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21. The number Of smokers, ______ is reported, has dropped by 17 PerCent in the PaSt one year.

A. it

B. WhiCh

C. that

D. as

22. Schools should be lively PIaCeS Where in dividuals are en COUraged to ____ to their greatest pote ntial.

A. accelerate

B. improve

C. PerfOrm

D. develop

23. - Jim, Can you work …..?

-- _____ ? I ' Ve been working two WeekS on end.

A. Why me

B. Why not

C. What if

D. So What

24. MUCh time ____ S itti ng at a desk, OffiCe WOrkerS are gen erally trapped by health problems.

A. being SPe nt

B. hav ing SPe nt

C. SPe nt

D. to SPe nd

25. ____ Li Hua, a great Chin ese poet, WaS born is known to the public,

but ….

A. That

B. Why

C. Where

D. How

26. It is so cold that you can' t go OUtSide __________ fully COVered in thick clothes.

A. if

B. Unl ess

C. once

D. Whe n

27. The Uni VerSity Started some new Ian guage PrOgrammeS to ___ the

COuntry ' S Silk ROad ECOn OmiC Belt.

A. apply to

B. Cater for

C. appeal to

D. …

28. It might have SaVed me much trouble ____ the schedule.

A. did I know

B. have I known

C. do I know

D. had I known

29. The whole team ______ Don ald, and he seldom let them dow n.

A. Wait on

B. focus on

C. count on

D. call on

30. The reas on Why PriCeS ___ and still are too high is complex, and

no short discussi on Can SatiSfaCtOry Can expla in this problem.

A. Were

B. will be

C. have bee n

D. had bee n

31. The police OffiCerS decided to con duct a thorough, and ___________ review of the case.

A. COmPrehe nsive

B. complicated


D. …

32. Someschools will have to make _________ in agreement With the national social reform.

A. judgme nts

B. adjustme nts

C. comme nts

D. achieveme nts

33. - Why didn' t you inVite John to your birthday party?

-- Well, you know he ' S _________ .

A.a n early bird

B. a Wet bla nket

C. a lucky dog

D. a tough


34. Many of the things We now ben efit from would not be around _____ ThOmaS EdiS on.

A. tha nks to

B. regardless of

C. aside from

D. but for

35. —Go and Say sorry to your mom, Dave?

m afraid Mom would not accept my

--I ' d Iike to, but I

A. requests

B. excuses

C. apologies

D. regrets


I WaS required to read One of Bernie SiegeI ' S books in college and WaS hooked on his POSitiVity from the moment on. The StOrieS of his UnCOnVentional ______________36 __ and the exceptio nal Patie nts he wrote about Were

so ___ 37 ___ to me and had SUCh a big ___ 38 ___ on how I SaW life from

the n on. Whok new that so many years later I would look to Dr. Bernie and his CDS aga in to _________ 39 __ my own Can Cer experie nce?

I ' mambitious __40 __ , and Whenl Started going through chemo化疗),even though I ' m a Very __41__ PerSon, I lost my drive to write. I WaS just

too tired and not in the ______ 42__. Oneday, while Wanting to go in for __43__

I had one of Dr. Bernie ' S books in my hand. Another Patient _______ 44__ What I WaS read ing and StrUCk UP a con VerSati on With me ___ 45 he had one

of his books …well. It _______ 46 ___ that among other thin gs, he WaS an

eighty-on e-year-old writer. He WaS _ 47 ___ a PUbIiShed author, and he

WaS CUrre ntly _48 __ on a new book.

Wewould See each other at VariOUS times and ____ 49 ____ friends. SOmetimeS he wore a duck hat, and I would tell myself, he WaS definitely a(n)