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View of completed model Assembly Instructions:Five A4 sheets(No.1 to No.5) *This model was designed for Papercraft and may differ from the original in some respects. *Hint: Trace along the folds with a ruler and an exhausted pen (no ink) to get a sharper, easier fold. Before starting assembly:Writing the number of each section on its back side before cutting out the sections is highly recommended. (* This way, you can be sure which section is which even after cutting out the sections.) Glue parts 8 and 9 to this base.


https://www.doczj.com/doc/0b7788768.html,/c-park/en/ View of completed model Big Ben, England *This model was designed for Papercraft and may differ from the original in some respects. Parts list(pattern):Thirteen A4 sheets(No.1 to No.13)No. of Parts:62 *Build the model by carefully reading the Assembly Instructions, in the parts sheet page order. The world's most famous clock tower, Big Ben is named for Sir Benjamin Hall, the Parliamentary Commissioner of Works at the time of its completion, who was said to be of imposing stature. This clock tower attached to the Palace of Westminster (British parliament) sounds its quarter hour bell every 15 minutes. When a lamp shines at its top, parliament is in session. Front view Rear view


Model : No. 0374/VI/15 There are many version of Baymax paper craft on the internet, this is one of them, a Paper Replika's version. The template was designed to be an easy build model but still preserved the likeness with the real one. It contains only 2 pages. Baymax is a healtcare robot in The Big Hero 6 animated movie. It belongs to Hiro Hamada, the main character in that movie, he is a 14 years old robot-genius kid. Baymax is built by Hiro's older brother Tadashi. I re-activate the protection password in this PDF file. The password is "https://www.doczj.com/doc/0b7788768.html," All for free models Assembly Instructions - click here Petunjuk Perakitan Baymax Papercraft by Julius Perdana - 2015 DISCLAIMER Paper-replika is not affiliated or representation of Disney Animation Studio. Paper-replika is a personal unofficial fan & hobby site. This papercraft is a fan made model. All trademarks mentioned belong to its respective owners - Walt Disney Pictures Visit : https://www.doczj.com/doc/0b7788768.html,/big-hero-6/ DO NOT USE FOR ANY COMMERCIAL PURPOSES, PLEASE USE FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY . Big Hero 6


工欲善其事,必先利其器 1、剪刀:把模型零件剪下来。 2、白乳胶:纸模型纸张的硬度比较高,一般的胶水水分太大,无法粘合。因此只能用纸模型专用白胶,五金店的白乳胶和白胶效果相同。 3、刻刀(笔刀):能够很方便的挖图纸中间的空隙(或者用来划折痕线.用力要轻)。 4、镊子:精密度高的纸模型,零件通常比较小。小镊子不但方便夹起细小的零件,更可避免因为手指沾上的胶水而弄脏纸张。 5、垫板:纸模型的制作过程中,经常要使用刻刀或美工刀进行细微部分的切割加工,切割垫板的使用可以使切割更为平滑顺畅,以求达到最好的切割效果。此外,本品采用高密度材质,划后不留痕迹,亦能起到延长刀头寿命的作用。 6、定画液:成品使用。用后效果:模型颜色亮丽鲜艳保持长久防尘防潮模型更加坚固结实 PS:建议使用各种纸张制作的成品都需要喷定画液,使对纸模型纸张和颜色起到保护性作用。 7、水彩笔:白边的处理最实用我们常见的水彩笔.


补充: 双面切割垫板|A4\A3幅面|台湾九阳|纸模型专业工具A4尺寸:厚3.0MM*宽22*长30CM 单块重量:340克

A3尺寸:厚3.0MM*宽30*长45CM 单块重量:620克 产品说明:切割垫板为PVC材质,品质优良,自我回复力佳,不反光,不会打滑,刀片耐久度特高。专业用切割板,采用一级原料经过7道特殊工艺加工制成,比一般国产切割板寿命长三倍 纸模制作过程 首先将各种模型组件粗略剪开,剪好的组件要在上面写上记号,以免混淆; 直接裁剪:直线要用刻刀才最准确,一条剪线最好一刀切断; 曲线裁剪:不规则的剪线应使用剪刀,另一只手沿曲线转动纸张,这样可避免不小心弄伤手指; 首先用划线笔或没有墨水的圆珠笔配合直尺在折线上划一下,这样就会折的又快又准。 针对有弧度的曲线折,用划线笔或没有墨水的圆珠笔沿弧线画出折痕在行折叠; 需要弯曲的部分造型可先用圆柱形的物体,例如:在铅笔先卷一下,令造型更自然;

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