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公司信息corporate information

行政管理状况executives and management

前景,企业文化和价值观value, ethics, culture, vision and philosophy

公司治理corporate governance

产品服务范围products and services

企业领导人致辞president’s message








译文:Boasting tremendous technological strength


译文:The pearl king, the latest achievement of NPC, is very well—received by customers at home and abroad


1) “主要经营”. . . . . . 可译成: engage in , handle a large range of business including . . .

2) “奉行/坚持⋯⋯原则; 以⋯⋯宗旨”可译成: hold/abide by the principles of . . . , adhere to the aims of . . . , follow the tenet . . . , based by the motto of the company , with the enterprise spirit of . . .

3) “经⋯⋯批准”可译成: approved , appointed , permitted.

4) “集⋯⋯于一体”可译成: feature , integrate , combine.

5) 企业的性质: “外资企业”可译成: foreign - funded enterprise ,“合资企业”可译成:joint venture ,“合作企业”可译成: cooperative enterprise ,“独资企业”可译成: wholly foreign- owned enterprise.

●获得奖项: “获得金奖”可译成: be awarded the gold prize. “通过ISO9002 质量认证”可

译成: pass/gain/obtain/be granted the Certificate of ISO9002 International Quality System.

●“最受欢迎产品奖”可译成: be awarded most welcome goods.

●“荣誉企业”可译成: honorable enterprise.

●“优质企业”可译成: qualified enterprise.

●“一级企业”可译成: class A enterprise.


例1 : “质量第一, 信誉第一, 服务至上, 平等互利”。

译文: “Quality Primacy , High Reputation ; Service Supermacy , Equality and Mutual Benefit”例2 : “严管理, 高品质, 讲信誉, 重服务”

译文: “Strict Management , Superior Quality , Stressing Reputation and Paying Attention to Ser2 vice”

例3 : “质优高效, 客户满意”

译文: “Well Quality , High Efficiency and Client Satisfaction”

倒4 : “团结、拼搏、务实、创新、奉献”

译文: “Unity , Striving , Hardwork , Creation and Dedication”


其表现之一是有警句, 也有大量的零句, 企业简介常由零句组成, 一个短句接一个短句, 流泻铺排, 形散神聚, 呈典型的流散形句式, 然而英语讲求结构的完整和严密。

在企业简介英译中普遍采用的手段有: (1) 以“with”引导的介词短语; (2) 分词; (3) 从句。

(1) 以“with”引导的介词短语:

例: 彩虹集团公司: 下属20 多家公司, 总资产达8 个亿人民币. . . . . .

译文: There are altogether 20 sub - companies under it with a total asset of 8. 7 billion RMByuan . . . . . .

(2) 现在分词和过去分词

例: 珠海迪蒙贸易有限公司是经珠海市外经委批准成立的具有进出口经营权的法人企业。

译文: Approved by the council of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade of Zhuhai ; ZHUHAIDEMEN TRADIND Co. LTD is a foreign trade enterprises , possessing the state of legal body.

例: 公司环境优美, 设备先进。拥有中国第一条年产三十吨核酸花粉合剂的现代化生产线。译文: . . . . . . the corporation is equipped with advanced facilities , among which is China’s first modern production line ⋯⋯

原文: 招商宾馆是一家外商投资的高级涉外宾馆, 毗邻中国出口商品交易会, 面临风景秀丽的流花湖花园, 距广州火车站仅500 米, 到白云国际机场只需10 分钟的车程, 为商贸旅游人士的理想居庭。

英译: CHINA MERCHANTS HOTEL is a foreign - venture hotel , situated next to Guangzhou Trade Fair , and facing to the beautiful LiuHua Lake. It is 500 meters away from the Guangzhou Rail2way Station and only 50 minutes drive from the Baiyun International Airports. Its location perfectlysuits both businessmen and tourists.


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