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I was able to overcome that difficulty.
2.can never/can't……too表示“无论怎样…也不过分”,“越…越好”
e.g.You can't be too careful while crossing the road. 过马路时越小心越好。 You can never do the work too well.这项工作你做的越出色越好。
1. 表示可能性,比can弱, 常用于肯定和否定句中,指现在或将来的可能性。 It may be true. 那可能是真的。 He may not be at home.他可能不在家。
2. 表许可,多用于肯定句和疑问句中,否定句中不常用。 You may stay here. 你可以呆在这儿。 May I ask you a question? (比Can I ask you a question更礼貌)
3. 表示允许。如: Can I come in? You can borrow my dictionary.
4. 表示惊异、怀疑等。如:
How can he be so rude? 他怎么能如此粗鲁?
1. Can 与 be able to
Can 表示习惯能力, be able to表示经过努力而做成了某事。 e.g.I can sing.
4. 表示惊异、怀疑等,在表示这种意义时,could和can可以互换,用could时语气较 婉转。如: He couldn’t be over sixty. 他不可能有六十多岁。
5. 用于虚拟句中。如: If the door were unlocked, the house could be robbed. 如果不锁门,房子就有可能被盗。 If you had worked harder, you could have succeeded. 如果你工作再努力一点的话,你原本是可以成功的。
4. 与well,as well或just as well连用,表示“有道理”“不如”,比may更婉转。 You might as well speak your mind. 你不妨把心里话讲出来。
Can表示能力、可能性、允许等,用于指现在或将来。 1. 表能力。如:
I can speak English. He can lift the huge stone. Can you play the piano?
2. 表可能性。如: He's an hour late, he can have been delayed by rain. What can she mean?
情 态 动 词~
Modal Verb
情态动词主要用以说明说话者对某一行为的态度和观点,包括能力、可能、 命令、要求、许诺、威胁等。 情态动词没有人称和数的变化,其后面要跟动词原形。 英语中的情态动词主要有:can, could, may, might, must, ought to, shall, should, will, would, need, dare等。
3.can't help(doing sth)=can't help but do sth不禁/忍不住做某事
e.g.I can't help wondering what happened to him.我忍不住想他出了什么事 I can't help but often think of my parents.我禁不住经常想到我的父母。
Could本身表示能力或可能性;多用于指过去,也可用于指现在,指现在时通常表示 虚拟或作为can的委婉形式。
1. 表示过去的能力。如: He could speak his native dialect before, but he has forgotten almost all about it now. They said they could swim.
3. 表愿望。如: May you live long! 祝您长寿! May you be happy all your life. 祝您一生幸福。
4. 与well, as well或 just as well 连用,表示“完全有理由”或“还是……的好”,如 :
You may well say so. 你完全可以这样说。 You may as well stay where you are. 你最好就呆在原地。7(may as well,固定
2. 表示可能性,既可以表示过去的可能性,也可以表示现在的可能性(比can弱)如 :
He said he couldn't agree more. 他说他再同意不过了。 Could it be Henry? 可能是亨利吗?
3. 表示许可。如 Could I help you? (比Can I help you?更婉转) He asked if he could smoke in the hall. 他问他可不可以在5 大厅里吸烟。
补充句型: It may well be that …… = probably 表示“可能” It may well be that the train is delayed. 火车很可能延迟了。
1. 表可能。(可能性比may更小) He might never come.
2. 表过去的许可。 Might we ask you a favor? 我们可以请你帮个忙吗?
3. Might have done 表示推测,一般不用于疑问句,表示(过去)可能做了某事。 Mike might have got lost. 迈克可能迷路了。 Might have done 表虚拟语气,指本可以做……(实际未做) You might have considered her feelings. 你本应考虑一下她的感受。