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Hello, my professors.It’s a fine day today

Good morning, my respected professors! It is my honor to be here for your interview. First, let me introduce myself to your. I am * *, 23, born in Guilin, I am a senior student in the Computer College of Henan Normal University. Now, I am doing my best to obtaining a chance to attend Sichuan University.

In the past 4 years, most my time has been spent on study or campus activities. I had passed the CET-6 and Software Designer Examination. Our software project got the supported of the College Student Development Foundation. Furthermore, the experience of being monitor in my class and vice director in the Students’ Union helped me know the importance of cooperation and communication.

As to my characters, I don’t want to use any beautiful word to praise myself. Just like my father, I strive to be an honest, upright and modest man. In my spare time, I like swimming, table tennis and Chinese chess. Also English songs and movies are my favorite.

Forrest Gump had said, ‘Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get’. However, I always believe we should cherish our time, and sense any change for self-development, and we will have a good prospects.

Diligence is the mother of success, Efficiency is the only way.

That is all for my self-introduction, thank you!



其他的一些表示性格、能力的形容词有:active, aggressive(有进取心的), adaptable, amicable(友好的), analytical(善于分析的), cooperative, creative, disciplined, dutiful, energetic, faithful, gentle, independent(有主见的), innovative, motivated, modest, objective, precise, punctual, precise(一丝不苟的), temperate等等。

在职考生或有过工作经验的考生还可以强调一下你的工作成绩,如:As the assistant to the General Manger of XXX Company, I have helped to negotiate a $200,000 deal for the corporation.

⑤爱好。All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. 除了强调你的学习的重视,同时也要避免给考官一种“书呆子”的感觉。一般可以从体育、音乐、电影等方面来说,同时要简单说明这些爱好对你的积极意义(build my body, relax myself, open my mind…);注意避免提到那些可能引起考官反感的爱好,如:playing computer games,watching TV等。

⑥你对报考的专业有兴趣(be interested in/be fascinated with/be obsessed with…),可适当举出一些例子,如经常看相关的书籍、论文、文章、新闻等。在职考生可以强调知识教育对工作的影响:In my work, I find it necessary to broaden my horizons in communication. That’s why I long for entering your prestigious university.

3) 结束时可以用说:That’s all about me. / Well, that’s who I am. Thanks for your attention.

2. 2010考研英语复试注意事项——家庭、家乡、学校篇。


1) 家庭。需要注意的是,考官并不是为了做人口调查而提出这个问题的,所以应该避免流水账似地介绍家庭成员;要尽量说明家人(尤其是父母)对你造成哪些方面(性格、职业规划、做事风格等)良好的影响。可以参考以下句式结构:Just like my father, I am especially interested in history. / Though my father is an ordinary worker, his responsible attitude towards work has a great influence on me.

2) 家乡。正所谓“一方水土养育一方人”,考官实际上是想从你对家乡的介绍中找出有关你性格、志向的线索。可以从历史、历史人物、著名景点、独特风俗或特产等方面来简单介绍,注意要表达热爱家乡的情感。

3) 学校。如果是本校考生的话,在自我介绍中就可以点到(拉近跟考官的关系)。如果是外校,考官通常会问:Why did you choose our university? 那么我们就可以说说它与报考院校之间的异同,然后说明为什么你选择这个学校(I do love the atmosphere in your university. It is full of youthful spirits.);要注意的是:一定要说明你对在原来的院校接受教育心存感激之情appreciation(从好的方面说一说),着重强调希望能被录取,表达自己坚定的决心、展望一下未来。



I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning. Of course, if I am given a chance to study ****** in this famous University, I will spare no effort to master a good command of advance ******。


There are several reasons。

I have been deeply impressed by the academic atmosphere when I came here last summer. In my opinion, as one of the most famous ******in our country, it provides people with enough room to get further enrichment. This is the first reason。

The second one is I am long for doing research in ******throughout my life. It''s a pleasure to be with my favorite ******for lifetime. I suppose this is the most important factor in my decision。

Thirdly, I learnt a lot from my *****job during the past two years. However, I think further study is still urgent for me to realize self-value. Life is precious. It is necessary to seize any chance for self-development, especially in this competitive modern world。

In a word, I am looking forward to making a solid foundation for future profession after two years study here。


I am from, a famous city with a long history over 2, 200 years. It is called Rong Cheng because there were lots of banians even 900 years ago. The city lies in the eastern part of the province. It is the center of politics, economy and culture. Many cele brities were born here, for instance, Yanfu, Xie Bingxin, Lin Zexu and so on……You know, there is a saying that The greatness of a man lends a glory to a place. I think the city really deserves it. The top three artware are Shoushan Stone, cattle-horn combs and bodiless lacquerware. In addition, it is famous for the hot springs. They are known for high-quality. Visitors at home and abroad feel it comfortable bathing here. There is my beloved hometown。


There are four members in my family; My parents, my cute cat of 9 years old and me. My father is a technician in the Fujian TV Station. He often goes out on business. So most of the housework is done by my industrious mom. Climbing at weekends is our common interest. The fresh air and natural beauty can help us get rid of tiredness. They can strengthen our relation, too. During my preparing for coming here, my parents'' love and support have always been my power. And I hope in future I will be able to repay them。


**********University is the oldest one in the province. It was founded in *******and covers an area of over******* mu. The building area is ************square meters. It develops into a comprehensive university with efforts of generations, especially after the reform and opening up. It takes the lead among the *********universities with nice teaching and scientific research ability. The library has a storage of *******books. Various research institutes are set up including 52 research centers. There are teaching research experimental bases, for example, the computer center, analyzing-test center, modern education technical center and so on。








I've been foreign teachers' assistant for about three years and learnt to communicate with them and understand their way to think and act. This experience gives me much deeper understanding of different cultures.

I served as volunteers for many events held by the government and other organizations, such as Fortune Globle Forum 2005 and Euro-Asian Conference organized by the Ministry of Communications. Thanks to those experience, I used my knowledge in real foreign affairs and increased my abilities in related aspects.

No matter how much the life in BFSU brought to me, I've been thinking for really a long time about studying something else after graduation as the life-long direction of study and profession. After analizing all the factors that intrigue me and inspire me, I've chosen a major which contains the factors of both passion and rationality. This major is Media Management.

I really appreciate it if you could consider my application. If I could have the honor to study here, I promise that I would never fail your expectation. I'll try my best to study and learn as much as I could, so as to make contribution to the society and our country.



Hello, everyone!My name is Winnie. I'm a 15 years old girl. I live in the beautiful city of Rizhao.

I'm an active, lovely, and clever girl. In the school my favorite subject is math. Perhaps someone thinks it's difficult to study well. But I like it. I believe that if you try your best, everything can be done well.

I also like sports very much. Such as, running, volleyball and so on. I'm kind-hearted. If you need help, please come to me.I hope we can be good friends!


1.Do you think China offers foreign business people great opportunities to fulfill their dreams? Why? 你认为中国为外国商人提供了实现梦想的巨大机会吗?为什么? 2.If offered an overseas assignment, would you like to work for your company at a foreign headquarters as long as required? 如果提供海外派遣,您愿意在国外总部工作吗? 3.What factors do you think contribute to the fulfillment of overseas assignments? 你认为哪些因素有助于完成海外任务? 4.What is the difference between E-commerce and the traditional business? 电子商务和传统商务有什么区别? 5.What are the benefits and limitations of E-commerce? 电子商务的好处和局限是什么? 6.Do you take it for granted that copyright should be protected by law? 你认为版权受法律保护是理所当然的吗? 7.Do you think it is criminal to adapt other's ideas in your own way and share them with your friends? 你认为以你自己的方式改变别人的想法并与你的朋友分享这些想法是犯罪吗? 8.What is corporate culture? How does culture affect the way we do business? 什么是企业文化?文化如何影响我们做生意的方式? 9.What are the advantages of online-communication? 在线交流的优点是什么? 10.Which way of communication do you prefer talking face-to-face or chatting online? Why? 你喜欢哪种交流方式面对面交谈或网上聊天?为什么? 11.The factors requisite for success may differ from one profession to another, what kind of elements may contribute to success in your opinion? 成功所需的因素可能因职业不同而有所不同,你认为哪种因素有助于成功? 12.Are you big fans of certain celebrities? Why or why not? 你是某些名人的忠实粉丝吗?为什么或为什么不呢? 13.What are the disadvantages of online-communication? 在线交流的缺点是什么? 14.Which way of communication do you prefer talking face-to-face or chatting online? Why? 你喜欢哪种交流方式面对面交谈或网上聊天?为什么? 15.As job hunters, what preparations should we make beforehand? 作为求职者,我们应该事先做些什么准备? 16.What is corporate culture? How do you get to know a company’s corporate culture? 什么是企业文化?你如何了解公司的企业文化? 17.Which do you think should receive priority in China, economic growth or environmental protection? Give your reasons. 你认为在中国,经济增长或环境保护应该优先考虑哪些问题?给出你的理由。 18.What do you think of love and marriage? 你觉得爱情和婚姻怎么样? 19.What should be considered when you decide to accept or decline a job offer? 当你决定接受或拒绝工作邀请时,应该考虑什么? 20.What is your plan for the future after graduation? Do you want to start a business or become an employee with a high salary? Why? 你毕业后的未来打算是什么?你想创业还是想成为高薪员工?为什么? 21.When hunting for a job, what do you choose, a big fish in a small pond or a small fish in a big pond? Why? 在找工作的时候,你会选择什么,小池塘里的大鱼还是大池塘里的小鱼?为什么? 22.List some hazards in our life that are related to the development of technology. Try to figure out some ways to avoid these hazards. 列出我们生活中与技术发展有关的一些危险。试着找出一些避免这些危险的方法。 https://www.doczj.com/doc/27412506.html,pare planes and rail (road) transportation and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each.


2013-2014年度英语口语课外活动总结 平遥县洪善镇洪善中心小学校姚更庭 在这个高速发展的信息时代,掌握英语成为我国公民的必备素质,英语教学成为我国基础教育的重要内容。小学开设英语口语活动小组的目的在于培养学生学习英语的积极情感,形成初步的英语语感,打好语音、语调的基础,具备用所学英语进行交流的初级能力。通过英语课程的学习,丰富社会生活经历、开拓视野、树立学习的自信心。在实践过程中我们能明确做到以下几点: 1.在教学总体目标上,重兴趣、重成就感、重自信心的培养。教师通过多种激励的方式,如奖品激励、任务激励、荣誉激励、信任激励和情感激励等,激发学生积极参与、大胆实践、体验成功的喜悦。有了成就感,就有了自信心,学生就会渴望学习英语;在课程实施上,重环境、重频率、重效率。语音语调的学习包括发音、重音、语调、节奏和语流等多方面,教学中要求教师防止以单音准确为目的的教学,通过多听、多模仿,在有意义的语境中进行训练,奠定语音语调的基础。强调要培养学生交流能力就要创设交流的情景,使学生通过交流发展交流的能力。 2.在教学模式和方法上,重体验、重实践、重参与、重创造。要求教学设计贴近生活,符合小学生兴趣的需求;教学内容能引起学生的兴趣,例如韵律诗歌、寓言故事、会话表演、游戏等;教学的语言材料要真实、实用。学生在课上通过用中学、学中用,反复实践,学用结合。功能、结构、话题、任务做到有机结合;通过视、听、说、玩、唱、画、游、读、写、译等饶有趣味的活动,让学生接触足够量的语言材料,保证输入量。设计任务型活动,开放空间,激活学生的思维,培养创造思维。 3.采用多种媒体的现代化教学手段,创设良好的语言环境和充分的语言实践机会,优化教学过程。利用英语教学音像资源——图画、图表、投影、录音、录像等多媒体软件,不仅能为学生提供规范的语音、语调,还可以提供真实自然的语言使用的示范,即语言使用的场合、时间、对象等,而且还有体态语——手势、动作、表情等的示范。多种媒体的运用使教学变得生动、形象、活泼,感染力强,容易激发学生兴趣,引起有意注意,加深印象,帮助学生持久记忆。


外教一对一英语口语的重要性 随着2008北京奥运、2010上海世博会,中国与国际融合的脚步加快,而英语作为搭建国际化沟通的重要桥梁,受到中国社会各界尤其是企业界的追捧。从长远来看,双语人才,尤其是英语人才,不论在企业国际化人才架构中,还是在中国国际化和平崛起的进程中,都是不可或缺的“基础设施”。外教1对1的培训能很快的提高口语水平,加速双语人才进程。 正是在这样一个国际化浪潮汹涌澎湃的背景下,外教1对1培训的重要性和紧迫性再次被突显,而英语培训过程中经常出现的“缺乏方向”、“缺乏标准”和“缺乏绩效考核”成为企业挥之不去的心病。正是因为这样,我们就不难理解为何“让英语培训机构按企业特定岗位的语言需求培养人才,真正实现企业英语培训与岗位语言胜任能力的无缝对接”、“如何借助第三方语言测评机构的专业力量完善企业英语培训外包机制”、“如何更有效地向英语培训机构下订单”等话题会被企业HR们所关心和热议。 在很多有经验的HR看来,外教英语1对1培训更多是源于改善或提高员工岗位语言胜任能力的直接需求,而企业只有将培训需求和考核标准量化后,才能精准地向英语培训机构提出“订制人才”的标准和要求,这也就是我们常听到的“订单式培训”。在企业内部英语培训的外包操作上,记者最近也注意到越来越多涉外企业的HR们倾向采用“第三方语言测评机构+英语培训机构”的二元培训模式。



免费外教在线一对一英语口语课程,太平洋英语,三个月与老外畅谈无阻!https://www.doczj.com/doc/27412506.html, 第1册A版 一、Greetings 问候语 1. Hello! / Hi! 你好! 2. Good morning / afternoon / evening! 早晨(下午/晚上)好! 3. I'm Kathy King. 我是凯西·金。 4. Are you Peter Smith? 你是彼得·史密斯吗? 5. Yes, I am. / No, I'm not. 是,我是。/ 不,我不是。 6. How are you? 你好吗? 7. Fine, thanks. And you? 很好,谢谢,你呢? 8. I'm fine, too. 我也很好。 9. How is Amy / your wife / your husband? 爱米好吗?/你妻子好吗?/你丈夫好吗? 10. She is very well, thank you. 她很好,谢谢。 11. Good night, Jane. 晚安,简。 12. Good-bye, Mike. 再见,迈克。 13. See you tomorrow. 明天见。 14. See you later. 待会儿见。 15. I have to go now. 我必须走了。 二、Expression In Class 课堂用语 16. May I come in? 我能进来吗? 17. Come in, please. 请进。 18. Sit down, please. 请坐。 19. It's time for class. 上课时间到了。 20. Open your books and turn to page 20. 打开书,翻到第20页。 21. I'll call the roll before class. 课前我要点名。 22. Here! 到! 23. Has everybody got a sheet? 每个人都拿到材料了吗? 24. Any different opinion? 有不同意见吗? 25. Are you with me? 你们跟上我讲的了吗? 26. Have I made myself clear? 我讲明白了吗? 27. Could you say it again? 你能再说一遍吗? 28. Any questions? 有什么问题吗? 29. That's all for today. 今天就讲到这里。 30. Please turn in your paper before leaving. 请在离开前将论文交上。 三、Identifying Objects 辨别物品 31. What's this? 这是什么? 32. It's a pen. 是支笔。 33. Is this your handbag? 这是你的手提包吗? 34. No, it isn't. / Yes, it is. 不,它不是。/是的,它是。 35. Whose pen is this? 这是谁的笔? 36. It's Kate's. 是凯特的。


和爱好有关的英语口语 今天给大家带来的是英语的口语,学习英语就是要花很多时间的,大家要好好看一看,背一背,这样才能更快的提升英语成绩哦,大家快点行动起来吧,有需要的可以收藏起来哦 一在酒吧At the bar AThe bartender just gave the last call. Let's order another round, okay? 酒保已经宣布要打烊了,我们再喝一杯如何? BSure, but let's get a pitcher this time We should be able to down it before they close. 没问题,但这次我们一定要喝大壶的!我想打烊之前我们应该可以喝完。 AThat sounds good. You order the beer while I go to the bathroom. Where is the can in this place? 听起来真不错。你去要酒,我要去洗手间。盥洗室在什么地方? BIt's all the way to the back. See that yellow door? 一直向后面走。看见那扇黄色的门了吗? AYeah. I think I can find it. 嗯,我想我能找到。 BYou're back already. That sure was quick.

你已经回来了,真快。 AThat's because I just took one step inside and turned right around. That bathroom is too gross for me. 因为我刚进门便转身回来了。那洗手间实在太脏了。 BWell, the bartender wouldn't give me the pitcher of beer. Anyway. He said it was too close to closing time. 对了,酒保不愿卖给我们大壶啤酒,因为下班时间马上就到了。 ALet's leave then.I could take some fresh air, anyway. 那我们走吧!不论如何我可以透透气儿。 BOkay,let's go! 好吧,走吧! 二在游乐公园 AWow, the ferris wheel over there is so big. I'd like to take a ride on it. 哇,那边的摩天轮好大啊。我想去坐。 BIt is called Energy Collector. 那叫聚能飞船。 ALook at your right-hand. Is it the zone of the Lost Maya Kingdom? 快看你的右手边。那时失落的玛雅王国吗? BMaybe. Oh.I see the Jungle Flying Train.I once rode it.It was very exciting.


英语口语20个对话主题 英语口语对话主题(001)相貌 A: That girl looks very attractive, doesn’t she? B: do you think so? I don’t like girls who look like that. I like girls who aren’t too slim. If you like her, go and talk to her. A: I’d like to, but there’s her boyfriend. He’s very broad-shouldered. B: he’s huge! He must go to the gym to have a well-built body like that. A: do you prefer tall girls or short ones? B: I don’t mind, but I like girls with long hair. A: we have different tastes. I like girls with short hair. I like tall girls- probably because I’m so tall myself. B: have you ever dated a girl taller than you? A: no, never. I don’t think I’ve ever met a girl taller than me! Have you gained weight recently? B: yes, I have. Perhaps I should go to the gym, like t hat girl’s boyfriend. A: I ‘m getting a bit plump myself. Perhaps I’ll go with you. 英语口语对话主题(002)身体部分 A: I’m going to the beauty parlor. Do you want to come too? B: sure. Let’s go. What are you going to have done? A: I want to have a foot massage and haircut. B: a foot massage sounds like a great idea. They are very relaxing. I’d also like to have a mudpack on my face. It’s supposed to help with your complexion. A: good idea. We should also pedicures and manicures. B: this could become a very expensive trip to be beauty parlour! A: I think it’s a good idea to pamper yourself occasionally. Don’t you agree? B: oh, I agree. We both work hard and a little beauty treatment can relieve stress. A: maybe we should try a thai massage too. B: what’s specia l about a thai massage? A: that’s when the masseuse walk on your back and massage you with her feet. B: sounds painful! 英语口语对话主题(003)身体部位的运动 A: when you are in a restaurant you want the waiter to bring the bill, what do you do to attract his attention? B: I just make eye contact with him and nod my head. Then I tell him when he comes over to the table. Why do you ask? A: I went out with my girlfriend to a nice restaurant last night and I noticed that many people shouted for the bill.


英语口语学习的几点建议不少人认为发音好就代表口语好,口语好就代表英语好。实际上,如果只是工作需要,发音真的有那么重要吗?所谓的英语的口语,其实包含四方面的内容,其中重要性排行:流利度>表达准确度>发音>腔调。 流利度 方法建议就是自己和自己说英语,每天头脑里总会要想些问题,你试着把自己想的东西一句一句翻译成英语,你和别人说话的时候,说完那些话之后,你心里默默的想一想这些话我用英语应该怎么说,遇到不会的马上可以用手机查字典。不出三个月你心里想的每一句话或者日常的沟通,都可以熟练的用英语说出来。 还有一个办法,就是每天用英语写几百字。每天人的英文写作其实是代表他的英语口语的最高水平,不要说自己英语口语不好,归根到底,其实是写作不行。你能够说出来的东西,你一定能够立马知道怎么写,但是你写的东西你不一定立马能够说出来,但是为什么还要练习写作呢?因为大部分时候你说不出来是因为你写都不知道怎么写。写作实际上能够根本改善你遣词造句的能力,当你写作都很熟练了,你脱口而出自然不会是问题。 表达准确度 只要是两个人面对面沟通,只要你不结巴、保持流利,始终能够把话说清楚的,老外如果听不懂他会继续问你,直到听懂为止。所以刚练习英语口语的朋友,可以把这部分顾虑暂时先打消,等你流利了再来改也没问题的。所有表达的准确度问题,都不是口语问题,都是

你英语基础问题。 发音准确度 这方面的重要程度远远没有流利度那么高,但练习要花费相当的苦工。如果仅仅只是为了应付工作,建议不要花费太多时间在发音上面,因为中国人的发音哪怕再烂其实外国人还是能理解的。外企HR似乎更加看重流利程度一点。大部分在外企工作的中国人发音简直是弱爆,但是丝毫不影响工作沟通。所以英语基础不好的人,拼命去练发音,无异于舍本逐末。 如果你一定要知道发音怎么练习,可以简单说一两点。 中国人被拼音误导很深,认为和拼音长得差不多就是和拼音一样的发音,结果才导致了浓浓的中国风发音。不要把音标当拼音。你把所有的长元音全部拆开成两个元音来发音,比如like 的i(ai), 坚决不要发成中文的"爱“,要先发a 后发i, 中间过渡平滑,听起来像"拉一可”。经常有人说这个单词明明按照音标读了,但是怎么读都有一股浓浓的中国风,就是找不出原因,原因就在这里。 如果你对这些区别只是停留在了解的阶段,那是帮助不了你改善发音的,必须要重复练习(一个发音反复练习几百次就有效了)。


英语面试口语:关于业余爱好 What do you do in your spare time你在业余时间如何消遣 What are your hobbies你的个人爱好是什么 I enjoy sports, music, films and books.我喜欢体育运动、听音乐、看电影、读书。 I have many hobbies. I like almost all kinds of sports and I also like to listen to classical music. 我有很多爱好。我喜欢几乎各类运动,也喜欢听古典音乐。 What kind of sports do you like你喜欢哪种体育活动 What is your favorite sport你喜欢的运动项目是什么 I like playing football.我喜欢踢足球。 Football is a very exciting game because it keeps you alert and I also enjoy the team spirit of football.

足球是一项极刺激的运动,它会使你保持灵敏,我也喜欢足球活动中的团队精神。 What do you like to read你喜欢读什么书 What kinds of books do you like你喜欢读哪类书 I read everything I can get my hands on but I like love sto-ries best. 我拿到什么书看什么书,但最喜欢看言情小说。 I enjoy reading biographies.我喜欢读名人传记。 Who are your favorite authors你最喜欢哪些作家 Lu Xun and Lu Yao are my favorite authors.我最喜欢鲁迅和路遥。 I like reading Lu Xun.我喜欢读鲁迅的作品。 Are you a smoker你抽烟吗


英语口语软件,外国人教你如何记单词 Love words. You have to really want to learn new vocabulary if you're going to succeed. 首先,要爱上“单词”这个东东。 Look up words you don't know whenever you encounter them. After encountering and looking up a word several times, you should eventually be able to remember its definition. 记忆学家统计过,一个单词你遇见6次,就会永生不忘。 Use a Thesaurus. A thesaurus is a great resource which enables you to know the more advanced equivalent of basic english words. 词典是法宝! Read. Read all genres of books. When you come across a word you don't know, read the sentences around the word and try to figure out what it means from the context. Check your guess with a dictionary. This doesn't mean you should start reading medical textbooks or other books with lots of new words on every page. Set aside time each day to sit down with your book. Enjoy yourself! 阅读永远是提高词汇量的必经之路。 Play word games with friends. Try Boggle, Scrabble, or Catch-Phrase. There are so many great games out there to teach you new words. If a friend comes up with a word that you don't know, ask them what it means. 玩游戏也有大帮助哦!


1.如何塑造句子的丰富语调? 从技术性上看,说话同唱歌,都是艺术学科的知识技巧,都由音阶、旋律、节奏、强弱等 变化构成。创造语调就是在作曲。从艺术性上看,说话同表演,都是艺术作品,用来表达 人的丰富思想、情感。按表演原理,教大家分析、演绎和表达艺术作品真实情感,从而自 然产生丰富语调技巧,而不是靠学生模仿老师的语调。过去学生只是羡慕老师、老外,却 模仿不上来。 2.为什么熟悉的单词却不能脱口而出? 崔静 词汇量不少,用时却说不出口。原因是传统教学只教大家“翻译”英语,而没教大家解释 英语。如:good 什么意思,你的回答是“好”。因为大家已经习惯了翻译,首先想到汉语意思,每次都先在心里说中国话,出口时再翻译成英语。老外学英语时从没翻译成汉语。提醒你多练习,按表演原理,直接用情绪、情感、眼神、表情、动作、语气、声调等训练 大家迅速形成直接使用英语思维的习惯,忘记汉语,摆脱“翻译”的漫长、笨拙过程,才 能快速脱口而出。 3.为什么老外声音和我们不一样,模仿不上来? 老外的声音为什么响亮、有底气,好像从口腔后面发出来的,或者像唱歌一样好听,或者 觉得怪怪的,学不上来?华侨孩子的语音为什么听起来是老外?其实去观察学过声乐、表演、台词、播音、戏曲等声音艺术的人,他们同样可以发出这种音质来说话。学会科学的 呼吸、发声习惯让我们终生受益,唱歌时音域加宽,唱出比以前更低和更高的音。说话 有底气,从而让别人听起来你是有信心、有能力的,而让自己形象更高大,同时更促进、增强了自信心。 4.为什么不敢说英语? 事实上,除了英语水平、口语能力,阻碍我们与人交流的更重要原因是:在众人、陌生人 面前,不敢说话;心理素质差,性格内向,不会表达自己,当然更不敢说英语。受惯了“要谦虚,要尊敬家长、老师、领导”的教育,却从没人教我们如何建立自信,结果总觉 得自己比别人差,见着老外更感到在气质、气势、英语口语上低人一等,当然说话时就会 紧张。而紧张的心理、僵化、木讷的表情怎能顺畅地交流?要掌握自信的技巧,拥有健康的心理,建立平等、洒脱、高大的人格高度和气质


在线学基础英语口语、常用英语口语 这些都是比较基础的英语口语,都非常常用,感兴趣的可以在线学一下: 一、 Greetings 问候语 1. Hello! / Hi! 你好! 2. Good morning / afternoon / evening! 早晨(下午/晚上)好! 3. I'm Kelly. 我是凯莉。 4. Are you Tom? 你是汤姆吗? 5. Yes, I am. / No, I'm not. 是,我是。/ 不,我不是。 6. How are you? 你好吗? 7. Fine, thanks. And you? 很好,谢谢,你呢? 8. I'm fine, too. 我也很好。 9. How is Lily / your wife / your husband? 莉莉好吗?/你妻子好吗?/你丈夫好吗? 10. She is very well, thank you. 她很好,谢谢。 11. Good night,Sunny. 晚安,珊妮。 12. Good-bye, Mike. 再见,迈克。

13. See you tomorrow. 明天见。 14. See you later. 待会儿见。 15. I have to go now. 我必须走了。 二、Expression In Class 课堂用语 16. May I come in? 我能进来吗? 17. Come in, please. 请进。 18. Sit down, please. 请坐。 19. It's time for class. 上课时间到了。 20. Open your books and turn to page 20. 打开书,翻到第20页。 21. I'll call the roll before class. 课前我要点名。 22. Here! 到! 23. Has everybody got a sheet? 每个人都拿到材料了吗? 24. Any different opinion? 有不同意见吗? 25. Are you with me? 你们跟上我讲的了吗? 26. Have I made myself clear? 我讲明白了吗?


三四年级英语口语兴趣小组活动计划 集团标准化工作小组 #Q8QGGQT-GX8G08Q8-GNQGJ8-MHHGN#

三四年级英语口语兴趣班活动计划 湖口第四小学杨秋霞一、活动目的: 众所周知,英语口语对于我们学习英语以及用英语交流都非常重要,为进一步激发大家学习英语的兴趣,提高学生英语口语的表达能力,开辟英语学习的新途径;同时为营造健康向上、积极进取的校园学习氛围,切实提高小学生英语学习能力,特别是口语表达能力,为爱好英语口语交流的同学搭建一个施展才华,提高英语能力的平台。达到学以致用的目的。 二、活动措施: 1、做好组织工作 (1)在学生自愿报名参加的基础上,要挑选各班有一定英语基础、成绩较好的学生参加。要选出有工作能力、成绩也好的学生担任组长。兴趣小组要在教师的指导下充分发挥学生的骨干力量。 (2)教师要认真负责,把它看成是学校教育的组成部分,使小组活动开展得生动、活泼、丰富。 2、全面考虑,合理安排。 英语课外活动作为课堂教学的辅助形式,应和课堂教学实际紧密联系,但又不是课堂教学的简单重复。否则,课外活动便失去了意义。因此,我在安排英语口语课外活动时,必须考虑学生的年龄特点和英语知识水平,选用切实可行的方法与形式,有组织、有计划、有目的地开展英语口语课外活动。 为了开展好英语口语课外活动,我有目的地订出英语口语活动计划。英语口外活动计划一般包括两个方面:一是较大规模的课外活动计划。这类计划的制定,要以调动全体同学的活动积极性为前提,因此活动内容不能过难,要易于不同程度的同学接受,而且活动项目要少而精。 要制定出活动具体举办时间、地点及内容,以便让他们思想上早有准备。当然,每次开展课外活动,教师都必须事先做充分的准备。要备齐活动所需的材料,要制定出比赛规则、评分标准及奖励办法。同时还应设想到活动中可能出现的问题及解决办法。 3、用电教设备调动学生开口说英语的积极性。 现代化的教学要求让我们有了现代化的教学设备,尤其是现代化的电教设备。但有了硬件,并不一定会使教学效果符合现代化的要求,更重要的是我们老师要有现代化的教学思想,把现代化的电教设备与思想连接起来,更有利地促进教学。具体实施方法有: (1)录音,巧用录音机。英语口语非常重要,口语的语音、语调更加重要。为了检查学生的语音、语调是否正确,可以请录音机帮忙:用录音机录下学生的英语朗读、对话或是歌曲,再放给他们听。这样既会让学生充满新奇感,增强说的欲望,也可以让同学之间相互纠正错误,努力用正确的语音、语调练习英语口语。 (2)配音。当学生对所学语言材料有了一定的理解和积累后,教师就应鼓励学生活用语言,激发学生运用语言的积极性。配音就为此提供了很好的机会。让课文相关的录像或是VCD片断“静音”,再配以其它相符的音乐,让学生原版配音或是创造性地配音,这样可以让学生对所学语言材料在情感上有一

英语口语话题 好好

1.Past,now and future The future is scary, but you can't just run to the past because it's familiar. 未来会让人心生畏惧,但是我们却不能因为习惯了过去,就逃回过去。 2.My dream Everyone has a dream. Now I want to say something about my dream. What is my dream? I often ask myself. In my mind, everyone shall have his own dream. I think that having a dream means that we have an idea, and then we will do all the things to achieve the target. As long as we have a goal to be realized, we won’t be blind at least. My dream is to become a successful doctor, helping those sick people and saving their lives. Of course, to be a good doctor is very difficult, but I will do whatever I can do to keep everyone healthy. That's my dream. I want to try my best to help the poor sick people of our country. I want to let them have an opportunity to receive excellent treatments for their illnesses without having to pay much or just enjoy them free. China is a developing country which needs good medicine and good doctors, especially in the countryside and distant villages. Now I’m a junior student on Grade One, all my classmates and I are working hard. We all know that the entrance exam of high schools coming in the year of 2009 is a big challenge for us, so we must study harder and harder in order to go to a good high school. Thus after we finish our senior high school, we are able to go to a good university. Finally, we can find a good job in society. My dream is also that although at present I’m good at study, I’ll still try my best to be the study winner. Now everything I do is close to my dream. I feel life is fill with hope and is colorful, and I have enough confidence to realize my dream. I know that fantasy is something hard to realize, but dream can. I’ll work hard for my dreams, I’ll never give up. My dream I earnestly hope to lead a healthy and prosperous life in the future. Judging from my aptitude inclination and personality streaks, my ideal life will be that of a scientist, researching, lecturing, and writing books. As I am from a farming family, I particularly enjoy being close to earth. If I can afford to live a pastoral life in the countryside, I will feel most blessed. As far as social life is concerned, simplicity is what I intend to pursue, so I really don't need too many friends. All these will be mere talk if I am idle now. To attain my goal, I must make a point of training my body and mind. This is a


What are you trying to say?(你到底想说什么?) Don't be silly.(别胡闹了。) How strong are your glasses?(你近视多少度?) Just because.(没有别的原因。) It isn't the way I hoped it would be.(这不是我所盼望的。) You will never guess.(你永远猜不到。) No one could do anything about it.(众人对此束手无措。) I saw something deeply disturbing.(深感事情不妙。) Money is a good servant but a bad master.(要做金钱的主人,莫做金钱的奴隶。)I am not available.(我正忙着) Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.(脑中的知识比手中的金钱更重要) Never say die.it's a piece of cake.别泄气,那只是小菜一碟。 Don't worry.you'll get use to it soon.别担心,很快你就会习惯的。 I konw how you feel.我明白你的感受。 You win some.you lose some.胜败乃兵家常事。 Don't bury['beri]your head in the sand.不要逃避现实。 I didn't expect you to such a good job.我没想到你干得这么好。 You are coming alone well.你做得挺顺利。 She is well-build.她的身材真棒。 You look neat and fresh.你看起来很清纯。 You have a beautiful personality.你的气质很好。 You flatter me immensely.你过奖啦。 You should be slow to judge others.你不应该随意评论别人。 I hope you will excuse me if i make any mistake.如有任何错误,请你原谅 It was most careless ofme.我太粗心了。 It was quite by accident.真是始料不及。 I wish i had all the time i'd ever wasted,so i could waste it all over again.我希望所有被我浪费的时间重新回来,让我再浪费一遍。 I like you the way you were.我喜欢你以前的样子。 You two go ahead to the movie without me,i don't want to be a third wheel.你们两个自己去看电影吧,我不想当电灯泡。 Do you have anyone in mind?你有心上人吗? How long have you known her?你认识她多久了? It was love at frist sight.一见钟情 I'd bettle hit the books.我要复习功课啦。 a piece of one's mind .直言不讳 He gave me a piece of mind,"Don't shift responsibility onto others."他责备道:“不要把责任推卸到别人身上。” a cat and dog life水火不容的生活 The husband and his wife are always quarrelling,and they are leading a cat and do g life.这对夫妇老是吵架,相互之间水火不容。 a dog's life潦倒的生活

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