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The history of economics has been, among other things, a story of learning to care less about land. The physiocrats of 18th-century France saw it as the primary guarantor of wealth. Adam Smith included it alongside labour and capital as one of the three factors of production that combined to generate output. A little later Thomas Malthus saw its innate scarcity as ensuring eventual catastrophe in the face of exponential population growth. Instead of succumbing to catastrophe Western countries found ways to work around land’s scarcity, some of them ingenious — skyscrapers, artificial fertiliser, railways, suburbs — and some nefarious — dispossessing the oppressed and colonised. Improved transport allowed land farther off to do the work that land close at hand had done before, whether by producing crops half way round the world or housing workers out in the suburbs.(蓝字部分命题时作了修改,用更基础的词汇 降低了难度。)
四句文言文,以下哪一项包含了意动用法 “先生之风,山高水长”中,“山”和“长”充当句子的什么成分 哪一项没有错别字 哪一项字的读音是正确的 下列标点符号使用没有错误的一项是 下列哪一句没有语病 历史剧《屈原》的作者是 从历史进程来看,欧洲的民族国家最早出现于哪两个国家 “洛阳纸贵”是因为哪篇文章 以下史书中,由两代人写成的断代史是哪一部 哪一个偏旁部首有房屋的意思 今年发射的是神州多少号飞船
Trump galvanized white voters without college degrees, particularly in the Rust Belt; Clinton’s team calculated that this bloc was a lost cause and could be ignored in favor of focusing on her base and trying topersuade white-collar voters she was the less risky choice. Bill Clinton reportedly agitated for the campaign to pay more attention to the “bubbas” that had oncebeen his base, only to be rebuffed by a campaign staff that believed his worldview was out of date.
NATO and Bill Clinton into military action in Kosovo. Ill-fated though the later invasion of Iraq proved, Mr. Blair was never an American poodle. He believed that Britain should be in the first rank of countries prepared to counter the threat of Saddam Hussein ’ s supposed weapons of mass destruction. Even the maligned Gordon Brown co-ordinated theinter national response to the financial crash of 2008.
In a surprise televised address on Tuesday night, Modi said the demonetisation of India’s highest-value banknotes, worth about £6 and £12, would start from midnight. The move is an effort to close down the booming economy of untaxed cashtransactions, which allows corruption, the funding of terrorist groups, and keeps counterfeit notes in circulation. Addressing the nation, Modi said: “ The exchange of 500 and 1,000 rupee notes being tendered as currency will bestopped from today. Black marketeers and traitors who use black money will notbe able to move large amounts of money and 500 and 1,000 rupee notes will become worthless pieces of paper. Those citizens earning honestly and with hardwork, their interests will be protected.”
自定题目,自选立意。要求有论点明确wk.baidu.com证充分等等,不少于 1200 字。
20 个单选,每个 1 分,着重考词汇,语法考察很少。词汇量至少是 GRE 要求。
二、翻译(120 分) 英译汉和汉译英都是 6 小段,共 12 段。每段都是不同话题,来自不同的文章。 英译汉只能回忆起来五段,按关键词找到了原文。
Margaret Thatcher saw herself, and was seen, as an essential partner of two American presidents. She stoutly defended nuclear deterrence when she thought her friend and ideological soulmate, Ronald Reagan, was getting carried away in talks with the Russians.Tony Blair pushed
才思学员回忆版 2017 年外交学院翻译硕士
一、短语互译(30 个,每个 1 分) 还差几个…… UN DOC GNP IMF MOU PMI FIFA CECC EBRD ASEAN BRICS tax certainty Financial StabilityBoard cross-borderresolution regimes exclusive economiczone 边缘群体 人文交流 网络诈骗 可持续发展 20 国集团峰会 一带一路倡议 全面战略伙伴关系 市场化融资
汉译英主要是政治类题材,领导人讲话之类的(主题有官德、安全、对当前局势的表述、一 带一路,还有另外一个啥)。最后一段是关于『卫生』一词的由来。每段 5-6 行。原文找不 到。
一、单选(30 个,每个 1 分) 这已经一半都想不起来了……主要考的也是中学水平的文学历史知识,时政只有一个。
清人将儒家经典、注疏等等进行整理,共 13 篇,合称为《十三经注疏》。 “独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲”是作者王维在重阳节(节日)写成的。 题目中给了一句诗,出自诗中的成语为。(想不起来了额,不过是蛮常见的一个词)
三、名词解释(10 个,每个 3 分) 还差两个……
延安文艺座谈会 文学研究会 屈宋 赋比兴 连绵词 三纲五常 和平共处五项原则 20 国集团
四、应用文(1 篇,20 分)
一个恒温游泳馆,写一则广告,不少于 500 字。
五、大作文(一篇,50 分)
少年贪玩,青年迷恋爱情,壮年汲汲于成名成家,暮年自安于自欺欺人。人寿几何,顽铁能 炼成的精金,能有多少?但不同程度的锻炼,必有不同程度的成绩;不同程度的纵欲放肆,必 积下不同程度的顽劣。上苍不会让所有幸福集中到某个人身上,得到爱情未必拥有金钱;拥 有金钱未必得到快乐;得到快乐未必拥有健康;拥有健康未必一切都会如愿以偿。保持知足 常乐的心态才是淬炼心智,净化心灵的最佳途径。一切快乐的享受都属于精神,这种快乐把 忍受变为享受,是精神对于物质的胜利,这便是人生哲学。一个人经过不同程度的锻炼,就 获得不同程度的修养、不同程度的效益。好比香料,捣得愈碎,磨得愈细,香得愈浓烈。我 们曾如此渴望命运的波澜,到最后才发现:人生最曼妙的风景,竟是内心的淡定与从容…… 我们曾如此期盼外界的认可,到最后才知道:世界是自己的,与他人毫无关系。
The decision to delay the leadership election nearly two weeks and possibly put up a challenger to Pelosi is a sign of how deeply Democrats are soul-searching after last week ’ s election that saw Republicans win control of the White House and retain its majority in the Senate and House. While Pelosi became the first female speaker of the House in 2006 and had a huge hand in winning passage of the Affordable Care Act, Democrats have never fully recovered under her leadership from losing 63 seats in the 2010 midterm election. They have remained in the minority ever since.
二、填空(20 个,每个 1 分) 全是文史,木有时政。只回忆起来这么几个,原文的表述肯定也不是这样的,大家意会一下 呗。
通行于西汉,刻于青铜器上的文字是金文,又称钟鼎文。 初唐四杰是王勃、杨炯、卢照邻和骆宾王。 “兼听则明,偏听则暗”出自《资治通鉴》。 乔叟的代表作是《坎特伯雷故事集》。 《战国策》是由西汉的刘向整理成书的。 我国几大民族自治区中,成立最晚的是(全称)西藏自治区。 古时有青龙门、白虎门、朱雀门和玄武门。 儒家经典的的三传是《公羊传》、《谷梁传》、《左传》。 《史记》包含了世家、列传等部分,其中记载各朝制度的部分是书。