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火灾警报alarm of fire

火灾警报器fire alarm sounder

火灾警报装置fire alarm device

火灾事故fire accident

火灾探测和报警fire detection and alarm

火灾探测器fire detector

火灾探测设备fire detection equipment

火灾危害性fire hazard

火灾危险fire danger/fire peril

火灾危险性fire risk

火灾显示盘fire indicating panel

火灾现场scene of fire


火灾自动报警系统automatic fire alarm system

火灾自动报警系统效用试验operational test for automatic fire alarm system

机器处所的固定低膨胀泡沫灭火系统low-expansion foam fire extinguishing system in machinery space

机器处所的固定高膨胀泡沫灭火系统high-expansion foam fire extinguishing system in machinery space

机械控烟mechanical smoke control

集中火灾报警控制器central fire alarm control unit

假火警false alarm of fire

间接扑火indirect fire suppression

减光型光电感烟火灾探测器obscuration-type photoelectric smoke detector

检烟系统smoke detection system

脚面罩metatarsal guard

截流管嘴shutoff nozzle

紧急出口escape exit

紧急信号emergency signal/urgency signal


警报阀alarm valve


警报信号alarm signal

警报信号器alarm annunciator

警报信号系统alarm system

警笛alarm whistle/police whistle

警铃alarm bell

警惕装置vigilance device

警钟alarm bell

安全地带safety zone

安全度degree of safety

safety margin

安全隔离security isolation

安全工程(学)safety engineering 安全工程师safety engineer

安全工作区area of safe operation 安全管理safety control

安全规程safety procedure

safety rules

安全计划safety program

安全记录safety records

安全检查safety inspection

安全教育(学)safety education 安全距离safe distance

安全科学safety science

安全可靠性safe reliability

安全控制标志safety control mark 安全联锁装置safety interlock

安全帽hard hat

way out

安全区place of safety

safe area

safety zone

安全区域safe region

安全塞safety plug

安全色safety colo(u)r

安全设备safety appliance

safety equipment

安全设施safety device

安全生产safety in production

安全生产率safe productivity

安全寿命safe life

安全索life line

安全条例safety regulations safety rules

安全网safe net

safety net

安全问题safety problem

安全系数assurance factor

coefficient of safety

factor of safety

safety coefficient

safety factor

安全系统protective system

安全系统工程safety system engineering

安全信号safety signal

安全性分析safety analysis

安全性能safety performance

安全性设计security design

安全因数safety factor

安全因素safety factor

安全因子factor of safety

安全预测safe prediction

安全预防措施safety precaution

安全员safety man

安全运转safe operation

安全运转率safe operation rate

rate of safe operation


安全装置safety device

安全状态safe state

安全自毁器safety destructor

氨基干粉amino group powder


保安措施security measures

保安规程safety regulations

保安控制标志safety control mark

保安联锁装置protective interlock


保安器组件protector block

保安装置safety appliance


protective tape

protective jacket

保护装置的保护因数protection factor of protective device 保密锁privacy lock

保密条例security/safety regulation

