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师:Good morning(afternoon、evening)everyone、 boys and girl。


生:Good morning, Miss huang。(早上好,黄老师)

师:Stand up,please! (请起立)生:I stand up!(我起立)师:Sit down ,please! (请坐下)生:I sit down!(我坐下)师:How are you (你好吗)

生: I am fine,thank you! And you(我很好,谢谢,你呢)

生:I am fine,too(我也很好)

师:Be quiet! (安静点)生:Listen!(听着)

师:Look at my eyes。(看我的眼睛)

师:Follow me! (跟我来)生:Follow you! (跟随你)师:Attention,please! (请注意)

师:Go back to your seat。(回到你的座位上)

师:Let’s play another game,OK(我们我们玩另外一个游戏,好吗)生:OK! (好)

师:Let’s sing a song,OK(让我们来唱一首歌,好吗)

生:OK! What song (好的,是什么歌)

师生:Hands! Music,please! (跟着音乐说、唱、跳)

生:Goodbye,Miss huang。

师:Now I say,you do,O K(我说你做,好吗)生:O K!

师: Very good(非常好)

师:what is it (这是怎么回事)

生:It’s a tiger(它是一只老虎)

师:Look! Who’s coming(看看,谁来啦)

师:What’s coming(是什么)

师:Let’s play a game,OK(让我们来玩个游戏,好吗)生:OK! (好)师:Who wants to try (谁来试试)

生:Me me,Miss huang! (我我我,黄老师)

Hello,Lily。 Nice to see you(你好,莉莉,见到你很高兴)

Please bring your chair and sit right here(请带上椅子坐在这)Come in,please(请进)

Are you fine(你还好吧) No speaking(别说话)Louder,please(大声点) It’s your turn(该你了)Good, Please go on (不错,继续吧) Say it again(再说一遍)Great, Please go on (好,继续吧) Line up( 请排队) Please repeat after me(请跟我读) One more time(再来一次)Please follow me(请跟我做(来)

Have a try! 试一试!Try again! (请再试一试!)

Who wants to try(谁来试试)


Please think about it(请想一想)

Can you catch me (你懂了吗)

Could you please try it again (请再试一次)

Please close your eyes(请闭上眼睛)

Please be quiet(请安静)

Did you have a good time on the weekend(周末过得好吗)

Did you have a good time on your holiday(假期过得好吗)

You don’t look well(你看起来不太好)

Now,you can go back to your seat。(现在可以回到位子上了)??

Get into one line/two lines( 排成一队/两队)

Face to face and hand in hand (面对面,手拉手)

Stand in two lines(站成两对)

Look at me,boys and girls(小朋友们看着我)

Please do as I do(请和我一样做动作)

Spread out。( 解散)

One by one,please (一个接一个)

Do you understand Let me give you an example

( 明白了吗我来做个示范)

Here you are(给你)

Listen to the music and dance along/do the steps。


Let’s get them moving! Come on,come on!”


Now let’s take a break(现在让我们休息一会儿)

Keep your hands on your laps(请把手放膝盖上)

Linda, you may share the book with Lily, will you


Let’s play together(我们一起玩吧)

Sit on the floor(坐在地板上)

What are you doing, Lily(莉莉,你在做什么)

Right Good, Great,Smart,Wonderful!对(很好,聪明,太好了)What’s wrong。(怎么啦)

Please return your book to the bookshelf (请把书放回去)

Now please clear up your table (现在请收拾桌子)

Put the chairs along the wall, please (把椅子靠墙摆好)

How many children are here today (今天来了多少个小朋友)Let’s count。 One, two ~~~(?让我们数一数,一,二~~)

Who’s absent today(今天谁没来)

One two three,Eyes on me。 Four ,five,six。 Hands on knees (小眼睛,看老师;小小手,放放好)

Let’s say it together(我们一起来说吧)

Put up your hands/ Put down your hands(举起小手,放下小手)Please listen to the tape(请听磁带)

Are you ready Now,let’s begin。 One, two, start。


Clap your hands to with music(随着音乐节奏我们拍拍手吧)Please look at the blackboard(请看黑板)

Now your turn,please(轮到你来)

Speak in English(用英语说) How to say in English(英语怎么说)

Please take out your books (请拿出书来)

Open/ Close your book,please (打开/关上你的书)

Please go back to your seat(请回到你的座位哦去)