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001] A stabilogauge is a calculator used to ____① Measure GM. ②Measure initial stability.
A. ①only B. ② only
C. Both ① and ② D. Neither ① and ②
[002]A towing vessel pushing a barge ahead and rigidly connected in a composite unit shall show the light of _____
A. a vessel towing by pushing ahead
B. a power-driven vessel, not towing
C. a barge being pushed ahead
D. either answer A or answer B
[003]If a ship will call at four ports for discharging, I, e, A, B, C and D consecutively, the cargo for ____must generally be loaded first.
A. Port A B. Port B
C. Port C D. Port D
[004]In determining a safe speed_____ shall be taken into your consideration.
A. the state of wind ,sea and current[
B. the traffic density
C. the presence of the background light at night
D. A+B+C
[005] ADVISE YOU MAKE COURSE 036 means that you should________.
A. alter your course of 036
B. keep your present course of 036
C. charge your course to 036
D. change your course by 036
[006]A bad separation makes the cargo ____ at its destination.
A. easier to discharge B. more difficult to discharge
C. easer to load D. more difficult to load
[007]A man aboard a vessel, signaling by raising and lowering his outstretched arms to each side, is indicating____.
A . danger, stay away B. all is clear, it is safe to pass
C. the vessel is anchored D. a distress signal
[008]A vessel which is fishing is required to show sidelights and a stern-light only when ______
A. anchored B. underway
C. dead in the water D. underway and making way
[009]A vessel will NOT show sidelights when_______
A. underway but not making way
B. making way ,not under command
C. not under command, not making way
D. trolling underway
[010]A weather map is a synoptic data because it_______
A. summarizes a great deal of information
B. can be interpreted accurately
C . appears daily
D. is prepared by the Weather Bureau
[011]Admiralty Charts are published in ______
A. U.S.A B. China C.U.K D. Japan
[012]All the expenses are _____the ship’s account.
A. of B. for C. to D. at
[013]At sea, we can use __to fix the ship’s position.
A. VHF B. Steering Gear
C. Rudder Indicator D. Loran
[014] It is very kind ______ you to help us.
A. Of. B. For. C. To. D. At.
[015] My ship ______ that port next month.
A. calls at
B. has called at
C. call at
D. will call at
[016] Speed must regulated ______ no damage is done to the wharf.
A. In order. B. So as.
C. So that. D. Such that
[017]The Certificate of pratique shall only have effect in _____
A. all ports of the issuing country
B. all ports of the world
C. all ports other than a issuing country
D. all ports of ship’s arrival
[018]The ship is equipped with {DF}
A. discharging facilities B. direction fin

C. log indicator D. a kind of radar
[019]The ship’s draught forward is same as her draught aft. This condition is named as_____
A. even keel B. even trim C. even draught D. even float
[021]The vessel ahead ____you is stopped.
A. before B. from C. of D. away
[022]We have finished _____and are ready for sailing.
A. load B. loading C. will load D. to load
[023]What does the abbreviation SWL stand for? ______
A. signal wave letters B. ship without light
C. safe water line D. safe working load
[024]What weather forecast can do is to give a statement of expected condition in_______
A. every area B. a certain area
C. some areas D. many areas
[025]When two vessels are in immediate danger of collision, the stand-on vessel must_____
A. abandon ship
B. assist in taking whatever action is necessary to avoid collision
C. hold course and speed
D. sound a distress signal
[026]You are in restricted visibility and hear a fog signal forward of the beam. Nothing appears on your radar screen. You must _____
A. stop your engines B. sound two prolonged blasts of the whistle
C. sound the danger signal D. slow to bare steerageway
[027]Your vessel is approaching a bend. You hear a prolonged blast from around the bend. You should _____
A. back your engines B. stop your engines and drift
C. answer with one prolonged blast D. sound the danger signal
[028]Every vessel shall at all times proceed at a safe speed so that she can____
A. take proper and effective action to avoid collision
B. be stopped within a distance appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions.
C. neither A and B
D. both A nor B
[029]Forward station, single up forward ?______ head line and spring.
A. in B. on C. to D. by
[030]The though cargo in No.4 hatch square stands ____the way.
A. at B. in C. on D. by
[031]What is the position of vessel ____distress?
A. on B. at C. in D. by
[032]A vessel using a traffic separation scheme is forbidden to_____
A. proceed through an inappropriate traffic lane
B. engaged in fishing in the separation zone
C. cross a traffic lane
D. enter the separation zone, even in an emergency
[033]All of the following are distress signal EXPECT________
A. the continuous sounding of any fog signal apparatus
B. giving five or more short and rapid blasts of the whistle
C. firing a gun at interval of about a minute
D. a barrel with burning oil in it, on deck
[034]Gale warnings are usually issued when winds of ____8-9 are expected.
A. wind Speed B. Air Force
C. wind Velocity D. Beaufort Force
[035]Goods stowed in containers _____without notice.
A. shall be carried on deck
B. shall be carried under deck
C. may

be carried on or under deck
D. may not be carried on or under deck
[036]In order to obtain early warning of risk of collision, proper use of radar equipment is necessary, including_____
A. long-range scanning
B. radar plotting
C. equivalent systematic observation of detected object
D. all A, B and C
[037]MAYDAY is to be used to announce______
A. a distress message B. an urgency message
C. a safety message D. a massage of SMCP
[038]My Captain is trying to ____ the pilot station before the ebb tide.
A. steam B. proceed C. approach D. reach
[039]The principal purpose of adjustment of the magnetic compass is to eliminate_____ as far as possible.
A variation
B. compass error
C. deviation
D. earth’s magnetic force
[040]The tweendecker has _____below the main deck.
A. another deck B. two other deck C. no deck D. additional deck
[041]The well preparation of stowage plan will______
A. increase the ship’s officers’ knowledge
B. extend the ship’s officers’ knowledge
C. improve the ship’s cargo-handling equipment
D. raise the working efficiency
[042] A vessel nearing a bend or an area of a narrow channel or fairway where other vessels may be obscured by an intervening obstruction shall navigate with particular alertness and caution and shall ______.
A. Take action to permit safe overtaking.
B. Sound the appropriate signal.
C. Slacken her speed.
D. Increase her speed.
[043] A vessel or seaplane on the water is considered to be underway when ______.
A. She is at anchor.
B. She is made fast to shore
C. She is aground.
D. Her anchor ceases to hold.
[044] A vessel proceeding along the course of a narrow channel of fairway shall keep as near to the ______ limit of the channel or fairway, which lies on her_______ side as, is safe and practicable.
A. Inner, port. B. Inner, starboard.
C. Outer, port. D. Outer, starboard.
[045] A vessel the passage of which is not to be impeded ______ to comply with this Rule when the two vessels are approaching one another so as to involve risk of collision.
A. remains fully obliged
B. has no obligation
C. is not necessarily
D. is exempted.
[046] Every vessel shall reduce her speed to the minimum at which she can be kept on her course when hearing apparently ______ the fog signal of another vessel.
A. Afterward of her beam.
B. Forward of her beam.
C. Abeam on port.
D. Abeam on starboard.
[047] Forecastle deck is located in the ship’s ______.
A. Bow stem. B. Stern.
C. Portside. D. Starboard side.
[048] If it becomes necessary for a stand-on vessel to take action to avoid collision,she shall NOT,if possible,______.
A. decrease speed
B. increase speed
C. turn to port for a vessel on her own port side
D. turn to starboard for a vessel on her own port side
[049] In determining if risk of collision exists,if there is any doubt,such risk shall be deemed to __

A. exist
B. exists
C. existing
D. to be existed.
[050] The side of a ship which is farther from the winds is ______.
A. fairway side
B. open sea side
C. lee side
D. roadstead side
[051] The transportation of dangerous cargo in packages is governed by ______.
A. IBC code. B. BC code.
C. IMDC code. D. IGC code.
[052] There is a possibility that small vessel,ice and other floating objects may not be ______ by radar at an adequate range.
A. reflect
B. shown
C. detected
D. defected.
[053] Traffic separation schemes may be ______ by the organization for the purpose of these rules.
A. Adopted.
B. Adapted.
C. Adjusted.
D. Admitted.
[054] Vessels shall be deemed to be in sight of one another only when one ______ from the other.
A. can be observed visually
B. can be observed by radar
C. can be located on the radar
D. can be heard.
[055] We've changed our ______ not to start loading this evening.
A. heart
B. hearts
C. mind
D. minds
[056] When you doubt the existence of risk of collision, ______
A. Such risk shall be deemed to exist.
B. Such risk shall not deem to exist.
C. You needn’t take any action to avoid collision with any vessel.
D. You should accelerate your speed ahead.
[057] Where one of two vessels is to keep out of the way the other ______.
A. Shall not keep her course but shall keep her speed.
B. Shall not keep her course and speed
C. Shall keep her course but change her speed.
D. Shall keep her course and speed.
[058] While steaming slowly in the harbor,no ship is ______ to exceed the speed limited.
A. assumed
B. appreciated
C. promised
D. permitted.
[059] A continuous sounding of a fog-signal apparatus indicates ______.
A. the vessel is in distress
B. the vessel has completed loading dangerous cargo
C. it is safe to pass
D. the vessel is anchored
[060] A vessel fitted with twin screws is easier in ______ than a vessel with single screw.
A. turning maneuver
B. course setting
C. position fixing
D. regulating speed
[061] A vessel is being propelled both by sail and by engines. Under the rules, the vessel is ______.
A. A special circumstance vessel.
B. Not covered under any category.
C. A sailing vessel.
D. A power-driven vessel.
[062] A vessel proceeding along the course of a narrow channel shall keep as near to the outer limit of the channel which lies on her starboard side as it is safe and practicable.Which one of the followings does the statement express? ______.
A. A vessel shall proceed near the other vessel on her starboard side on the narrow channel since it is safe and practicable.
B. A vessel shall avoid proceeding near the starboard outer limit of a narrow channel as long as it is safe and practicable.
C. A vessel shall avoid proceeding along the channel because it is not safe and practicable.
D. A vessel shall proceed near the starboard outer limit of a narrow channel to the

degree in which it is safe and practicable.
[063] A vessel shall be deemed to be overtaking when she can see at night ______.
A. only the sternlight of the vessel
B. a sidelight and one masthead light of the vessel
C. only a sidelight of the vessel
D. any lights except the masthead lights of the vessel
[064] A vessel shall not ______.
A. enter the traffic separation zone in an emergency.
B. cross a traffic lane.
C. engage in fishing in the separation zone.
D. proceed in an inappropriate traffic lane.
[065] A vessel using a traffic separation scheme shall normally join or leaving a traffic lane at the ______ of the lane.
A. Ended. B. Terminative.
C. Termination. D. Side.
[066] ]A vessel when joining or leaving from the side of a traffic separation scheme shall do so at as ______ to the general direction of traffic flow as practicable.
A. small an angle
B. large an angle
C. either small or large an angle
D. neither small nor large an angle.
[067]Advise you _____engines.
A. stop B. to stop C . stopping D. stopped
[068] All the holds which are to take cereals in bags must be so cleaned that they meet the requirements of the ______.
A. Local agent. B. Cargo surveyor.
C. Accident investigator. D. General average adjuster.
[069] All the rubber bales were separated ______.
A. By grade. B. By a grade.
C. By the grade. D. By the grades.
[070] As to the torn bags, I’ll tell the shipper to ______ them up.
A. Resew. B. Rejoin.
C. Re-nail. D. Re-solder.
[071] Because of ______, no separation is needed for the cargoes destined for New York.
A. Their different packing. B. Their same nature.
C. Their different destinations. D. Their different nature.
[072] Each lifebuoy shall be marked in block capitals of the Roman alphabet with ______ of the ship.
A. the call sign and name
B. the official number and name
C. the port of registry and name
D. the port of registry and official number
[073] Fire is under control,and ______.
A. lifeboat is no longer needed
B. lifeboat is needed badly
C. lifeboat is needed not more
D. lifeboat is urgently needed
[074] Freight rates are mostly charged ______.
A. By the weight (tons) of cargo. B. By the capacity (tons) of vessel.
C. By DW of the vessel. D. By the draft of the vessel.
[075] I will wait for Utopia ______ before getting underway.
A. clear
B. to clear
C. clearing
D. cleared
[076] If it ______ fine tomorrow,we shall start unloading.
A. to be
B. is
C. will be
D. has been
[077] If the ship is alongside the wharf,what kind of ______ is used?
A. pilot ladder
B. rope ladder
C. rod ladder
D. accommodation ladder
[078] If the weights are moved away from the amidships section, ______ will happen on board.
A. Hogging. B. Sagging.
C. Stiff. D. Tender.
[079] If there is suffici

ent sea room,alteration of ______ may be the most effective action to avoid close-quarters situation.
A. speed and course
B. speed alone
C. course alone
D. speed or course.
[080] If you had started loading earlier, you ______ loading now.
A. Would finish. B. Will have finished.
C. Would have finished. D. Will be finish.
[081] In a crossing situation, the stand-on vessel should normally ______.
A. Take action to cross ahead of the other vessel
B. Take action to pass astern of the other vessel.
C. Maintain course and speed.
D. Change course and increase speed.
[082] In a crossing situation,the stand-on vessel should normally ______.
A. take action to cross ahead of the other vessel
B. take action to pass astern of the other vessel
C. maintain course and speed
D. change course and increase speed
[083] In determining a safe speed ________ shall not be among those taken into account.
A. The characteristics, efficiency and limitation of the radar equipment.
B. Any constraints imposed by the radar range scale in use.
C. The effect on radar detection of the sea state, weather and other sources of interference.
D. The safe working load of the cranes both on board and ashore.

[084] In determining safe speed, all of the following must be taken into account except the ______.
A. Maximum horsepower of your vessel.
B. Presence of background lights at night.
C. Draft of your vessel.
D. Manoeuvrability of your vessel.
[085] It is dangerous to ______ in present position.
A. Remain. B. Remaining.
C. Be remaining. D. Be remained.
[086] It was demanded that the injured crewmembers ______ at once.
A. was treated
B. would be treated
C. being treated
D. be treated
[087] It’s ______ to stow optional cargo in the lower hold. You’d better give it block stowage in the tweendecks, and then it can be easily discharged either at Shanghai, or Dalian or Tianjin.
A. Possible. B. Impossible. C. Proper. D. Improper.
[088] It's all right to rig the pilot ladder on lee side ______.
A. to allow port Authorities to board
B. allowing port Authorities to board
C. to allow port Authorities boarding
D. allowing port Authorities to be boarded
[089] It’s going to rain. Don’t forget ______ the hatches.
A. Close. B. Closing.
C. To close. D. Closed.
[090] It’s requested that all ships are ______ the rules for preventing collision at sea.
A. To conform to. B. To draw up.
C. To comply with. D. To determine
[091] My vessel is healthy and I request free pratique. What does the sentence my vessel is healthy mean? It means ______.
A. My ship has been maintained.
B. My ship has been painted.
C. All my crewmembers have been vaccinated.
D. All my crewmembers have no quarantinable diseases.
[092]No assumptions______ on the basis of scanty information,especially scanty radar information.
A. should not be made
B. are not to be taken

should be taken
D. shall be made.
[093] None of the ship’s papers ______.
A. Has expired. B. Has been expired.
C. Has expiring. D. Be expired.
[094] Nothing in these rules shall _______ any vessel, or the owner, master or crew thereof, from the consequences of any precaution, which may be required by the ordinary practice of seaman, or by the special circumstances of the case.
A. Exonerate. B. Exhaust.
C. Exercise. D. Examine.
[095] On my last voyage it ______ at the discharging port that some watches were pilfered.
A. Happens. B. Has happened.
C. Happened. D. Had happened.
[096] On open waters,a power-driven vessel shall keep out of the way of a ______.
A. vessel on her port side that is crossing her course
B. vessel that is overtaking her
C. seaplane on the water
D. sailing vessel
[097] Our ship ______ at the anchorage the day before yesterday.
A. Arrives. B. Has arrived.
C. Arrived. D. Will arrived.
[098] Our ship ______ with many modern navigational instruments.
A. Equipped. B. Is equipped.
C. Equips. D. Has equipped.
[099] Our ship is slow in going astern, Please ______.
A. Be careful. B. Be kind enough.
C. Be nice. D. Be looked after.
[100] Please ______for my vessel.
A. Make a lee. B. Take a lee.
C. Get a lee. D. Have a lee.
[101] Please have the damage to the gangway ______.
A. Repair. B. To repair. C. Repairing. D. Repaired.
[102] Port of registry refers to the port where ______.
A. The ship has been named. B. The ship has been built.
C. The ship has been signed. D. The ship has been registered.
[103] Power-driven vessels must keep out of the way of sailing vessels except ______.
A. in a crossing situation
B. when they are making more speed than the power-driven vessel
C. when the sailing vessel is overtaking
D. on the Inland Waters of the United States
[104] Shall we ______ wait at the roadstead till there is a free berth for us?
A. must
B. ought to
C. have to
D. never
[105] Ships are always ______ on water and they are easy to rust.
A. float
B. floating
C. floats
D. floated
[106] Ships’ masters are requested to ensure that during their call at this port, all discharging outlets are blocked.
A. Blockaded. B. Opened.
C. Closed. D. Enclosed.
[107] Should that kind of weather ______,the two ships would touch each other.
A. persist
B. persists
C. to persist
D. persisted
[108] Take tug’s towing line to ______.
A. Captain. B. Capstan.
C. Capital. D. Carpenter.
[109] The bill of lading is described as ______ if the ship owners agree that the cargoes were received on board in good condition.
A. Clean. B. Dirty. C. Foul. D. Claused.
[110] The check under ship owner’s organization made at the loading port is to avoid accepting cargo ______ upon receipt.
A. In sufficient packing. B.

In weak condition.
C. In correct number. D. In good order.
[111] The contents ______ to be short.
A. Seem. B. Are seeming.
C. Are seemed. D. Have been seemed.
[112] The damaged derrick ______ now.
A. has repaired
B. is being repaired
C. is repaired
D. will be repaired
[114] The giving-way vessel has a same meaning of _______.
A. Stand-on vessel. B. Privileged vessel.
C. Burdened vessel. D. Hampered vessel.
[115] The government of PR China ______ that the above-mentioned ship complies with the provisions of the regulations annexed to the Convention referred to above as regards radiotelegraphy and radar.
A. certifies
B. confirms
C. contains
D. construes
[116] The lights required by the rules must be shown ______.
A. From sunrise to sunset in restricted visibility.
B. At all times.
C. Only from sunset to sunrise.
D. Whenever a lookout is posted.
[117] The loading operation in hatch No.2.4.5 suspended and labors went ashore.
A. Went dead. B. Discontinued for long period.
C. Went ahead. D. Completed.
[118] The locker will remain sealed as long as your ship is here.
A. Be kept sealed. B. Be released from being sealed.
C. Be kept signed. D. Be released from being signed.
[119] The meaning of ebb tide is that ______.
A. tide is falling from high water to low water
B. tide is rising from low water to high water
C. tide is reaching to a highest level
D. tide is reaching to a lowest level
[120] The morning newspaper was ______ by the agent.
A. Directed. B. Discharged.
C. Derived. D. Delivered.
[121] The necessity of the segregation of cargoes is determined by ______.
A. Experience from practice. B. Various types of cargoes.
D. Different type of ships. D. Personal abilities.
[122] The pilot motor launches are ______ blue,with the PILOT in white.
A. furnished
B. painted
C. prepared
D. written
[123] The pilot station ______ close west of the end of the breakwater.
A. Is stayed. B. Is situated. C. Is placed. D. Is located.
[124] The Routing System which aimed at reducing the risk of casualties is called as ______.
A. Traffic Separation Schemes
B. Recommended tracks
C. Precautionary areas
D. Inshore traffic zones
[125] The rules state that vessels may depart from the rules when ______.
A. There are other vessels in the vicinity.
B. Operating in a traffic separation scheme.
C. Engaged in a situation involving more than two vessels.
D. Necessary to avoid immediate danger.
[126] The shippers hope each mate’s receipt is to be signed right after ______.
A. The cargo is loading. B. The cargo is discharged.
C. The cargo is on board. D. The cargo is damaged.
[127] The shippers hope each mate’s receipt is to be signed right after the cargo ______ is loaded.
A. Related. B. Concerned.
C. Relevant. D. Connected.
[128] The term power-driven vessel means ______ in these Ru

A. any sailing vessel with propelling machinery
B. any vessel propelled by machinery
C. any sailing vessel with or without machinery for propelling
D. any sailing vessel with propelling machinery not in use.
[129] The term restricted visibility as used in the Rules refers ______.
A. only to fog
B. only to visibility of less than half a mile
C. to any condition where visibility is restricted
D. to visibility where you cannot see shore
[130] The two vessels underway may collide with ______, if they don’t take immediate measures.
A. One to another. B. One the other.
C. Each the other. D. Each other.
[131] The vessel ______ there yesterday.
A. Ground. B. Grounded.
C. Grounding. D. Has grounded.
[132] The VTS has been designed to aid in ______.
A. the prevention of collision
B. the promotion of the traffic flow
C. the complying of port regulation
D. the development of navigational technique.
[133] There is not ______ depth of water around the area centered at the lighthouse.
A. ample
B. sufficient
C. enormous
D. incredible
[134] They commenced loading at 1400 hours.
A. Started. B. Finished. C. Completed. D. Reported.
[135] Under International Rules ______.
A. all vessels must carry an after range light.
B. vessels less than 50 meters in length need not carry an after range light.
C. vessels stopped dead in the water should turn off their range lights.
D. vessels over 20 meters in length must carry both range lights from sunset to sunrise.
[136] Vessel shall normally join or leave a traffic lane ______ of the lane.
A. from right side
B. from left side
C. at the termination
D. from either side.
[137] Vessels must not exceed a speed of 8 knots in this area.
A. Sail at. B. Expect.
C. Proceed at. D. Steam over.
[138] Vessel's provisions refer to ______ of the vessel.
A. fuel oil
B. vegetables and food
C. spare parts on board
D. ballast water
[139] What form should the master hand over to the customs officer at the port of arrival?
A. Last port clearance.
B. Declaration of crew’s baggage’s.
C. Maritime declaration of health.
D. List of bounded stores.
[140] What speed can the ship make ______?
A. At full speed of the propeller.
B. At full load of the propeller.
C. At maximum horsepower of the propeller.
D. At maximum revolution of the propeller.
[141] When the changing of a VHF channel/frequency is accepted, say ______.
A. I am going to change to VHF channel.
B. I am certainly going to change to VHF channel.
C. Changing to VHF channel.
D. VHF channel has been changed.
[142] When there is not a chief officer on board, ______ should keep and write up the ship’s logbook.
A. The assistance officer. B. The captain.
C. The officer on duty. D. The third officer.
[143] Which one of following rules is not regarding two power-driven vessels meeting end or nearly end on so as to involve risk

of collision?
A. Each shall keep her course and speed.
B. Each shall alter her course to starboard.
C. Each shall pass on the portside to the other.
D. Each shall indicate such action by one short blast on the whistle.
[144] Which one of two crossing power-driven vessels has the right of way in a fog?
A. Both vessels.
B. Neither vessel.
C. The vessel on portside.
D. The vessel on starboard side.
[145] Which one of two crossing power-driven vessels has the right of way in a fog?
A. Both vessels. B. Neither vessel.
C. The stand-on vessel. D. The giving-way vessel.
[146] Which vessel is, by definition, unable to keep out of the way of another vessel?
A. Vessel engaged in fishing.
B. Vessel not making way.
C. Vessel sailing.
D. Vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver.
[147] ]Which vessel,when anchored at night,is NOT required to show anchor lights? ______.
A. A power-driven vessel
B. A vessel engaged on pilotage duty
C. A vessel dredging
D. A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver
[148] While ______, they met with storm weather.
A. At sea. B. The ship was at sea.
C. She was at sea. D. They were at sea.
[149] You are advised to enter the traffic route at about 1730 hours,because a vessel is scheduled to enter at the time when you intended to enter.What can you understand from this seaspeak? ______.
A. It's a warning of navigation for my vessel.
B. It's an advice from Port Control to order my vessel not enter the traffic route of the harbor.
C. It's an advice to change my estimated time of entering the traffic route.
D. It's an order from the VTS to indicate my vessel to follow the traffic route.
[150] A vessel transferring cargo while underway is classified by the rules as a vessel ______.
A. Restricted in her ability to maneuver.
B. In special circumstances.
C. Not under command.
D. Constrained by her draft.
[151] Midships refers to rudder to be held ______.
A. in position to starboard
B. in position to port
C. in position to anywhere
D. in position fore and aft
[152] More exact assessment of visibility when ______ is used to determine the range of vessel or other objects in the vicinity.
A. radar
B. omega
C. satellite navigator
D. DF.
[153] The ship has ______ of more than 10 meters at full load.
A. An engine. B. An overall length.
C. A displacement. D. A draft.
[154] These weights are ______ the ship’s discharging facilities.
A. Out. B. Beyond. C. From. D. Off.
[155] What does SALT WATER DRAFT means? ______.
A. It means summer draft.
B. It means Maximum draft.
C. It means Fresh Water draft.
D. It means Seawater Draft
[156] A vessel ______ when underway shall so far as possible, keep out of the way of a vessel not under command.
A. Having engaged in fishing. B. Engaging in fishing.
C. Engaged in fish. D. Engaged in fishing.
[157] A vessel engaged in ______ shall not impede the

passage of any other vessel navigating within a narrow channel or fairway.
A. mine clearance operation
B. towing operation
C. dredging or surveying or underwater operation
D. fishing.
[158] A vessel may be unable to take proper and effective action due to the speed ______ too high or,in some circumstances,too low.
A. is
B. is to be
C. will be
D. being.
[159] A vessel shall so far as practicable avoid ______ in a traffic separation scheme or in areas near its terminations.
A. Sailing. B. Proceeding. C. Anchoring. D. Maneuvering.
[160] Any vessel shall,if the circumstances of the case admit,avoid ______ in a narrow channel.
A. anchor
B. to anchor
C. anchoring
D. to anchoring.
[161] Broken stowage includes the space ______.
A. within irregular containers
B. between irregular containers
C. on uniform packaged commodities
D. on general cargo
[162] Dry cargoes are those commodities that ______.
A. Never leak but may be spoiled by leakage.
B. Sometime leak and damage themselves.
C. Often leak and damage other cargo.
D. Neither leak nor will be damage by leakage.
[163] Every vessel shall at all times maintain a proper lookout ______.
A. By sight.
B. By sight and hearing.
C. By sight and hearing as well as by all available means appropriate to the prevailing circumstances.
D. By sight and hearing as well as by all available means except smelling.
[164] Finally,when your ship is alongside,don't forget ______.
A. having rat guards properly mounted on your moorings
B. to have rat guards properly mounted on your moorings
C. to have rat guards properly mounting at your moorings
D. having rat guards proper mounted on your moorings
[165] If the circumstances of the case admit,any vessel ______ in a narrow channel.
A. shall have the liberty to anchor
B. shall avoid anchoring
C. shall moor to a buoy when necessary
D. shall keep anchoring.
[166] In ballast means that the ship is ______.
A. Loaded with cargo. B. In danger.
C. Not carrying cargo. D. Discharging cargo.
[167] Masters are ______ to make themselves well acquainted with these regulations.
A. binding
B. bound
C. bounded
D. bounding.
[168] Some cargoes are ______ in weight but ______ in size.
A. lighter/large
B. light/larger
C. lighter/larger
D. light/large
[169] The lookout must be able ______ full attention to the ______ of a proper lookout.
A. To give/keep. B. Giving/keeping.
C. Giving/keep. D. To give/keeping.
[170] The phrase vessel in ballast usually means ______.
A. The ship is fully loaded. B. The ship loaded with water.
C. A ship with cargo. D. A ship with no cargo.
[171] The system of derricks and winches has been largely replaced on newer ships by cranes ______ it is very efficient.
A. When. B. Because. C. Unless. D. Though.
[172] The term MODERATE SPEED was previously interpreted as meaning a speed which would

enable a vessel ______ within half the range of visibility.
A. stopping
B. to stop
C. to be stopped
D. to be stopping.
[173] The word vessel includes every description of watercraft and seaplanes, used or capable ______ as a means of transportation on water.
A. Of being used.
B. To be used.
C. To use.
D. Of using.
[174] When it is accepted to remain on the frequency indicated,you should say ______.
A. Standing by on VHF frequency.
B. Coming to VHF frequency.
C. VHF frequency. is the best place for you to stay by
D. remaining in frequency. and do not change
[175] Which is wrong?
A. Dunnage is use to reduce broken space.
B. Dunnage is used to benefit ventilation.
C. Dunnage is used to segregate cargo.
D. Dunnage is used to protect cargo.
[176] Which of the following radar contacts will present the most immediate danger? ______.
A. A vessel on the starboard bow whose bearing is changing and range is decreasing.
B. A vessel on the starboard bow whose bearing is steady and range is increasing.
C. A vessel on the port bow whose bearing is steady and range is decreasing.
D. A vessel on the port bow whose bearing is changing to the left and range decreasing.
[177] Every state, whether coastal or not, ______ to sail ships under its flag on the high seas.
A. Has no right. B. Has partial right.
C. Has the right. D. Has not any right.
A. to keep clear of the breakwater
B. that there is much berth space near the breakwater
C. don't drop anchor too close to the breakwater
D. to keep the breakwater within sight
[179] Is the pilot ladder all right at this ______?
A. High. B. Highly. C. Height. D. Height.
[180] Nothing in the International Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea 1972 interfere ______ the operation of special rules made by appropriate authority for special water areas.
A. In. B. On. C. At. D. With.
[181] Proper use shall be made ______ radar equipment.
A. With. B. To. C. For. D. Of.
[182] The agent has probably already handed over you the stowage plan,______ ?
A. isn't he
B. doesn't he
C. hasn't he
D. didn't he
[183] The International Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea 1972 shall apply to ______ upon the high seas and in all waters connected therewith navigable by seagoing vessels.
A. Some vessels.
B. All vessels.
C. All vessels except sailing vessels
D. All vessels not less than 20 meters in length.
[184] The length and breadth of vessel mean her ______.
A. Length between perpendiculars and molded breadth。
B. Length between perpendiculars and greatest breadth.
C. Length of overall and molded breadth.
D. Length of overall and greatest breadth.
[185] The master shall be ______ the marine environment when taking collision-avoiding action.
A. Aware of. B. Clear of.
C. In charge of. D. Interested with.
[186] The ship should reduce speed

in the thick fog because of ______.
A. The poor visibility. B. The fog signals.
C. The fast speed. D. The good sight.
[187] The word “breadth of a vessel” in International Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea 1972 means ______.
A. The molded breadth.
B. The registered breadth.
C. The breadth amidships.
D. The maximum breadth.
[188] You are running into danger, ______.
A. Shallow water ahead of you. B. Submerged wreck ahead of you.
C. Rick of collision imminent. C. A, B, C are all right.
[189] All ships in vicinity of position 123’32’’N, 10’13’E keep ______ lookout.
A. Sharp. B. Strong. C. Heavy. D. Big.
[190] ]For the purpose of ______ tank or hold washings from any vessel,an application shall be made to Harbor Authorities for approval.
A. discharging
B. recircling
C. loading
D. taking in
[191] In view of ______ bilge water from any vessel, an application shall be made to harbor authorities for approval.
A. Discharging. B. Recycling. C. Loading. D. Taking in.
[192] Inclination of the vessel to port side or starboard side defines ______.
A. Tip
B. Capsize
C. List
D. Trim
[193] Keep the engine ______ good order and condition.
A. For. B. At. C. Of. D. In.
[194] Radar makes it possible for us ______ in dense fog.
A. To be sailing. B. Sailing.
C. Sail. D. To sail.
[195] The most important principle in the cargo stowage is ______.
A. To avoid the rearrangement of the cargo loaded on board.
B. To ensure the safety of the ship and cargo.
C. To reject the damaged cargo during loading operation.
D. To prevent the spontaneous combustion of the coal and grain.
[196] To ______ sanitary water from any vessel,an application shall be made to Harbor Authorities for approval.
A. discharge
B. recircle
C. load
D. take in
[197] When ______ clean ballast water from any vessel,an application shall be made to Harbor Authorities for approval.
A. discharging
B. recircling
C. loading
D. taking in
[198] DO NOT,REPEAT,NOT OVER-TAKE means that you should ______.
A. overtake
B. not overtake
C. overtake or not
D. decide if you should overtake
[199] ]Is it safe ______ a rocket?
A. to shoot
B. to fire
C. to let go
D. to send to sky
[200] It ______ us three days to load the cargo, I think.
A. Will take. B. Takes. C. Taking. D. To take.
[201] They decided to discharge the heavy lifts soon.
A. Heavy cargo. B. Heavy weather.
C. Cranes. D. Derricks.
[202] A power-driven vessel is underway in fog but stopped and making no way through the water. What is the required fog signal?
A. One prolonged blast at not more than one-minute intervals.
B. Two prolonged blasts at not more than one-minute intervals.
C. One prolonged blast at not more than two-minute intervals.
D. Two prolonged blasts not more than two-minute intervals.
[203] A vessel is ______ when she is not at anchor,made

fast to the shore,or aground.
A. underway
B. making way
C. dead in the water
D. a power driven vessel.
[204] A vessel less than 20 meters in length or a sailing vessel shall not ______ the passage of a vessel which can safety navigate only within a narrow channel or fairway.
A. Overcome. B. Impede.
C. Import. D. Imply.
[205] According to the stowage factor of the cargo, my ship will ______ take 350 more metric tons of cargo.
A. Could. B. Can. C. Be able to. D. Should.
[206] All of our export dangerous cargo is ______ examined before shipment.
A. though
B. through
C. thorough
D. thoroughly
[207] All of the following constitute special circumstances EXCEPT ______.
A. Three vessels meeting so as to cross each other's course.
B. A vessel meeting a vessel that is backing out of a slip.
C. An overtaking situation that has reached in extremis.
D. A vessel fishing with nets meeting a sailing vessel.
[208] An overtaken vessel means a vessel ______.
A. Which has been overtaken by another vessel.
B. Which is going to overtake another vessel.
C. Which has overtaken another vessel.
D. Which is going to be overtaken by another vessel.
[209]Bottom stowage on board a ship is usually given to ______.
A. Dry cargoes.
B. Heavy cargoes.
C. Delicate cargoes.
D. The cargoes bound for the first port of call. (驶往)
[210]Dayshapes must be displayed_____
A . between sunset and sunrise
B . only between 8AM and 4PM
C . during daylight hours in any visibility
D . during daylight hours in understricted visibility only
[211] Every vessel which is directed to keep out of the way of another vessel shall, so far as possible, ______ action to keep well clear.
A. Take earlier and substantial.
B. Take early and substantial.
C. Take early and large.
D. Be to take earliest and substantial.
[212] I am proceeding at a slackened speed. Here slackened stands for ______.
A. Reduced. B. Increased. C. Normal. D. Half.
[213] I read you with signal strength ______.
A. barely perceptible
B. bare perceptible
C. barely perceptibly
D. bare perceptibly
[214] If a seaplane is not used as a means of transportation on water but is capable of being used so, it shall ______.
A. Be regarded as a vessel not under command.
B. Be regarded as a vessel underway.
C. To regarded as a vessel.
D. Be regarded as a sailing vessel.
[215] In a narrow channel or fairway when overtaking can take place only if the vessel to be overtaken has to take action to permit safe passing, the vessel intending to overtake shall indicate her intention by sounding appropriate signal. This means that ______.
A. The vessels to be overtaken shall sound appropriate signal first.
B. The overtaking vessel shall sound appropriate signal first.
C. The overtaking vessel shall take action to permit safe passing.
D. The vessel to be overtaken shall take action to permit safe passing before hearing appropriate signal.

[216] In determining a safe speed ________ shall not be among those taken into account.
A. The characteristics, efficiency and limitation of the radar equipment.
B. Any constraints imposed by the radar range scale in use.
C. The effect on radar detection of the sea state, weather and other sources of interference.
D. The safe working load of the cranes both on board and shore.
[217] Mariners are to ensure that charts and publications are ______.
A. Keep corrected. B. Kept correctedly.
C. Keeping corrected. D. Keeping correctedly.
[218] Pilot station, this is Chinese ship Jinsha _______ over.
A. Calls. B. Called. C. Calling. D. Call.
[219] Risk of collision exists when an approaching vessel has a(n) ______.
A. generally steady bearing and decreasing range
B. generally steady range and increasing bearing
C. increasing range and bearing
D. decreasing bearing only
[220] The chief officer ______ told the stevedores to stow the cargo lot by lot.
A. Plainly. B. Playfully. C. Absolutely. D. Completely.
[221] The lighthouse if ______ at night may be in trouble.
A. Invisible. B. It is invisible.
C. Isn’t visible. D. Unvisible.
[222] The phrase when built in the certificate of vessel’s nationality definitely means ______.
A. When was your vessel built?
B. At what times is your vessel building?
C. When is your vessel built?
D. At when time you built your vessel.
[223] The space in Hatch No.4 tweendeck is too ______.
A. near
B. short
C. close
D. small
[224] The vessel cleared the port means ______.
A. The vessel left the port properly.
B. The vessel was clear of the port shortly.
C. The vessel departed from the port slowly.
D. The vessel was clear out the port suddenly.
[225] Vessel constrained by her draught is ______.
A. a non-power driven vessel
B. a sailing vessel
C. a power driven vessel
D. a power driven vessel or a non-power driven vessel.
[226] When a vessel navigates in an area with a small under keel clearance but with adequate space to take avoiding action she ______.
A . Should not be regarded as a vessel constrained by her draught.
B. Should be regarded as a vessel constrained by her draught.
C . Shall be regarded as a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver.
D. Should be regarded as a non-displacement vessel.
[227] When winds of force reach 10-11 in Beaufort Scale,usually we call such winds as ______.
A. Hurricane
B. Breeze
C. Storm
D. Gale
[228] Which statement is TRUE concerning a vessel equipped with operational radar? ______.
A. She must use this equipment to obtain early warning of risk of collision.
B. The use of a radar excuses a vessel from the need of a look-out.
C. The radar equipment is only required to be used in restricted visibility.
D. The safe speed of such a vessel will likely be greater than that of vessels without radar.
[229] You can indicate that your vessel is in distress by ______.

displaying a large red flag
B. displaying three black balls in a vertical line
C. sounding four or more short rapid blasts on the whistle
D. continuously sounding the fog whistle
[230] A vessel using a traffic separation scheme shall so far as practicable ______ a traffic separation line or separation zone.
A. Keep well clear. B. Keep very far.
C. Keep clear of. D. Keep clear from.
[231] All of the following are distress signals under the Rules EXCEPT ______.
A. International Code Signal "AA"
B. orange-colored smoke
C. red flares
D. the repeated raising and lowering of outstretched arms
[233] Discharging can be completed in no time.
A. Without time. B. Very soon.
C. In any time. D. During daytime.
[234] I am maintaining my course and speed. You can ______ ahead of me.
A. Overtake. B. Pass. C. Leave. D. Come.
[235] I suppose the winchman is ______ for the damage to the case.
A. in blame
B. in blaming
C. to have blame
D. to blame
[236] Keep ______between the passing vessels.
A. Well areas. B. Good clear.
C. Water spaces. D. Ample room.
[237] The space in No.1 lower hold is nearly full up but there is still some ______inside.
A. Cabin. B. Cabins. C. Room. D. Rooms.
[238] A sailing vessel is not required to keep out of the way of a ______.
A. Power-driven vessel.
B. Vessel not under command.
C. Vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver.
D. Vessel engaged in fishing.
[239] A vessel ______ a crossing vessel,shall not normally enter a separation zone or cross a separation line.
A. including
B. inclusive of
C. except that
D. other than.
[240] A vessel constrained by her draught may,in addition to the lights prescribed for power-driven vessels in Rule 23,exhibit where they can best be seen ______ or a cylinder.
A. two all-round red lights in a vertical line
B. three all-round red lights in a vertical line
C. two all-round yellow lights in a vertical line
D. three all-round green lights in a vertical line.
[241] A vessel is considered to be restricted in her ability to maneuver under the rules if she is ______.
A. At anchor.
B. Mine-clearing.
C. Engaged in fishing.
D. Engaged in towing.
[242] A vessel not using a traffic separation scheme shall avoid it by as wide a ______ as is practicable.
A. margin
B. legend
C. legion
D. maiden.
[243] A vessel sailing shall keep out of the way of all of the following vessels except a vessel ______.
A. Not under command.
B. Engaged on pilot age duty.
C. Restricted in her ability to maneuver.
D. Engaged in fishing.
[244] A vessel, which is restricted in her ability to maneuver under the rules, is a vessel, which is ______.
A. Mine clearing. B. Engaged in fishing.
C. At anchor. D. Not under command.
[245] According to the navigation rules, all of the following are engaged in fishing except a vessel ______.
A. Setting nets.

B. Trawling.
C. Using a dredging net. D. Trolling.
[246] According to the navigation rules, you may depart from the rules when ______.
A. You do so to avoid immediate danger.
B. No vessels are visible on radar.
C. You are in a close quarters situation.
D. Out of sight of land.
[248] According to the rules, which vessel is not restricted in her ability to maneuver?
A. A vessel servicing a navigation marker.
B. A sailing vessel.
C. A vessel mine clearing.
D. A vessel dredging.
[249] All of the following vessels are "restricted in their ability to maneuver" EXCEPT a vessel ______.
A. laying a pipeline
B. dredging
C. mineclearing
D. not under command
[250] ANCHOR IS ACROSS means that ______.
A. Anchor is cross the bow
B. Anchor is in the ground
C. Anchor is foul
D. Anchor is dragging
[251] Any alteration of course and/or speed to avoid collision shall,if the circumstances of the case admit,______ to another vessel observing visually or by radar.
A. be large enough to be readily apparent
B. be a succession of small alterations
C. be with due regard to the power and speed of the vessel
D. leave sufficient room for the other vessel to take action.
[252] Any vessel ______ any other shall keep out of the way of the vessel ______.
A. Overtaking/overtaken.
B. Being overtake/being overtaken.
C. Overtaking/Being overtaken.
D . Being overtaking/overtaken.
[253] As matter of fact, the damage to the winches was due to ______.
A. Insufficiency of packing. B. Inherent vice of the cargo.
C. Improper stowage. D. Rough handling.
[254] Broken stowage must be reduced to ______.
A. the minimum
B. to little amount
C. the maximum
D. to great amount
[255] Compared to manila line,size for size,nylon line ______.
A. has less strength than manila line
B. has more strength than manila line
C. is equivalent to manila line
D. will rot quicker than manila line
A. Don't take in the stern line.
B. Take in the stern line.
C. Send out the stern line.
D. Heave up the stern line
[257] Good anchorage may be obtained anywhere in this water area,the bottom being generally mud and sand,vessel may have ______.
A. good getting ground
B. good holding ground
C. good grabbing ground
D. good handling ground
[258] How about ______ them some more hands.
A. Send. B. Sending. C. To send. D. To sending.
[259] I can not take any actions to avoid close quarters situation with you,because your navigation lights ______.
A. is not visible
B. are not invisible
C. are not visible
D. can easily be seen.
[260] ’m on fire and have dangerous cargo on board.The most emergent assistance in this case would be ______.
A. life boat
B. helicopter
C. fire-fighting
D. medicine
[261] If the circumstances admit,______ of small alteration of course and speed shall not be taken to a

void collision.
A. depression
B. oppression
C. succession
D. possession
[262] If the weights are moved away from the amidships section, ______ will happen on board.
A. Hogging. B. Sagging. C. Stiff. D. Tender
[263] Is it clear ______ traffic lane?
A. My entering. B. For my entering. C. For me to enter. D. I am entering
[264] Lateral movement of the vessel to leeward of its course defines ______.
A. Leeway. B. Leeside.
C. Leeward. D. Lee moving.
[265] My position has been obtained by ______.
A. Astronomical observation. B. Hydrographic survey.
C. Weather prediction. D. Current sailing
[266] My ship is bound for Shanghai, with dangerous cargo on board.
A. Without. B. Loading. C. Discharging. D. Carrying
[267] My ship will leave here ______ Hong Kong tomorrow.
A. To. B. In. C. For. D. During
[268] Of the vessels listed, which must keep out of the way of all the others?
A. A vessel constrained by her draft.
B. A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver.
C. A vessel on pilot age duty.
D. A vessel engaged in fishing
[269] Of the vessels listed, which must keep out of the way of all the others?
A. A sailing vessel.
B. A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver.
C. A vessel not under commands.
D. A vessel fishing
[270] Please choke up the drums to prevent ______.
A. Moving. B. Movement.
C. From the movement. D. Them from moving
[271] Please tell your captain that your anchor is ______.
A. Moving. B. Dragging. C. Dredging. D. Slipping.
[272] Radiotelegrams requesting medical advice should state briefly and clearly the symptoms of the illness of the person ______.
A. affected
B. effected
C. affecting
D. effecting
[273] Risk of collision is considered to exist if ______.
A. Four vessels are nearby.
B. A vessel has a steady bearing at a constant range.
C. There is any doubt that a risk of collision exists.
D. A special circumstance situation is apparent.
[274] Roll-on/roll-off ships are equipped with ______.
A. Cargo elevators---货物升降机
B. Conveyor belts---传送带
C. Ramps.
D. Derricks and winches for cargo handling
[275] Shipowner is a person who ______.
A. has the ownership of a vessel
B. has the ship owned by a shipping company
C. owns no ship of a shipping company
D. owns the ship named by a register of shipping
[276] Ships changing their location within the port limits are also required to report their new ______.
A. Bearing. B. Distance. C. Sections. D. Positions
[277] Stop ______the derrick at once, the gooseneck is bent.
A. To use. B. To operate.
C. Maneuvering. D. Using
[278] The certificate of nationality ______ serves as evidence of the nationality of the ship ______ shows the port of registry.
A. Neither, nor. B. Not only, but also.
C. Not, but. D. Not only but and
[279] The crude oil overflowed from measuring-hole due to ______ the valve of No.1 tank.

. Not close. B. Not closing.
C. Not have closed. D. No closing
[280] The expression STAND-BY ENGINE means: ______.
A. to get the engine ready
B. to respond to the engine
C. to maneuver the engine
D. to change the engine
[281] The international load line certificate is a document indicating ______ of the various load lines of the vessel.
A. Decks. B. Cabins. C. Holds. D. Positions
[282] The Quarantine officer told the master that the Certificate of Pratique shall become {null and void} if the ship calls at other foreign ports.
A. no disposal
B. ineffective
C. no result
D. no event
[283] The ship ______ about 1/2 miles southward of the lighthouse.
A. moors
B. moor
C. is moored
D. mooring
[284] The ship must be trimmed to a slightly deeper draught ______ so that the vessel can be easily operated.
A. At the bow.
B. On the port side.
C. On the starboard side.
D. At the stern
[285] The ship’s draught forward is slightly deeper than the draught aft. This condition is called ______ in shipping terms.
A. Trim by the head. B. Trim by the stern.
C. Even keel. D. Drafts
[286] The term COW in tanker operation stand for ______.
A. Crude oil washing. B. Coming off wreck.
C. Crew on watch. D. Cold of wind
[287] The term PROLONGED BLAST refers to ______.
A. a blast of from five to seven seconds' duration
B. a blast of from five to six seconds' duration
C. a blast of from four to six seconds' duration
D. a blast of from six to seven seconds' duration
[288] The term short blast means ______.
A. A blast of about three seconds’ duration.
B. A blast of about four seconds’ duration.
C. A blast of about two seconds’ duration.
D. A blast of about one seconds’ duration
[289] The tonnage certificate gives ______ of a vessel which is classified into gross tonnage and net tonnage.
A. The descriptions. B. The measurements.
C. The specification. D. The prescriptions
[290] These vessels are all {sailing} for Shanghai.
A. arriving
B. bound
C. loading
D. discharging
[291] Three SHORT BLASTS mean ______.
A. I am altering my course to starboard
B. I am altering my course to port
C. I am operating astern propulsion
D. I am operating ahead propulsion
[292] Tide in this water area is ______ in direction ENE.
A. Getting. B. Setting. C. Being. D. Having
[293] We'll put off ______ until Friday.
A. to discharge
B. discharge
C. discharging
D. to be discharging
[294] What does the word breadth mean in the rules?
A. Breadth on the uppermost continuous deck.
B. Molded breadth.
C. Greatest breadth.
D. Breadth at the load waterline [295]
[296] What is NOT a distress signal? ______.
A. Red flares or red rockets
B. Continuous sounding of fog signaling apparatus
C. International Code Flags November and Charlie
D. Basket hanging in the rigging
[297] When a vessel sees the other ahead or nearly ahead, by night

she could see the masthead lights of the other in a line or nearly in a line or both sidelights, ______ shall be deemed to exist.
A. Head-on situation.
B. End-situation.
C. Crossing situation.
D. Close-quarters situation
[298] When a wind blows round clockwise,it is ______.
A. Variable
B. Changing
C. Backing
D. Veering
[299] When two power-driven vessels are meeting on reciprocal or nearly reciprocal course so as to involve risk of collision, they shall be deemed to be in ______.
A. Crossing situation.
B. Head-on situation.
C. Restricted visibility.
D. Overtaking situation
[300] When underway in a channel, you should keep to the ______.
A. Middle of the channel.
B. Starboard side of the channel.
C. Port side of the channel.
D. Side of the channel that has widest turns
[301] Which situation would be a special circumstance under the rules?
A. Vessel at anchor.
B. More than two vessels meeting.
C. Speed in fog.
D. Two vessels crossing.
[302] Which vessel is a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver under the rules?
A. A vessel mine clearing.
B. A vessel engaged in fishing.
C. A vessel at anchor.
D. A vessel not under commands.
[303] Which vessel is not restricted in her ability to maneuver?
A. A vessel servicing an aid to navigation.
B. A vessel constrained by her draft.
C. A towing vessel with tow, unable to deviate from its course.
D. A vessel engaged in dredging.
[304] Which vessel is to keep out of the way of the others?
A. A vessel constrained by her draft.(限于吃水的船舶)
B. A vessel engaged in underwater operations.(从事水下作业的船只)
C. A vessel engaged in trawling.(从事拖网的船只)
D. A vessel not under commands.(失去控制的船舶)
[305] Which vessel is underway according to the rules?
A. A vessel made fast to a single point-mooring buoy.
B. A vessel engaged in towing, not making way.
C. A pilot vessel at anchor.
D. A vessel which has run aground.
[306] Which vessel is underway under the rules of the road?
A. A vessel at anchor with the engine running.
B. A vessel with a line led to a tree onshore.
C. A vessel drifting with the engine off.
D. A vessel aground.
[307] Which vessel is, by definition, unable to keep out of the way of another vessel?
A. Vessel engaged in fishing.
B. Vessel not making way.
C. Vessel sailing.
D. Vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver.
[308] Which vessel should not impede the navigation of a power-driven vessel?
A. A vessel not under commands.
B. A vessel engaged in fishing.
C. A sailing vessel.
D. A seaplane.
[309] Which vessel sounds the same fog signal when underway or at anchor?
A. A sailing vessel.
B. A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver.
C. A vessel constrained by her draft.
D. A vessel not under commands.
[310] While underway, in fog, you hear a whistle signal of one prolonged blast followed by two short blasts. This signal is sounded by a vessel ______.
A. Not under command


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