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1.work out(1)锻炼;消耗完(精力)(2)演算出、制定出

You can keep fit by working out regularly. 你可以通过有规律的锻炼来保持健康。

It was so difficult a problem that no one could work it out. 这个题目如此难,没有人能算出。They spent a whole night working out the plan. 他们花费一整夜制定出了计划。

2.stay vi. 保持;处于


The supermaket stays open until 10 p.m every day.这家超市每天营业到夜间10点。

Some girls want to stay slim by taking weight-loss pills. 有些女孩想服用减肥药来保持苗条。

3.figure n. 体形;数字v.

The girl has a good figure, which makes others envy her...这女孩身材好, 这使得别人嫉妒她。figure on指望;figure out “计算出;领会”。

We figured on your coming early.我们指望你早点来。

They’ve figured out the best way to solve the problem.他们已有了最佳解决办法。

4.weight n. 重量;体重

What’s the weight of each bag.每袋重多少?

put on weight增肥;lose weight减肥。

v. weigh, “称……的重量”或“(某人/物)重达……”。

The biggest elephant in the world weighs nearly 5 tons. 世界上最大的象重近五吨。

5.ashamed adj. 感到羞愧的,通常在句中作表语

feel ashamed of 对……感到羞愧;be ashamed to do sth对做某事感到羞耻。

shame n. 羞耻(不可数);让人羞耻(可惜)的人或事(可数);



Shame on you! 真丢脸!

He is a shame to his school. 他给学校带来了耻辱。

You should feel ashamed of your shameful thoughts. 你应当对你自己可耻的想法感到羞愧。

6.priceless adj. 无价的,极其珍贵,而不能以价格来衡量

Health is priceless. 健康无价。

value 价值;valueless 毫无价值的。

It is valueless, for it is made of common stones. 它不值钱,因为它由普通大头做成的。

7.recover v. 恢复;重新获得

Word came that he is recovering well 有消息说他康复得很好。

recover from illness从疾病中康复过来;

recover one’s health恢复健康;

recover one’s breath喘过气来。

8.failure n. [U]失败;[C] 失败的人或事

Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母。

He is a success as a teacher, but a failure as actor. 他是一位成功的老师但失败的演员。

end in failure最终失败;

heart failure 心力衰竭。

v. fail,如:fail (in) the exam考试不及格;fail to do sth没能做某事。

Their performances ended in failure. 他们的演出失败了。

He failed to catch the early bus. 他没能赶上早班车。

9.contain vt. 容纳;含有

Don’t eat food containing too much fat or salt. 别吃高脂高盐的食物。

辨析contain 和include

contain 表示容器里“装有……”,或某物质中“含有……(成份)”。

include 表示集合]群体中“包含”个体。常用于“现在分词including+名词或代词”或“名词/代词+过去分词included”中。

Fruit contains a lot of vitamins , including VB and VC.水果中富含维生素,包括维生素B 和维生素C.

10.harmful adj. 有害的

Smoking is harmful to your health吸烟有害健康。

n. harm “损害;伤害”不可数,do harm to 伤害……;

v. harm“伤害”,harm one’s health损害健康;harm one’s image 有损形象。

What he said meant no harm. 他说的并无恶意。

Harm set, harm get. 害人反害己。

11.attractive adj. 有吸引力的

She was such an attractive girl that she became the focus of the party. 她是个魅力女孩,是聚会上人们目光的焦点。

v. attract “吸引”, attract one’s attention引起某人的注意。

n. attraction“吸引力”,a tourist attraction旅游景点。

12.embarrassed adj. 感到尴尬的;难为情的

feel embarrassed about对……感到尴尬

v. embarrass “使……难堪”;embarrassing令人尴尬的。

We’ll not be friends if you embarrass me in public any more.要是你再当众让我出丑,我们就不做朋友了。

13.diet n.食谱;饮食

Regualr exercise combined with balanced diets is the healthy recipe for life. 有规律的锻炼加上平衡的饮食是健康人生的食谱。

go on a diet 节食

She is on a diet in order to lose some weight. 她在节食以便减肥。

辨析diet 和food

