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0 Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary. Each word can be used only once.

1 Her parents left her nothing but a______old farmhouse.

2 Police are keeping the area under constant______.

3 The administration is still______over the Health Care issue.

4 ______sometimes occurs in politics.

5 A man was______around outside the shop.

6 Lucy had always______after a place of her own.

7 Nothing could______the indignity of being publicly criticized.

8 We______all products tested on animals.

9 Scientists are hoping to find______evidence to confirm their theories.

10 What he enjoys most in life is delicious food, and he is regarded as a______.

11 When colors are______, they become affected in hue.

12 The old man was______passers-by for money.

13 His ambition was______when he won the first prize.

14 The love of poetry was______in him by her teaching.

15 You need______ to be a long-distance runner.

16 The money was given to us by deed of______.

17 The House Judiciary Committee voted that the President should be______.

18 They______their pocket-money away on sweets.

19 Students should know the______of our country, including the system of rivers, mountains, etc.

20 A dealer came to______the furniture.


20 Culture is activity of thought and receptiveness to beauty and humane feeling.

【C1】______of information have nothing to do with it. A merely well-informed man is the most useless 【C2】______on God's earth. What we should aim at producing is men who possess both culture and expert knowledge in some special direction. Their expert knowledge will give them the ground to start【C3】______, and their culture will lead them as deep as philosophy and as high as 【C4】______. We have to remember that the valuable intellectual development is self-development, and that it【C5】______takes place between that ages of sixteen and thirty. As to training, the most important part is given by mothers before the age of twelve.

In training a child to activity of thought, above all things we must beware of what I will call "inert ideas"—that is to say, ideas that are merely【C6】______into the mind without being utilized, or tested , or thrown into fresh combinations. In the history of education, the most【C7】______phenomenon is that schools of learning, which at one epoch are alive with a craze for genius, in a succeeding generation exhibit merely pedantry and routine. The reason is that they are overladen with inert ideas. Except at 【C8】______intervals of intellectual motivation, education in the past has been radically【C9】______with inert ideas. That is the reason why uneducated clever women, who have seen much of the world, are in middle life so much the most cultured part of the community. They have been saved from this horrible burden of inert ideas. Every intellectual revolution which has ever stirred humanity【C10】______greatness has been a passionate protest against inert ideas.

21 【C1】

(A)Chips (B)Scraps (C)Fractions (D)Plates 22 【C2】(A)bore (B)irony (C)snob (D)gut

23 【C3】(A)with (B)from (C)into (D)beyond 24 【C4】(A)zoom (B)art (C)rap


25 【C5】(A)mostly (B)randomly (C)seldom (D)regularly 26 【C6】(A)contained (B)received (C)squeezed (D)embedded 27 【C7】(A)integral (B)classical (C)obscure (D)striking 28 【C8】(A)rare (B)minor



29 【C9】





30 【C10】






30 The computer industry must overcome a variety of economic, technical, and organizational challenges before green design can become commonplace. For example, Compaq's Rosenberg said, his company has learned that green engineering is a management issue, as well as a technical issue, and that environmental goals must be supported by a company's entire culture to be effective. Often, he said, that isn't the case, but market conditions may force many companies to change. Meanwhile, manufacturers will have to spend time and money to retrain designers, engineers, and assembly workers to perform environmentally friendly computer design and manufacturing. However, the impact might be mitigated somewhat because computer companies generally provide employees with regular retraining anyway to keep up with other new design and manufacturing practices.

Since some production processes would have to change to accommodate environmentally friendly computer design, manufacturers who are not already building new plants would have to spend time and money retooling their existing facilities. However, companies could recover their expenses in a few years from reduced expenditures on materials, energy and waste disposal, said Amory Lovins, founder and director of the Rocky Mountain Institute, an environmental think tank. One of the most promising "green" techniques, demanufacturing, currently faces a variety of problems that make it impractical on a large scale in many cases. For example, the cost of labor required to disassemble, sort, and transport recovered components can exceed the price of simple purchasing new components. Researchers are looking for ways to overcome this problem.

Finally, to address environmental concerns effectively, manufacturers will need new design processes. Several companies have begun unveiling the type of software tools that could meet this need. For example, EcoBoard—jointly developed by Mentor Graphics and Science Applications International—lets designers of printed circuit boards address cost, performance, and environmental requirements when deciding which materials, parts, and processes to use. In addition, Apple Computer is developing a database management tool, the Apple Product Environmental Specification, which helps its staff design, buy, and manage products based on the company's environmental policies.

Dataquest's Reynolds doesn't see strong demand for environmentally friendly computers from individual or business consumers yet. He said the biggest demand at first will be from manufacturers who decide that green design will provide them with economic, marketing, or regulatory advantages. He expected that green design will gradually and quietly become common over the next five years. The Giga Information Group's Enderle said, " As the customers who specify green PCs become a larger market segment, companies that don't make them will find themselves at a growing strategic disadvantage. " Therefore, he predicted, environmentally friendly computer design will "permeate the industry over the next two years. "

31 It can be inferred in the text that "demanufacturing" includes______.

(A)disassembling recovered components

(B)sorting recovered components

(C)transporting recovered components

(D)all of the above

32 According to Amory Lovins, the benefit for manufacturers from the changes in some production process is______.

(A)reducing expenditure on material, energy and waste disposal in a few years

(B)accommodating environmentally friendly computer design

(C)spending money retooling their existing facilities

(D)not to build new plants

33 The word " them" in the sentence " As the customers who specify green PCs become

a larger market segment, companies that don't make them will find themselves at a growing strategic disadvantage" refers to______.

(A)green PCs


(C)market segments


34 Which of the following is NOT true?

(A)Manufacturers will invest in changing some production processes.

(B)Manufacturers will need environmentally friendly computers badly.

(C)Environmentally friendly computers will go into different parts of the industry.

(D)Some manufacturers hesitate to invest in green design because their expenditure on material will be increased.

35 The text can be titled______.

(A)Environmental Production

(B)Benefit from Green Design

(C)Obstacles to Green Design

(D)Production Process with Green Design

35 Editors of the world's leading scientific journals announced Saturday they would delete details from published studies that might help terrorists make biological weapons. The editors, joined by several prominent scientists, said they would not censor scientific data or adopt a top-secret classification system similar to that used by the military and government intelligence agencies. But they said scientists working in the post-Sept. 11 world must face the dismaying paradox that many of their impressive breakthroughs can be used for sinister purposes.

The new editing methods will be voluntary and will differ among the 32 publications and scientific associations that agreed to the effort. Those include the journals Science, Nature, Proceedings of the National Academies of Science, The New England Journal of Medicine and The Lancet. Most major advancements—from decoding the human genome to the cloning of Dolly the sheep—are revealed to the world through those journals.

The new policy emerged from a Jan. 9 meeting at the National Academy of Sciences where researchers and journal editors reviewed potentially sensitive studies. They unveiled their agreement at the national meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Proponents acknowledged they are walking a " very fine line" in trying to protect the public without chilling research. Few, if any, of the thousands of research papers reviewed annually for publication would be rejected outright, they said. Papers would still contain sufficient details to allow other scientists to independently duplicate experiments—a vital step in validation discoveries.

" We do live in different times now, " said Ronald Atlas, president of the American Society of Microbiology and a leader of the biosecurity review movement. "The information we possess has the potential for misuse. We will take the appropriate steps to protect the public. " Indeed, it has never been easier to tweak a microbe's genes to create a deadlier, drug-resistant superbug for a germ bomb or hijack aerosol technology meant for convenient spray vaccines to make anthrax spores float through the air. Journal editors said they were establishing their own expert panels to review papers that contain alarming information, and would work with the authors to make specific changes and "tone them down. "

Most journals rarely face such questions. Atlas said journals published by the microbiology association found only two research papers in that past year that raised eyebrows, and both were published after the authors agreed to changes.

One of the excised details demonstrated how a microbe could be modified so it could kill 1 million people instead of 10, 000. "It was something that was best not told, " Atlas said. He declined to identify the microbe.

36 Science journals editors decide to revise some research papers before publication because______.

(A)some achievements in science can be used for ill purposes

(B)these papers are not qualified

(C)there are some unacceptable beliefs in these papers

(D)they are required to do so by the public

37 According to the passage, which of the following is NOT mentioned?

(A)Many publications and scientific associations will take new measures in editing. (B)It is not easy to both protect the public and encourage scientific research.

(C)Journal editors are trying to prevent the information in research papers from being misused.

(D)Most research papers have to be changed and reduce the potential dangers, especially before publication.

38 It can be inferred that journal editors are trying to______.

(A)publish advancements in biology

(B)protect the information in scientific publications

(C)alarm their readers

(D)warn readers of the danger of biological weapons

39 The phrase "raised eyebrows" in Paragraph 5 most probably means______.

(A)caused worries

(B)caused annoyance

(C)caused surprise

(D)caused disappointment

40 The major concern of this text is______.

(A)Science Journals to Withhold Bio-terror Data

(B)Advancements in Biological Research

(C)Threats from Biological Weapons

(D)Editing Methods of World-leading Journals

40 When successful corporate executives are asked how they got where they are, a common answer is, "I was lucky—I was in the right place at the right time" or, "I was working with someone who took me under his wing. "

No question, luck always plays a role. But " fortune favors the prepared mind. " Corporate climbers most likely to succeed make the best use of their brains and personality.

For most of the 20th century, intelligence meant IQ, measured by tests that focused on memory, logic, and analysis. However, the work of some psychologists describes other kinds of intelligence. Goleman popularized the concept of emotional intelligence as having to do with self-control, self understanding and empathy. Sternberg contrasted analytic intelligence with practical intelligence or street smarts and creative intelligence which includes imagination and aesthetic sensibility.

Analytic intelligence—the kind that gets you high scores on the SAT or graduate record exam— used to be the major ticket to higher education and the academic credentials essential to getting hired and moving up in a company. Of course, street smarts were always useful for knowing who to trust and whom to follow.

But as companies put a higher value on teamwork and customer relationships, interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence become more important. As the market

demands continual innovation, creative intelligence—imagination and design capability—makes a difference.

Besides, you need to have the brains that make you an effective leader: strategic intelligence. Strategic intelligence combines aspects of analytic, practical and creative intelligence. It includes the ability to see future trends, the ability of systems thinking, to view parts in relation to the whole, focusing on how parts interact and evaluating them in relation to how well they serve the system's purpose, the ability to design an organization as a social system, and the ability to motivate people to power that organization. Strategic intelligence, especially systems thinking, is in much shorter supply than the other kinds of intelligence.

Good leadership today requires all of these intellectual capabilities. But it is one thing to know what's right, it's another to take risks or do what is right even when there is no guarantee of success.

41 What would be the best title for the passage?

(A)The Elements of Intelligence.

(B)Strategic Intelligence Counts.

(C)Only the Brainiest Succeed.

(D)Systems Thinking Is in Shorter Supply.

42 What does "took me under his wing"(Para. 1)probably mean?

(A)Advised me to follow his way.

(B)Gave me help, support and protection.

(C)Asked me wait for the most appropriate opportunity.

(D)Offered me a good position.

43 Which of the following statement is TRUE?

(A)Analytic intelligence is not necessary in one's success any more.

(B)Systems thinking means to foresee the trends by viewing factors in the present.

(C)Emotional intelligence involves elements like imagination and design capability.

(D)Evaluating the value of the parts in relation to how well they serve the system's purpose represents the ability of systems thinking.

44 What does "street smart" mean according to the passage?

(A)The skills and intelligence to deal with interpersonal relationships.

(B)The ability to get familiar with the people on the street immediately.

(C)The ability to live without a settled house.

(D)The skills to get dressed smart than other people.

45 What does the author mean in the last paragraph?

(A)Good leadership is not easily obtained nowadays.

(B)If you have all these intellectual capabilities, you'll have a great chance to become successful.

(C)Sometimes, success can't be guaranteed even when one knows what's right.

(D)How various intelligences are exercised eventually depends on the leader's courage.

45 Ask most people how they define the American Dream and chances are they'll say, "Success. " The dream of individual opportunity has been home in America since Europeans discovered a " new world" in the Western Hemisphere. Early immigrants like Hector St. Jean de Crevecoeur praised highly the freedom and opportunity to be found in this new land. His glowing descriptions of a classless society where anyone could attain success through honesty and hard work fired the imaginations of many European readers. In Letters from an American Farmer(1782), he wrote, "We are all excited at the spirit of an industry which is unfettered and unrestrained, because each person works for himself... We have no princes, for whom we toil, starve, and bleed. We are the most perfect society now existing in the world. " The promise of a land where "the rewards of a man's industry

follow with equal steps the progress of his labor" drew poor immigrants from Europe and fueled national expansion into the western territories.

Our national mythology is full of illustration of the American success story. There's Benjamin Franklin, the very model of the self-educated, self-made man, who rose from modest origins to become a well-known scientist, philosopher, and statesman. In the nineteenth century, Horatio Alger, a writer of fiction for young boys, became America's best-selling author with rags-to-riches tales. The notion of success haunts us—we spend million every year reading about the rich and famous, learning how to " make a fortune in real estate with no money down, " and " dressing for success. " The myth of success has even invaded our personal relationships—today it's as important to be "successful" in marriage or parenthoods as it is to come out on top in business.

But dreams easily turn into nightmares. Every American who hopes to "make it" also knows the fear of failure, because the myth of success inevitably implies comparison between the haves and the have-nots, the stars and the anonymous crowd. Under pressure of the myth, we become indulged in status symbols: we try to live in the "right" neighborhoods, wear the "right" clothes, eat the "right" foods. These symbols of distinction assure us and others that we believe strongly in the fundamental equality of all, yet strive as hard as we can to separate ourselves from our fellow citizens.

46 What is the essence of the American Dream according to Crevecoeur?

(A)People are free to develop their power of imagination.

(B)People who are honest and work hard can succeed.

(C)People are free from exploitation and oppression.

(D)People can fully enjoy individual freedom.

47 By saying "the rewards of a man's industry follow with equal steps the progress of his labor"(Para. 1), the author means______.

(A)the more diligent one is, the bigger his returns

(B)laborious work ensures the growth of an industry

(C)a man's business should be developed step by step

(D)a company's success depends on its employees' hard work

48 The characters described in Horatio Alger' s novels are people who______.

(A)succeed in real estate investment

(B)earned enormous fortunes by chances

(C)became wealthy after starting life very poor

(D)became famous despite their modest origins

49 It can be inferred from the last sentence of the second paragraph that______.

(A)business success often contributes to a successful marriage

(B)American wish to succeed in every aspect of life

(C)good personal relationships lead to business success

(D)successful business people provide good care for their children

50 What is the paradox of American culture according to the author?

(A)The American road to success is full of nightmares.

(B)Status symbols are not a real indicator of a person's wealth.

(C)The American Dream is nothing but an empty dream.

(D)What Americans strive after often contradicts their beliefs.


51 Translate the following passages into Chinese.

A poem compressed much in a small space and adds music, thus heightening its meaning. The city is like poetry; it compresses all life, all races, and breeds, into a small island and

adds music and the accompaniment of internal engines. The island of Manhattan is without any doubts the greatest human concentrate on earth, the poem whose magic is comprehensible to millions of permanent residents but whose full meaning will always remain elusive. At the feet of the tallest and plushiest offices lie the crummiest slums. The genteel mysteries housed in the Riverside Church are only a few blocks from the voodoo charms of Harlem. The merchant princes, riding to Wall Street in their limousines down the East River Drive, pass within a few hundred yards of the gypsy kings; but the princes do not know they are passing kings, and the kings are not up yet anyway—they live a more leisurely life than the princes and get drunk more consistently.

52 We are all men with the same power of making and destroying, with the same divine foresight mocked by the same animal blindness. We ourselves may not be in fault today, but it is human beings in no way different from us who are doing what we abhor and they abhor even while they do it. There is a fate, coming from the beast in our own past, that the present man in us has not yet mastered, and for the moment that fate seems a malignity in the nature of the universe that mocks us even in the beauty of these lonely hills. But it is not so, for we are not separate and indifferent like the beasts; and if one nation for the moment forgets our common humanity and its future, then another must take over that sacred charge and guard it without hatred or fear until the madness is passed.


53 Translate the following passages into English.



54 古代中国社会对私奔的情侣有一种严厉的惩罚。如果男子私奔被捉到,他会被从家庙中除名,拥有的土地被没收,而人则会被绑在门板上用木棍抽打直至重伤甚至死去。女子如果私奔被捉,或者是被休回家,或者被扔到井里淹死。如果女子出生名门,她则会被驱逐出家族的势力范围。不管私奔的是男子还是女子,家里人都会因此在邻里中“抬不起头”。


55 Write an essay in no less than 400 words on the topic given below: Can Academic Studies Be Truly Apolitical?


2012年考研英语完形填空 The ethical judgments of the Supreme Court justices have become an important issue recently. Thecourt cannot _1_ its legitimacy as guardian of the rule of law _2_ justices behave like politicians.Yet,inseveralinstances,justicesactedinwaysthat_3_thecourt’sreputationfor beingindependent and impartial. Justice Antonin Scalia, for example, appeared at political events. That kind of activitymakes itless likely that the court’s de cisions will be _4_ as impartial judgments. Part ofthe problem is thatthe justices are not _5_by an ethics code. At the very least, the court should make itself _6_to thecode of conduct that _7_to the rest of the federal judiciary. This and other similar cases _8_the question of whether there is still a _9_between the court andpolitics. TheframersoftheConstitutionenvisionedlaw_10_havingauthorityapartfrompoliti cs.Theygavejusticespermanentpositions_11_theywouldbefreeto_12_thoseinpower andhavenoneedto_13_politicalsupport.Ourlegalsystemwasdesignedtosetlawapartfro mpoliticsprecisely because they are so closely _14_. Constitutional law is political because it results from choices rooted in fundamental social _15_likelibertyandproperty.Whenthecourtdealswithsocialpolicydecisions,thelawit_16 _isinescapablypolitical-whichiswhydecisionssplitalongideologicallinesaresoeasily_17_asunjust. Thejusticesmust_18_doubtsaboutthecourt’slegitimacybymakingthemselves_19_ tothecode of conduct. That would make rulings more likely to be seen as separate from politics and,_20_, convincing as law. 1. [A]emphasize [B]maintain [C]modify [D] recognize 2. [A]when [B]lest [C]before [D] unless 3. [A]restored [B]weakened[C]established [D] eliminated


英语专业考研基础英语改错高分特训500句+100篇 第1章改错题技巧指南 对于绝大多数报考英语专业的考生而言,“基础英语”是全国各院校英语专业研究生入学考试必考的科目。一般来说,报考英语专业研究生的考核科目为:政治(分值100分)、第二外语(分值100分)、基础英语(分值150分)以及专业课(包括英美文学、语言学与应用语言学、翻译理论及实践等)(分值150分)。 需要说明的是,有些院校对此科目的考试名称有所不同:例如北京大学称之为“专业能力”,上海外国语大学称之为“英语综合”,北京外国语大学称之为“英语基础测试(技能)”,上海交通大学、广东外语外贸大学等称之为“英语水平考试”,四川大学称之为“英语专业基础”,山东大学称之为“实践英语”。上述院校的科目名称和大多数院校所用的“基础英语”名称虽有差别,但实质是一样的,都是由各学校自主命题、考核英语专业考生基本功底的考试科目。 1.1出题形式 “基础英语”的改错题主要考查考生运用语法、词汇、修辞等语言知识,识别所给短文或句子的语病并改正的能力。 出题形式主要有以下几种: ①给出一篇250词左右的短文,共10处标记,可能有错误也可能完全正确,要求考生根据“增添”、“删除”或“改变其中的某一单词或短语”三种方法中的一种改正语误。

②给出一篇短文,没有标记,要求考生删除10处多余的词,不一定每行文字都有错误,也不一定1行文字只有1处错误。 ③给出一篇短文,没有标记,要求考生根据“增添”、“删除”或“改变其中的某一单词或短语”三种方法中的一种改正语误。不一定每行文字都有错误,也不一定1行文字只有1处错误。 ④给出的为一个单句,句子中有四处标有下划线,要求考生选出有错误的一项。如: Tokyo Bay shook as if huge rug had been pulled from under it. A B C D ⑤给出的为一个单句,要求考生在错误处加下划线,并根据“增添”、“删除”或“改变其中的某一单词或短语”三种方法中的一种改正语误。 1.2常考错误类型 一、词法错误 词法错误主要包括了名词、动词、代词、冠词、介词、形容词副词的使用错误等,主要考察考生对常用词汇的词性、含义、用法的掌握。 (一)名词 改错中涉及到名词的错误主要有以下几类:名词“近义词”(形近或意近)、名词的单复数、可数名词与不可数名词、名词与动词、与形容词等词类的转换等。 1.名词近义词 英语中有许多拼写或读音相似甚至相同的词语,考生在平日学习时应注意这类词语的区分。


2016年南开大学英语语言文学考研 以下内容由凯程老师搜集整理,供考研的同学们参考。更多考研辅导班的详细内容,请咨询凯程老师。 一、南开大学英语语言文学信息如何查找? 除了招生计划每年变动比较大以外,其他诸如初试要求、初试科目、奖学金等问题一般都不会变,简章能在南开研究生院网页上查到,很多细节问题都会在招生简章里详细讲到,这里就不赘述了。 二、南开大学英语语言文学方向有哪些? (01)英语语言学 (02)英美文学 (03)翻译理论与实践 三、南开大学英语语言文学考研科目是什么? 南开大学英语语言文学考研初试科目一般分公共课和专业课。公共课一般考英语、政治、数学这个由国家统一命题。专业课则是各个院校自己命题。 南开大学英语语言文学考研初试科目公共课:(101)思想政治理论、(253)二外日语或(254)二外法语或(255)二外德语或(256)二外俄语 专业课:(728)基础英语或(865)专业英语 四、南开大学英语语言文学考研专业课参考书是什么? 以下为南开大学英语语言文学考研指定参考书: 基础英语: 无,考核学生综合能力

专业英语: 《英国文学简史》常耀信南开大学出版社,2006 《美国文学简史》(第二版)常耀信南开大学出版社,2003 《语言学教程》胡壮麟北京大学出版社,2001 《英汉翻译综合教程》(修订版)王宏印辽宁师范大学出版社,2007 《当代西方翻译研究原典选读》廖七一外语教学与研究出版社,2010 五、南开大学英语语言文学招生情况如何? 每年招生简章要到每年的9月份公布,在院校的招生简章公布后即可查看。但每年招生简章变化不是很大。南开大学(100)外国语学院(电话:23506153)院系所:51,其中推免:23 因而考生提前复习时可参考院校往年的招生专业目录中的信息进行复习,在新的招生专业目录公布后,对于变化的部分及时调整和补充。


考研英语专业实力较强的师范类院校 据了解,全国共有180多所拥有英语专业硕士授予权的高校,面对这么多的院校,考生们该如何确定自己的考研目标呢?本文中凯程教育将会为大家整理几所师范类院校和理工类院校的英语专业,帮助考生在选择院校的问题上另辟蹊径。 说起英语专业,许多人首先都会想到那些耳熟能详的外语院校和综合院校的鼎鼎大名,人生中最幸福的就是身体健康 相比之下,师范和理工类院校就成了被人遗忘的角落。只是,这看似清冷之处,也有着别样的芬芳。对于考研众生来说,选择报考院校并非只有"若水三千,吾只取一瓢饮"的坚守,还有"条条大道通罗马"的豁达。 在师言师--师范院校的英语专业 目前,我国具有英语语言文学硕士授予权的师范类高校共有27所,具有外国语言及应用语言学硕士授予权的师范类高校则有14所。综合考量后,在这些院校中,英语实力较强的为北京师范大学、华东师范大学、南京师范大学和湖南师范大学。 北京师范大学:报录比|招生简章|参考书目 北京师范大学 英语专业的"高大全"形象 北京师范大学外国语学院学界地位高,实力强大,专业设置齐全,纵观国内的师范院校无可比肩。拥有90多年历史的北师大外国语学院现拥有一部四所、两个博士点、四个硕士点,著名学者林语堂、于庚虞、焦菊隐、梁实秋等曾在此执教。下设外国语言研究所、外国教育与教师教育研究所、外国文学研究所、外语测试与评价研究所、比较文化与翻译研究所、功能语言学中心等机构。师资力量雄厚,其中中方教师117人,外籍教师12人,教授20人,副教授42人。 北师大英语的硕士研究方向有英语教学理论与实践、外语学习理论、语法学、语言学、西方文化、英美文学、翻译理论与实践、英汉语言比较等八个,由于有英语语言文学的博士学位培养点,因此较为偏重于理论研究,适合有志于从事英语语言文学学术研究的考生。 北师大毕业生的就业去向是多元化的,国家机关、企事业单位、教育系统等社会各行各业都活跃着北师大的莘莘学子。 华东师范大学:报录比|招生简章|参考书目 华东师范大学.png 英语专业的"时尚地标" 华东师范大学由于地处"时尚之都"――上海,因此同为"时尚专业"的英语可谓占尽了地域优势。同时,由于学校实力雄厚,吸引了一大批优秀教师。现有教授9名(其中博士生导师3名),副教授11名,拥有黄源深、张逸、刘乃银、费春放、陈弘、何刚、张吉生等一批知名教授学者和专家。专业设置上,有英语语言学、英语教学法、跨文化英语教学、翻译理论、英语国家文化、美国研究、英国文学、美国文学、澳大利亚文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、跨文化德语教学等11个专业。从这些专业设置上我们不难看出,华师大的英语专业偏重于英语教学和英语文化研究两个层面,考生可以根据自身素质和兴趣进行选择。 "地利人和"的华师大给学生提供了学习外语的优良环境,毕业生在找工作时也有很大优势,特别是那些想到上海发展的学生,在择业上很有竞争力。往年的毕业生大多数到高校、中学,以及出版社、电台和电视台、政府外办、外企等工作单位就职,薪水和社会地位都很


2012年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试 英语(一)试题 时间:2012年1月7日 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) The ethical judgments of the Supreme Court justices have become an important issue recently. The court cannot _1_ its legitimacy as guardian of the rule of law _2_ justices behave like politicians. Y et, in several instances, justices acted in ways that _3_ the court’s reputation for being independent and impartial. Justice Antonin Scalia, for example, appeared at political events. That kind of activity makes it less likely that the court’s decisions will be _4_ as impartial judgments. Part of the problem is that the justices are not _5_by an ethics code. At the very least, the court should make itself _6_to the code of conduct that _7_to the rest of the federal judiciary. This and other similar cases _8_the question of whether there is still a _9_between the court and politics. The framers of the Constitution envisioned law _10_having authority apart from politics. They gave justices permanent positions _11_they would be free to _12_ those in power and have no need to _13_ political support. Our legal system was designed to set law apart from politics precisely because they are so closely _14_. Constitutional law is political because it results from choices rooted in fundamental social _15_ like liberty and property. When the court deals with social policy decisions, the law it _16_ is inescapably political-which is why decisions split along ideological lines are so easily _17_ as unjust. The justices must _18_ doubts about the court’s legitimacy by making themselves _19_ to the code of conduct. That would make rulings more likely to be seen as separate from politics and, _20_, convincing as law. 1. [A]emphasize [B]maintain [C]modify [D] recognize 2. [A]when [B]lest [C]before [D] unless 3. [A]restored [B]weakened [C]established [D] eliminated 4. [A]challenged [B]compromised [C]suspected [D] accepted 5. [A]advanced [B]caught [C]bound [D]founded 6. [A]resistant [B]subject [C]immune [D]prone 7. [A]resorts [B]sticks [C]loads [D]applies 8. [A]evade [B]raise [C]deny [D]settle 9. [A]line [B]barrier [C]similarity [D]conflict 10. [A]by [B]as [C]though [D]towards 11. [A]so [B]since [C]provided [D]though 12. [A]serve [B]satisfy [C]upset [D]replace 13. [A]confirm [B]express [C]cultivate [D]offer 14. [A]guarded [B]followed [C]studied [D]tied


南开大学专业英语考研真题资料含答案解析南开大学专业英语考研复习都是有依据可循的,考研学子关注事项流程为:考研报录比-大纲-参考书-资料-真题-复习经验-辅导-复试-导师,缺一不可。在所有的专业课资料当中,真题的重要性无疑是第一位。分析历年真题,我们可以找到报考学校的命题规律、题型考点、分值分布、难易程度、重点章节、重要知识点等,从而使我们的复习备考更具有针对性和侧重点,提高复习备考效率。真题的主要意义在于,它可以让你更直观地接触到考研,让你亲身体验考研的过程,让你在做题过程中慢慢对考研试题形成大致的轮廓,这样一来,你对考研的"畏惧感"便会小很多。 下面是给大家找出来的由南开大学专业英语考研真题解析编辑而成的视频,是免费的。

以上真题答案解析都是来自天津考研网主编的南开大学专业英语考研红宝书资料。 如果你单独想看这份免费的讲解视频可以直接搜索:南开大学专业英语考研真题解析,这两套资料中不仅包含历年真题的答案解析,纵向讲解近五年来的真题,同时真题试题的讲解过程中要糅合进相应的知识点,通过分析真题带领考生掌握历年经济学命题规律,预测下一年南开大学专业英语的考试重点。 还包含专业动向介绍、本科授课课件讲义和期末模拟试卷、非常详细的为大家讲解每个章节的重点,政治、英语、数学的辅导材料都是赠送的。大家可以参考一下。 研究南开大学专业英语考研真题,重点是要训练自己解答分析题的能力,做完以后,考生一定要将自己的答案和参考答案进行比较,得出之间的差别,然后对参考答案的答题角度进行分析,最终总结出自己的解答方法,自己慢慢体会,如果你能把一道题举一反三,那你的复习效果就能达到事半功倍。 天津考研网提醒大家,在复习南开大学专业英语考研真题资料过程中,不要经常盲目与他人比较,更重要的是要增强自己的实力,调整自己的心态,增强成功信心。最后祝大家考研复习顺利!


https://https://www.doczj.com/doc/2a15098075.html,/ 2021考研英语专业可以考虑的排名靠前的院校名单 英语专业考研如何择校择专业仍然是大家容易纠结的话题,今天文都网校为大家分享梯度专业择校法及英语专业考研学校排名,这些院校都很具有实力,大家一定要酌情考虑,一起来看看吧~ 【梯度专业择校法】 1、第一梯队:王牌大学+优势专业 范围:多为211,、985、34所院校,其分数线绝大多数超越国家线,接受推免生能力大。这里可谓是牛导、科研项目的汇集地。 适用人群:基础过硬,学习能力好,自律性好。 评论:难度系数最高,华山论剑,高手过招! 2、第二梯队:特色院校/名牌大学+强势专业 范围:譬如财经类、政法类、纺织类院校等,虽综合实力稍逊,但其强势学科往往令名校侧目,是专业型考生竞相追逐的对象。 适用人群:学习基础中上,欲在专业上有所造诣的同学,可稳中求胜。 评论:行业认可度高,且毕业生求职障碍小,难度略低于第一梯队。 3、第三梯队:优秀大学+弱势专业(新设专业)

https://https://www.doczj.com/doc/2a15098075.html,/范围:985、34所院校中的弱势专业,牌子够硬,但专业实力稍逊,比如语言类院校理工科专业;理工科院校的文科类专业。 适用人群:实力很不错,对名校有偏爱的考生;考研投机党等。 评论:通过报考弱势学科以降低难度;亮点在于院校牌子硬,不愁就业;注重情报搜集,拼人品。 4、第四梯队:一般院校+一般专业 范围:设有硕士点的地方一般高校中的非强势专业。 适用人群:只以考上为目标,只要保证能有研究生学历即可的考生。 【英语专业考研学校排名】 学校 语言研 究实力毕业生 收入 地区实力总分 中国英语专业学 校第一阶 梯顶尖王牌学校北京大学19.639.879.597.44复旦大学16.039.429.686.21南京大学19.217.988.485.68中山大学19.379.569.385.35北京外国语大学19.529.969.581.48厦门大学18.619.619.280.41上海外国语大学19.019.219.678.18


绝密☆启用前 2020年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试 英语(一)试题及答案解析 (科目代码:201) 考生注意事项 1. 答题前,考生须在试题册指定位置上填写考生姓名和考生编号;在答题卡指定位置上填写报考单位,考生姓名和考生编码,并涂写考生编号信息点。 2. 考生须把试题册上的“试卷条形码”粘贴条取下,粘贴在答题卡的“试卷条形码粘贴位置”框中。不按规定粘贴条形码而影响试卷结果的,责任由考生自负。 3. 选择题的答案必须涂写在答题卡相应题号的选项上,非选择题的答案必须书写在答题纸指定位置的边框区域内。超出答题区域写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题册上答题无效。 4. 填(书)写部分必须使用黑色字迹签字笔或者钢笔书写,字迹工整、笔迹清楚;涂写部分必须使用2B铅笔填涂。 5. 考试结束,将答题卡和试题册按规定交回。 (以下信息考生必须认真填写)

2020年考研英语一真题答案及解析 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Even if families are less likely to sit down to eat together than was once the case, millions of Britons will none the less have partaken this weekend of one of the nation's great traditions: the Sunday roast. __1__ a cold winter's day, few culinary pleasures can __2__it. Yet as we report now, the food police are determined that this __3__ should be rendered yet another guilty pleasure __4__ to damage our health. The Food Standards Authority (FSA) has __5__ a public warning about the risks of a compound called acrylamide that forms in some foods cooked __6__ high temperatures.This means that people should __7__ crisping their roast potatoes, spurn thin-crust pizzas and only __8__ toast their bread. But where is the evidence to support such alarmist advice? __9__ studies have shown that acrylamide can cause neurological damage in mice, there is no __10__ evidence that it causes cancer in humans. Scientists say the compound is "__11__ to be carcinogenic" but have no hard scientific proof. __12__ the precautionary principle, it could be argued that it is __13__ to follow the FSA advice. __14__, it was rumored that smoking caused cancer for years before the evidence was found to prove a __15__. Doubtless a piece of boiled beef can always be __16__ up on Sunday alongside some steamed vegetables,without the Yorkshire pudding and no wine. But would life be worth living? __17__, the FSA says it is not telling people to cut out roast foods __18__, but to reduce their lifetime intake. However, their __19__ risks coming across as exhortation and nannying. Constant health scares just __20__ with no one listening. 1. A In B Towards C On D Till 2. A match B express C satisfy D influence 3. A patience B enjoyment C surprise D concern 4. A intensified B privileged C compelled D guaranteed 5. A issued B received C ignored D canceled 6. A under B at C for D by 7. A forget B regret C finish D avoid 8. A partially B regularly C easily D initially 9. A Unless B Since C If D While 10. A secondary B external C inconclusive D negative 11. A insufficient B bound C likely D slow 12. A On the basis of B At the cost of C In addition to D In contrast to 13. A interesting B advisable C urgent D fortunate 14. A As usual B In particular C By definition D After all 15. A resemblance B combination C connection D pattern 16. A made B served C saved D used 17. A To be fair B For instance C To be brief D in general 18. A reluctantly B entirely C gradually D carefully 19. A promise B experience C campaign D competition


基础英语练习题(二) I. GRAMMAR, Directions: In this section, there are 13 sentences each with one word or phrase m issing. Choose one of the four choices marked A, B, C, and D that best completes t he sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET by blackening 1. As far as we know, in this matter Jim seems . A. to be in no way to blame B. to be in no way to be blamed C. to be to blame in no way D. to be blamed in no way 2. , he might have retired before the end. A. Didn't he enjoy the concert B. Has he not enjoyed the concert C. Were he not enjoy the concert D. Had he not enjoyed the concert 3. I don't see how you can stop your daughter, she is lawfully old enough to get ma rried. A. once B. thus C. yet D. since 4. The developing countries are the richly mineralized districts in the world the d eveloped countries are the districts which are short of minerals. A. anyway B. nevertheless C. while D. instead 5. Jane rented novels from the circulating library yesterday afternoon. . A. two interesting American B. two American interesting C. interesting two American D. American two interesting 6. The manager his suitcase in which there is plenty of cash yet, for he is n ot sure where he left it behind. A. had not found B. has not found C. did not find D. cannot find 7. The minister didn't show any interest in the democratic reforms . A. all in all B. after all C. not at all D. at all . 8. I haven't seen her . A. since long B. long since C. long ago D. long before 9. Why this way? to meet him? A. are you walking / Do you want B. do you walk / Do you want C. do you walk / Are you wanting D. are you walking / Did you want 10. "Will a bus stop here soon?" "No, .” A. ten minutes ago one just went by B. one just went by ten minutes ago C. ten minutes ago just one went by D. just one went by ten minutes ago 11. The millions of calculations involved, had they been done by hand, all practical value by the time they were finished. A. could lose B. would have lost


以下都是按阶梯排名的,感觉比较权威了,希望被采纳~~~ 第一阶梯北大复旦南大中大北外厦大上外 第二阶梯南开清华广外北师大南师大华东师大对外经贸 第三阶梯解外浙大华中师大上海交大华南师大北二外东南 第四阶梯川外天外武大暨大川大山大西南大学湖南师大 第五阶梯苏大人大大外吉大北语西外华南理工中南 第六阶梯福建师大上大同济中国海洋河大西安交大重大 英语专业考研、研究生:翻译研究、翻译学方向 主要研究中西翻译理论,翻译史,口、笔译技巧,对名家名著的翻译作品进行赏析,并从中、外文化的不同角度进行对比研究。介绍、就业前景和方向、招生院校介绍。 开设学校:北京外国语大学、广东外语外贸大学、上海外国语大学等。 研究内容:主要研究中西翻译理论,翻译史,口、笔译技巧,对名家名著的翻译作品进行赏析,并从中、外文化的不同角度进行对比研究。 该课程是英语语言学与文学专业硕士研究生的主干课程之一,由翻译理论和实践两部分组成。翻译理论主要包括翻译过程中对原文旨意、风格的分析与理解,翻译的功能,以语义翻译和交际翻译为主的各种翻译方法,翻译与文化的关系,翻译的标准等。翻译理论课的教学目的是使学生通过系统的翻译理论学习,对国内外影响较大的翻译理论、流派、代表人物有系统的了解,为今后的翻译实践奠定扎实的理论基础。翻译实践课的主要内容是进行与翻译理论同步的翻译实践,使学生通过翻译实践了解和熟悉各种翻译技巧,增强中英语言和文化差异对翻译影响的认识,进而提高实际翻译能力。 就业方向:多在外事外贸部门、大型企业,大多从事翻译工作。 所学课程:口译基础、笔译基础、交替口译、接续口译、同声传译、文体翻译、文学翻译、应用文翻译、文献翻译研究与实践、西方翻译理论概要、翻译理论与技巧、口译理论与技巧、语言与翻译等。 英语专业考研、英语专业研究生同声传译方向 开设学校:北京外国语大学、西安外国语大学、天津外国语学院、南开大学等。 研究内容:这是实践性很强的研究方向,主要学习英汉、汉英的同声翻译。 就业方向:主要就职于政府涉外部门、大型企事业单位和高校等。 所学课程:英汉笔译、汉英笔译、视译、英汉交替传译、汉英交替传译、英汉同声传译、汉英同声传译、翻译理论等。


介词短语搭配必备ahead of 比……提前,比……早at loggerheads with 与……意见不合,与……吵架,争论at odds with 与……争执,意见不一致apart from 除…外;除…外还as for 至于,关于 as to 至于,关于aside from 除……之外at the behest of 在……命令下at the expense of 由……付费;以……为代价at the hands of 由某人或通过某人的机构完成at the mercy of 受……支配 at the risk of 冒……之危险at the root of ……的核心;……的实质 at the top of 在最高地位,在首位at variance with 和……不符but for 若不是,倘没有by dint of 借助,用by force of 由于,通过,以……手段by means of 借助于by reason of 由于 by virtue of 由于,因为by way of 通过……的方法due to 由于,因为except for 除……以外,要不是由于far from 远离for fear of 由于害怕;以免for lack of 因缺乏for the benefit of 为了……的利益;为了让某人明白for the purpose of 为了……for the sake of 由于,为了;为了……的利益for want of 因缺乏in aid of 用以援助……in accordance with 与……一致;按照in back of 在……后面in case of 以防,万一in comparison with 与……比较in compliance with 顺从in conformity with 和……相适应in consequence of 由于in contact with 与……联系in exchange for 交换,以此易彼in favour of 为……而征战,参加支持……的活动in league with 和……联合着in lieu of 代,代替in light of 按照,根据in line with 符合 in place of 代替in quest of 为了探索……,为了寻求……in reference to 关于in regard to 关于in relation to 关于,涉及,与……相比in return for 作为...的报答in safe hands with 安然无恙in search of 寻找in spite of 尽管in step with 与……保持一致in touch with 同...有联系in terms of 依照in the absence of 缺乏,不存在in the course of 在……期间 in the event of 万一,如果……in (the) face of 面对…… in the interest of 为了……的利益in the name of 以……的名义,凭 in the process of 在...的过程中in view of 考虑到,由于next to 贴近;次于notwithstanding 虽然, 尽管on account of 为了……的缘故on behalf of 代表……;为了……的利益on pain of 违者以...论处on the eve of 在……的前夜on the grounds of 根据, 以...为理由on the part of 就某人而言;某人有责任的on the score of 因为,为了……理由on the strength of 居于,根据,凭借on top of 熟练掌握,在……之上regardless of 不管;不顾under the aegis of 在……的庇护下under the auspices of 由……赞助或主办,在……保护下 with a view to 着眼于, 以...为目的, 考虑到with effect from 自……起开始实施with respect to 关于,至于with the exception of 除……以外填空练习(1) The government decision to raise taxes was at odds ______ their policies on inflation.(与……争执,意见不一致)(2) A claim might be made by dissentient member States that the actions of the organization were not in compliance ______ its treaty.(顺从)(3) Prominent individuals were often prominent ______


[考研类试卷]2012年南开大学英语专业(基础英语)真题试卷 一、选词填空 0 Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary. Each word can be used only once. 1 Her parents left her nothing but a______old farmhouse. 2 Police are keeping the area under constant______. 3 The administration is still______over the Health Care issue. 4 ______sometimes occurs in politics. 5 A man was______around outside the shop. 6 Lucy had always______after a place of her own. 7 Nothing could______the indignity of being publicly criticized. 8 We______all products tested on animals. 9 Scientists are hoping to find______evidence to confirm their theories. 10 What he enjoys most in life is delicious food, and he is regarded as a______. 11 When colors are______, they become affected in hue. 12 The old man was______passers-by for money. 13 His ambition was______when he won the first prize. 14 The love of poetry was______in him by her teaching.


英语专业考研院校排名 以下都是按阶梯排名的,感觉比较权威了,希望被采纳~~~ 第一阶梯北大复旦南大中大北外厦大上外 第二阶梯南开清华广外北师大南师大华东师大对外经贸 第三阶梯解外浙大华中师大上海交大华南师大北二外东南 第四阶梯川外天外武大暨大川大山大西南大学湖南师大 第五阶梯苏大人大大外吉大北语西外华南理工中南 第六阶梯福建师大上大同济中国海洋河大西安交大重大 英语专业考研、研究生:翻译研究、翻译学方向 主要研究中西翻译理论,翻译史,口、笔译技巧,对名家名著的翻译作品进行赏析,并从中、外文化的不同角度进行对比研究。介绍、就业前景和方向、招生院校介绍。 开设学校:北京外国语大学、广东外语外贸大学、上海外国语大学等。 研究内容:主要研究中西翻译理论,翻译史,口、笔译技巧,对名家名著的翻译作品进行赏析,并从中、外文化的不同角度进行对比研究。 该课程是英语语言学与文学专业硕士研究生的主干课程之一,由翻译理论和实践两部分组成。翻译理论主要包括翻译过程中对原文旨意、风格的分析与理解,翻译的功能,以语义翻译和交际翻译为主的各种翻译方法,翻译与文化的关系,翻译的标准等。翻译理论课的教学目的是使学生通过系统的翻译理论学习,对国内外影响较大的翻译理论、流派、代表人物有系统的了解,为今后的翻译实践奠定扎实的理论基础。翻译实践课的主要内容是进行与翻译理论同步的翻译实践,使学生通过翻译实践了解和熟悉各种翻译技巧,增强中英语言和文化差异对翻译影响的认识,进而提高实际翻译能力。 就业方向:多在外事外贸部门、大型企业,大多从事翻译工作。 所学课程:口译基础、笔译基础、交替口译、接续口译、同声传译、文体翻译、文学翻译、应用文翻译、文献翻译研究与实践、西方翻译理论概要、翻译理论与技巧、口译理论与技巧、语言与翻译等。

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