当前位置:文档之家› (英语)高二英语完形填空专项训练及答案






My mother died at the age of thirty-six, leaving me aged seven. I was 1 mainly by relatives when my father remarried. By my early twenties, I had learned that my mother, who had polio (小儿麻痹症) as a young child, had not been 2 to live past her early twenties.

After the tough upbringing I've had, I began to 3 why she chose to have children when she knew she would die 4 . Finally, from my aunt, I got a simple answer: My mother had always 5 the doctors' prediction. She had done so well with her 6 issues that she thought she would live long enough to raise me.

I got a little relieved. 7 I still felt deeply 8 that my mother had left me in such a

9 situation. And then the 10 came.

There were no words spoken and no thoughts 11 but only feelings. I recall no background to the dream ― only the 12 of my mother walking toward me. She was 13 of the serious scoliosis (脊柱侧弯) that had troubled her. She walked straight and came toward me with her arms open, her kind eyes shining even more brightly than I 14 , a beautiful smile on her face. She wrapped her arms around me and I returned her a warm hug. We 15 stood, holding each other as a strong feeling of deep love 16 over me. At that dream moment I knew my mother had never 17 to bring me into the world and then leave. She loved me then and she had kept loving me.

Thirty-five years ago I awoke from that dream with a great peace. My sadness 18 . I have never had a single moment of doubt about my mother's love 19 . I continue my life, in the 20 that my mother's unconditional love is always there.

1. A. raised up B. made up C. brought up D. picked up

2. A. suggested B. expected C. promised D. proved

3. A. wonder B. understand C. realize D. appreciate

4. A. alone B. fast C. poor D. young

5. A. suited B. challenged C. followed D. failed

6. A. emotion B. management C. academy D. health

7. A. However B. Moreover C. Otherwise D. Therefore

8. A. delighted B. worried C. excited D. hurt

9. A. difficult B. special C. strange D. different

10. A. chance B. problem C. dream D. decision

11. A. exchanged B. provided C. gained D. offered

12. A. imagination B. voice C. smile D. figure

13. A. aware B. free C. full D. sick

14. A. concluded B. realized C. remembered D. predicted

15. A. actually B. simply C. finally D. always

16. A. ran B. washed C. turned D. got

17. A. pretended B. managed C. intended D. happened

18. A. grew B. disappeared C. followed D. solved

19. A. though B. just C. still D. since

20. A. knowledge B. dream C. hope D. expectation



(1)考查动词短语。句意:父亲再婚后我基本上是由亲人养大的。A. raised up“举起”;B. made up“组成,编造”;C. brought up“养育”;D. picked up“捡起”。根据上文的“My mother died at the age of thirty-six, leaving me aged seven.”可知,母亲去世时,作者才7岁,再加上父亲再婚,故此处用“由亲人养大”符合语境,故选C。

(2)考查动词。句意:直到20出头,我才知道我的妈妈有小儿麻痹症,大家都认为她不能活过20多岁。A. suggested“建议”;B. expected“认为”;C. pr omised“承诺”;D. proved“证明”。根据上下文可知,此处是指大家都认为她活不过20多岁,故选B。

(3)考查动词。句意:在我被艰难的养大之后,我开始想为什么她选择生孩子即使她知道她在年轻时就会去世。A. wonder“想知道”;B. understand“明白”;C. realize“意识到”;D. appreciate“感激,欣赏”。根据下文的“why she chose to have children”可知,此处用“想知道”符合语境,故选A。

(4)考查形容词。句意:在我被艰难的养大之后,我开始想为什么她选择生孩子即使她知道她在年轻时就会去世。A. alone“独自的”;B. fast“快的”;C. poor“贫穷的”;D. young“年轻的”。根据上文的“had not been ____2____ to live past her early twenties.”可知,作者的妈妈被认为活不过20几岁,故选D。

(5)考查动词。句意:最后,从阿姨那儿我得到了一个简单的答案:我的妈妈总是挑战医生的预言。A. suited“适合”;B. challenged“挑战”;C. follo wed“采取”;D. failed“失败”。根据下文的“she would live long enough to raise me.”可知,作者的妈妈认为她可以活到把作者养大,故此处用“挑战医生的预言”符合语境,故选B。

(6)考查名词。句意:她把健康问题处理的非常好,以至于她认为她可以活到把我养大。A. emotion“感情”;B. management“管理”;C. academy“学术”;D. health“健康”。根据上文“My mother had always ____5____ the d octors' prediction.”可知,作者的妈妈曾经看过医生,故此处用健康问题符合语境,故选D。

(7)考查副词。句意:然而,妈妈让我处于一种艰难的情况,这让我感到深深的伤害。A. However“然而”;B. Moreover“此外”;C. Otherwise“否则”;D. Therefore“因此”。根据上文的“I got a little relieved”可知,作者首先感到有点欣慰,后来感觉受到了伤害,上下文是转折关系,故选A。


害。A. delighted“高兴的”;B. worried“担心的”;C. excited“兴奋的”;D. hurt“受到伤害的”。根据语境可知,,此处所选的词应和relieved感情色彩相反,故用“受到伤害的”符合语境,故选D。

(9)考查形容词。句意:然而,妈妈让我处于一种艰难的情况,这让我感到深深的伤害。A. difficult“困难的,艰难的”;B. special“特别的”;C. strange“陌生的”;D. different“不同的”。根据上文的“I was ____1____ mainly by relatives when my father remarried.”可知,作者的生活很艰难,故选A。

(10)考查名词。句意:然后我做了梦。A. chance“机会”;B. problem“问题”;C. dream“梦”;D. decision“决定”。根据下文的“I recall no background to the dream”可知,作者做了梦,故选C。

(11)考查动词。句意:没有对话,没有想法的交流,只有情感。A. exchanged“交换”;B. prov ided“提供”;C. gained“获得”;D. offered“提供”。根据下文可知,作者梦里的妈妈只有动作,他们之间没有谈话,也没有进行交流,故选A。

(12)考查名词。句意:我回忆不起梦的背景,只记得妈妈向我走来。A. imagination“想象”;B. voice“嗓音”;C. smile“微笑”;D. figure“身型”。结合实际,此处是指作者记不清梦的具体内容,依稀记得一个像妈妈身型的人朝他走来,故选D。

(13)考查形容词。句意:她没有了让她痛苦的脊柱侧弯。A. aware“知道”;B.free“自由的”;C. full“充满的”;D.sick“生病的”。根据下文的“She walked straight”可知,在作者梦里妈妈是挺直地走向她,故此处用“没有了脊柱侧弯”。be free of固定短语,“无……的”,故选B。

(14)考查动词。句意:她挺直身躯,张开双臂向我走来,她善良的眼神比我记忆中明亮得多,脸上带着美丽的笑容。A. concluded“总结”;B. realized“意识到”;C. remembered“记忆”;D. predicted“预测”。根据上文可知,作者的妈妈已经去世,故选C。

(15)考查副词。句意:我们只是站着,抱着对方,一股爱的暖流涌向我。A. actually“事实上”;B. simply“仅仅,只”;C. finally“最后”;D. always“总是”。根据上文的“There were no words spoken and no thoughts ____11____ but only feelings.”可知,在梦里作者和妈妈没有过多的动作和语言,故选B。

(16)考查动词短语。句意:我们只是站着,抱着对方,一股爱的暖流涌向我。A. ran “跑”;B. washed“洗”;C. turned“翻转”;D. got “得到”。此处是指作者突然体会到了妈妈的爱,wash over固定短语,“倾倒,涌”,故选B。

(17)考查动词。句意:在梦里我知道,妈妈从来没有打算把我带到世上然后就离开。A. pretended“假装”;B. managed“管理,设法”;C. intended“打算”;D. happened“发生,碰巧”。根据上文的“I began to ____3____ why she chose to have children when she knew she would die ____4____.”可知,作者认为妈妈在知道自己活不久的情况下还生下她,她认为这是故意的,故选C。

(18)考查动词。句意:我的悲伤消失了。A. grew“成长”;B. disappeared“消失”;C. followed“跟随”;D. solved“解决”。根据上文的“Thirty-five years ago I awoke from that dream with a great peace.”可知,作者的心态恢复平和,故选B。

(19)考查副词。句意:自那时起,我再没有怀疑妈妈的爱。A. though“然而”;B.

just“只,仅仅”;C. still“仍然”;D. since“自从”。此处是指自从那个梦以后,作者就不再怀疑妈妈对她的爱,故选D。

(20)考查名词。句意:我继续我的生活,知道妈妈无条件的爱一直都在。A. knowledge“了解,知道”;B. dream“梦”;C. hope“希望”;D. expectation“期待”。根据上文的“I have never had a single moment of doubt about my mother's love ____19____”可知,作者明白了妈妈的爱,故选A。



The day that I will always remember is when I ran my first 10km.While putting my toe on the starting 1 , I felt my heart drop to my stomach. However, I would 2 my heart, because in running, when you run out of your 3 , you just run with your heart.

That day the 4 was cool and fresh, and my courage had 5 . The race was about to start. Bang! The 6 of the starting gun ran into the air. I took off running, 7 like the wind. I knew it would be a really great 8 for me. In the first four miles, I felt like a cheetah (猎豹). I felt 9 and forceful in my pace.

Then came the fifth mile. My legs 10 like jelly(果冻), and I could feel fire burning in my lungs, “keep 11 !” the thought ran through my head. Now was the time I had to run with my 12 . I had to win although I didn't know whether I would 13 it. My body really wanted to 14 , but my heart told me not to. I think it's the 15 thing about running. The real run starts when you want to 16 .

I saw the finishing line and I felt like an Olympic 17 who was about to win the race. I had 18 been happier, and felt proud too when I had my 19 put around my neck. As the saying goes, “Running is the greatest metaphor (比喻) for life, 20 you get out of it what you put into it.”

1. A. point B. sign C. course D. line

2. A. need B. check C. break D. know

3. A. knowledge B. ability C. energy D. money

4. A. situation B. scenery C. air D. sunlight

5. A. shown off B. made out C. got through D. set in

6. A. sound B. power C. action D. result

7. A. carefully B. gently C. fast D. freely

8. A. mistake B. challenge C. trouble D. success

9. A. nervous B. serious C. strong D. heavy

10. A. looked B. tasted C. felt D. smelt

11. A. growing B. going C. talking D. resting

12. A. heart B. feet C. legs D. body

13. A. expect B. see C. accept D. make

14. A. take off B. give up C. stay out D. turn back

15. A. first B. important C. terrible D. easy

16. A. stop B. jump C. turn D. improve

17. A. coach B. volunteer C. supporter D. runner

18. A. sometimes B. ever C. always D. never

19. A. metal B. model C. medal D. license

20. A. if B. because C. unless D. though



(1)考查名词。point“要点”;sign“符号”;course“科目”;line“排”。作者说他第一次参加了10公里的长跑比赛。由前文可知,作者在长跑即将开始的时候他的脚尖应该放在起跑线上。the starting line,固定短语,“起跑线”故选D。

(2)考查动词。need“需要”;check“检查”;break“打破”;know“知道”。作者打趣地说,尽管如此,他需要心,因为“you just run with your heart”。felt my heart drop to toy stomach 是习语,“感到极其紧张”。故选A。

(3)考查名词。knowledg e“知识”;ability“能力”;energy“能量”;money“钱”。当一个赛跑运动员能量用光的时候,他是用心在跑。故选C。

(4)考查名词。situation“情形”;scenery“景色”;air“空气”;sunlight“太阳光”。根据下文“cool and fresh” 可知,作者说那天空气宜人,新鲜。故选C。

(5)考查动词短语。show off“炫耀”;make out“辨认出”;get through“通过”;set in“到来”。根据后文“作者跑得像猎豹”可知,他的勇气聚集了。故选D。

(6)考查名词。sound“声音”;power“能力”;action“行动”;result“结果”。根据“‘Bang!’以及下文“starting gun ran into the air ”可知,作者说发令枪的声音响彻天空。故选A。

(7)考查副词。carefully“小心地”;gently“轻轻地”;fast“快速地”;freely“自由地”。根据“I took off running,like the wind ”可知,作者起步飞跑,快的就像一阵风。故选C。


(9)考查形容词。nervous“焦虑的”;serious“严肃的”;strong“强壮的”;heavy“沉重的”。根据下文的并列成分forceful 可知,作者刚开始感觉到他每一步跑得坚强有力。故选C。(10)考查动词。look“看起来”;taste“尝起来”;feel“感觉”;smell“闻起来”。根据下文“I could feel fire burning in my lungs ”可知,当作者跑到5英里的时候,他感觉到他的腿像果冻一样。故选C。






据作者的腿像果冻一样,推测出他此时怀疑自已是否能坚持跑到终点。make it 固定短语,“成功做到”。故选D。

(14)考查动词短语。take off“起飞,脱下”;give up“放弃”;stay out“待在户外,不回家”;turn back“往回走”。根据前后文以及转折关系可知,作者的身体吃不消,想放,但他







根据下文“who was about to win the race” 可知,作者感觉到自己像一个即将取胜的奥林匹克


(18)考查副词。sometimes“有时”;ever“曾经”;always“总是”;never“从不”。根据下文“and felt proud too...”可知,作者说他从来没有那样高兴过。故选D。


据上文以及“I had my put around my neck”可推断,作者取得了长跑的名次,别人将奖牌挂






3.阅读下面短文, 从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白的最


Life will be peaceful if you always do kind things. I teach my daughters to develop a habit of 1 others. The little acts of 2 give you chances to provide service for others. They can make you feel how 3 it is to be kind and helpful.

We 4 in a rural (乡村的) area. Most of what we 5 is beautiful nature. One of the exceptions to the 6 is the rubbish that some people throw out of their car windows

as they drive along the rural roads. One of the few 7 of living there is short of

8 public services,such as rubbish collection,which is common in the 9 .

A helping behavior that I practice regularly with my daughters is 10 rubbish in our neighborhood. My daughters often have a match to see who can collect the most rubbish. They

will often say to me in a(n) 11 voice, "There's some rubbish,Daddy— 12 the car!"And if we have time, we will often get out of our car and pick it up. 13 it may seem strange, we do it. In fact, we 14 it. We pick up rubbish in parks, on sidewalks, almost anywhere.

One day I saw a stranger picking up rubbish on the road. I stopped. He 15 his head and smiled,"I saw you doing this with your family. It's a good 16 to protect our environment."

There are many other ways to 17 kindness for others. You may share a dinner with a beggar,visit 18 old people in the nursing home,or help the blind 19 the street. You can think of something that can be finished 20 but helpful. It is fun, self-satisfying, and what's more, it can set a good example. Helping others is helping yourself.

1. A. watching B. helping C. welcoming D. teaching

2. A. carefulness B. peace C. kindness D. interest

3. A. great B. unusual C. easy D. sad

4. A. work B. travel C. live D. stay

5. A. dream B. see C. need D. develop

6. A. environment B. weather C. area D. beauty

7. A. disadvantages B. favorites C. wishes D. answers

8. A. comfortable B. necessary C. modern D. excellent

9. A. sky B. village C. city D. street

10. A. picking up B. looking for C. taking away D. laughing

11. A. surprised B. tired C. excited D. angry

12. A. speed B. start C. move D. stop

13. A. Although B. But C. And D. Since

14. A. understand B. experience C. forget D. enjoy

15. A. covered B. lowered C. shook D. raised

16. A. sport B. idea C. result D. question

17. A. describe B. buy C. provide D. make

18. A. puzzled B. successful C. healthy D. lonely

19. A. clean B. cross C. repair D. draw

20. A. suddenly B. impossibly C. easily D. hardly



(1)考查动词。A. watching“洗”;B. helping“帮助”;C. welcoming“欢迎”;D. teaching“教”。与do kind things意思一致,作者推崇做好事,所以教育女儿养成帮助别人的习惯。故选B.

(2)考查名词。A. carefulness“粗心”;B. peace“和平”;C. kindness“善良”;D. interest“兴趣”。此处指帮助别人这种善良的举动给了你给别人提供服务的机会,故选C。

(3)考查形容词。A. great“伟大的”;B. unusual“不寻常的”;C. easy“容易的”;D. sad“悲伤的”。帮助别人,给别人提供服务会让你感觉友善和帮助是多么伟大。表示伟大的,故选A。

(4)考查动词。A. work“工作”;B. travel“旅游”;C. live“居住”;D. stay“停留”。此处指我们居住在乡村,故选C。

(5)考查动词。A. dream“梦想”;B. see“看见”;C. need“需要”;D. develop“发展”。在乡下我们看到的多数是美丽的自然,beautiful nature是看到的东西。故选B。

(6)考查名词。A. environment“环境”;B. weather“天气”;C. area“地区”;D. beauty“美丽”。与beautiful nature呼应,指美丽自然中的一个例外就是随手扔的垃圾。故选D。(7)考查名词。A. disadvantages“缺点”;B. favorites“喜欢”;C. wishes“希望”;D. answers“回答”。此处指住在乡下的缺点之一是缺少公共服务,故选A。

(8)考查形容词。A. comfo rtable“舒服的”;B. necessary“必要的”;C. modern“现代的”;D. excellent“极好的”。此处指必要的公共服务,像收集垃圾。故选B。

(9)考查名词。A. sky“天空”;B. village“村庄”;C. city“城市”;D. street“街道”。垃圾收集在城市中是比较常见的公共服务,故选C。

(10)考查动词短语。A. picking up“捡起”;B. looking for“寻找”;C. taking away“移走”;D. laughing“笑”。根据下文“collect the most rubbish”可知我和女儿们经常做的有帮助的行为是在附近捡垃圾,指捡垃圾,故选A。

(11)考查形容词。A. surprised“惊奇的”;B. tired“疲劳的”;C. excited“激动的”;D. angry“生气的”。因为是和孩子们比赛看谁捡的垃圾多,所以女儿们看到垃圾后会很激动,会大喊。故选C。

(12)考查动词。A. speed“加速”;B. start“开始”;C. move“移动”;D. stop“停止”。此处指孩子们看到垃圾后,会喊叫着让父亲停车。根据下文“get out of our car and pick it up.”是停车后的活动,故选D。

(13)考查连词。A. Although“尽管”;B. But“但是”;C. And“和”;D. Since“因为”。我们全家去捡垃圾,尽管似乎很奇怪,但我们坚持去做。故选A。

(14)考查动词。A. understand“理解”;B. experience“经历”;C. forget“忘记”;D. enjoy“享受”。此处指我们到处捡垃圾,我们很享受这个过程。故选D。

(15)考查动词。A. covere d“覆盖”;B. lowered“降低”;C. shook“摇动”;D. raised“抬起”。我看到一个陌生者在捡垃圾,我停下后,他抬头向我微笑。故选D。

(16)考查名词。A. sport“运动”;B. idea“主意”;C. result“结果”;D. question“问题”。此处指保护环境是个好主意,故选B。

(17)考查动词。A. describe“描述”;B. buy“买”;C. provide“提供”;D. make“生产”。有许多方式向别人提供友善,根据下面例子可知是帮助别人,提供友善。故选C。

(18)考查形容词。A. puzzled“迷惑的”;B. successful“成功的”;C. healthy“健康的”;D. lonely“孤独的”。根据the nursing home可知是去看望养老院的孤独老人,故选D。

(19)考查动词。A. clean“打扫”;B. cross“横过”;C. repair“修理”;D. draw“画”。此处指帮


(20)考查副词。A. suddenly“突然地”;B. impossibly“不可能地”;C. easily“容易地”;D. hardly“几乎不”。此处指做一些很容易完成却又很有帮助的事,指上文提到的那些善举。故





It was unusually quiet in the emergency room on December 25. I didn't think there would be any 1 , sighing about having to work on Christmas. Just then five bodies 2 at my desk, a pale woman and four children.

"Are you all 3 ?" I asked. "Yes," she said weakly and lowered her head.

But when it came to 4 of their problems, things got a little strange. Two of the children had headaches, but they didn't show any 5 of headaches at all. Two children had earaches, but only one could tell me which ear was affected. The mother 6 of a cough but seemed to work to produce it.

Something was wrong. Our hospital policy, 7 , was not to turn away any patient. I explained it might be a little while before a doctor saw her. She responded immediately, even a

bit 8 "Take your time," and then added, "It's warm in here."

Then, I checked their registration form out of curiosity. No address—they were 9 .The waiting room was warm. I went back to the nurses' station and mentioned we had a homeless 10 in the waiting room. The nurses, complaining of 11 on Christmas, turned to sympathy for a family just trying to get 12 on Christmas. The team went into action, much

as we do when there's a 13 emergency. But this was a Christmas emergency.

We were all 14 a free meal on Christmas Day, so we took back that meal and prepared a big dinner for our 15 .We needed presents. We 16 from different departments candies, fruits and other things 17 that could be presents. As seriously as we met the 18 needs of the patients, our team worked to meet the needs of a family who just wanted to

be warm on Christmas.

19 , as the family walked to the door to leave, the mother came 20 back, gave me a hug and whispered, "Thanks for being our angels today."

1. A. customers B. workers C. patients D. doctors

2. A. took in B. showed up C. came out D. looked on

3. A. tired B. hungry C. warm D. sick

4. A. comments B. descriptions C. instructions D. results

5. A. systems B. symbols C. signs D. secrets

6. A. explained B. expressed C. compared D. complained

7. A. therefore B. otherwise C. moreover D. however

8. A. shyly B. calmly C. happily D. politely

9. A. homeless B. greedy C. clever D. lonely

10. A. Christmas B. holiday C. woman D. family

11. A. working B. interrupting C. managing D. operating

12. A. present B. relief C. warm D. approval

13. A. beneficial B. friendly C. different D. medical

14. A. rewarded B. allowed C. offered D. ordered

15. A. guests B. relations C. brothers D. neighbors

16. A. borrowed B. received C. bought D. collected

17. A. available B. useful C. convenient D. expensive

18. A. healthy B. tragic C. physical D. mental

19. A. Soon B. Next C. Later D. Gradually

20. A. to run B. run C. and ran D. running



(1)考查名词。句意:我觉得(今天)不会有任何病人,叹息必须在圣诞节这一天工作。A. customers“顾客”;B. workers“工人”;C. patients“病人”;D. doctors“医生”。根据上文“It was unusually quiet in the emergency room on December 25”可知10月25号的急诊室一般很安静,说明作者是在医院工作,根据经验觉得今天不会有病人,故选C。

(2)考查动词短语。句意:就在那时五个人出现在我的桌子前,一个脸色苍白的女人和四个孩子。A. took in“吸收”;B. showed up“出现”;C. came out“出版,(事实)暴露”;D. looked on“观看”。根据下文“a pale woman and four children”可知来了五个人,故选B。(3)考查形容词。句意:“你们都生病了吗?”我问。A. tired“疲惫的”;B. hungry“饥饿的”;C. warm“温暖的”;D. sick“生病的”。作者是在医院工作,所以会问他们是否生病了。故选D。

(4)考查名词。句意:但是当他们描述他们的问题时,事情变得有些奇怪。A. comments“评论”;B. descriptions“描述,形容”;C. instructions “说明”;D. results“结果”。根据下文“Two of the children had headaches”等可知这五个人向作者描述了他们得了什么病,故选B。

(5)考查名词。句意:其中两个小孩说他们头痛,但是他们没有任何头痛的迹象。A. systems“系统”;B. symbols“象征”;C. signs“记号,迹象”;D. secrets“秘密”。这家人根本没有生病,所以这两个小孩说自己头痛,但是没有头痛的迹象。故选C。

(6)考查动词。句意:妈妈声称自己咳嗽,但似乎是故意咳嗽的。A. explained“解释”;B. expressed“表达”;C. compared“比较”; D. complained“抱怨”。这位妈妈对作者说自己咳


(7)考查副词。句意:然而,我们医院的政策是不允许拒绝接收病人。A. therefore“因此”; B. otherwise“否则”;C. moreover“此外,而且”;D. however“然而”。根据上文“Something was wrong.”可知事情有些不对劲;以及下文“was not to turn away any patient.”可知医院不允许拒收病人,前后为转折关系,故选D。

(8)考查副词。句意:这个母亲马上甚至有点开心地说““不着急,这里很暖和。”A. shyly“害羞地”;B. calmly“冷静地”;C. happily“高兴地”;D. politely“礼貌地”。根据下文可知这位母亲不是来看病而是带着孩子来取暖的,所以作者说医生要过一段时间才来意味着他们可以在医院多呆一会儿,所以这里她是有些高兴地。故选C。

(9)考查形容词。句意:没有地址—他们无家可归。A. homeless“无家可归的”;B. greedy“贪婪的”;C. clever“聪明的”;D. lonely“孤独的”。根据“No address”可知这家人没有家庭住址,说明他们无家可归,故选A。

(10)考查名词。句意:我回到护士站并提到候诊室有一个无家可归的家庭。A. Christmas“圣诞节”;B. holiday“假日”;C. woman“女人”;D. family“家庭”。这五个人是一家人,故选D。

(11)考查动词。句意:那些抱怨圣诞节还要工作的护士开始对这个在圣诞节需要温暖的家庭产生同情心。A. working“工作”;B. interrupting“打断,中断”;C. managing“管理”;D. operating“操作”。根据上文“sighing about having to work on Christmas.”可知作者他们在圣诞节这一天还要工作,护士们对此产生抱怨,故选A。

(12)考查名词。句意:那些抱怨圣诞节还要工作的护士开始对这个在圣诞节需要温暖的家庭产生同情心。A. pr esent“礼物”;B. relief“减轻,安慰”;C. warm“暖和,热情”;D. approval“赞同”。根据下文“a family who just wanted to be warm on Christmas.”可知这家人只是想在医院取暖,故选C。

(13)考查形容词。句意:(我们)这支队伍开始行动起来,跟我们碰到医疗紧急事故时一样。A. beneficial“有益的”;B. friendly“友好的”;C. different“不同的”;D. medical“医学的”。医院里护士碰到的自然是医疗紧急事故,故选D。

(14)考查动词。句意:圣诞节那天(医院)给我们提供一顿免费的饭,所以我们拿回了饭,为客人准备了丰盛的晚餐。A. rewarded“奖励”;B. allowed“允许”;C. offered“提供”;D. ordered“命令”。根据语境可知医院为圣诞节这天工作的人提供免费的饭,故选C。

(15)考查名词。句意:圣诞节那天(医院)给我们提供一顿免费的饭,所以我们拿回了饭,为客人准备了丰盛的晚餐。A. guests“客人”;B. relations“亲属,家庭成员”;C. br others“兄弟”;D. neighbors“邻居”。根据下文“We needed presents.”可知作者他们不仅为这家人准备了饭还准备了礼物,这说明他们把这家人当成客人一样来对待。故选A。

(16)考查动词。句意:我们从其它部门收集了糖果、水果和其他所有能找到的可以当作礼物的东西。A. borrowed“借”;B. received“收到”;C. bought “购买”;D. collected“收集”。作者他们从其他部门收集了一些可以当作礼物的东西,故选D。

(17)考查形容词。句意:我们从其它部门收集了糖果、水果和其他所有能找到的可以当作礼物的东西。A. available“可获得的”; B. useful“有用的”;C. convenient“方便的”;D. expensive“昂贵的”。作者他们收集了所有可以得到的东西,故选A。


在圣诞节这天取暖的家庭的需要。A. healthy“健康的”;B. tragic“悲剧的”;C. physical“身体的”;D. mental“精神的”。护士照顾病人应该满足病人的身体上的需求,故选C。


了我一个拥抱,悄悄说“谢谢你今天做我们的天使。”A. Soon“很快”;B. Next“其次”;C. Later“随后”;D. Gradually“逐渐地”。根据下文“as the family walked to the door to leave” 可知


(20)考查非谓语动词。此空与逻辑主语the mother之间是主动关系,应该用其现在分词







Confidence has nothing to do with your figure. I learned this recently.

Every day I'd look in the mirror, hate what I see, and repeat the words 1 , "I am beautiful." Sometimes I'd even grit my teeth (咬紧牙关) to 2 the words out. But I 3 saying it, no matter what.

It was at the 4 of my friend that I began this 5 . He said he wanted to be friends with me because of my 6 and gentle character. Besides, he also saw me as beautiful and it 7 him that I couldn't see it in myself.

For a long time, I had 8 that my weight made me a second-rate person. Years of being

fat and years of being 9 had caused me to build a cocoon (茧) around myself. I 10 thought that if I stayed quiet, maybe I would be safe. I put myself in layers of 11 , my heart breaking a little more with each wedding invitation. I 12 hoping for my true love, believing

I wasn't good enough.

It wasn't until I met him that I was determined to be happy on my own and things began to 13 . He pointed out my 14 personalities and excellent qualities and made me repeat them out loud. I laughed at first because it felt 15 , but I kept at it every day.

Then one day, a(n) 16 thing happened. Staring into the mirror, I realized with a(n) 17 that I believed it! He wasn't 18 and it was true-I'm beautiful! The layers of my cocoon suddenly disappeared. And nowadays, I learn to love myself and keep 19 no matter what my dress size is. Indeed, confidence comes from 20 .

1. A. hopefully B. unusually C. excitedly D. unwillingly

2. A. sleep B. cry C. tell D. find

3. A. stopped B. regretted C. continued D. considered

4. A. request B. thought C. cost D. invitation

5. A. hobby B. plan C. idea D. habit

6. A. wealth B. kindness C. success D. coldness

7. A. delighted B. embarrassed C. worried D. frightened

8. A. believed B. doubted C. forgot D. forgave

9. A. looked up B. stared at C. shouted at D. laughed at

10. A. similarly B. mistakenly C. suddenly D. intelligently

11. A. guilt B. loss C. fear D. joy

12. A. stopped B. enjoyed C. risked D. preferred

13. A. disappear B. increase C. worsen D. change

14. A. good B. negative C. strange D. funny

15. A. helpless B. dangerous C. silly D. meaningless

16. A. interesting B. amazing C. terrifying D. challenging

17. A. question B. excuse C. pity D. shock

18. A. lying B. listening C. dreaming D. waiting

19. A. curious B. quiet C. confident D. healthy

20. A. society B. inside C. family D. experience



(1)考查副词。句意:每天我看着镜子,我讨厌所看到的自己,我不情愿地重复这句话:我很漂亮。A. hopefully“充满希望地”;B. unusually“通常”;C. excitedly“兴奋地”;D. unwillingly“不情愿地”。根据下文“Sometime s I'd even grit my teeth (咬紧牙关) to ___2___the words out.”有时我甚至咬紧牙关哭喊出这些词,可知作者很不情愿说这句话。故选D。(2)考查动词。句意:有时我甚至咬紧牙关哭喊出这些词。A. sleep“睡觉”;B. cry“哭泣”;C. tell“告诉”;D. find“发现”。根据上文可知讨厌所看到的自己,我不情愿地重复这句话:我很漂亮,故选B。

(3)考查动词。句意:但是我都继续说这句话。A. stopped“停止”;B. regretted“后悔”;C. continued“继续”;D. considered“考虑”。根据上文可知我不情愿地重复这句话:我很漂亮。且本句由转折连词but连接,因此continue能够体现作者的不情愿,但是还要继续说的矛盾。故选C。

(4)考查名词。句意:是在我朋友的请求下我才开始了这一习惯。A. request“请求”;B. thought“想,思考”;C. cost“花费,成本”;D. invitation“邀请”。At the request of固定短语,“在…...的请求下”,故选A。

(5)考查名词。句意:是在我朋友的请求下我才开始了这一习惯。A. hobby“爱好”;B. plan“计划”;C. idea“主意”;D. habit“习惯”。根据上文“Every day I'd look in the mirror, hate what I see, and repeat the words ___1___, ‘I am beautiful.’”可知作者每天都这么做,已经成为了习惯。故选D。

(6)考查名词。句意:他说他想和我交朋友,因为我的善良和温柔的性格。A. wealth“财富”;B. kindne ss“善良”;C. success“成功”;D. coldness“冷漠”。根据下文“He pointed out my

___14___ personalities and excellent qualities”提到好的品行,故B选项符合语境。故选B。(7)考查动词。句意:此外,他说他眼中的我很漂亮,我自己看不到自己的美让他很担忧。A. delighted“高兴的”;B. embarrassed“尴尬的”;C. worried“担忧的”;D. frightened“害怕的”。作者的朋友对于她的自卑心理应该是很担忧。worry sb.“使某人担忧”,故选C。(8)考查动词。句意:长久以来,我相信我的体重让我成为了一个二等人。A. believed“相信”;B. doubted“怀疑”;C. forgot“忘记”;D. forgave“原谅”。根据上文可知作者一直以来很自卑,缺乏自信。故选A。

(9)考查动词短语。句意:多年的肥胖和被嘲笑让我作茧自缚。A. looked up“敬仰”;B. stared at“盯着看”;C. shouted at“嘲…...大喊”;D. laughed at“嘲笑”。由于作者很胖,所以应该是遭到了别人的嘲笑。故选D。

(10)考查副词。句意:我错误地认为如果我保持安静,或许我会安全。A. similarly“相似地”;B. mistakenly“错误地”;C. suddenly“突然”;D. intelligently“明智地”。根据语境可知作者习惯于把自己藏起来,而这证明是错误的。故选B。

(11)考查名词。句意:我把自己包裹在层层的恐惧之中,每次收到婚礼邀请我的心都会更为破碎。A. guilt“愧疚”;B. loss“损失”;C. fear“恐惧”;D. j oy“快乐”。根据语境可知作者很自卑,很害怕别人的嘲笑,因此作者被恐惧所包围着。故选C。

(12)考查动词。句意:我不在希望得到真爱,因为我相信我不够好。A. stopped“停止”;

B. enjoyed“喜爱”;

C. risked“冒险”;

D. preferred“更喜欢”。根据上文可知,作者的自卑,恐惧让作者不在期望获得真爱,stop doing sth.“停止做某事”。故选A。

(13)考查动词。句意:直到我遇见他我才下决心让自己高兴,并且事情开始改变了。A. disappear“消失”; B. increase“增加”;C. worsen“ 恶化”;D. change“改变”。作者下决心让自己快乐起来,所以一切都开始发生改变。故选D。

(14)考查形容词。句意:他指出了我的好的性格和优良的品质,并让我大声重复说出来。A. good“好的”;B. negative“否定的”;C. strange“奇怪的”;D. funny“可笑的”。此处的good与句中的excellent相一致。故选A。

(15)考查形容词。句意:刚开始的时候我笑个不停,因为这感觉很愚蠢。A. helpless“无助的”;B. dangerous“危险的”;C. silly“愚蠢的,笨的”;D. meaningless“无意义的”。故选C。

(16)考查形容词。句意:随后,有一天,一件令人惊奇的事情发生了。A. interesting“有趣的”; B. amazing“令人惊奇的”;C. terrifying“令人恐惧的”;D. challenging“有挑战的”。根据下文“Staring into the mirror, I realized with a(n) ___17___that I believed it!”可知作者很震惊地发现自己相信自己很漂亮,这与之前作者的自卑形成鲜明对比,故选B。

(17)考查名词。句意:我很震惊地意识到我相信自己很漂亮了。A. question“问题”;B. excuse“借口”;C. pity“遗憾”;D. shock“震惊”。作者意识到自己相信自己很漂亮,这与之前作者的自卑形成鲜明对比,with a shock“震惊地”。故选D。

(18)考查动词。句意:他没有撒谎,这是真的—我是很漂亮。A. lying“撒谎”;B. listening“听”;C. dreaming“做梦”;D. waiting“等待”。故选A。

(19)考查形容词。句意:现在,我学会了爱自己,无论我裙子的尺码是多少我都会保持自信。A. curious“好奇的”;B. quiet“安静的”;C. confident “自信的”;D. healthy“健康的”。

根据下文“Indeed, confidence comes from ___20___.”可知,无论我裙子的尺码是多少作者都


(20)考查名词。句意:确实,信心源于内心。A. society“社会”;B. inside“里面,内部”;C. family“家庭”;D. experience“经历,经验”。根据作者的经历,作者有自卑和恐惧,转而







An 18-year-old student was struggling to pay his tuition fees. As an orphan, he didn't know whom to 1 to for money. So he decided to host a musical concert at Standford University

to 2 money for his education.

He reached out to the great 3 , Ignacy Jan Paderewski. Paderewski 4 a fee of Us $2,000 for the piano concert. A deal was 5 . And the boy began to 6 to make the concert a success.

The 7 day arrived. Paderewski performed at Standford University. But 8 , the boy hadn't managed to sell enough tickets. The total 9 was only US 1, 600. Disappointed,

he went to Paderewski and 10 his plight (困境). He gave Paderewski the entire US $ 1, 600, plus a cheque for the 11 of US $4, 00. The boy promised to 12 the money as soon as possible.

Paderewski tore up the cheque, 13 the US $1,600 and told the boy, " 14 the money for your tuition fees, and just give me whatever is left." The boy was very 15 , and thanked him sincerely.

It was a small 16 of kindness. We all come across 17 like this in our lives. And most of us only think, "If I helped them, what would happen to me?" The truly 18 people would think, "If I don't help them, what would happen to them? They don't do it 19 something in return. They do it because they feel it's the 20 thing to do.

1. A. turn B. apply C. relate D. refer

2. A. borrow B. raise C. make D. beg

3. A. pianist B. violinist C. drummer D. singer

4. A. promised B. demanded C. suggested D. charged

5. A. drafted B. recorded C. struck D. postponed

6. A. play B. work C. practice D. cooperate

7. A. bright B. easy C. warm D. big

8. A. unfortunately B. unfaithfully C. unwillingly D. uncertainly

9. A. charge B. collection C. gain D. cost

10. A. analysed B. announced C. consulted D. explained

11. A. interest B. price C. balance D. income

12. A. give back B. put away C. take down D. leave out

13. A. hid B. divided C. cast D. returned

14. A. Get B. Accept C. Keep D. Withdraw

15. A. surprised B. panicked C. embarrassed D. terrified

16. A. choice B. act C. habit D. wish

17. A. conversations B. examples C. situations D. processes

18. A. brave B. smart C. great D. curious

19. A. accepting B. predicting C. charging D. expecting

20. A. good B. wise C. real D. right



(1)考查动词。A. turn“转变”;B. apply“申请”;C. relate“涉及”;D. refer“更喜欢”。作为一个孤儿,他不知道该向谁借钱。turn to sb . for sth.固定短语,“向某人寻求帮助”。故选A。(2)考查动词。A. borrow“借入”;B. raise“提高”;C. make“制造”;D. beg“祈求”。所以他决定在斯坦福大学举办一场音乐会,为他的教育筹集资金。raise money固定短语,“筹集资金”。故选B。

(3)考查名词。A. pianist“钢琴家”;B. violinist“小提琴家”;C. drummer“鼓手”;D. singer“歌手”。他找到了伟大的钢琴家伊格纳西·扬·帕岱莱夫斯基(Ignacy Jan Paderewski)。根据下文的“piano concert”,此处应选A。

(4)考查动词。A. promised“许诺”;B. demanded“要求”;C. suggested“建议”;D. charged“填充,控告”。帕岱莱夫斯基要求为钢琴音乐会支付2000美元。此处用demanded 表示钢琴家提出要求——2000美元的出场费。故选B。

(5)考查动词。A. drafted“设计,草拟”;B. recorded“记录”;C. struck“打击”;D. postpon ed“延期”。协议达成了。strike a deal固定短语,“达成协议”。故选C。

(6)考查动词。A. play“玩”;B. work“工作”;C. practice“练习”;D. cooperate“合作”。达成协议之后,小伙子开始努力工作来主办一场成功的音乐会。故选B。

(7)考查形容词。A. bright“明亮的”;B. easy“容易的”;C. warm“温暖的”;D. big“大的”。音乐会这样重要的日子到了。此处big表示重要的,重大的。故选D。

(8)考查副词。A. unfortun ately“遗憾地”;B. unfaithfully“不忠实地”;C. unwillingly“不愿意地”;D. uncertainly“不确定地”。但不幸的是,这个男孩没能卖出足够的票。结合but以及下文的disappointed,可知结果没有达到预期,故选A。

(9)考查名词。A. charge“指责,控告,对……索费”;B. collection“收集”;C. gain“获得”;

D. cost“费用”。总共只有1600件。collection表示筹集的资金;gain作名词表示利润时通常具有贬义。故选B。

(10)考查动词。A. analysed“分析”;B. announced“宣布”;C. consulted“咨询”;D. explained“解释”。失望的小伙子向钢琴家解释了自己的情况。故选D。

(11)考查名词。A. interest“兴趣,利益”;B. price“价格”;C. balance“平衡”;D. income“收入”。他把全部1600美元都给了帕岱莱夫斯基,另外还给了他一张4美元余额的


(12)考查动词短语。A. give bac k“归还”;B. put away“把……收好”;C. take down “记下,

拆除”;D. leave out “省略”。结合语境,此处表示小伙子会尽快还钱给钢琴家。故选A。(13)考查动词。A. hid“躲藏”;B. divided“分开”;C. cast“投,掷”;D. returned“归还”。结


(14)考查动词。A. Get“得到”;B. Accept“接受”;C. Keep“保持”;D. Withdraw“撤退”。钱


(15)考查动词。A. surprised“感到惊讶”;B. panicked“惊慌”;C. embarrassed“尴尬”;D. terrified“感到恐惧”。钢琴家说的话出乎小伙子的意料,故选A。

(16)考查名词。A. choice“选择”;B. act“行为”;C. habit“习惯”;D. wish“愿望”。此处表


(17)考查名词。A. conversations“谈话”;B. ex amples“例子”;C. situations“境况”;D. processes“过程”。此句表示我们都经历了类似的情况,故选C。

(18)考查形容词。A. brave“勇敢的”;B. smart“聪明的”;C. great“伟大的”;D. curious“好



(19)考查动词。A. accepting“接受”;B. predicting“预测”;C. charging“使充电”;D. expecting“期待”。结合上文,真正伟大的人帮助他人不求回报,expect表示期待。故选D。

(20)考查形容词。A. good“好的”;B. wise“明智的”;C. real“真的”;D. right“正确的”。真







The movie, Alita—Battle Angel, tells a story of a girl with robotic arms and fighting powers. And

in 1 life 13—year—old Tilly Lockey also has the most advanced robotic arms like Alita.

Tilly lost her arms 2 a rare disease when she was a 3 . As she grew, her mother tried to get her to 4 various prosthetic(假肢). At the age of three, she got her first 5 arms, which moved the fingers by picking up 6 from nerves(神经) in the skin. But these only 7 Tilly to move her fingers one at a time. Tilly recalls: "They were really heavy". In the end she 8 wearing them and learned to do things without arms.

9 , not long ago, she got two robotic arms of which she has 10 the use! Tilly's new arms came as a 11 . The movie makers 12 to pay for a new pair of arms called Hero Arms for an amputee(被截肢者).Robotic arms have 13 for a decade but these Hero Arms cost less. They are also lighter and more 14 than any that have come before.

Moreover, these new versions are 15 proudly machine like.

Tilly is 16 with her new-found skills. She has 17 exactly what she can do now with her Hero Arms. She says: "When I go into school now, I don't have a 18 . I feel I have something that looks super 19 ."

Tilly is now working with the tech company to 20 robotic arms for other differently-able people, to help them lead better and happier lives.

1. A. natural B. dreaming C. unique D. real

2. A. due to B. instead of C. thanks to D. regardless of

3. A. teenager B. student C. baby D. mother

4. A. take B. wear C. lead D. earn

5. A. electric B. wooden C. secondhand D. common

6. A. promises B. feelings C. signals D. concerns

7. A. returned B. allowed C. mistook D. avoided

8. A. expected B. stopped C. found D. remembered

9. A. Frequently B. Normally C. Surprisingly D. Fortunately

10. A. risked B. demanded C. mastered D. noticed

11. A. tradition B. joke C. burden D. gift

12. A. ordered B. believed C. advised D. offered

13. A. existed B. disappeared C. proved D. treated

14. A. entertaining B. limited C. flexible D. expensive

15. A. trained B. designed C. discovered D. pretended

16. A. embarrassed B. annoyed C. pleased D. calm

17. A. showing off B. staying up C. coming back D. getting away

18. A. strength B. solution C. choice D. weakness

19. A. cool B. funny C. simple D. formal

20. A. relax B. develop C. control D. charge


【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,Tilly Lockey从小因为疾病而失去双臂,后来得到了制片人的帮助获得了一款新式假肢,从而快乐地上了学。

(1)考查形容词。句意:在现实生活中,13岁的Tilly Lockey也拥有像电影中的Alita一样先进的机器人手臂。A. natural“自然的”;B. dreaming“做梦的”;C. unique“独特的”;D. real“真实的”。此处表示她像电影中的Alita一样有着机器人手臂。故选D。

(2)考查介词短语。句意:Tilly在小的时候,因为一种罕见的疾病失去了双臂。A. due to“由于”;B. instead of“代替”;C. thanks to“多亏了”;D. regardless of“不管”。此处表示失去手臂的原因是她患有一种罕见的疾病。故选A。

(3)考查名词。句意:Tilly在小的时候,因为一种罕见的疾病失去了双臂。A. teenager“青少年”;B. student“学生”;C. baby“婴儿,婴孩”;D. mother“母亲”。根据“At the

age of three she got her first … arms”可知,她还是一个婴孩时就没有了双臂。故选C。(4)考查动词。句意:慢慢的Tilly长大了,她的妈妈尝试让他去穿戴各种各样的假肢。

A. take“拿走”;

B. wear“穿戴”;

C. lead“领导”;

D. earn“赚钱”。根据“In the end I …wearing them”可知,她的妈妈让她穿戴假肢。故选B。

(5)考查形容词。句意:3岁的时候,Tilly拥有了她的第一个电动的胳膊。A. electric“电动的”;B. wooden“木制的”;C. secondhand“二手的”;D. common“共同的”。由这副假肢能够接收神经信号可知,选择electric是合适的,表示假肢是“电动的”。故选A。

(6)考查名词。句意:电动的胳膊能够接收到皮肤神经传来的信号,从而移动手指。A. promises“诺言”;B. feelings“感受”;C. signals“信号”;D. concerns“担心”。神经将信号传递到电动假肢,它开始移动手指。pick up signals“接收信号”,故选C。

(7)考查动词。句意:但这只能够让她一次动一根手指。A. returned“回到”;B. allowed“允许”;C. mistook “弄错”;D. avoided“避免”。此处指电动手臂让她移动手指。allow sb to do sth固定短语,“允许某人做某事”,故选B。

(8)考查动词。句意:最终她停止佩戴电动胳膊并学会了不用手臂去做事情。 A. expected“预期”;B. stopped“停止”;C. found“发现”;D. remembered“记得”。根据“learned to do things without arms”可知,她自后停止穿戴假肢了。故选B。

(9)考查副词。句意:幸运的是,不久以前她获得了两只机器人手臂而且她已经掌握了如何使用它们。A. Frequently“经常”;B. Normally“正常地”;C. Surprisingly“令人惊讶地”;D. Fortunately“幸运地”。根据下文的新假肢轻便可知,这是幸运的事情。故选D。

(10)考查动词。句意:幸运的是,不久以前她获得了两只机器人手臂而且她已经掌握了如何使用它们。A. risked“冒险”;B. demanded“要求”;C. mastered“掌握”;D. noticed“注意到”。既然得到新假肢是幸运的事情,那她应该是掌握了它的使用。故选C。

(11)考查名词。句意:他的新胳膊是给她的一份礼物。A. t radition“传统”;B. joke“玩笑”;C. burden“负担”;D. gift“礼物”。电影制片人购买了一副叫做Hero Arms的新胳膊,可知,这是送给她的一份礼物。故选D。

(12)考查动词。句意:电影制片人为被截肢者主动购买了一副叫做HeroArms的新胳膊。 A. ordered“命令”;B. believed“相信”;C. advised“建议”;D. offered“提供”。offer to do“主动提议做某事”,故选D。

(13)考查动词。句意:机器人手臂已经存在10年了,但是这对Hero Arms手臂成本更少。A. existed “存在”;B. disappeared“消失”;C. proved“证明”;D. treated“对待”。根据“any that have come before”可知,机器臂以前就有了,已经存在十年了。故选A。

(14)考查形容词。句意:Hero Arms手臂比以往的任何手臂也更轻更灵活。A. entertaining“娱乐的”;B. limited“有限的”;C. flexible“灵活的”;D. expensive“昂贵的”。空格所在句子是在比较Hero Arms和以前的机器臂的不同,由and可知,此处应填入表示Hero Arms优点的词语,即Hero Arms更“灵活”。故选C。

(15)考查动词。句意:Hero Arms 被设计得就像机器一样。A. trained“训练”;B. designed“设计”;C. discovered“发现”;D. pretended“假装”。承接上文说明Hero Arms的优点,它被设计得像机器一样能够灵活运转,故选B。

(16)考查形容词。句意:Tilly对自己的新技能很满意。A. embarra ssed“尴尬的”;B.

annoyed“懊恼的”;C. pleased“高兴的”;D. calm“平静的”。新手臂更轻便更灵活,因此Tilly


(17)考查动词短语。句意:她一直在展示她使用新手臂能够做的事情。A. showing off “展示,炫耀”;B. staying up“熬夜”;C. coming back“回来”;D. getting away“逃跑”。Tilly对


(18)考查名词。句意:我现在去上学的时候没有缺点了。A. strength“强项”;B. solution“解决”;C. choice“选择”;D. weakness“弱点”。以前Tilly因为戴着沉重的手臂很不

方便,后来又学着不戴假肢,这对于她而言都是缺陷,现在有了新的Hero Arms,她觉得


(19)考查形容词。句意:我感觉到我拥有了看起来非常棒的东西。A. cool“凉的,出色的,极好的”;B. funny“滑稽的”;C. simple“简单的”;D. formal“正式的”。新的假肢让Tilly



器人手臂,来帮助他们过上更好、更快乐的生活。A. relax“使放松”;B. develop“开发”;C. control“控制”;D. charge“收费,充电,指控”。此处表示为其他残疾人“开发”机器人手臂,







On Dec. 13, 2018, Nubia Wilson turned 16. But instead of 1 with an exciting Sweet 16 birthday party, the California teen devoted this milestone to 2 the lives of orphans in Ethiopia.

Through several summers of volunteer work at an Ethiopia orphanage, Nubia learned firsthand the severe poverty so many children 3 . In an email to The Huffington Post, Nubia said that she was 4 struck by the children's lack of access to 5 -their school only went through the fourth grade.

Over the course of her volunteer work, Nubia became 6 in one student, Hermela. She writes: Out of the many students in the kindergarten class, Hermela became 7 and attached to me to a point where it was becoming 8 for both of us to leave each other. She

is now in the second grade. The thought of Hermela not being able to have her meal and 9 education after the fourth grade became 10 and I knew I had to do something.

That's when Nubia decided that she didn't want a traditional Sweet 16. 11 , she wanted

to use the money her parents would have spent on a party to establish 12 grade class for Hermela and other kids.

"The money could provide a(n) 13 solution that will serve for many years compared to the one-day 14 of my party," Nubia wrote to Huffpost Live. In short, I want Hermela to


30 Suppose(假设) you are going to Boston, and you 1 the city before. If someone 2 you about the interesting places in the city, you __3 to get some ideas of what you will see. But don’t have a 4__ idea of where these places are or of how to find 5 . However, 6__ someone has a map of the city and 7 you the main roads and buildings, you may say, “ Oh, now I see . I can find my way with 8__ trouble at all ”. Working in math is somewhat(有点儿)like trying to find your way 9 a new city. Perhaps the words may tell you some information and you have 10 it, but you can’t see any clear road 11 the answers. Maybe you 12 a kind of map of the main roads in maths 13__ you find your way. Explore(探究)what lies in maths, and 14 to find the main roads. They will 15 you to the answer. If you can find the “map”, the maths problems will be easily worked out. 1. A. are going to visit B. once visited C. have never visited D. have ever visit 2. A. answers B. shows C. meets D. tells 3. A. begin B. like C. learn D. refuse 4. A. clever B. clear C. strange D. wrong 5. A. someone B. Boston C. them D. it 6. A. if B. though C. whether D. since 7. A. helps B. gives C. passes D. shows 8. A. not B. no C. some D. much 9. A. of B. to C. in D around 10. A. thought over B. heard about C. written down D talked with 11. A. with B. for C. of D to 12. A. need to have B. don’t need C needn’t D. in need of 13. A. help B. to help C. helps D help with 14. A. try your best B. take your place C. look up D walk on 15. A. keep B. send C. lead D. ask


【英语】高二英语完形填空真题汇编(含答案)含解析 一、高中英语完形填空 1.阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的 最佳选项。 Lydia was a smart girl, very smart. She loved being with her friends, going shopping and doing what every other girl likes to do. There was only one 1 that made Lydia self-conscious(敏感):She was 2 . One autumn day Lydia and her best friend Judy were taking the train to do one of their favorite 3 : shopping. As a normal child, Judy, both caring and patient, spoke to Lydia in 4 language all the time. The train continued to make its occasional(临时) stops when a boy, no older than fifteen years old, sat in the 5 across from Lydia. Lydia couldn't help but notice how often the boy would 6 over at her to watch her move her 7 rapidly. This was one of the things that made Lydia unhappy. "Why must everyone stare at me?" Lydia asked her best friend, trying to 8 the boy's stare. "Doesn't he 9 that I am deaf? There is no need to stare at me. He is probably thinking that I am very 10 or disabled. I 11 people who prejudge(预先判断)others!" Lydia had become quite 12 ... 13 , the train came to a pause, waking up the boy in deep thought then. He got up, ready to get off at his 14 . Instead of hurrying off the train, however, he 15 to Lydia casually and stared to 16 his hands as she had just moments before. "Excuse me, but I couldn't help but notice that you don't like it when people stare at you. I'm 17 I made you uncomfortable. To be honest, just because of that, I 18 to get to "talk" to other 19 in here. I feel self-conscious and different, so I was 20 when I saw you. I thought maybe we could be friends." With that, the boy walked off the train. 1. A. quality B. detail C. difference D. ability 2. A. shy B. deaf C. smart D. selfish 3. A. hobbies B. sports C. experiments D. exercises 4. A. native B. written C. foreign D. sign 5. A. train B. seat C. front D. back 6. A. glanced B. called C. laughed D. pointed 7. A. hands B. position C. baggage D. purse 8. A. catch B. avoid C. disturb D. face 9. A. remember B. care C. understand D. realize 10. A. self-conscious B. attractive C. strange D. painful 11. A. admire B. pity C. dislike D. appreciate 12. A. shocked B. upset C. frightened D. worried 13. A. Suddenly B. Naturally C. Immediately D. Directly 14. A. school B. home C. stop D. store 15. A. drove B. rushed C. announced D. headed 16. A. move B. shake C. raise D. wave


20 Peter’s job was to examine cars when they crossed the frontier to make sure that they were not smuggling anything into the country. Every evening he would see a factory worker coming __1__ the hill towards the frontier, __2__ a bike with a pile of goods of old straw on it. When the bike __3__ the frontier, Peter would stop the man and __4__ him take the straw off and untie it. Then he would examine the straw very __5__ to see __6__ he could find anything, after which he would look in all the man’s pocket s __7__ he let him tie the straw again. The man would then put it on his bike and go off down the hill with it. Although Peter was always __8__ to find gold or other valuable things __9__ in the straw, he never found __10__. He was sure the man was __11__ something, but he was not __12__ to think out what it could be. Then one evening, after he had looked __13__ the straw and emptied the worker’s pockets __14__ usual, he __15__ to him, “Listen, I know you are smuggling things __16__ this frontier. Won’t you tell me what it is? I’m an old man, and today’s my last day on the __17__. Tomorrow I’m going to __18__. I promise I shall not tell __19__ if you tell me what you’ve been smuggling.” The worker did not say anything for __20__. Then he smiled, turned to Pe ter and said quietly, “Bikes.” 1. A. towards B. down C. to D. up 2. A. filling B. pulling C. pushing D. carrying 3. A. arrived B. appeared C. came D. reached 4. A. ask B. order C. make D. call 5. A. carefully B. quickly C. silently D. horribly 6. A. that B. where C. how D. whether 7. A. before B. after C. first D. so 8. A. lucky B. hoping C. thinking D. wondering 9. A. had been B. hidden C. hiding D. have been 10. A. nothing B. something C. everything D. anything 11. A. taking B. smuggling C. stealing D. pushing 12. A. possible B. strong C. able D. clever 13. A. through B. thoroughly C. upon D. up 14. A. like B. more C. then D. as 15. A. told B. cried C. ordered D. said 16. A. cross B. past C. across D. into


2016年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 英语科试题完形填空题一览 1、北京卷 第二节完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 30 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上讲该项涂黑。 A Race Against Death It was a cold January in 1925 in North Alaska. The town was cut off from the rest of the world due to heavy snow. On the 20th of that month, Dr.Welch 36 a Sick boy, Billy, and knew he had diphtheria, a deadly infectious(传染的)disease mainly affecting children. The children of Nome would be 37 if it struck the town. Dr.Welch needed medicine as soon as possible to stop other kids from getting sick. 38 , the closest supply was over 1,000 miles away, in Anchorage. How could the medicine get to Nome? The town`s 39 was already full of ice, so it couldn`t come by ship. Cars and horses couldn`t travel on the 40 roads. Jet airplanes and big trucks didn`t exist yet. 41 January 26, Billy and three other children had died. Twemty more were 42 . Nome`s town officials came up with a(n) 43 . They would have the medicine sent by 44 from Anchorage to Nenana. From there, dogeled(狗拉雪橇)drivers—known as “mushers”—would 45 it to Nome in a relay(接力). The race began on January 27. The first musher, Shannon, picked up the medicine from the train at Nenana and rode all night. 46 he handed the medicine to the next musher, Shannon`s face was black from the extreme cold. On January 31,a musher named Seppala had to 47 a frozen body of water called Norton Sound .It was the most 48 part of the journey. Norton Sound was covered with ice,which could sometimes break up without warning.If that happened,Seppala might fall into the icy water below.He would 49 ,and so would the sick children of Nome.But Seppala made it across. A huge snowstorm hit on February 1.Amusher named Kaasen had to brave this storm.At one point,huge piles of sonw blocked his 50 .He had to leave the trail (雪橇痕迹)to get around them.Conditions were so bad that it was impossible for him to 51 the trail again. The only hope was


高二英语完形填空试题(有答案和解析) 一、高中英语完形填空 1.阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的 最佳选项。 Once there was a farmer in Africa named Hafiz who was happy and content. One day a(n) 1 man came to him and told him about the glory of diamonds and the 2 that goes along with them. The wise man said, "If you had a diamond the size of your thumb, you could have your own city. If you had a diamond the size of your fist, you could probably own your own 3 ." With that said, he went away. That night the farmer couldn't 4 . He was unhappy and he was 5 . The next morning he sold off his farm, took care of his family and went 6 diamonds. He looked all over Africa and couldn't find any. He looked all through Europe and couldn't find any. When he got to Spain, he was emotionally, 7 and financially broke. He got so 8 that he threw himself into Barcelona River and committed suicide. Back home, the person who had 9 his farm was watering the camels at a 10 that ran through the farm. Across the stream, the rays of the morning sun hit a stone and made it 11 like a rainbow. He picked up the stone and 12 it in the living room. That afternoon the wise man came and saw the stone sparkling. He asked, "Is Hafiz 13 ?" The new owner said, " No, why do you ask?" The wise man said, "Because that is a diamond. I recognize one 14 I see one." The man said, "No, that's just a stone I 15 from the stream. Come, I'll show you. There are many more." They went and picked some samples and sent them for 16 . Sure enough, the stones were diamonds. They found that the farm was indeed 17 with diamonds. When our 18 is right, we realize that we are all walking on acres and acres of diamonds. Opportunity is always under our feet. We don't have to go anywhere. All we need to do is 19 it. When people don't know how to recognize opportunity, they complain of 20 when it knocks. The same opportunity never knocks twice. The next one may be better or worse, but it is never the same one. 1. A. young B. wise C. old D. poor 2. A. history B. meaning C. power D. legend 3. A. country B. house C. factory D. farm 4. A. eat B. wake C. stand D. sleep 5. A. tired B. discontent C. confused D. sick 6. A. in search of B. in need of C. by name of D. by way of 7. A. similarly B. gradually C. actually D. physically 8. A. puzzled B. discouraged C. impatient D. exhausted 9. A. robbed B. seized C. paid D. bought 10. A. pool B. river C. stream D. lake 11. A. smooth B. sparkle C. rise D. flow


30 Suppose(假设 ) you are going to Boston, and you 1 the city before. If someone 2 you about the interesting places in the city, you __3 to get some ideas of what you will see. But don ’4 t have idea of where these places are or of how to find 5 . However, 6__ someone has a map of the city and 7 you the main roads and buildings, you may say, “ Oh, now I see . I can find my way with 8__ trouble at all ” . Working in math is somewhat(有点儿) like trying to find your way 9 a new city. Perhaps the words may tell you some information and you have 10 it, but you can’seet any clear road 11 the answers. Maybe you 12 a kind of map of the main roads in maths 13__ you find your way. Explore(探究) what lies in maths, and 14 to find the main roads. They will 15 you to the answer. If you can find the “ map” , the maths pro will be easily worked out. 1. A. are going to visit B. once visited C. have never visited D. have ever visit 2. A. answers B. shows C. meets D. tells 3. A. begin B. like C. learn D. refuse 4. A. clever B. clear C. strange D. wrong 5. A. someone B. Boston C. them D. it 6. A. if B. though C. whether D. since 7. A. helps B. gives C. passes D. shows 8. A. not B. no C. some D. much 9. A. of B. to C. in D around 10. A. thought over B. heard about C. written down D talked with 11. A. with B. for C. of D to 12. A. need to have B. don ’ t need C needn ’t D. in need of 13. A. help B. to help C. helps D help with 14. A. try your best B. take your place C. look up D walk on 15. A. keep B. send C. lead D. ask


Module 2单元测试题 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 21. Susan, ______ university student from Europe, teaches me ______ art in her spare time. A. an; 不填 B. a; the C. a; 不填 D. an; the 22. -Why are the children laughing do loudly? -Oh, my funny drawings _______ them. A. amazing B. amazed C. amused D. amusing 23. I had the ______ that our head teacher is more a friend than a teacher to us. A. impression B. idea C. heart D. relation 24. Their team ______ every match so far this year, but they still have two games to play. A. was winning B. has won C. had won D. wins 25. —Have you considered ______ the job as a teacher? —Yes. I like it because a teacher is often considered ______ a gardener. A. to take; to be B. to take; being C. taking; being D. taking; to be 26. He runs every day. ______, he has lost weight and become healthier. A. However B. In fact C. As a result D. In other words 27. Tom ______ having broken the glass and made an apology to the teacher. A. permitted B. avoided C. admitted D. noticed 28. I think Class Three _____ to win because Class Three _____ all football lovers. A. is likely; are B. are likely; are C. is likely; is D. are likely; is 29. Our teachers are very strict ______ us in class, but they are kind _____ everyone after class. A. with; to B. to; with C. to; to D. with; with 30. My daddy is lovely and ________, but sometimes he is not ______ me. A. energy; patient to B. energetic; patient to C. energy; patience with D. energetic; patient with 31. ______ our National Day coming near, many celebrations are in preparation. A. As B. Before C. With D. After 32. He _______ breathe as somebody walked past the door. A. dare not to B. hardly dares C. hardly dared D. didn’t dare 33. -Shall we go skating or stay at home? -Which _____ do? A. do you rather B. would you rather C. will you rather D. should you rather 34. It was said that the math test is rather difficult. ______, all the students got good marks A. LuckilyB. SimilarlyC. Surprisingly D. disappointedly 35. —Whose advice do you think I should take? —______. A. It’s up to you B. You speak C. That’s it D. You got it 第三部分:阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 I was drawn to the teaching profession because I enjoy working with children. I view teaching as a constant challenge that is seldom, if ever, boring. The realization that a teacher can introduce children to new worlds of information and open up new possibilities daily was motivation in itself for me to select teaching as a profession many years ago.


完型填空专项练习A For a long time I saw happiness as a huge banner (旗帜) across the finish line of a long race.I felt that only when I__1__certain things could I finally be happy in my life.Most of the time I felt like a tortoise believing that being slow and__2__would win the race.At other times I would__3__like a rabbit trying different side roads at a dangerous __4__hoping to reach that banner a little faster.__5__,I began to see that no matter how long I raced towards it,the banner was never any__6__.I finally decided to__7__and take a break.It was then that I saw my__8__sitting beside me. It had been with me as I__9__hard to support my family,as I played with my children and heard their__10__and even when I was __11__with my wife at my side looking after me.It had been with me as I raced towards that stupid banner.I just didn't have the__12__to see it. There is an old Chinese proverb that says,“Tension is who you think you should be.__13__is who you are.”Perhaps we all should stop our race towards the__14__life we think we should have and __15__the life we have now.Happiness will never be found under some banner far away.It will be found__16__your own heart,soul and mind.It will be found when you__17__that others love you just as you do. Don't be a tortoise or a rabbit when it comes to your happiness.Be a playful puppy and carry your stick of__18__with you everywhere you go.__19__yourself out of the race and realize that when it comes to love and happiness,you are__20__there. 1.A.forgot B.missed C.overcame D.accomplished 2.A.safe B.steady C.calm D.quiet 3.A.act B.run C.jump D.walk 4.A.place B.height C.speed D.time 5.A.Generally B.Gradually C.Fortunately D.Firstly B.lower C.closer 6.A.clearer D.smaller B.start off 7.A.settle in C.stop by D.sit down D.friendship 8.A.happiness B.goal C.success 9.A.studied B.fought C.exercised D.worked C.stories.10D.breathing https://www.doczj.com/doc/289897393.html,ughter Bplaints 11.A.lonely B.tired C.sick D.hungry C.wisdom.Dstrength BA.courage.chance .12B.Relaxation Pain D.C.Failure.13A.Stress


高中英语完形填空练习及答案 Ebron James isn't the first high school basketball player to go straight into the NBA, but he's probably the best. he has the body, skills and the basketball brain of an all-star (全明星球员). this ___1____ was on ___2____ as he scored 41 points to take Cleveland Cavaliers (克里夫兰骑士队) to a 107-104 win over the new jersey nets (新泽西网队) on march 28. Aged of 19 years and 87 days, James became the ___3 ____ player to score 40 or more in the NBA "it was by far James' best ____4___ ," said Cleveland coach Paul Silas. known to his friends ____5___ "the king", this was the day James earned his crown(王冠). but he was ____6___ from being a king during a childhood spent in the back streets of Akron, Ohio. ____7___ many other African-American basketball players, James' early years were a ____8 ___ . his mother Gloria was just 16 when she gave birth to him; he knows nothing about his father. Mother and son battled for everything from food to a place to live. ____9 ___ help from his grandmother and neighbors, James would ___10 ____ have died when he was young. this spirit of survival has served him well on court, forcing him to take any ____11___ he finds. "I ____12___ losing, I don't like losing," said James of his 41-point display. "I ___13____ the opportunity for us to win and I was ____14___ to capture it." at 2.03 meters, he is no Yao Ming but this didn't ___15____ him being first choice in 2003 NBA draft. This was ____16 ___ to his strength and skill, much of which he learned from high school American football. Although he has a ___ 17____ brain, James has never had to concentrate on ___18____ . Some people think this is a mistake and say he should have gone to college to ____19___ his mind. but James is one of the lucky few who has found fame and fortune ___20____ a diploma (文凭). On the court, he is king. 1. a. performance b. activity c. action d. talent 2. a. sale b. exhibition c. show d. duty 3. a. oldest b. strongest c. tallest d. youngest 4. a. performance b. lesson c. action d. appearance 5. a. for b. as c. by d. with 6. a. well b. far c. deep d. late 7. a. as b. like c. likely d. alike 8. a. fight b. struggle c. battle d. war 9. a. except for b. except c. besides d. without 10. a. certainly b. impossible c. hardly d. probably 11. a. goal b. game c. match d. chance 12. a. hate b. refuse c. object d. reject 13. a. grasped b. seized c. caught d. held 14. a. afraid b. unlucky c. able d. certain 15. a. keep b. forbid c. protect d. stop 16. a. according b. referring c. thanks d. sticking 17. a. fast b. quick c. high d. top 18. a. studying b. resting c. sleeping d. eating 19. a. advance b. march c. increase d. develop

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