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Can you tell me something of your study?

Yes, sure, I am a college student and IBMS is my major, what 's more? Oh, yeah, I am doing quite well in business case studying

What's your major?

I am majored in International Business and Management which is what I and my parents have long expected for. But IBMS is a great challenge to me since it requires a smart me. Anyway, I think I can do it well.

Why did you choose this major?

Actually, my father is a successful business man who I admire pretty much. And I believe that IBMS is the right choice for me and my family.

What subjects do you like or dislike?

For high school:

** is my favorite subject, I think I have the talent to it, I can do it really well.

I really hate maths, I have done my best, but I still fail this subject. God, it bothers me too much.

Tell me about your primary school?

Okay, I graduated from a well-known primary school in my hometown.

It used to have over 1000 students, lots of respectable teachers and a charming campus, but now it has been renovated to a factory. I

feel really sad for that.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of your university?


Do many foreigners speak your native language?

Yes, I think so, when I go to some universities in Beijing, there 's

always a big chance to see groups of foreigners studying Chinese all around me.

How important is your native language in the world?

I am not so sure about the importance of Chinese, but it has been a common knowledge that a second even third language ability is a strong plus in study and career path. So lots of widely used languages are becoming more and more popular, and Chinese is definitely one of them.

How long have you been studying English?

Not very long, about two years, but, to tell you the truth, I officially started it last year due to my ignorance in the first years.

Do you think your native language is easier than English? Admittedly, I have a positive answer to this question. I am a Chinese, so I have the god-given ability to learn Chinese. But seriously, English is not that difficult, I just need to be more focused and practise more though it doesn 'mtake perfect.

What other languages can you speak except Chinese and English? Oh, what a shame, nothing else except these two. Well, it is a pity but I will try to make it up sooner or later.

If you have an opportunity to study another language, which one would you like to choose?

That will be Spanish, reason is simple, the number of countries where Spanish is officially used is sky high compared with others.

Is there anything helps you learn another language?

Yes, I have a good idea which is to make a local by/gf, so that you can easily immerse yourself in that language. I did not try that but my friend told me that it really works out.


Where is your hometown?

I was born in Beijing which is the capital of China and has a long brilliant history.

What is famous about your hometown?

Well, there are a lot. But if you come to my hometown I would strongly recommend you to go to HuangGuoShu Water fall which is the most magnificent one in Asia.

What do people like to do in your hometown?

Basically, just like all other major cities in the world, all citizens are busy for their work but do not have much time for funs and relaxations.

What are the biggest changes in your hometown in the past decades? Wow, it has changed dramatically! First, look at the population size, almost doubled, but that 'nost a positive change, right? Anyway, infrastructure constructions have made a great progress;

don' t mention the education improvement and economic development. However, I like the way it is now.

Are you satisfied with the development of your hometown?

There 'nso doubt that I am quite happy with the change of my hometown since it has provided its citizens with a livable surroundings, high standard education and most importantly, equal job opportunities.

What is the main industry in your hometown?

Really tough, actually, I am not so sure about it, but my best guess is touristic since Beijing is well-known for its flourish historical sites and attractions/aged and variable architectures.

How are the people in your hometown?

Well, I think my people are just ordinary but work really hard/really lazy or you can say they have very typical urban/smooth lifestyles.

How is the weather of your hometown?

Basically, the weather of Beijing is just terrible/a disaster, especially in winter time, it is freezing and extremely dry which I hate to hell.

How is the traffic condition in your hometown?

Well, the killer feature of Chinese major cities is the horrible traffic condition, as it said that, in Beijing; the average time wasted on the traffic

is over 45 minutes which tops all of the cities in the world except Mexico City. /


What kind of housing/accommodation do you live in? Do you like it? (Why?)

Well, I live in a high-rise brick apartment/fancy 3-floor villa which is

situated in the downtown/in the south of Beijing. I find it is a nice place to live in due to the ingenious layout and fashionable design.

Who do you live with?

Currently, I am living with my parents, but I am planning to move out/thinking about moving out within 3 months.

How long have you lived there?

I have been living there for over 20 years. I can proudly tell you that I am hopelessly attracted by that place.

Can you describe the place where you live? = Please describe your home a little.

Unluckily, I live in somewhere near a train station, I don ' t like this place at all ‘ cuzit is terribly crowded and noisy in daytime, and unsafe in the night. Even worse, the massive traffic alarms screwed up my life.

I am so lucky that I have such a cozy home to live in with my parents. It is spacious, well designed and pretty livable, but what I like the most about my home is the large open air balcony where I can throw parties with my friends in

the summer time. That 's really cool.

What's the best thing about your home?

Admittedly, that will be the balcony. To tell you the truth, it is too large for any kind of parties I can throw with my fellows.

Which is your favorite room? (Why?)

Which room does your family spend most of the time in?

Obviously, it is the living room where my mother watches TV programs, while my father reads newspapers and I play computer games in after an exhausted day. Actually, I am kinda fascinated by that harmonious scene.

What do you usually do in your house/flat/room?

Wow, there are many interesting things I can do at home, such as reading some ins-and-outs magazines at weekends, watching Hollywood movies in the night and occasionally having parties with my friends when festivals are approaching.


What kinds of transport do you usually use?

I am living in Beijing, therefore, the subway is the most suitable

transport I can find.

I live in a small city, and it ' s just a stone ' s throw distance home to my school and some shopping centers, therefore, walking

or riding bicycles are my choices.

For you, what are the benefits (advantages) of using that form of


Apparently, you rarely have any traffic jams while taking subways/riding bicycles/walking on street. Besides, it is relatively cheap and fast.

How do you think the transport system could be improved? There 's such a large space for us to imprvoe the transport system. At this moment, my concern is the actually, as more as possible. Are bicycles popular in your city? (Why?/Why not?)

Oh, yes, it 's undeniable that bicyclepoispular in my city due to

the terrible traffic condition. People choose/prefer to ride bicycles to go to work and study particularly during the rush hours.

Do you often ride a bicycle?

Yes, about twice or three times a week, I usually ride bicycles for shopping and sometimes for exercising.

What do you think are the advantages (and disadvantages) of bicycles compared to cars?

Compared with cars, riding bicycles has so many advantages. I will say that it is friendly to environment, cost-effective and most importantly, it keeps us fit.

Would you say bicycles are suitable for people of all ages? Well, I would love to say that bicycles are suitable for every one for health concern.

If you regard cycling as an exercise, then it is suitable for people of all ages.

number of subway lines,

Do you think transportation costs hometown? Yes, it is really expensive to me, RMB pe r month on traffic, and that not a money maker/bread winner anyway.

are expensive in your ‘ cuz I have to spend almost 500 's ncoat nwhaafftoIrd, I am

Do you think bicycles are suitable for present society?


Do you like watching films?

Yes, I am crazy about watching films and Hollywood action movies in


Would you like to watch films at home or in the cinema? Actually, I would love to watch films at home, it is much cheaper right?? I download almost all latest films from internet for free.

What kinds of films do you like?

Action movie is my favorite, and I am the biggest/maddest fan of Jacky Chan/Jet Li/Bruce Lee.

Is there any kind of film that you dislike?

Oh yeah, I hate horror movies, actually I have never watched them and I 'll never gonna watch it. I swear to god that I am sick of this kind of film.

Are most of the audiences in the cinema are adults or children? Well, I believe that most of the audiences are adults since they can afford the sky high

price./The sky high price has kept most children away from the cinema.


What kinds of book would you like to read?

Well, I pretty enjoy reading sports magazines, and especially the Slum Dunk which is the most welcome NBA-related magazine published in China.

Southern park

What kinds of people like reading?

Well, I can 't tell what types of people like reading. But one thing I

know is that people tend to read some materials when they have time to kill. For instance, you always see different people reading staffs in the metro train.

What is the function/purpose of reading?

Well, the value brought to us by reading is profound. At least, it makes us wise and cultured.

Do you think reading is important?

Why reading is important to you?

In fact, I can not fall asleep easily, but if I read a couple of pages of my favorite magazine I would fall asleep right away. That makes reading important to me./That perfectly explains why reading is important to me I think.


Do you like to travel in your holidays/free time?

Yes, I prefer to travel around when I have some time for myself. Actually, I am kinda professional backpacker.

Where do you want to go for a travel?

Well, places with water and mountains are my dreamland, for instance, Chongqing city in China and Switzerland in Europe.

Do you think it is important to travel during your holidays?

Yes, I do believe that traveling is necessary for me, especially when I have worked really hard; I need a break to get relaxed and be prepared for the next stage of work and study.

Do you prefer to travel alone or with friends?

I love to have excursions with my friends. It is simply because I hate being alone on road, I need someone who is always around me.

Do you think it is good to take children when traveling?

No, taking children when traveling only brings troubles to the parents. Personally, I think that traveling is something parents do to get relaxed not to be bothered.

What do you think of traveling with a travel agency?

I think it is a good idea to travel with an agency, so that before and during the trip you will be carefully served. For me, I choose it because I enjoy being care-free.


What kind of sports do you like?

Swimming was my favorite sports when I was at school, but now, I would love to try some ball games such as basketball and football.

Which sports are popular in your country?

I guess you have already heard about the craze of table tennis in China. But, the truth is, basketball is the most popular sports in China.

Which sports do you watch?

Wow, should I say all the sports games with and without balls? I am such a big sports fan, you can see it right?

How often do you play sports?

Let me say everyday, actually I live in the campus, like all my college classmates, I am crazy for exercising.

What are the common ways for Chinese people to keep fit?

That s'quite normal, just like other countries, Chinese people tend to go cycling, and jogging to keep fit, nothing special.

Are boys and girls good at the same sport?

Eh … negative. Boys are in favor of p hysical contact sp orts such as football, rugby and things like these; while girls fancy girly sports like Yoga and volleyball. Therefore, I think sex role works in sports field too.

What are the advantages of doing regular exercise?

Well, it 's not hard to understand that if you wish to stay fit and live a healthy lifestyle, regular exercise is necessary.

Why do some people enjoy (watching) sports events?

I would like to take myself as an example. I am a sports fan, I enjoy watching sports games, and sports events symbolize joys and excitements to me


What kind of entertainment do you prefer, TV or radio? (Why?) Definitely the TV, I have not listened to any radio programs for years. TV and internet are my two major entertainments.

How are radio programs and television programs different? Basically, the tv programs vary from radio programs in a wide range. But the most significant difference is that TV broadcasts with vivid pictures which make it more appealing/tempting.

What programs do you like to watch/listen to?

When do you watch TV/listen to the radio?

Has television/radio changed much in the past few years?

Apparently, it has changed dramatically. I mean the resources; contents and quality of TV programs have been increasingly improved in recent years.

How do you think TV/radio broadcasts in China could be improved?

Actually, I am ok with the present TV/Radio broadcasts; I don' t see any major shortcomings.

How are radio programs and television programs different?/ Do you prefer TV news or radio news?

Undoubtedly, the difference is pretty significant. Compared with radio programs, TV programs present news with vivid pictures and sounds which make it more reliable and on-site flu.

Clothing & Fashion

What can you learn about a person from the clothes they wear?

I am not so sure about that, but it gives us a first impression of someone such as the social status, education background and things like that.

Do you think employees in a company should wear a uniform?

Well, it mainly depends on the enterprise c'ultsure and business requirements. In most IT companies, such as Google, it doesn't have a concern about what employees wear. Maybe only when there 's a business conference then suits are probably necessary

What's your favorite clothes color? (Why?)

I am fond of the dark colors such as black and purple. Can you imagine that I have tons of t-shirts and shoes in these two colors?

How important to you is the color of (your) clothes?

I don ' t have a concern about colors of my clothes, if I am attracted by the style and design I don 't care about color at all. I am really flexible to all colors.


Is friendship (= are friends) important to you? (Why?/Why not?) Yes, undoubtedly, friendship is something worthy to pursue and cherish in my entire life. In another word, one' slife without friendship is just a tragedy.

Do you prefer to spend time with friends or spend time alone? (Why?)

Well, I spend most of my free time alone but occasionally I would hang out with friends and do some exercises.

What kind of people do you like to have as friends?

I can 'gtive you a specific answer to this question; I believe the first impression deeply matters to my choice of friend. But those who are dishonest and lay back will never be my friends.

What do you and your friends do together?

Basically, we have a lot of hobbies in common, at the weekend; we usually gather up and go hiking in hilly area of Beijing.

How do Chinese people make friends?

Well, there are multiple approaches for Chinese people to meet new friends, for instance, we chat with strangers online, go to bars at the night and take part in various parties etc. There we find new friends.

Do adults and children make friends in the same way?

No, I don 't think so, as far as I know, for children, friends come easily and leave freely, but adults have concerns about their own benefits, social status and education background, anyway, it ' s much complicated.

Do you like meeting new people?

Yes, that 's true; actually, I am passionate about making new friends since I strongly believe that friends can make my life much easier.

Do you think it's easy to form new friendships?

No, it s'not easy at all, once a wise man told me that a good friendship will benefit you but you will suffer from a bad one. So I need to be smart at this point.

How long does it take to get to know a person?

Well, it really depends, tell you the truth, I trust in the first impression, if that is positive then everything goes quickly, but if it is negative, relationship would not proceed easily.


Do you like to take photographs? (Why?)

Oh, not really, only when I go on vocations and attend some memorable events, I think it is necessary to record something to have a review days later.

How often do you take photographs?

Eh,…obviously, not often, maybe, once or twice per year?? As I have stated above, I only take pictures when I visit strange places and attend some important events.

When (on what occasions) do you take photos?

Do you prefer to take pictures (= take photos) of people or of scenery? (Why?) Well, it depends, when I meet some new people, and famous ones who I admire in particular, I would love to take pictures with them, but when I am on a trip, beautiful scenery is worth to record by camera.

How do you keep your photos?

Well, I have a DC, therefore, I save most of my photos in computer and part of them in my I Touch so that I can show to my friends, but I do print out some of my favorite pictures and frame them, hang them on my wall. That makes my room more like a private space.

Do you frame (or have you framed) any of your photos? (If yes, which? & why?)

Is photography a popular hobby in China?

Ehm, yes, but only when they are traveling, in people 's daily l I don'st ee many taking photos, but if you go to the touristic attractions,

there are many photographers can be seen. Weird, right?

Why do you think some people like taking photographs when they visit another place?

Do you mean Chinese people in p articular? They do like taking

photos, I don 't know why, maybe just to prove their appearances in those places.

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