当前位置:文档之家› 2016年洛阳二外小升初真题




I. 基础试题(共40分,每小题1分)

( )1. I ___. I didn’t hear you come in.A. was sleeping B. slept C. sleeped

( )2. ____ Chinese is a difficult language to learn. A. / B. The C. A

( )3. --- _____ the dog please, will you? --- OK, I will walk him after I finish this TV show. A. Walks B. Walking C. Walk

( )4. I have to go to bed early tonight because my train ___ at 6 am tomorrow morning. A. leaves B. is leaving C. leave ( )5. You _____ her, did you? A. didn’t tell B. haven’t told C. tell

( )6. The cookies are ____ by some birds. A. eat B. ate C. eaten

( )7. It looks like it _____ rain. A. should B. might C. must ( )8. He is six feet ______. A. high B. tall C. big ( )9. When you cross the road, you have to be more ______.

A. care

B. careful

C. carefully

( )10. Steve helps put out fires. He is a ______.

A. fireworker

B. fireman

C. superman

( )11. I jog in the park every day. The underlined word “jog” means ___.

A. run

B. jump

C. walk

( )12. Wow, you dance very well. Where did you learn to ____ like that?

A. make

B. do

C. move

( )13. A _____ is used to remove dust around the house.

A. dustbin

B. duster

C. dusty

( )14. The son of my father’s sister is my _____.

A. cousin

B. brother

C. nephew

( )15. Yoko and Yoke are from Japan. They are _____

A. Japaneses

B. Japanese

C. Japans

( )16. Please wait for his ____ to change. It’s too dangerous to cross now.

A. traffic light

B. crossing

C. policeman

( )17. When you ___ you should cover your mouth with your hand.

A. smile

B. yawn

C. sing

( )18. Kate is very ____ for all the help you have given her.

A. unhappy

B. great

C. thankful

( )19. Take the soup off the hotplate and let it ____ for 20 minutes.

A. cool

B. cold

C. heat

( )20. I ____ my train this morning so I can’t go to Beijing.

A. lacked

B. missed

C. lost

( )21. Could you please ____ this skirt for me? I will be back in 20 minutes to pay for it. A. sell B. buy C. hold ( )22. Hey! You should buy that hat. It _____!

A. looks good on you

B. looks well on you

C. looks good on head

( )23. The “u” in “number” sounds most like the “u” in the word _____.

A. music

B. circus

C. but

( )24. The “ea” in “lean” sounds most like the “ea” in the word ____.

A. beautiful

B. great

C. teacher

( )25. Which pair of the words doesn’t sound the same?

A. hair & hare

B. sail & sale

C. fill & feel

( )26. How many syllables(音节) are in the word “sentence”?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

( )27. What should you say when you see your friend crying?

A. You are such a baby.

B. Stop crying.

C. What’s up? Are you OK?

( )28. You are having dinner at your friend’s house. Your friend’s mom asks you, “Would you like some more beef?” It’s impolite to

answer, “___”

A. Yes, please.

B. I don’t want it.

C. Thank you, but I am good!

( )29. What would you say when the teacher asks you, “Could you help me carry the books?” A. Thank you! B. No problem! C. You are welcome!

( )30. Which is NOT a proper response when your friend tells you her dog is lost? A. Don’t worry too much! It’s just a dog.

B. I’m sorry to hear that. You must be very sad.

C. Oh, that’s too bad. What can I do to help?


( )31. A. The rabbits hops B. Two childs watch the rabbits.

C. What do rabbits eat?

D. Toms rabbit is brown.

( )32. A. Where is the parade. B. The parade starts on Main Street.

C. Last year the parade start late.

D. Mon doesn’t like parades.

( )33. A. My brown puppy is named joe. B. I cant find my puppy.

C. Joe hide in the bushes.

D. Last night the puppy chased a boy.

( )34. A. It is Teds birthday. B. Make some wishs.

C. Balloons are all over the room.

D. What fun party it is!

( )35. A. Abby said, I want to hike up the hill.

B. We climbed a hill near our town.

C. This hill is taller then that hill.

D. We went hiking in may. (36-40题:请找出下列每小题中与描述最相符的图片。)

( )36. The man was standing alone on the street corner.


)37. The father is holding the hand of only the youngest child.

A. B. C. D.

( )38. The child’s cat hid under the car because it was afraid of the dog.

( )39. The boy leaned over to pick up the books that were piled next to the chair.

A. B. C. D.

( )40. There was hardly anyone in the park because it was raining. II.学以致用(5分)

Fact or Opinion

An “Opinion” is a personal view. A “Fact” is a statement which can be proven to be true. Read each sentence below and decide if it states a fact or an opinion. Put “F” for a fact and “O” for an opinion. Example: Blue whales are the largest animals on Earth. (F)

The best flavor of ice cream is rocky road. (O)

( )41. The cover of Will’s book is green.

( )42. There are seven days in a week.

( )43. Spiders are very scary!

( )44. The earth goes around the sun.

( )45. Parrots are prettier birds than flamingos.



Using the numbers in the number bank, create a six-digit number

based on the clues given.

46. What is the smallest six-digit number you can make?

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

47. What is the largest six-digit number you can make?

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

48.What is the smallest six-digit number you can make that has 3 in the ones place?_____ _____ _____ _____ _____


49.What is the largest six-digit number you can make that has 1 in the tens place?_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 50.What is the smallest six-digit number you can make that ends in an odd number(奇数)?_____ _____ _____ _____ _____



Hannha, Jack, Cassie and Paul attend a birthday party. They each bring a gift: a kite, a doll, a game, and a basketball. After the party, each child goes home with a different color balloon: red, blue, green, and orange.

※Hannah did not bring the doll as a gift but she did go home with a blue balloon.

※Jack brought the basketball for a gift but did not go home with a red or green balloon.

※The child who brought the kite for a gift went home with a red balloon.

※Cassie brought the doll for a gift.

What gift did each child bring to the party? What color balloon did they each go home with?

IV. 完型填空(20分)



On April 14, 2016, Kobe Bryant played his 56 game for the Los Angeles Lakers. He retired. We 57 see him on the court(赛场) anymore.

Kobe was born 58 August, 1978, in 59 . His father was also a great basketball 60 . Kobe began to play basketball when he was 3 years 61 . He 62 the NBA’s Los Angeles Lakers in 1996. He is one of the 63 scorers in the NBA. He won five NBA championships. “I don’t want to be the 64 Michael Jordan. I only want to be Kobe Bryant.” Kobe made it. He is a successful basketball player. We’ll never 65 him.

( )56. A. first B. last C. new

( )57. A. will B. won’t C. didn’t ( )58. A. in B. at C. on

( )59. A. America B. American C. Merica

( )60. A. maker B. champion C. player

( )61. A. big B. old C. young

( )62. A. joined B. helped C. had

( )63. A. good B. better C. best

( )64. A. last B. next C. same

( )65. A. see B. remember C.



Mothers protect like angels

Once upon a time there was a child about to be born. One day he asked God, “How am I going to live, being as 66 and helpless?”

God said, “From the many angels, I have chosen 67 for you. She will be waiting for you and will take care of you. Your angel will sing for you and smile at you every day.”


2014小升初洛阳二外英语真题 一、单项选择。从每小题4个答案中选出一个最佳答案,并将字母标号填入题前括号内。(每小题1分,共计15分)()1. He _____ to his parents. A. not often writes B. isn’t often write C. don’t often write D. doesn’t often write ()2. ---Jill: “Is Sam ready to go out?” . ---Carol: “Yes, he _____ on his coat.” A. put B. is put C. is putting D. puts ()3. They’re old friends. He ___ her for years. They went to the same school. A. knows B. has known C. is knowing D. knew ()4. ---Joe: “Where is Terry? He’s late.”---Bob: “Don’t worry. I expect _____ here soon.” A. he’s B. he’ll C. he’ll be D. he is going ()5. Your idea is _____ mine. A. better than B. as better as C. more good than D. best of ()6. ______ very cloudy today. Let’s hope it doesn’t rain. A. They are B. There are C. It’s D. There is ()7. Sue: “_____ do you see her?”Mark: “Twice a week.” A. How often B. How many C. How long D. How much ()8. Jack remembered to post the letter, _______? A. doesn’t he B. isn’t he C. didn’t Jack remember D. didn’t he ()9. Where are Sam and Joe? I can’t see ______ people in the room. A. a. B. any. C. some. D. much. ()10. Which of these is a sentence? A. Eating lunch B. In the kitchen C. He playing the piano D. The soup is cold. ()11. Which sentence matches the picture? A. The table is in the kitchen. B. I like turkey sandwiches. C. The man is making a big sandwich. D. The old man checks kid’s homework. ()12. Which of the following is a complete (完整的) sentence? A. Smiled every morning when Jeanie gets up. B. Every morning when Jeanie smiling gets up. C. When Jeanie gets up every morning smiling. D. Every morning when Jeanie gets up, she smiles. ()13. ----Is there any chicken left from dinner last night? ---- ____________ A. No, I ate it for lunch. B. I didn’t go out last night. C. No, there is only a little bit left. D. Last night we left the chicken. ()14. Waiter: Would you like to see a menu? __________________ A. I see him eating. B. Yes, please. C. No, I don’t really like it. D. You have lobster here. ()15. Which sentence in the following paragraph should be removed because it is not related? 下面一段话中哪个句子与主题无关? Maria really likes the first day of school. She likes to see friends that she hasn’t seen all summer. A B Thanksgiving is fun because there is always a parade at school before that day. She likes to look C through her new books to see what she will be studying that year. D 二、划分音节。(每小题1分,共计5分)判断下列单词所含的音节数,并将答案填在答题卡相应位置。 Example: animal 3 1. zebra ________ 2. lion _______ 3. walrus _______ 4. alligator _______ 5. butterfly ________ 三、选词填空。请从方框中选出适当的词语充当下列各句的主语。其中有两个词语是多余的。请将答案写在答题卡 1 ______________ looked for nectar in the flower. 2 ______________ has lots of clothes in it. 一


2016年小升初数学试卷 一、细心读题、认真填空.(25分) 1.(2分)我国香港特别行政区的总面积是十亿九千二百万平方米,写 作平方米,改写成用“万”作单位的数是万平方米. 2.(5分):16=9: =0.75= = %= 折. 3.(3分)6 时= 时分 0.54公顷= 平方米. 4.(3分)5.4千克= 千克克 45毫升= 升. 5.(1分)在3.1 、3.14 、3.142和π中,从小到大排在第三个的数是. 6.(1分)王老师月工资1400元,超过800元部分需缴5%的个人所得税,王老师缴税元. 7.(2分)去年,全国参加高考人数是528万,今年达到613万,比去年增加 %.今年录取率为70%,将有万考生进入高校学习.

8.(1分)六(4)班男生人数是女生人数的 ,女生人数占全班人数的 %. 9.(1分)李刚家要栽种一批树苗,这种树苗的成活率一般为75%﹣80%,如果要栽活1200棵树苗,那么至少应栽棵. 10.(2分)4x=y,x和y成比例.4÷x=y,x和y成比例. 11.(1分)等底等高的圆柱和圆锥,它们的体积相差50立方分米,它们的体积和是立方分米. 12.(1分)把一个底面半径4厘米、高10厘米的圆柱体,切拼成一个近似的长方体,表面积比原来增加了平方厘米. 13.(2分)把一根6米长的绳子剪成同样长的5段,每段是全长的 ,每段的长是 米. 二、判断题.5分 14.(1分)如果甲比乙多 ,那么乙比甲少 .(判断对错)

15.(1分)甲班人数的 和乙班人数的35%同样多.(判断对错) 16.(1分)二月份不可能有5个星期日.(判断对错) 17.(1分)圆柱的体积是圆锥体积的3倍..(判断对错) 18.(1分)用故事书中任意一页的两个页码数做分子、分母,这个分数一定是最简分数.(判断对错) 三、辨一辨,不粗心,选择出正确答案.(5分) 19.(1分)下列轴对称图形中,只有两条对称轴的图形是() A.等边三角形 B.正方形 C.长方形 D.圆 20.(1分)一根绳子剪去 米,还剩下这根绳子的 ,剪去的和剩下的哪一段长.() A.剪去的长 B.剩下的长 C.两段一样长 D.无法比较 21.(1分)一件衣服,先降价10%,之后又降价10%,两次降价后比原来降低了() A.10% B.20% C.19% D.18% 22.(1分)下面的叙述中,没有错误的是()


2016年洛阳小升初二外真题卷 I. 基础试题(共40分,每小题1分) ( )1. I ___. I didn’t hear you come in.A. was sleeping B. slept C. sleeped ( )2. ____ Chinese is a difficult language to learn. A. / B. The C. A ( )3. --- _____ the dog please, will you? --- OK, I will walk him after I finish this TV show. A. Walks B. Walking C. Walk ( )4. I have to go to bed early tonight because my train ___ at 6 am tomorrow morning. A. leaves B. is leaving C. leave ( )5. You _____ her, did you? A. didn’t tell B. haven’t told C. tell ( )6. The cookies are ____ by some birds. A. eat B. ate C. eaten ( )7. It looks like it _____ rain. A. should B. might C. must ( )8. He is six feet ______. A. high B. tall C. big ( )9. When you cross the road, you have to be more ______. A. care B. careful C. carefully ( )10. Steve helps put out fires. He is a ______. A. fireworker B. fireman C. superman ( )11. I jog in the park every day. The underlined word “jog” means ___. A. run B. jump C. walk ( )12. Wow, you dance very well. Where did you learn to ____ like that? A. make B. do C. move ( )13. A _____ is used to remove dust around the house. A. dustbin B. duster C. dusty ( )14. The son of my father’s sister is my _____. A. cousin B. brother C. nephew ( )15. Yoko and Yoke are from Japan. They are _____


2016年洛阳市第二外国语学校小升初试卷 Name:_____________________ Marks:____________________ 本试题满分150分,考试时间150分钟。考生务必填写清楚班级、姓名、学号。将答案填写在相应位置上,考试结束后上交。 I. 基础试题(共40分,每小题1分) ( )1. I ___. I didn’t he ar you come in. A. was sleeping B. slept C. sleeped ( )2. ____ Chinese is a difficult language to learn. A. / B. The C. A ( )3. --- _____ the dog please, will you? --- OK, I will walk him after I finish this TV show. A. Walks B. Walking C. Walk ( )4. I have to go to bed early tonight because my train ___ at 6 am tomorrow morning. A. leaves B. is leaving C. leave ( )5. You _____ her, did you? A. didn’t tell B. haven’t told C. tell ( )6. The cookies are ____ by some birds. A. eat B. ate C. eaten ( )7. It looks like it _____ rain. A. should B. might C. must ( )8. He is six feet ______. A. high B. tall C. big ( )9. When you cross the road, you have to be more ______. A. care B. careful C. carefully ( )10. Steve helps put out fires. He is a ______. A. fireworker B. fireman C. superman ( )11. I jog in the park every day. The underlined word “jog” means ___. A. run B. jump C. walk ( )12. Wow, you dance very well. Where did you learn to ____ like that? A. make B. do C. move


2016小升初语文试卷(附答案) 时间:60分钟满分:100分 一、读拼音,写汉字(每空0.5分,共4分) zhì:()手可热两军对()孤注一()闲情逸() hé:()泽而渔()东狮吼 chóu:壮志难()一()莫展 二、按要求在句子中填上合适的词语(每空1分,共7分) 1、这两个人总是一起做坏事,真是呀!(与“动物”有关的成语) 2、是他让我做成了这个艺术品,又是他打碎了这个艺术品,真是,呀。(写出有关历史人物的成语) 3、虽然路上有许多(),但谁也别想()我们前进的脚步,我们是不会受到一点()就放弃的。(用“阻”字组成的词语填空,不得重复) 4、()考试不难,()方法和规范很重要,()我们要认真审题,注意分点,让自己和知识变成得分。(填关联词) 三、按要求写句子(共9分) 1、老师提醒同学们在考场上一定要认真审题,用心答题。 把转述句改成直接叙述的句子:(2分) 。 2、妈妈很忙,没有功夫去看电影。 改为双重否定句:(2分) 。 3、赵州桥高超的技术水平和不休的艺术价值,充分显示了我国劳动人民的智慧和力量。 缩写句子:(2分) 。 4、按例句的写法特点,仿写句子。(3分) 太阳无语,却放射出光辉; 大地无语,却展示出广博。 ____________________________;___________________________。 四、积累与运用:按要求把答案写在横线上(12分) (1)请用简洁的语文概述《丑小鸭》的故事,并写下你阅读这一童话后的一点感悟。(4分)作品简介: _________________________________________________________ 感悟:


2015洛阳二外小升初英语试卷 I. 基础试题(共45分,每小题1分) (1—7小题)找出每组单词中含有与给出单词相同元音的选项,并将字母标号填入答题卡相应位置 例:like A. high B. dig C. city 答案为:A 1. up A. blue B. mather C. basket 2. warm A. short B. farm C. half 3. town A. snow B. tow C. mouth 4. bear A. ear B. hair C. deer 5. rain A. ran B. they C. have 6. sea A. be B. bread C. have 7. drawn A. dream B. caugh C. late (8—10小题)找出每组中首字母应该大写的选项,并将字母标号填入答题卡相应位置 8. A. divide B. boy C. child 9. A. new york B. state C. city 10. A. computer B. Microsoft C. keyboand (11—13小题)找出每组中含有完整句子的选项,并将字母标号填入答题卡相应位置 11. A. Happy Day. B. Get up ! C. The boy with a ball in his hand. 12. A. If you are here. B. Will be a party. C. What a nice day it is ! 13. A. Here comes a bus. B. John talks about. C. My grandma very kind.(14—30小题)选出最适合填入横线处的选项,并将字母标号填入答题卡相应位置 14. He to his teacher now. A. speaks B. is speaking C. speak 15. My dog always with me on the beach. A. run B. is running C. runs 16. We to learn English last month. A. began B. begin C. begins 17. I’m going to trees in the garden. A. will plant B. plant C. planting 18. Do you like French fries?No , I . A. don’t like B. am not C. don’t 19. I wonder how many children going on the school field trip this month. A. are B. have C. is


英语试卷 I. 基础试题(共45分,每小题1分) (1-7小题)找出每题中含有与划线单词相同元音的选项,并将字母标号填入答题卡相应位置。 例:like A. high B. dig C. city 答案为:A ()1. up A. blue B. mother C. basket ()2. warm A. short B. farm C. half ()3. town A. snow B. tow C. mouth ()4. bear A. ear B. hair C. deer ()5. rain A. ran B. they C. have ()6. sea A. be B. bread C. have ()7. drawn A. dream B. caugh C. late (8-10小题)请找出每组中首字母应该大写的选项,并将字母标号填入答题卡相应位置。 ()8. A. david B. boy C. child ()9. A. new york B. state C. city ()10. A. computer B. microsoft C. keyboard (11-13小题)请找出每组中含有完整句子的选项,并将字母标号填入答题卡相应位置。 ()11. A. Happy Day. B. Get up! C. The boy with a ball in his hand. ()12. A. If you are here. B. Will be a party. C. What a nice day it is! ()13. A. Here comes a bus. B. John talks about. C. My grandma very kind. (14-30小题)请选出最合适填入横线处的选项,并将字母标号填入答题卡相应位置。 ()14. He _____ to his teacher now. A. speak B. is speaking C. speak ()15. My dog always ______ with me on the beach. A. run B. is running C. runs ()16. We _____ to learn English last month. A. began B. begin C. begins ()17. I’m going to _____ trees in the garden. A. will plant B. plant C. planting ()18. --- Do you like French Fries? ---No, I __________. A. don’t like B. am not C. don’t ()19. I wonder how many children ________going on the school field trip this month. A. are B. have C. is ()20. Every morning I go to school _______ car. A. for B. by C. in ()21. Mr. Bai built a house by __________. A. him B. herself C. himself ()22. ___ a bottle of soda on the teacher’s desk. A. There have B. There are C. There is ()23. This film is ________ than the last one. A. best B. good C. better ()24. Is there _______fruit in the cupboard? A. lot B. any C. some ()25. Amanda can ________all night long! A. dancing B. to dance C. dance ()26. It’s the telephone box _________ the market. A. in front of B. in front C. on the front ()27. I ___ go to the seaside at the weekend. A. very like B. often C. like much ()28. The doughnuts are really delicious, ______? A. don’t they B. are they C. aren’t they ()29. Please _________ the salt. A. pass me B. pass to me C. passing me ()30. My mom is ______English teacher. She reads English for ____ hour every day. A. a, an B. an, an C. an, a (31-35小题)请找出每小题中不正确的选项,并将字母标号填入答题卡相应位置。 ()31. How are you doing? A. Very well, thank you. B. I feel great! C. It’s fine today. ()32. Sorry! I took your umbrella by mistake. A. Oh, you need to be careful next time. B. Tha t’s OK. C. Never mind. This happens. ()33. Hi, John! I’d like you to meet my friend, Jack. A. Hi, Jack! How do you do? B. Nice to meet you, Jack! C. What’s his name? ()34. Can you help me carry this bag? It’s too heavy! A. No problem! B. No, I can’t C. I’m so sorry, but I am really busy right now. Can you wait a minute? ()35. It’s a nice day, isn’t it? A. Of course it is. Everybody can see that. Why do you even ask?


2016年育才中学小升初语文测试卷(含答案) 成绩 一、积累与运用(40分,每题4分) 1.给加点字注音,根据拼音写汉字。 A 腼腆.() B 茅塞.顿开() C 屠yōuyōu() D 两全qí()美 2.对下面这幅书法作品的欣赏,不恰当的是哪一项?……………………………………………() A 轻重顿挫,笔力雄健。 B 四字姿态优美,收放有度。 C 气韵贯通,展现书者胸襟。 D 采用楷书书体,端庄方正。 3.下列四组词语中加点字的意思不相同的是哪一项?……………………………………………() A 喜不自胜.——引人入胜. B 鲜.为人知——后鲜.有闻 C 精益.求精——香远益.清 D 奔走.相告——快走.踏清秋 4.下列各句中加点词语使用正确的是哪一项?……………………………………………………() A金秋的校园,桂花飘香,菊花怒放,空气中充斥 ..着一股芬芳而又醉人的味道。 B 期末考试前夕,老师喋喋不休 ....地嘱咐我们一定要认真仔细、反复检查。 C如果青少年对影视明星顶礼膜拜 ....,不能持有理性的态度,就会影响到正常的学习和生活。 D读书读到会心处,我们常常会忍俊不禁 ....地感慨:“太妙了!这正是我想说而说不出来的话啊!” 5.下列句子中没有语病的是哪一句?………………………………………………………………() A 培养学生的思维能力,是衡量一节课是否成功的重要标准。 B “体育”活动有助于培养学生的身体素质,要大力提倡。 C 烟雨中的西湖,恰如一幅淡雅而隽永的水墨画,展现出她别样的风姿。 D 2014年,启用24小时微型自助图书馆,能够接待并满足市民随时随地的阅读需求。6.下面哪一项与“山回路转不见君,雪上空留马行处”一句在表达情感与写法上最为接近?() A 海存知己,天涯若比邻。


洛阳二外小升初试题 一、在下列每组单词画线部分发音中,有一个发音与其他三个不同,请选出不同的那个并将字母 标号填入题前括号内。(每小题0.5分,共计2.5分) ()1.A.think B.thank C.these D.three ()2.A.good B.food C.too D.room ()3.A.bread B.head C.heavyD.clean ()4.A.English B.shine C.young D.singer ()5.A.excise B.whose C.horse D.those 二、单项选择。下列每小题有四个答案,请选出最佳答案并将字母标号填入题前括号内。(每小题 () C.an,the,a D.an,a,the () 7.Twowomenaredoingshopping.Onespends$10morethantheother,andtheyspend$40 alltogether.Howmuchdoeseachofthemspend?A.$25and$50 B.$50and$15 C.$15and$25 D.$45and$25 ()8.Inwhichmonthdopeoplespeakleast? A.January B.Febuary C.March D.Apirl ()9.Thereare49birdsandhares.Abirdhastwolegsandaharehasfour. Nowthereare100legsinall.Howmanybirdsandhowmanyhares?

A.35birdsand12hares B.43birdsand3hares C.51birdsand4hares D.46birdsand2hares ()10.There_______aTVsetandfoursofasinthesittingroom? A.be B.are C.is D.being 三、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。(每小题0.5分,共计2.5分) 1.Bothofthemcanspeakverygood___________.(Japan) 2.Mostoftheboyslike___________(swim)insummer. 3.Theyarefromthreedifferent___________.(country) 五、5分) Thereisaverythindoginthestreet,too.Theboysaystoit,“Comehere,gooddog.Iamgoingtogiv eyousomebread.”Thedogisveryhungryandgoestotheboy.Buttheboydoesn’tgiveitanybread.He kicks(踢)thedog.Itrunsaway,andtheboylaughs. ThenMr.Whitecomesoutofhishomeandsaystotheboy,“Iamgoingtogiveonedollar.” Theboyishappyandsays,“Yes.” “Comehere,”Mr.Whitesays.Theboygoestohim,butMr.Whitedoesn’tgivehimanydollars.Heh itshimwithastick(棍子). Theboycriesandsays,“Whydoyouhitme”Idon’taskyouforanymoney.” “No,”Mr.Whitesays.“Andthedogdoesn’taskyouforanybread,butyoukickit.” ()1.Theboylikesplayingwithdogs.


2016年东华小升初入学试卷 (本试卷满分为100分考试时间40分钟) 一、语音测试:选出下列每组词中划线部分发音不相同的那一个词(5分)()1、A、bird B、worker C、doctor D、sister ()2、A、near B、pear C、year D、dear ()3、A、food B、cook C、room D、school ()4、A、who B、where C、what D、when ()5、A、seat B、read C、bread D、meat 二、选出能替换划线部分的选项,保持句意不变。(5分) ()1、Jack is a top student.He learns every subject well. A、bad B、best C、tall ()2、——Thank you very much.——You are welcome! A、No thank. B、It doesn’t matter. C、That’s all right ()3、Is this pen broken?No,it’s OK. A、right B、nice C、all right ()4、It is seven thirty now,let’s hurry to school. A、seven past thirty B、half past eight C、half past seven ()5、There are some shops near the bank. A、a few B、any C、a little 三、情景匹配,从下面方框中的答语中找出适合上述问题的答应。(5分)()1、How do you usually come to school? ()2、What’s the weather like today? ()3、What day is it today? ()4、What’s the matter with you? ()5、Where is my English book?


小升初数学模拟试卷附参考答案 一、填空:(2.5×12=30) 1、34768.5万四舍五入到亿位记作__________. 2、两个连续自然数的和乘以它们的差,积是99,这两个自然数中较大的数是__________. 3、24可以分为几对不同质数的和,这几对质数是__________. 4、一个两位数,个位上和十位上数字都是合数,并且是互质数,这个数最大是__________. 5、在中用阴影部分表示。 6、有甲乙两家商店:如果甲店的利润增加20%,乙店的利润减少20%,那么两店的利润相等。原来甲店利润是乙店利润的__________%。 7、小华今年1月1日把积蓄下来的零用钱50元存入银行,定期一年,准备到期后把利息和本金一起捐给希望工程,支援贫困山区的儿童。如果年利率按2.25%计算,利息税按20%计算,到明年1月1日小华可以捐赠给希望工程 __________元。 8、有一个圆半径是60厘米,在它的一条直径上排满了10个大小不等、相邻两圆都相切的圆,我们不知道这十个圆的直径分别是多少,它们周长的和是 __________厘米。 9、把表面积是8平方米的正方体切成体积相等的8个小正方体,每个小正方体的表面积是__________. 10、半个圆柱的底面周长是10.28厘米,高6厘米,它的体积是__________立方厘米。 11、2014年世界杯足球赛中每胜一场得3分,平一场得1分,负一场得0分,下面是一个小组赛得分情况,请你将空白处填出来。

12、密封的瓶中,如果放进一个细菌,60秒钟后充满了细菌,已知每个细菌每秒分裂成2个,两秒钟分裂成4个,如果开始放8个细菌。要使瓶中充满细菌最少需要______秒。 二、判断:(1×4=4) 1、已知自然数a只有两个约数,那么5a最多有3个约数。() 2、张师傅加工了103个零件,有3个不合格,合格率是100% 。() 3、 1996年是闰年,奥运会在美国举行,因此每4年一次的奥运会都将在闰年举行。() 4、根据比例的基本性质, x∶y = 5∶1可以改写成.() 三、选择:(1.5×4=6) 1、100以内,能同时被3和5整除的最大奇数是() A.75 B.85 C.90 D.95 2、有两根同样长的钢管,第一根用去米,第二根用去,比较两根钢管剩下的长度() A.第一根长B.第二根长 C.两根一样长D.不能确定 3、下列说法正确的是() A.1条射线长12厘米 B.角的大小与边的长短有关系 C.等腰三角形一定是锐角三角形 D.圆的周长和它的直径成正比例 4、一个高30厘米的圆锥容器,盛满水倒入和它等底等高的圆柱体容器内,容器口到水面距离是()


英语试卷 一、在下列每组单词画线部分发音中,有一个发 音与其他三个不同,请选出不同的那个并将字母标号 填入题前括号内。(每小题0.5分,共计2.5分)()1. A. think B. thank C. these D. three ()2. A. good B. food C. too D. room ()3. A. bread B. head C. heavy D. clean ()4. A. English B. shine C. young D. singer ()5. A. excise B. whose C. horse D. those 二、单项选择。下列每小题有四个答案,请选出 最佳答案并将字母标号填入题前括号内。(每小题0.5 分,共计5分) ( b )1. Where are _______? A. the teachers’ rooms B. the teacher’s room C. the room of the teachers D. the teachers’s room ( c )2.——Are these your rulers? ——No, _______aren’t. _______ are there. A. they, Their B. their, Us C. they, Ours D. them, Our ( B )3.——Is she your mother or teacher? ——_______. A. Yes, she is B. My teacher C. Yes, she is my mother D. No, she isn’t ( A )4.——Is Lily a girl’s name? ——Yes,_______. ——Thank you. ——_______. A.all right, That’s all right B.all right, That’s right C.that’s all right, All right D.that’s right, That’s all right ( A )5. _______ is the blouse? _______knows?


洛阳市二外2011 招生试卷 一、写出下列单词划线部分读音。 1、school ( ) 2、talked ( ) 3、apples( ) 4、shirt( ) 5 、sharp( ) 二、拼读音标,填入正确的单词。 1、China is a great [ 'k?ntri ]. 2、He can speak both English and [t?ai'ni:z]. 3、 [ 'evriw?n ] in his class enjoys listening to music . 4、Jack is going to buy some beautiful [kl?uez] and shoes for his birthday . 5、Can you still [ri'memb?] the happy days we had together ? 三、每组单词的划线部分有几种发音,分别用A(一种)、B(两种)、C(三种) 、D(四种 )表示。( )1、son over got stop ( )2、short English shirt fish ( )3、with mouth think there ( )4、football good food book ( )5、friend piece tie science ( )6、forty morning short before ( )7、blow down know flower ( )8、ask orange catch match ( )9、tea really head breakfast ( )10. still sure usually blouse 四、按要求转换词类 1、much 比较级 2、nine序数词 3、teach 过去式 4、police复数 5、swim现在分词 6、give 反义词 7、rain形容词 8、cross介词 五、选择正确答案并将字母填入题前括号内。 ( )1、— do you have a PE lesson ?


2017 年小升初英语(二外卷)试题 考试时间:100 分钟总分:150 分 Ⅰ.找出下列每组中与其他三个不同类的单词。(10 分) 1. A. three B. six C. second D. fifteen 2. A. tomato B. melon C. mango D. lemon 3. A. mouse B. bug C. lion D. bunny 4. A. truck B. boat C. bus D. van 5. A. Monday B. July C. August D. March 6. A. gold B. brown C. orange D. big 7. A. stone B. rock C. rug D. pebble 8. A. funny B. happy C. sad D. mad 9. A. jog B. tennis C. hike D. swim 10. A. sister B. brother C. cousin D. sibling Ⅱ. 请从A、B、C、D、E 五幅图片中找出与所给单词读音押韵的选项。( 5分) 11.tell 12.fall 13.tear 14.duck 15.funny A B C D E _______ ________ ________ ________ _______ Ⅲ. 请从方框中为下列问题选择最合适的回答。(5分) 16.What should you say when you get a gift A. Are you OK from someone? 17.Letting someone use something you are B. Sorry using is called“______.” 18.What do you say when you ask for C. Thank you!something? ______ 19.If someone is having a bad day and you D. Please! see them upset, you ask “______?” 20.If you make someone else upset or sad, you say “______!” E. Sharing. Ⅳ.请选出最合适的选项。(10 分) 21. I ran ____ to the bus stop. A. slow B. fastly C. quickly D. hurry 22. There is a ____ painting on the wall. A. nicely B. beautiful C. interested D.my 23. The air was____ , so I put on a long-sleeved shirt. A. cool B. cold C. freezing D. clean

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