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昔时贤文,The wisdom of ancient aphorisms

诲汝谆谆,Has been instructing people earnestly,

集韵增广,This expanded poetic collection of them

多见多闻。Can add knowledge to your philosophy.

观今宜鉴古,Consult history when observing reality,

无古不成今。Reality does not exist without history.

贤乃国之宝,In a country, the learned virtuous and capable people, should be the most valuable;

儒为席上珍。At a feast, the talents of learned people, should be the most desirable.

农工与商贾,To educate farmers, workers, and businessmen,

皆宜敦五伦。Are the five ethical principles

孝悌为先务,Filial duty and brotherhood, are the most important,

本立而道生。As in forming a theory, the core is fundamental.

尊师以重道,Respect teachers and value their instruction,

爱众而亲仁。Love the ordinary and live closely, with benevolent people.

钱财如粪土,Money and wealth are pure emptiness,

仁义值千金。Humanity and justice are truly priceless.

做事须循天理,Behave in accordance with heavenly purposes,

出言要顺人心。Speak to comply with popular wishes.

心术不可得罪于天地,Your intentions, should not offend heaven and earth;

言行要留好样与儿孙。For the sake of your descendants, your words and deeds should set a good example.

处富贵地,If rich and noble,

要矜怜贫贱的痛痒;You should pity the hardships, of the poor and humble;

当少壮时,When young and vigorous,

须体念衰老的酸辛。You should understand the difficulties, of the old and feeble.

孝当竭力,Mere support of your parents is not enough,

非徒养身。You should do you utmost to be dutiful.

鸦有反哺之孝,A crow feeds its parents when they are old,

羊有跪乳之恩。A lamb kneels down, when sucking milk from its mother, because it has gratitude to show.

岂无远道思亲泪,Do people travelling far away, not miss their parents?

不及高堂念子心。Yet parents at home, worry more about their absent children.

爱日以承欢,Cherish your parents’ remaining years, and make them happy,

莫待丁兰刻木祀;Ding Lan’s carving of wood portraits,for his parents after their death,is not a good example;

椎牛而祭墓,Killing a bull to offer at your parents’ graves,

不如鸡豚逮亲存。Is not as good as serving them chicken and pork, before they are decrepit and old.

兄弟相害,Brothers struggling with each other

不如友生;Are not as useful as friends;

外御其侮,To resist insults from outside,

莫如兄弟。Brothers are better then best friends.

有酒有肉多兄弟,Meat and wine bring you a lot of brothers,

急难何曾见一人。But is there anyone seen near you, when you are in misfortune?

一回相见一回老,Each time brothers meet, each gets older than the last time;

能得几时为弟兄。How many times are left, when they can call each other brother again?

父子和而家不败,A father and his sons in harmony, can keep a family from decline,

兄弟和而家不分,Brothers in harmony, can keep a family from division;

乡党和而争讼息,Neighbours in harmony, can avoid disputes and lawsuits,

夫妇和而家道兴。A husband and his wife in harmony, can make their family flourish.

祗缘花底莺声巧,Brothers are often estranged from each other

遂使天边雁影分。Because of their wives’ blandishments.

诸恶莫作,Refrain from doing any evil,

众善奉行。Cherish every chance to do good work.

知己知彼,Know both yourself and others,

将心比心。Compare your heart with those of others.

责人之心责己,Love others in the way, you are apt to love yourself,

爱己之心爱人。Blame yourself in the way, you are apt to blame others.

再三须慎意,Never cheat your conscience,

第一莫欺心。Always be cautious about your behaviour.

宁可人负我,Choose a situation where others are unfair to you

切莫我负人。Rather than one where you are unfair to others.

贪爱沉溺即苦海,Coveting material gain, is jumping into the pit of hell,

利欲炽然是火坑。Indulgence in sensual pleasures, is sailing into the sea of bitterness.

随时莫起趋时念,Do not be inclined to chase fashion, while you are trying, to be appropriate to your times;

脱俗休存矫俗心。Neither intended to correct common customs,when you are trying,to be free from vulgarity.

横逆困穷,When perplexed by poverty and adversity,

直从起处讨由来,Ask for the reasons from their roots,

则怨尤自息;And you complains will diminish easily.

功名富贵,When you have honour and wealth,

还向灭时观究竟,Think about the results of their ending,

则贪恋自轻。And you greed will diminish naturally.

昼坐惜阴,Cherish your time in the day time,

夜坐惜灯。Cherish your lamp at night.

读书须用意,Be meticulous in your reading,

一字值千金。Because every word carries weight.
