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Campus is my home, peace depends on everyone.


Safety accompany me, life is sweet as honey.


Play with the title of safety, chase speed, with life as the price.


Security risks are not afraid, but not in time.


Everyone is safe and everyone is at ease.


Go to school happily, go home safe and sound.


Swimming cautious, prepared in mind.


Through the spring, summer, autumn and winter, safety is always in mind.


Yang campus safety reason, song Thanksgiving life trip.


Let each other make a safe and civilized guarantee.


Read safety books, palm grip of life.


Be happy everyday, prevent trouble before it happens.


The traffic Association of you and me, the thousands of family security.


Enhance the awareness of teachers and students, and create a safe campus environment.


Traffic safety, remember, don't gamble with your life.


Safety is the magic weapon of life and the wisdom of civilization.


Don't panic when you fall, shout for help and call for help.


Safety is the greatest saving, accident is the biggest waste.


The accident alarm always knocks and the safety strings are tight.


Please walk softly and speak quietly.


Create a campus safety atmosphere and create a warm learning environment.


Impulsive Yong, a regret.


Food safety, you and I together, harmony and health, we share.


Civilized comity, I pioneer, safe accompany you all the way.


Take care, do it at all times, and live happily ever after.


Safety rules are in hand, happiness and peace are not.


Beautiful sea by my home, campus security by everyone.


Walk into campus, walk into safety, build safe campus.


The heart of fire can not be, the heart of fire can not be without.


Red light stop, green line stop, dangerous, safety.


Speak safety always remember, accident, every family sad.


The red light green line stop, stop safety risk.


Step by step, look carefully, safe travel depends on everyone.


Every minute to cherish life, always pay attention to safety.


To build a new campus of civilization, you need to be a pioneer in safety.


Remediation campus surrounding environment, comprehensive elimination of security risks.


Bear in mind the safety, security wing with you.


At the sight of injustice, take a detour.


Take one small step away from danger. Take a big step.


Don't run crazy after class, be careful to fall.


Learning is primary, safety is more important.


Civilization is the first and everything is the most important.


With love to warm you and me, and create our home with harmony.


Always pay attention to your safety and treasure your precious life.


Tighten the security string, played the song of youth.


Rivers, lakes and seas are not deep water.


Keep to The Right, crowded security is strictly prohibited.


Rules accompany my heart, safe accompany me.


The hand in hand, create a safe.


Traffic regulations to remember, the most important treasure of life.


A small party for cautious, with thousands of miles.


Prevention first, education first, paying attention to practice and paying close attention to implementation.


Learn a safety knowledge, much more security guarantee.


The campus is safe and the people wish.


Remember all the safe words, and enjoy the happiness till the end.


Don't push, don't push, care about others, love yourself.


There is safety in your heart, and peace is always with you.


Civilized traffic, starting from childhood, starting with me.


Cycling on campus is dangerous.


Spare time is not crazy, damage to public property is easy to hurt.


Children walk along the road, adults hand in hand.


Abide by the law, security, you, me, he, happy every family.


Remember as long as you are safe.


Keep the traffic rules and cultivate a new atmosphere.


Implement safety rules and regulations, and strengthen safety precautions.


The red light is short, life is infinite.


Go to learn who is off, Ping song Chang Ming alarm.


Comity is a virtue, safety is happiness.


Keep to The Right, do not slide down the ladder.


Speak of safety, remember safety, and keep company with you.


He who injures others is equal to himself.


Everything is careful, and safety is more secure.


Comply with traffic regulations road smooth, civilized travel every day safe.


Walk thousands of miles mother worry, safety most let mother worry.


Note is played, health card.


Roadside scenic school, the road safety, we give.


Safety knowledge is the most pleasant thing to know.


Up and down the stairs right away, so as not to fall Pengpo head.


Strengthening safety management and building safe campus.


Take civilized cars, walk the civilized road, and become civilized people.


校园安全标语中英文 导读:本文是关于标语大全的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、时时注意危险在,要让安全护我行。 Always pay attention to the danger and let the safety take care of me. 2、安全伴我在校园,我把安全带回家。 Safety accompanies me on campus. I take safety home. 3、法制安全你我同创,和谐校园人人共享。 Legislative security is created by you and me, and is shared by everyone on a harmonious campus. 4、走楼梯守秩序,进教室不喧哗。 Take the stairs to keep order and enter the classroom without noise. 5、不要推,不要挤,关心生命爱自己。 Don't push, don't push, care about life and love yourself. 6、一人安危系全家,全家幸福系一人。 One person's safety is the whole family, and the whole family's happiness is one person. 7、预防校园侵害,创建平安校园。 Prevent campus infringement and create safe campus.

8、同学摔倒楼梯上,自己伸手快帮忙。 The classmate fell down the stairs and helped himself quickly. 9、上下楼梯慢慢行,楼梯上下不蹦跨。 Go up and down the stairs slowly, and don't jump up and down the stairs. 10、平安伴我在校园,人人事事保平安。 Peace accompanies me on campus, everyone is safe. 11、普及食品安全知识,促进生活健康和谐。 Popularize food safety knowledge and promote healthy and harmonious life. 12、过马路两边看。还要走在斑马线。 Look on both sides of the road. Walk on the zebra crossing. 13、实线、虚线、斑马线,都是生命安全线。 Solid line, dotted line and zebra line are all lifelines. 14、下课之后请慢走,追逐打闹不安全。 Walk slowly after class. It's not safe to chase and fight. 15、下课不奔跑,不打闹,安全我能行。 I can do it safely without running or fighting after class. 16、烟头乱丢危害大,违规电器勿乱搭。 Cigarette end littering is harmful, and illegal electrical


安全标语英文 导读:本文是关于标语大全的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、安全文明和谐,积极奋发博学。 Safety, civilization and harmony, actively strive for erudition. 2、安全生产责任重于泰山。 Safety production responsibility is more important than Mount Tai. 3、安全创造幸福,疏忽带来痛苦。 Safety creates happiness, negligence brings pain. 4、过道走要靠边,切勿随意穿行。 Keep to the side of the aisle and don't walk through it at will. 5、气泄于针孔,祸始于违章。 Spirit begins with pinholes, and trouble begins with violations. 6、革除马虎之心,提升产品品质。 Remove carelessness and improve product quality. 7、幸福是棵树,安全是沃土。 Happiness is a tree and safety is fertile soil.

8、做好安全工作,树立企业形象。 Do a good job in safety work and establish the image of the enterprise. 9、行车多礼让,行人优先行。 Driving is more courteous and pedestrians are preferred. 10、安全伴着幸福,安全创造财富。 Safety is accompanied by happiness, and safety creates wealth. 11、正确使用它、事故就少了。 Use it correctly and there will be fewer accidents. 12、安全施工,幸福一生。 Safe construction, happy life. 13、质量是交通建设的灵魂和生命! Quality is the soul and life of traffic construction! 14、品质——企业致胜的关键。 Quality is the key to the success of an enterprise. 15、事故猛于虎,安全贵如金。 Accidents are worse than tigers. Safety is as expensive as gold. 16、安全人人抓,幸福千万家。 Safety for everyone, happiness for millions of families. 17、安全在心中,生命在手中。


校园安全的英语标语 导读:本文是关于校园安全的英语标语,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、加强安全管理,构建和谐校园。 Strengthen safety management and construct harmonious campus. 2、生命安全重于泰山,请君珍爱。 Please cherish the life safety weightier than Mount Tai. 3、火灾发生需冷静,自救逃生离险情。 Fire needs to be calm, save yourself and escape from danger. 4、安全驻心中,命运记脑中。 Security in mind, destiny in mind. 5、可见玩耍要当心,安全时刻在我心。 So play with care, safety is in my heart. 6、安全警钟长鸣,你我携手同行。 Safety alarm bells ringing, I walk you. 7、宁绕百步远,不抢一步险。 Better take one hundred paces than take a step. 8、安全手中握,生命飞不走。 Safe hands hold, life flies away.

9、安全是宝藏,安全是生命,安全是金钱。 Safety is treasure, safety is life, safety is money. 10、礼让放在先,安全大于天。 Comity is the first and safety is greater than the day. 11、增强食品安全意识,提高自我保护能力。 Enhance food safety awareness, improve self-protection ability. 12、走楼梯守次序,进教室不喧哗。 Take the stairs, keep the order, and enter the classroom without making noise. 13、安全是个聚宝盆,属于守法遵章人。 Security is a cornucopia, to comply with chapter one. 14、掌握安全知识,争做文明大学生。 Master safety knowledge, to become civilized college students. 15、树立安全第一思想,服从安全第一原则。 Set up safety first thought and obey safety first principle. 16、倡导安全文明风尚,提高全民安全意识。 Promote safe and civilized customs and raise the awareness of the safety of the whole people. 17、安全召唤声声入耳,生命保障事事关心。 Safe call sound ear, life support care about everything.


校园安全标语英文版 导读:1、校园是我家,平安靠大家。 Campus is my home, peace depends on everyone. 2、安全伴我行,生活甜如蜜。 Safety accompany me, life is sweet as honey. 3、玩转要以安全为题,追速要以生命为价。 Play with the title of safety, chase speed, with life as the price. 4、安全隐患不怕有,就怕未能及时防。 Security risks are not afraid, but not in time. 5、人人安全,家家放心。 Everyone is safe and everyone is at ease. 6、高高兴兴上学,平平安安回家。 Go to school happily, go home safe and sound. 7、游泳戏水慎之又慎,居安思危牢记心头。 Swimming cautious, prepared in mind. 8、走过春夏秋冬、安全永驻心中。 Through the spring, summer, autumn and winter, safety is always in mind. 9、扬校园安全之理,颂感恩生活之行。 Yang campus safety reason, song Thanksgiving life trip.

10、彼此让一让,安全文明有保障。 Let each other make a safe and civilized guarantee. 11、读安全课本,掌生命之握。 Read safety books, palm grip of life. 12、居安思危天天乐,防患未然。 Be happy everyday, prevent trouble before it happens. 13、交通关联你我他,安全情系千万家。 The traffic Association of you and me, the thousands of family security. 14、增强师生防范意识,营造校园安全环境。 Enhance the awareness of teachers and students, and create a safe campus environment. 15、交通安全要记住,莫用生命来**。 Traffic safety, remember, don't gamble with your life. 16、安全是生命的法宝,是文明的智慧。 Safety is the magic weapon of life and the wisdom of civilization. 17、自己摔倒不要慌,大喊呼救叫帮忙。 Don't panic when you fall, shout for help and call for help. 18、安全是最大的节约,事故是最大的浪费。 Safety is the greatest saving, accident is the biggest waste. 19、事故警钟时时敲,安全之弦紧紧绷。


英语安全警示标语 导读:本文是关于英语安全警示标语,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、秤砣不大压千斤,安全帽小救人命。 A little pressure jack, small safety helmets save lives. 2、安全帽是护身宝,上班之前要戴好。 The safety helmet is a treasure, good to wear before work. 3、好钢靠锻打,安全要严抓。 Good steel depends on forging, safety should be strictly grasp. 4、力求一次做好,争取最大效益。 Strive to do a good job, strive for maximum benefit. 5、宁绕百丈远,不冒一步险。 It's better to walk around a hundred feet without risking one step. 6、聪明人把安全放首位,糊涂者把安全置脑后。 The wise man put safety first, muddled the security left behind. 7、安全无小事,遵章有保障;养成好习惯,幸福你我他。 Security is no small matter, compliance and security; a good habit, happy you and me.

8、心系安全一点,拥有蓝天一片。 The heart is safe, with a blue sky. 9、你在工地不流血,亲人在家不流泪。 You don't bleed at the site, relatives do not cry at home. 10、安全用电、节约用水、消防设施、定期维护。 Safe use of electricity, saving water, fire control facilities and regular maintenance. 11、安全生产,人人有责。遵章守纪,保障安全。 Production safety responsibility. Compliance, security. 12、文明行车,让我们的城市温馨一点。 The road of civilization, make our city a little warm. 13、安全发展千秋业,中国梦想万代兴。 Qianqiuye safe development, Chinese million Daixing dream. 14、创本安型企业,造高品质产品。 A safety type enterprise, create high-quality products. 15、手拉手打造文明交通,心连心创建和谐社会。 Hand in hand to create a civilized traffic, heart to heart to create a harmonious society. 16、病魔乘体虚而入,灾祸因麻痹而生。 The disease by body empty into the disaster due to paralysis and.


上下楼梯安全标语英文翻译 导读:1、学生就要爱学校,上楼下楼不打闹。 Students should love the school, upstairs, downstairs, not slapstick. 2、上下楼梯靠右走,以免摔倒碰破头。 Up and down the stairs right away, so as not to fall Pengpo head. 3、课间活动要文明,不可追逐和打闹。 Activities should be civilized, not chase and slapstick. 4、前面混乱我看见,不要走过去添乱。 I don't see the chaos in front of, go up. 5、与其事后痛苦流涕,不如事前争章守纪。 And after suffering runny nose, it is better to fight so. 6、不挤不拥不打闹,文明校园更美好。 No crowded, no fight, civilized campus better. 7、扔下的是废纸,捡起的是品质。 The waste paper was dropped and the quality was picked up. 8、下课不疯跑,小心被摔倒。 Don't run crazy after class, be careful to fall. 9、幸福是棵树,安全是沃土。

Happiness is a tree, and safety is the soil. 10、人生美好,步步小心。 Life is good, step by step, careful. 11、教室走廊不嬉戏,同学玩乐守秩序。 Classroom corridors do not play, students play, keep order. 12、上下楼梯能互让,通道自然就宽敞。 The stairs can naturally spacious accommodation, channel. 13、安全是朵幸福花,大家浇灌美如画。 Security is a happy flower watering, everyone is. 14、轻声漫步不打闹,上下楼梯要走好。 Walk softly, don't fight, walk up and down the stairs. 15、不要跑,不要跳,不要打闹向右靠。 Do not run, do not jump, do not rough, lean to the right. 16、课间游戏要安全,上下楼梯不打闹。 Break the game to be safe, up and down the stairs, no slapstick. 17、上下楼梯靠右走,你追我赶危险多。 Up and down the stairs right away, race each other more dangerous. 18、伤害别人,等于伤害自己。 He who injures others is equal to himself. 19、走廊内不奔跑,不追逐不打闹。


校园安全的英语标语 篇一:学校安全标语翻译 1,楼梯走廊不奔跑,安全第一真是好!norunninginthehallwaysoronthestairs.Securityfirst. 2,轻声走慢步,文明上下楼Becivilizedwhenyougoupanddown. 3,走楼梯守秩序,进课室不喧哗Keeporderupstairsanddownstairs/whenyougoupanddown.Keepquietwhen youentertheroom. 4,不要推不要挤,关心别人爱自己nopushing/jostling.careforothersandyourself./Becareforothersaswellasyou rself.donotcrowd. 5,教室走廊不嬉戏,关心别人爱自己nofrolicintheroomorthehallway. 6,营造校园安全氛围,创造温馨学习环境Buildsafeatmosphereofcampus,createcomfortablelearningenvironment. 7,维护校园安全,营造和谐环境。maintainasafecampus,conductaharmoniousenvironment. 8, 9,平安校园我爱你。ilovethepeacefulcampus.爱护公物,注意仪容Protectthepublicproperty.Payattentiontoyourappearance. 10,小心地滑,严防摔倒Payattentiontotheslippyfloor!/watchyoursteps.


英文安全标语 1、灾害常生于疏忽,祸患多起于细末。 Born in disaster disasters often neglect, many in the fine. 2、事前思风险,事中做措施,事后保安全。 Think beforehand risk measures do things, afterwards to ensure safety. 3、事故不难防,重在守规章。 The accident is not difficult, mainly to the rules. 4、安全连着你我他,平安幸福靠大家。 Safety attached to you and me, peace and happiness depends on everybody. 5、仪器设备勤保养,生产自然更顺畅。 Ground equipment maintenance, natural production more smoothly. 6、安全规程系生命,自觉遵守是保障。 Safety regulations for the Department of life, consciously abide by the safeguards. 7、落实一项措施,胜过十句口号。 To implement a measure is better than ten slogans. 8、安全承载生命之重,法治铸就安全之基。 Safe bearing the weight of life, the rule of law creating the safety base. 9、文明礼让展现你的素质,平安出行保障您的安全。 Courteous and show your quality guarantee your safety, safe travel.


上下楼梯安全标语英文翻译 导读:本文是关于标语大全的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、楼道走廊不嬉戏,同学玩乐守秩序。 The corridor does not play, students play and keep order. 2、楼梯走廊不奔跑,安全第一真是好。 Stairway corridor does not run, safety first is really good. 3、上下楼梯靠右行,千万不能滑下梯。 Go up and down the stairs on the right. Never slide down the stairs. 4、课间活动要文明,不可追逐和打闹。 Class activities should be civilized and not pursued or disturbed. 5、营造校园安全氛围,创造温馨学习环境。 Create a safe campus atmosphere and a warm learning environment. 6、上下楼梯靠右行,严禁拥挤保安全。 Go up and down the stairs on the right. Crowding is strictly prohibited. 7、轻声慢步不打闹,上下楼梯要走好。 Walk gently and slowly without disturbance. Walk up and

down stairs well. 8、走楼梯守秩序,进教室不喧哗。 Take the stairs to keep order and enter the classroom without noise. 9、若以追跑为开心,将以后悔而伤心。 If you are happy to chase, you will regret and be sad. 10、人多行走不拥挤,安全永远伴我行。 Many people do not walk crowded, safety will always accompany me. 11、前面混乱我看见,不要走过去添乱。 I see the confusion ahead. Don't go over and add to the confusion. 12、上下楼梯能互让,通道自然就宽敞。 Upstairs and downstairs can give way to each other, so the passage is naturally spacious. 13、安全关系你我他,校园安全靠大家。 Security concerns you, me and him, and campus security depends on everyone. 14、教室走廊不嬉戏,同学玩乐守秩序。 Classroom corridors do not play, students play in order. 15、上下楼梯靠右行,不推不挤步步稳。 Go up and down the stairs to the right without pushing or


安全生产标语中英文 导读:本文是关于安全生产标语中英文,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、安全不离口,规章不离手。 Safe and secure, rules and regulations. 2、宁愿事前检查,绝不事后返工。 Prefer to check in advance, never rework afterwards. 3、坚持安全发展,构建和谐社会。 Adhere to the safe development and build a harmonious society. 4、弹拨安全弦,奏响太平曲。 Ann plucked string, played the song of peace. 5、关注校园安全,构建人文和谐。 Pay close attention to campus safety and construct humanistic harmony. 6、依法监管,公正执法,确保安全。 Supervision according to law, just law enforcement to ensure safety. 7、廉洁高效建设优质交通工程。 Honest and efficient construction of high quality traffic engineering.

8、辛辛苦苦代替不了规章制度。 Hard to replace the rules and regulations. 9、安全一万天,事故一瞬间。 Safety for ten thousand days, an accident. 10、人人讲安全,家家保安全。 Everyone speaks safe, every family security. 11、培训要付出,不培训付出更多。 Training to pay, not training to pay more. 12、安全就是生命,责任重于泰山。 Safety is the life and responsibility weightier than Mount Tai. 13、上班一走神,事故敲你门。 Go to work a distracted, knock on your door. 14、诚信求昌,以德兴企,以义兴利。 Good faith to Chang, to Dexing enterprises, to justice Hing lee. 15、安全知识,让你化险为夷。 Safety knowledge, let you change danger into safety. 16、致富千日功,出事当日空。 Rich day work, the accident that day empty. 17、治病要趁早,安全要抓小。 Treat as early as possible, safe to catch small.


1. Safety starts with you. - 安全从你开始。 2. Stay alert, stay safe. - 保持警觉,保持安全。 3. Safety is not an accident. - 安全不是偶然。 4. Your safety is our priority. - 你的安全是我们的首要任务。 5. Be cautious, prevent accidents. - 谨慎行事,预防事故。 6. Safety is a choice you make. - 安全是你做出的选择。 7. Think safety, act safely. - 注重安全,行动安全。 8. Safety first, always. - 安全第一,始终如一。 9. Safety is everyone's responsibility. - 安全是每个人的责任。 10. Take precautions, avoid regrets. - 采取预防措施,避免后悔。 11. Stay safe, live to tell the tale. - 保持安全,活下来讲述经历。 12. Safety begins with a clear mind. - 安全始于清晰的头脑。 13. Be aware, be prepared for safety. - 意识到危险,为安全作好准备。 14. Safety is the key to success. - 安全是成功的关键。 15. Your safety is in your hands. - 你的安全掌握在你手中。


1、安全一个人,幸福全家人。 safe one person, happy whole family. 2、高高兴兴上班,平平安安下班。 happy to go to work, safe off work. 3、微笑辽阔无界,安全超于一切。 smile is broad and boundless. safety is more than everything. 4、生命至高无上,安全责任为天。 life is paramount and safety responsibility is heaven. 5、快速诚可贵,生命价更高。 fast, honest and valuable, higher life price. 6、遵守交通规则,享受美好人生。 obey traffic rules and enjoy a good life. 7、安全就是节约,安全保障生命。 safety means saving, and safety guarantees life. 8、落实安全责任,夯实安全基础。 implementing safety responsibility and laying a solid foundation for safety. 9、小心无大错,粗心铸大过。 careful is not a big mistake, careless is a big mistake. 10、宁绕百米远,不冒一步险。 better go around a hundred meters than take one step. 11、采取措施,防患于未然。 take measures to prevent trouble before it happens. 12、关注校园安全,构建人文和谐。 pay attention to campus safety and build humanistic harmony. 13、事故是警钟,多敲才能创平安。 accidents are alarm bells, and more strikes can create safety. 14、人人讲安全,家家保平安。 everyone talks about safety, and home is safe.


安全的英文标语 关于安全的英文标语 1.当心触电Danger!HighVoltage 2.当心碰撞BewareofCollisions 3.小心玻璃Caution!Glass 4.小心地滑/小心滑倒Caution!Wetfloor/Caution!Slippery 5.小心碰头Mindyourhead/Watchyourhead 7.注意防火FireHazardArea 8.禁止鸣笛NoHorn 9.勿扔垃圾/请勿乱扔废弃物NoLittering 10.紧急救护电话(120)FirstAidCall120 11.紧急疏散地EvacuationSite 12.请勿跨越NoCrossing 13.请勿拍照NoPhotography 14.请勿摄影NoFilming/NoVideo 15.请勿使用闪光灯NoFlashPhotography 16.火警119FireCall119 17.投诉电话ComplaintsHotline 18.危难时请速报110EmergencyCall110 19.危险,请勿靠近Danger!KeepAway

20.请绕行Detour 21.请勿带宠物入内NoPetsAllowed 22.请勿抚摸/请勿触摸Don’tTouch 23.请勿践踏草坪PleaseKeepOfftheGrass 24.请勿坐卧停留NoLoitering 26.请爱护公共设施PleaseProtectPublicFacilities 27.请节约用水PleaseSaveWater/Don’tWasteWater 28.请您保管好自己的物品TakeCareofYourBelongings 29.请按顺序排队PleaseLineUp 30.安全疏散指示图/紧急疏散指示图EvacuationChart 31.保持安静/请勿大声喧哗QuietPlease 32.残疾人专用DisabledOnly 33.留言栏Complaints&Suggestions 34.伸手出水AutomaticTap 35.禁止入内/严禁入内NoEntry/NoAdmittance 36.闲人免进/请勿入内StaffOnly/NoAdmittance 37.谢绝参观/游客止步NoAdmittance 38.正在维修RepairinProgress 39.有电危险Danger!ElectricShockRisk 40.请勿随便吐痰NoSpitting 41.严禁携带易燃易爆物品DangerousArticlesProhibited 42.暂停服务/临时关闭TemporarilyClosed


中英文安全标语 导读:本文是关于中英文安全标语的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、读安全课本,掌生命之握。 Read safety textbooks and grasp life. 2、思想走了神,事故瞬间生。 Thoughts go astray and accidents happen instantly. 3、人人安全,家家放心。 Everyone is safe, home is at ease. 4、无事勤提防,遇事稳如山。 Nothing to be on guard against, everything is as steady as a hill. 5、生命是个宝,健康最重要。 Life is a treasure, health is the most important. 6、把握安全,拥有明天。 Grasp security and have tomorrow. 7、关爱生命,关注安全。 Care for life and safety. 8、不怕千日紧,只怕一时松。 Not afraid of tight days, only afraid of temporary

on loosening. 9、人人讲安全,安全为人人。 Everyone talks about safety, and safety is for everyone. 10 、校园无隐患,安全靠大家。 Campus has no hidden dangers, and safety depends everyone. 11、学习是首要,安全更重要。 Learning is the first thing, and safety is the most important. 12、安全知识,让你化险为夷。 Safety knowledge, let you turn a risk into a disaster. 13 、宁绕百步远,不抢一步险。 Better go a hundred steps than take one step. 14、安不可忘危,治不可忘乱。 We must not forget the danger and the chaos. 15、治病要趁早,安全要抓小。 We should treat the disease as early as possible and take care of the safety. 16、安全一万天,事故一瞬间。 Safety 10,000 days, accident instantaneous. 17、防微杜渐,警钟长鸣。


英语安全标语 导读:本文是关于英语安全标语,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、安全措施订得细,事故预防有保证。 Safety measures for accident prevention are fine, guarantee. 2、气泄于针孔,祸始于违章。 Gas leaks in the pinhole, and disaster begins with violation of regulations. 3、安全生产牢牢记,生命不能当儿戏。 Safety note, not as a life. 4、过马路,不要急。红灯停,绿灯行。做个平安小市民。 Don't worry about crossing the road. Red lights stop, green lights go. Be a safe little citizen. 5、劳动创造财富,安全带来幸福。 Labor creates wealth, safety brings happiness. 6、走平地,防摔跤;顺水船,防暗礁。 Go flat, sailing ship, anti anti wrestling reef. 7、麻痹大意是事故的温柔乡、野蛮操作是安全的英雄冢。 Careless accident is the gentle, barbaric operation is safe hero.

8、驾车不喝酒,路上好行走。 Driving without drinking, walking on the road. 9、无知加大意必危险,防护加警惕保安全。 Ignorance will increase the risk of Italy, plus protective safety guard. 10、井上井下安全为大,厂里矿量安全陪你。 Underground safety for large amount of ore in the factory safe with you. 11、让火灾远离校园,让平安与您相伴。 Let the fire from the campus, make peace with you. 12、不追不跑不打闹,平平安安到学校。 Don't chase run slapstick, safely to school. 13、致富千日功,出事当日空。 Get rich day work, the accident day empty. 14、报此处无惊无险、安众心、任劳任怨。 Reported here without any accident, many, hard working. 15、按章操作是安全的保险带,违章蛮干是事故的导火线。 According to the procedure is safe with insurance, reckless violation accident is the fuse. 16、一个疏忽百人忙,人人细心更顺畅。 A careless 100 busy, all carefully smoother. 17、你的安全,是全家的欣慰。


学校宣传标语英语翻译 导读:1、欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。 You can enjoy a grander sight by climbing to a greater height。 2、明天的幸福靠今天,今天的平安靠安全。 Tomorrow's happiness depends on today, and today's peace depends on safety. 3、好习惯成就一生,坏习惯毁人前程。 Good habits lead to success, bad habits destroy people's future. 4、发现美、鉴赏美、创造美。 Discover beauty, appreciate beauty and create beauty. 5、竞争不是比谁努力,而是比谁更努力。 Competition is not harder than who, but more efforts than who. 6、安全之水长流,幸福之树长青。 The safety of water flows, the evergreen tree of happiness. 7、你欣赏花木的风姿,花木欣赏你的素质。 You appreciate the charm of flowers, flowers appreciate your quality. 8、天下无难事,只怕有心人。

Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. 9、给自己养成好习惯,为他人留下好环境。 Develop good habits and leave good environment for others. 10、西外是我们共有的家园,爱护它是我们共同的心愿。 The west is our common homeland, and it is our common wish to cherish it. 11、安全意识天天有,校园生活乐悠悠。 Safety awareness every day, happy campus life. 12、龙吟八洲行壮志,凤舞九天挥鸿图。 The eight dragons Delta for nine days with great ambition, fengwu. 13、青春须早为,岂能长少年。 Youth must be early, how can youth grow up?. 14、打造一流团队,培养一流人才。 Build first-class team and cultivate first-class talents. 15、纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行。 The paper come Zhongjue shallow, and must know this to practice. 16、努力造就实力,态度决定高度。 Efforts to create strength, attitude determines height. 17、尊师重道,爱国立德。

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