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1. What are the speakers doing?

A. Working.

B. Jogging.

C. Having a drink.

2. What made the man so worried?

A. The exam.

B. The paper.

C. His teacher.

3. How long will the man stay in France?

A. Five weeks.

B. Three days.

C. Two days.

4. What was wrong with Jack?

A. He had a fever.

B. He was in hospital.

C. He was late for work.

5. Why was the man late for work?

A. He was in an accident.

B. His car was being repaired.

C. He coul dn’t get his car going.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)



6. How many most beautiful subways are there on the earth?

A. Nine.

B. Nineteen.

C. Eight.

7. When did the woman go to Shanghai?

A. Two days ago.

B. Last week.

C. Last month.


8. What can we learn from the conversation?

A. The boss left very early.

B. The speakers enjoyed themselves at the party.

C. The man regretted having invited his wife’s boss.

9. What is the boss like?

A. Nice.

B. Impolite.

C. Shy.


10. What does the man want to sell?

A. Furniture.

B. Garden supplies.

C. An apartment.

11. Why does the man want to sell his belongings?

A. He needs money.

B. He is moving.

C. He likes new things.

12. How is the man going to pay?

A. By check.

B. In cash.

C. By credit card.


13. What’s the relationship between Mary and John?

A. Classmates.

B. Mother and son.

C. Brother and sister.

14. What is John doing?

A. Putting his shoes on.

B. Making a telephone call.

C. Getting ready to go to school.

15. How does John go to school?

A. By taxi.

B. By bus.

C. By bike.

16. How many people are there in Mary’s family?

A. Three.

B. At least five.

C. No more than four.


17. How can people avoid forgetting things according to the speaker?

A. By toping a diary.

B. By making a schedule.

C. By being reminded by others.

18. What does “a master schedule” mean?

A. A schedule made for yourself.

B. A schedule made for your boss.

C. A schedule with all important things and the time to use.

19. How many different schedules are mentioned?

A. One.

B. Two.

C. Three.

20. What can you use your daily schedule to do?

A. Plan time well.

B. Achieve short-term goals.

C. Achieve long-term goals.





Interested in getting ahead over the summer? Then stay on course by taking advantage of Alvernia’s Summer Session. It lets you get ahead with a large selection of undergraduate and graduate courses. You can attend the class in classrooms or online, or you can take blended (混合

的) courses if you like. We offer several flexible sessions at all three locations in the summer to help move you closer toward graduation. All courses are officially recognized and credits you earn are transferable.

You don’t have to be admitted to Alvernia to take classes this summ er. Our Summer Session is open to all Alvernia students and to students from other colleges and high schools, as well as adult professionals and lifelong learners.

And if you’re taking a course with us, you’ll have full access to the library, gym, cafes, a nd computer labs. Alvernia’s Summer Session is an ideal option for students who:

? Want to lighten their course load for coming semesters.

? Stay on track to complete their degree on time.

? Plan to earn additional credits now to graduate a semester early.

? Had trouble with a course during a past semester and need to retake it.

? Just want to take a course for fun.

To find out what financial aid options might be available to you, contact the Office of Student Financial Planning by emailing financialaid alvernia. Edu or calling 610-796-8356.

We offer several flexible sessions to help fit your busy lifestyle. You can take classes and also enjoy your summer! (Sec courses for specific dates by visiting alvernia. edu/financialaid)

1. What do we know about Alver nia’s Summer Session?

A. It offers courses in three forms.

B. It includes high school courses.

C. It takes place in three countries.

D. It’s open to students only.

2. What may happen to you if you attend Alvernia’s Summer Session?

A. You will not fail in an exam.

B. You may face no course load.

C. You can be admitted to Aivernia.

D. You may complete a semester ahead.

3. What can you do by visiting the mentioned website?

A. Get financial aid information.

B. Register for Alvernia’s Summer Session.

C. Check the course schedule.

D. Apply for courses free of charge.

【答案】1. A 2. D 3. C

【解析】这是一篇介绍说明类文章。文章介绍了一个暑期课程“Alvernia’s Summer Session”的相关信息。

1. 细节理解题。由第一段中的“You can attend the class in classrooms or online, or you can take blended (混合的) courses if you lik e”可知,该课程为学生提供三种类型的课程:教室授课,网上授课,混合课程。故A选项正确。

2. 细节理解题。由第三段中的“Alvernia’s Summer Session is an ideal option for students who:…? Plan to earn additional credits now to graduate a semester early”可知,那些计划现在获得学分以提前一个学期毕业的学生适合上该课程。故结合选项,D选项正确。

3. 细节理解题。由最后一段中的“(Sec courses for specific dates by visiting alvernia.



As a person who writes about food and drink for a living. I couldn’t tell you the first thing about Bill Perry or whether the beers he sells are that great. But I can tell you that I like this guy. That’s because he plans to ban tipping in favor of paying his servers an actual living wage.

I hate tipping.

I hate it because it’s an obligation disguised as an option. I hate it for the post-dinner math it requires of me. But mostly, I hate tipping because I believe I would be in a better place if pay decisions regarding employees were simply left up to their employers, as is the custom in virtually every other industry.

Most of you probably think that you hate tipping, too. Research suggests otherwise. You actually love tipping! You like to feel that you have a voice in how much money your server makes. No matter how the math works out, you persistently view restaurants with voluntary tipping systems as being a better value, which makes it extremely difficult for restaurants and bars to do away with the tipping system.

One argument that you tend to hear a lot from the pro-tipping crowd seems logical enough:the service is better when waiters depend on tips, presumably because they see a benefit to successfully veiling their contempt for you. Well, if this were true, we would all be slipping a few 100-dollar bills to our doctors on the way out their doors, too. But as it turns out, waiters see only a tiny bump in tips when they do an exceptional job compared to a passable one. Waiters, keen observers of humanity that they are, are catching on to this; in one poll, a full 30% said they didn’t believe the job they did had any impact on the tips they received.

So come on, folks:get on board with ditching the outdated tip system. Pay a little more upfront for your beer or burger. Support Bill Perry’s pub, and any other bar or restaurant that doesn’t ask you to do drunken math.

4. What can we learn about Bill Perry from the passage?

A. He runs a pub that serves excellent beer.

B. He intends to get rid of the tipping practice.

C. He gives his staff a considerable sum for tips.

D. He lives comfortably without getting any tips.

5. What is the main reason why the author hates tipping?

A. It sets a bad example for other industries.

B. It adds to the burden of ordinary customers.

C. It forces the customer to compensate the waiter.

D. It poses a great challenge for customers to do math.

6. Why do many people love tipping according to the author?

A. They help improve the quality of the restaurants they dine in.

B. They believe waiters deserve such rewards for good service.

C. They want to preserve a wonderful tradition of the industry.

D. They can have some say in how much their servers earn.

7. What does the author argue for in the passage?

A. Restaurants should calculate the tips for customers.

B. Customers should pay more tips to help improve service.

C. Waiters deserve better than just relying on tips for a living.

D. Waiters should be paid by employers instead of customers.

【答案】4. B 5. C 6. D 7. D


4. 细节理解题。由第一段中的“That’s because he plans to ban tipping in favor of paying his servers an actual li ving wage”可知,Bill Perry计划禁止给服务生小费这种做法。故B选项正确。

6. 细节理解题。由第四段中的“You actually love tipping! You like to feel that you have a voice in how much money your server makes”可知,作者认为很多人喜欢给小费的原因是:很多人感觉自己的小费在某种程度上决定了服务生的收入。很多人喜欢这种感觉。结合选项,D选项正确。

7. 推理判断题。作者一开始提出:“我”讨厌给小费。接下来阐述了作者讨厌给小费的原因。并且作通过批驳一些人的错误观点证明了自己的观点。作者在最后一段再次重申自己支持Bill Perry的观点:废除给小费的做法。故结合选项,D选项正确:服务生的薪酬应由雇主决定,而不是由顾客所给的小费决定。


The Paris climate agreement finalised in December last year heralded a new era for climate action. For the first time, the world’s nations agreed to keep global warming well below 2°C.

This is vital for climate-vulnerable nations. Fewer than 4% of countries are responsible for more than half of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. In a study published in Nature Scientific Reports, we reveal just how deep this injustice runs.

Developed nations such as Australia, the United States, Canada, and European countries are essentially climate “free-riders”:causing the majority of the problems through high greenhouse gas emissions, while incurri ng few of the costs such as climate change’s impact on food and water.

In other words, a few countries are benefiting enormously from the consumption of fossil fuels, while at the same time contributing disproportionately to the global burden of climate change.

On the flip side, there are many “forced riders”, who are suffering from the climate change impacts despite having scarcely contributed to the problem. Many of the world’s most climate vulnerable countries, the majority of which are African or small island states, produce a very small quantity of emissions. This is much like a non-smoker getting cancer from second-hand smoke, while the heavy smoker is fortunate enough to smoke in good health.

The Paris agreement has been widely welcomed as a positive step forward in addressing climate change for all, although the details on addressing “climate justice” can be best described as sketchy.

The goal of keeping global temperature rise “well below” 2°C is praiseworthy but the emissions-reduction pledges submitted by countries leading up to the Paris talks arc very unlikely to deliver on this.

More than $ 100 billion in funding has been put on the table for supporting developing nations to reduce emissions. However, the agreement specifies that there is no formal distinction between developed and developing nations in their responsibility to cut emissions, effectively ignoring historical emissions. There is also very little detail on who will provide the funds or, importantly, who is responsible for their provision. Securing these funds, and establishing who is responsible for raising them will also be vital for the future of climate-vulnerable countries.

The most climate-vulnerable countries in the world have contributed very little to creating the global disease from which they now suffer the most. There must urgently be a meaningful

mobilisation of the policies outlined in the agreement if we are to achieve national emissions reductions while helping the most vulnerable countries adapt to climate change.

And it is clearly up to the current generation of leaders from high-emitting nations to decide whether they want to be remembered as climate change tyrants or pioneers.

8. The author is critical of the Paris climate agreement because .

A. it is unfair to those climate-vulnerable nations

B. it aims to keep temperature rise below 2°C only

C. it is beneficial to only fewer than 4% of countries

D. it burdens developed countries with the sole responsibility

9. Why does the author call some developed countries cl imate “free-riders”?

A. They needn’t worry about the food and water they consume.

B. They are better able to cope with the global climate change.

C. They hardly pay anything for the problems they have caused.

D. They are free from the greenhouse affects af fecting “forced riders”.

10. Why does the author compare the “forced riders” to second-hand smokers?

A. They have little responsibility for public health problems.

B. They are vulnerable to unhealthy environmental conditions.

C. They have to bear consequences they are not responsible for.

D. They are unaware of the potential risks they are confronting.

11. What urgent action must be taken to realise the Paris climate agreement?

A. Encouraging high-emitting nations to take the initiative.

B. Calling on all the nations concerned to make joint efforts.

C. Pushing the current world leaders to come to a consensus.

D. Putting in effect the policies in the agreement at once.

【答案】8. A 9. C 10. C 11. D


8. 推理判断题。在第三段中,作者提到:a few countries are benefiting enormously from the consumption of fossil fuels, while at the same time contributing disproportionately to the global burden of climate change少数发达国家在碳排放方面责任最大,但是因气候变化而付出的代价却较小,几乎不需要为它们所引发的问题负责。在第四段中,作者提到:suffering from the climate change impacts despite having scarcely contributed to the problem. Many of the world’s most climate vulnerable countries … produce a very small quantity of emissions一些气候容易受影响的国家在碳排放方面责任很小,但却遭受着气候变化产生的影响。第七段提到:However, the agreement specifies that there is no formal distinction between developed and developing nations in their responsibility to cut emissions, effectively ignoring historical emissions根据伦敦协议,不管是发达国家还是发展中国家都要承担同等的责任来削减碳的排放。很明显,这项协议对于气候脆弱国家来说不公平,因此作者对这项协议持批评态度,与第二段中的“we reveal just how deep this injustice runs”相呼应,故A选项正确。

9. 细节理解题。由第三段中的“Developed nations such as Australia,the United States...causing the majority of the problems through high greenhouse gas emissions,while incurring few of the costs such as climate change’s impact on food and water”可知,

少数发达国家在碳排放方面责任最大,但是因气候变化而付出的代价却较小。下一句“In other words, a few countries are benefiting enormously from the consumption of fossil fuels, while at the same time contributing disproport ionately to the global burden of climate change”提到,一些国家因消费矿物燃


10. 细节理解题。第四段中的“On the flip side, there are many “forced riders”, who are suffering from the climate change impacts despite having scarcely contributed to the problem. Many of the world’s most climate vulnerable countries…produce a very small quantity of emissions” 提出:一些气候容易受影响的国家在碳排放方面责任很小,但却遭受着气候变化产生的影响。这就好比“forced riders”,本身并没有引发问题,却承受着问题产生的后果。故结合选项,C选项正确。

11. 细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的“There must urgently be a meaningful mobilisation of the policies outlined in the agreement if we are to achieve national emissions reductions while helping the most vulnerable countries adapt to climate change”可知,如果我们想实现温室气体排放减少这个目标,实现巴黎协议,那么,巴黎协议的政策必须马上被实施。故结合选项,D选项正确。


Teenagers at risk of depression, anxiety and suicide often wear their troubles like a neon (霓虹灯) sign. Their risky behaviors-drinking too much alcohol, using illegal drugs, smoking cigarettes and skipping school-can alert parents and teachers that serious problems arc brewing.

But a new study finds that there’s another group of adolescents who are in nearly as much danger of experiencing the same psychiatric symptoms:teens who use tons of media, don’t get enough sleep and have a sedentary (不爱活动的) lifestyle.

Of course, that may sound like a description of every teenager on the planet. But the study warns that it is teenagers who engage in all three of these practices in the extreme who are truly in

jeopardy. Because their behaviors are not usually seen as a red flag, these young people have been called the “invisible risk” group by the study’s authors.

“In some ways they’re at greater risk of falling through the cracks,” says researcher Vladimir Carli. “While m ost parents, teachers and clinicians would react to an adolescent using drugs or getting drunk, they may easily overlook teenagers who are engaging in inconspicuous (不显眼的)behaviors.”

The study’s authors surveyed 12,395 students and analyzed nine risk beha viors, including excessive alcohol use, illegal drug use, heavy smoking, high media use and truancy (逃学). Their aim was to determine the relationship between these risk behaviors and mental health issues in teenagers.

About 58% of the students demonstrated none or few of the risk behaviors. Some 13% scored high on all nine of the risk behaviors. And 29%, the “invisible risk” group, scored high on three in particular:They spent five hours a day or more on electronic devices. They slept six hours a night or l ess. And they neglected “other healthy activities.”

The group that scored high on all nine of the risk behaviors was most likely to show symptoms of depression; in all, nearly 15% of this group reported being depressed, compared with just 4% of the low-ris k group. But the invisible group wasn’t far behind the high-risk set, with more than 13% of them exhibiting depression.

The findings caught Carli off guard. “We were very surprised,” he says. “The high-risk group and low-risk group are obvious. But this third group was not only unexpected, it was so distinct and so large-nearly one third of our sample-that it became a key finding of the study.”

Carli says that one of the most significant things about his study is that it provides new early-warning signs for parents, teachers and mental health-care providers. And early identification, support and treatment for mental health issues, he says, are the best ways to keep them from turning into full-blown disorders.

12. What does the author mean by saying “Teenager s at risk of depression, anxiety and suicide often wear their troubles like a neon sign” (Lines 1 - 2, Para. 1)?

A. Mental problems can now be found in large numbers of teenagers.

B. Teenagers’ mental problems are getting more and more attention.

C. Teenag ers’ mental problems are often too conspicuous not to be observed.

D. Depression and anxiety are the most common symptoms of mental problems.

13. Why do the researchers refer to teens who use tons of media, don’t get enough sleep and have

a sedentary lifes tyle as the “invisible risk” group?

A. Their behaviors can be an invisible threat to society.

B. Their behaviors do not constitute a warning signal.

C. Their behaviors do not tend towards mental problems.

D. Their behaviors can be found in almost all teenagers on earth.

14. What does the new study find about the invisible group?

A. They are almost as liable to depression as the high-risk group.

B. They suffer from depression without showing any symptoms.

C. They do not often demonstrate risky behaviors as their peers.

D. They do not attract the media attention the high-risk group does.

15. What is the significance of Vladimir Carli’s study?

A. It offers a new treatment for psychological problems among teenagers.

B. It provides new early-warning signals for identifying teens in trouble.

C. It may have found an ideal way to handle teenagers with behavioral problems.

D. It sheds new light on how unhealthy behaviors activate mental health problems.

【答案】12. C 13. B 14. A 15. B


12. 句意理解题。由第一段中的“Their risky behaviors-drinking too much alcohol, using illegal drugs, smoking cigarettes and skipping school-can alert parents and teachers that serious problems arc brewing“可知,青少年的一些危险举动—酗酒、使用非法药物、抽烟、逃学—能引起家长和老师的警觉:严重问题正在形成。由此可知,划线句子的意思应为“青少年的心理问题如霓虹灯广告牌一样显而易见”。故结合选项,C选项正确。

13. 细节理解题。第三段最后一句“Because their behaviors are not usually seen as a red flag, these young people have been dubbed the “invisible risk” group by the study’s authors”,其中a red flag意为“危险的信号”,由此可知,因为他们的行为没有被看作是危险的信号,所以这些年轻人被归为“无形风险”群体。结合选项,B选项正确。

14. 细节理解题。由倒数第三段中的“The group that scored high on all nine of the risk behaviors was most likely to show symptoms of depression; in all, nearly 15% of this group reported being depressed, compared with just 4% of the low-risk group. But the invisible group wasn’t far behind the high-risk set, with more than 13% of them exhibiting depression. ”可知,具有较高危险行为的学生


15. 细节理解题。由最后一段中的“Carli says that one of the most significant things about his study is that it provides new early-warning signs for parents, teachers and mental health-care providers”可知,这个研究可以为家长、老师鉴别青少年的行为提供新的早期警告信号。故B选项正确。



Is it amazing to note that the Internet is still such a new device, and yet it is one of the fastest and most powerful media tools. ___16___ On the Internet, a big online company be run but only two guys in their garage. So it is reasonable that people shopping online would be a little doubtful about the security levels.

___17___ They work hard to make people feel safe when shopping online.

Credit card companies, too, quickly see the potential for online shopping.___18___ If you ever have a problem with your online credit purchases, many credit card companies will happily refund (退款)your money and then set their claws on the company that wronged you. Now that’s the buying power!

___19___ No lining up, for one. No annoying mall shopping carts with broken wheels and kids crying because their parents won’t get them what they want.

When shopping online, consumers can sit down, have a coffee, and wear their slippers, not having to worry about their hair or parking, and just clicking through. Comparison shopping couldn’t be any easier. And express companies (快递公司) contribute to it a lot.___20___ No

wonder so many companies are shaking their heads at traditional advertising and instead looking to the virtual world to attract online shoppers.

A. Internet giants know consumer confidence is the key to getting a virtual shopping off the ground.

B. There are other advantages for online shoppers, of course.

C. Shopping online has become part of our lives.

D. You never need to wait longer than a day or two to get those purchases delivered right to your door.

E. But think about it for a moment.

F. Consumers can even benefit a lot from shopping online.

G. They have installed things like an online shopping insurance for people.

【答案】16. E 17. A

18. G 19. B

20. D


16. 考查上下文理解和推理判断能力。上一句提到网络是最快捷、最强有力的媒体工具之一。下一句提到一个大的网络公司可能是由两个小伙子在他们的车库里经营的。上下文之间是转折关系,故E选项切题:但花几分钟想一下。该空起承上启下的作用。

17. 考查上下文理解和推理判断能力。上一段最后一句提到人们还以网上购物的安全性。下一句提到他们努力的使人们在网上购物时感到安全。故该空中首先要明确下一句中的they的指代对象。故A选项切题:网络巨头知道消费者的信心是网络虚拟购物起步的关键。

18. 考查上下文理解和推理判断能力。上文提到信用卡公司也看到了网上购物的潜能,下一句提到如果消费者网购的货物出现了问题,很多信用卡公司会欣然退款。该空承上启下,G选项切题:他们为人们设置了诸如网上购物保险这样的东西。

19. 考查上下文理解和总结概括能力。下文提到:网络购物不用排队,没有烦人的购物车,也没有烦人的孩子。这些都是网络购物的好处。故B选项正确。

20. 考查上下文理解和推理判断能力。上文提到快递公司对网购起了推动作用。该句应介绍快递公司的作用,故D选项切题:快递公司在很短时间内就会将网购的货物送到你的家门口。




I was confused while I was eating lunch in a restaurant the other day. I was sitting there looking at what I’d ___21___ and wondered if anyone else could see the ___22___ in my mind. Fm about to ___23___ a lot of fat and wash it down with a diet soda.

What can I say?I’m trying to lose some weight.___24___, I do things like that all the time, which is probably why the pounds are ___25___ so slowly. I spent half an hour on the treadmill (跑步机) and I ___26___ myself with potato chips. I ___27___ that I will no longer eat them again, so I just eat a lot at this time. I make it all the way through the entire day doing everything absolutely right, and then at bedtime “just one chip won’t ___28___ it” turns into “where did that entire bag of potato chips go?”

Of course, I ___29___ do well with my weight loss program. Once I put together two full weeks of eating properly and exercising ___30___. I was starting to feel a(an)___31___. I could bend over to

tie my shoes more easily. But just as it was about to become a ___32___, I entered a period of long, late nights filled with ___33___ deadlines. I sat in front of my computer, eating snacks and drinking sodas to help me stay ___34___. Within a few days, the habit of a sensible eating and exercising was a ___35___.

Unfortunate but ___36___, I was too tired to get on the treadmill.___37___, I had work to do, for which I needed all the energy I could ___38___. So I started skipping exercise. sessions. And ___39___ I started doing so, it became easier to skip them.

There are always reasons not to do the things that we really should do. Every reason is just another ___40___.

21. A. cooked B. ordered C. designed D. introduced

22. A. battle B. competition C. performance D. practice

23. A. bum B. contain C. lose D. consume

24. A. surprisingly B. Happily C. Unfortunately D. Hopefully

25. A. coming off B. passing away C. taking off D. turning away

26. A. equip B. connect C. present D. reward

27. A. agree B. pretend C. imagine D. decide

28. A. hurt B. count C. change D. solve

29. A. always B. sometimes C. seldom D. never

30. A. hardly B. instantly C. regularly D. slightly

31. A. urge B. attraction C. difference D. pain

32. A. plan B. habit C. game D. hobby

33. A. original B. common C. inspiring D. tight

34. A. awake B. calm C. healthy D. strong

35. A. goal B. memory C. reality D. trend

36. A. unbelievable B. changeable C. understandable D. enjoyable

37. A. Therefore B. However C. Besides D. Otherwise

38. A. lack B. save C. show D. throw

39. A. once B. before C. unless D. though

40. A. choice B. fault C. cause D. excuse

【答案】21. B 22. A 23. D 24. C 25. A 26. D 27. D 28. A 29. B 30. C 31. C 32. B 33.

D 34. A 35. B 36. C 37. C 38. B 39. A 40. D


21. 考查动词词义辨析。cook烹饪;order点菜,命令;design设计;introduce介绍。由上文中“I was eating lunch in a restaurant”可知,该句指作者看着自己“点的食物”。

22. 考查名词词义辨析。battle斗争,战斗;competition竞争;performance表演,表现;practice练习。下一句提到作者摄入大量脂肪,又喝苏打水减肥,故可知作者非常矛盾,内心做着激烈的“斗争”。故A 选项正确。

23. 考查动词词义辨析。burn燃烧;contain包含;lose失去;consume消耗。作者在餐馆吃饭,将要消耗大量的脂肪。D选项正确。

24. 考查副词词义辨析。surprisingly令人惊讶地;happily高兴地;unfortunately不幸地;hopefully有希望地。上一句提到作者想要减肥,但是作者还不断的大量摄入脂肪,所以作者很不幸。C选项正确。

25. 考查动词短语辨析。come off能被去掉(或除去);pass away去世;take off起飞;turn away拒绝……进入,弃用(方法等)。作者不断地摄入大量脂肪,这是导致作者重量下去地慢的原因。A选项正确。

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