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新编英美概况- 许鲁之

Chapter 1 Geographical Features and Natural Resources 1. Choose the correct answer


2. fill in the blanks

1. Ca nada\Mexico\the Cuff of Mexico\Atla ntic Ocea n\the Pacific Ocea n

2. The Atla ntic seacoast west to the Appalacha in s\The

Mississippi River Basin\The Rockies west to the Pacific

3. most den sely\flat\fertile

4. productive\fruits\vegetables

5. Louisia na\Texas\Texas\Oklahoma\Califor ni a\i nsufficie nt\4O%


Chapter 2 America n Populati on

1. Choose the correct answer


2. fill in the blanks

1. third\250

2.1875\perma nent reside nce\morality\race\nati onal

origi n\n ati onal

origi n\skilled\relatives\270,000\700,000\675,000

3.i nden tured serva nts\slaves\1863

4.South\poverty line

5.i ndustrious'i ntellige nt'modle min ority'twice

I.Why is the US known as a "melting pot"?

An swer:The Un ited States is known as a "melti ng pot",mea ning that it is composed of immigra nts from differe nt n ati ons all over the world. 3.Why do many America ns now migrate from cities to suburbs?

An swer:The widespread use of automobiles and the con struct ion of express highways made it possible for people to live farther away from their jobs.The teleph one reduces the n eed for them to work or live in close proximity to one

another.Besides these economic and techo no logical cha nges, importa nt social factors were invo Ived.Subruba n areas offered more liv ing space tha n cities,lower crime rates,less polluti on,and superior schools .It is gen erally believed that they are a better place for rising childre n.

In dia n Reservati on

Answer:Ever since the discocery of the New World in 1492, the Indians have bee n cruelly treated. They were drive n to barre n desert regi ons, the so-called "Indian Reservations".

The reservati ons usually lack adequate health care facilities, educational opportunities,decent housing,and jobs.

Hispa nics

An swer:They are the Spani sh-speak ing immigra nts from Lat in America n coun tries. The majority traces their roots to Mexico, Pueto Rico,or Cuba.

Chapter3 Discovery and Coloni zati on of the New


1. Choose the correct answer


2. fill in the blanks

1. Portuguese\the Cape of Good Hope\Spai n\Atla ntic'the

Cartbbea n\West In dia ns

2. Amerigo Vespueci\America

3. the Virgi nia Coast\pilgrims\Mayflower Compact

4. appo ined by the En glish King'un der proprietors who themselves chose the gover no rs'select gover nors un der self- gover ning charters tobacco'cott on