiley InterScience(英文文献期刊)Wiley InterScience是John Wiely & Sons公司创建的动态在线容服务,1997年开始在网上开通。通过InterScience,Wiley公司以许可协议形式向用户提供在线访问全文容的服务。Wiley InterScience收录了360多种科学、工程技术、医疗领域及相关专业期刊、30多种大型专业

参考书、13种实验室手册的全文和500多个题目的Wiley 学术图书的全文。网址:onlinelibrary.wiley./其中被SCI 收录的核心期刊近200种。期刊具体学科划分为:Business,Finance & Management (商业、金融和管理)、Chemistry (化学)、Computer Science(计算机科学)、Earth Science (地球科学)、Education (教育学)、Engineering (工程学)、Law(法律)、Life and Medical Sciences (生命科学与医学)、Mathematics and Statistics(数学统计学)、Physics (物理)、Psychology (心理学)。 2. ICPSRICPSR全称为Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research,即美国校际社会科学数据共享联盟。成立于1962年,位于美国密西根大学安娜堡分校(University of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 1817-),储存超过17000种调查研究资料,如军队官兵总名册,遗嘱、遗嘱查验与税收纪录,是现在世界上最大的社会科学数据中心,拥有600多个成员机构,包括大学和各种研究中心。网址:https://www.doczj.com/doc/4416083887.html,/icpsrweb/landing.jsp其中400多个成员机构在美国,我国的国家人口发展研究战略课题组,大学,大学,科技大学,浸会大学也是成员之一。 3. IEEE 电气电子工程师学会IEEE(Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers)是电子信息领域最著名的跨国性学


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1。文献数据库 国内主要资源 1。维普该数据库收录8000余种社科类及自然科学类期刊的题录、文摘及全文。主题范畴为社科类、自然科学类、综合类。年代跨度为1989年至今 2。万方万方数据资源系统的数据库有百余个,应用最多的主要是包括了专业文献库、中国科技引文库、中国学位论文库、中国期刊会议论文库等。 3。cnki 主要应用包括中国期刊全文数据库、中国优秀博士硕士论文全文数据库、中国重要报纸全文数据库、中国医院知识仓库、中国重要会议论文全文数据库。 4。超星图书馆、书生之家图书馆、中国数字图书馆国内主要汇集各类图书资源的数据库国外主要资源 1.SpringerLink 包含学科:化学、计算机科学、经济学、工程学、环境科学、地球科学、法律、生命科学、数学、医学、物理与天文学等11个学科,其中许多为核心期刊。 2.IEEE/IEE 收录美国电气与电子工程师学会(IEEE)和英国电气工程师学会(IEE)自1 988年以来出版的全部150多种期刊,5670余种会议录及1350余种标准的全文信息。 3.Engineering Village 由美国Engineering Information Inc.出版的工程类电子数据库,其中Ei Compendex数据库是工程人员与相关研究者最佳、最权威的信息来源。 4.ProQuest 收录了1861年以来全世界1,000多所著名大学理工科160万博、硕士学位论文的摘要及索引,学科覆盖了数学、物理、化学、农业、生物、商业、经济、工程和计算机科学等,是学术研究中十分重要的参考信息源 5.EBSCO数据库ASP(Academic Search Premier):内容包括覆盖社会科学、人文科学、教育、计算机科学、工程技术、语言学、艺术与文化、医学、种族研究等方面的学术期刊的全文、索引和文摘;BSP(Business Source Premier):涉及经济、商业、贸易、金融、企业管理、市场及财会等相关领域的学术期刊的全文、索引和文摘 6.SCIENCEDIRECT数据库是荷兰Elsevier Science公司推出的在线全文数据库,该数据库将其出版的1,568种期刊全部数字化。该数据库涵盖了数学、物理、化学、天文学、医学、生命科学、商业及经济管理、计算机科学、工程技术、能源科学、环境科学、材料科学、社会科学等众多学科。 7.OCLC(OnlineComputerLibraryCenter)即联机计算机图书馆中心,是世界上最大的提供文献信息服务的机构之一.其数据库绝大多数由一些美国的国家机构、联合会、研究院、图书馆和大公司等单位提供。数据库的记录中有文献信息、馆藏信息、索引、名录、全文资料等内容。资料的类型有书籍、连续出版物、报纸、杂志、胶片、计算机软件、音频资料、视频资料、乐谱等。 2。文献检索 1)国内期刊报纸全文可以在万方,维普,cnki进行检索,其他专业的数据库也可以;学位论文,可以在万方、cnki检索。专利、标准等文献还是要到相应的数据库进行检索。 2)国外期刊在我以上提供的数据库都可以检索,而学位论文多是在ProQuest数据库进行检索 3。进入数据库方法和思路 1)购买权限,这个不用我废话,理论上这些资源部是**的。查阅时,只能到购买权限的单位,才能进入数据库。或者,如果你有足够的钱的用来烧的话,那你可以购买阅读卡,一切都ok了! 2)采用公共的用户名和密码。这种方法用起来是最好最省事情的,但是搜索可就费时间了。密码来源多是试用形式的,一段时间会过期。取得这种密码,要看你的搜索能力了,有时间我会谈谈搜索经验和大家交流。如果你水平足够高超的话,可以自己研发破解工具,或者使


9个常用的国外英文论文文献数据库9个论文文献数据库,科研搬砖,阅读涨姿势,论文写作小帮手!先说说什么是数据库:学术科研中说的「数据库」和「文献数据库」,往往是一种网站的形式,这个网站的贮存了大量文献数据(比如论文)可以简单的理解为一个网络图书馆。 数据库中的论文往往都是耗费了大量的时间和精力整理出 来的,还有很多是需要购买版权才可以放在互联网上的,再加上维护这个网站本身就耗费颇多,因此这些数据库通常不是完全免费的,你可以在上面免费查找文献,浏览摘要等简介内容,但是如果你要下载文献,就要付钱。 大学因为科研和教学需要,常年要下载大量的论文材料,所以就会和数据库的经营者签订很多协议,例如包年,就是给一定量的钱,然后就可以无限制下载论文。也有按照下载的数量进行计费。那英语作为世界第一学术语言,有哪些数据库是值得大家分享的呢?1、Wiley InterScience(英文文献期刊)Wiley InterScience是John Wiely & Sons公司创建的动态在线内容服务,1997年开始在网上开通。通过InterScience,Wiley 学术期刊集成全文数据库(Academic Search Premier,简称ASP):包括有关生物科学、工商经济、资讯科技、通讯传播、工程、教育、艺术、文学、医药学等领域的七千多种期刊,

其中近四千种全文刊。 学术研究图书馆(Academic Research Library,简称ARL)综合参考及人文社会科学期刊论文数据库,涉及社会科学、人文科学、商业与经济、教育、历史、传播学、法律、军事、文化、科学、医学、艺术、心理学、宗教与神学、社会学等学科,收录2,300多种期刊和报纸,其中全文刊占三分之二,有图像。可检索1971年来的文摘和1986年来的全文。商业信息数据库(ABI/INFORM)ABI即为Abstracts of Business Information的缩写,世界着名商业及经济管理期刊论文数据库,收录有关财会、银行、商业、计算机、经济、能源、工程、环境、金融、国际贸易、保险、法律、管理、市场、税收、电信等主题的1,500多种商业期刊,涉及这些行业的市场、企业文化、企业案例分析、公司新闻和分析、国际贸易与投资、经济状况和预测等方面,其中全文刊超过50%,其余为文摘,有图像。 医学电子期刊全文数据库(ProQuest Medical Library)该数据库收录有220种全文期刊,文献全文以PDF格式或文本加图像格式存储;收录范围包括所有保健专业的期刊,有护理学、儿科学、神经学、药理学、心脏病学、物理治疗及其它方面。 6. BlackwellBlackwell出版公司是世界上最大的期刊出版商之一(总部设在英国伦敦的牛津),以出版国际性期刊为主,


Optimum blank design of an automobile sub-frame Jong-Yop Kim a ,Naksoo Kim a,*,Man-Sung Huh b a Department of Mechanical Engineering,Sogang University,Shinsu-dong 1,Mapo-ku,Seoul 121-742,South Korea b Hwa-shin Corporation,Young-chun,Kyung-buk,770-140,South Korea Received 17July 1998 Abstract A roll-back method is proposed to predict the optimum initial blank shape in the sheet metal forming process.The method takes the difference between the ?nal deformed shape and the target contour shape into account.Based on the method,a computer program composed of a blank design module,an FE-analysis program and a mesh generation module is developed.The roll-back method is applied to the drawing of a square cup with the ˉange of uniform size around its periphery,to con?rm its validity.Good agreement is recognized between the numerical results and the published results for initial blank shape and thickness strain distribution.The optimum blank shapes for two parts of an automobile sub-frame are designed.Both the thickness distribution and the level of punch load are improved with the designed blank.Also,the method is applied to design the weld line in a tailor-welded blank.It is concluded that the roll-back method is an effective and convenient method for an optimum blank shape design.#2000Elsevier Science S.A.All rights reserved. Keywords:Blank design;Sheet metal forming;Finite element method;Roll-back method


Introduction to database information management system The database is stored together a collection of the relevant data, the data is structured, non-harmful or unnecessary redundancy, and for a variety of application services, data storage independent of the use of its procedures; insert new data on the database , revised, and the original data can be retrieved by a common and can be controlled manner. When a system in the structure of a number of entirely separate from the database, the system includes a "database collection." Database management system (database management system) is a manipulation and large-scale database management software is being used to set up, use and maintenance of the database, or dbms. Its unified database management and control so as to ensure database security and integrity. Dbms users access data in the database, the database administrator through dbms database maintenance work. It provides a variety of functions, allows multiple applications and users use different methods at the same time or different time to build, modify, and asked whether the database. It allows users to easily manipulate data definition and maintenance of data security and integrity, as well as the multi-user concurrency control and the restoration of the database. Using the database can bring many benefits: such as reducing data redundancy, thus saving the data storage space; to achieve full sharing of data resources, and so on. In addition, the database technology also provides users with a very simple means to enable users to easily use the preparation of the database applications. Especially in recent years introduced micro-computer relational database management system dBASELL, intuitive operation, the use of flexible, convenient programming environment to extensive (generally 16 machine, such as IBM / PC / XT, China Great Wall 0520, and other species can run software), data-processing capacity strong. Database in our country are being more and more widely used, will be a powerful tool of economic management. The database is through the database management system (DBMS-DATA BASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM) software for data storage, management and use of dBASELL is a database management system software. Information management system is the use of data acquisition and transmission technology, computer network technology, database construction, multimedia


SQL数据库英文文献及翻译 The fact that you are reading a book on SQL indicates that you, somehow, need to interact with databases. SQL is a language used to do just this, so before looking at SQL itself, it is important that you understand some basic concepts about databases and database technologies. Whether you are aware of it or not, you use databases all the time. Each time you select a name from your email address book, you are using a database. If you conduct a search on an Internet search site, you are using a database. When you log into your network at work, you are validating your name and password against a database. Even when you use your ATM card at a cash machine, you are using databases for PIN number verification and balance checking. But even though we all use databases all the time, there remains much confusion over what exactly a database is. This is especially true because different people use the same database terms to mean different things. Therefore, a good place to start our study is with a list and explanation of the most important database terms.Reviewing Basic Concepts What follows is a very brief overview of some basic database concepts. It is intended to either jolt your memory if you already have some database experience, or to provide you with the absolute basics, if you are new to databases. Understanding databases is an important part of mastering SQL, and you might want to find a good book on database fundamentals to brush up on the subject if needed. What Is a Database? The term database is used in many organized fashion. The simplest way to think of it is to imagine a database as a filing cabinet. The filing cabinet is simply a physical location to store data, regardless of what that data is or how it is organized Database A container (usually a file or set of files) to store organized data. Misuse Causes Confusion People often use the term database to refer to the database software they are running. This is incorrect, and it is a source of much confusion. Database software is actually called the Database Management System (or DBMS). The database is the container created and manipulated via the DBMS. A database might be a file stored on a hard drive, but it might not. And for the most part this is not even significant as you never access a database directly anyway; you always use the DBMS and it accesses the database for you. Tables When you store information in your filing cabinet you don't just toss it in a drawer. Rather, you create files within the filing cabinet, and then you file related data in specific files. In the database world, that file is called a table. A table is a structured file that can store data of a specific type. A table might contain a list of customers, a product catalog, or any other list of information. Table A structured list of data of a specific type. The key here is that the data stored in the table is one type of data or one list. You would never store a list of customers and a list of orders in the same database table. Doing so would make subsequent retrieval and access difficult. Rather, you'd create two tables, one for each list. Every table in a database has a name that identifies it. That name is always unique—meaning no other table in that database can have the same name. Table Names What makes a table name unique is actually a combination of several things including the database name and table name. Some databases also use the name of the database owner as part of the unique name. This means that while you cannot use the same table name


翻译文献:INVESTIGATION ON DYNAMIC PERFORMANCE OF SLIDE UNIT IN MODULAR MACHINE TOOL (对组合机床滑台动态性能的调查报告) 文献作者:Peter Dransfield, 出处:Peter Dransfield, Hydraulic Control System-Design and Analysis of TheirDynamics, Springer-Verlag, 1981 翻译页数:p139—144 英文译文: 对组合机床滑台动态性能的调查报告 【摘要】这一张纸处理调查利用有束缚力的曲线图和状态空间分析法对组合机床滑台的滑动影响和运动平稳性问题进行分析与研究,从而建立了滑台的液压驱动系统一自调背压调速系统的动态数学模型。通过计算机数字仿真系统,分析了滑台产生滑动影响和运动不平稳的原因及主要影响因素。从那些中可以得出那样的结论,如果能合理地设计液压缸和自调背压调压阀的结构尺寸. 本文中所使用的符号如下: s1-流源,即调速阀出口流量; S el—滑台滑动摩擦力 R一滑台等效粘性摩擦系数: I1—滑台与油缸的质量 12—自调背压阀阀心质量 C1、c2—油缸无杆腔及有杆腔的液容; C2—自调背压阀弹簧柔度; R1, R2自调背压阀阻尼孔液阻, R9—自调背压阀阀口液阻 S e2—自调背压阀弹簧的初始预紧力; I4, I5—管路的等效液感 C5、C6—管路的等效液容: R5, R7-管路的等效液阻; V3, V4—油缸无杆腔及有杆腔内容积; P3, P4—油缸无杆腔及有杆腔的压力 F—滑台承受负载, V—滑台运动速度。本文采用功率键合图和状态空间分折法建立系统的运动数学模型,滑台的动态特性可以能得到显著改善。


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JOURNAL OF BRIDGE ENGINEERING /AUGUST 1999/205 ends.The stress state in each cylindrical strip was determined from the total potential energy of a nonlinear arch model using the Rayleigh-Ritz method. It was emphasized that the membrane stresses in the com-pression region of the curved models were less than those predicted by linear theory and that there was an accompanying increase in ?ange resultant force.The maximum web bending stress was shown to occur at 0.20h from the compression ?ange for the simple support stiffness condition and 0.24h for the ?xed condition,where h is the height of the analytical panel.It was noted that 0.20h would be the optimum position for longitudinal stiffeners in curved girders,which is the same as for straight girders based on stability requirements.From the ?xed condition cases it was determined that there was no signi?cant change in the membrane stresses (from free to ?xed)but that there was a signi?cant effect on the web bend-ing stresses.Numerical results were generated for the reduc-tion in effective moment required to produce initial yield in the ?anges based on curvature and web slenderness for a panel aspect ratio of 1.0and a web-to-?ange area ratio of 2.0.From the results,a maximum reduction of about 13%was noted for a /R =0.167and about 8%for a /R =0.10(h /t w =150),both of which would correspond to extreme curvature,where a is the length of the analytical panel (modeling the distance be-tween transverse stiffeners)and R is the radius of curvature.To apply the parametric results to developing design criteria for practical curved girders,the de?ections and web bending stresses that would occur for girders with a curvature corre-sponding to the initial imperfection out-of-?atness limit of D /120was used.It was noted that,for a panel with an aspect ratio of 1.0,this would correspond to a curvature of a /R =0.067.The values of moment reduction using this approach were compared with those presented by Basler (Basler and Thurlimann 1961;Vincent 1969).Numerical results based on this limit were generated,and the following web-slenderness requirement was derived: 2 D 36,500a a =1?8.6?34 (1) ? ??? t R R F w ?y where D =unsupported distance between ?anges;and F y =yield stress in psi. An extension of this work was published a year later,when Culver et al.(1973)checked the accuracy of the isolated elas-tically supported cylindrical strips by treating the panel as a unit two-way shell rather than as individual strips.The ?ange/web boundaries were modeled as ?xed,and the boundaries at the transverse stiffeners were modeled as ?xed and simple.Longitudinal stiffeners were modeled with moments of inertias as multiples of the AASHO (Standard 1969)values for straight https://www.doczj.com/doc/4416083887.html,ing analytical results obtained for the slenderness required to limit the plate bending stresses in the curved panel to those of a ?at panel with the maximum allowed out-of-?atness (a /R =0.067)and with D /t w =330,the following equa-tion was developed for curved plate girder web slenderness with one longitudinal stiffener: D 46,000a a =1?2.9 ?2.2 (2) ? ? ? t R f R w ?b where the calculated bending stress,f b ,is in psi.It was further concluded that if longitudinal stiffeners are located in both the tension and compression regions,the reduction in D /t w will not be required.For the case of two stiffeners,web bending in both regions is reduced and the web slenderness could be de-signed as a straight girder panel.Eq.(1)is currently used in the ‘‘Load Factor Design’’portion of the Guide Speci?cations ,and (2)is used in the ‘‘Allowable Stress Design’’portion for girders stiffened with one longitudinal stiffener.This work was continued by Mariani et al.(1973),where the optimum trans-verse stiffener rigidity was determined analytically. During almost the same time,Abdel-Sayed (1973)studied the prebuckling and elastic buckling behavior of curved web panels and proposed approximate conservative equations for estimating the critical load under pure normal loading (stress),pure shear,and combined normal and shear loading.The linear theory of shells was used.The panel was simply supported along all four edges with no torsional rigidity of the ?anges provided.The transverse stiffeners were therefore assumed to be rigid in their directions (no strains could be developed along the edges of the panels).The Galerkin method was used to solve the governing differential equations,and minimum eigenvalues of the critical load were calculated and presented for a wide range of loading conditions (bedding,shear,and combined),aspect ratios,and curvatures.For all cases,it was demonstrated that the critical load is higher for curved panels over the comparable ?at panel and increases with an increase in curvature. In 1980,Daniels et al.summarized the Lehigh University ?ve-year experimental research program on the fatigue behav-ior of horizontally curved bridges and concluded that the slen-derness limits suggested by Culver were too severe.Equations for ‘‘Load Factor Design’’and for ‘‘Allowable Stress Design’’were developed (respectively)as D 36,500a =1?4?192(3)? ?t R F w ?y D 23,000a =1?4 ?170 (4) ? ? t R f w ?b The latter equation is currently used in the ‘‘Allowable Stress Design’’portion of the Guide Speci?cations for girders not stiffened longitudinally. Numerous analytical and experimental works on the subject have also been published by Japanese researchers since the end of the CURT project.Mikami and colleagues presented work in Japanese journals (Mikami et al.1980;Mikami and Furunishi 1981)and later in the ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics (Mikami and Furunishi 1984)on the nonlinear be-havior of cylindrical web panels under bending and combined bending and shear.They analyzed the cylindrical panels based on Washizu’s (1975)nonlinear theory of shells.The governing nonlinear differential equations were solved numerically by the ?nite-difference method.Simple support boundary condi-tions were assumed along the curved boundaries (top and bot-tom at the ?ange locations)and both simple and ?xed support conditions were used at the straight (vertical)boundaries.The large displacement behavior was demonstrated by Mi-kami and Furunishi for a range of geometric properties.Nu-merical values of the load,de?ection,membrane stress,bend-ing stress,and torsional stress were obtained,but no equations for design use were presented.Signi?cant conclusions include that:(1)the compressive membrane stress in the circumfer-ential direction decreases with an increase in curvature;(2)the panel under combined bending and shear exhibits a lower level of the circumferential membrane stress as compared with the panel under pure bending,and as a result,the bending moment carried by the web panel is reduced;and (3)the plate bending stress under combined bending and shear is larger than that under pure bending.No formulations or recommendations for direct design use were made. Kuranishi and Hiwatashi (1981,1983)used the ?nite-ele-ment method to demonstrate the elastic ?nite displacement be-havior of curved I-girder webs under bending using models with and without ?ange rigidities.Rotation was not allowed (?xed condition)about the vertical axis at the ends of the panel (transverse stiffener locations).Again,the nonlinear distribu-

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