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•C. reading; to buy • [解析] C be worth doing意 为“值得做……”
• 3 until conj.直到……;到……为止;
• [点拨] until既可用于肯定句,又可 用于否定句。但在肯定句中,谓语动词 应为持续性动词;在否定句中,谓语动 词一般为终止性动词。not…until…的 意思是“直到……才……”。
•2. plan n.& v. 计划,规划 •[点拨] 常用于plan to do sth结构, 意为“计划做某事”,其现在分词是 planning,过去式为planned。
•We are planning to visit Europe this summer. •我们正计划今年夏天去欧洲旅行。
• 8.go fishing 去钓鱼 • 9.how long 多久 • 10.have a good time 玩得开心 • 11.send sb.sth.
=send sth.to sb. 送某物给某人
• 12.show sb.sth. =show sth.to sb. 出示某物给某人看
• 13.take walks 散步 • 14.rent videos 租录像带 • 15.take a vacation 度假 • 16.think about doing sth.
• 17.plan to do sth.计划做某事 • 18.can’t wait to do sth.
• 19.finish doing sth.完成做某事
• 20.get to school 到校 • 21.ride a bike 骑自行车 • 22.take the subway 乘地铁 • 23.take the train 乘火车 • 24.take the bus/by bus
•[答案] worry about/get worried about/be worried about
•5. depend on视……而定,取决 于……;依赖,指望
•Our success depends on whether everyone works hard or not. •我们的成败取决于每个人是否努力。
• 1.be doing是现在进行时,但它有 一种特殊的用法,可以表示按计划或 安排将要发生的动作。
• I’m going to Hainan with my parents for vacation.
• 活学活用
• —Shall we go out for a swim?
• 13.When it rains I take a taxi to schoo1. 下雨天我打的去学校。
14.He plans to have a very relaxing vacation. 他计划度过一个非常轻松的假期。
15.I just finished making my last movie.
• My mother waited for me at the gate until I appeared.
• 我母亲一直在门口等我,直到我出现。
•4. worry v.担心,担忧,焦虑
•be/get worried担心,发愁
•be/get worried about= worry sb使某人烦恼/担忧 •三者在一定情况下可相互转换。
• 3.I don’t like going away for too long. 我不喜欢离家太久。
• 4.Show me your photos when we get back to school.
当我们回到学校时,你把照片给我看。 • 5.Can I ask you a few
questions about your vacation plan?
• (2)When she heard the music, she couldn't help ________ (dance). • [答案] (1) to go (2) dancing
•7. Show me your photos when we get back to school.
• 10.—How far is it from your home to school? 你家离学校多远?
• —It’s three miles. 三英里。
• 11.In China,it depends on where you are. 在中国,这取决于你所在的地方。
• 12.That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus! 那一定比乘车更有趣。
八年级英语上 units 3-4
1.Europe→(adj.) __E__u_r_o_p__e_a_n___ 2.finish→(同义词) __c__o_m__p_l_e_t_e
3.fish→(n.) __f_i_s_h_i_n_g___ 4.nature→(adj.) ___n_a_t_u__r_a_l_ 5.camp→ (n.)野营_c_a__m__p__ 6.Italy→ (adj.)意大利的__I_t_a_l_i_a_n_ 7.Spain→ (n.)西班牙语__S__p_a__n_i_s_h 8.tour→ (n.)游客t_o__u_r_i_s_t__
• Are you going to leave for Beijing? 你打算动身去北京吗?

• (3)leave sth.+某地,意为“把 某物落在某地”。如:
• I left my English book in your home.我把英语书落在你 家了。
• 活学活用
• —Jack is busy packing luggage(行李).
• 1.—What are you doing for vacation? 你假期打算干什么?
• —I’m babysitting my sister. 我要照顾妹妹。
• 2.—who are you going with? 你打算和谁一起去?
• —I’m going with my parents. 我要和父母一起去。
•He worried about her poor health. =He was worried about her poor health. =Her poor health worried him.
•活学活用 •妈妈,别为我担心!现在我能照顾好 白己了。 •Mum, don‘t _______ melI can look after my-self well now.
• —Sorry,I can’t.I______
housework for my mother now.
• A.am doing B.is doing C.are doing D.did
• 解析: A本题考查动词时态。第二句 句意:我不能出去游泳,(因为)我现在 正在为我妈妈做家务。句中有now, 故用现在进行时。
•A year's plan starts with spring.一年之计在于春。
• plan for sth 为某事作打算。作名词 用时,常用搭配是make a plan to do sth 计划去干某事。
• She is planning for her vacation.
• 她正在为假期做计划。
• 8.—How do you get to school? 你是怎样到校的?
• —I ride my bike. 我骑自行车。
• Biblioteka Baidu.—How long does it take? 要花多长时间?
• —It takes about 25 minutes to walk and 10 minutes by bus. 走路要花25分钟,乘车10分钟。
•You can't depend on your parents forever. •你不能永远依赖你的父母。
• 5.leave n离开 • (1)leave+某地,意为“离开某地”。
• Tom will leave China next week.汤姆下周要离开中国。
• (2)leave for+某地,意为“前往某 地”。如:
• He can't wait to open the box. • 他迫不及待地打开了盒子。 • [拓展] can't help 意为“情不自禁 地”,后面接动名词形式。
• She can't help crying. 她情不自 禁地哭了。
• 活学活用 • 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空
• (1)After getting up, young Bob couldn't wait ________ (go) to school.
• 25.take the taxi 乘出租车 • 26.walk to school 走路到学校
=go to school on foot
• 27.how far 多远 • 28.have a quick breakfast
•匆匆吃过早饭 • 29.depend on 取决于 • 30.leave for 前往 • 31.the early bus 早班车 • 32.around the world 全世界 • 33.North America 北美 • 34.a small number of… 少数…… • 35.be in hospital 生病住院
• He made a plan to visit Hong Kong this summer.
• 他做好计划,今年夏天去香港参观。
•活学活用 •The book is well worth ____.I plan_____one.
• A. read; to buy
• B. reading; buying
9.train→ (v.)训练_t_r_a_i_n____ 10.quick→ (adv.)__q__u_i_c_k_ly 11.stop→ (v.)____s_t_o_p___ 12.north→ (adj.)___n_o__r_t_h_e_r_n 13.ill→ (n.)疾病__il_l_n_e_s_s__ 14.worry→ (adj.)__w__o__r_ri_e_d_
• 6.He thought about going to Greece or Spain,but decided on Canada. 他在考虑去希腊或西班牙,但最后决 定去加拿大。
• 7.I hear that Thailand is a good place to go sightseeing.
• —Yes.He vacation.
for America on
C.is leaving D.has been away
• 解析:C 本题考查“离开”的英语表 达形式,根据答句“他要去美国度 假”,需要用将来时态。
• 6.I can't wait!我等不及了! • [点拨] can't wait为固定短语,意 为“迫不及待地”,后常接不定式。
16.I am planning to spend time in the beautiful countryside.
17.That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus!
• 1.babysit one’s sister 照顾妹妹 • 2.visit one’s grandmother
•看望奶奶 • 3.spend time with friends
和朋友一起度过时光 • 4.go camping 去野营 • 5.go hiking 去徒步远足 • 6.go bike riding 去骑自行车 • 7.go sightseeing 去观光旅游
