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in China knows Children’s Day is on June 1st. But in England(英国)
’s Day is in July. Children’s Day in Singapore(新加坡) is on October 1st. And in
泰国) Children’s Day is in January. How many Children’s Day are there in
日本)? Do you know? There are two. The Children’s Day for girls is on March 3rd,
’s Day for boys is on May 5th.
)1. In China, Children’s Day is in _________.
A. June B. July C. January
)2. Children’s Day in England is _________.
A. on June 1st B. in July C. in January
)3. If I go to Singapore______, I can have Children’s Day with boys and girls.
A. on March 3rd B. on May 5th C. on October 1st
)4. Children’s Day in Thailand is ______ in July.
A. also B. not C. no
)5. There are ______ Children’s Days in Japan.
A. one B. two C. many
th is Women’s Day. March 12th is another special day. It is the Chinese
( ) 1 . March 8th is Mother’s Day.
)2 .March 12th is Chinese Tree-planting Day.
)3 .People plant trees in April in America.
( ) 4 .Trees turn yellow in spring.
√”, 错误的写“×”。
small ones. It is red and yellow. The American national flag is also a rectangle.
are fifty stars on it. It is red, white, and blue. There are many different shapes

( ) 1. The Chinese national flag and the American national flag are both rectangles.
) 2. There are fifty stars on our national flag.
) 3. Our national flag is red and yellow.
) 4. The American national flag is yellow, red, white, and blue.

,and a big lake.
’s spring now, so the flowers are coming out. There are many people there, too. We like
the zoo at three in the afternoon.
( ) 1. The students get to the zoo in the afternoon.
) 2. The students have lunch at home.
) 3. They go to the zoo because today is Sunday and they have no classes.
)4. The monkeys are playing on the hills or having oranges, apples, and bananas.
) 5. They go to the zoo by bus.

May is Mother’s Day. Mothers get cards and gifts on that
s gift is a secret and Guoguo will know on Mother’s Day. We all say to
others, “ Happy Mother’s Day!”
) 1. The second _________ in May is Mother’s Day.
A. Saturday B. Sunday C. Monday
) 2. Mothers get _________ and gifts on that day.
A. cards B. gifts C. choclate
)3. Guoguo’s gift for her mom is the ______________.
A. chocolate B. cards C. flowers
) 4. ________ gift for mom is a secret.
A. Guoguo’s B. Mother’s C. Dad’s
) 5. Does her mother like chocolate very much?
A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn’t C. We don’t know.
st. It is Children’s Day. Some children get gifts on that
Yangyang gets a new kite and

Guoguo gets a nice water bottle. Yangyang and
school party. Mike will play the piano. Children are very happy on June 1st. They

) 1. There is no school on Children’s Day.
) 2. Yangyang gets a new water bottle.
) 3. Yangyang and Baobao will fly the kite in the park.
) 4. Guoguo and Lingling will sing and dance at the school party.
) 5. Mike will play the guitar at the school party.

White is an American girl.She is nine.She is a primary school student.Her
is Bill White.He works in a hospital. He is a dentist. Her mother is an English
a primary school. Her brother ,Bob, is a soldier. Look! Bob is


is a student. Tim’s father is a policeman. His mother is a teacher. His uncle

( ) 1.Who is a policeman?
Tim B. Tim’s father C. Tim’s mother
) 2.Where does Tim’s mother work?
B. A doctor C.At school
) 3. Where does Tim’s uncle work?
A. In a hospital B.In a factory C. At school
) 4.What does Tim’s aunt do?
A. A teacher B.A nurse C. A doctor
) 5.How many people are there in the story?
A.5 B.6 C.7
)tree meet ( )teacher read ( ) day afraid
)nice ship ( )every chess( )best lesson
判断下列单词发音是否相同,相同的√,不相同的X ( ) ball call ( ) short call ( ) four forty ( )four flour ( ) pool book ( ) blue rude ( ) too food ( ) have take ( ) give gift


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