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八年级一般将来时讲解10 月30 号


1. 概念:表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态及打算、计划或准备做某事。

2. 时间状语tomorrow, next day(week, month, year), soon,in a few minutes, the day after tomorrow, from now on(从现在开始),

in the future(将来),soon, in 2015, in two days(两天之后)


3. 基本结构:

①主语+am/is/are +going to + do+ 其他;

I ' m going to buy a new computer this weekend.

We are going to have a meeting today. 今天我们准备开一个会。

②主语+will/shall + do+ 其他

The radio says it will be cloudy tomorrow. 收音机报道明天多云。Tomorrow will be Sunday. 明天就是星期天。

4. 否定形式:①主语+am/is/are not going to do ;

②主语+will/shall not do+ 其他

5. 一般疑问句:①be放于句首;②will/shall 提到句首

be或will提到句首,some改为any, and改为or,第一二人称互换。

二、讲解一般将来时的 2 种结构

① be going to

肯定句:主语+be going to+ 动词原形+其他

I 'm going to visit the Summer Palace next week.

否定句:主语+be+not+going to+ 动词原形+其他

I 'm not going to visit the Summer Palace next week.

一般疑问句:Be+主语+goi ng to+动词原形+其他?

Are you going to visit the Summer palace next week?

特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+be+主语+go in g+to+动词原形+其他?Where are you going to visit next week?


My brother is going to learn English next year. 我哥哥准备明年学英语。

I am going to meet Tom at the station at six. 我六点钟要到火车站去接汤姆。


Look at these black clouds ——it is going to rain. 看这些乌云——要下雨了。

I 'm afraid I 'm going to have a bad cold. 恐怕我要得重感冒了。

② shall/ will+ 动词原形。

肯定句:主语+will/shall+ 动词原形+其它

I (shall) write to him next week. 下周我将给他写信。

否定句:主语+ will /shall+ not + 动词原形+ 其它

They won ' t watch TV this evening 。今天晚上他们不看电视。

一般疑问句:will/shall+ 主语+ 动词原形+其它

Will you stay at home with us tomorrow ?明天你和我们呆在家里好吗?

特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词(Wh-) + 一般疑问句

When will your father be back? 你爸爸什么时侯回来?

在书面语中,第一人称常用shall, 但在口语中,所有人称都可用will. will常简略为'll ,并与主语连写在一起,女如: I'll , he'll , it'll : we'll ,you'll ,they'll 。

一般疑问句如用will you , ?其简略答语须是Yes,I will 或No,I won't ;如用Shall I , ?(较少见)其简略答语须是Yes ,I shall .或No,I shall not .

1.will/ shall 均可表示单纯的将来。如:The radio says it will

be cloudy tomorrow. 收音机报道明天多云。

2. 表示预料中将要发生的动作或情况。女口:丫ou' feel better after having this medicine. 吃了这药,你就会感到好些的。

3. will 表示人的主观意愿,它带有浓厚的感情色彩。如:Comeearlier tomorrow, or I won 't let you in. 明天早点儿来,否则我不让你进来。

4. 在问对方是否愿意或表示客气的邀请或命令时,常用will 。如:Will you go to see a film with us? 你愿意和我们一起去看电影吗?

5. shall 表示建议或征求对方的意见。如:Shall we go at eight? 我们八点去好吗?

6. 表示不以人们的意志为转移的规律。如:Heis fourteen this year, and he will be fifteen next year. 他今年十四岁,明年十五岁。

PS :will 与be going to 的分别

be going to 与will 的区别