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1.abandon v.抛弃,舍弃,放弃an abandoned child一个被抛弃的孩子

2.ability n.能力;才能disability n.无能,残疾disabled adj.残疾的

able adj.能够;有能力的enable vt.使能够

The loud noises at the construction sites made us unable to fall asleep.

3.absence n.不在,缺席absent a.不在的,缺席的present adj.在场的,出席的

The presence of water made it possible for life to develop.(存在,出席)

4.absolute a.完全,全部,绝对的absolutely adv.完全地,绝对地

5.accept v.接受acceptance n.接受unacceptable adj.

The recommendations from this report are unacceptable to many black people.这份报告中提出的建议让很多黑人无法接受。

6.access n.接近accessible a.易接近的accessibility n.易接近,可达性

Please suggest ways to make your community more accessible for peoplewith disabilities.


7.accident n.事故,意外的事accidental a.意外的accidentally adv.

8.accomplish v.完成accomplishment n.完成,成就

9.accuracy n.准确,精确accurate a.精确的accurately adv.

10.achieve vt.达到,取得achievement n.成就,功绩achievable adj.可达成的

11.act n.&v.行动;表演actor n.男演员actress n.女演员activity n.活动

activist n.活动家,积极分子activate v.激活,使活动interact v.互动

take an active part in积极参与take action to protect our environment

12.adapt v.适应adapt(oneself)to;改编adaptation n.适应性;改编

13.addvt.添加,增加in addition=additionally adv.此外,又additive n.添加剂

14.adjust vt.调整,(使)适应adjustment n.adjustable adj.可调整的

adjust(oneself)to the new surroundings适应新环境

15.admire v.羡慕admirable a.令人羡慕的admiration n.钦佩

16.admit vt.承认,准许(入场/学,入会)admission n.准入,接纳

be admitted to a top university

17.advance v./n.推进,促进;前进advanced adj.先进的,高级的in advance

18.adventure n.冒险;奇遇adventurous adj.爱冒险的;充满危险的adventurer n.冒险家

advertise vt.为……做广告advertisement n.广告

19.apply for the position advertised_in the newspaper

20.advise v.建议advisable adj.明智的,可取的advisor n.顾问

give some advice on how to deal with stress effectively


1.affect vt.影响,感动,侵袭affection n.喜爱,钟爱affectionate a.深情的

2.afford vt.负担得起(…的费用)affordable a.负担的起的affordability n.We can’t afford to miss such a golden opportunity.

3.age n.年龄,时代v.(使)变老at an early age;in the information age

The course is open to children aged12and over.

4.agree v.同意;应允agreement n.同意,一致;协定,协议agreeable a.使人愉快的,惬意的disagree v.不同意disagreement n.分歧,不一致

5.agriculture n.农业,农学agricultural a.农业的

6.allow v.允许,允许…进入allowance n.津贴,零用钱

7.amaze vt.使惊奇,惊叹amazing a.令人惊奇的amazed a.感到惊奇的

to one’s amazement令某人惊奇的是These shoes were amazingly cheap.

8.ambition n.目标,野心,雄心,抱负mothers who are highly ambitious for their children(=who want their children to be successful)望子成龙的母亲

9.amuse vt.(使人)快乐,逗乐amused adj.感到有趣的amusing adj.有趣的,引人发笑的The cats are a constant source of amusement to us.那些猫给我们带来无穷的乐趣。

10.analyse/ze v.分析analysis n.分析,分析结果(pl.复数)analyses

11.anger n.怒,愤怒angry adj.生气的He struck the desk angrily with his fist.

12.announce vt.宣布,宣告announcer n.广播员announcement n.公告,通告

Attention,please.I have an important announcement to make.

13.annoy vt.打扰,打搅,使烦恼annoyance n.恼怒,烦恼The annoying noise coming from the bar downstairs made me very annoyed.

14.anxiety n.担忧,焦虑anxious a.忧虑焦急的anxiously adv.

They are anxiously awaiting the result.

15.apologize vi.道歉,谢罪apology n.道歉apologetic adj.道歉的apologetically adv.

We would like to offer our sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused by the delay.

16.appear vi.出现;显得,好像appearance n.出现,外表,外貌disappear v.消失She had an outward appearance of calm,but deep down she was really worried.她表面上很镇静,内心却十分担忧。

17.apply v.申请;使用;将……投入application n.申请(书),应用,努力applicant n.申请人appliance n.工具,器械Over the next months,he was applied to improving the technique.在接下来的几个月里,他专心致志地改进技术。

18.appoint vt.任命;约定make an appointment with sb与sb有约

19.appreciate v.欣赏;感激;鉴别appreciative a.欣赏的,感激的

I represent my classmates to express our appreciation of all your hard work.我代表我的同学们向你付出的所有努力表示感谢。

20.approve v.赞成,同意,批准,通过approve of sb doing同意sb做;approval n.approvingadj.

赞许的,满意的disapprove v.不同意

I sincerely hope my suggestions will meet with your approval.


1.argue v.争论;论证,争辩argue with sb.about/over sth.与某人争论某事argument n.争论The incident has triggered fresh arguments about possession of the gun.该事件引发了有关枪支拥有的新讨论。

2.arrive vi.到达;达到arrival n.到来,到达on/upon arrival=on/upon arriving

On arriving at the nursing home,we set out to clean the rooms.一到敬老院我们就开始…

3.arrange v.安排,布置arrange for sb.to do sth.安排某人做某事arrangement n.安排

4.asleep a.睡着的,熟睡sleep n./v.睡觉sleepy adj.困倦的,想睡的

5.assist v.援助assistance n.援助assistant n.助手

6.associate v.联想,联系be associated with...association n.协会,社团,联系

7.assume v.假定,假设assumption n.假定,假设It is assumed that…

8.astonish vt.使惊讶to one’s astonishment;astonishingly adv.令人惊讶地

All the people present were astonished at her astonishing success.

9.attract v.吸引,引起attraction n.吸引,爱慕,吸引人的事物/景点attractive a.迷人的,有吸引力some fascinating tourist attractions旅游景点

10.automatic a.自动的,机械的automatically adv.自动地、机械地

11.avoid v.避免,躲开,逃避avoidance n.避免,回避unavoidable adj.无法回避的,不可避免的

12.aware a.知道的,意识到的,发觉be aware of意识到unaware a.没发觉的awareness n.意识raise one’s awareness of the importance of garbage classification提高人们对垃圾分类重要性的认识

13.balance n.平衡balanced adj.平衡的a balanced diet_unbalanced_adj.不平衡的

14.base cn.根据地vt.基于;以……作根据base…on…;basic adj.基本的

basically adv.基本上;从根本上说basis n.基础;根据on a regular basis定期地; basement n.地下室

15.bath n.洗澡;浴室;澡盆bathe vi.洗澡;游泳be bathed in the warm sunshine

16.bear v.承受,负担,承担;忍受;容忍unbearable adj.无法忍受的

17.beauty n.美;美人beautiful adj.美丽的;漂亮的beautify v.美化

18.behave v.守规矩,行为behave oneself表现好点behavior n.行为,举止

19.belief n.信条,信念v.beliefs(复数)believe v.相信unbelievable adj.不可置信的

20.belong vi.属,附属belong to属于belongings n.所有物,归属It is that feeling of belonging,of love and security that comes from helping and sharing它是一种归属感,一种爱和安全的感觉。这些感觉来自于互相帮助和同甘共苦。


1.benefit n./v.优势,益处,使…受益benefit from从……受益

beneficial a.有利的,有帮助的,有用的be beneficial to=be of benefit to对……有好处

2.blood n.血,血液bleed vi.出血,流血stop the bleeding止血

3.blind a.瞎的,盲目的v.使看不见,使失去判断力blindness n.失明blindly adv.Without adequate information,many students choose a college almost blindly.


4.bore vt.使厌烦bored adj.感到厌烦的get bored with;boring adj.乏味的,无聊的boredom n.

无聊a game to relieve the boredom of a long journey长途旅行中解闷的一个游戏

5.brave a.勇敢的v.勇敢地面对bravery n.勇气More than100people braved the weather and attended the rally.有一百多人不顾天气恶劣参加了集会。

6.breath n.气息;呼吸breathe vi.呼吸breathless a.气喘吁吁的,上气不接下气的The view from my bedroom window was absolutely breathtakin g_(adj.令人窒息的)

7.bury vt.埋葬burial n.埋葬,葬礼be buried in his work埋头工作bury your face/head in your hands双手掩面/抱头

8.calm a.镇静,沉着的v.镇静沉着calmness n.冷静,平静calmly adv.冷静地

9.care n.u.照料,保护v.介意,关心careful adj.小心的,仔细的carefully adv.careless a.粗心的,漫不经心的carelessness n.粗心

10.casual adj.casually adv.随意地

11.caution n.谨慎,小心,警告with caution小心地cautious a.小心的,谨慎的

12.celebrate v.庆祝celebration n.庆祝;庆祝会

13.certain a.确定的c ertainty n.必然,确实的事情uncertain a.不确定的

14.challenge n./v.挑战(性)challenging a.具有挑战性的

15.change n.零钱;找头;变化v.改变,变化;更换;兑换unchangeable adj.不可变的

remain unchanged保持不变

16.cheer n.&v.欢呼;喝彩cheer up振作起来cheerful adj.令人愉快的;兴高采烈的

17.choice n.选择;抉择have no choice but to do..别无选择做某事choose–chose-chosen vt.选择be successful in his own chosen field

18.classify v.分类,归类classification n.分类classified a.机密的,分类的

19.collect vt.收集,搜集collection n.收藏品,收集物collector n.收藏家

https://www.doczj.com/doc/092549982.html,bine v.使联合combination n.联合

Regular exercise,combined with a balanced diet contributes to our health.

Keeping fit requires a combination of healthy eating and regular exercise.


https://www.doczj.com/doc/092549982.html,fort n.&v.安慰;舒适discomfort n.不舒适,不安comfortable adj.舒适的,安逸的

c omfortably adv.舒服地uncomfortable adj.不舒适的

https://www.doczj.com/doc/092549982.html,mit v.犯(罪,错),自杀commitment n.承诺,允诺,承担

https://www.doczj.com/doc/092549982.html,pare vt.比较,对照compared to/with adults comparison n.比较in comparison to

https://www.doczj.com/doc/092549982.html,pete vi.比赛,竞赛competence n.能力,胜任,管辖权competent adj.有能力的competition n.比赛,竞赛competitor n.竞赛者,比赛者competitive adj.竞争的;比赛的

https://www.doczj.com/doc/092549982.html,plain v.抱怨complaint n.怨言,投诉

https://www.doczj.com/doc/092549982.html,plex a./n.复杂的complexity n.复杂

7.concentrate v.集中;聚集concentrate on集中注意力于concentration n.集中;专心

8.concern v./n.涉及,关心concerned adj.有关的,关心的concerning prep.关于,涉及

9.conclude vt.完成,结束;断定conclusion n.结束,结论draw/make a conclusion下结论in conclusion总之

10.condition n.unconditional adj.无条件的

11.confident a.自信的confidence n.信心confident ly adv.unconfident_adj.不自信的


12.confuse vt.使困惑;混乱confusion n.混乱confused adj.混乱的,困惑的confusing adj.令人困惑的

13.constant adj.经常地;不断地constantly adv.连续不断地

14.conserve v.保存,保藏

conservation n保存;保护,管理conservative a.保守的,守旧的;

15.consider v.考虑considerate a.体贴的;考虑周到的consideration n.考虑;关心considerable a.相当的,客观的;相当多的considerably adv.相当地

16.consume v.consumption n.consumer n.

17.contribute v.贡献contribute to贡献于;导致contribution n.贡献contributor n.贡献者contributing factors影响因素

18.convenience n.便利convenient a.便利的,方便的conveniently adv.

when it is convenient for/to you在你方便的时候inconvenience n.不放便

19.courage n.勇气courageous adj.有胆量的encourage v.鼓舞encouragement n.鼓舞

encourage sb.to do sth.鼓励某人做某事discourage vt.使气馁discouragement n.气馁

discourage sb from doing

20.create vt.创造;造成recreate v.再创造creation n.创造creator n.创造

者creative a.有创造力的creativity n.创造力


1.crowd n.人群v.挤满crowded adj.拥挤的be crowded/packed with

2.cruel a.残酷的cruelty n.残酷cruell y adv.

3.curious a.好奇的;奇异的curiously adv.curiosity n.好奇;好奇心out of curiosity出于好奇

4.cycle vi.骑自行车cyclist n.骑自行车的人bicycle n.自行车

5.danger n.u.危险;c.危险分子dangerous adj.危险的endangered adj.濒危的

6.dead a.死的;无生命的deadly adj.致命的die vi.死death n.u.死c.死亡的事例

7.deaf a.聋的deafness n.聋deafen v.使聋,变聋deafening sounds震耳欲聋的声音

8.decide v.决定;下决心decide to do sth.决定做某事decision n.决定;决心decisive adj.决定性的,果断的decisiveness n.果断

9.declare vt.声明;断言declaration n.宣言,宣布

10.decorate vt.装饰…,修饰…decoration n.装饰,修饰

11.deep adj.深的be deeply touched by the unconditional love from the mother to the child被妈妈对孩子的无条件的爱所深深感动

be dragged into the depths of the ocean被拖到海洋深处

help d eepen our understanding of the Chinese culture有助于加深对中国文化的了解

12.defence(美defense)n.&v.防御;防务defend vt.防守;保卫defenceless adj.无保护的

13.delight n.高兴v.使高兴

delighted adj.感到开心的delightedly adv.高兴地,欣喜地delightful adj.令人愉快的,讨人喜欢的

14.deliver vt.投递(信件,邮包等)delivery service送货服务deliverer n.投递者

15.demand vt.要求demanding adj.(工作)要求高的;(人)难满足的

16.depart v.离开,分离departure n.离开,启程

17.depend vi.依靠,依赖,指望;取决于depend on依赖,依靠=rely on

dependent a.依靠的,依赖的dependence n.依靠independence n.独立independently adv.the Declaration of Independence《独立宣言》

18.describe vt.描写;描述description n.描写beyond description无法描述descriptive adj.描写性的,描绘性的

19.destroy vt.破坏,毁坏be destroyed beyond recognition被毁得面目全非destruction n.破坏,摧毁destructive adj.造成破坏的

20.determine vt.决定;决心determine to do sth.(be determined to do sth.)下定决心做某事

determination n.决心determined a.下定决心的Determined to make life better for his family,he worked hard day and night.下决心让家人过上好日子,他日日夜夜努力工作。


1.devote vt.把…奉献,把…专用(于)devotion n.奉献,奉献精神devoted adj.忠诚的;献身的be impressed with her devotion to helping the disabled

2.differ vi.相异;有区别different adj.区别的;不同的difference n.区别;不同

3.difficult adj.困难的difficulty n.困难have difficulty in doing sth

4.direct adj.直接的v.指导;导演adv.直接地directly adv.直接地,恰好地;坦率地conj.

一..就direction n.方向;指导;用法说明director n.c.负责人;董事;导演

5.discover vt.发现discovery n.发现

6.discuss vt.讨论,议论discussion n.讨论,辩论be under discussion正在被讨论

7.distancen.距离distant a.远的,遥远的The author distanced himself from some of the comments in his book.作者在他的书里对某些评论淡然处之。句中distance动词(词性)与……疏远(意思)

8.distinguish v.区分,辨别,分清distinguished adj.卓越的,高贵的a tall distinguished figure in a dark suit穿深色套装、气度非凡的高大身影

9.distribute v.分发,分配distribution n.分发,分配

10.disturb vt.扰乱;打扰disturbing a.令人不安的,引起恐慌的disturbed adj.不安的;心理不正常的disturbance n.干扰,骚乱What could possibly disturb such tranquillity?

有什么能破坏这种宁静?There was something about him she found disturbing and she felt deeply disturbed.她发现他身上有些东西让她觉得不安,她深感不安。

11.diverse v.不同的,多种多样,形形色色的diversity n.多样性

12.divide vt.分,划分division n.(算术用语)除,分配,分工undivided adj.专一的;未分裂的

13.donate v.捐赠donation n.捐赠donor/donator n.捐赠者

14.eager adj.渴望的,热切的eagerness n.渴望eagerly adv.急切地,渴望地

15.easy a.容易的,不费力的easily ad.容易地ease v.减轻;缓解(难度或严重程度)n.容易,舒适uneasy adj.不安的,不舒服的uneasiness n.

16.economy n.经济,节约economic a.前置定语经济(学)的economical a.实惠的,节约的economist n.经济学者,节俭的人economize v.节俭economics n.经济学

https://www.doczj.com/doc/092549982.html,cate vt.教育,培养educator n.教育家education n.教育,培养

well-educated adj.受过良好教育的a bachelor’s degree学士学位;

a master’s degree硕士学位a doctor’s degree博士学位

18.effect n.影响effective adj.有效的,起作用的effectively adv.

19.embarrass v.使窘迫,尴尬embarrassed adj.尴尬的,窘迫的embarrassing adj.

embarrassment n.尴尬,困窘be an embarrassment to sb令sb尴尬/丢脸的事

20.employ vt.雇佣;使用employee n.雇员;被雇佣者employer n.雇主;雇佣者

employment n.就业,工作unemployment n.失业


1.energy n.精力energetic adj.精力旺盛的energetically adv.精力充沛地

2.enjoy v.欣赏;享受enjoy doing sth.喜欢/享受做某事enjoyment n.享受,乐趣

enjoyable adj.愉快的;有趣的

3.enthusiasm n.热情enthusiastic adj.热情的enthusiastically adv.enthusiast狂热者,


4.extraordinary adj.离奇的;使人惊奇的;不平凡的extraordinarily adv.ordinary a.普


5.enter v.进入;参加entrance n.入口exit n./v.出口They made a quick exit when

they saw the police approaching.他们看见警察来了便迅速离去。

6.envy vt.&n.忌妒;羡慕envious adj.羡慕的,嫉妒的be envious of

7.equal adj.平等的;vt.等于equal to与……平等;等于……equally adv.平等地

unequally adv.不平等地equality n.平等inequality n.不平等equalize v.补偿,成为相等

8.equip v.配备;装备be equipped with配备有equipment n.装备,设备

9.evidence n.证据,证明evident a.清楚的,显而易见的

10.exacta.精确的;确切的exactly ad.精确地;确切地exactness n.正确,精确

inexact adj.不精确的,不严格的

11.examine v.检查,审查examination n.考试;检查

12.excellent a.极好的,优秀的excellence n.优秀excel v.(在某方面)擅长Rick has

always excelled at foreign languages.里克一向擅长外语。

13.except prep.除……之外exception n.例外exceptionally adv.例外地,特殊地

14.excite vt.使兴奋,使激动excitement n.激动,兴奋excited adj.exciting excitedly

adv.激动地He told me excitedly how he narrowly escaped death.


15.exhaust vt.使精疲力尽,耗尽exhaustion n.疲惫,枯竭,exhausted a.精疲力尽的,耗

尽的exhausting a.使人精疲力尽是He lay on the sofa,exhausted.累坏了

16.exist vi.存在existence n.存在;生存;存在物existing adj.现行的,现存的

17.expand v.扩大expansion n.扩大

18.expect vt.预料;期望expectation n.预料;期望live up to one’s expectations不辜负某

人的期望unexpected adj.出乎意外的,想不到的unexpectedly adv.Moss had clamped an unexpectedly strong grip on his arm.


19.explain v.解释;说明explanation n.解释

20.explode vt.使爆炸explosion n.爆炸;爆发


1.expose vt.使暴露;揭露expose…to把……暴露于;使处于……影响下exposure n.暴露Some children are never exposed to classical music.有些孩子从来没有接触过古典音乐。The failure of their marriage has got a lot of exposure recently.他俩婚姻失败一事最近被频频曝光。

The visit to Germany gave them exposure to the language.德国之行使他们有机会接触到德语

2.explore v.探索exploration n.探索explorer n.探险者

3.express v.表达;表露;n.快车;快递expression n.表达expressive adj.富于表现力的;富于感情的her wonderfully expressive eyes她那富于表情的眼睛Her poem is expressive of calm days and peace of mind....描绘了静谧的时光及平和的心境。

4.extension n.扩大,延伸extend v.延长,延伸,表示an extended family大

家庭extensive adj.大量的,广泛的extensively adv.

5.extreme a.极其的,非常的extremely ad.极其,非常

6.face n.脸;面孔v.面对facial adj.面部的They stood facing each other.他们面对面

站着。When faced with the biggest challenge of his career,McManus is having a hard time当面临职业生涯中最大的挑战时,麦克马纳斯的日子不好过

7.fail v.失败;不及格;衰退fail to do sth.失败做某事failure n.失败(不可数) c.失败的人/事Failing eyesight forced him to retire early.视力衰退迫使他提前退休。

8.fair a.公平的,合理的fairly ad.公正地,正当地;相当(程度)地fairness n.公平;

公正unfair adj.不公平的unfairness n.不公平

9.familiar a.熟悉的familiarity n.熟悉,精通unfamiliar adj.不熟悉的

10.fantasy n.幻想(作品)fantastic a.极好的fantastically adv.想像中地;奇特地;难以置信地

11.favor n.恩惠,赞同in favor of赞同,支持in one’s favor对某人有利vt.喜爱,支持favorite a.最喜爱的cn.心爱的人/物favorable a.有利的;赞同的;称赞的;讨人喜欢的unfavorable adj.不利的Chance favors only the prepared mind.机会只青睐有准备的人

12.fast a.快的fasten vt.扎牢;扣住

13.finance n.财政,金融,资金financial a.金融的,财政的financial security财政安全

14.flexible a.灵活的,可变动的flexibly adv.flexibility n.灵活性,弹性

15.fluency n.(外语)流利,流畅with great fluency in English,...fluent a.流利的

16.fold v.折叠unfold v.foldable adj.George stood silently with his arms folded.乔治交叉着双臂一言不发地站着。fold sb in your arms把某人抱在怀里

17.fond a.喜爱的,爱好的fondly adv.深情地,慈爱地fondness n.爱好,喜爱

18.forget v.忘记forgetful a.健忘的,疏忽的unforgettable a.难忘的

19.forgive(forgave,forgiven)vt.原谅,宽恕forgiveness n.forgivable ad.可宽恕的

20.fortunate a.幸运的;侥幸的fortunately adv.幸运地fortune n.运气,财产unfortunate adj.不幸的unfortunately adv.不幸地misfortune n.不幸,灾祸


1.freea.自由,空闲的;免费的freely adv.freedom n.自由

2.freeze v.结冰frozen adj.冰冻的,冻僵的freezing adj.极冷的

3.frequent a.经常的;频繁的frequently adv.frequency n.频率,次数

4.friend n.朋友friendly a.友好的friendliness n.友好,友善friendship n.友

谊,友情befriend v.和……交朋友;友善对待befriend sb

5.fright n.惊恐;恐吓frighten vt.使惊恐,吓唬frightened adj.害怕的,受惊的

frightening adj.令人恐惧的

6.generous a.慷慨大方的generously adv.generosity n.慷慨,大方

7.globe n.地球仪;(the~)地球global adj.全球的,整体的globally adv.globalize v.使全球化globalization n.全球化

8.glory n.巨大的光荣;荣誉;赞美glorious adj.光荣的,辉煌的

https://www.doczj.com/doc/092549982.html,ern v.统治,管理government n.政府governor n.统治者,总督

10..gradual adj.逐渐的gradually adv.逐渐地

11.graduate v.毕业n.毕业生graduate from从……毕业graduation n.毕业,毕业典礼

12.greed n.贪心;贪婪greedy adj.贪婪的greedily adv.

13.grow v.生长growth n.生长,增长

14.guide v.指导n.导游,向导guidance n.指导guided tour有向导的旅游

15.guilty a.内疚的about/at;有罪的guilt n.内疚guiltily adv.内疚地,有罪地

16.happy a.快乐的happily ad.幸福地,快乐地happiness n.幸福,愉快unhappy adj.不开心的unhappiness n.不开心

lots of happy memories of the place对那地方有着许多美好的回忆

17.harm n.&v.伤害;损伤do harm to=be harmful to对…..有伤害harmful a.有害的;致伤的harmless a.无害的;不致伤的

She was relieved to see the children had come to no harm.她看到孩子们没有受到伤害,舒了一口气。

develop the economy without harming the environment在不损害环境的前提下发展经济

18.harmony n.融洽,和睦harmonious a.和谐的,和睦的

19.hate v.恨hatred n.恨

20.health n.健康,卫生healthy a.健康的,健壮的healthily adv.unhealthy adj.不健康的unhealthily adv.a health problem健康问题

When we last met,he was glowing with health(=was clearly very healthy).我们上一次见面的时候,他容光焕发。

21heart n.心,爱心,中心hearty adj.友好的,丰盛的heartily adv.尽情地,及其a hearty welcome热情的欢迎laugh heartily开怀大笑

22.help n.&vt.帮助,帮忙helpful a.有帮助的,有益的helplessness n.无助

23.hero n.英雄,男主角heroine n.女英雄heroic a.英雄的,英勇的


1.hesitate v.犹豫hesitation n.without hesitation毫不犹豫hesitant adj.迟疑的,犹豫不决的

2.high a.高的height n.高度,海拔highly adv.高度地,非常

The campaign is intended to heighten public awareness of the disease.这场运动的目的是使公众更加了解这种疾病。

3.history n.历史historical a.通常涉及历史、史学、过去的事实historic adj.通常用以表示具有重要历史意义historically ad.在历史上;从历史角度historian n.历史学家

The area is of special historic interest.

do some historical research

4.honest a.诚实的,正直的honesty n.诚实dishonest adj.不诚实的dishonesty n.

5.hope n.&v.希望hopeful a.有希望的;有前途的hopefully adv.有希望地hopeless a.没有

希望,不可救药的hopelessness n.绝望,不抱希望

6.humorous a.富于幽默的humour(美humor)n.幽默,幽默感a sense of humor幽默感

7.hunger n.饥饿hungry a.饥饿的hungrily adv.饥饿地,渴望地

8.hurry v./n.赶快,急忙hurried adj.仓促完成的,匆忙的hurriedly adv.

9.identity n.身份,特征identify v.识别,鉴别identification n.鉴定,辨别

10.ignore v.忽视,对…不理会ignorance n.无知ignorant adj.无知的be ignorant of

11.image n.形象,影像imagine vt.想像,设想imagination n.想象imaginary a.想象的,虚构的imaginative a.有想象力的unimaginable adj.难以想象的

12.immediate a.立即的,马上immediately ad.立即conj.一..就

13.importance n.重要性important a.重要的unimportant adj.不重要的

14.impossible a.不可能的possible adj.可能的possibly adv.可能地possibility n.可能性

15.impress vt.留下极深的印象impression n.印象,感觉impressive a.给人印象深刻impressionist n.印象主义者;印象派作家impressionism n.印象派,印象主义an impressively bright and energetic woman…一个聪明过人而又精力充沛的女人。

16.improve vt.改进,更新improvement n.改进,提高

17.incorrect a.不正确的,错误的correct adj.正确的v.改正,批改correctness n.正确性

correction n.改正,修正It took an extraordinary effort to focus on preparing his classes or correcting his students'work.集中精力去备课或批改学生的作业费了他相当大的劲。

18.industry n.工业,产业industrial a.工业的industrious adj.勤奋的,勤劳的

19.influence n./v.影响have an influence on对…有影响

influential adj.有影响力的

https://www.doczj.com/doc/092549982.html,rm vt.告诉;通知information n.信息keep sb informed of the latest inventions让sb 随时了解最新的发明


1.injure vt.损害,伤害injury n.受伤处the injured people伤员

2.innocenta.无辜的,清白的innocence n.清白,天真无邪

3.insist vi.坚持;坚决认为insistence n.坚持,坚决主张insist on doing坚持做

4.inspect vt.检查;检验;审视inspection n.视察,检查inspector n.视察员,巡视员

5.inspirevt.鼓舞;激inspiration n.激励,灵感inspirational adj.启发灵感的inspired adj.受到鼓舞的,受到启发的inspiring adj.令人鼓舞的

6.instant a.立刻的,即食的n.瞬间,即刻instantly adv.立即,马上for instance例如

7.instruct vt.通知;指示;教instruction n.说明,须知;教导instructive a.有益的,教育性的instructor n.指导员,教员

8.intelligence n.智力,才智,智慧intelligent a.聪明的a woman of exceptional intelligence格外聪明的女人

9.intend vt.想要,打算intention n.打算,计划,意图intentional adj.故意的,有意的intentionally adv.故意地The school to be built is intended(intend)for the disabled children.


10.interrupt v.打扰,打断interruption n.中断,干扰

11.interview n.&vt.采访,会见,面试interviewee n.被面试者,被采访者interviewer n.采访者,进行面试者

12.introduce vt.介绍introduction n.引进,介绍He introduced us to the delights of natural food.他使我们第一次享受到了品尝天然食品的乐趣。

13.inventvt.发明,创造invention n.发明,创造inventor n.发明家

14.invite vt.邀请,招待invitation n.邀请,请帖inviting adj.诱人的,有魅力的

15.judge n.裁判;审判员;法官vt.判断,断定judg(e)ment n.审判,判断(力)

16.just ad.刚才;恰好;不过;仅a.公正的justice n.正义;公正;司法injustice n.不公正

17.kind a.善良,友好的kindly adv.和蔼地,仁慈地kindness n.仁慈,善良

18.knowledge n.知识,学问knowledgeable adj.有见识的,知识渊博的

https://www.doczj.com/doc/092549982.html,rge a.大的;巨大的enlarge v.扩大,使增大It had been a tiring day,largely because of all the tedious waiting.那一天真累人,主要是因为等得无聊。

https://www.doczj.com/doc/092549982.html,te a.晚的ad.晚地,迟地lately ad.最近,不久前later a.晚些的,迟些的latest a.最新的;最晚的

https://www.doczj.com/doc/092549982.html,ugh n.&v.笑,大笑;嘲笑laughter n.笑;笑声burst into laughter=burst out laughing

https://www.doczj.com/doc/092549982.html,w n.法律lawyer n.律师

https://www.doczj.com/doc/092549982.html,zya.懒惰的lazily adv.懒洋洋地,慵懒地laziness n.懒惰


1.legal a.合法的legally adv.illegal a.非法的

2.library n.图书馆librarian n.图书管理员

3.like prep.像,跟…一样vt.喜欢,喜爱n.爱好unlike prep.与……不同likely a.很可

能的dislike v.不喜欢,厌恶

likes and dislikes喜欢和不喜欢的事

4.lonely a.孤独的,寂寞的loneliness n.孤独,寂寞

5.long a.长的v.渴望length n.长,长度,lengthen v.使延长,加长

6.luck n.运气,好运lucky a.运气好,侥幸luckily adv.幸好unluckily adv.不幸地

7.magic n.魔法,魔术a.有魔力的magical adj.魔法的magician n.魔法师

8.major a.较大的;主要的majority n.大多数minor adj.较小的minority n.少数;少数民族

9.manage v.管理;设法对付manager n.经理management n.管理,经营

10.marriage n.结婚,婚姻married a.已婚的marry v.(使)成婚,结婚get married to unmarried adj.单身的bachelor n.单身汉spouse n.配偶couple n.夫妇a great destination for newly married couples适合新婚夫妇旅行的目的地

11.material n.物质adj.物质的materially adv.物质上spirit n.精神,心灵spiritual adj.精神的spiritually adv.在精神上

The?spirit is?willingbut the?flesh is?weak心有余而力不足

They took away his freedom and broke his spirit.他们夺去了他的自由,摧垮了他的意志。

12.maturea.成熟的maturity n.成熟immature adj.不成熟的,未长成的

13.mean v.打算;意味着adj.吝啬的;小气的meaning n.意思,含意meaningful a.有意义的

be meant for sb/be meant to do为某目的/某人而准备的

14.medicine n.药medical a.医学的,医疗的

15.memory n.回忆,记忆memorize v.记忆memorable adj.值得纪念的memorial adj.纪念


16.mental a.精神的;脑力的mentally ad.精神上;智力上mentality n.心态(贬义)physical adj.身体的physically adv.身体上地physical=physical examination体检emotional adj.情绪的emotionally adv.情绪上emotion n.情绪emotionless adj.不露感情的develop a positive mental attitude培养积极的心态

17.mercy n.怜悯merciful a.仁慈的;宽大的merciless adj.残忍的,无慈悲心的

18.method n.方法,办法methodology n.方法论

in this way=by this means用这种方法an approach toteaching(teach)languages;

19.mistake n.错误v.弄错mistaken a.错误的

20.mix v.混合,搅拌mixture n.混合物mixed emotions百感交集


1.modern a.现代的modernize v.使现代化modernization n.现代化modernism n.现代主义postmodernism后现代主义

2.modesta.谦虚的;谦逊的modestly adv.modesty n.谦逊

3.moral a.道德的n.寓意,道德启示morality n.道德,品行

4.mother n.母亲motherly a.慈母般的His voice filled with fatherly concern.他的声音


5.motivate v.激发motivation n.积极性motivational speakers励志演说家The students are all highly motivated.学生们都有很高的积极性。

6.move v.移动,搬动,搬家,感动movement n.运动,活动moved adj.感动的moving adj.


初三英语辅导J 一.根据句意,用所给词适当形式填空 I?Tlie reason why giandfather is so that lie exei'cises a lot every day(atlilete)? 2.Nie er was one of the greatest in Chinese liistoiy (music)? 3 .Are there any people in the beautifiil city?(home) 4. A men isn't allowed to have two or more at the same time in China (wife). 5.When I first ate in a restaurant, I didn't know what I was supposed to do.(west) 6.Do you think our English teacher's is much better than ours? 7.Numbers of lost theirs lives in the battle(heio). 8.Some teenagers are trying to raise money for reasearch(medicine)? 9.Now many people have thekown cars in China(person)? 10.The sometliing is ,the more excited the teenagers feel.(mysteiy) II?The tourists' is the most important to us when they come to our hometown(safe). 12.The problem was quite difficult, but we works it out at least.(success) 13.Sports and art activities make our school life (color)? 14.We all felt very when our teacher was spoken highly of by the leader(pride)? 15.You should protect your .(teeth) 16.1tliiiik leaniiiig English is very (help) 12 /I 17.Mr Zhang is a famous (science)? 18.The weather has become very cool ?We all fell much (eiijoy)? 19.must't dyiiik wine before they drive cars.(drive) 20.Few of us like music, but most of us like pop music(class). 21.Do you know the who iiiA-ented the microwave oven?(inveiit) 22.It's of you to take loudly when you are eating with Aiiiericians(polite). 23 .Why don't you use own book?(you) 24.Beijing is the second city in China.It's the capital(large)? 25.The are told to be more carefill on windy days(fish)? 26.You should read e^-eiy word ill the exam(carefiil)? 27.Don't stay close to the lion in the cage.It's (danger)? 28.The sea is the biggest on the earth .The sky is than the sea.A human mind the biggest of all(big). 29.The faemers are singing and dancing for the han-est(liappy)? 30.Monday is the day of a week(hvo). 31.1often do some on Sunday(sliop). 32.The Stone Forest is an place to visit.(amaze)


高考英语听力技巧 在考场上,要注意以下几点: 1、不要抓每一个字,即不要奢望听懂每一个字,没有必要,也不可能。要做到对内容的整体理解。 2、拿到卷子的第一件事,就是抓紧时间阅读试题选项,建立预期,预测谈话大致内容。 3、短对话,答案多在第二个人说话中出现;长对话,短文听力,要先抓住开头的前几句,这一般是主 旨题的答案所在,而结尾处往往会再次呼应。中部往往是细节题。 4、抓中心词,两次以上连续重复出现,对应某一题干选项中的答案,一定要提高警惕。 5、遇到数字和时间等信息,要随手记笔记,有助于选项中的数字听力题答案的准确无误。 6、听完回忆对话内容时,运用归纳、推理或计算等方法,用已知导出未知。 最重要的先把前面10道只读一遍的题目看清楚.这里是最容易错的地方.最重要的一点是你要把它当平时 做练习一样缓解紧张的心情. 第一题没听清楚,第二题开始放的时候就要注意先把第一道放一边不管.千万不能影响后面听题的状态. 最重要一点,听完犹豫的时候千万不要去修改自己已经选择好的题目,第一感觉往往是最准的. 1、识别关键词的技巧 1).透露说话人身份的关键词 如果考生可以通过关键词很快判断对话者的关系和身份,将有助于考生有目的地集中注意力,并在脑海中搜索相关背景知识,进一步加深对听力材料的理解。 ,Kay. I remember in high school, you always wanted to be a 例如:I just can’t believe you are a police officer lawyer. 如果考生意识到该对话中的关键词为in high school,那么他马上可以意识到这是两个老同学之间的对话。 guide you all the way 又例如:Good morning, ladies and gentlemen . W elcome to Universal Studio. I’d like to in the amazing park and share the wonderful moments with you. 这段话的关键词是guide, park,从中考生可以推断说话人是导游。 以下是常见的对话者关系: Husband——wife /teacher——student /Boss——employee /waiter——customer Doctor——patient /parents——kid /Classmates roommates Shop assistant——customer 2).透露地点/场合的关键词 考生要善于捕捉听力材料中的关于地点或场合(即语言环境)的关键词,也有助于他们判断听力材料的主 题、说话人之间关系等等。以下是有关机场或者旅馆的关键词: Check in入住登记check out结账porter搬luggage行李book a room预定房间double room双人房passenger 乘客economy class经济舱business class公务舱runway跑道passport护照flight航班stewardess乘务员3).捕捉数字 许多听力材料中涉及数字,例如年代、日期、价格、数量等等,并且会以基数词、序数词、分数、小数、 百分比等形式出现,这就要求考生辨别各种形式的数字,还要熟悉数字之间的关系。例如: 减价:20% off,special offer,special price,25% discount,sale 原价:regular price,normal price 增长:10% increase in…1/3 climb in……  下降:23% fall in…5.5% decrease in…  听力速记技巧 1).运用速记符号 例如:↑up↓down←left→right=equal 2).发明并运用字母的缩写形式 考生可以在平时训练时,本着便于记忆、快速、容易联想的原则,发明一些只需自己明白的字母搭配来 表示相应的信息。例如:


高考易考词汇变形分析与总结 形容词加ness变名词 dark--darkness, happy--happiness, sad-sadness, ill-illness, good--goodness, careful--carefulness, careless--carelessness, tired-ti redness, lonely--loneliness, great-greatness, kind-kindness, ease--easin ess busy--business,fit--fitness,friendly--friendliness 动词加ment变名词 develop--development, move--movement, improve--improvement, achieve--ac hievement, arrange--arrangement, manage--management, assign--assignment, agree--agreement, enjoy--enjoyme nt, govern--government, judge--judgement/judgment, pay--payment, appoint--appointment, establish--establishment, equip--equipment

名词变成形容词: 1.名词后加-y, 如: luck→lucky;cloud→cloudy; w ind→windy; rain→rainy; sun→sunny;snow→snowy;noise-noisy;h ealth→healthy 2.在名词后加-ly, 如: friend→friendly;love→lovely;day→daily; brother→brotherly; mother→motherly 3.方位名词加-ern,如: east→eastern; west→western; south→southern; north→northern 形容词后缀 (1)带有“属性,倾向,相关”的含义 1)-able, -ible: movable, comfortable, applicable, visible, responsible 2)-al: natural, additional, educational 3)-an: urban, suburban, republican 4)-ant, -ent: distant, important, excellent 5)-ar: similar, popular, regular 6)-ary: military, voluntary 7)-ic, ical: politic, systematic, historic, physical, 8)-ing: moving, touching, daring 9)-ish: foolish, bookish, selfish 10)-ive: active, impressive, decisive 11)-ory: satisfactory, compulsory (2) 表示“相象,类似”的含义 1)-ish: boyish, childish 2)-like: manlike, childlike 3)-ly: manly, fatherly, scholarly, motherly


高考英语常用词汇汇总 1. a big headache令人头痛的事情 2. a fraction of 一部分 3. a matter of concern 焦点 4. a series of 一系列,一连串above all 首先,尤其是 5. absent from不在,缺席 6. abundant in富于 7. account for 解释 8. accuse sb. of sth.控告 9. add to增加(add up to) 10. after all 毕竟,究竟 11. agree with同意 12. ahead of time / schedule提前 13. ahead of 在...之前(ahead of time 提前) 14. alien to与...相反 15. all at once 突然,同时 16. all but 几乎;除了...都 17. all of a sudden 突然 18. all over again 再一次,重新 19. all over 遍及 20. all right 令人满意的;可以 21. all the same 仍然,照样的

22. all the time 一直,始终 23. angry with sb. at/about sth.生气,愤怒 24. anxious about/for忧虑,担心 25. anything but 根本不 26. apart from 除...外(有/无) 27. appeal to 吸引,申诉,请求 28. applicable to适用于 29. apply to适用 30. appropriate for/to适当,合适 31. approximate to近似,接近 32. apt at聪明,善于 33. apt to易于 34. around the clock夜以继日 35. as a matter of fact 实际上 36. as a result(of) 因此,由于 37. as a rule 通常,照例 38. as far as ...be concerned 就...而言 39. as far as 远至,到...程度 40. as follows 如下 41. as for 至于,关于 42. as good as 和...几乎一样 43. as if 好像,防腐 44. as regards 关于,至于


1,名词 人& 物的名字 比如,coffee, tree, shirt,nose,bus,rain father,teacher,Lucy 广义名词定义是 表示人,物,时间,地点和一些抽象概念的词artist book summer China idea 名词变化规律 1,+s,变复数winners,ideas 2,+y,ful 变形容词cloudy healthy helpful She refused to buy _____ (banana) yesterday. Many of my friends are_____(lawyer) It is too ____(noise), so it’s not ____ (help) to stay here. Yao Ming is a _______(success) player in NBA. Exercise is _______ (health) for the mind and the body 名词位置 1,介词后on the tree, by bus, with a book 2,形容词后 a green tree, a big bus, smart students

动词 动作的词 play, walk, kill, buy 时态 ---------------------------------------------- 昨天今天明天一般过去时一般将来时 动词变化规律 1,第一个动词负责时态s,ed 2,其它动词变成非谓语动词doing,to do(尚未发生) She _____ (enjoy) reading books,but she ___(play) games last year. They ___(finish) ____(walk) at six. Tom ___(plan) ____(exercise),but nobody ____(believe) him. If you give me time, I ________ (find) the solution. Tom made a living by _______(sell)small toys when he was young. I think tomorrow is a good time______(have)the party. I am learning how_______(swim).


高考英语听力必备场景词汇精选 1、天气 fine 晴朗的,sunny/bright/clear 阳光充足的,cloudy多云的,rainy有雨的,wet 潮湿的,humid湿润的,freezing-cold冰冷的,cool凉爽的,mild温和的,warm暖和的,hot炎热的,windy有风的,calm无风的,breeze微风,light/strong winds 微风/大风,moderate风力不大 fog雾,snow雪,drizzle毛毛雨,light rain小雨,shower 阵雨,storm暴风雨,downpour倾盆大雨,blizzard大风雪,snowstorm暴风雪,thunder打雷,typhoon 台风,tornado龙卷风 It rains cats and dogs. 下着倾盆大雨。 2、购物 Store 商店,9rocery食品杂货店,department store百货商店,shopping center购物中心,mall商场 shop assistant 店员,counter柜台,receipt 收据,,catalog产品目录,deliver 送货,refund退熬撫bargain便宜货,second-hand二手的,poplar/fashionable 流行的,expensive昂贵的,cheap便宜的,size尺寸大小,color颜色,style式样,brand 品牌 pay by installment分期付款,pay In cash用现金支付,pay jn check用支票支付,credit card信用卡,selling season销售旺季,on sale廉价出售,50% off 打五折,a 30% discount 打七折 3、餐馆 restaurant餐馆,coffee shop/café咖啡屋,buffet自助餐,cafeteria自助餐厅,snack bar小吃郝、大排档,dining hall餐厅 waiter/waitress 男/女侍者,treat请客,menu菜单,order点菜,serve上菜,tip 小费,change零钱,knife小刀,fork叉子,chopsticks, 筷子,spoon勺子,plate 碟子,tray 托盘 appetizer开胃:菜,steak牛排,cheese 奶酪,sandwich三明治,hamburger 汉堡包, French fries炸薯条,pizza比萨饼,soup 汤,dessert(饭后)甜点,dressing


高考核心词汇汇总 高中英语熟词新义总结 最佳方法:平时的积累。只有积累了一定的“熟词新义”后,才能形成一定的语感,才会在具体的 语境中快速捕捉单词的准确含义。所以有必要对高中教材中的词汇进行梳理,做到查漏补缺,加强记忆,然后在阅读中去体会,从而力求消化。 一、 accept 接受,认可(Vt.);同意,承认(vi.) adapt 使适应;改编 add 增加,添加(Vt.);加起来,增添 (vi.);补充说(Vt.) amount 数量(n.);等于,共计(vi.,与to 连用) argue 争论,辩论(vi.);主张,说理,说服(Vt.) award 奖,奖品(n.);授奖,给予……金钱(v.) boom 发出隆隆声;(国家地区或行业的) 繁荣,迅速发展 burn 焚烧,烧焦;发出怪味,点(灯) compare 比较,比作(Vt.);比得上,与…匹敌(vi.) consider 考虑;认为;照顾到,考虑到(独立主格结构considering sth. 或sth. considered) depend 依靠,依赖;视情况而定 desire 希望, 期望; 请求, 要求(从句用should 型虚拟语气) equal 等于;比得上,匹敌(Vt.) equip 装配;配备(知识/ 信息/ 事实等) handle 门把手(n. ); 操作,处理(v.) hunt 打猎;猎取;搜寻(vi.) include 包括;计算在内(与in 连用) introduce 介绍;引进;提出;出台(政策/法规等) measure 测量;为……量尺寸;判断,权衡, 衡量(有measure sb. / sth against sb. / sth 搭配) owe 欠(钱/ 债务等);归功于,感激;幸亏 于,由于(owing to 的固定形式) perform 表演;(成功地)表现;完成,执行, 进行(尤其指复杂的活动);有……的用途 press 按,压,印;逼迫,迫使(press sb. to do sth.) process 制作,加工(食品);处理(文件/ 数据等);冲洗(照片) pronounce 发音;宣告,断言,宣布(官方意见或决定) publish 出版,发行;发表,刊登;(在报纸或墙壁上)公布,公开 raise 提高;举起;饲养,喂养;唤起(意识);使……产生(情感或反应);筹款 satisfy 使……满意; 满足(要求或欲望等);使……相信(与of 连用) share 分享,分担;均分,分配;有……共同的特征 shoulder 肩膀(n.);肩负,承当(责任或负担)(v.) spread 传播(消息/ 信息等);散布(流言); 涂抹(奶油等);(疾病)传播,蔓延;伸展(四肢);展开(翅膀) strike 击打;(时针)敲响;摩擦;罢工;达成(协议或交易);(灾难)突然袭击(vt.);突然产生(想法或主意)(vi.) succeed 取得成功;(学业或事业等)表现出色,有作为(vi.);接替,继承(vt.) tie 系;扎(Vt.);与……打成平局(搭配tie with sb.) touch 接触;感动


高考听力高频单词 听力的短对话和长对话部分,其话题范围是以校园生活(campus life)为主题,主要是学习打工,衣食住行,英语是模式化的语言,固定场景只会用固定词汇,分场景总结记忆,听力场景词汇,归纳总结是十分必要的。 1.学习选课场景 Day course 白天的课,Evening course 晚上的课 科目或专业:mathematic 数学,history 历史,chemistry 化学,Literature 文学,Physics 物理, Chemistry 化学, Biology生物, Politics政治, History历史, Geography地理Math 数学Final exam 期终考试,middle exam 期中考试,test测验,quiz 小测验,oral test 口试drawing near考试临近, delay / be off / hold up / postpone / put off考试延期或取消public school 公立学校,private school 私立学校, 学校中的人:president 校长,dean 院长,headmaster 中小学校长,professor 教授,lecturer 讲师doctor 博士,master 硕士,bachelor 学士,freshman 大一新生,middle school student 中学生,primary school student小学生 have a lecture 上课,cut a class/play truant 逃课,miss a class 错过了课,scholarship 荣誉奖学金,homework, exam, test, mid-term/ final examination, marks, text book, playground, department, Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree, Doctor’s degree, Campus, lecture, dormitory, term, dining-hall, swimming-pool, courses, foreign language, gym, 2. 图书馆场景 lend / borrow借书reference book参考书,renew续借,overdue过期,return还书,fine 罚金,librarian图书管理员, subject主题,author作者,library图书馆, reading-room阅览室, book-shelf书架, novel小说, story-book故事书, picture-book图画书,science fiction科幻小说newspaper报纸, magazine杂志, periodical期刊library card借书证 3.交通运输场景 fare 车票,license 驾照,rush hours 高峰时间,traffic jam 交通堵塞one way street 单行道,over speed 超速ticket 罚单express way 高速公路traffic police交警, 交通工具(出现频率从高到低)plane / train / bus / bike / walk / taxi tunnel / channel 隧道, ring road 环线, subway(美)/ underground (英)地铁Used car 旧车,afford买的起,Give sb a ride搭车Taxi/cab出租车,break down抛锚,flat tire爆胎rush hour 高峰期,traffic jam堵车,car accident事故fix/repair修理,garage 修车场,damage损害dead 报废,survive 活下来,minor injury 轻伤subway(underground), boat, ship, transportation, timetable, journey, speed, 4.电话场景 mobile phone 手机,pay phone 公用电话,telephone box/booth 电话亭yellow page 黄页,extension 分机,dial/ press(拨/按电话号码),put through 接通,wrong number记错号码,hold on 不要挂断,take / leave a message 留言,hang up ,挂断answering machine 自动答录机,long-distance call 长途电话,overseas call 越洋电话,mobile / cell phone 手机give sb a call / ring 给某人打电话the line is busy 占线operator 接线员The line is bad/ busy / engaged. It kept a busy line.电话占线 5.机场场景 flight航班Welcome on board 欢迎登机plane 飞机,book 订票,timetable 时间表,destination 目的地safe landing 安全着陆,board 登机,take off 起飞,departure 离港safety / sect belt 安全带,land 着陆,arrival 进港,pick up 接机security check 安检,see off 送


1,名词 人&物的名字 比如,coffee, tree, shirt,nose,bus,rain father,teacher,Lucy 广义名词定义是 表示人,物,时间,地点和一些抽象概念的词 artist book summer China idea 名词变化规律 1,+s,变复数winners,ideas 2,+y,ful 变形容词cloudy healthy helpful She refused to buy _____ (banana) yesterday. Many of my friends are_____(lawyer) It is too ____(noise), so it’s not ____ (help) to stay here. Yao Ming is a _______(success) player in NBA. Exercise is _______ (health) for the mind and the body 名词位置 1,介词后on the tree, by bus, with a book 2,形容词后 a green tree, a big bus, smart students

动词 动作的词 play, walk, kill, buy 时态 ---------------------------------------------- 昨天今天明天 一般过去时一般将来时 动词变化规律 1,第一个动词负责时态s,ed 2,其它动词变成非谓语动词doing,to do(尚未发生) She _____ (enjoy) reading books,but she ___(play) games last year. They ___(finish) ____(walk) at six. Tom ___(plan) ____(exercise),but nobody ____(believe) him. If you give me time, I ________ (find) the solution. Tom made a living by _______(sell)small toys when he was young. I think tomorrow is a good time______(have)the party. I am learning how_______(swim).


高考英语高频词汇 1. accide nt n.事故意外的事 2. adve nture n.冒险;奇遇 3. advertiseme nt n.广告 4. ambula nee n.救护车 5. an xious a.忧虑的,焦急的 6. apologize vi.道歉谢罪 7. appeara nee n.出现,露面;容貌 8. appo in tme nt n.约会 9. appreciate v.欣赏;感激 10. audie nee n.观众所众 11. average a.平均的;普通的n.平均数 12.baggage n.行李 13. bamboo n.竹 14. beard n.(下巴上的)胡须 15. behaviour n.行为,举止 16. blame n.& v.责备;责怪 17. bleed vi.出血,流血 18. telepho ne booth 电话亭 19. boring a.乏味的,无聊的 20. breathe vi.呼吸 21. broadcast (broadcast, broadcast) vt. 广播 22. bus in essma n n.商人;企业家 23. camera n.照相机;摄像机 24. can dle n.蜡烛 25. carrot n.胡萝卜 26. ceili ng n.天花板,顶棚 27. celebrate v.庆祝 28. cen tigrade a. 摄氏的 29. cen tury n.世纪百年 30. certificate n.证明证明书 31. chain store(s)连锁店 32.cheek n.面颊,脸蛋 33. chemistry n.化学 34. circle n .圆圈vt.将……圈起来35. classical a.传统的;古典的 36. climate n.气候 37. clinic n.诊所 38. college n.学院;专科学校 39. comfortable a.舒服的;安逸的;舒服自在的 40. comme nt n.评论 41. com mun icate v.交际;传达(感情 ,信息等) 42. compare vt.比较对照 43. compositi on n.作文;作曲 44. con ceited a.骄傲自满的 45. con diti on n.条件狀况 46. conference n.(正式的)会议;讨论 47. con gratulate vt.祝贺 48. content a.甘愿的,满意的n.内容 49. convenient a.便利的,方便的 50. coun ter n.柜台,结账 51. coun tryside n.乡下,农村 52. cous in n堂(表)兄弟 ,堂(表)姐妹 53. crazy a. 疯狂的 54. crowded a.拥挤的 55. curious a ■好奇的;奇异的 56. daily a. 每日的;日常的ad.每天n.日报 57. damage n.& vt.毁坏,损害 58. damp a. & n.潮湿(的) 59. dan gerous a.危险的 60. daughter n.女儿 61. daw n n.黎明,拂晓 62. deadli ne n.最后期限,截止日期 63. December n. 12 月 64. delicious a.美味的,可口的 65. deliver vt.投递(信件,邮包等) 66. den tist n.牙科医生 67. describe vt.描写,叙述 68. destroy vt.破坏,毁坏 69. determ ine vt.决定;决心


Group 1 1. action n. 行动 act vt. 做事,表演,演出 active adj. 积极的,主动的 actor n. 演员 activity n. 活动 2. African adj. 非洲的, 非洲人Africa n. 非洲 3. apologize v. 道歉 apology n. 歉意 4 . angry adj. 生气的,愤怒的angrily adv.愤怒地 anger n. 生气,愤怒 5. agreement n. 同意 agree v. 同意 6. anxiously adv. 焦急 anxious adj. 焦急的,忧虑的anxiety n. 急于,不安,忧虑7. attend vt. 出席,关心,照料attention n. 出席,关心,注意attentive adj. 专心的attentively adv. 专心地 8. achieve vt. 实现,取得,达到achievement n. 成功,胜利,目标9. absence n. 缺席,不在 absent adj. 缺席的 10. arrival n. 到达,来到 arrive v. 到达,来到 11. basic adj. 基础的,根本的 base v. 以...为基础 base n. 基础,根本,基地12. bath n. 洗浴, 洗澡 bathe v. 洗澡, 游泳 13. beautifully adv. 美丽地,漂亮地 beautiful adj. 美丽的,漂亮的 beauty n. 美丽,漂亮 14. breath n. 呼吸 breathe v. 呼吸 15. believable adj 可信的 believe v. 相信 belief n. 信仰 Group 2 1. chemist n. 化学家 chemical adj. 化学的 chemistry n. 化学 2. correct vt. / adj. 改正, /正确的correction n. 正确,改正correctly adv. 正确的


( 高考英语听力常用词汇 一、餐馆场景 out for dinner / dinner out 出去吃饭 Dutch AA制(Let’s go fifty fifty.)自助餐 hall; shop; 自助餐厅 ;; 食堂,小卖部 ; bar 小吃街;大排挡开胃物牛排奶酪三明治腌肉 汤 water 自来水(西餐中洗手用的)汉堡包多纳圈甜品,水果(作为正餐的最后一道)可口可乐fries 炸薯条点菜上菜零钱小费(This is my treat! 我请客!) the change! 不用找零钱了! 二、邮局场景 / parcel 包裹超重 postage 额外邮资 / post / deliver a letter / mail 寄 /发信 mail 快件航空信件 mail 陆地邮寄 10. open an account 开一个帐户 ] 三、图书馆场景 card; ; ; ; ; ; ; fiction科幻小说; ; 期刊; book; 参考书 图书管理员 a fine 交罚款 I help you / What can I do for you 四、医院及健康场景 department 急诊室 (= intensive care unit)特护病房治疗手段one’s temperature / blood pressure 测量体温/血压 : pills / tablets药丸/药片阿司匹林 attack 心脏病 / flu 流感 catch a cold; ; ; ; ; 喉咙痛 ; ; doctor 私人医生’s up (多用于男生之间) is it going How are you — 19.答-好:I’m fine./I feel good/terrific./I couldn’t be better./Nothing is very wrong with me. 20.答-不好I am not feeling good./I feel terrible/horrible/awful. / I am not myself these days. (注意听语气:身体好的时候,语调上扬,语气非常欢快;身体不好的时候,降调,语气非常郁闷。) 五、电话场景 接线员 telephone/ ring/ phone sb.; 或give sb. a call/ ring ! This is … speaking. Who’s speaking / Who is that six two two six, please. 请转6226。 distance call 长途电话 ! line is bad/ busy / engaged.或 It kept a busy line. 电话占线。 call 对方付费的电话 through 接通电话 on / up;Hold the line, please. ’ll call back later / again. 或I’ll ring him / her up again. couldn’t get through. , I’m afraid you have the wrong numb er. 六、酒店场景 a reservation 预定房间 desk 接待处 in 入住 out 结账 room 单间套间 you have a reservation, Sir you got any vacant room (= Is there any room available here) 有空房间吗 ) the room are occupied. 房间已满。 I have a suite please much do you charge for that or no smoking included. 包括饮食。 I show you your room / Can I carry your luggage 七、超速场景 1. speeding I see your license, please 3. You will be fined by $20. 八、购物场景 · 杂货店 store 百货商场 center 购物中心 4.商品信息:size; color; style; price; What color/size/kind do you want 5.商品论贵贱:expensive, cheap 6.价格论高低:high, low, bargain便宜货 7. popular / fashionable 流行的 in fashion 流行,时尚 of fashion 过时的品牌柜台 in cash 用现金支付in check 用支票支付 card 信用卡 assistant 商店营业员 15. out of stock 脱销/缺货 stock 有货


名词后缀 后缀例子规律 ness Happiness, cleverness, shyness, kindness, politeness, coldness, neatness 形容词+ness=名词(辅音字母+Y结尾,该y为i再加ness) ity reality, equality, popularity,, possibility, responsibility,probability 形容词+ity=名词(e结尾去掉e再加ity,le结尾改为il再加ity))ence absence,difference, excellence, patience,presence Ent形容词-t+ce=名词 ance/ancy Instance,distance,importance,brilliancy,constancy, 带“-ant”后缀的形容词其相应名词-ance或-ancy后缀。ment development,amazement,excitement,disappointment, treatment,argument,judgment,enjoyment,agreement 动词+ment变成名词 ion collection, selection, action,inspection express-expression,discussion,impress-impression 以t结尾的动词+ion变成名词 以-ss结尾的动词在转变成与其相对应的名词形式时,加-ion ation Educate-education/liberation,translation 以ate结尾的动词在转变时,应该去掉不发音的e再加ion sion invasion,conclusion,provision 以de结尾的动词,变成与其对应的名词时,去掉de再加上sion ship Friendship,hardship,relationship 名词+ship表示“某种关系或状态”、“某种技能” hood Childhood, neighborhood 名词+hood表示“时期,性质等” age Marriage,shortage,package, passage 动词+age表示“集合” th Truth,warmth, health, growth 动词+th,表示“过程,状态,性质” 形容词后缀

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