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Unit 1 Cultural relics


1. look into 调查

2. insist on/upon sth/doing 坚持做,坚决做

3. belong to 属于

4. get /be lost; be missing 迷路,丢失

5. do with 处理;对付= deal with

6. in search of; in the/one ' s search for 寻找

7. be used to do sth. 被用来做某事

8. be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事

9. be made into ... 被制成…

be made for 为…制作

be made up of 由…组成

be made of /from 用…制成(看得出/不出原材料)

10. be of +抽象名词=be+该词的形容词,“ be of +名词(词组)”表示主语的某种形状或特征

be of a(n) / the / the same “属于,归于”;be of the size/weight

/height/age /color / kind …

11. work of amber art 琥珀艺术品

12. as a gift of 作为…的礼物

13. in return 作为报答

14. become part of 成为…的一部分

15. serve as 充当,用作

16. add … to … 添加…到…

17. great wonders of the world 世上的伟大奇迹

18. be at war 处于交战状态

19. less than 少于

20. no doubt 毫无疑问

21. remain a mystery 仍然是个迷

22. take apart 拆开

23. rather than 胜于, 而不是

24. tell the truth 说实话

25. pretend to do sth 假装做某事

26. give an example from your own life 举一个你生活中的例子

27. think highly of 看重,重视

28. search for =look for

29. agree with sb 同意某人的意见

30. 情态动词(could /might /must /should)+have done 对过去发生的事情的推


32. have sth. done 表示“请人做某事”“使遭遇某种( 不幸的) 事情”

二.重点语法 - 非限制定语从句和定语从句


例:The girl who is singing there is my girlfriend. 那边唱歌的那个女孩是我女朋友。

先行词:the girl ;关系词:who;定语从句:is singing there

(一)关系代词who/whom/which/that/whose (必修1-Unit4 )★先行词是人时用:who/whom/that

主语—who/that (一般用who)

宾语—whom/that/who (一般用whom)

例子: The girl who is singing there is my girlfriend.

★先行词是物时用: which/that

例子: This is the factory which/that we visited last year.

注意 1—只能用 that 不用 which 的情况:先行词前有下列词出现时只能用 that 序数词 (the first 等) 特指 (the only/the very ) 先行词同时有人和物

在 who/which 问句中

形容词最高级 (the best 等) 不定代词 (something/nothing/anything/all 不

确定数量 )

注意2—只能用which 不用that :

1) 有介词时,介词+which (介词只能与 which/whom 连用)

2) 在非限定定语从句(有逗号的定语从句)

3) 先行词为 that/those 时: What 's that which is floating on the river

★先行词为“某人的”“某物的”用: whose 例子: The girl whose coat is red called Mary.

We are using the book whose title is Top English as our exercise book.

( 二) 关系副词 where/when/why (必修 1-Unit5 )

先行词为地点: where (=at/in/on 等介词 +which )

例: I will never forget the village where I spent my childhood.

先行词为时间: when (=at/in/on/during 等介词 +which )

例: I still remembered the time when I became a senior school student. 先行词为原因 (reason ) : why (=for which )

例: The reason why he was late is that he missed the first bus. 注意:有时先行词虽然表示地点或时间,但不用 where/when 而是 which/that 例: I 'll never forget the village that we visited last year. —此处 先行词the village (村庄)表示地点,因为后面的从句 we visited (我们访问…) 缺少宾语 (访问的对象 ),所以用 that.

例: The reason which/that he made up was hard to accept.

—从句 he made

up (他编造…)缺宾语。 第一个最好的特指人物吗不一定,有疑问 等表