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Chapter 1 语法

If 和unless 引导的条件状语从句

我们用if 引导的条件状语从句来讨论可能的条件以及该条件成立时可能的结果。一. 学

习if 引导的条件状语从句的用法,我们可先从如下的口诀入手:If条件句不一般,几个要点记心间;


We can walk there if we can't find a bus. 如果我们找不到公车,也能走路去那里主句条件状语从句

If it rains tomorrow, we will not go to the zoo. 如果明天下雨,我们就不去动物园条件状语从句主句

What will you go if you find someone in danger? 主句条件状语从句如果你发现某人有危险,你会怎么做?

If 条件句有不同的类型,简述如下:


If 条件句用于表达客观真理或普通现象时,主,从句时态均用一般现在时,如:

Eg. If you freeze water, it turns into ice.

A fish dies if you take it out of water.

2.用if 条件句表示将来可能发生的事情

在表示将来可能发生的事情的if 条件句中,主句用一般将来时,而if 从句用一般现在时表示将来的时间,即主将从现

Eg. If I like the house, I will buy it. 如果我喜欢这房子,我就会把它买下

I will tell her if I see her. 如果我见到她,我就会告诉她。

主句中的will 也可以用情态动词can, may 或might 等代替。如:

Eg. If they are friendly,I might invite them to the party. 如果他们很友善,我可能会请他们去参加聚会

If we hurry now, we can stop for coffee later. 如果我们现在抓紧时间,就可以稍后去喝咖啡

注意:在条件句中,主句部分只能使用动词will 的一般将来时,不能使用be going to 的结构

二. Unless 的条件句表示在特定条件下,才决定做或不做一件事,中文用的连接词一般是“除非”和“否则”。如:除非刮台风,否则演唱会将如期进行。在英语中,我们可以用unless表达这个意思,相当于if not。以这个句子为例:

The concert will be held as schedule unless there is a typhoon.

= the concert will be held as schedule if there is not a typhoon

She will keep on singing unless she is told to stop. 她会一直唱下去,除非有人叫她停止

= she will keep on singing if she is not told to stop 也可以用or(否则)来做同义句转换Unless you listen carefully, you won't know the answer.

= if you don't listen carefully, you won't know the answer.

= you should listen carefully, or you won't know the answer.


1.If I ______ his phone number, I will tell you.


B. found

C. will find

D. have found

2.We will go camping if it _____ tomorrow.

A. Won't rain

B. didn't rain

C. doesn't rain

D. isn't raining

3.I'm waiting for my friend. If he _____ , I ______ swimming alone.

A. doesn't come; will go

B. won't come; will go

C.will come; won't go

D. don't come; will go

4.____ you go to the supermarket at 7 p.m, you can buy a lot of cheap food.

A. If

B. Unless

C. Whether

D. When

5.I won't get to the party on time _____ I catch the first train tomorrow morning.

A. If

B. Unless

C. Whether

D. When

6. -- S hall we go on a picnic this weekend?

---- G ood idea! Unless it ________ .

A. rains

B. doesn't rain

C. rain

D. won't rain

7. - Can I change the jacket for another one _____ it doesn't fit me well?

---- Of course.

A. unless

B. if

C. that

D. though

8.Nobody can learn maths well he works hard on it.

A if

B unless

C thought

D however

9.If fish away from water, they die.

A are taking, won't

B are taken, will

C are being taken, will

D take, won't

10.Each student can ask teachers for help if he how to work out the problem.

A will know

B won't know

C don't know

D doesn't know


A woman should never be seen eating or drinking, unless it be lobster salad and

Champagne, the only true feminine and becoming viands.

Lord Byron

I don't feel right unless I have a sport to play or at least a way to work up a sweat. Hank


No great poetry, of whatever kind, is conceivable unless the subject has become integrated with the poet's mind and mood. Lascelles Abercrombie

I'm not going to just say nice things about everybody unless I mean it. F. Murray Abraham Unless you're willing to have a go, fail miserably, and have another go, success won't

happen. Phillip Adams

1.If I ___ you, I _____ very happy.

A. were, would be

B. am, shall be

C. were, shall be

D. am, would be

2.If he had not lost his money, he __ the piano last week.

A. would buy

B. had bought

C. could have bought

D. bought

3. _ I known it, I should have told him.

3 / 5

4. _ the clouds, you would find the airplane in the sky easily.

A. Were it not for

B. If it had not been for

C. If it were not

D. Had it not been for

5.If I had known that, I ___ so.

A. wouldn't do

B. won't do

C. didn't do

D. wouldn't have done

6.If it ___ so hard, we'd go to town.

A. isn't raining

B. weren't raining

C. doesn't rain

D. isn't going to rain

1.答案A 2 答案C 3.答案B 4.答案A 5.答案D 6.答案B

7.He ____ you if you __ to see him that afternoon.

A. might tell, were going

B.told, were going

C.might have told, had gone

D.should tell, went

8.If you had started sooner, you __ there.

A. may have got

B. might have got

C. shall have got

D. must have got

9.If we were to be 2oo years old, we _ everything.

A. will change

B. can change

C. could change

D. shall change

10.I don't think that I shall fail, but if I ___ I would try again.

A. fail

B. would fail

C. should fail

D. had failed

11.If you __ to see Mary, what would you tell her?

A. are

B. will be going

C. must

D. were

12.If the train leaves at half past ten, there __ no time to lose.

4 / 5

A. would

B. is

C. will

D. has

7.答案C 8.答案B 9.答案C 10.答案C 11.答案D 12.答案B


[例句] wI shall go tomorrow unless it rains. 如果不下雨,我明天去。

–Shall Tom go and play football?

–Not unless he has finished his homework. 除非他完成作业,否则不能出去。

I won ' t go unless he comes to invite me himself.w 除非他本人来邀请我,不然我是不会去的。

I won ' t attend his birthday party unless invited (=unless I am invited). 除非被邀请,否则我不


1. The men will have to wait all day _____ the doctor works faster.(2001 北京春季)

A. if

B. unless

C. whether

D. that

2. You will succeed in the end ___ you give up halfway.(2001 上海)

A. even if

B. as though

C. as long as

D. unless

3.___ you call me to say you're not coming. I'll see you at the theater.(2004 吉林)

A. Though

B. Whether

C. Until

D. Unless

if ,unless

If,unless 一结构 If 作“如果”解,用来引导条件状语从句,可放在主语前面或后面。二时态 1 当谈论未来可能出现的情况时,主句用一般将来时,if从句用一般现在时。 例:If I am free, I will come to see you . 2 当谈论可预测的、反复出现的情况时,主句和if 句都用一般现在时,此时if 相当于when. 这类句子通常表示不受时间限制的自然法则表普通真理和客观事实 例:If you cool the water below zero, it turns into ice. 三转换 If 从句和主句还可以由“祈使句+and/or+简单句代替”,and 表示句意顺承;or则意为“否则”。 If you study hard, you will pass the exam. = Study hard, and you’ll pass the exam. If you don’t hurry up, you’ll miss the train. = Hurry up, or you’ll miss the train. 另外,unless 也可以引导条件状语从句,相当于if…not,“如果不、除非”。 I will plant the flowers if it doesn’t rain tomorrow. = I will plant the flowers unless it rains tomorrow. Unless: conj. 除非, 如果不 Unless you take more care, you’ll have an accid ent. 如果不多加小心的话,你会出事故的。 更详细的如下 一、unless的基本用法 unless“除非……如果不……”引导否定意义的真实条件句有时也可引导非真实条件句 (1)主句为肯定句。 Unless I visit every bookstore in town.I shall not know whether I can get what want. 如果我不到城里每一家书店去看看,我就不知道是否能买到我想要的书。 You will miss the bus unless you hurry up.你要不快点就会错过班车。 (2)主句为否定句。 I wouldn't be saying this unless I were sure of the facts. 要是我对这些事情没有把握,我就不说这话了。 二、应注意的一些问题 1.unless不能与if'"not换用的情况 unless在意义上相当于if...not,因此在有些场合中unless与if...not可互换使用。

unless 与 if not

Unless 与 if not 1. unless 与if … not 都可以用来引导条件状语从句, unless 的语气较重,从句中的动词用一般现在时代替一般将来时。例如: We will visit the Great Wall tomorrow unless it rains. 除非明天下雨,否则我们就去参观长城。 I won't believe what you said unless I've seen it with my own eyes. 我要亲眼所见才能相信你所说的。 Don't enter the lab unless you are permitted to. 只有经过允许才能进入实验室。 2. 有的同学在遇到使用 unless 的句子时,弄不清该用肯定还是否定而出错。这时最好的办法是将 unless 替换成if … not 的结构,从而就一目了然了。例如: I won't go to the party unless I am invited. ( =I won't go to the party if I am not invited. ) 如果没有人邀请我,我是不会去参加聚会的。 3. 由于 unless 与if … not 的语气不同,有时两者替换后,其意思就不一样了。例如: Unless he were my friend, I shouldn't expect his help. 除非他是我的朋友,我才会期待他的帮助。(本句的潜在意思为:他并不是我的朋友。) If he were not my friend, I shouldn't expect his help. 如果他不是我的朋友,我就不会期待他的帮助了。(本句的潜在意思为:正因为他是我的朋友,我才会期待他的帮助。) 4. 在平时使用过程中,要注意 unless 与 until 的区别。


龙源期刊网 https://www.doczj.com/doc/339177715.html, 论情景模拟在培训中的运用 作者:赵今巾 来源:《高教学刊》2016年第14期 摘要:面对“新常态”下培训的新特点、新要求,如何在培训中创新培训方法,弥补传统的灌输式教学手段产生的“学”与“用”的断层缺陷,进化成启发式,体验式,实操式的培训方式是一个值得研究的课题。作者从起源、意义、应用和建议等几个方面探讨如何把握关键环节,更好的应用情景模拟教学。 关键词:情景模拟;员工培训;运用 中图分类号:G642 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2096-000X(2016)14-0097-02 Abstract: China's has entered a period of "new normal". It's means there are lots of more new characteristics and new requirements for the training program of leaders. How to innovate the training method? How to make up for the defects of traditional training methods? This deserves keen investigation and study. This paper discusses how to grasp the key links to apply the scene simulation teaching from the aspects of origin、 significance、application and suggestion. Keywords: scene simulation; staff training; application 公务员、国企事业单位的员工培训一直以培养具有公共精神的高效领导者为目标,其培养的核心是公共精神意识、高效领导能力、自我管理能力和创新能力,这也是当代“新常态”下领导干部必备的素质和能力。 培训的教学方式经过多年的发展和演变,也由传统的灌输式,进化成启发式,体验式,实操式,激发培训学员在培训中的主动性、实践性和创新性。区别于传统的讲座式教学,情景模拟法在近几年被广泛的应用,其生动性、实操性、趣味性深受培训学员的认可和喜爱。情景模拟已经成为培训中的“标配”培训手段,尤其是对于领导能力提升类课程,包括沟通能力、思维能力、写作能力、应变能力、公关能力、领袖能力、谈判能力等专题以及红色廉政教育类专题相比于传统的灌输式教学来讲,互动性更强的情景模拟更能彰显其衔接理论与实践的优越性,通过身临其境的新模式搭建课堂与社会的分隔的阶梯,缝补学与用空隙,对于增强培训效果作用重大。 一、情景模拟教学的起源 情景模拟教学起源于20世纪80年代在西方发展起来的情景认知理论(SituatedCognition),其早期研究来自杜威、维果斯基、列昂杰夫等学者,即“不是把知识作

except besides unless (除了)区别和用法

1)(肯定)表示“除……之外(还)……” besides 和in addition to 同义 She knows Japanese besides English. In addition to English, she knows Japanese. 2)(否定)当与nothing,nobody或no one等否定意义的不定代词连用时,表示“除…之外(其余都不)”。besides与except同义, except 表示“除……外,(其余都)……”,常与“all,every,no,none,n othing”等含有整体肯定或否定意义的词连用。 All of them went to climb the mountain except me. 3)except for:它的宾语与前述对象完全是两回事。 The room was very cold and, except for Jack, entirely empty完全是空荡荡的. 4)except:指同一类事物的总体中除去一部分。 He gets up early everyday except Sunday. 5) except that 后面跟从句,语意与上同。 He has always been in good health except that he has had a slight headache in the past few days. 6)but:常可与except互换,强调“不在其中”。 Everyone attended the meeting but Mary. 7)besides:强调“除此之外,还包括”。 She can speak French and Japanese besides English. 8)apart from;其含义主要依据上下文而定,有时可与except换用,有时可代替besides. Apart from the price, the hat doesn't suit me. 9)except 用于同类之间。 other than:固定用法,用于否定句中。意思是除了……,除……之外。与excep/but 相同,都是表示从总体中除去一部分,后接名次、代词或不定式。 except for 用于不同类的。除此之外,什么都在 apart from 在同类或不同类都能用 10)except for和apart from接名词, 但apart from是从"什么分离出来"的意思 而except for是"除了"的意思 11) unless conj. 除非,如果不 . unless用于引出某事发生或成立所必需的条件


STRUCTURE 结构 As mentioned above, unless is a conjunction which we use in conditional phrases. In written English, the clause that follows unless is the subordinate clause (SC) meaning that it needs a main clause (MC) to make a complete sentence. It is similar to how we use if in conditional phrases. 之前提过,unless是在条件句中使用的连词。在书面语种,使用unless的从句叫做从属句(SC),需要主句(MC)让句子完整。这就像if在条件句里的用法一样。 When unless comes before a main clause we use a comma: unless放在主句之前加逗号: Unless it rains, we’ll go for a picnic tomorrow. [en](SC) (MC) [/en] 除非下雨,否则我们明天去野餐。 When the main clause comes first, no comma is required: 主句在前,不需要逗号: They won’t come unless you invite them.

[en](MC) (SC) [/en] 除非你邀请他们,否则他们不会来。 Unless is like If in that we don’t not use will/would after it. We only use the present simple tense. 像if一样,我们不会在unless后面使用will/would。只使用一般现在时。 Unless I hear from you, I’ll see you at 5pm. 除非你通知我,否则我和你下午5点碰面。 HOW DO WE USE “UNLESS”? 如何使用“unless”? Unless and if not unless和if not Ok, so unless is similar to “if …..not” and together they mean “except if”. Note: We refer to real conditional situations and NOT impossible situations. unless和if…not很相似,它们都表示“除非”。注意:我们指的是真实的条件情况,而不是不可能的情况。


C h a p t e r1语法If 和unless引导的条件状语从句 我们用if引导的条件状语从句来讨论可能的条件以及该条件成立时可能的结果。一. 学习if引导的条件状语从句的用法,我们可先从如下的口诀入手: If条件句不一般,几个要点记心间; 条件句,放在前,逗号要句中间 条件句表可能,主句多用将来时; 条件句表事实,主句常用现在时。 We can walk there if we can’t find a bus. 如果我们找不到公车,也能走路去那里 主句条件状语从句 If it rains tomorrow, we will not go to the zoo. 如果明天下雨,我们就不去动物园 条件状语从句主句 What will you go if you find someone in danger? 主句条件状语从句 如果你发现某人有危险,你会怎么做? If 条件句有不同的类型,简述如下: 1. 用if条件句表达客观真理或普通现象 If条件句用于表达客观真理或普通现象时,主,从句时态均用一般现在时,如:Eg. If you freeze water, it turns into ice. A fish dies if you take it out of water. 2. 用if 条件句表示将来可能发生的事情 在表示将来可能发生的事情的if条件句中,主句用一般将来时,而if从句用一般现在时表示将来的时间,即主将从现

Eg. If I like the house, I will buy it. 如果我喜欢这房子,我就会把它买下 I will tell her if I see her. 如果我见到她,我就会告诉她。 主句中的will也可以用情态动词can, may 或might等代替。如: Eg. If they are friendly,I might invite them to the party. 如果他们很友善,我可能会请他们去参加聚会 If we hurry now, we can stop for coffee later. 如果我们现在抓紧时间,就可以稍后去喝咖啡注意:在条件句中,主句部分只能使用动词will的一般将来时,不能使用be going to的结构 二. Unless 的条件句 表示在特定条件下,才决定做或不做一件事,中文用的连接词一般是“除非”和“否则”。如:除非刮台风,否则演唱会将如期进行。在英语中,我们可以用unless表达这个意思,相当于if not。以这个句子为例: The concert will be held as schedule unless there is a typhoon. = the concert will be held as schedule if there is not a typhoon She will keep on singing unless she is told to stop. 她会一直唱下去,除非有人叫她停止 = she will keep on singing if she is not told to stop 也可以用or(否则) 来做同义句转换 Unless you listen carefully, you won’t know the answer. = if you don’t listen carefully, you won’t know the answer. = you should listen carefully, or you won’t know the answer. 深圳中考题: 1. If I ________ his phone number, I will tell you. A.find B. found C. will find D. have found 2. We will go camping if it _______ tomorrow.


军事模拟训练的方法、特点及其不足 模拟训练又称模拟仿真,就是在军事方面进行建模,然后利用仿真的技术进行模拟战局、战略、战术的方法。这种方法应用系统论的观点,并且利用数学建模等多种 建模方法。在实践中,模拟训练对于军事作战的指挥有着很大的指导作用。利用模拟技术特别是计算机技术,以作战原则、作战结构为基础,模拟逼真的战场环境和敌军行动,把行之有效的战法融人模拟系统,用模拟训练的方法改变训练的过程和方式,能极大提高训练质量和训练效益。 一、模拟训练的方法 1、作战模拟 早期的作战模拟定义如下:“在以沙盘和地图表示地形地貌、以标示器表示军队和武器配置的战场模型上,利用反映实战条件约束的若干行动规则,扮演交战双方的指挥官和参谋人员以下棋方式进行策略运筹的对抗”。这种模拟至今仍在各国军队中大量使用,也就是现在军事演习中沙盘的作业演习。 随着计算机技术的发展,作战模拟也达到新的阶段,计算机仿真、交互式对抗模拟相继出现,作战模拟的应用范围也从对作战结果的预测与判定,作战过程的推演与 评价扩展到了从一个军事行为的策划到它的实施终了的全过程,作战模拟的定义也跟着发生了变化。目前对作战模拟的定义五花八门,还没有形成一个权威的定义,这里 只说一下我自己对作战模拟的认识,可能并不充分,所谓的作战模拟就是运用各种手段,借助于模型和和仿真器对包括两支或多支对抗力量的军事冲突,按事先给定的规 则进行的演练。 在进行的模拟斗中,指挥官完全置身于一个由多军兵种部队协同作的空间内,从而使指挥官摆脱二维空间的思维枷锁,使指挥官挑选最佳方案提供依据,指挥艺术得到更充分的发挥。 2、虚拟现实 虚拟现实是近年来出现的高新技术,也称人工环境。虚拟现实是利用电脑模拟产生一个三维空间的虚拟世界,提供使用者关于视觉、听觉、触觉等感官的模拟,让使用者如同身历其境一般,可以及时、没有限制地观察三度空间内的事物。90年代初,一些发达国家开始将其应用于军事训练模拟。利用虚拟现实技术进行训练,训练者不是被动的支观察计算机图表或与实际景物有一定差距的图象,而是在一个虚拟的十分逼真的三维世界中,在视觉、听觉、触觉等人类全部感觉的作用下,犹如身临其境股的全身心地投入到真实的训练中。目前虚拟现实技术已受到许多发达国家的重视,美军认为虚拟现实技术将成为21世纪的主要训练方式。 二、模拟训练的特点 1、真实性 模拟训练能够构造真实环境。用计算机生成的一种特殊环境,作战人员可以通过使用各种特殊装置将自己“投射”到这个环境中,并操作、控制环境,实现军事对抗的目的。 2、经济性 模拟训练能够减少训练费用。如果进行实战训练,需耗费大量经费来部署人员和相关装备,在模拟训练中可以完全省去。同时,模拟训练中还可以省去在野战训练中所需的油料、弹药、生活用品等供给品的费用,也可以省去大量的交通运输等相关费用。 3、高效性 模拟训练能够缩短训练时间。如使用射击训练装置进行模拟训练减少了进出靶场的时间,使用近距离战斗战术训练装置展开各类作战行动,比进行野战训练可大大缩短训练时间。一项军事演习要有足够的时间准备,而模拟训练能够保证时间的大幅度的减少。 4、环保性 模拟训练能够避免环境破坏。模拟训练不会造成任何环境污染,既不会产生诸如车辆碾压、油料废气、炸弹爆炸碎片、空气水源污染等破坏性后果,也不会因为火炮或其它武器射击引发事故,或因为高性能武器装备的运行而产生噪音污染。 5、安全性 训练安全是全军训练关注的重要因素。实兵训练中,不管是战场机动,还是对抗演习,潜在的安全威胁不可避免,甚至会出现人员伤亡的现象。然而,在模拟训练中,演习双方即使进行几百或上千回合的对抗也不会发生任何伤亡。 三、模拟训练的不足 1、模拟训练效果不完全真实 模拟终究还是模仿,虽然现在的科学技术使得模拟训练越来越逼真,越来越接近真实的战场,但有很多东西是模拟不出来的,就像指挥官和作战人员的思想,这种随机的人类灵感体验是计算机无法计算出的。同时,模拟系统产生的视觉运动信号和人的感觉之间存在差异,


If, unless 专项练习 一、完成下列句子 1. I’m sure if he _____(go) to the party, he________ (have) a great time. 2. If the rain _______(stop) tonight, we will go to the cinema. 3. I’ll buy a computer if I ______(have) enough money. 4. You _________(not get) nervous if you _____(do ) enough exercise. 5. I want to know if he _________(come) tomorrow, if he _______(come), I __________(give) the massage to him. 6. Comrade Wang didn't know if there _______ (be) on English evening that day. 7. Please tell me if she _______ (come) again next time. 8. Mike asked me if we _______(ask) any questions the next class. 9.The twins ______________ (fight) if they_______________ (argue). 10. I ____________ (have) a bake sale if I _____________ (need) money for education. 二、选择 ( )1. I don’t know _____ he will come tomorrow. _____ he comes, I’ll tell you. A. if; Whether B. whether; Whether C. if; That D. if; if ( ) 2. He said he would help me with my maths if he _______ free. A.was B.will be C.would be D.is ( ) 3. Tommy, do you know if Frank ________ to the zoo this Sunday if it ________? -Sorry, I have no idea. A. will go; is fine B. goes; is fine C. will go; is going to be fine D. goes; will be fine ( ) 4. -Listen! It is still noisy in the head teacher’s office. -Go and see ________ they have finished correcting the papers yet. A. though B. whether C. unless D. while ( ) 5. He asked me ________ we could go to Beijing to watch the game by plane. A. that B. if C. how D. what ()6 . The volleyball match will be put off if it ______. A. will rain B. rains C. rained D. is raining ()7. Difficulties are nothing if we ______ not afraid of them A. will B. shall C. are D. do ()8. I don’t like to be interrupted if I______. A. speak B. will speak C. am speaking D. spoke ()9. If you______ the book you will understand the story better. A. will be reading B. have read C. will have read D. read ( ) 10. There is going to______ a sports meeting next week. If it ______ , we’ll have to cancel it.. A. be; will rain B. have; will rain C. be; rains D. give; is going to rain ()11. If you ______ a chance to study in a foreign country, just take it. A. getting B. had got C. will get D. get ( ) 12. I want to know if they ____ the spring sports meeting next month. If they ____ it, I must get ready for it. A. hold; will hold B. will hold; hold C. hold; hold D. will hold; will hold ()13. –Look, what have you done? -Sorry. I think if I ________ another chance, I’ll do it better. A. give B. will be given C. will give D. am given ()14.If you _______ him tomorrow, please ask him if he ______ to work on the farm with us. A. see ; goes B. will see; goes C. will see; will go D. see; will go ( ) 15. It makes no difference __________. A. whether will you come tomorrow. B. Whether or not will be pass the exam C. If he will come to the meeting or not D. Whether he will come to the meeting or not ( ) 16. Even now many people still remembered ________ when hey heard about the 1976 earthquake in Tangshan. A. what were they doing B.that they were doing C. what they were doing D.if they were doing ( ) 17. In summer, food goes bad easily _____ it is put in the refrigerator. A. until B. if C. unless D. since ( ) 18. –I hear Jack Chan will come to Shanghai next week. -Really? _______ he comes, my younger sister will be very happy. A. If B. Until C. Unless D. Before ( ) 19. We will have no water to drink______ we don’t protect the earth. A.until B. before C. though D. if ( ) 20 –May I surf the Internet now? - No, _______ you have finished doing the dishes.


实战与模拟训练的区别理论来源于实践。研究作战问题需要实战化训练作为重要的实践平台,以检验作战设计和新质战斗力,探索打赢未来战争的观念模式与思维框架。军事训练越实战化,越逼近未来战争,越能为作战问题研究提供更好的实践基础。未来战争仍处于想象和设计中,充满虚拟与不确定性,作战问题研究因而更加需要实战化训练的“体验厅”,增强对未来作战的感性认识。训练越强调实战化,越逼近未来战争,越能把未来战争由虚变实,为作战问题研究提供强有力的实践基础。 世界军事强国研究作战问题,尽管有一些战争实践作支撑,仍不断强化实战化训练在探求未来战争中的链条作用。只有通过实战化训练,才能弥补作战问题研究中的实战缺项。研究作战问题,实践性既是价值体现,也是重要基石。现在作战问题研究某种程度上存在的低层次徘徊等现象,也使许多一般性的描述很难下沉,落实到部队的每一个战斗细胞,只有将实战化训练作为重要的实践方式,成为深化作战问题研究的切入点和重要抓手,才能使一些重要的具体作战问题。 同样当我们在现在的条件下我们需要进行实战的演练以应对火场可能发生的各种意想不到的情况,如发生爆炸、空气呼吸器压力不足、建筑倒塌和战士体力不足等。而且这

也是模拟训练不容易考虑到的情况。但是,模拟训练同样也有不可或缺的作用。 新的训练应瞄准未来作战保障需求,注重实时感知训练、资源可视训练、精确配送训练和全程调控等训练,创新发展新的保障方式,强化提高信息化条件下的保障能力。美军1996年发布《2010年联合构想》、《2020年联合构想》,解决的是未来作战怎么打的问题,然后才有了武备的发展、军队组织结构的调整和训练转型等问题。作为追求超越的后发者,我军一方面必须加强研究未来战争的本质属性、外军对未来战争的认识、近期发生的高技术局部战争等,形成未来仗怎么打的共识,并对机械化战争的战术战法进行具体筛选;另一方面更应根据信息化战争的基本特点和规律,区分战略战役战斗不同层次,解放思想、大胆创新,从源头上把握未来作战的主动权。同样我们火场作战更需要模拟训练,通过模拟训练我们能对火场进行更好地指挥、全局的把握、火势的发展方向和力量的调度指挥。 我认为作为消防的一员我们要尽可能的做好每一点,既要做好实战演练了解辖区内的重点单位的建筑特点和可能发生的意外,又要进行模拟演练已对事故发生后的有效、快速、准确的进行行动。 我认为随着经济建设的不断发展,火灾危险因素也不断增加,在消防部队与火灾斗争中,总是希望用最短的时间,

9B Unit 3 语法 unless 和 until 用法区别

unless 和until 用法区别 A good storyteller must be able to hold his listeners' curiosity ________ he reaches the end of the story. A. when B. unless C. after D. until 析:答案是D。不少同学可能会误选unless,引导条件状语从句,但析语境可知,该空表"直到",强调时间的延续,应用until引导时间状语从句。 本题着重考查unless和until的用法区别,其用法区别是高考热点考点。本文拟谈一谈unless和until的用法区别。 一、作为从属连词含义不同,引导从句性质不同 unless与until均为从属连词,unless表"除非",强调条件,引导条件状语从句;until表"直到",强调时间的延续,引导时间状语从句。 1. I didn't know the news until my teacher told it to me. 2. I couldn't know the news unless my teacher told it to me. 3.-Was his father very strict with him when he was at school? -Y es. He had never praised him until he became one of the top students in his grade. 析:句1动词didn't know表明该句强调时间的延续,表"我不知道这消息"的状态一直延续到"老师告诉我",因此应用until引导时间状语从句。句2动词couldn't know表明该句强调条件,表"我不可能知道这消息,除非老师告诉我",因此应用unless引导条件状语从句。句3表明"他爸爸从来没有表扬他"的状态一直延续到"他变成年级最好的学生之一",因此也应用until引导时间状语从句。 二、作为从属连词引导的从句常用一般现在时表示将来 unless引导的条件状语从句和until引导的时间状语从句常用一般现在时表示将来。 例1:除非邀请你否则别进来。 误:Don't come in unless you will be invited to. 正:Don't come in unless you're invited to. 例2:除非他来,我们不可能去。 误:Unless he will come, we won't be able to go. 正:Unless he comes, we won't be able to go. 三、作为从属连词引导的状语从句可转换为省略式创新句型 unless引导条件状语从句和until引导时间状语从句时,如果主从句主语一致(或主从句主语不一致,但从句主语为it),从句谓语部分含有be,可将从句主语和动词be省略,构成省略式创新句型。 例1:I won't come to see you unless I am asked to. 除非你邀请我,我才会来看你。 析:因为主从句主语一致,从句谓语又含有am,所以可将从句主语I和动词am 省略,构成省略式创新句型:I won't come to see you unless asked to.


unless的用法 unless是从属连词,引导条件状语从句,含有否定意义,相当于if条件状语从句的否定形式。所以unless = if not。注意:unless引导的条件状语从句和if条件状语从句,与其它时间状语从句一样,用一般现在时代替将来时。 Unless: conj. 除非, 如果不 Unless you take more care, you’ll have an accident. 如果不多加小心的话,你会出事故的。 My baby sister never cries unless she is hungry. 我那刚出生的妹妹除非饿了,否则她是从来不哭的。 Don’t promise anything unless you’re 100 per cent sure. 不要作任何的许诺, 除非你有百分百的把握。 Unless bad weather stops me, I run every day. 除非坏天气作梗,每天我都跑步。 木头容易燃烧,除非是水湿了。 We'll be late unless we speed up. 我们要不加快些,就会迟到了。 You'll fail in English unless you work hard. 除非你努力学习,否则你英语将不及格。 You'll miss the bus unless you walk more quickly. 除非你走快一点,否则将赶不上公共汽车。 You won't hear anything unless you roll the tape ahead. 除非你把录音带往前转,否则你是不会听到任何东西的 You will never pass the exam unless you study harder. 除非你加紧学习,否则考试永远过不了关。 更详细的如下 一、unless的基本用法 连词unless意为“除非……如果不……”,“除了……”,多引导一个否定意义的真实条件句,有时也可引导非真实条件旬。unless引导条件句时,主要用于下列情况。 (1)主句为肯定句。如: Unless I visit every bookstore in town.I shall not know whether I can get what l want.如果我不到城里每一家书店去看看,我就不知道是否能买到我想要的书。 You will miss the bus unless you hurry up.你要不快点就会错过班车。 You’ll fail in chemistry again unless you work harder.如果你不再加把劲,你化学考试还会不及格。 (2)主句为否定句。如: Unless you oil the motor regularly.it won’t run smoothly.要不是你经常给发动机上油。它就不会转得那么顺畅。 I wouldn't be saying this unless I were sure of the facts.要是我对这些事情没有把握,我就不说这话了。 You will never get anywhere unless you have set your goal.如果你不设定目标,你哪儿也去不了。 二、应注意的一些问题 1.unless不能与if'"not换用的情况 unless在意义上相当于if...not,因此在有些场合中unless与if...not可互换使用。


Chapter 1 语法 If 和unless 引导的条件状语从句 我们用if 引导的条件状语从句来讨论可能的条件以及该条件成立时可能的结果。一. 学 习if 引导的条件状语从句的用法,我们可先从如下的口诀入手:If条件句不一般,几个要点记心间; 条件句,放在前,逗号要句中间条件句表可能,主句多用将来时;条件句表事实,主句常用现在时。 We can walk there if we can't find a bus. 如果我们找不到公车,也能走路去那里主句条件状语从句 If it rains tomorrow, we will not go to the zoo. 如果明天下雨,我们就不去动物园条件状语从句主句 What will you go if you find someone in danger? 主句条件状语从句如果你发现某人有危险,你会怎么做? If 条件句有不同的类型,简述如下: 1.用if条件句表达客观真理或普通现象 If 条件句用于表达客观真理或普通现象时,主,从句时态均用一般现在时,如: Eg. If you freeze water, it turns into ice. A fish dies if you take it out of water. 2.用if 条件句表示将来可能发生的事情 在表示将来可能发生的事情的if 条件句中,主句用一般将来时,而if 从句用一般现在时表示将来的时间,即主将从现 Eg. If I like the house, I will buy it. 如果我喜欢这房子,我就会把它买下 I will tell her if I see her. 如果我见到她,我就会告诉她。 主句中的will 也可以用情态动词can, may 或might 等代替。如: Eg. If they are friendly,I might invite them to the party. 如果他们很友善,我可能会请他们去参加聚会 If we hurry now, we can stop for coffee later. 如果我们现在抓紧时间,就可以稍后去喝咖啡


一、实践教学内容包括实验、实习、实训、社会实践、课程设计、毕业设计(论文)、学年论文等,也包括军训、创业活动以及纳入教学计划的社会调查、科技制作、学科竞赛活动等。上述内容要形成科学合理的体系,对实现人才培养目标有重要作用。实践教学是评估中的关键性指标。实践教学是巩固理论知识和加深对理论认识的有效途径,是培养具有创新意识的高素质工程技术人员的重要环节,是理论联系实际、培养学生掌握科学方法和提高动手能力的重要平台。还应注意学生素养的提高和正确价值观的形成。全面实施实践教学体系:一要以竞赛带动实践教学,二要实践教学与岗位技能培训相结合,三要产学研合作,促实践教学的发展,四要实践教师队伍的建设。 二、实习:跟一般学校的实习没有太大区别,都指去企业中以学生生份具体参加工作实践。 三、实验:这是普通学校在一些专门课程上设定的名词,是掌握知识必须的部分。比如学物理,除了理论知识以外,需要实际操作来观察具体的物理现象。 四、实训,即“实习(践)”加“培训”;本源自于IT业的管理实践和技术实践;目前引入到“营销管理”和“商务管理”专业。是高职中用来对学生进行动手能力实际训练的一种说法,因为职业学院的学生培养主要目的不是为了科学研究,而是去企业参加工作,作为职业化培养的重要环节,需要给学生提供一个类企业的实际操作环境,实训的说法由此而来。 实习和实训区别: 传统的课堂教学往往以教师讲授为主,在教学过程中以教师为中心,教学效率高,更适合理论类课程的教学;企业定岗实习时把学生直接安排到工作岗位上,在工作中学习,更适合以动手操作为主的职业训练。而实训结合了两者的优势,通过模拟实际工作环境,教学采用来自真实工作项目的实际案例,教学过程理论结合实践,更强调学生的参与式学习,能够在最短的时间内使学生在专业技能、实践经验、工作方法、团队合作等方面提高。普通学校老师都是采用传统授课,按照书本规定讲授课程内容。实训基地的老师都是有多年工作经验的工程师或技术总监,讲课内容结合实际工作。模拟工作环境来授课,让学生经过培训后,有能力直接胜任工作。 培训以理论为主,仍无法培养岗位技能及能力,不能对就业形成直接帮助。 实训由具有丰富经验的项目经理小组化指导,强调动手能力培养,具有很强的实战性,能全方位提高学生就业能力。但由于实训成本很高,一般是非盈利性的。 实习很难专业对口,多数实习就是打杂,无机会介入核心工作,煅炼效果难保证,对就业帮助不大。 实训是根据企业真实岗位需求,针对性进行项目开发训练,采用师傅带徒弟的方式,学生学到的是第一手的本领。三个月封闭实训相当于积累一年工作经验。按照职业教育的普遍原则理论分析,“实训”一般是“参观流程,感性认识;主要在于对于工艺流程的视觉印象加深”,一般不要求你动手做;而“实习”是动手为主,逐渐培养动手技能和分析、建构能力;为将来工作做好准备。

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