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effective所示为黄皮书上sample test 1 and 2的单词拼写和词组翻译

3.我认为我们在保护环境不受污染方面还做的不够。所示为黄皮书上sample test 1 and 2的翻译

Unit 1

Ⅰ. Words



adj. 意识到的;知道的;有…方面知识的;懂世故的aware

分配(任务)给某人assign 掌握,运用能力command


抱怨complain 集中注意力,专心concentrate(on)有效的effective经常(发生)的,不断的constant

方法,手段means 处理,对付,控制handle

机会opportunity 然而,尽管如此nevertheless

过程process 购买;购置物n.(v t.购买) purchase

可靠的reliable 总结;概括,概述summarize

汲取,吸收absorb 扩大,放大;变大enlarge


Ⅱ.Phrases and Expressions

除…外(还有)apart from

除…外(还有)in addition to

把…付诸实践put…into practice

定期的on a regular basis(来自PPT)

经常/每天/每周on a regular/daily/weekly basis

密切注意,小心注意watch out for

每次,一次at a time 决不by no means

详细地in detail 肯定会be bound to

反复,多次over and over again

寻找,找出seek out

记在心中commit…to memory

Ⅲ.Sentence Translation


Mrs. Smith complained to me that she often found it simply impossible to communicate with her 16-year-old daughter.


I firmly believe that reading simplified English novels is an easy and enjoyable way of enlarging our vocabulary.


I don’t think we are doing enough to protect our environment from pollution.


Seeing English movies on a regular basis will not only improve your ear, but will also help you build your speaking skills.


If you have any questions about these learning strategies, please feel free to ask me. And I’ll explain them in a greater detail.

Ⅳ.Selected Paragraph

Do not treat all new words in exactly the same way.


Have you ever complained about your memory because you find it simply impossible to memorize all the new words you are learning?


But,in fact,it is not your memory that is at fault.


If you cram your head with too many new words at a time,some of them are bound to be crowded out.


What you need to do is to deal with new words in different ways according to how frequently they occur in everyday use.


While active words demand constant practice and useful words must be committed to memory,words that do not often occur in everyday situation require just a nodding acquaintance.


You will find concentrating on active and useful words the most effective route to enlarging your vocabulary.


Unit 2

Ⅰ. Words

完成accomplish 征服conquer

联系,接触contact 行过(一段距离)cover


以前previous 幸运地;幸亏fortunately

此外;而且moreover 在附近nearby

噩梦nightmare 无疑地undoubtedly

退休retire 接着的;下列的following

航海;航行voyage 弄醒waken

以下单词来自课件PPT 冒险家adventure

损害,破坏damage 单独的single-handed

努力,打算attempt 下定决心的determined

Ⅱ.Phrases and Expressions

放弃give up…得多by far

禁不住cannot help着手,开始set out

尽管;虽然in spite of

(使)翻到,(使)倾覆turn over

决心(做某事)be determined


实施carry out 出发set off

独自的(all) by oneself

到目前为止by far

劝阻…不要做…dissuade sb. from doing s t h.

Ⅲ.Sentence Translation


Fortunately there was a hospital nearby and we took him there at once.


Mary thought it difficult to carry out her plan all by herself.


He is determined to continue his experiment but this time he’ll do it another way.


When she read the novel, she couldn’t help thinking of the five years she had spent in the country.


We don’t think he could cover the distance in a quarter of an hour, but he succeeded in doing it.

Ⅳ.Selected Paragraph

【Sample Test 1 Ⅳ.Cloze】〖重要〗enjoyed 所示为黄皮书上重点段落所填单词

The years passed. He gave up flying and began sailing. He enjoyed it greatly.


Chichester was already 58 years old when he won the first solo transatlantic sailing race.


His old dream of going round the world came back,but this time he would sail.


His friends and doctors did not think he could do it,as he had lung cancer. But Chichester was determined to carry out his plan.


In August,1966,at the age of nearly sixty-five,an age when many men retire,he began the greatest voyage of his life.


Soon,he was away in his new 16-metre boat,Gipsy moth.


Unit 3

Ⅰ. Words


十年decade (一)束,(一)串bunch

奖章medal 满意的;高兴的content

颤抖tremble 罕见的;不常发生的rare

高效的efficient 较小的;次要的minor(小的PPT)

包裹parcel 忍受,忍耐endure


开刀,动手术v t. (n.手术台) operate



Ⅱ.Phrases and Expressions

毕竟,终究after all 拿起,捡起pick up

在别的时候;平时at other times 照料,照顾look after 对…有把握,确信be sure of(that)

在附近的;即将来临的round/around the corner


做…心满意足be content to do s t h.

安排arrange for

Ⅲ.Sentence Translation


That famous actor seemed content to play a minor in the play.


She agreed, very reluctantly, to be operated on by a young doctor.


After reading the letter the old man was so disappointed that he tore it into little bits with trembling fingers.


Even if his grandmother could not come to his birthday party, she could send him a lovely present. Tome was sure of that.


They've arranged for us to visit the Great Wall tomorrow. I'm sure we'll have a good time there (we'll enjoy ourselves there).


It was Mary’s 20th birthday yesterday. Her father sent her a pair of boots. Her mother bought her a box of chocolates. And her boyfriend bought her a bunch of flowers(roses).

Ⅳ.Selected Paragraph

He gave her four envelopes. Three were unsealed cards from old friends.


The fourth was sealed,in Myra’s writing. The old lady felt a pang of disappointment. 第四封是开口的,上面的字迹出自于麦拉的手,失望的痛楚揪着老太太的心。

“No parcel, Johnnie?”没有包裹吗,约翰尼?


Maybe the parcel was too large to come by letter post.


That was it. It would come later by parcel post. She must be patient.


Almost reluctantly she tore the envelop open.


Folded in the card was a piece of paper. 只见生日卡里夹着一张折叠好的纸。

Written on the card was a massage under the printed Happy Birthday—Buy something nice with the cheque,Myra and Harold.


The cheque fluttered to the floor like a bird with a broken wing.


Slowly the old lady stooped to pick it up. 老太太慢慢地弯下腰,把支票从地上捡了起来。Her present,her lovely present. With trembling fingers she tore it into little bits.


Unit 4

Ⅰ. Words

活动activity 真实地;实际上actually

发明invent (必须)包括involve (涉及)禁止prohibit 提议,建议proposal

社会的social 率rate

典型的typical 缺口,间隙;分歧,隔阂gap

当前的current 仅仅,勉强;几乎没有barely

使烦恼disturb 快乐;乐趣;娱乐entertainment 感情的emotional 邻近地区;地段neighborhood 值得花时间(或精力)的;有价值的worthwhile





Ⅱ.Phrases and Expressions

乍一看;最初考虑时at first glance

使相聚bring together 想出;提出come up with

玩得开心have a ball 成长,长大grow up

在一定程度上;部分地in part


到达;开始做get to

Ⅲ.Sentence Translation


I do hope that you can come up with a better solution than this one.


It is well known that lung cancer is caused at least in part by smoking too much.


To take his job would involve working on weekends frequently, but John didn’t mind.


I propose that we go to find Prof. Smith in his office right after the meeting and invite him to our English evening.


At first glance the picture didn’t look like very good, but after examining it carefully, we found that it was indeed a masterpiece.

Ⅳ.Selected Paragraph

Let us take a serious,reasonable look at what the results might be if such a proposal were accepted.

让我们认真而通情达理地看一下,如果这一建议被采纳的话,会有怎样的结果。Families might use the time for a real family hour.


Without the distraction of TV,they might sit around together after dinner and actually talk to one another.


It is well know that many of our problems—everything,in fact,from the generation gap to the high divorce rate to some forms of mental illness—are caused at least in part by failure to communicate.


We do not tell each other what is disturbing us. The result is emotional difficulty of one kind or another.


By using the quiet family hour to discuss our problems,we might get to know each other better,and to like each other better.


Unit 5

Ⅰ. Words

背景background 很旧的;古代的ancient

资格qualification 线,细绳string

合同contract 使窘迫,使尴尬embarrass 学期semester 出版,发行;发布publish 笑(声)laughter




回声,反响n. (v.发出回声)echo







稍差一点的;低于零的;负数的(减去;零以下) minus




Ⅱ.Phrases and Expressions

任意地,胡乱地at random

突然…起来burst into

安排时间做(某事)或见(某人)fit in

决心要,一心想set one’s mind on/to

令某人惊讶的是to sb.’s astonishment

从事于,致力于work on

这儿那儿,各处here and there

Ⅲ.Sentence Translation


Jane picked up a magazine from the bookshelf and started reading here and there at random.


She was embarrassed when they kept telling her she had a genius for mathematics.


With this letter I enclose some illustrations for the story.


He told a story to illustrate why you should never sign any contract before you have examined its provisions in detail.


Dr. Green is busy working on a cure for AIDS, but from next month on he’ll be able to fit in 20 patients or so on the Monday morning.

Ⅳ.Selected Paragraph

【Sample Test 2 Ⅳ.Cloze】〖重要〗qualifications 所示为黄皮书上重点段落所填单词People ask what college I attended,what degree I have,and what qualifications I have to be a writer.


The answer is none. I just write.我的回答是什么都没有。我只是写。

I’m not a genius,I’m not gifted and don’t write right.


I’m not disciplined,either,and spend more time with my children and friends than I do writing.我也没有接受过什么训练,而且在孩子和朋友身上花的时间比写作多。

I didn’t own a thesaurus until four years ago and I use a small Webster’s dictionary that I bought for 89 cents.


I use an electric typewriter that I paid ﹩129 for six years ago. I’ve never used a word processor.


I do all the cooking,cleaning and laundry for a family of six and fit my writing in a few minutes here and there.


I write everything in longhand while sitting on the sofa with my four kids,eating pizza and watching TV.


When the book is finished,I type it and mail it to the publisher.


Unit 6

Ⅰ. Words

申请apply 使大为惊讶,使惊愕amaze

减少decrease 职业;生涯career

效率efficiency 此外;而且furthermore

专家,能手expert 晋升;促销(提升,促进)promote

减轻relieve 调查(或研究)的结果findings

基础foundation 资方;管理(部门)management

检查inspect(巡视) 不幸的是;遗憾的是unfortunately

观察observation 认出;识别recognize

项目;方案project 班;轮班shift


基础basis 组装;集会assembly


Ⅱ.Phrases and Expressions

结果;因此as a result 多产的;富有成效的productive

除了…以外except for 质量控制(管理)quality control

查明;发现find out 延迟,耽搁;阻碍hold up

结果是;导致result in 结果是turn out

跟上keep up with

Ⅲ.Sentence Translation


It was reported that the building of the railway has been held up by a flood.


The foreign expert hopes to achieve all his aims in three years.


I’d like very much to buy the English dictionary. Unfortunately, I haven’t got enough money on me.


What do you think a scientist must do in order to keep up with the latest development in his field?


The author thinks that if excellent workers get frequent pay increases and promotions, they will have greater incentive to produce.

Ⅳ.Selected Paragraph

I went to the plant and spent about a week looking around and making notes. 我来到厂里,花了一个星期左右的时间一边到处查看,一边做些笔记。

I was really amazed at what I saw.说真的,我对看到的情况不胜惊讶。

Most curious of all,there was no quality control whatsoever. No one inspected the final product of the factory.


As a result some of the shirts that were put in boxes for shipment were missing one or two buttons,the collar,even a sleeve sometimes!


The working conditions were poor. The tables where the workers sat were very high and uncomfortable.


Except for a half hour at lunchtime,there were no breaks in the day to relieve the boring work.


There was no music. The walls of the workrooms were a dull gray color. I was amazed that the workers hadn’t gone on strike.


Unit 7

Ⅰ. Words

品尝sample 富裕的;成功的;昌盛的prosperous

欺骗cheat 利益,好处;优点advantage

尊严dignity 意图;打算;目的intention

挑选select 上了年纪的elderly

诚恳的sincere 终于,最终eventually

特权privilege 明显的,明白的evident

外表appearance 怀疑;猜测suspect

偶尔;间或occasionally 有把握的,确信的positive


支付afford 诚恳地,真诚地sincerely

Ⅱ.Phrases and Expressions

中止,中断break off(突然停止PPT)

给某人以恩惠;帮某人忙do sb. a favor

陈列;布局lay out 抽出,取出pull out

渴望long for 而且,更重要的是and what’s more

利用take advantage of 不适当的;不相称的out of place

合某人的口味;称某人的心to sb.’s taste

把…错认为mistake …for…

Ⅲ.Sentence Translation


He often took her advantage of her lack of business sense to cheat her.


Sam could not afford to buy the camera he longed for because it was too expensive.


He was busy writing he story all the morning, only breaking off occasionally to have some/s cup of coffee.

4.他们肯定没有打算把他培养成一名工程师,我猜想他们永远也不会这样做。Undoubtedly they do not have the intention of making engineer of him, and I suspect they never will.


I suspect there was no quality control whatsoever in the factory. After making observations for a week I found this was indeed the case.

Ⅳ.Selected Paragraph

The elderly gentleman,who was poorly but neatly dressed,accepted the spoon and began eagerly to sample one after another of the pudding,only breaking off occasionally to wipe his red eyes with a large torn handkerchief.


“This is quite good.”这种很好。

“This is not bad either,but a little too heavy.”


All the time it was quite evident that he sincerely believed that he might eventually buy one of these puddings,and I am positive that he did not for a moment feel that he was in any way cheating the store.


Poor old chap! Probably he had come down in the world and this sampling was all that was left him from the time when he could afford to come and select his favorite pudding.


Unit 8

Ⅰ. Words


习得;获得acquire 私人的,个人的private

接近;临近approach 感激之情,感恩之心gratitude 使大为惊讶astonish 以某种方式;不知为什么somehow 防止;避免avoid 信心,把握;自信confidence 表明;象征indicate 泄露;使显露reveal

撰写;创作compose 拒绝给予;否认deny



社区community 一系列,一排;范围range

幸运的lucky 危急的;决定性的,关键的critical



Ⅱ.Phrases and Expressions

寻找in search of 实现,成真come true

认真考虑think over 抑制,控制hold back

剥夺;抢劫rob (sb.) of (s t h.)

对(某人)好do well by

偶然遇见(或发现) come upon

Ⅲ.Sentence Translation


I am lucky to have acquired a wide range of skills when I was young.


These drawings, which are worth something like50 million dollars, must not be exposed to direct sunlight.


As the flu was spreading in the community, she wrapped herself in warm winter clothing to avoid catching the disease.


The defendant denied that he had ever any payment to the government official to get a contract.


As he gradually acquired confidence, his tone became natural and his words came out spontaneously.

Ⅳ.Selected Paragraph

I was deeply moved by the discovery and yet sickened by the knowledge that,bursting into her room like this,I had robbed her of the pleasure of seeing me astonished and delighted on Christmas day.


I hadn’t wanted to know her lovely secret; still coming upon it like this made me feel as though I’d struck a blow against her happiness.


I backed out put the key back in its hiding place,and thought over what to do.


I decided that between now and Christmas I must do nothing,absolutely nothing,to reveal the slightest high of my terrible knowledge.


I must avoid the least word that might reveal my possession of her secret.


Nothing must deny her the happiness of seeing me completely amazed on Christmas day.




第一单元 课程开始之际,就如何使学习英语的任务更容易提出一些建议似乎正当其实。 学习英语的几种策略 学习英语决非易事。它需要刻苦和长期努力。 虽然不经过持续的刻苦努力便不能期望精通英语,然而还是有各种有用的学习策略可以用来使这一任务变得容易一些。以下便是其中的几种: 1.不要以完全相同的方式对待所有的生词。你可曾因为简直无法记住所学的所有生词而抱怨自己的记忆力太差?其实,责任并不在你的记忆力。如果你一下子把太多的生词塞进头脑,必定有一些生词会被挤出来。你需要做的是根据生词日常使用的频率以不同的方式对待它们。积极词汇需要经常练习,有用的词汇必须牢记,而在日常情况下不常出现的词只需见到时认识即可。你会发现把注意力集中于积极有用的词上是扩大词汇量最有效的途径。 2.密切注意地道的表达方式。你可曾纳闷过,为什么我们说“我对英语感兴趣”是“I’m interested in English”,而说“我精于法语”则是“I’m good at French”?你可曾问过自己,为什么以英语为母语的人说“获悉消息或密秘”是“learnthenewsorsecret”,而“获悉某人的成功或到来”却是“learn of someone’s success or arrival”?这些都是惯用法的例子。在学习英语时,你不仅必须注意词义,还必须注意以英语为母语的人在日常生活中如何使用它。 3.每天听英语。经常听英语不仅会提高你的听力,而且有助你培养说的技能。除了专为课程准备的语言磁带外,你还可以听英语广播,看英语电视和英语电影。第一次听录好音的英语对话或语段,你也许不能听懂很多。先试着听懂大意,然后在反复地听。 你会发现每次重复都会听懂更多的xx。 4.抓住机会说。的确,在学校里必须用英语进行交流的场合并不多,但你还是可以找到练习讲英语的机会。例如,跟你的同班同学进行交谈可能就是得到一些练习的一种轻松愉快的方式。还可以找校园里以英语为母语的人跟他们


《摄影基础》课程教学大纲 (5) 《动画造型》课程教学大纲 (6) 《计算机图文设计》课程教学大纲 (8) 《三维动画软件及应用》课程教学大纲 (10) 《广告摄影》课程教学大纲 (12) 《图片编辑》课程教学大纲 (14) 《黑白摄影》课程教学大纲 (16) 《电视摄像》课程教学大纲 (17) 《造型基础(广告)》课程教学大纲 (19) 《电视节目制作》课程教学大纲 (20) 《视听语言》课程教学大纲 (23) 《专题片创作》课程教学大纲 (24) 《新闻摄影》教学大纲 (26) 《播音与主持艺术》课程教学大纲 (28) 《人物摄影》课程教学大纲 (29) 《电影导演》课程教学大纲 (31) 《动画创作》课程教学大纲 (33) 《动画特技与特效》课程教学大纲 (34) 《造型基础》课程教学大纲 (36) 《造型基础》教学大纲 (37) 《动画运动规律》课程教学大纲 (38) 《原动画设计及时间概念》课程教学大纲 (40) 《设计稿》课程教学大纲 (42) 《动画背景画面构成》课程教学大纲 (43) 《三维动画设计》课程教学大纲 (45) 《互动媒体设计》课程教学大纲 (47) 《动漫艺术设计》课程教学大纲 (49) 《电脑漫画技术》课程教学大纲 (51) 《二维动画软件及应用》课程教学大纲 (52) 《摄影构图与欣赏》课程教学大纲 (54) 《摄影技术基础二》课程教学大纲 (56) 《摄影技术基础三》课程教学大纲 (57) 《摄像基础》课程教学大纲 (59) 《专题摄影》课程教学大纲 (61) 《电影摄影技术》课程教学大纲 (62) 《创意摄影》课程教学大纲 (63) 《建筑摄影》课程教学大纲 (65) 《时尚摄影》课程教学大纲 (67) 《新闻采访与写作1》课程教学大纲 (68) 《新闻采访与写作2》课程教学大纲 (70) 《播音与主持艺术》课程教学大纲 (73) 《新闻编辑与评论》课程教学大纲 (74) 《网络新闻业务》课程教学大纲 (77)


大学英语精读考试试卷 (共计100分,时间90分钟) 一、选词填空(每题3分,共45分) decrease typical whatsoever enclosed gap neighborhood relieve qualifications worthwhile laundry findings proposal current boring recognized 1、A summer day in that area is hot and dry. 2、The houses in our are very expensive. 3、It is true that these herbs(药草)can be used to pain. 4、They are making further efforts to the cost of production. 5、My brother told me that he had met with no difficulty in learning English grammar. 6、The lecture was so that I couldn’t help yawning(打哈欠). 7、We hope that the management will take note of the and improve their products accordingly(相应地). 8、I had not seen him for 16 years, but I him immediately. 9、Enid considered teaching a career(职业). 10、The government is taking effective measures to overcome difficulties. 11、The mayor put forward a to improve public transportation. 12、I am afraid that the between rich and poor is still widening in our country. 13、Mom told me to put my dirty clothes in the basket. 14、Frank a letter with the English novel which he sent to me. 15、Do you think Helen has the right for the job? 二、完形填空(每题0.5分,共计10分) Around the world more and more people are ___1___ dangerous sports and activities. Of course there have always been people who have ___2___ adventure—those who have climbed the ___3__ mountains, explored unknown parts of the world or _4_ in small boats across the greatest oceans. Now, however, there are


大学英语精读课改革模式 关键词:教学模式;二语习得;阅读技巧;交际能力 长期以来,外语一直把精读课作为基础教学阶段的一门主课。笔者认为,有必要尝试一下改变精读课的传统做法。下面透过目前精读课存在的主要问题,提出几点改进建议。 一、主要问题 目前,基础教学阶段的精读课,名为精读,实为融听、说、读、写、译为一体的语言综合入门课。这在语言素材信手拈来的今天,对于入学时已掌握1600个单词、已具有基本语法知识,而听、说、读、写、译却又发展极不平衡的学生来说,这种传统精读课的教学模式已不再完全适用。其弊端在于:(1)语言素材不足。精读课基本是围绕有限的几篇文章进行解释和训练,不利于语言的自然习得,无法增强学生的语感。(2)忽视对阅读技能的训练。精读课注重对课文中语言现象的分析、讲解和操练,而对一系列阅读技能却没有必要的指导和训练。(3)无法兼顾学生入学时听、说、读、写、译的能力发展不平衡的状况。学生入学时的阅读能力远比其他能力强,但为了照顾其他能力的培养,只能选用语言较简单、内容较肤浅的素材。教材不能满足学生提高阅读水平的需求,限制了学生阅读能力的发展,抑制了学生的求知欲,影响了他们的知识面扩展。(4)忽略书面语和口语的差异。精读课十分重视围绕课文所进行的口语表达的准确性。为表达准确,学生往往要使用课文的语言,其结果是将书面语与口头语混为一体,忽视了语言的得体性。(5)忽略学生能力的发展。在精读课上,教师精讲,学生操炼。教学常常以掌握课文为目的,不重视对学生学习方法的指导,不重视学生独立思考、综合、分析能力的培养和发展。 二、建议 1.课程设置 目前新生入学时已掌握1600个单词并掌握了一定的语法知识,鉴于学生 的听、说、读、写、译能力发展不平衡,建议开设阅读、听力、口语、语法、写作等课程。这些课程分别将各门课程的技能训练作为教学的主要内容,并兼顾其他课程的技能训练,以促进和保证学生听、说、读、写、译五项技能的全面发展。 2.关于阅读课 阅读课旨在提高学生对书面语言的处理和表达能力。为此,一方面要不断扩大学生的词汇量和巩固语法知识;另一方面则要指导学生运用自己已有的阅读母语的技能,进行阅读技能的训练。因此,阅读课应注意以下原则:(1)提供数量为精读教材三倍的语言素材,以创造语言习得的条件。(2)教材的题材和体裁力


大学英语 1、要是有更多的钱,我就能在市区买一套公寓了。( with) With more money, I could buy an apartment in downtown. 2、记住一定要复习我们课堂上学过的新单词和词组。(make sure) Make sure that you must review these new words and phrases that you had studied in class. 3、他打量着她的脸,思考着如何告诉她那个消息。( study) Studying her face, he was thinking how to tell her that story. 4、市内交通被暴风雪阻断。( interrupt) The city traffic was interrupted by the snowstorm. 5、你可以帮我递一下那份考卷吗?(do sb. a favor) Can you do me a favor wether you pass that paper to me. 6、虽然老太太一个人住着,但她并不感到孤独。(alone, lonely) Althouth the old lady lives alone, she doesn’t feel lonely. 7、我希望有朝一日能够再见到你。(sometime) I hope I will meet you again sometime. 8、那个正和李教授谈话的人是个著名的艺术家,或类似的身份。( or something) That man who is talking with professor Li is a great artist or something. 9、我们应该充分利用网络资源获取信息。(make use of) We should make good use of the Internet to gain information. 10、他还没有意识到诚信的重要性。(be aware of) He isn’t aware of the importance of honesty. 11、老板进来的时候他假装在看一份重要文件。(pretend) He was pretended to read an important document when the boss came in. 12、警察有责任维护公共秩序和安全。(be responsible for) Police are responsible for the preservation of public order and security. 13、他是唯一穿着正装出席晚会的人,这使他感到很不自在。( out of place) He is the only one that wears formal clothes in the evening party, which makes him out of place. 14、我能有额外的时间来完成这个任务吗?(extra) Can I have extra time to finish the task. 15、这个新方法会帮助你们解决这个难题。(enable) This new method enables you to solve this difficult problem. 16、他不久就要离开了,但我们还没有找到可以替代他的人。(take the place of) He will be leaving soon, but we don’t fi nd a person to take the place of him. 17、那位著名演员在剧中扮演重要角色。(play a …role) The famous actor plays a important role in the play. 18、报纸影响思想潮流。( influence, current) Newspaper influences the current. 19、我以前从未听说过那个名字,他一定是新记者。( hear of ) I haven’t heared of the nam e, he must be a new reporter.


《非线性编辑(Premiere)》课程标准 一、课程概述 (一)制定依据 本标准依据《艺术设计专业(新媒体策划与设计方向)人才培养方案》中的人才培养规格要求和对《非线性编辑(Premiere)》课程教学目标要求而制定。用于指导其课程教学与课程建设。 (二)课程的性质与地位 本课程是高等职业技术学院艺术设计专业的专业技术课程。本课程的任务是使学生通过通过本课程的学习使学生掌握使用Adobe Premiere Pro,实现后期制作,毕业后可从事影视后期制作、广告后期制作、栏目包装、企事业单位的宣传部门从事策划师、编辑师等多个工作岗位等工作。 (三)课程设计思路 《非线性编辑(Premiere)》是一门理论与实践相结合的,兼顾技术与艺术的课程,目的是使学生了解和掌握视音频编辑的理论知识,掌握节目后期制作这一重要环节中的非线性编辑方式的技术原理、艺术原则及实际操作的方法与技巧,并能够利用Adobe Premiere

Pro软件制作各种影像视频文件等;目标在于培养学生具备从事专业影视剪切、音视频合成、非线性编辑等方面工作的基本职业能力。 (四)课程内容选取的依据 一是以就业为导向,瞄准影视后期后期制作人才市场需;二是为“视频特效合成”等后续职业能力课奠定理论基础;三是按照项目选取课程内容和组织教学,不求学科体系的完整,强调课程内容的应用性和需求性。将课程划分为六个学习情境。把电视台精彩的节目片头、广告公司的视频广告作为课堂教学项目引入课程,加强岗位综合技能和技巧的训练,使学生能够操作熟练、举一反三。 1.学习情境中的知识点与现实密切相关 学习情境中的知识点必须与学生现实生活密切相关,以激发他们的学习兴趣。 2.学习领域课程设计基于认知规律,从简单到复杂 学习型的知识点,基于认知规律,从简单到复杂。学习任务在包含前一个任务的基础上增加知识点,难度层层推进,有序实现教学目标。 3.注重学生的可持续发展能力 4.课程结构是静态的,教学载体是动态的、开放的 在确定课程内容时,各个载体包含的知识点是静态的,老师或学校可根据自己的情况选择合适的载体。 二、课程目标 (一)总目标 能够利用非线性编辑软件提供的编辑技术对素材进行加工处理,制作宣传片、电子相册、MTV等有动感的适合在光盘/网络传播、展示的各类视频作品。 (二)分目标 1.知识目标


大学英语专业精读1 期末考试卷 I. Word formation (40%) A. Give the corresponding nouns for the following verbs.给出下列动词的相应名词形式。(10%) 1. discover 2.depend 3.amaze 4.add 5.display 6.renew 7.suppose 8.treat 9.addict 10.accelerate B. Give the corresponding nouns for the following adjectives. (10%) 1.weak 2. angry 3. free 4. quick 5. clear 6. long 7.wide 8. sad 9.happy 10. moderate C. Give the corresponding verbs for the following nouns. (10%) 1. gardening 2. failure 3. fertilizer 4. enduring 5. mixture 6.liberation 7.alternative 8.result 9.satisfaction 10.requirement D. Give the corresponding synonyms for the following words and expressions. (10%) 1.barely 2. chilly 3. now and then 4. many 5. clever 6. turn up 7. keen 8. club 9.handsome 10.sensible II. Translate the Chinese into English. (30%) 1. We’ll stick by you___________________________________________(无论发生什么事). 2. Keep in touch with your cultural roots, ___________________(无论你在世界何地). 3.We’ll bring the hostage home,___________________________(无论有多困难). 4. I feel that you young people should understand____________________(生活中总是充满着机遇和挑战). 5. When she learned____________________(她已经被那所大学录取), she almost jumped for joy. 6.You must admit_________________________(所有这一切都表明我们的努力没有白费). 7.He was running a great risk when he insisted_________________________________(地球是绕着太阳转的). 8. The visitors were greatly impressed by________________________(这个村子过去30年所取得的成就). 9. First-year college students are generally not clear about______________________________(他们应该从大学获取什么). 10._____________________________(农民最想得到的东西)is just one thing. It is land. III. Translate the following sentences into English. (30%) 1. 我们现在缺少人手,你来得正好。 2. 已经有好几个同学在考虑竞选学生会主席。 3. 她警告我不要和那种追求个人名利的人交往。 4.多年来我们学校培养了很多学生,大多数都在各个部门重要岗位任职。 5. 她原以为哲学是非常枯燥的东西,可后来方发现它非常有意思。 6.他父亲刚过五十,可头发已经灰白了。不过,除此以外,他没事。 7.这里的老师和学生都认为学英语没有什么捷径。 8.我知道放弃这个机会十分愚蠢,但我别无选择。 9.有一天,那座新楼突然倒塌,楼里很多人都被埋了。 10.一种长久的友好关系要求双方都十分真诚。

大学英语精读1 第三版 课文英汉对照

UNIT 1 As we are at the start of the course, this seems a good moment to offer some advice on how to make the task of learning English easier. 课程开始之际,就如何使学习英语的任务更容易提出一些建议似乎正当其时。 Some Strategies for Learning English Learning English is by no means easy. It takes great diligence and prolonged effort. 学习英语绝非易事。它需要刻苦和长期努力。 Nevertheless, while you cannot expect to gain a good command of English without sustained hard work, there are various helpful learning strategies you can employ to make the task easier. Here are some of them. 虽然不经过持续的刻苦努力便不能期望精通英语,然而还是有各种有用的学习策略可以用来使这一任务变得容易一些。以下便是其中的几种。 1. Do not treat all new words in exactly the same way. Have you ever complained about your memory because you find it simply impossible to memorize all the new words you are learning? But, in fact, it is not your memory that is at fault. If you cram your head with too many new words at a time, some of them are bound to be crowded out. What you need to do is to deal with new words in different ways according to how frequently they occur in everyday use. While active words demand constant practice and useful words must be committed to memory, words that do not often occur in everyday situations require just a nodding acquaintance. You will find concentrating on active and useful words the most effective route to enlarging your vocabulary. 1. 不要以完全同样的方式对待所有的生词。你可曾因为简直无法记住所学的所有生词而抱怨自己的记忆力太差?其实,责任并不在你的记忆力。如果你一下子把太多的生词塞进头脑,必定有一些生词会被挤出来。你需要做的是根据生词日常使用的频率以不同的方式对待它们。积极词汇需要经常练习,有用的词汇必须牢记,而在日常情况下不常出现的词只需见到时认识即可。你会发现把注意力集中于积极有用的词上是扩大词汇量最有效的途径。 2. Watch out for idiomatic ways of saying things. Have you ever wondered why we say, "I am interested in English", but "I am good at French"? And have you ever asked yourself why native English speakers say, "learn the news or secret", but "learn of someone's success or arrival"? These are all examples of idiomatic usage. In learning English, you must pay attention not only to the meaning of a word, but also to the way native speakers use it in their daily lives. 2.密切注意地道的表达方式。你可曾纳闷过,为什么我们说“我对英语感兴趣”是“I'm interested in English”,而说“我精于法语”则是“I'm good at French”?你可曾问过自己,为什么以英语为母语的人说“获悉消息或秘密”是“learn the news or secret”,而“获悉某


非线性编辑教学大纲 Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】

《非线性编辑》教学大纲 一、课程概述 1.课程性质与任务 本课程是影视广告专业的一门专业课程,在专业课程学习中占据着极为重要的地位。本课程是对影视制作专业相关理论课程的融会贯通,并指导专业实践课程更好地完成影视作品,具有很强的实用性。通过本课程的学习,对视频编辑的原理、技巧、程序与具体运作应有全面而深刻的了解,通过本课程的教学使学生掌握视频剪辑的基础软件,培养学生通过软件工具完成自己的作品。 学习本课程应先修过《平面设计》、《广告摄影》以及有关影视视觉设计方面的课程。同时本门课的学习,又为《电视编辑》、《视频特效》等课程的教学和学习奠定了良好的基础。 本课程是新媒体专业的必修专业方向课程,通过本课程的教学使学生掌握影视编辑的基础知识,培养学生独立完成影片编辑相关的视频、音频、动画、字幕等的操作,独立完成作品。 2.课程教学基本要求 (一)??掌握编导基础理论。 (二)掌握线性编辑系统与非线性编辑系统的组成、线路连接。能够独立配置一套非线线性编辑系统,并撰写可行性报告。 (三)?掌握常见的视频、音频、图片的格式,并能模拟素材通过采集得以数字化。 (四)掌握字幕的作用、设计原则、注意事项,并能够进行常见字幕 的设计和制作。 (五)掌握常用的特技类型,并能进行设计与制作。特别是特技的关键帧设制。 (六)知道常见动画类型,掌握动画设计的原则,并能进行设计与制作以及在影视制作中的一些应用。 3.课程目标 (1)掌握在线性编辑平台与非线性编辑平台上编辑视频的技巧。 (2)能够进行视频、音频、动画、字幕等的合成,独立完成作品。 (3)教学要求有三个层次: 了解:即做到知道,识别; 熟悉:即能用自己的话复述解释,并能归纳总结。 掌握:是本课程学习的重点,在理论掌握的基础上能熟练应用于实际


ⅠVocabulary and Structure (30%) Directions: This section is to test the use of vocabulary and structure. There are 20 incomplete sentences in it. You are required to complete each one by choosing the most appropriate word or phrase from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then you should write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1.It took us ______ less than three hours to do the work. A. no B. not C. none D. nothing 2.George is ______ Jack. E. as an efficient worker as F. an as efficient worker as G. as efficient a worker as H. an efficient worker as 3.______ hearing the news, all of them jumped with joy. I. At J. As K. By L. On 4.______ during the war, the airport has never been used again. M. Have been damaged N. Having been damaged O. Being damaged P. Damaged 5.The Smith family will have gone ______ by the time we finish summer school. Q. camp R. camp S. camping T. camped 6.Brass is similar ______ gold ______ color. U. to卛n V. in協or W. to協or X. with卛n 7.Not only the society but also the people in it ______. Y. has changed Z. have changed AA. h ave been changed BB. has been changed 8.I asked the secretary if there were ______ tickets but she had only the expensive ______. CC. one卭nes DD. a ny卭ne EE. some卭nes FF. any卭nes 9.Problems can ______ when people have no knowledge of law. GG. rise HH. r aise II. arise JJ. rose


大学英语精读第三版第一册Book1 Unit1 1)e 2)g 3)j 4)a 5)b 6)i 7)c 8)d 9)h 10)f 1) handling 2) summarized 3) process 4) absorb 5) are bound to 6) feel free 7) for instance 8) strategies 9) complained 10) has committed to memory 11) Nevertheless 12) rely on 13) Apart from 14) command 1) over and over again 2) at a time 3) put it into practice 4) watching out for 5) by no means 6) concentrate on 7) In addition t 8) in detail 1)action 2)employ 3)announce 4)examination 5)communicati on 6)express 7)compose 8)improvemen t 9)concentratio n 10)manageme nt 11)consider 12)motivate 13)developme nt 14)movement 15)discuss 16)operate 17)division 18)production 19)educate 20)repeat 1) additional 2) add 3) addition 4) addition 1) effectively 2) effect 3) effective 4) effect 1) helpful 2) help 3) helpless 4) help 5) helplessly 6) helpfully 7) helpful 1) reliant 2) reliable 3) reliance 4) relies 5) reliably 6) reliable 1) repetition 2) repeating 3) repeatedly 4) repeated 5) repetition 1) In my opinion 2) According to Mary 3) In our opinion 4) According to today's papers 5) In most doctors' opinion According to most doctors 1) Shakespeare was not only a dramatist but also an actor. 2) Miss Crain not only took me home in her car, but also came the next day to see if I had recovered. 3) Hainan Island attracts tourists not only in winter but also in summer. 4) There is always a black market not only in Britain, but also in other European countries. 5) At the Athens Olympics in 2004, Liu Xiang not only won a gold medal in the 110-meter hurdles, but also broke the Olympic record. 1) It is true that your sentences are all grammatically correct, but they don’t make any sense. 2) It is true that they lost that battle, but they still went on fighting. 3) It is true that Tom’s very clever and hardworking, but I still don’t think he is the right person for the job. 4) It is true that learning English is by no means easy, but we can make the task easier by using some learning strategies. 1) strategies 2) frequently 3) over and over again 4) commit to memory 5) acquaintance 6) watch out for 7) communicate 8) process 9) opportunities 10) rely on 11) put into practice 12) absorbed 1) if 2) about 3) it 4) know 5) up 6) as 7) addition 8) even 9) into 10) other 11) for 12) while 1) memorize 2) a matter of

非线性编辑 课程标准

《非线性编辑》课程标准 一、课程概述 1.课程定位 非线性编辑课程是计算机多媒体技术专业的专业核心课程。根据人才培养目标要求,非线性编辑是利用实际拍摄所用的素材,通过三维动画和合成手段制作特技镜头,然后把镜头剪辑到一起,形成完整的影片,并且为影片制作声音。随着影视制作技术的迅速发展,计算机的使用为特技制作提供了更多更好的手段,也使许多过去必须使用模型和摄影手段完成的特技可以通过计算机制作完成,所以更多的特技效果就成为了现代后期制作的工作。 2.设计思路 本课程是依据专业人才培养方案中,对视频编辑相关知识及其基本操作的职业能力要求而设置的。其总体设计思路是,打破以知识传授为主要特征的传统学科课程模式,转变为以案例、任务、项目形式组织课程教学内容,让学生在完成具体案例、任务、项目的过程中,学习相关理论知识,掌握具体装饰造型应用的技能。 (1)内容设计 依据课程目标,本课程的学习内容应包括包括教学任务、教学目标、知识内容及要求以及技能内容及要求。涵盖了教学的主要内容、教学的重点以及学生技能的操作内容。 具体的项目教学内容与能力要求如表1所示。

(2)教学设计 课程教学全程安排专业实训室进行,按“项目导向,任务驱动”的教学模式,课程教学强化实训环节对学生装饰造型技能的培养。采用教授法、讨论法、分组教学法、实例制作教学法、案例式教学法、任务式教学法、项目式教学法等形式多样的教学方法。大力开发课程资源,提供丰富的学习资源,将课堂授课与实例教学相结合,促进自主学习。教学效果评价采取过程性评价与结果性评价相结合,理论与实践相结合,重点考核装饰造型能力,过程性评价及结果性评价的比重各为50%。 二、课程目标 本课程的教学,是在学生学习了色彩结构、Photoshop、Flash、3Dmax等课程的基础上,所开设的另外一门重要的专业课程。要求学生系统学习Adobe Premiere软件的操作技巧,采用一系列的实例来学习和掌握影视后期制作方法,并能把以前所学习到的知识与现在的实际操作相结合,制作出完美的作品。本课程的教学目标为: 2.2.1 知识目标 (1)了解音频、视频基础知识; (2)掌握音频、视频的采集方法; (3)掌握音频、视频的合成方法; (4)掌握Premiere软件编辑视频特效的方法; (5)掌握视频合成与创意实现方法。 2.2.2 技能目标 (1)初步掌握音频、视频采集获取的技巧; (2)初步掌握音频混音、视频合成方法; (3)能够运用Premiere编辑视频,制作视频短片; (4)培养影视动漫鉴赏能力和审美能力。 2.2.3 态度目标


《非线性编辑》教学大纲 一、课程概述 1.课程性质与任务 本课程是影视广告专业的一门专业课程,在专业课程学习中占据着极为重要的地位。本课程是对影视制作专业相关理论课程的融会贯通,并指导专业实践课程更好地完成影视作品,具有很强的实用性。通过本课程的学习,对视频编辑的原理、技巧、程序与具体运作应有全面而深刻的了解,通过本课程的教学使学生掌握视频剪辑的基础软件,培养学生通过软件工具完成自己的作品。 学习本课程应先修过《平面设计》、《广告摄影》以及有关影视视觉设计方面的课程。同时本门课的学习,又为《电视编辑》、《视频特效》等课程的教学和学习奠定了良好的基础。 本课程是新媒体专业的必修专业方向课程,通过本课程的教学使学生掌握影视编辑的基础知识,培养学生独立完成影片编辑相关的视频、音频、动画、字幕等的操作,独立完成作品。 2.课程教学基本要求 (一)??掌握编导基础理论。 (二)掌握线性编辑系统与非线性编辑系统的组成、线路连接。能够独立配置一套非线线性编辑系统,并撰写可行性报告。 (三)?掌握常见的视频、音频、图片的格式,并能模拟素材通过采集得以数字化。 (四)掌握字幕的作用、设计原则、注意事项,并能够进行常见字幕 的设计和制作。 (五)掌握常用的特技类型,并能进行设计与制作。特别是特技的关键帧设制。 (六)知道常见动画类型,掌握动画设计的原则,并能进行设计与制作以及在影视制作中的一些应用。 3.课程目标 (1)掌握在线性编辑平台与非线性编辑平台上编辑视频的技巧。 (2)能够进行视频、音频、动画、字幕等的合成,独立完成作品。 (3)教学要求有三个层次: 了解:即做到知道,识别; 熟悉:即能用自己的话复述解释,并能归纳总结。 掌握:是本课程学习的重点,在理论掌握的基础上能熟练应用于实际 4.教学方法和教学形式 (1)强调知识点讲授、优秀作品赏析、编辑技巧运用及相关软件技术的学习,多者结合的教学方法。


一、选择。(25·1) 1)From her___________I guess she’s from the Northeast. 2)It was very clever of her to______________his argument___________himself. 3)I found_________________shoes under the bed but they don’t make a pair. 4)Dr.Bright always_______________as he examines his patients and treats them with extreme care. 5)British companies are trying to avoid the__________their American counterparts have already suffered. 6)Wilfred’s remarks _________me in my opinion that he was an honorable(诚实的)young man. 7)The key__________for the prosecution(原告方)was offered police protection after she received death threats. 8)I thought that was the end of the matter but_________events proved me wrong. 9)Having practiced for so long,the New York baseball team_____________________winning the World Series(美国职业棒球大赛) this year. 10)At the_______________,Bob’s teacher,who was called as a character witness,said he was a quiet boy who had never been in troubie before. 11)We’just had a very______________meeting with the management and we’re now much more hopeful about the pay rise. 12)The book I ‘m reading explains the_______________of plant and animal life on earth. 13)Living in a flat is all right ,but it has its ________________----for example ,you don’t have your own garden. 14)The two witnesses gave contradictory _________________of what had happened that night. 15)________________the fact that there was almost no hope of finding the missing boy,the search party still went on looking. 16)Alice_____________to go back to work after she has had her baby. 17)The report is a bit lengthy ;_______________,it says that more money should be spent on education. 18)Without an official pass , the guides will deny you___________to the courthouse. 19)Amy was trying to persuade her father to let her drive but she was getting________________. 20)Simon has done a _____________job and deserves to be promoted. 21)Sorry the place is so ______________;I haven’t had time to clean up. 22)Mr.white found to his dismay that his son had been spending far too much time chatting with his key pals(网友)_________________. 23)In terms of population,Greater New York City is the largest_______________center in the United States. 24)The article provides a detailed _____________of the root causes of the accident. 25)Many young girls like to __________________for recording their private thoughts and feelings. 26)There are obvious benefits in allowing each student to go at his own_____________. 27)The tired traveler stopped to _____________________and make sure of his directions. 28)The dredger(挖掘机) represents a major _______________advance in keeping the river clear. 29)Bob didn’t turn up at the party;I had an _____________that something must have gone wrong. 30)Roger was quite stubborn and it was almost impossible to ________________him of his mistakes. 31)In history the war between the Union and the eleven southern states(1861---1865) is called American___________war. 32)The office building ___________recently __________________for greater comfort and efficiency.

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