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新课标小学英语阅读100篇(七年级到九年级) 曹伦华主编上海外语教育出版社小学英语阅读名师伴读(分三、四、五、六年级)赵淑红河北教育音像出版社

小鹦鹉--小学英语随堂阅读(分三、四、五、六年级) 许学明安徽科学技术出版社






外教社朗文小学英语分级阅读(2-12) 舒瑞尔上海外语教育出版社


英语课外阅读宝典(小学4-6年级新课标) 百花文艺出版社

新课标英语阶梯阅读丛书(4-6年级) 山东教育出版社






3.体验英语少儿阅读文库: 刘道义,张连仲主编/2006-11-01/高等教育出版


4.外研社丽声拼读故事会第一级至第六级套装(可点读)(配CD-Rom电脑驱动光盘)——牛津阅读树,不能错过的自然拼读英语启蒙读物,英国桂冠作家执笔! (英)Julia Donaldson 著,(英)奥尔赖特绘,董宇虹译/2011-06-01/外语教学与研究出版社


5.国家地理儿童百科(入门级)—外研社点读书(赠送MP3光盘) (美)腾肯著

/2011-04-01/外语教学与研究出版社 (这套书的提高级也适合高年级孩子阅读,共24册),作者:(美国)卢卡(Lucca.M.)




国教育出版协会杰出贡献奖) 者:(美)翠莎·西普·沙斯肯等编文,(美)莎拉·格雷等绘图,军然译出版社:安徽少年儿童出版社






11.吹小号的天鹅(中英双语精装本) 出版社:上海译文出版社

12.E.B. White Classic Story Collection 《E.B.怀特经典故事集》(夏洛特的网、精灵鼠小弟、吹小号的天鹅)9780141343433作者:E.B.White

出版社:Penguin 出版时间:2011-9-1(网上原版一套三本才卖80多块钱。)

13. 精灵鼠小弟(中英双语精装本)作者:(美)怀特著,任溶溶译出版社:上海译文出版社

14.丽声拼读故事会·强化提高版(源自牛津阅读树销量逾百万册,不容错过的自然拼读启蒙王牌书2013再添新品!全新故事、别样精彩!配CD光盘可点读,英语启蒙,自然直达!) Julia Donaldson著/2013-04-01/外语教学与研究出







19. 《亚瑟小子双语阅读系列全18册》美国兰登书屋著名童书品牌,《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜榜首图书,畅销1000万册!原汁原味的儿童英语读物,附加汉语译文,中英文双语分别独立编排附赠趣味贴纸积累词汇阅读价值加倍提升作者:马克·布朗著出版社:新疆青少年出版社

20.小狐外传(全八册,中英双语)(选自美国企鹅出版集团PUFFIN EASY-TO-READ,久负盛名的经典桥梁书呈现妙趣横生的幽默情景剧)作者:(美)马歇尔编著,范晓星译


21.兰登双语经典彩虹系列I(全7册)(美国兰登书屋Beginner Books品牌童书,畅销50余年!苏斯博士夫妇主持策划,美国国家教育协会力荐!)作者:(美)P.D.伊斯曼推荐 | 评论(0) | 引用 | 阅读(13372)



Grimm’s Fairy Tales格林童话选(译林出版社)




Favorite Asian Folk Tales亚洲民间故事(译林出版社) 四年级上学期


The happy Prince快乐王子(译林出版社)

Black beauty黑骏马(译林出版社)




Aesop’s Fables伊索寓言(译林出版社)




The Wind in the Willows柳林风声(译林出版社)

The Railway Children铁路少年(译林出版社)




The Secret Garden秘密花园(译林出版社)

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer汤姆.索亚历险记(译林出版社) 六年级上学期


Alice in Wonderland 爱丽丝漫游记(译林出版社)




The Wizard of Oz绿野仙踪(译林出版社)




语言教师的行动研究Action Research for Language Teachers

英语写作教学Beginning to Write

交际课堂的任务设计Designing Tasks for the Communicative Classroom

英语阅读教学Developing Reading Skills

交互性语言教学Interactive Language Teaching

无辅助教学Lessons from Nothing

第二语言课堂的反思性教学Reflective Teaching in Second Language Classroom

英语听力教学Teaching Listening Skill

英语口语教学Teaching the Spoken Language

第二语言课堂的交际浅说Understanding Communication in Second Language Classrooms 情感与语言学习Affect in Language Learning

超越专业技术训练Beyond Training

第二语言课堂评估Classroom-based Evaluation in Second Language Education

交际语言教学论Communicative Language Teaching

外语与第二语言学习Foreign and Second Language Learning

语言教师心理学初探Psychology for Language Teachers

第二语言教师教育Second Language Teacher Education

外语教师测试手册Testing for Language Teachers

论语言教学环境The Context of Language Teaching

外语教学研究方法——教育统计学导读Understanding Research in Second Language Learning



第二语言阅读探索:问题与策略Exploring Second Language Reading : Issue and Strategies 学习新语言:第二语言习得论Learning New Language: A Guide to Second Language Acquisition

追求专业化发展:以自己为资源Pursuing Professional Development : The Self as Source

英语词汇教与学Teaching and Learning Vocabulary

语言评价研究:困境、抉择与方向Learning About Language Assessment : Dilemamas, Decisions and Directions

讲授第二语言写作:与文本互动Teaching Second Language Writing: Interacting with Text 文化教学:实践的观念Teaching Culture: Perspective in Practice

英语作为第二语言的课堂教学:从幼儿园到高三Teaching ESL K-12 : Views from the Classroom 在语境中教语言Teaching Language in Context

教师手册:外语教学语境化Teacher’s Handbook: Contextualized Language Instruction

怎样成为更加成功的语言学习者How to Be a More Successful Language Learner

语言课程设计:从探寻到理解Doing Teaching Research: From Inquiry to Understanding

英语作为第二语言或外语的教学Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language

理性语言教学行为浅说Understanding Language Teaching: Reasoning in Action

语言教学方法论:问题出在哪儿Working with Teaching Methods: What’s at Stake

语言教学:从语法到语法化Teaching Languages: From Grammar to Grammaring

课堂语言能力评价:Assessing Language Ability in the Classroom

非本族语英语教学方法论:阅读手册Methodology in TESOL: a Book of Readings



语言测试实践Bachman, Lyle F., et al. Language Testing in Practice

语言测试要略Bachman,Lyle F. Fundamental Consideration in Language Testing

口语语法Brazil,David A Grammar of Speech

语言与理解Brown, Gillian, et al. Language and Understanding

话语与文学Cook,Guy Discourse and Literature

应用语言学的原理与实践Cook guy, et al.(eds.) Principles & Practice in Applied Linguistics 第二语言习得研究Ellis,Rod The Study of Second Language Acquisition

第二语言习得概论Ellis,Rod Understanding Second Language Acquisition

英语教学史Howatt. A.P.R. A History of English Language Teaching

语言教学的环境与文化Kramsch. Claire Context and Culture in Language Teaching

第二语言研究方法Selige. H.W., et al. Second Language Research Methonds

语料库、检索与搭配Sinclair, John Corpus , Concordance, Collocation

语言学习认知法Skehan, Peter A Cognitive Approach to Language Learning

客观语言测试Spolsky, Bernard Measured Words

语言教学的基本概念Sterm . H. H. Fundamental Concepts of Language Teaching

语言教学的问题与可选策略Sterm . H. H.(Allen,P,et al.eds)Issues and Options in Language Teaching

实用文体学Widdowson. H. G. Practical Stylistics

语言教学面面观Widdowson. H. G. Aspects of Language Teaching

语言教学交际法Widdowson. H. G. Teaching Language as Communication

文学与语言教学Brumfit,C,J ,& R.. A. Carter Literature and Language Teaching

交际法语言教学Brumfit,C,J ,& K. Johnson The Communicative Approach to Language Teaching

模糊语言Channell, Joanna Vague Language

习语与习语特征Fernando, Chitra Idioms and Idiomaticity

语篇中的词汇模式Hoey, Michael Patterns of Lexis in Text

词汇短语与语言教学Nattinger, J,P& J,S, DeCamco Lexical Phrases and Language Teaching 语言领域的帝国主义Phillipson, R. Linguistic Imperialism

第二语言学习的条件Spolsky, Bernard Conditions for Second Language Learning

论以语言学习者为中心Tarone, E. & G. Yule Focus on the Language Learner

英语会话Tzui, Amy B. M. English Conversation


Coleman, H.(1996) Society and the Language Classroom , Cambridge University Press

Dickinson L. (1987) Self-instruction in Language Learning Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Doughty.C.J. & Long, M.H. (2003) The Handbook of S econd Language Acquisition.Blackwell Publishing

Dornyei.Z. (2003) Questionnaires in Second Language Research Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers

7. Dornyei.Z. (2001) Motivational Strategies in the Language Classroom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Gardner. D. & Miller. L (2002) Establishing Self-Access From Theory to Practice Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press

Gass. S.M & Selinker, L. (2001) Second Language Acquisition An Introductory Course second edition. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Pui Mahwah, New Jersey


美联英语提供:英语阅读:英语美文欣赏 两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平 https://www.doczj.com/doc/2d3706844.html,/test/kuaisu.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 英语美文欣赏 There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real! 在一生有多少这样的时刻:我们对一个人朝思暮想,只想一把把他们从梦中拉出来,真切的拥抱一回! When the door of happiness closes,another opens,but how many times we look so long at the closed door that we don't see the one which has been opened for us. 一扇通往幸福的门关闭了,另一扇幸福之门打开了,可有多少次啊,我们徘徊在那扇关闭的门前,却忽略了那扇早已为我们开启的新的幸福之门. Don't go for looks; they can deceive.Don't go for wealth; even that fades away.Go for someone who makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright.Find the one that makes your heart smile. 不要以貌取人,外貌可能会欺骗你;不要追逐财富,财富会消失的.去寻找那个让你笑口常开的人吧,一个微笑就可以使暗淡的日子豁然开朗.去追寻那个令你心灵愉悦的人吧! Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be,because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do. 做你想做的梦,去你想去的地方,成为你想成为的人,因为你只有一次生命和一次机


二年级英语课外阅读书 目表 文件编码(008-TTIG-UTITD-GKBTT-PUUTI-WYTUI-8256)

二年级英语课外阅读书目推荐表一、攀登英语系列: 有趣的字母(26本) 1. Frank the Rat 大老鼠弗兰克 2. The Biscuits 我们来做饼干 3. Cool Cat 酷猫卡里 4. Dancing Dad 爸爸爱跳舞 5. Red Ben 小本的红色世界 6. The Frog’s Love Story 青蛙的爱情故事 7. Wow! A Goat! 哇!一只山羊! 8. Hungry Hat 饥饿的帽子先生 9. A Big, Big Day 盛大的日子 10. Jack and Jim 小杰克,大吉姆 11. The King Is… 国王打喷嚏 12. Look! Look! Look! 看!看!看! 13. If You Give a Mouse a Mooncake 如果你给老鼠吃月饼 14. Mr. No-Nose 没鼻子先生 15. What’s Going On 叠罗汉 16. The Pig’s Backpack 小猪的背包 17. A Quiet Duck 安静的鸭子 18. Rabbits Run, Run, Run 兔子快跑 19. Sam Wants to Be Strong 小蛇山姆

20. Tick Tock 闹钟滴答响 21. It’s Fun to Jump 开心跳跳跳 22. Vicky Visits a Village 薇琪要去小村庄 23. I Am a Witch 小巫女 24. The Fox and the Ox 狐狸和牛 25. Maya’s Yo-yo 玛雅的悠悠球 26. Zack the Zebra斑马扎克 神奇的字母组合(26本) 1. Wait! Wait! Wait! 蜗牛要去西班牙 2. Make a Call 让我们说说话 3. Party Shark 鲨鱼先生 4. The Ostrich 鸵鸟的午餐 5. Tick-Tock Goes the Clock 莫克奶奶和闹钟 6. Dragon and Drum 鼓上有条龙 7. A Pea in the Sea 孔雀的豌豆 8. Sound in Lear’s Ear 奇怪的声音 9. The Green Family Goes Out 格林一家去郊游 10. The Tiger and the Rooster 老虎和公鸡 11. Run after a Bird 哦,我的小鸟! 12. A Long, Long Song 好长好长的歌 13. Coats on Sale 山羊先生买大衣 14. No Book, Just Cook 胡克先生想当大厨 15. Hello, Moon! 月亮,你好!


New words and express ions: why 为什么because 因为 drop 落下poor 可怜的 Poor man Look at this man. What is he doing? He’s carrying a very big box. The box is full of big apples. He wants to put it on the back of his bike and take it home. Can he do that? No, I don’t think so. Why not?Because the box is too full and too heavy(重). Look! What’s wrong?(错误)He drops the box. Poor man! Exercise: 看看这个人。他正在做什么?他带着一个非常大的盒子。盒子里充满了大苹果。他想把它放在他的自行车,把它带回家。他能这样做吗?不,我不这么认为。为什么不呢?因为这个箱子太满、太沉重。看!怎么了?他滴。可怜的男人! 1. Read carefully and write “T” for true and “F” for false beside the statements. 仔细阅读,在下列句子前标上(T)对或(F)不对。 ( F )1. The box is not very big. (T )2. The box is full of apples. ( F )3. He puts the apples in the bag. ( F )4. He can carry the box home. 2. Choose the best answer: ( B )1. What is the man doing? He is ______________ A. eating some apples B. carrying a box C. riding a bike D. making a box ( C )2. What’s in the box? A. some books B. some bikes C. some apples D. some boxes ( C )3. Can he carry the box? A. Yes, he can. B. Yes, he is. C. No, he can’t D. No, he isn’t ( D )4. Is the box full or empty? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. C. It’s empty. D. It’s full. New words and expressions: parents 父母亲work 工作 study 学习 a little 一点儿 Kate Kate is a new student. She is twelve. She is from America. She can speak English very well and she can speak a little Chinese. She is in Nanjing. Her parents are doctors. Kate is studying in a school near her home. She has classes from Monday to Friday. On Saturdays and Sundays, she often plays games with her Chinese friends. She loves China and her Chinese friends.


英语的优美段落阅读和欣赏英语优美段落一 to be, or not to be- that is the question: whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them. to die- to sleep- no more; and by a sleep to say we end the heartache, and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to. tis a consummation devoutly to be wishd. to die- to sleep. to sleep- perchance to dream: ay, theres the rub! for in that sleep of death what dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal coil, must give us pause. theres the respect that makes calamity of so long life. for who would bear the whips and scorns of time, th oppressors wrong, the proud mans contumely, the pangs of despisd love, the laws delay, the insolence of office, and the spurns that patient merit of th unworthy takes, when he himself might his quietus make


一、英语阅读理解训练 1.阅读理解任务型阅读,按要求完成下列各题。 There are forty-two students in my class. There are two American boys. They are Jack and Mike. They are my good friends. They like watching TV, but they don't like playing basketball. They often go to school by bike. I often go to school on foot. There is an English girl in my class. Her name is Lucy. She likes playing basketball and swimming. She usually does her homework in the evening. She often watches TV on Saturday afternoons. She is also my good friend. (1)There are thirty-nine students in my class. (2)Jack and Lucy are my good friends. (3)Mike is an American boy. (4)I often go to school _______. A. B. C. (5)Jack and Mike don't like _______. A. B. C. 【答案】(1)0 (2)1 (3)1 (4)C (5)B 【解析】【分析】大意:短文讲述了我们班有两个美国男孩杰克和迈克,以及英国女孩露西,他们的爱好和日常生活。 (1)句意:我们班有三十九个学生。根据There are forty-two students in my class.可知我们班有四十二个学生。故答案为错误。 (2)句意:杰克和露西是我的好朋友。根据They are Jack and Mike.They are my good friends.可知杰克和露西是我的好朋友。故答案为正确。 (3)句意:迈克是个美国男孩。根据 There are two American boys. They are Jack and Mike. 可知迈克是个美国男孩。故答案为正确。 (4)根据 I often go to school on foot. 可知我经常步行上学。故答案为C. (5)根据 They like watching TV, but they don't like playing basketball. 可知他们不喜欢打篮球。故答案为B. 【点评】本题考查了阅读理解,先翻译短文,然后根据短文内容,判断句子正确或错误,

英语阅读美文欣赏less is more

2017年4月21日使用的材料(Delivered on April 18, 2017) 2017年4月21日上午开课,建德严州中学(新安江校区)高一学生 请根据本材料(不必改写)做好教学设计. 教学设计上交时间:4月21日一早,抽签现场。一式15份。 选手开会时间,按正式通知为准,具体地点报到时告知。 Steven had had his first starring role in kindergarten, playing a talking stone in a class play. From the moment that he heard the applause and took his bows, he knew he wanted to be an actor. He “drew” his name as it would look at a theatre. In his mind, he “pr acticed” his acceptance speech to the Academy Awards. “I want to thank my agent…” he imagined himself saying to the crowd. By sixth grade, he was used to starring in school productions. He played Romeo in this year’s Junior Shakespeare Festival. His brother said he was probably the first Romeo in the history of theater to have braces. Steven liked everything about acting –except for his brother’s comments about it. Brad was not interested in acting. Steven dreamed of going to California or New York when he got older. Meanwhile, he read the “trades” at the library –the newspapers and magazines of the acting business. He couldn’t believe it when he saw that there was going to be an open casting call in his own Midwestern city. He begged his parents to take him, but they worked on Saturdays and they couldn’t take the day off. He was forced to ask his older brother, the critic. The part called for a boy who looked about 14. Steven figured he could pass. Unlike Brad, Steven looked older than his age. Brad, on the other hand, at 16 looked more like 14. The boys arrived early at the theater where the try-outs were taking place. There were already over 200 kids there. Steven picked up his application. Brad picked up one, too –“just for fun,” he said. Each of them then studied the short script they’d been handed. Like all the other kids, they mouthed the words over and over. Some kids found quiet spaces to read their lines aloud, with all the right emotion. Steven as ked Brad to listen to his reading. “Okay, but you have to listen to mine, too.” “Deal,” Steven answered. Then he read, and, as usual, he was good. Next, it was Brad’s turn. Steven couldn’t believe what he was seeing and hearing. Why hadn’t Brad ever tried out for a play? Where had he gotten all this talent all of a sudden? He asked his brother, “Why haven’t you tried before?” “I was waiting for something big,” Brad replied. ************************** applause /?'pl??z/ n. [U] approval expressed by clapping the hands 鼓掌 the Academy /?'k?d?m?/ Awards /?'w??d z/ 金像奖 agent /'e?d??nt/ n. [C] 代理人;经纪人 production /pr?'d?k?n/ n. [C] play, film, broadcast etc. that is produced for the public电影、戏剧等(的制作)braces /'bre?s?z/ n. (pl.) two long pieces of material to hold up one’s trousers (裤子的)吊带,背带 comment /'k?ment/ n. [C, U] something that you say or write that expresses your opinion 评论 casting /'kɑ?st??/ n. [C] selection of actors or performers for the parts of a presentation 选择演员 figure /'f?g?/ vt. think; calculate 想;估计 critic /'kr?t?k/ n. [C] someone who gives opinions about something, esp. films, books, music, etc. 评论家;批评家script /'skr?pt/ n. [C] text of a play, film, etc. 脚本 emotion /?'m???n/ n. [U] excitement or disturbance of the mind or (more usu.) the feelings 激情;情感 talent /'t?l?nt/ n. [C, U] (instance of) special or very great ability 才能;天才

最新 最全 小学生 英语阅读理解能力(课外拓展阅读) 提升行动 推荐书单 书目 大全

推荐一:《典范英语》 《典范英语》(Good English),原名《牛津阅读树》(Oxford Reading Tree),是英国牛津大学出版社出版的一套家喻户晓的英语教材,闻名英国,享誉世界。英国有80%的学校用其教学生学习母语,全球有133个国家用它作为外语学习教材。《典范英语》共分九级,其中(1-5)针对小学生,精选261个最有趣的、最适合我国小学生阅读的故事;(6-9)在此基础上,又从《牛津阅读树》中精选出64部适合我国中学生使用的作品,由权威英语教育专家精心编辑而成。本套教材语言纯正地道,内容生动有趣,贴近儿童生活,融故事性、趣味性、知识性、科学性、权威性于一体,同时,配有原声录音CD,便于学生模仿一口地道纯正的英语。网络上较出名的《外研社丽声拼读故事会》就是其中的一部分。 推荐二:《攀登英语阅读系列》 《攀登英语阅读系列》包括“关键阅读技能训练”和“分级阅读”两个部分。“关键阅读技能训练”部分包括“有趣的字母”和“神奇字母组合”两辑,主要训练孩子将英语字母或字母组合的形和音准确对应的拼读能力。不管孩子是刚刚开始进行英语学习,还是已经有了一定的英语基础,进行关键阅读技能的训练,都可以帮助孩子达到事半功倍的学习效果。“分级阅读”共包括六个级别的阅读资源,覆盖了国家《英语课程标准》要求掌握的主要词汇、句式和语法点,能满足不同地域、不同年龄、不同英语水平的孩子的英语阅读需求。 推荐三:《体验英语》 在外语教学中,经常要面对这样一个问题:同一年级的学生在语言能力、学习兴趣和要求等方面各不相同,那么,到哪里能找到一套丰富的阅读资源让所有的学生都能获益呢?让爱读书的孩子有更多的收获,尽情享受英语阅读的乐趣,让原来不爱阅读的孩子喜欢上英语阅读,通过读故事、读短剧、读科普文章培养自己的认知能力和阅读能力,养成良好的阅读和学习习惯。《体验英语少儿阅读文库》提供解决方案,从适合自己的开始!快乐阅读,强调阅读通畅性和趣味性,满足学生的成就感。 本书共分SETA、SETB 共15级,SETA分9级: 推荐四:《培生儿童英语分级阅读》 《培生儿童英语分级阅读》的编写是在权威调查的基础上进行的,在调查中发现在英语里,有12个单词占我们全部阅读词汇的25%,有20个单词占10%,另有68个单词占剩下的20%。这意味着,在英语里,仅仅100个单词就占我们生活中所用单词的50%。这些单词我们称之为“高频词”。在本套读物中,重点单词不断重复地出现在文章当中,我们通过这种方式把重点单词系统地引入到孩子的学习中去,让孩子们通过不断地重复,快速地熟悉生活中常用的高频词汇。每级在词汇引入方面的严格控制,可以让孩子们在阅读开始时不会感觉到困难,从而增强阅读的成就感,培养阅读的兴趣。 推荐五:《黑布林英语阅读》 《黑布林英语阅读》系列由上海外语教育出版社从欧洲专门从事英语教育的Helbling Languages出版机构引进。这套读物全彩设计、图文并茂,将经典小说与当代作品完美结合,可全面满足国内小学、初中和高中各阶段学习者的英语阅读需要。 小学段绘本,目前共出版30册,分a-e5个级别,每级别6册。每级别故事围绕若干话题展开,如a级话题有字母、数字、问候语、玩具等;随着级别递进,话题不断深入,至e级话题涉及情感、音乐、电视等。每册读物配- -张可供白板和PC使用的CD-ROM/Audio CD: CD-ROM部分包含完整的故事录音、若干多媒体互动游戏、chants模仿秀,以及图片单词背背看等; Audio CD部分不仅提供完整的故事录音,还提供所有听力练习的录音。

美国小学二年级英语阅读 Level L

Objective Concepts (sphinx, myth/legend); Sight words (statue, Egypt, wise, sandstorms, happened, restoring) The Great Sphinx Statue By: Sue Peterson The Great Sphinx is a lion with the head of a person cut out of rock. It is a statue located in Egypt. Legends have been told about the Great Sphinx. Many of these stories talk about the Sphinx being strong and wise. Some people think that there is a hidden area inside the Sphinx for people to enter. But no one has found a way to get inside. There is a story about a young man who fell asleep next to the Great Sphinx. He had gone hunting in the daytime and he was tired. The man had a dream that he would be https://www.doczj.com/doc/2d3706844.html,

the King of Egypt if he cleaned the sand away from the sphinx. At that time, the Great Sphinx was covered up with sand except for its head. Sandstorms sometimes cover the body of the statue. But the story doesn’t have an ending. What do you think happened? Did the boy clean the sand away from the Sphinx? Did he become King of Egypt? No one seems to know. The statue is very large. The whole statue is 150 feet long with 50 feet long paws. The head is 30 feet long and 14 feet wide. The sphinx is getting fixed. It will look like it once did. This process is called restoring. Wind and sand have worn parts of the statue’s nose and some other parts of the statue away completely. These parts will be rebuilt to look as good as new.


一、课题的提出: 小学阶段开设英语课程的目的是培养学生学习英语的积极情感,形成初步的英语语感,为其打好语音、语调基础,最终使学生具备初步的用所学英语进行交流的能力。要适应社会、时代的需求,应以学生发展为本的思想、以学校发展的眼光对待英语教学。成功的英语教学要依赖大量的语言材料和语言实践,然而我们在多年教学实践中感到小学阶段学生接触和使用语言的时空受到一定的限制。阅读是语言学习的一个重要方面。阅读教学在外语教学中起着十分重要的作用,长期以来在我国的英语教学中,阅读课一直是最受重视的科目。无论在中学还是大学,英语阅读课所占的课时最多。它可以帮助学生得到乐趣,获取信息,培养学生的英语阅读理解能力,使学生养成良好的英语阅读习惯,具有正确的阅读技巧,拥有主动学习的能力和合作的精神,为终身学习打下基础。阅读是巩固和扩大词汇量的好方法。然而现行的小学英语并无明确的英语阅读教学目标和配套的阅读教材,因此在小学阶段开设英语阅读课具有重要的现实意义,也是时代发展的必然趋势。 二、?????? 研究的目的与主要内容: ??????? 研究的目的: 1、构建实施小学英语阅读课的基本框架。 2、探索小学英语阅读教学的有效方法。 ??????? 总体目标:巩固和扩大词汇量,增强语感,提高学生的阅读速度和理解的准确度,逐步形成他们的英语阅读习惯和能力。 帮助学生善于、乐于了解异国文化,拓展实践空间,不断提高 学生学习英语的兴趣,促进英语听说能力的提高。 ??????? 分级目标:

一年级: ?????? 能听懂老师讲的英语故事。 ?????? 能借助图片进行初步的单词认读,读懂简单故事梗概。 ?????? 能有感情地复述故事并配上一定的动作进行表演。 二年级: ?????? 通过阅读提高发展学生单词的拼读能力。 ?????? 能读懂简单的故事情节,了解大意,具有阅读的兴趣。 ?????? 乐于根据图片进行简单的描述。 三年级: ?????? 具有正确拼读单词的能力。 ?????? 在老师的帮助下理解一些单词、词组在句、篇中的含义。鼓励学生学习使用字典。 ?????? 能通过自己的阅读,从短文中获取大意。 ?????? 在复述故事的基础上会进行表演。 四年级:


小学三年级篇英语阅读理解专项训练-40 篇(含答案) (1) It 's eight o'clock. The children( But they are walking to school today. It usually( 通常) stays at homein the this morning. It 's nine o'clock. at night( 晚上). But he is reading an 孩子们) go to school by car every day. ' s ten o 'clock. Mrs. Green morning. But she is going to the shops Mr. Green usually reads his newspaper interesting( 有趣的) book this evening. ( )1.When do the children come to school? A. At 8:00. B. At 7:00. C. At 9:00. ( ) 2.How are they come to school today? A. By car. B. By bus. C. Walking ( ) 3.When is Mrs. Green going to the shops? A. At 8:00. B. At 10:00. C. At 9:00. ( ) 4.When does Mr. Green read his newspaper? A.At 8:00. B.At 7:00. C:At 9:00. ( ) 5.What is Mr Green do this evening? A.Reading a books. B.Writing a letter. C.Watching TV. (2) Mike is a good student. He gets up at six thirty every day. He likes to wear his blue sweater. He goes to school at seven fifteen. He has English class at eight o'clock. He likes English very much. He has lunch at home. In the afternoon, he always plays football on the school playground. He does homework after dinner. He goes to bed at nine o 'clock. 判断正(门误(F) ( ) (1) Mike gets up at 6:20 every day. ( ) (2) Mike has a blue sweater. ( ) (3) Mike has lunch at school. ( ) (4) Mike likes to play football. ( ) (5) Mike does homework after school. (3) Tomand John are good friends. Tomis 12. John is 13. They are good students. They like hamburgers. Miss White is their English teacher. 判断正(门误(F) ( )1. Tom and John are good friends. ( )2. Tom is 12. ( )3. John is 12. ( )4. They like eggs. (4) Hi, my name is Tom. I 'm 9. I like English very much. My sister is Amy. She's 5. My father is 39. Mymother is 37. They love me. I love my family. 阅读理解并选择合适的选项 ( )1. My name is _______ . A. Amy B. Tom ( )2. My sister is _____ . A . 9 B .5 ( )3. My mother is _______ .

高中生经典英文小说阅读与欣赏系列 The Veteran

The Veteran by Stephen Crane Out of the low window could be seen three hickory trees placed irregularly in a meadow that was resplendent in spring-time green. Farther away, the old, dismal belfry of the village church loomed over the pines. A horse, meditating in the shade of one of the hickories, lazily swished his tail. The warm sunshine made an oblong of vivid yellow on the floor of the grocery. "Could you see the whites of their eyes?" said the man, who was seated on a soap box. "Nothing of the kind," replied old Henry warmly. "Just a lot of flitting figures, and I let go at where they 'peared to be the thickest. Bang!" "Mr. Fleming," said the grocer--his deferential voice expressed somehow the old man's exact social weight--"Mr. Fleming, you never was frightened much in them battles, was you?" The veteran looked down and grinned. Observing his manner, the entire group tittered. "Well, I guess I was," he answered finally. "Pretty well scared, sometimes. Why, in my first battle I thought the sky was falling down. I thought the world was coming to an end. You bet I was scared." Every one laughed. Perhaps it seemed strange and rather wonderful to them that a man should admit the thing, and in the tone of their laughter there was probably more admiration than if old Fleming had declared that he had always been a lion. Moreover, they knew that he had ranked as an orderly sergeant, and so their opinion of his heroism was fixed. None, to be sure, knew how an orderly sergeant ranked, but then it was understood to be somewhere just shy of a major-general's stars. So, when old Henry admitted that he had been frightened, there was a laugh. "The trouble was," said the old man, "I thought they were all shooting at me. Yes, sir, I thought every man in the other army was aiming at me in particular, and only me. And it seemed so darned unreasonable, you know. I wanted to explain to 'em what an almighty good fellow I was, because I thought then they might quit all trying to hit me. But I couldn't explain, and they kept on being unreasonable--blim!--blam! bang! So I run!" Two little triangles of wrinkles appeared at the corners of his eyes. Evidently he appreciated some comedy in this recital. Down near his feet, however, little Jim, his grandson, was visibly horror-stricken. His hands were clasped nervously, and his eyes were wide with astonishment at this terrible scandal, his most magnificent grandfather telling such a thing. "That was at Chancellorsville. Of course, afterward I got kind of used to it. A


小学英语阅读推荐书目 我的第一本英语阅读书方洲华语教学出版社 小学生英语快乐阅读(分三、四、五、六年级)方洲华语教学出版社 小学英语随堂阅读(分三、四、五、六年级)方洲华语教学出版社 小学英语阅读轻松练100篇方洲华语教学出版社 小学英语阶梯阅读100篇方洲主编出版社:华语教学出版社 小学英语阅读起步方洲主编华语教学出版社 新课标小学英语阅读100篇(七年级到九年级) 曹伦华主编上海外语教育出版社小学英语阅读名师伴读(分三、四、五、六年级)赵淑红河北教育音像出版社 小鹦鹉--小学英语随堂阅读(分三、四、五、六年级) 许学明安徽科学技术出版社 小学英语随堂故事(分三、四、五、六年级)配磁带许学明安徽科学技术出版社 书虫入门级(适合小学高年级)HELENBROOKE[英]外语教学与研究出版社朗文小学英语阅读(1-6年级)麦瑟尔德,琼斯,希顿于鑫译吉林出版集团有限责任公司小学英语开心阅读训练一二年级赵春霞甘肃教育出版社 英语经典美文诵读:小学篇郑文浙江教育出版社小学英语晨读经典365(上)(附光盘)陈超,王红石油工业出版社 小学英语美文诵读(五年级)(08年版)新教育实验课题组编写南京师范大学小学英语阅读分级专练(1-6年级)徐启富,万晓艳上海交通大学出版社外教社-朗文中学英语分级阅读:新课标百科丛书比尔蒂上海外语教育出 版社 外教社朗文小学英语分级阅读(2-12) 舒瑞尔上海外语教育出版社 小学生英语分级阅读---一级、二级、三级(上下)马敏人民出版社 英语课外阅读宝典(小学4-6年级新课标) 百花文艺出版社 新课标英语阶梯阅读丛书(4-6年级) 山东教育出版社 小学英语快乐阅读.第3-6册——新课标小学英语读物上海科学普及出版社

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