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W: Simon, could you retur n the tools I lent youfor buildi ng the bookshelf last mon th?

M: Oh,well, I hate to tell you this, but I can 'tseem to find them.

Q: Whatdo we lear n from the con versati on?


W: I amgo ing to Martha's house. I have a paper to complete. And I n eed to usehercomputer.

M: Whydo n't you buy one yourself? Think howmuch time you could save.

Q: What does the man suggest the woma n do?


W: Daddy,l've decided to give up scie nee and go to bus in ess school.

M: Well, it is yourchoice as long as you pay your own way, but I should warn

you that no tevery on ewith a bus in ess degree will make a successful man ager.

Q: What do we lear n from the con versati on?


W: I justread in the n ewspaper that The Lord of the Rings is this year's greatest hit.Whydo n't we go and see it at the Grand Cin ema?

M: Don' tyou think that cin ema is a little out of the way?

Q: Whatdoes the man mean?


W: Bobsaid that Seattle is a great place for conferen ces.

M: He iscerta in ly in the positi on to make that comme nt. He has bee n there so ofte n.

Q: Whatdoes the man say about Bob?


W: Mr.Watso n, I won der whether it's possible for me to take a vacati on early

n extm on th?

M: Didyou fill out a request form?

Q: Whatis the probable relati on ship betwee n the two speakers?


M: Do youwa nt to go to the lecture this weeke nd? I hear that the guy who is

goin gtodeliver the lecture spe nt a year livi ng in the rai nforest.

new W: Great,I am doing a report on the rain forest. Maybe I can get some

in formatio ntoadd to it.

Q: Whatdoes the woma n mea n?


M: Thisarticle is nothing but advertis ing for hous ing developers. I don't think thehouses forsale are half that good.

W: Come on, David. Why so n egative? We are thinking of buying a home, aren't we? Justatrip to look at the place won't cost us much.

Q: What can be inferredfrom the conversation? Now you will hear the two

longcon versati ons.


Con versati on One

M: OK.Now we'd better make sure you enjoyyour studies. We offer a wide range ofopti ons on the foun dati on course, but you can only take fivecourses. What haveyou selected?

W:Physical scie nces, basic electr oni cs, art and desig n CAD...

M: Oh,right. CAD and ... En glish. That's quite stra nge. Do n't you wa nt to do maths,orcomputer

program ming, for example? Why did you choose art and desig n?

W: Well,I'm interested in electronics and in writing computer games. rd like toproduceeducational software and educational games. rve taught myself a lot ofprogram ming. So I don' tth ink rd ben efit much from a foun dati on level course.

M: Oh,no. I see that. Go on, please.

W: So, Iwa nt the basics-the physical scie nee and electr onics. I was hopeless at physics in school and we did n't have electr onics. But I was good at maths. I

don 'tth ink I n eed that.

M: Then what about the art and desig n?

W: Thatwill be good for my graphics. I need that to produce games , and CAD too-I've never done CAD before.

M: Right.They've got some powerful packages in the computer graphics and

CAD offices.You'llenjoy that. Then English. I know your English is very good, but why did youtake it?

W: Infact, I don't have any problem in speak ing, but my writi ng is terrible.

M: Then Isuggest you join the study skills class. They'll have lectures on reportwrit ing an dthat may help you with how to structure your essays and so on.

W: Right.That sounds good.

Questi ons 19 to 21 are based on the con versati on you have just heard.

19. Whatare the two speakers talki ng about?

20. Whatis the woma n's favorite course?

21. Why did the woma n takea n En glish course?
