当前位置:文档之家› 酒店接待常用英语




art 1 Greetings问候

1.Welcome to XXXX Hotel . I’m..., what should I call you, please?


2. Goodmorning/afternoon/evening, Sir/Madam. What can I do for you?


3. Myname is ..., is there anything else I can do for you, just let me know.


4.If youhave any problems, please feel free to contact us .


5.Haveyou make a reservation ?\Have you booked the room?\Are you the vip?


6.Whatkind of room would you like ?


7.Sorry,I don’t quite understand .


8.I’mafraid we’ve fully booked for that time .


9.It’sthe hot /peak/busy season ,you know ?


10.Excuseme ,How do spell it ,please ?


11.We canonly ke ep your table /room till …


12.Let meshow you to your room ,this way please .


Part 2 Helpingto Check-in帮助入住

1.Please have a seat for a while, I’ll helpyou with the check-in procedure.


2. Would you please gi ve me your passportor ID card and credit card ?, I’ll help you to fill in the form.


3. How many nights will you stay this time?


4. Which room would you like, we have thesekinds of rooms...?


5. Excuse me, Sir/Madame. How would youlike to pay the deposit, cash or credit card (together or separately)?


6.Here is your room key and the breakfastcoupon. Would you please sign here?


7. Here are your passport and the creditcard . You can go up to the room now I hope you

enjoy your stay with us..


Part3 ProvidingService During Staying居住期间服务


(1) Please wait a second. I’ll transfer itfor you. .


(2) Because you are checking out two daysearly, You need to give us two cash vouchers back.


(3) There is a great garden and pond behind the hotel,which is suitable for exercise and having a walk


(4) This money is damaged .I’m afraid wecan’t change it, this is according to the hotel rules.您的钱(纸币)上有裂口(污迹),按酒店的规定,我们不能为您兑换。

(5) I’m sorry that you could not get cashby credit card here . I can book a car take you to the bank to get some cash.

不好意思,酒店规定不可以用信用卡来套取现金,如果您需要,我可以安排车送您去银行(ATM 机)上提取现金。

(6) What denominations would you like?


(7)I’m sorry, but we do not accept thedollars with CB.


(8)Can I fax this paper?


-Certainly, sir. Where do you want to faxit to?


-How would you like to pay for it, sir?


-Could you charge it to my room bill?


-Sure. Here is your fax record, Sir. Wouldyou please sign here?


(9)Could you please send a car to theairport to pick me up?


(10)Could you please give us your flightNo.?



(1) It’s better for you to wear moreclothes, because it’s pretty cold outside.


(2) Today is a rainy day and the floor isslippery so please be careful.



(1) Thereis free broadband Internet access in every room , connector plug is on thedesk. 写字台上有宽带插头,您可以随便使用。

(2) There is a little trouble in thecomputer service center, so the Internet is disconnected temporarily. Pleasewait a while, It’ll be recovered soon.


(3) Ok, I’ll arrange a computer engineer tohelp you.


4.Aboutthe Laundry关于洗衣

(1)The laundry collected between 8am to 6pmwill be returned at midnight on the same day ;while the one collected between6pm to 8 am will be returned at 2pm on the next day. 上午八点到下午两点接洗衣将会在当天午夜前送回;而下午两点到次日八点的洗衣将会在第二日下午两点之前送回。

(2)For the laundry, the regular service iswithin 8 hours and the express service is within 5hours.


(3) There is a stain on your clothes, andwe’ll try our best to get rid of it . However, I can’t guarantee that we canremove it totally.


(4)Could you send someone up for mylaundry, please?


-Certainly, sir. Our room attendant will beup in a minute.



(1) You don’t look very well today. Whatseems to be wrong ?

你看上去有些不舒服, 还好吧?

(2) I feel dizzy and have a sorethroat besides , I can not sleep wellrecently?


(3) Don’t worry , I will arrange a doctorto look after you .


(4) Any other symptoms? Like stomach ache,coughing, or nausea?


(5) The doctor said you have got the flu.She’ll pre scribe some medicine for you .take two tablets at a time, three timesa day. You’d better stay in bed for one or two days.


(6) -Are they strong?

-Yes. They may make you a little drowsy. Bythe way, you should be sure to take them after you eat.



(7) Can you give me some medicine forheartburn?


(8) I’m afraid the doctor can’t give youmedicine for that unless you tell her about your history of stomach ache?


(9) Well, I do have gastritis for twoyears.


(10) Since your blood pressure is higherthan normal, could you tell the doctor whether you have diabetes?


(11)How is the acid in your stomach? Is the acid feeling very strong?


(12) Are you taking other medicine at present? Please let us know just incase of chemical reaction. .


(13) Are you feeling better now, Sir?


(14)What happened to your leg, Sir?


-I tripped and fell in the bathroom.


-Please don’t worry, I’ll ask the doctor togo to see you right away.



酒店前台个人总结 篇一: 一名优秀的前台工作员应拓展自己的知识面,不断完善自己,勤 于思考,努力提高服务质量,做事麻利,有效率,不出差错。 任职以来,我努力适应工作环境和前台这个崭新的工作岗位,认 真地履行了自己的工作职责,较好地完成了各项工作任务。现将二个 多月来的学习、工作情况总结如下: 一、在实践中学习,努力适应工作。这是我进入公司之后的第一 份工作,作为一个新人,刚加入公司时,我对公司的运作模式和工作 流程都很生疏,多亏了老板和同事的耐心指导和帮助,让我在较短的 时间内熟悉了前台的工作内容还有公司各个部门的职能所在。也让我 很快完成了从学生到职员的转变。(都说前台是公司对外形象的窗口, 短短的二个多月也让我对这句话有了新的认识和体会。前台不是花瓶,一言一行都代表着公司,接待公司来访的客人要以礼相迎,接听和转 接电话要态度和蔼,处理办公楼的日常事务要认真仔细,对待同事要 虚心真诚点点滴滴都让我在工作中学习,在学习中进步,受益匪浅。) 二、学习公司企业文化,提升自我。加入到中孚这个集体,才真 正体会了“勤奋,专业,自信,活力,创新”这十个字的内涵,我想也 是激励每个人前进的动力,我也以这十个字为准则来要求自己,以积 极乐观的工作态度投入到工作中,踏踏实实地做好本职工作,及时发 现工作中的不足,及时地和部门沟通|方|案范|文库=整理%^,争取把 工作做好,做一个合格,称职的员工。这也一直是今后工作努力的目 标和方向。 三、拓展自己的知识面,不断完善自己。二个多月的工作也让我 产生了危机意识,工作中难免会碰到一些坎坷,所以单靠我现在掌握

的知识和对公司的了解是不够的,我想以后的工作中也要不断给自己 充电,拓宽自己的知识,减少工作中的空白和失误。初入职场,难免 出现一些小差小错;但前事之鉴,后事之师,这些经历也让我不断成熟,在处理各种问题时考虑得更全面,杜绝类似失误的发生。 这段工作历程让我学到了很多,感悟了很多,看到公司的迅速发展,我深感骄傲,在今后的工作中,我会努力提高自我修养和内涵, 弥补工作中的不足,在新的学习中不断的总结经验,用谦虚的态度和 饱满的热情做好我的本职工作,发挥自己的潜力为公司的建设与发展 贡献自己的力量! 篇二: 自学校毕业来xx宾馆工作,从一名客房服务员做到前台服务员, 直到升为大堂副理,学到了很多在书本上没有的知识。以下是我XX年 上半年工作总结: 前台作为酒店的窗口,是酒店给客人的第一印象。首先我们要保持 自己的形象,面带微笑、精神饱满,用我们最美丽的一面去迎接客人, 让每位客人走进酒店都会体验到我们的真诚和热情。 其次,关注宾客喜好。当客人走进酒店时,我们要主动问好,称 呼客人时,如果是熟客就要准确无误地说出客人的姓名和职务,这一 点非常重要,宾客会为此感受到自己的受到了尊重和重视。我们还要 收集客人的生活习惯、个人喜好等信息,并尽努力满足客人,让宾客 的每次住店,都能感受到意外的惊喜。 再次,提供个性化的服务。在客人办理手续时,我们可多关心客人,多询问客人,如果是外地客人,可以向他们多讲解当地的风土人情,主动为他们介绍车站、商场、景点的位置,询问客人是否疲劳, 快速地办好手续,客人退房时,客房查房需要等待几分钟,这时不要 让客人站着,请客人坐下稍等,主动询问客人住得怎样或是对酒店有 什么意见,不要让客人觉得冷落了他。进一步沟通能使客人多一份温馨,也能消除宾客在酒店里所遇到的种种不快。


酒店前厅部常用英语Hotel English 100 sentences Greetings (打招呼) 1、Good morning ,sir(madam) 早上好,先生(小姐) 2、Good afternoon ,ladies and gentlemen 下午好,女士们,先生们. 3、Good evening ,miss Price 晚上好,普莱丝小姐. 4、How are you today ,Mr Brown ? 你今天好吗?布朗先生. 5、I’m quite well ,thank you. 我很好,谢谢你. 6、Hs good to see you again ,sir(madam) 再次见到你真高兴,先生(小姐) 7、Nice to meet you ,sir. 见到你真高兴,先生. Tithes(称呼) 8、Are you mrs,Best? 你是贝丝特夫人吗? 9、You must be professor Ford. 你一定是福特教授. 10、May I know your name,sir(madam)? 我可以知道你的名字吗?先生(小姐). 11、Here’s a letter for you ,Dr white. 怀特医生,这儿有你的一封信. 12、you’re wanted on the phone,Captain Smith. 史密斯船长,有你的电话. 13、Welcome to our hotel, miss Henry. 欢迎来到我们酒店,享利小姐. 14、May I be of service to you,mr Baker ? 我能为你服务吗?贝克先生? 15、Can I help you, Ms Blake? 我能帮你吗?布雷克小姐? 16、Would you take the seat ,young lady ? 请坐,小姐, Offering Help 主动提出帮助 17、May I help you ? 18、Can I help you? 我能帮你吗? 19、What can I do for you ? 我能为你作什么? 20、 May I take your ba for you?


客人打电话取消预定-酒店电话英语情景对话 有预定就会有取消,下面这段酒店电话英语情景对话中,客人打电话到客房部取消已经预定好的酒店。 C: Room Reservations.May i help you,madam? 客房预定。需要我帮忙吗,夫人? G: I'd like to cancel a reservation. 我想取消预订。 C: In whose name was the reservation? 是用谁的名字预定的? G: Jack Bruder. 杰克布鲁德尔 C: How do you spell that,please? 怎么拼写呢? G: B-r-u-d-e-r. B-r-u-d-e-r.

C: What was the date of the reservation? 预订的日期是什么呢? G: From October 2nd for 3 nights. 从10月2日开始起,3晚 C: Excuse me, but is the reservation for you? 对不起,是为您预定的? G: No,it's for my friend. 不,是给我朋友订的 C: May i have your name and phone number ,please? 能告诉我你的名字和电话吗? G: Yes,it's Mary Calson and my number is 365-7071.恩,我叫玛丽,我的电话是365-7071 C: Thank you ,ma'am.I'll cancel Mr.Bruder's reservation fromOctober 2nd for 3 nights.My name is Jason and we look forwardto another chance to serve you.

酒店 前台十大礼貌用语

酒店前台十大礼貌用语 见面礼貌用语:(迎候宾客) 您好,欢迎光临!早上?上午?下午?晚上好! 预定礼貌语:(客房预定) 先生 / 小姐,请问您预定哪天的房间,预计住几天? 先生/ 小姐,我们有单间、双间、套房,请问您需要什么类型的房间?需要多少间呢? 先生 / 小姐,针对您这样的商务/ 会务组 / 旅行团客人,我们这有********房间,房间折后价是***元,不含早餐,(介绍房间情况) 先生 / 小姐,请问您对房间有特殊要求吗? 先生 / 小姐,请问方便留下您的联系电话、传真和邮箱地址吗? 先生 / 小姐,方便告诉我们您的到店时间吗?以便我们更好的为您服务! 先生 / 小姐,您预定了********房间,请问您还有什么需要更改的吗? 先生 / 小姐,酒店位于长沙市候家塘劳动西路377号,您订了****房,因酒店登记需要一房一证,为了 方便您?您的朋友入住,请您?您的朋友带好身份证,您入住?团队入住之前需要支付***元定金。请您在***日前支付定金***元,以便于我们收到您的定金后为您预备您所需要的房间。我们公司财务帐号是 ******,或许您可以直接将定金送至我们酒店。我是酒店总台员工******如果您有任何更改请及时与我们联系。 接待礼貌语(办理入住登记)(以客人的姓氏称呼客人) 先生/ 小姐,您好,您这边请! 先生/ 小姐,您好,请您稍等,马上为您办理! 先生/ 小姐,您好,请问您有预定吗? 先生/ 小姐,您好!您通过芒果网 / *** 公司预定了8楼的一个高级单人间,房价是***元,对吗? 先生/ 小姐,您好!您预定的房间是8楼的一个高级单人间,房价是***元,对吗? 先生/ 小姐,我们酒店针对您这样的商务客人,专推出了商务间,房间比较安静,格调高雅,还有电脑上网,这种房间既适合您的高贵身份,又方便您办公,而且价格合算。您看如何? 先生/ 小姐,方便您出示您的身份证为您办理登记吗? 先生/ 小姐,请问您以前在我们酒店登记过吗? 先生/ 小姐,麻烦您在这边单据签名确认一下,谢谢!(递上单据) 推销礼貌语(升级销售) 先生/ 小姐,您还不是我们的会员吧,为了方便您的下次入住,现在就为您办理一张会员卡,您看可以吗? 先生/ 小姐, 受理预付款礼貌语(收银以客人的姓氏称呼客人) 先生/ 小姐,您需要交纳房卡押金***元,请问您如何付费,用信用卡还是付现金呢? 先生/ 小姐,一共收您***元定金。


■服务台常用词汇 management 经营、管理market price 市价cashier's desk 兑换处coin 硬币accounting desk 帐务处check_out time 退房时间voucher 证件price list 价目表check, cheque 支票 sign (动)签字interest 利息form 表格reservation 预订reception desk 接待处tip 小费reservation desk 预订处luggage office 行李房…per thousand 千分之…spare (形)多余的postpone (动)延期cancel (动)取消traveller's cheque 旅行支票pay (动)付款fill (动)填写administration 管理、经营note 纸币registration desk 入宿登记处lobby 前厅luggage rack 行李架visit card 名片identification card 身份证rate of exchange 兑换率conversion rate 换算率charge (动)收费bill 帐单change money 换钱procedure 手续、程序information desk 问询处luggage label 行李标签overbooking 超额订房…per cent 百分之…reasonable (形)合理的cash (动)兑换keep (动)保留、保存bank draft 汇票accept (动)接受procedure fee 手续费fill in the form 填表 ■电讯服务 operator 电话员 house phone 内部电话 special line 专线 dial a number 拨号码 hold the line 别挂电话 can't put somebody through 接不通 ordinary telegram 普通电话receiver 听筒 city phone 城市电话 telephone number 电话号码 replace the phone 挂上电话 Line, please. 请接外线。 The line is busy(engaged) 占线。 send a telegram(cable) 发电报long distance 长途电话 telephone directory 电话簿 call somebody up 打电话给某人 can't hear somebody 听不见 can't get through 打不通


餐厅英语情景对话 A: What can I do for you, sir? 先生,您要来点什么? B: What have you got this morning? 今天早上你们这儿有什么? A: Fruit juice, cakes and refreshments, and everything. 水果汁、糕点、各种茶点等等,应有尽有。 B: I'd like to have a glass of tomato juice, please. 请给我来一杯西红柿汁。 A: Any cereal, sir? 要来点谷类食品吗,先生? B: Yes, a dish of cream of wheat. 好的,来一份麦片粥。 A: And eggs? 还要来点鸡蛋什么的吗? B: Year, bacon and eggs with buttered toast. I like my bacon very crisp. 要,再来一份熏猪肉和鸡蛋,我喜欢熏猪肉松脆一点。 A: How do you want your eggs? 您喜欢鸡蛋怎么做? B: Fried, please. 煎的。

1 / 29 A: Anything more, sir? 还要什么别的东西吗,先生? B: No, that's enough. Thank you. 不要了,足够了。谢谢。 Dialogue 2 (A couple waiting to be seated in a crowded restaurant) (一对夫妇在拥挤的餐厅外等待就座) A: Do you have a reservation, sir? 请问您订位了吗?先生,太太? B: No, I am afraid we don't. 没有。 A: I'm sorry. The restaurant is full now. You have to wait for about half an hour. Would you care to have a drink at the lounge until a table is available? 很抱歉,餐厅已经满座了。约要等30分钟才会有空桌。你们介意在休息室喝点东西直至有空桌吗? 不用了,谢谢。我们等一会儿再来。请替我们预定一张二人桌,可以吗? A: Yes, of course. May I have your name, sir? 当然可以。请问先生贵姓?


酒店前台接待日常用语 Part 1 salutation 第一部分问候 1. Welcome to our Hotel . I’m ***, what should I call you, please? 欢迎光临我们酒店。我是***,请问我该怎么称呼你呢? 2. Good morning/afternoon/evening, Sir/Madame. What can I do for you? 先生/女士,你好!请问我能为您做点什么? 3. My name is ***, is there anything else I can do for you, just let me know. 我叫***,如果需要我为您做些什么,请告诉我。 4.If you have any problems, please feel free to contact us .Our telephone is 0001/0002. 如果你有任何需要,请随时联系我们。我们的内线电话是:0001、0002 Part 2 Helping to Check-in 第二部分帮助入住 1. Do you have a reservation? Can you tell me the name of the book? 请问您有预定么?可以告诉我您预订的的名字么? 2. .How many nights will you stay this time? 这次入住您会住多少天? 3.Excuse me, Sir/Madame. How would you like to pay the deposit, together or separately? 先生/女士,不好意思,打搅一下。请问您是要分开付押金还是一起付呢? 4.Would you please give me your passport/ID card and credit card ?, I’ll return them to you right away after the check-in procedure. 请把您的护照/身份证和信用卡交给我。办完入住手续后,我会马上归还给您。 5.Please have a seat for a while I’ll help you with the check-in procedure. 请在那边稍坐一会儿,我将会为您办理入住手续。 6. Here is your room key and the breakfast coupon. Would you please sign here? 这是您的房卡和早餐券。请您在这里签个名好吗? 7. Please leave your contact way. 请您留下联系方式。 8.Please 7: 30-8: 30 to two floor of the restaurant for breakfast 请您早上7:30-8:30到二楼餐厅用早餐。 9.Here are your passport and the credit card . You can go up to the room now I hope you enjoy your stay with us.. 这是给回您的护照和信用卡。现在您可以上房间了。希望您在这里居住愉快。 Part 3 Providing Service During Staying 第三部分居停期间提供服务 Regular Service常规服务 (1) Please wait a second. Your room number is ********. 请稍等一下。你房间的电话是********。


前台接待日常用语 Part 1 Greetings 第一部分问候 1. Welcome to haiyatt garden Hotel . I’m ***, what should I call you, please? 欢迎光临海悦酒店。我是***,请问我该怎么称呼你呢? 2. Good morning/afternoon/evening, Sir/Madame. What can I do for you? 先生/女士,你好!请问我能为您做点什么? 3. My name is ***, is there anything else I can do for you, just let me know. 我叫***,如果需要我为您做些什么,请告诉我。 4.If you have any problems, please feel free to contact us . 如果你有任何需要,请随时联系我们。 Part 2 Helping to Check-in 第二部分帮助入住 1. Please have a seat for a while I’ll help you with the check-in procedure. 请在那边稍坐一会儿,我将会为您办理入住手续。 2. Would you please give me your passport and credit card ?, I’ll return them to you right away after the check-in procedure. 请把您的护照和信用卡交给我。办完入住手续后,我会马上归还给您。 3. How many nights will you stay this time? 这次入住您会住多少天? 4. Which room would you like, smoking room or non-smoking room?


日常用语(句子): 酒店常用英语 Restaurant 酒店里面的称为餐厅,酒店外的可以叫饭馆或者餐馆都可以 B&B 家庭式酒店 Boutique hotel 精品酒店 Resort 度假村 King-size 特大号床 Queen-size 大号床 Twin beds 双床房 Single bed 单床房 Double room 双人间 Single room 单人间 Suite 套房 Studio suite 公寓套房 Adjoining room 相邻房 Connecting room 连通房 Executive Floor 行政楼层 Bellboy 行李员 Concierge 礼宾 Receptionist 前台接待 Reception/Front desk 前台 Coach 旅游大巴 Reservation 预订(不是预定) Doorman 门房门童 Housekeeping staff 客房清洁人员 Room service 客房服务,有时特指客房送餐服务 Ground 花园 Tip 小费 Service charge 服务费 Turn down 开夜床服务(指的是傍晚的时候再次整理房间,使客人晚上睡的舒服) Executive room 商务房 Shuttle bus 班车 Do Not Disturb Sign /DND sign请勿打扰牌 Please Make Up sign /PMU sign 请收拾房间牌 check-out 退房 check-in 登记入住 lobby 大堂 Owner response: 业主回复 基本信息 23.May I have your name, please? 请问您贵姓? 10.Which dates would you like to book? When will you check in and check out? 请问您需要订哪一天?什么时候入住及退房? 59.What time do you expect to arrive, Sir? 请问大概什么时候到酒店,先生? 46.What time will the guest be arriving? 客人大概什么到达酒店? 11.How long will you stay in our hotel? 请问您打算逗留多长时间? 36.Could you h old the line, please? I’ll check our room availabilities for those days. 麻烦请您稍等,我们查询那段时间的房态。 37.Just a minute, please I’ll check our booking situation. 麻烦请您稍等,我需要查询我们的房态。 73.Just a moment, please. I’ll check the availability for you. 麻烦请您稍等,我查询能否可以提供给您。 41.Could you hold on for a moment please? I’ll check our reservation record. 麻烦请您稍等,让我查询我们的预订纪录。 72.How many people are there in your party? 与您同行有多少人? 50.I’ll arrive one day early. Is that OK? 我那天早点到,可以吗?

实战酒店前台英语 收银常用英语

酒店前台&收银常用英语前台reception或者front desk收银casher 大厅lobby机场airport 餐厅restaurant房务部housekeeping 超市supermarket工程部engineer department、 无线网络wifi密码password 收据receipt押金deposit xxtowel刮胡刀shaver 烟灰缸ashtray伞umbrella 快递express南航购票点southern China office 火车站trainstation地铁metro station 入住时: 1、先生/小姐,您好,请问有什么可以帮到您? hello,sir,may I help you? 房价是多少 What is the room rate? 现在的房价是300元每晚 Is 300 RMB per night 2、请问您有预定么? Do you have a reservation? 3、您需要单人房还是双人房?

Asingle room or double room? 您的退房时间是? when is your check out time 4、我能看一下您的护照么? may I have your passport please 5、请签一下您的名字 Please sign your name here。 6、您的房卡 this is your room card 我们的早餐时间是七点半到九点半 our breakfast time is during seven thirty to nine thirty 7、您的房号是….. Your room number is…. 8、您需要提前预付300元人民币的押金 You should pay for a deposit of 300 RMB 9、押金我们会在您退房的时候退还给您 The deposit we will return to you when you check out 退房时: 1、可以把您的房卡给我们吗 May I have your room card please。 2、这是您的账单


hotelenglish part 1 greetings问候 2. good morning/afternoon/evening, sir/madam. what can i do for you? 先生/女士,你好!请问我能为您做点什么? 3. my name is ..., is there anything else i can do for you, just let me know. 我叫...,如果需要我为您做些什么,请告诉我。 4.if you have any problems, please feel free to contact us . 如果你有任何需要,请随时联系我们。 5.have you make a reservation ?\have you booked the room?\are you the vip? 请问有预订吗?\请问你是会员吗? 6.what kind of room would you like ? 请问您需要什么类型的房间。 7.sorry ,i don’t quite understand . 对不起,我不是很明白。 8.i’m afraid we’ve fully booked for that time . 抱歉,我们那个时段已给订满了。 9.it’s the hot /peak/busy season ,you know ? 这是酒店业的旺季。 10.excuse me ,how do spell it ,please ? 打扰一下,您能拼写一下您的名字吗? 11.we can only keep your table /room till … 我们能保留您的房间直到... 12.let me show you to your room ,this way please . 让我带您到房间,这边请。 _______________________________________________________________________________ part 2 helping to check-in帮助入住 1.please have a seat for a while, i’ll help you with the check-in procedure. 请在那边稍坐一会儿,我将会为您办理入住手续。 2. would you please give me your passport or id card and credit card ?, i’ll help you to fill in the form. 请把您的护照和信用卡交给我,我帮您办理入住手续。 3. how many nights will you stay this time? 这次入住您会住多少天? 4. which room would you like, we have these kinds of rooms...? 您是要哪种房间? 5. excuse me, sir/madame. how would you like to pay the deposit, cash or credit card(together or separately)? 先生/女士,不好意思,打搅一下。请问您是要付现金还是刷卡(分开付押金还是一起付)呢? 6.here is your room key and the breakfast coupon. would you please sign here? 这是您的房卡和早餐券。请您在这里签个名好吗? 7. here are your passport and the credit card . you can go up to the room now i hope you enjoy your stay with us..


English Drama of Hotel Management English英语话剧酒店管理英语 Service Counter (A:Receptionist/the waitress B:Guest) A: Good afternoon. Welcome to Qingdao Sea-view Garden Hotel. Can I help you, sir? B: Well, I’m~~~ from `````. I’d like to check in, please. A: All right. Do you have a reservation with us, sir? B: Sorry, I didn’t book any room before. I would like to know which standard room do you have ? A: Wait a moment, please。 We have triple room, standard double room, and standard single room. What kind of room do you need? B :what’s the price for standard double room? A:oh,sir。the price for standard double room is 288 Yuan。 B: What! Why is so expensive? A:yes,sir。Our hotel is an international 5-star chain hotel,and adopts international standard price。triple room is 476 yuan, is 288 yuan, and standard single room is 136 yuan. all the room has TV, AC (air conditioner), free internet access and breakfast. Oh, excuse me ,the dinning room locates at 6th floor, between 7am to 9am. B:OK, I know now。i’d like to check in a standard double room. A: All right. how many days are you planning to stay? B: oh, I want to stay here for 3 days. A: one moment, please. Sir,please show your ID ,just like driver's license, passport or ID card。 B:here you are。 A:wait a moment ,please。 Could you please fill in the registration card? B: Sure. Here it is. Is it all right? A: Yes, thanks. Your room number is 202. Here is your key. The room bellman will show you to your room. I hope you will enjoy your stay. the check-out time is 1pm of forth day later。 B: Thank you. A:you’re welcome。Good luck。


前台常用英语句子 1.What kind of the room would you like to book? A double or a single? 请问您需要什么类型的房间?单人房还是双人房? 2.For which date would you like to book? 请问您要预订哪一天的? 3.Hold the line please; let me check our room availabilities for those days. 请别挂线,我查询下那天是否有房间 4.Sorry to have kept your waiting. Yes, we have a vacancy for those days. 不好意思让您久等了,我们那天有空房 5.The room rate is RMB xx include breakfast and surcharge. 房价是XX包含早餐服务费。 6.The price is RMB xx. We can offer a special discount to you that is RMB xx. It was after x% off discount. 房价是XX,我们为您提供X%折扣,折后价是XXRMB。 7.Let me repeat your reservation. You book one deluxe room for one night from 6/Jun-7/Jun for Mr. Lee. The price is RMB xx include breakfast and surcharge. 我重复一下您的预订,李先生您预订的是豪华房一晚,6月6日入住6月7日退房,房价是XX包括早餐服务费。 8.Your reservation has been confirmed. We are looking forward to serving you. Thank you! 您的预订已经确定了,我们期待为您服务,谢谢! 9.Do you have a reservation? 请问您有预订吗? 10.Please wait some minutes, Let me find your details from the computer. 请您稍等,我在电脑上查询下您的详细资料。 11.Yes, sir. I found your reservation. A deluxe room for one night as RMB x/per night. 是的,先生,您预订的是豪华房住一晚,房价是XXRMB。 12.Would you prefer smoking or non-smoking room? 请问您需要吸烟楼层还是无烟层呢? 13.Please fill in the registration form and sign your signature. 请在表格上填写您的资料并签名。 14.Would you like to pay by credit card or cash for the deposit? / How would you like


酒店前台常用礼貌服务 用语 Company Document number:WUUT-WUUY-WBBGB-BWYTT-1982GT

酒店前台常用礼貌 1、迎客时说“欢迎”、“欢迎您的光临”、“您好”等。 2、对他人表示感谢时说“谢谢”、“谢谢您”、“谢谢您的帮助”等。 3、接受宾客的吩咐时说“听明白了”、“清楚了,请您放心”等,严禁说“我知道了”。 4、不能立即接待宾客时说“请您稍候”、“麻烦您等一下”、“我马上就来”等。 5、对在等待的宾客说“让您久等了”、“对不起,让你们等候多时了”等。 6、打扰或给宾客带来麻烦时说“对不起”、“实在对不起”、“打扰您了”、“给您添麻烦了”等。 7、由于失误表示歉意时说“很抱歉”、“实在很抱歉”等。 8、当宾客向你致谢时说“请别客气”、“不用客气”、“很高兴为您服务”、“这是我应该做的”等。 9、当宾客向你致歉时说“没有什么”、“没关系”等。 10、当听不清楚宾客问话时说“很对不起,我没听清楚,请重复一遍好吗”等。

11、送客时说“再见”、“一路平安”、“再见,欢迎您下次再来”等。 12、当你要打断宾客时说“对不起,我可以占用一下您的时间吗”“对不起,打扰一下”等;在服务接待工作中,使用礼貌用语应做到主动、自然和熟练。要把“请”、“您好”、“谢谢”、“对不起”等最基本的礼貌用语与其他服务用语密切结合加以运用,给我们的服务工作增添绚丽的色彩。 酒店前台职业 ①站姿 古人云:站如松。男士则主要体现出阳刚之美,抬头挺胸,双脚大约与肩膀同宽站立,重心自然落于脚中间,肩膀放松。女士则体现出柔和和轻盈,丁字步站立。 谈话时,要面对对方,保持一定的距离。尽量保持身体的挺直,不可歪斜。依靠着墙壁、桌椅而站;双腿分开的距离过大、交叉,都是不雅观和失礼的行为。手中也不要玩弄物品,那样显的心不在焉,是不礼貌的行为。 ②行走


基本待客英语 (一)在正式的英语表现里,疑问基本句型可分为下列四种: 1. May I ~ 2. Could you ~ 3. Would you ? 4.Shall I ?? 只要理解这四种基本的句型,就可以处理大部分业务上的状况。 1. 自己要做什么事时,就使用May I? May I have your n ame, please? 请问尊姓大名 May I have your check-out time, please? 请问您什么时候结帐离开? May I see your passport, please? 请让我看一下您的护照好吗? May I know your n ati on ality, please? 请问您的国籍是什么? 2. 麻烦客人时,可使用Could you?

Could you fill out the form, please?

请您填写这张表格好吗? Could you write that dow n, please? 请您写下来好吗? Could you draft the fax, please? 请您写下传真的草稿好吗? Could you hold the line, please? 请不要挂电话好吗? 3. 询问客人的喜好或是做什么时,可使用Would you ~ Would you like tea or coffee? 请问您要喝茶还是咖啡? Would you like to take a taxi? 请问您要搭计程车吗? Would you mind sitt ing here? 请问您介意坐在这里吗? **只要在疑问词后加“Would you?”,就可以提岀大部分的询问 Whe n would you like to visit Fosha n? 请问您想要何时参观佛山? Whe n would you like to have lun ch?


酒店电话订房英语对话 如何用英语打电话订房情景对话篇一 C:Good morning, this is the Front Desk.May i help you,sir?早上好,这是前台。需要我帮忙吗,先生? G:yes,i'dlike to reserve a room. 是的,我想要订个房间 C:Thank you,Sir.For which date? 谢谢,先生。订哪一点的? G:From November 9th 11月9日起 C:For how many nights? 住几晚? G:For two nights. 两晚 C:How many guests will there be in your party? 有多少人和你一起? G:Just my wife and i 仅仅和我的妻子 C:Which kind of room would you prefer,a double or a twin?

你想订哪种类型的房间,一张双人床还是两张单人床的? G:A twin,please 两张单人的吧 C:Could you hold the line,please?i'll check our room availability for those days,thank you for waiting,sir.we have a twin at RMB 1000 Yuan and atRMB 1500 Yuan,which would you prefer? 能稍等下吗?我将帮你查一下这几天我们的客房供应情况,让你久等了,我们这有一间1000元和1500的,你喜欢哪一种? G:We'll take the one at RMB15OO Yuan. 我们要1500的那间吧 C:Certainly,sir.Could you give me your name,please? 好的,先生,请你告诉我你们的姓名吗? G: Yes,it's John Davis,D-a-v-i-s. 是的,约翰戴维斯,D-a-v-i-s. C:Mr.Davis.May I have your phone number,please? 戴维斯先生,你能告诉我你的电话号码吗? G:Yes,the number is 01-5639-1875. 电话是01-5639-1875 C:What time do you expect to arrive,sir? 什么时候到呢,先生?

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