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2017年中考英语各类话题综合填空十篇答案 (1)

2017年中考英语各类话题综合填空十篇答案 (1)
2017年中考英语各类话题综合填空十篇答案 (1)


Passage 1


1. though/if 【解析】句意为:______你心理健康,那并不意味你没有心理健康问题。even though/if即使,符合语境。故填though/if。

2. stressed 【解析】句意为:对我们来说,感觉沮丧或_____是正常的。分析句子结构可知,挖空处所填词与down并列,在句中作表语,因此应用形容词形式。故填stressed。

3. seems 【解析】句意为:______我们的心理健康并不总是保持不变的。It seems that...似乎……,符合语境。故填seems。

4. as 【解析】句意为:它能随着环境变化和你经历不同的人生阶段而改变。and前后为并列宾语,形式应保持一致。根据句意和“as the environment changes”可知应填as。

5. in 【解析】句意为:它能帮助你保持良好的心理健康。stay in good health保持良好的健康状态,为固定搭配。故填in。

6. ability 【解析】句意为:它不是虚弱的一个标志,但是是你去做你所能做的事来保持健康的______的一部分。分析句子结构可知,空前为形容词性物主代词your,因此挖空处应填名词形式。故填ability。

7. touch 【解析】句意为:和你的朋友和家庭成员保持______。keep in touch with和……保持联系,为固定短语。故填touch。

8. actively 【解析】句意为:他们可以提供有价值的建议,或许可以帮助你______做所有事情,并解决实际问题。分析句子结构可知,挖空处需填副词修饰动词do。故填actively。

9. boring 【解析】句意为:在______工作后休息。分析句子结构可知,空缺处应填修饰work的形容词。再结合句意可知应填boring。

10. doing 【解析】句意为:它可以是一个周末去探索新的地方去享受自然,或者甚至是从______你的家庭作业中一个十分钟的休息。分析句子结构可知,from为介词,后接动名词形式作宾语。故填doing。Passage 2


1. prepared【解析】句意为:下面为你准备了一些需要考虑的建议。be prepared for为……做准备,为固定搭配。故填prepared。

2. (to) learn 【解析】句意为:你可以帮小孩________或跟小孩子一起玩。根据本段第一句“Help kids learn and grow.”可知此处表示“学习”,再结合help sb. (to) do sth.可知填(to) learn。

3. friends【解析】句意为:他们一定很高兴你们将成为好______。结合前一句“你可以帮小孩学习或跟小孩子一起玩。”可知本句中You指的是“你和小孩”,所以用friend的复数形式。故填friends。

4. away【解析】句意为:在假期期间______东西。根据后一句中“give your toys to kids”可知此处表示“赠送东西”。赠送give away。故填away。

5. to keep【解析】句意为:大多数庇护所需要志愿者______猫和狗高兴,和带它们锻炼。由“need sb. to do sth.需要某人做某事”可知应填to keep。

6. when【解析】句意为:而且_____你在遛狗,你也会得到一些锻炼。分析前后语境可知表示“当……的时候”,应用when或者while,再结合前后句时态可知填when。

7. active【解析】句意为:_____参加公园或湖泊清洁日。由an和part可知此处为形容词,再结合前后句内容可知表示“积极参加”。由take an active part in可知应填active。

8. others【解析】句意为:帮助______使你高兴。由前一句“Help sick people”帮助生病的人,可知是帮助别人。故填others。

9. happy【解析】句意为:当你让病人______时,你也会感到高兴。由句意可知是让病人高兴,make sb. +adj.让某人怎么样。故填happy。

10. them【解析】句意为:如果你有数个爱好,找一种方法来利用______所有。分析句子结构可知此处缺少use的宾语,应用人称代词宾格形式。故填them。

Passage 3


1. who/that【解析】句意为:大部分在学习一种第二语言的成年人将不同意上面的句子。分析句子成分可知,句中缺少定语从句关系词,先行词为人,且在从句中作主语,故填who/that。

2. difficult/hard【解析】句意为:对于他们来说,学习一种语言是一非常_________任务。分析句子成分可知此处为形容词,结合后一句“需要成百上千小时学习和练习”可知是困难的。故填difficult/hard。

3. to study【解析】句意为:他们需要成百上千小时______和练习。由and可知此处与practice为并列成分,再结合need sth. to do可知用不定式,故填to study。

4. other【解析】句意为:语言学习与_____学习种类是不同的。分析句意可知表示其他的,故填other。

5. find【解析】句意为:一些非常聪明和在他们领域成功的人_____在语言学习方面成功是困难的。分析句子结构可知本句主语为Some people,且前后时态为一般现在时,故填find。

6. learners【解析】句意为:然而,一些是成功语言学习者的人发现在其他领域成功是困难的。由定语从句中系动词为are可知此处应用名词复数形式。故填learners。

7. speaking【解析】句意为:每天练习讲语言。由practice doing sth.可知此处用动名词,故填speaking。

8. But【解析】句意为:_______一个成功的语言学习者应该做什么?分析句意可知前后表示转折关系。故填But。注意句首单词首字母应大写。

9. shows【解析】句意为:语言学习调查表明成功的语言学习者在许多方面是相似的。根据前一句时态为一般现在时,可知本句也应用一般现在时,故填shows。

10. Finally【解析】句意为:______,成功的语言学习者是有目的的学习者。由“First of all”,“Secondly”可知此处是表顺序的词,且都为副词,再结合语境可知表示最后地,故填Finally。注意句首单词首字母需大写。

Passage 4


1.who 【解析】句意为:一群在工作上取得成功的老同学聚在一起去拜访他们的老师。分析句子结构可知应填who,作定语从句的先行词,指代classmates。故填who。

2.turned 【解析】句意为:他们的对话很快______抱怨工作和生活中的压力。全文时态为一般过去时,故填turned。

3.teacher 【解析】句意为:______走向厨房带回一大罐咖啡和许多杯子。根据本文第一句“A group of

old classmates, who have succeeded in their work, got together to visit their teacher.”可知应填teacher。4.cheap 【解析】句意为:一些杯子又贵又可爱,但是一些却_____且不漂亮。根据句意及下文中的cheap ones可知应填cheap。

5.themselves 【解析】句意为:老师告诉他们随便喝咖啡。help oneself to“随便吃/喝”,为固定短语。故填themselves。

6.behind 【解析】句意为:你们有没有注意到所有的看起来好看的昂贵的杯子被拿走,剩下便宜的杯子?leave behind留下,为固定搭配。故填behind。

7.successful 【解析】句意为:你们都只想要最好的是很好的,但是那就是为什么即使你们现在______,你们在工作和生活中还有压力。分析句子结构可知,if引导的从句为主系表结构,挖空处应填形容词作表语。故填successful。

8.cups 【解析】句意为:你们所有人真的都想要咖啡,而不是_____,但是你们选择了最好的杯子还眼看着别人的杯子。根据句意可知应填cups。

9.society 【解析】句意为:现在想想这个,生活就是咖啡,钱和在_____的地位就是杯子。分析句子结构可知此处需填名词。故填society。

10.to enjoy 【解析】句意为:有时,我们只关心杯子,我们不能_____咖啡。fail to do sth. 未能做某事。故填to enjoy。

Passage 5


1.were caught 【解析】句意为:一会之后,他们_____一场非常大的暴风雨中。根据句意可知,they与catch为动宾关系,应用被动语态。结合上下文可知,时态为一般过去时,故填were caught。

2.worse 【解析】句意为:暴风雨正变得_____。根据句意可知,与之前相比,暴风雨变得更大了。应用形容词的比较级。故填worse。

3.again 【解析】句意为:年轻的女士_____问。根据上文中“The young lady asked her father”,可知女士又一次问她的父亲。故填again。

4.cars 【解析】句意为:年轻的女士开了几英里,她注意到更多的_____也停下来了。根据“Cars began to pull over to the side of the road.”可知,此处指的是汽车。根据“more”可知名词应用复数形式。故填cars。

5.hardly 【解析】句意为:我_____能看见前方。分析句子结构可知,此处需填副词修饰动词see。故填hardly。

6.but 【解析】句意为:现在暴风雨很糟糕,_____她从不停止开车,不久后她就可以看得更清楚一点。分析句意可知,前后句为转折关系。故填but。

https://www.doczj.com/doc/388951159.html,es 【解析】句意为:几英里之后,她又到了干燥的地面上,而且太阳出来了。根据a few可知,此处应用名词的复数形式。故填miles。

8.why 【解析】句意为:她说,“但是_____现在?”根据上文父亲让女士坚持开车,现在父亲又让女士停车可知,女士问父亲为什么是现在。故填why。

9.given 【解析】句意为:当你走出去,回头看所有已经_____的人们。根据语境和空后的up可知,回头看已经放弃的人们。再根据空前的have可知,本句时态为现在完成时。故填given。

10.moving 【解析】句意为:他们仍然在暴风雨中,但是你从不放弃,并向前_____。根据句意和空前的are可知,为现在进行时。故填moving。

Passage 6


1. everything【解析】句意为:几乎______以失败而告终。分析句子成分可知此处为主语,再结合语境可知表示每件事情。故填everything。

2. decided【解析】句意为:我父亲决定使我振作起来。分析句子成分可知此处为谓语动词,结合前句时态可知是用一般过去时。故填decided。

3. meaningful【解析】句意为:明天让我们一起做些有意义事情吧。由something可知此处为形容词,meaning的形容词为meaningful,表示“有意义的”。故填meaningful。

4. to taste【解析】句意为:第二天,他给我一杯水让我______它。由ask sb. to do sth. 可知此处用不定式,故填to taste。

5. of 【解析】句意为:我父亲说他仅仅放了一小匙盐放杯里。根据下一句中“a big handful of salt一大把盐”可知此处表示“一小匙盐”,应用one small spoonful of salt,故填of。

6. threw【解析】句意为:他领我到一湖边,他扔了一大把盐撒到湖里,舀起一匙水让我再次品尝。分析句子成分可知此处为谓语动词,时态为一般过去时,故填throw的过去式threw。

7. reasons【解析】句意为:现在你可能知道你失败和疼痛的原因。导致失败和痛苦的原因应是各种各样的,应用可数名词复数形式。故填reasons。

8. lake【解析】句意为:成为一个______,你就不会再感到伤心。由上文意思可知是要他成为湖而不是一个杯子。故填lake。

9. because【解析】句意为:我觉得不幸______我的心和湖相比,就像一杯没有伟大梦想的水一样小。空格前后都是句子,可知此处缺少连词,再分析句意可知后一句是前一句的原因,故填because。

10. just 【解析】句意为:疼痛______像被我父亲放进杯子里或湖里的盐一样。分析句子结构可知此处应填一个副词修饰系动词are,分析句意可知表示恰好。故填just。


Passage 7


1.leaders 【解析】句意为:上个月我们询问了我们的学生关于担任班级_____的观点。根据下文可知,这里表示“class leader”。空前无冠词,故用名词的复数形式。故填leaders。

2.As 【解析】句意为:______一个班干部,你没有很多的时间来学习。根据句意可知,此处表示“作为”。故填As。注意句首单词首字母需大写。

3.spend 【解析】句意为:并且你需要_____很多时间来保持秩序。根据句意可知,你需要花费时间。spend time doing sth.花费时间做某事,符合语境。故填spend。

4.yourself 【解析】句意为:之后没有很多时间留给_____。根据句意和所给提示可知应填yourself。

5.better 【解析】句意为:事实上,班干部在学习上总是比别人_____。根据下句中“An excellent class leader”


6.will set 【解析】句意为:他们_____一个好的例子。set a good example树立好的榜样。根据前后句可知本句时态应用一般将来时。故填will set。

7.teachers 【解析】句意为:结果,他们将在他们的学习上取得进步来使_____信任他们。根据句意及常识可知,老师不止一位,故应用名词的复数形式。故填teachers。

8.to improve 【解析】句意为:作一个班干部对我们来说是一个非常好的机会______我们自己。分析句子结构可知,此处需用动词不定式作定语修饰chance。故填to improve。

9.abilities 【解析】句意为:首先,它不仅可以发展我们的______,而且帮助我们提升和其他人的关系。根据语境可知,发展的能力不只一个,应用复数。故填abilities。

https://www.doczj.com/doc/388951159.html,municating 【解析】句意为:而且,它可以帮助我们增加与别人交流的自信。in为介词,后接动名词。故填communicating。


Passage 8


1. second【解析】根据语境可知此处表示在作者高中的第二年,应用序数词,故填two的序数词形式second。

2. passed【解析】结合语境可知这里表示通过面试,通过pass,根据had可知本句时态为过去完成时,故填passed。

3. smiled【解析】and连接并列成分,再根据said可知此处填smile的过去式,故填smiled。

4. your【解析】根据空前的“you should stick to them”可知此处应填形容词性物主代词your修饰dreams。

5. successful【解析】分析句子结构可知此处应填形容词作表语,结合语境“如果你有梦想,你就应该坚持,然后你就可能会成功。”可知应填successful。

6. writing【解析】分析语境可知表示花费许多时间写文章,再结合spend time (in) doing sth.,可知填writing。

7. confident 【解析】分析句子成分可知此处缺少形容词作表语,故填confidence的形容词形式confident。

8. but【解析】前后句表示转折,意为“但是”,故填but。

9. appears【解析】此处为直接引语,应用一般现在时,主语为第三人称单数,故用appear的单三形式appears。

10. heavily【解析】分析句子结构可知此处缺少副词修饰动词beat,故填heavy的副词形式heavily。Passage 9


1. with【解析】句意为:她假装看书,_____眼泪掉落在书上。根据语境可知此处表伴随。with+名词+现在分词有此用法,故填with。

2. help【解析】句意为:我看了看这个可怜的女孩并决定______她。根据前面的“男孩们嘲笑她”及“眼泪“可推断此处表示决定帮助这个小女孩,对应词是help。decide to do sth. 意为“决定做某事”。故填help。

3. when【解析】句意为:一天,______我走进教室,我看见她正在认真地临摹一张火车图。根据语境可知此处表示“当……的时候”,故填when。

4. surprised【解析】句意为:我很惊讶,带她去见美术老师——帕克老师,并给她看贝蒂画的画。分析句子成分可知缺少形容词作表语,且主语为I,故填surprised。

5. showed【解析】句意为:“哇,太棒了,”帕克老师说,接着她给我们______一张即将到来的才艺秀的海报。根据前面的said可知此处时态为一般过去时,故填showed。

6. time【解析】句意为:我需要更多这样的画,但我没有足够的_______。根据下一句“Could you help me, Betty?”可知应是没有时间完成这么多的画。故填time。

7. our【解析】句意为:我们学生中的一个画了它们。分析句子成分可知此处应用形容词性物主代词修饰students,故填our。

8. waiting【解析】句意为:等了一会儿后,校长大声说道:“我们神秘的艺术家是我们的新同学贝蒂。”After为介词,后跟动名词形式,故填waiting。

9. hard【解析】句意为:她如此_______画这些画。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少副词,修饰动词worked;根据上下文可知贝蒂获奖了,应该是付出了一定的努力。work hard努力工作,为固定搭配,故填hard。

10. hands【解析】句意为:每个人开始拍他们的手。clap hands意为“拍手,鼓掌”,为固定搭配,故填hands。

Passage 10


1. answer【解析】句意为:______是不。分析句子成分可知此处为名词,作主语,结合前句是一般疑问句,可推测出此处是回答,由is可知是单数。故填answer。

2. found【解析】句意为:在2013年早期,睡眠研究中心在花费睡觉时间和基因之间_____一个直接联系。根据“In early 2013”可知时态用一般过去时,故填found。

3. our【解析】句意为:我们身体的每一个细胞在我们的DNA中搬运一些信息……分析句子成分可知此处需用形容词性物主代词修饰bodies,故填our。

4. However【解析】句意为:______,每个细胞仅仅读取这个指示中所需要的部分。分析前后句意可知此处表示转折,故填However。注意句首单词首字母需大写。

5. to spend【解析】句意为:他建立一个实验,要求他的志愿者_____一周每晚睡约七到八小时,下周每晚睡六到七个小时。分析句意可知此处表示花费,根据sleeping可知用spend,再由ask sb. to do sth.可知此处用动词不定式,故填to spend。

6. amazing【解析】句意为:结果是______。分析句子成分可知此处缺少形容词作表语,本句中主语为The results,应用amazing,表示令人惊奇的。故填amazing。

7. easily【解析】句意为:很显然,改变睡眠可以改变影响我们健康的基因,当我们睡得更少时,我们可能更容易生病。分析句子成分可知此处需填副词修饰fall ill。故填easily。

8. getting【解析】句意为:重要的信息是接近一晚8小时睡眠仅几天可以对我们的健康做一个激动人心的区别……分析句子成分可知缺空处在从句中作主语,应用其动名词形式。故填getting。

9. to【解析】句意为:因此停止熬夜来听另一个广播,再读一个章节,再喝一杯饮料或者做些工作。分析句意可知本题考查固定短语listen to听。故填to。

10. If【解析】句意为:______你认为它没有意义,你将会感到遗憾。根据语境可推知此处是if引导的条件状语从句,表示如果。故填If。注意句首单词首字母需大写。


中考英语综合填空练习题 一. 阅读下面短文,然后从文前方框内所给的词中选出适当的词,并用其正确形式填空(每空限选一词)。 (一) ----------------------------------------------------------- call , swim , anything , clever , bear , can , his , give , girl , something , read , take ------------------------------------------------------------- Many years ago , there was a family ___1___ Franklin . They lived in Boston . There were five ___2___ and six boys in the family . On a January day in 1760 , another baby boy ___3___ . They boy’s mother and his father ___4___ the boy a name — Benjamin . Benjamin was the ___5___ of all the children . He could read when he was five and he ___6___ write by the time he was seven . When he was eight he was sent to school . In school Benjamin had been good at ___7___ and writing but not good at maths . He read all of ___8___ father’s books . And whenever (每当)he had a little money , he bought a book with it . He liked books . They told him how to do ___9___ . At that time he invented the paddles (脚蹼)for ___10___ . (二) ------------------------------------------------------ say , surprise , do , in , friend , to , visits , we , usual , or , welcome , time , for , but , ideas ------------------------------------------------------- Manners are important in every country , ___1___ people have different ___2___ about their manners . What is good in one country may not be ___3___ in another . Chinese people are ___4___ to know the fact that an Englishman ___5___ stop to talk and shake hands with his friend ___6___ the street . They just say hello ___7___ each other and then pass on . English people think that ___8___ Chinese end our ___9___ to friends all of a sudden . They ___10___ begin to show that they want to go 15 ___11 20 minutes before they leave their ___12___ house . And they do this two or three ___13___ within 20 minutes . It is important ___14___ people to understand each other . Here is a ___15___ , “When in Rome , do as the Romans do .” (三) ---------------------------------------------------------- need , animal , I , put , make , except , find , end , look , since , little , enough


Passage 1 Mental health is about the way you think and feel, and the ability to deal with ups and downs in life. Even (1)_______ you are mentally healthy, it doesn’t mean that you don’t have a mental health problem. Mental health is everyone’s business. It’s normal for us to feel down or (2) _______(stress). Most of the time those feelings pass, but sometimes they develop into a more serious problem. It (3)_______ that our mental health doesn’t always stay the same. It can change as the environment changes and (4)_______ you move through different stages (阶段) of your life. Here are three ways to look after your mental health. Talk about your feelings. It can help you stay (5)_______ good mental health. It isn’t a sign of weakness, but a part of your (6)_______(able) to do what you can to stay healthy. Keep in (7)_______ with your friends and family members. They can offer valuable suggestions which may help you do everything (8)_______(active) and solve practical problems. Take a break after the (9)_______(bore) work. It could be a weekend to explore new places to enjoy the nature, or even a ten-minute break from (10)______(do)your homework. A few minutes can be enough to relax yourself. 【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。心理健康问题是每个人会遇到的健康问题,文章给我们提供了3个非常实用的保持心理健 康的方法:谈论你的情感;与朋友及家人保持沟通;学会放松自己。 1. though/if 【解析】句意为:______你心理健康,那并不意味你没有心理健康问题。even though/if即使,符合语境。 故填though/if。 2. stressed 【解析】句意为:对我们来说,感觉沮丧或_____是正常的。分析句子结构可知,挖空处所填词与down并列, 在句中作表语,因此应用形容词形式。故填stressed。


最新版仁爱英语八下综合填空(结合中考题型) Unit 5 (1)P 7. Beijing Opera is our ___________ (民族的) opera. It came i_______ being after 1790 and has over 200 years of history. Its music and singing came from Xipi and Erhuang in Anhui and Hubei. There are four main _______(角色) in Beijing Opera: Sheng, Dan, Jing and Chou. Beijing Opera is f_______ of famous stories, beautiful f_________ paintings, wonderful ___________(姿势;手势)and fighting. It is an important part of Chinese ___________(文化). Beijing Opera used to be p__________ with old people, while young people didn’t like it very much. However, more and more young people, and even some ___________(外国人)are becoming i___________ in it nowadays. (2)P10 Dear Li Hong, I’m sorry to see that you are__________(不高兴的)these days. So I s________this e-card to cheer you up. You don’t need to cry about the English ___________(考试). It doesn’t matter if you do b________ in one exam. You can work h_________and do better next time. T_______ it easy, and don’t be too s__________ with yourself. You’re a quiet and _____________(害羞的)girl. Try to talk to __________(别人), and you’ll be happy again. I want to be your friend because you are nice. I am glad to help you if you wish. I __________ (希望) you feel better when you see this e-mail card. Good luck! Yours, Helen (3)P13 Dear Xiao Fang, How time f________! I miss you very much. How I wish to visit you! Several months ago, I was a ____________(陌生人)here, you know. At that time, I was really upset and _________(孤单的). What’s more, I couldn’t sleep as well as u_________. I was not used to everything here. I thought the roads here were not so clean as t________ in our hometown. The food was not as delicious as ours, _____________(也). It also seemed that the people here were not so f__________ as you. But now, everything has __________(变化). W________ the help of my teachers and classmates, I’m getting used to the life here. I’m afraid to talk with others now. My classmates all ____________(接受)me. I live as h__________ as before. Please give my best wishes to your parents. Yours, Li Hong (4)P19, 1b We usually feel sad, worried and __________(受惊吓的)when we are ill. Many things can ________(影响)our feelings. For example, if we can’t get a_________ well with our schoolmates, we may feel __________(心烦的;苦恼的) and unhappy. If we are always in a bad m_________, it will be bad for our h___________. When someone is ill, he or she should try to s________ at life. That will make him or her get__________(身体好的;健康的) soon. We may become __________ (更健康的)if we are i_______ a good mood.. (5)P23, 1a Many things around us may a_________ our feelings and moods, such as colors, weather, news and the environment. It is very i__________ for us bo be in a good mood. If we are in good spirits, we can study or work better. So we must learn to take care of o__________ and stay in good spirits. Here are some __________(建议). 1._____________(锻炼;运动) and relax every day.


初中英语语法综合练习题 单项选择 1、The boy likes questions. A.ask B.answer C.to ask 2、We'll try there on time. % A.to get B.getting C.got 3、They hoped their mother soon. A.to see B.saw C.seeing 4、I'm glad you again. A.meet B.met C.to meet { 5、He often helps me my bike. A.mending B.to mend C.to mended 6、I heard Alice in the next door. ~ A.sings B.sang C.sing 7、The work is easy. Let him it by himself.

A.do B.to do C.doing 8、He saw Dick in and take a book away. A.came B.coming C.come 、 9、Does Jack want a writer A.be B.is C.to be 10、The boss had them from morning to night. A.worked B.working C.work 【 11、It's time home. A.to go B.went C.going 12、Tom is kind. He would like you. A.to help B.help C.helped 【 13、Don't forget your books to school. A.bring B.to bring C.brought


中考英语语法填空综合测试卷 一、初三中考语法填空(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读下面的短文,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词或情态动词。 I never saw my father home from work late or ill, nor did I ever see my father take a "night out with the boys". He had no________ (hobby) but just took care of his family. For 22 years, since I left home for college, my father called me every Sunday at 9:00 am. He was always ________ (interest)in my life—how my family as doing. The calls even came when he and my mother were in Australia, ________ (English) or Florida. Nine years ago when I bought my ________ (one) house, my father, 67 years old, painted my house himself. He worked eight hours a day. He would not allow me ________ (pay)someone to have it done. All he asked was a glass of iced tea, and that I hold a paintbrush for him and talk to him. But I was too busy, for I had a law practice to run, and I could not take the time to hold the paintbrush, or talk to my father. Five years ago, my 71—year—old father ________ (spend)five hours putting together a swing set(秋千)for my daughter. Again, all he asked was that I get him a glass of iced tea, and talk to him. But again, I had laundry to do, and the house to clean. The morning on Sunday, January 16, 1996, my father telephoned me as ________ (usually), this time he had seemed to have forgotten some things we had discussed the week before. I had to get to church, and I cut the conversation short. The call came at 4:40 am. That day my father ________ (send)to hospital in Florida, I got on a plane immediately, and I vowed(发誓)that when I arrived, I would make up for the lost time, and have a nice long talk with him and ________ (real)get to know him. I arrived in Florida at 1:00 am, but my father had passed away at 9:12 pm. This time it was he who did not have time to talk, or time to wait for me. In the years since his ________ (die) I have learnt much about my father, and even more about myself. As a father, he never asked me for anything but my time. Now he has all my attention, every single day. 【答案】hobbies;interested;England;first;to pay;spent;usual;was sent;really;death 【解析】【分析】这篇短文中作者给我们讲述了她的父亲,她父亲是一个很顾家的人,眼里只有他的家人。作者在短文中讲述了生活中的几件事情,从这些事情中我们可以看到,作者因为太忙,跟父亲没有太多的交流,当作者想要弥补时,父亲却离开了她。 (1)句意:他没有爱好,但只是照顾家人。hobby是可数名词,表示泛指用复数形式,故填 hobbies。 (2)句意:他总是对我的生活感兴趣。be interested in,固定搭配,对......感兴趣,故填interested。 (3)句意:这些电话甚至是在他和我妈妈在澳大利亚、英国或佛罗里达的时候打来的。根据in Australia可知此处是表示国家的名词,England,英国,故填 England。 (4)句意:九年前,当我买下我的第一栋房子时,我67岁的父亲亲自粉刷了我的房子。


最新中考英语综合填空 最新中考英语综合填空(1) 阅读下列短文,在每个空格处填入一个适当的英语单词,使短文在结构和意义上完整。 The Beautiful Spring City—Kunming Kunming is the c________(1) city of Yunnan. It’s a city with a long h______(2). Kunming has a p_______(3)of more than 5,000,000. Though the weather in Yunnan changes from place to place, Kunming is famous for her beautiful weather. It’s neither too hot in summer nor too cold in winter. That’s why more and more people like to travel and even to live there. You can see that great c_____(4) have taken place there. A lot of tall buildings, cinemas and hospitals have been built. You can cross the streets on footbridges(人行桥) in the city. You can almost buy w_____(5) you want in shops and s_______(6) in or around the city. People’s life is becoming better and better. At weekends or on holidays, people like to r_____(7) themselves in different places and in different ways. In winter, people, especially old people, would like to climb the Western Hills. From the tops of the hills, you can have a good look at the beautiful s______(8) of Kunming. People in Kunming are really friendly. They often invite their friends home to try d_______(9)food, like rice noodles. If you want to know more about Kunming and taste her food, please visit her y_______(10)! 最新中考英语综合填空(2) 阅读下列短文,在每个空格处填入一个适当的英语单词,使短文在结构和意义上完整。 Zhao Ruirui, meters tall, was the t______(1) player in the Women's Volleyball World Cup in 2003. Thanks to her baby face, she was also the most b________(20 player. But, more importantly(更为重要), she was also the Cup's best player! She a_______(3) quickly, scored(得分) lots of points, and was a great striker(扣球手). “She is young, but she's already an e________(4) attacker(攻击手),” says Chen Zhonghe, the team's head coach(教练). Being tall sometimes makes Zhao's life d_______(5). The 25-year-old girl finds it hard to buy t_______(6) long enough. And sometimes people think she's a boy. Still, she would never want to be short. “It's a pity I can't grow any taller,” she says.“I hope to be e_____(7) taller, so I would be a better player.”


中考英语语法填空综合分类解析经典1 一、初三中考语法填空(含答案详细解析) 1.He was ________ (mention) in the letter. 【答案】 mentioned 【解析】【分析】句意:他在这封信里被提到了。mention是及物动词,根据句子机构可知是被动语态,be已经给出,行为动词使用过去分词mentioned,故答案是mentioned。【点评】考查一般过去时,注意动词过去式的变化规则。 2.语法填空 The Leaning Tower of Pisa is a bell tower. It is famous for ________tilt (倾斜) 1o one side. Located behind the Cathedral of Pisa, the tower ________ (become) a symbol of Italy. It is one of ________ oldest buildings in Pisa's Cathedral Square. The tower was not designed to lean, ________ because people built it on soft soils it gradually tilted to one side. Even though some people don't think the tower is a ________ (success)building because of its tit, the tower has won a special place in history. The tower has also been used for experiments by the famous Italian scientist ________ (call) Galileo Galilei. Every year, ________ (million)of tourists flock to the tower to take the classic photo pretending(假装) to hold up or knock down the tower. Tourists can also climb the 294 steps to the top inside the tower. There are seven ________ (bell) on top of it. It is said that you must visit the Leaning Tower of Pisa during the day. At night the shops are closed and it looks just so-so. However, if you visit it on a full moon night, the tower ________ (look) fantastic. When you plan ________ (visit)Leaning Tower of Pisa, you should not miss some other sights near it, including Santa Maria della Spina and the Guelph Tower. 【答案】 its;has become;the;but;successful;called;millions;bells;looks;to visit 【解析】【分析】文章大意:文章介绍了意大利著名的比萨斜塔,它位于比萨大教堂后面。一开始设计的时候并不是斜的,因为地基的原因,慢慢向一侧倾斜。虽然人们认为这不是一个成功的建筑,但是在历史上赢得了特殊的历史地位。意大利著名科学家伽利略层在塔山做过著名的落地实验。每年有成百万的游客来这里旅游,拍照。 (1)句意:它因向一侧倾斜而著名。根据句意可知,这里的倾斜指塔本身的倾斜,使用与主语一致的物主代词its,故答案是its。 (2)句意:位于比萨大教堂的后面的斜塔成为了意大利的象征。我们知道它已经成为了意大利的象征了,因此使用现在完成时,现在完成时的结构是have/has+过去分词。主语the tower为第三人称单数,助动词使用has,故答案是has become。 (3)句意:它是比萨大教堂广场最古老的建筑之一。oldest为形容词最高级,形容词最高


中考英语综合填空题专项训练05.附详解 根据上下文和括号里的汉语提示,在下面的空白处写出正确的单词和短语,使短文意思完整。 Most of American businesses are open five days a week. American school children attend school five days a week as well. American families usually have a (1)______(两天) weekend. The weekend is Saturday and Sunday. Over the weekend people spend their time (2)______(以许多不同的方式)。 Many families enjoy weekends (3)______(一起)。 They may go shopping, go for a drive or visit friends. They may also invite friends over and (4)______(聚会) at home. Many American families participate (参加) in sports during the weekend. (5)______(跑步), biking, playing volleyball and swimming (6)______ (流行) in summer. Skiing and skating are the (7)______ (最喜爱的) winter sports. Weekends are also a time for American families to work on something in their yards or in (8)______(他们的) houses. Many families plant flowers and have vegetable gardens. Some families use the weekends (9)______(粉刷) or repair their houses. (10)______(对大部分美国人来说), weekends are very busy. 「答案与解析」 本文讲述美国人是如何过周末的情况。


中考英语综合填空专题练习 (名师精选真题+详细解析答案,值得下载练习) 话题1 教育引导 Cloze 1 At the age of nine,I was taking swimming lessons at a pool. One day,there was a test to see if I could reach a 1. ______ level than before. Fifteen of us were to take turns swimming from one side of the pool to the other. I watched my classmates tried and 2. ______ one by one. Then it was my turn to swim. I was very nervous. It was about halfway when I got choked(呛水). I 3.______ stopped and caught the side of the pool. I ended my test. Our instructor(教练) was 4.______ above me. Our instructor was a college student. He was very strict with us. “Why did you stop?” he shouted angrily. “I 5. ______ water in my nose,” I explained. Our instructor said, “As soon as you meet a few difficulties,you give up trying your dream. How can you become successful? You must learn to overcome the 6. ______ in your life. Only in this way can you realize your dream.” Life is like a journey,and the road won’t always be 7. ______. We have to focus on the final destination(目的地),not the difficulties along the road. 【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了我游泳测试的经历。在我游泳测试的时候,我看到我的同学都失败了,所以我在呛水的情况下轻易地就放弃了测试。其实在人生的旅途中我们应注重最后的目的地而不是中途的困难。 1. higher【解析】根据空后的than,可知此处应填一个形容词的比较级修饰level, 再结合句意和备选词汇可知high的比较级higher符合语境。 2. failed【解析】分析句子结构可知此处需要一个动词和tried一起作谓语。结合后面的句意“我很紧张”和备选词汇可知此处表示“失败”之意,fail符合句意,且动作发生在过去,应用一般过去时。 3. immediately【解析】分析句子结构可知此处应填副词作状语。结合句意和备选词汇可知此


最新中考英语综合填空题专练(含答案) (A) We are going to have a party in our house this evening. It is my (1) ____ __ birthday, and she has (2)______ my uncles and aunts and some of her (3)__ ____. Mother and I are (4)______ to cook most of the food for the party, and f ather is getting the drinks. The living-room looks very pretty. Balloons of all col ours are hanging from the lights (5)______ we have taken the carpets away (6)_ _____ we are going to dance there after dinner. In the dining-room we have (7)______ out the best plates and glasses and t ablecloths, and it all looks (8)______. We are going to have soup, fish, chicken, fruit and cheese. We are going to dance (9)______ midnight, and after that, we will have (10)______ food, because we will be hungry after all that dancing. Last year my mother (11)______ her birthday party in a restaurant, (12)___ ___ it is pleasanter and (13)______ at home. When it is my birthday, I am going to invite my friends and have a party in the garden. I will hang pretty lights (14)______ the trees and we will grill o ur food in the garden and dance (15)______ the grass. 最新中考英语综合填空(B) 阅读下列短文,在每个空格处填入一个适当的英语单词,使短文在结构和意义上完整。 Students learn their lessons in class. They sit in the classroom _______(1) t o the teacher. This is a way of learning. Is this the _______(2) way for student s to learn? Of course not. There is another way to learn. That is students can te ach themselves. For _______(3), if you cannot remember something when you ar e doing your homework, what will you do? You can look at your book to ____ ___ (4) the answer. How to teach yourself? The first thing you must do is reading. Read somet hing you are _______(5) in, or you have to read. The second is that you must ask yourself questions. A clever student is usually _______(6) at asking question s. The third is to answer the questions yourself by _______(7) hard, by reading books, and sometimes by asking _______(8) people. These are the ways of teach ing yourself. If you keep doing _______(9) these for a long time, you are sure to have great _______ (10) in your study. (C)阅读下列短文,在每个空格处填入一个适当的英语单词,使短文在结构和意义上完整。

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