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人力资源管理专业词汇(DOC 29页)

人力资源管理专业词汇(DOC 29页)
人力资源管理专业词汇(DOC 29页)

人力资源管理专业词汇(DOC 29页)

Appendix A

Glossary of Human Resource Management Terms

absentees Absentees are employees who are scheduled to be at work but are not present.

Accident and sickness policies Accident and sickness policies usually provide a minimum-care stipend for several weeks up to six months to help employees defray the loss of income while they are sick or recovering from an accident.

accreditation Accreditation is a process of certifying the competence of a person in an area of capability. The Society for Human Resource Management operates an accreditation program for personnel professionals.

active listening Active listening requires the listener to stop talking, to remove distractions, to be patient, and to empathize with the talker.

adverse selection Adverse selection occurs when an insurance company has a disproportionately high percentage of insureds who will make claims in the future. Adverse selection often results when people are given a chance to buy insurance without prescreening, which often means that a higher than normal proportion have a condition that is likely to cause them to be frequent claimants.

affirmative action programs Affirmative action programs are detailed plans developed by employers to undo the results of past employment discrimination, or to ensure equal opportunity in the future.

Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (as amended) This act prohibits discrimination on employment because of age against those who are 40 and older.

American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organization(AFL-CIO) The AFL-CIO is a federation of most national unions. It exists to provide a unified focal point for the labor movement, to assist national unions, and to influence government policies that affect members and working people. applied research Applied research is a study of practical problems, the solutions of which will lead to improved performance.

arbitration Arbitration is the submission of a dispute to a neutral third party.

assessment centers Assessment centers are a standardized form of employee appraisal that relies on multiple types of evaluation and multiple raters.

associate membership Associate membership in a labor organization allows people who are not employed under a union contract to affiliate with a union by paying fees and dues in return for union-supported benefits.

attitude surveys Attitude surveys are systematic methods of determining what employees think about their organization. The surveys are usually done through questionnaires. Attitude survey feedback results when the information collected is reported back to the participants. This process then is usually followed by action planning to identify and resolve specific areas of employee concern. attrition Attrition is the loss of employees who leave the organization's employment.

audit report The audit report is a comprehensive description of personnel activities. It includes both commendation for effective practices and recommendations for improving practices that are ineffective.

audit team An audit team consists of those people who are responsible for evaluating the performance of the personnel department.

authorization cards Authorization cards are forms that prospective union members sign. The cards indicate their wish to have an election to determine whether a labor organization will represent the workers in their dealings with management.

autonomous work groups Autonomous work groups are teams of workers, without

a formal company-appointed leader, who decide among themselves most

decisions traditionally handled by supervisors.

autonomy Autonomy is having control over one's work.

bargaining book A bargaining book is a compilation of the negotiation team's plans for collective bargaining with labor or management. Increasingly, the bargaining book is being replaced by information stored in accompany or union computer.

bargaining committee The union bargaining committee consists of union officials and stewards who negotiate with management's representatives to determine wages, hours, and working conditions to be embodied in the labor agreement. behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS) BARS rate employees scale that has specific behavioral examples on it to guide the rater.

Behavioral modeling Behavioral modeling relies on the initiation or emulation of a desired behavior. A repetition of behavior modeling helps to develop appropriate responses in specified situations.

behavior modification Behavior modification states that behavior depends on its consequences.

blind ads Blind ads are want ads that do not identify the employer.

bona fide occupational qualifications (BFOQ) A BFOQ occurs when an employer has a justified business reason for discriminating against a member of a protected class. The burden of proving a BFOQ generally falls on the employer. bottom-line test The bottom-line test is applied by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to determine if a firm's overall selection process is having an adverse impact on protected groups. Even though individual steps in the selection process might exhibit an adverse impact on a protected group, the firm will be considered in compliance if the overall process does not have an adverse effect.

Boulwarism Boulwarism is a negotiation strategy developed by General Electric.

Using this approach the company made its "best" offer to the union at the beginning of negotiations. Then it remained firm unless the union could find where management had erred in the calculations used to arrive at the offer. This strategy has been ruled as an unfair labor practice by the National Labor Relations Board and by the federal courts.

brainstorming Brainstorming is a process by which participants provide their ideas on a stated problem during a freewheeling group session.

buddy system The "buddy system" of orientation exists when an experienced employee is asked to show a new worker around the job site, conduct introduction, and answer the newcomer's questions.

burnout Burnout is a condition of mental, emotional, and sometimes physical exhaustion that results from substantial prolonged stress.

business agent A business agent is a full-time employee of a local (usually craft) union. The business agent helps employees resolve their problems with management.

business unionism Business unionism describes unions that seek to improve the wages, hours, and working conditions of their members in a business like manner. (See social unionism.)

buy-back Buy-backs occur when an employee who attempts to resign is convinced to stay in the employment of the organization. Normally the person is "bought back" with an offer of increased wages or salary.

Cafeteria benefit programs Cafeteria benefit programs allow employees to select the fringe benefits and services that answer their individual needs.

career A career is all the jobs that are held during one's working life.

career counseling Career counseling assists employees in finding appropriate career goals and paths. career development Career development consists of those experiences and personal improvements that one undertakes to achieve a career plan.

career goals Career goals are the future positions that one strives to reach. These goals serve as benchmarks along one's career path.

career path A career path is the sequential pattern of jobs that form one's career. career planning Career planning is the process by which one selects career goals and paths to those goals.

career plateau A career plateau occurs when an employee is in a position that he or she does well enough not to be demoted or fired but not well enough to be promoted.

change agents Change agents are people who have the role of stimulating change within a group.

checkoff A checkoff provision in a union-management labor agreement requires the employer to deduct union dues from employee paychecks and to remit those moneys to the union.

Civil Rights Act of 1964 This act was passed to make various forms of discrimination illegal.

closed shop A closed shop is a workplace where all employees are required to be members of the union before they are hired. These arrangements are illegal under the National Labor Relations Act.

codetermination Codetermination is a form of industrial democracy first popularized in West Germany. It gives workers the right to have representatives vote on management decisions.

coinsurance clause A coinsurance clause is a provision in an insurance policy that requires the employee to pay a percentage of the insured's expenses communication Communication is the transfer of information and understanding from one person to another.

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