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Vol .45,No .9Sep .,2009







(1.浙江林学院环境科技学院 临安311300;2.南伊利诺伊大学地理和环境资源系 卡本代尔 IL 62901USA ;

3.浙江省林业调查规划院 杭州310020)

摘 要: 基于1994,1999和2004年浙江省森林资源连续清查数据,采用基于生物量与蓄积之间关系的生物量换算因子连续函数法,对浙江省森林生物量和生产力进行估计。结果表明:全省3期森林生物量分别为1.496亿,1.615亿和2.244亿t 。林分平均单位面积生产力在1994—1999年间为1.557t ·hm -2a -1,在1999—2004年间为2.060t ·h m -2a -1;浙江省森林资源总量不断增加,但林分质量仍然较低,林分单位面积生物量和生产力都远低于全国平均水平;换算因子连续函数法适合于大尺度森林生物量和生产力估算,但在总体单位蓄积很低的情况下可能导致森林生物量被高估。

关键词: 森林资源连续清查;生物量;生产力;蓄积量;生物量换算因子连续函数;浙江省中图分类号:S718.55+6;S757.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-7488(2009)09-0013-05



Estimation of Forest Biomass and Net Primary Production for

Zhejiang Province Based on Continuous Forest Resources Inventory

Zhang Maozhen 1 Wang Guangxing 2 Liu Anxing 3

(1.Scho o l o f En vi ro n me ntal Sci enc es &Tech no lo gies ,Zhe jian g Fo r est ry Un iver s ity Lin an 311300;2.Dep ar tment of Ge og ra p hy an d En viro n mental Res o u rc es ,Sou the rn Illi no is Uni ver sit y Ca r bo n dal e IL 62901,USA ;3.Zh ejia ng Ins titute o f For es tr y In ven to ry a nd Pla nni ng Han g zho u 310020)

Abstract : Based on data from the continuous forest inventories (CFI )in 1994,1999and 2004,the forest biomass and the net primary pr oduction (NPP )of Zhejiang Province was estimated with the var iable biomass expansion factor function (variable BEFF )method that is derived fr om the relationship between biomass and volume .The r esults showed that the total forest bio mass of Zhejiang Provinc e was 1.496×108,1.615×108,and 2.244×108t in 1994,1999and 2004,r espectively .The average NPP of forest stands was 1.557and 2.060t ·hm -2a -1fro m 1994to 1999and from 1999to 2004,respectively .The provincial forest resources was thus characterized with increasing total forest biomass and relatively lo w quality .The biomass and the NPP of forest stands per hectar e wer e much lo wer than that of the nationwide avera ges .The r esults also demonstrated that the variable BEFF method is applicable for estimating forest bio mass and NPP at regional level ,but ma y lead to over estimation of for est biomass when volume stoc k per hec tare is very low .

Key words : c ontinuous forest inventor y ;biomass ;net pr imar y production ;gro wing stoc k ;variable bio mass expansion factor function (var iable BEF F );Zhejiang Province

对于以省、流域、国家乃至全球为对象的区域森林生物量估计,方法主要有2类:基于森林资源清查数据的估计方法和基于遥感信息技术的估计方法(徐新良等,2006;郭志华等,2002;Hame et al .,1997;Dong et al .,2003;Running et al .,1991;Peterson et al .,1994)。基于森林资源清查数据的方法包括平均生物量法(Br own et al .,1984;1989)、生物量转换因子法(Kauppi et al .,1992;B irdsey et al .,

1993;Brown et al .,1992)和生物量换算因子连续函数法(variable biomass expansion factor function ,variable BEFF )(Fang et al .,2001;方精云等,1996;2002)。目前,这些方法在森林生物量 碳估算及全球碳循环研究中被广泛使用。

大尺度的区域森林生物量的估算方法一直是人们关注的焦点,自20世纪70年代以来很多学者根据国际生物学计划(IBP )时代在全球各地的实测资