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Building materials 建筑材料

Takeoff stages 起飞阶段

Inflationary problems 通货膨胀问题

Transport as physical process of moving people and goods 交通作为人与货物移动的物理过程

Look for alternatives to 寻找替代品

A remarkably wide range of user services and technologies 相当广泛的用户服务和技术

Safely readiness 安全预警

Adaptive cruise control自动巡航控制系统

Full automation system 完美的自动化系统

Driverless vehicles 无人驾驶汽车

Operational and institutional concept 运营和制度概念

Charter service 特许服务

Contracting party 缔约方

Right-of-way 路权

overlooked 被忽视

An innate view of mathematical or structural elegance


tangible criterion-cost 切实的成本标准

carry the economic analysis to this level of detail


If justified in aggregate terms 如果总体而言合理

With the optimum allocation of resources 最优的资源分配Intertemporal 跨时期的

interpersonal differences人与人间的差异

Abutting 邻接的

as-built capacity竣工的能力

grade separations 立体交叉

weaving sections 交织区段

Cross slope 横向坡度

moderate rainfall 中等雨量

heavy rainfall 大的雨量

melt and drain across 融化和排水

striping and pavement marking, or by corrugated depressions 路面纹理和路面标记或波纹洼地所影响

Local government 当地政府

Pubic authority 公共权威

Call for 要求

transportation facilities 运输设备

as environment favorable to 对环境有利

Objectives are specific, attainable, and measurable


equal public transportation costs 平等的公共交通费用foregoing equal-transportation-cost objective

The preceding step of trip generation 前一步的出行生成

links trip origins to destinations 连接起源至目的地

Home-based trips 基于家庭的出行

social-recreation 消遣娱乐

routed over 路由

be accommodated by 进行调和

traffic-carrying capacity 运输能力

Maintaining prescribed operational qualities


level grade 平坡度

predictive adjustments 预测调整

in the long term 从长远角度来看

maximum flow rate 最大流率

Horizontal and vertical alignments 水平线性和纵断面律性signalized intersections 信号控制交叉口

Level terrain 平原地形

Rolling terrain 丘陵地形

Mountainous terrain 山区

isolated upgrades of significant length 长上坡

Passenger automobiles 客运汽车

motorcycle occupant 摩托车驾驶员

pickup truck 敞篷小型载货卡车

van occupants 货车的持有人

The trend in the death rate 死亡率的趋势

safety hazards 安全隐患

booby-traps 陷阱

imaginative and cost effective junction designs


a large proportion of the population 大部分的人口

the foreseeable future 可预见的未来

a vast array of measures 大量的措施

road junctions 道路交叉口

Roundabouts 环形交叉口

traffic-handling capacity 交通处理能力

junction layouts 交叉口布置

Point road closures 道路点的封闭

hard and soft landscaping 硬软式风景

pedestrianized shopping streets 商业街

visual cues 视觉暗示

be broken down into 分为

informatory signs指示标志

opening or humped back bridges 曲面桥

Roadworks 道路施工

important places of interest 重要的名胜古迹

heritage sites 遗产型景区

census points 调查报告点