当前位置:文档之家› 外研版九年级上学期英语期末试题








1. A. Go by bus. B. I’d love to. C. Walk along and turn left.

2. A. Yes, please. B. I don’t know. C. Sorry, you’d better not.

3. A. My pleasure. B. Of course not. C. Please don’t say so.

4. A. Good idea! B. What a pity! C. Congratulations!

5. A. Sure, we can. B. Never mind. C. Glad to hear that. (二)听对话和问题,选择符合每个问题答案的图画, 每段对话和问题读两遍。







11. What’s wrong with the young man?

A. He has got a cold.

B. He has got a fever.

C. He has got a headache.

12. What has he been doing these days?

A. Playing computer games.

B. Sleeping all day.

C. Dreaming all night.

13. What does the doctor suggest besides the medicine?

A. One pill.

B. A warm bath.

C. More water.

14. How should he take the medicine?

A. Half an hour a day.

B. Three times a day.

C. Once a day.

15. What should he not do?

A. Relax a little.

B. Take more pills once.

C. Go to bed early. (四)请听一段广播,根据内容完成信息卡,广播内容读两遍。


Shopping Information

Tomatoes 3 yuan, now 1 yuan

Vegetable Hall

Cabbages 2.4 yuan, now 2 yuan

Food Hall 3 lucky people will get cakes and bread for 4 .

Clothing Hall A play area for the 5 on the corner

二. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)


( )16. — Do you know who won _____ photo competition?

— Well, _____ eight-year-old Mike.

A. the; a

B. a; an

C. an; /

D. the; / ( )17. — Daming, are these your sunglasses?


—No, they aren’t. Ask Betty. She is looking for

A. hers

B. yours

C. her

D. you

A. How long

B. How often

C. How soon

D. How far ( )18.The police ____ going to search every corner of the city for the thief.

A. is

B. was

C. will

D. are

( )19.— When shall we go to visit Lucy, on Monday or Tuesday?

— ____ day is OK. I’m not busy these two days.

A. Every

B. Any

C. Both

D. Either

ave got ____ people and ____ traffic.

( )20. I don’t like those big cities which h

A. too much; too many

B. many too; too much

C. too many; too much

D. too many; much too

( )21. —Where is your boss? I haven’t seen him for several days.

— He ____ to Shanghai on business.

A. has been

B. is going

C. has gone

D. went

( )22.— _____ the heavy rain, we didn’t go camping last Sunday.

— What a pity!

A. Rather than

B. Because of

C. Instead of

D. Along with


( )23—David, your mother’s birthday is _____. Let’s think about how celebrate it.

— OK, Dad.

A. coming up

B. picking up

C. closing down

D. looking up

( )24. M any teenagers prefer to junk food rather than healthy food.

A. eating; having

B. eating; have

C. eat; have

D. eat; having

( )25. Many teenagers think they ____ to play computer games on weekends.

A. were allowed

B. should be allowed

C. are allowed

D. will be allowed

( ) 26.——Have you heard of Liu Qian from Taiwan ?

——Sure! His magic performance is ______ amazing for people_____ forget.

A. so; that

B. such; that

C. too; to

D. much; to

( ) 27.—— Can John play the violin well ?

—— Yes, he plays better than_____ in his class.

A. any student

B. any other student

C. any students

D. all the students

( ) 28. It’s a difficult time, but we will never_____ hope.

A. care about

B. pick up

C. think about

D. give up

()29. — Who are you waiting for?

— Andy. He is expected ____ h ere at 3 o’clock.

A. coming

B. to come

C. come

D. came

()30.—Patrick has passed all the examinations!

—Really? _____ good news to his parents!

A. What a

B. What

C. How a

D. How

三. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)



Linda and I planned to go to the cinema on Saturday. However, then she said

her mother wouldn’t let her go on that day 31 they were going out together. I

said, “Well, we can go on another day.” And then she said, “Why don’t w

33 on

32 ?” I said, “OK.” However, later my mother said we were going to be

34 the date. She was

Friday, so I told Linda that I couldn’t go and we had to


unhappy and said, “OK. I would rather go

with my other friends.” I got really

because she thought it was my fault. It was because of 36 that we first had to

change the date. “Am I wrong?” I asked myself.

have got angry One day, I told my 37 to my father. He said I shouldn’t

38 argue

about that little thing. He asked me to take it easy. He said, “Friends

(争论) about where to have a walk, when to watch a movie, what one of them said,

and so on. But dear, it’s


really 39 between friends. Most of the time, it’s

because o f little things that don’t really matter. Friends argue because t hey 40

each other.”

Sometimes you just happen to have small fights with your friends, but that

doesn’t mean you’re not friends any more. Right?

( )31. A. as if B. because C. so that D. although

( )32. A. Tuesday B. Thursday C. Friday D. Sunday

( )33. A. busy B. free C. rich D. poor

( )34. A. make B. change C. keep D. choose

( )35. A. worried B. nervous C. excited D. angry

( )36. A. her B. him C. me D. you

( )37. A. advice B. interest C. secret D. problem

( )38. A. never B. often C. once D. still

( )39. A. different B. important C. common D. unlikely

( )40. A. care about B. learn from C. agree with D. write to




Maybe most people know that there is water pollution, air pollution and noise

pollution around us, but few people know that there is another kind of pollution—light pollution. In fact, it can be everywhere, depending on the time of

the day.

Light pollution is the result of the wasted energy. Instead of providing light for

people on the earth, most bright light shines into the sky, because people don’t

design lights(灯) very well. At the same time, lights are brighter than necessary. All

these cause light pollution. Stars in the night sky always provide everyone with

wonderful sights(景色), but light pollution prevents them from being seen.

Some scientists say that light pollution can also bring some health problems to

people, especially to kids. So it’s the high time for us to do something useful to sto light pollution.


( )41. Light pollution isn’t serious enough for us to stop it now.

( )42. All the people know light pollution well today.

( )43. Most light shines into the sky instead of providing light for people.

( )44. People in big cities can’t see stars clearly in the night sky.

( )45. Light pollution doesn’t do harm to people’s health.


Chloe Lang is a fifteen-year-old American girl. She loves cooking a lot. When

she was a little girl, she helped her grandma make meals at home.

A year ago, Chloe wrote a letter to Rachel Ray, a famous host of a TV

cookery(烹饪法) show. She asked for a ticket to be one of the audience, but she got nothing. One day in June, Chloe got a phone call from Rachel Ray luckily. One of

One Night and it needed five teen cooks to help in a

his programmes is called Café

restaurant for a night.

In mid-July Chloe went to meet Rachel Ray and the other teen cooks. “D our stay with Rachel Ray, we were happy and excited. We were working so hard

Chloe says. “We made some wonderful food that

when they made the records.” 


Guess who came to eat! When Chloe and her friends saw their guests, they all

held their breath, and then they screamed and clapped! In addition to some famous

singer stars, the former US President Bill Clinton was also there!


( )46. How old is Chloe Lang?

A. Five.

B. Ten.

C. Twelve.

D. Fifteen.

( )47. How did Chloe Lang learn to cook?

A. She learnt it by watching TV cookery shows.

B. She learnt it by helping her grandma at home.

C. She learnt it from Rachel Ray.

D. She learnt it by reading cookery books.

( )48. Why did Chloe write a letter to Rachel Ray?

A. Because she wanted to be one of the five teen cooks in a programme.

B. Because she wanted to watch the TV cookery show on TV.

C. Because she wanted to go to the TV station to watch the TV cookery


D. Because she wanted to host a programme about cookery.

( )49. On which of the following days might Chloe go to meet Rachel Ray?

A. On June 15.

B. On July 8.

C. On July 16.

D. On July 25.

( )50. Rachel Ray and the other _____ teen cooks made some wonderful food that night.

A. four

B. five

C. six

D. seven


I was going to give a speech (讲演). I arrived at the hall with my mum. I was nervous. I watched all the other speakers. They were great.

It was my turn. I slowly walked up to the stage. “I forgot my speech. It was a great speech,” I said sadly. I saw that the audience wanted to listen to what I would say next.

“It w as about animals, drama, stories, and just about everything. I had ten reasons why you should own a chicken, but I can only remember one. It makes your lawn nice and pretty. I had a drama thing about Shakespeare, b ut now I can’t remember anything. You see, I can’t remember things very clearly. My speech would have lasted for a very long time. I had a description of the storybook Green

Eggs and Ham. I also had a description of the movie Elf. They were great, but I

▲ ’, especially to my mother.”can’t remember any of them. I want to say ‘

The audience looked around at each other. Someone started clapping and then more and more people joined in. I walked off the stage.

“And the winner is” said the host, “Stacy Jay!” That was me. I didn a speech. They thought that was the speech. My mother was very pleased, and so

was I.

( )51. What does the underlined word “stage” mean in Chinese?

A. 讲台

B. 后台

C. 评委

D. 大厅

( )52. The writer _____.

A. took part in the speech competition alone

B. was really sure about her speech

C. forgot her speech

D. was too nervous to say a word

( )53. Which of the following is the best word to put in ▲ ?

A. thanks

B. sorry


D. no

( )54. Stacy Jay is the name of ____.

A. the writer

B. the writer’s mum

C. the host

D. the writer’s speech

( )55. The writer’s speech was actually very ____.

A. boring

B. terrible

C. successful

D. long


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.




1. 我的爱好和我爸爸的相似。My hobbies are _________ my father’s.

2.近来他的功课进步很大。He ___________________________his study recently.

3.扔掉纸张和金属是很浪费的行为。It’s wasteful to____________ paper and metal.

4.多亏你的帮助,我们及时完成了工作。____________ your help,we finished the work.

5请热烈欢迎我们的英语老师。Please____________________our English teacher.

6.乔花一个小时去上学,增加了交通和污染。It takes Jo an hour to get to school, and This__________ the traffic and pollution.

___________ the head teacher.

7.我刚才碰见校长了。I’ve just ___



Could you tell him I’d like to_________________

9.他试用过我的照相机了吗?Did he______________my camera?


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