当前位置:文档之家› 看美剧必备150句高频口语



1, This fat bastard is trying to move in. (杂种: bastard=son of a bitch=asshole,老外喜欢在动词后用副词up, in, on, out等,有时可忽略其意义)

2, He's just not that into you. (那么: this, that 喜欢: into)

3, I bet I screwed up.(我肯定: I bet 搞砸了:screw up)

4, Well, all I can say is: you have changed your tune. (change your tune 改变态度)

5, But I'm such a creep. I'm a weirdo. (讨厌的人: creep 怪人: weirdo 奇怪的: weird)

6, To tell ye the truth , I don't give a shit. (不在乎: don't give a shit)

7, Drop it! I'm tired out.(打住,停止: drop it=cut it out)

8, Will you chill out? (冷静,闲逛: chill out)

9, You're checking to see if I went nuts , if I was gonna tell. (发疯: nuts)

10, So we figured that Tony might know something.(猜想: figure)


11, I want a role model, not some horny geek boy. (好色的:horny 怪人,怪才: geek)

12, I'm so ticked off! Are you nuts?(生气: ticked off =pissed off)

13, Come to think of it, that might be a close call. (好险:close call)

14, The scoundrel pinched money from my grandpa. (恶棍: scoundrel 捏,勒索: pinch)

15, Here’s another thorny problem facing our new boss. (棘手的: thorny)

16, And then I stuff the crackers down his throat.(塞,填: stuff 咸饼干: crackers)

17, Save your breath! (别费口舌)

18, lt'll be the other way around. (不一样)

19, What's he running for?County treasurer or something like that.

(诸如此类: or something like that)

20, You come a long way to stick your nose into other people's business.(管



21, Now if you'll bear with me for a few minutes...(忍耐我听我: bear with me)

22, You've been framed, you poor wooden-headed sap. (陷害: frame 傻瓜: sap=idiot=moron)

23, The daily grind was too much for him ; the novelty wore off. (每日必干的

苦工:daily grind)

24, Her days are numbered.(来日无多)

25, Some said he was boring and stiff.(呆板, 僵硬: stiff)

26, He ’s just plain stupid! (简直就是: plain)

27, You totally crossed the line. (过份了)

28, You fool. lf you had guts, you'd print this. (勇气: guts=grit)

29, I drifted from job to job.(流动: drift)

30, Harrison's dummy! (笨蛋: dummy=hick)


31, Nail up anybody who stands in your way. (抓住: nail up)

32, lt's a far cry from where l come from to this house.(完全不同: a far cry)

33, He's two-timing Lucy. (脚踏两边船: two-time)

34, My feet are killing me. (脚痛死了)

35, Don't mumble. Speak up. (咕哝: mumble)

36, l'll take your word for it.(相信你的话)

37, It was meant to be.(注定)

38, You cannot imagine how much

I'm counting on you. (信赖: count on)

39, Don't be coy with me. (腼腆: coy)

40, Lo and behold, it begins to rain. (你瞧: lo and behold)


41, You used to toss and turn all night.(翻来翻去: toss and turn)

42, I’m up to my ears in work, so I’ll have to take a rain check.(take a rain check: 改日)

43, I have lost count of time.(lose count: 记不清)

44, It must have cost him an arm and a leg.(an arm and a leg: 昂贵)

45, Try to meet each other half way. (相互妥协)

46, I am going to tell him once and for all.(最后一次: once and for all)47, Sorry, dear, I can’t stick around. (stick around : 逗留)

48, Let’s just straighten it out some other t ime.(straighten out: 扯平,结清)49, No dice, we'll stick with the original one. (stick with: 继续做)

50, I adore you. (爱慕: adore)


51, Off with you, faker.(骗子:faker=fraud=phony)

52, How bizarre.(奇怪=odd)

53, Oh, by all means. (没问题)

54, It's too intriguing. (有趣)

55, What is the fuss?(吵什么)

56, Don't get loaded. (别喝醉了)

57, You have no more beer belly. (beer belly : 啤酒肚)

58, Skipping breakfast will ruin you. (不做,跳过: skip)

59, The twins are like two peas in a pod.(一模一样)

60, That's cool with me. (觉得某事没问题: cool with )


61, Hang in there, the doctor is on the way. (坚持住: hang in there)

62, A bit more flour should do the trick.(起作用: do the trick)

63, I didn't really mean she was in outer space, it's just a figure of speech.(打个比方: a figure of speech)

64, They were bootlegging whiskey.(bootleg: 走私)

65, Wouldn't miss it for the world. (无论如何: for the world)

66, Scoop some ice cream out of the tub.(取出: scoop)

67, I think I'll go for the blue shirt. (选择做: go for)

68, My boss may go easy on me. (悠着点,宽容: go easy on)

69, There're some who would not deem it wise.(认为:deem)

70, Way to go.(干的漂亮)


71, That's close enough.(很接近了)

72, Your sister stood me up the other night.(放我鸽子: stand me up)

73, You got me there. (问倒我)

74, Easy does it. (慢慢来)

75, It's a pain in the neck. (讨厌的事)

76, I thought you said you had some pull with him.(有影响: have some pull)

77, I got 20 bucks on deception.(我赌20块她会耍花招)

78, I know he has a lot of enemies in this town,but I always root for the underdog.(支持失败者)

79, She was a little peeved about being left out.(耍脾气: peeved=on edge)80, I'm the third wheel. (做电灯泡)


81, What stakes do you propose?(你和我赌神马)

82, He was looking for a dame to shack up with.(同居: shack up)

83, What a fiesta today, I'm really glad you made it. (尽兴的聚会: fiesta)84, You should talk to somebody, dude, maybe a shrink. (心理医生: shrink)85, How mortifying to have to apologize to him! (难为情: mortifying)

86, Do not get attached.(别用情太深)

87, I won't be taken in.(我不会上当的)

88, It's a long shot. (希望渺茫)

89, I’m doomed.(完蛋了)

90, It takes two to tango. (一个巴掌拍不响)


91, This food is out of this world. (好极了: out of this world)

92, That sucks.(too bad)

93, I like spicy food once in a while,but generally speaking,I prefer blander food.(重口味: spicy 清淡: bland)

94, You had me worried sick.

(担心死了: worried sick)

95, What am I supposed to do then? Make a scene? (出丑: make a scene)96, Never again pull a stunt like this. (耍花招: pull a stunt)

97, He was roughed up by a gang of youths.(动粗: rough up)

98, I’ll get even with him one day. (扯平: get even)

99, She dumped me. (甩了我)

100, Would you like to grab a bite with me. (你愿意和我一起吃饭吗)


101, It's a foul on him(犯规:foul)

102, No need to panic.(害怕:panic)

103, -Do you have a direct visual yet? -Negative. We're still looking.(negative=no)

104, Wait a minute. Your beard tickles.(痒: tickle)

105, -Did he tip you?- One lousy buck.(讨厌的: lousy)

106, - You know, it makes them feel exotic. -Give me a Jack on the rocks.

(奇异的: exotic 加冰的: on the rocks)

107, -It's the only one you two haven't stolen.-Allegedly.(据说的,不可靠的)108, I figured he'd bug the place, so I started checking.(装窃听器: bug)109, Damn, I got the stink on me tonight. (臭味: stink)

110, I guess we can't all be the kiss-ass politician you are. (拍马屁: kiss-ass)--------------------

111, Decent law-abiding people cook omelets for breakfast.(煎蛋: omelet)112, You almost had me with that old David Copperfield

smoke and mirrors trick.(几乎把我骗了: almost had/got me)

113, There is an option.(选择)

114, I'm just gonna sneak up on it.(悄悄说)

115, -Are you being naughty?

-Naughty enough to spank.(打屁股:spank)

116, You two look pretty chummy.(密友: chummy)

117, She didn't have to be so hard on you, you know?(刻薄: hard on)

118, She's got grounds.(有理由的)

119, Dor, darling, you fishing for a compliment?(想法得到: fish for)

120, Cross my heart.(发誓)


121, I'm so totally knackered. (累=pooped out=drained)

122,You are absolutely adorable. (adorable : 可爱的=aggreeable)

123, Well, you hit it right on the head.(说到要害)

124, I believe in fidelity. It's my upbringing. (家教:upbringing)

125, But I guess I could shift things around. (调整: shift around)

126, Stop looking so grim.(严肃的: grim)

127, He was so obnoxious.(讨厌的)

128, I'll have my chauffeur pick them up directly from school. (司机: chauffeur )

129, Gee, I was gonna take you to a neat restaurant for lunch tomorrow. (干净的: neat)

130, That face rings a bell. (面熟)


131, Stay out of it.(你别管)

131, God, you are paranoid.(你真会瞎想)

132, What the hell does this have to do with you anyway?(关你屁事)

133, I mean,at some point,we gotta pull the trigger on this thing. (抓紧点的好)

134, Have a little faith.(有信心)

135, Just press the buzzer.(门铃: buzzer)

136, Sorry about this. I was detained. (耽搁: detained)

137, It was pretty creepy.(毛骨耸然)

138, That's awkward. (难堪)

139, So it's an irony, right? (反话: irony)

140, Speaking of summer, she showed a plan.(说到speaking of = talking

of=when it comes to)


141, Don't worry,I will set you a date.(安排对象: set a date)

142, I don't know how to put it.(说: put)

143, Sure thing! (当然)

144, Don't play possum! (别装蒜)

145, Are you kidding me? Are you pulling my leg? You're shitting me. (开玩笑)146, You know, man,death is really a hip thing now. (时尚的: hip)

147, Kinda chubby. And jolly.(丰满的: chubby快乐的:jolly)

148, Ever since he was so high(性感),he's had such a crush on you! (迷恋你)

149, -I mean is he looking to get laid,or is he looking for Mr Right? - He's straight,not gay. (正常的: straight)

150, Don't hand me that line of bullshit , Roscoe. (别给我来这一套,罗斯科)


1.If a guy is thirty and single, he has standards. If a woman is thirty and single, she has issues. 2.I mean all women in their thirties have issues, single or not. 3.This is like the opposite of funny. (这一点儿也不好笑) 4.Good things can happen in really massive way sometimes. 5.No one wants to be rejected. You gotta know you are not the only one who doesn?t feel wanted. (你要知道你不是唯一一个觉得没人要的) 6.The clothes make the man. (人靠衣装) 7.Some nightmares don?t end once we open our eyes. 8.It has to do with whatever?s going on between you and Blair. 9.Whatever he did, I think you can find a suitable punishment. 10.You are Blair Waldorf, Punishment is your middle name. 11.There?s no such thing as “too awful”between friends. We don?t judge. We can forgive everything. 12.Blair Waldorf headed for a comeback. (重出江湖) 13.I don?t have any dirt on her right now. (我现在没有她什么把柄。) 14.Are you really lecturing me about lying to a parent? (你是在教育我关于向家长 说谎的事吗?) 15.By some cruel twist of fate, I go to N.Y.U. (阴错阳差,我进了纽约大学。) 16.Jenny,save your breath. (省口气吧。) 17.Going behind my back to do sth… 18.N.Y.U is so beneath you. (NYU配不上你。) 19.They third person me. (他们无视我。) 20.Please stop acting like you and I have any kind of relationship. 21.I have a lot to make up for. 22.Going through all that without a father made me realize that I don?t need one. 23.Borrowing without asking is stealing. 24.I can?t believe that you are willing to destroy my relationship with my father because you?re too scared that yours won?t love you for who you really are. 25.Look at her ass. You can crack an egg on it. 26.No matter how far you run, you can never truly escape. 27.You reap what you sow. 28.People don?t kiss because they are upset. People kiss because they have feelings for each other. 29.I?m done crying. (我哭够了。) 30.I take my hat off to you. (我对你感到由衷敬佩。) 31.I?ll take your secret to my grave, but laughter is an uncontrollable bodily response. 32.Spying implies a lock of trust. 33.Things have a way of working out when you least expect it. 34.A man with nothing to live for is capable of anything. 35.The ability to have thoughts and not act on them is what separates man from beast. 36.I gotta limber up for all this bootlicking. (我要去准备拍马屁了。) 37.Everything I do or have ever done is for my children. 38.I can?t wait to see you bleeding on the rack.


看美剧学口语的心得 我本科的专业英语,没事就学英语,毕业后我从事的工作是英语教学,英语学习也没间断。个人感觉英语口语学习从看美剧中得益颇多,因此给我的学生推荐看美剧练口语。 看美剧学口语的优点在于时间自由、地点自由,只要有电脑即可。并且兼有提高口语听力和放松的双重功能。我工作之余养成了每天睡前看美剧的习惯,既有娱乐效果又有学习效果。很多美剧看了不下5遍,来来回回看,对剧情了如指掌,对语言非常熟悉。绝对能够学到比较生活化的口语,比大学期间英语语言文学课堂中学习到的语言要实用的多。不至于出现自个儿说的英语别人听不懂,别人的英语自个儿也听不懂的情况。 我大爱的几部美剧推荐(都是老片,属于怀旧型滴人) 《Friends》。我觉得比较经典的看法是中文字幕一遍,不放字幕看一遍,英文字幕一遍,最后再不放字幕看。friends的优点是语言生活化而且形象。关键是其中的友谊还是相当感人的,吸引我不停地看下去。(顺便祝福依然单身但依然美丽可爱的JEN,如同刚刚走入现实生活的RACHEL那样幸运,即将和一个真正关心和爱她的男人牵手一生。) 《Desperate housewives》这个剧的内容就是生活优裕家庭中的事儿,所以相对的语言要文雅很多.带着不舍和留恋重温讲述亲情友情的剧情,每每总是让人很感动,感觉这部片子满满的都是爱。最喜欢率性的拥有让人羡慕的模特容貌与身材的加布以及神经大条的苏珊;布里在完美的表象下亦隐藏着不为人知的痛苦;勒奈特则是家中的女强人,在这样一群闺蜜身上,每天都发生着或搞笑或苦涩的生活事件,是你我人生中会碰到的。尽管有点香艳,又不乏轻佻,但又有点沉重和小暧昧,正符合这部剧集的风格:既荒诞又写实,最终混合成一声自嘲。《sex & city》这个也是个人偏好,估计男生不一定喜欢.但是这个剧的情节很经典啦, 如果是女生的话看这个应该会增添很多fashion和relationship方面的词汇量和表达方式,另外,虽然四个人貌似总是谈性不断,但毕竟本剧的主角是纽约中年白领女..所以表达方式要比friends 高阶一点,个人意见。 如果是练习听力的话,《lost》该剧绝对是不错的材料..因为不同的口音实在是太多了!据说有美国东部口音,印度口音,韩国口音,黑人口音,英音,据说还有苏格兰音..偶第一次感觉自己听力有提高就是不带字幕的看完了两季lost之后。 比较有些专业性的只看过《Apprentice》。本剧对于商务和职场英语的提高还是很有帮助的,里面有很多teamwork的词汇,包括和别人合作时如何讨论, 作为group leader时如何主持会议组织讨论等等。 关于字幕俺觉得没必要特意看字幕或者不看字幕.一开始肯定是要看中文字幕的,但是慢慢就可以放弃了.我当时是因为喜欢看的越来越多, 有些根本来不及或找不到字幕,所以也就硬着头皮看下去, 最初看不大懂,但是慢慢就会长进很多.如果能做到的话早点放弃中文字幕最好.但是如果找到英文字幕可以跟着英文字幕多看几遍.个人意见,不用字幕更容易练听力,看英文字幕则对口语更有好处.


智慧树“看美剧-学口语”网络章节测试答案 (2017/12/7) 第一章 1. 表示接电话的短语是 pick up 2. QR code 指的是: 二维码 3. Many things grow in the garden that were never sown there 是什么意思: 有心栽花花不开,无心插柳柳成荫 4. 表示挂电话的短语是 hang up 5. on cloud nine 这个短语的意思是: 心情舒畅 弹幕题—— ①短语 slip my mind 的意思是: 忘了 ②表示接电话的短语是 pick up ③和 You would have a ball 表达相近意思的句子是: You will have a great time ④在句子I’m your rock 中,rock 的意思是: 坚实的支持 第二章 1. Espresso 是指: 意式浓缩咖啡 2. 下图是什么样的奶: 脱脂奶 3. 在调制鸡尾酒时需要加的基酒通常是指某一种烈酒,下面哪一种不是六大基酒( D ) A. Gin B. Rum

C. Whiskey D. Liqueur 4. 图中的运动对应下面的: Push-up 5. 图中的付款方式可以用下面哪个来表达: Credit Card 弹幕题—— ①有的咖啡在上面会有一层全脂奶打出来的泡沫,奶泡对应的英语单词是: Foam ②百加得朗姆酒瓶身的图案是哪一种动物: 蝙蝠 ③图中的运动对应下面的: Barbell ④图中表示的意思是: 打75折 ⑤图中的 DFS 指的是: 免税店 第三章 1. 图中的红烧肉可以用下面哪个来表达: Braised Pork in Brown Sauce 2. 这款甜点对应的英语是: Waffle 3. 3~4熟的牛排对应的英语是: Medium rare 4. 意大利面分为红酱面、青酱面、白酱面和黑酱面,其中白酱面指的是: 奶油面 5. 吃西餐时如图摆放刀叉,代表的意思是: 用餐完毕 弹幕题—— ①麻婆豆腐是哪一菜系的代表: 川菜 ②提拉米苏(Tiramisu)在意大利语的意思是: 带我走


NO.1 Friends 1、central perk (1)、central park(中央公园)的戏称 (2)、本身就是一个单词,有“更加振奋”之意,与咖啡馆的主题不谋而合2、perk up 来劲儿了精神头上来了 Mr.Zhang,you perk up every time your girlfriend shows up. 张先生,每次你女朋友一来,你就来劲了 3、There's nothing (for sb.)to + do sth. 没什么可 (1)可以为自己辩解开脱 (2)可以安慰别人,给他们打气 4、some:不确定的某个 通常形式是:some + 单数的可数名词 Are you kidding?There must be some mistake. 开什么玩笑,肯定有什么地方搞错了吧 He must be in some kind of trouble. 他铁定是遇到什么麻烦事了 5、colleague = co-worker 同事 my co-worker in the legal department(我法务部的同事) 6、come on (1)通常用来加油鼓劲 Come on! Don't be so shy. (2)得了吧,少来了 Come on,we all know that?s not true. 少来这一套,谁不知道那是假的 7、go out with someone = have a date with someone与某人约会 8、gotta(美国俚语)=got to必须 9、something wrong 不对劲,有问题 There's something wrong with my damn computer. 我那该死的电脑出问题了 10、there’s gotta be肯定是有 There?s gotta be a reason. 肯定是有原因的 There…s gotta be a catch. 肯定有诈


1, This fat bastard is trying to move in. (杂种: bastard=son of a bitch=asshole,老外喜欢在动词后用副词up, in, on, out等,有时可忽略其意义) 2, He's just not that into you. (那么: this, that 喜欢: into) 3, I bet I screwed up.(我肯定: I bet 搞砸了:screw up) 4, Well, all I can say is: you have changed your tune. (change your tune 改变态度) 5, But I'm such a creep. I'm a weirdo. (讨厌的人: creep 怪人: weirdo 奇怪的: weird) 6, To tell ye the truth , I don't give a shit. (不在乎: don't give a shit) 7, Drop it! I'm tired out.(打住,停止: drop it=cut it out) 8, Will you chill out? (冷静,闲逛: chill out) 9, You're checking to see if I went nuts , if I was gonna tell. (发疯: nuts) 10, So we figured that Tony might know something.(猜想: figure) ------------------------ 11, I want a role model, not some horny geek boy. (好色的:horny 怪人,怪才: geek) 12, I'm so ticked off! Are you nuts?(生气: ticked off =pissed off) 13, Come to think of it, that might be a close call. (好险:close call) 14, The scoundrel pinched money from my grandpa. (恶棍: scoundrel 捏,勒索: pinch) 15, Here’s another thorny problem facing our new boss. (棘手的: thorny)


智慧树2018《看美剧学口语》章节测试答案 对应章节第一章 1【单选题】(1分) 表示接电话的短语是____up。 A.get B.take C.pick D.make 正确答案: C 2【单选题】(1分) QR code指的是() A.质量保证 B.问题代码 C.二维码 D.档案密码 正确答案: C 3【单选题】(1分) Many things grow in the garden that were never sown there 是什么意思() A.碧玉妆成一树高,万条垂下绿丝绦。 B.有心栽花花不开,无心插柳柳成阴。 C.云想衣裳花想容,春风拂槛露华浓。 D.芳树无人花自落,春山一路鸟空啼

4【单选题】(1分) 表示挂电话的短语是____up。 A.hang B.hold C.pick D.make 正确答案: A 5【单选题】(1分) on cloud nine这个短语的意思是_____。 A.飞得很高 B.将要下雨 C.心情舒畅 D.阴雨密布 正确答案: C 对应章节第二章 1【单选题】(1分) Espresso是指() A.意式浓缩咖啡 B.美式咖啡 C.曼巴咖啡 D.哥伦比亚咖啡

2【单选题】(1分) 下图是什么样的奶() A.全脂奶 B.脱脂奶 C.酸奶 D.纯牛奶 正确答案: B 3【单选题】(1分) 在调制鸡尾酒时需要加的基酒通常是指某一种烈性酒下面哪一种不是六大基酒? A.Gin B.Rum C.Whiskey D.Liqueur 正确答案: D 4【单选题】(1分) 图中的运动对应下面的_____。 A.sit-up B.push-up C.squat D.stretch 正确答案: B


看美剧学英语:跟《摩登家庭》学地道口语 同性婚姻合法化问题一直备受美国社会各界关注,此争论在美国已持续数十年。在支持者与反对者的争论中,美国官方在这一问题上的态度逐渐从反对转为认同。6月26日,美国成为世界上第21个在全国范围内允许同性伴侣结婚的国家。 看过《摩登家庭》的同学们一定对Cam和Mitch这对儿lovable couple印象深刻,今天让我们跟随着剧情,图文结合来看看为什么Cam和Mitch是最棒的情侣!有共鸣的话就点赞转发吧! 1.They have a cute"How we met"story.他们有个萌萌的初次相遇。

2.They"hate"each other,and they fight a lot over silly little things whch is soooo adorable.他们“讨厌”对方,经常因可笑的小事吵架。 3.They give full support to each other.他们全力支持彼此。

4.They are always super romantic.他们总是特别浪漫。 5.They know who they are and they dare to be themselves.他们清楚自己的特性并勇敢地做自己。

6.They are insanely hilarious,dramas just follow them everywhere.他们特别搞笑,生活如戏剧般狗血。 7.They are fantastic parents.他们是非常优秀的家长。

8.They love their families.And they get well along with each other's friends and families.他们热爱家人,与对方的朋友和家人相处融洽。


美国人常用口语(经典) 在这篇文章里,我要向大家介绍一些美国人最常用的,而你又不见得听得懂的口语用法。大家如果有什么更好的建议或是补充,要写信告诉我啊! 1 Somebody/Something sucks!--- 某人,某事真差劲,糟透了! 在美国,你动不动就会听到人说:“You suck! She sucks! It sucks!”。suck 在英文里的本意是吸,吮,而在这里即表示某人,或是某事一点也不好,让你很失望。有很多情况下可以用到这个词: a. 昨天晚上你看了一场电影,如果朋友问你:“How was the movie? (电影怎么样?)”,你觉得那部片子真是拍得不怎么地,你可以说:“It sucked!”,而且可以特别使劲地,强调一下“sucked”,强烈表示你的不满。 b. 你有朋友今晚要向他心爱的女生表白,如果明天你问起他事情进行得如何,他告诉你他最终还是临阵打了退堂鼓,你可以笑他真是没出息,然后赶紧加一句:“You totally sucked!”(你可真没用) 反正,如果你不喜欢某人或是某事,或是表示很失望,说他/她/它“suck”就对了!但是要注意时态的用法啊! 2 Awesome! “Awesome”的本意是“令人敬畏的”,美国人经常用来当感叹词,大大地抒发内心的喜悦与赞美,表示“太棒了”!我想大家一定不会对“wonderful, great, fabulous, terrific”等词感到陌生。其实美国人说话就像中国人说话一样,每个人都有自己的口头语。有的人会用“beautiful”来形容满意,意思是“干得漂亮”,有的人甚至会用“cute(可爱)”来表示同样的意思。我想大家也可以开始建立自己的英语口头禅,这样感觉会很酷。 这里还要介绍一个新词“neat”。我想有一点英文常识的人都会直到“neat”是“整洁”的意思。但是如果你听到老美大叫“That's so Neat!”,别以为他在对周边环境的干净情节程度表示满意。美国人经常会说“That's neat!”,表示“很好的,美妙极了”,和上面介绍的词语是“异”词同“意”。 3 ass (屁股) 的用法 这次回国我看了焦点访谈对钢琴家朗朗专访,节目中,朗朗经常提到一个词“舔屁”,这让和我在一起看节目的爸爸妈妈笑开了花:这东北的男孩儿真是实诚!大家都明白他想说什么,他想说“拍马屁”,但是这个朗朗想必在美国生活了太久,将英语里“拍马屁”的说法“kiss ass”直译成“添屁”。“kiss”是“亲,吻”,而“ass”是“屁


美剧常用口语 1、I won’t let her go without a fight! 我不会轻易放过她的 2、It could happen to anyone./ It happens to anybody./ That happens. 谁都可能遇到这种情况 3、I’m a laundry virgin.(注意virgin的用法,体会老美说话之鲜活) 4、I hear you. 我知道你要说什么。/ 我懂你的意思了 5、Nothing to see here!这里没什么好看的/看什么看! 6、Hello? Were we at the same table? 有没有搞错?(hello的问语气表“有没有搞错?”) 7、You are so sweet/ that’s so sweet. 你真好。 8、I think it works for me. (work为口语中极其重要的小词) 9、Rachel, you are out of my league(等级,范畴). 你跟我不是同一类人 10、You are so cute. 你真好/真可爱 11、Given your situation, the options with the greatest chances for success would be surrogacy. (given表示考虑到的意思;非常简洁好用) 12、Let’s get the exam rolling. 现在开始考试了( get……rolling的用法) 13、Why don’t we give this a try?我们为何不试一下呢 14、Bravo on the hot nanny!重点是brave on sth/sb这个句型,表示为……喝彩/赞叹的意思) 15、My way or the highway.不听我的就滚蛋!(很漂亮的习语,压后韵) 16、I planed to go there but something just came up.我本想去那的,但突然有点事情(注意something just came up这个搭配) 17、That’s not the point.这不是关键/问题所在 18、(If) he shows up, we stick with him. 他一出现,我们就跟着他走(着重比较书面英语和标准的口语,表条件的if可以省略) 19、My life flashes before my eyes. 我的过往在我眼前浮现。


【美剧常见地道口语】 1. Have at you! 如果外国夫妇请你到家里吃饭,看着一桌丰盛的酒席,你问他们可以开始吃了吗,他们通常会说"Sure. Have at it." (当然,吃吧)。当两个小孩子在相互追逐欢乐,互相打斗的时候,一个通常会主动碰一下另一个,然后说"哈哈,打到你了!", 翻译过来就是"Have at you!" 2. Good night, sleep tight. 这句话大家可能都认识:“晚安,好梦”。但是如果说"Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite." 可能你就不太明白了。这句话通常都是家长对自己的小孩子说的话,其起源众说纷纭。不过这有点像儿时的童谣,很押韵,像:Good night, sleep tight/Wake up bright/In the morining light/To do what's right/With all your might之类。 3. She is a has-been. Well, Britney Spears is a has-been. Lady Gaga is hot nowadays.(布兰妮早就过气了,Lady Gaga现在很火。)这就是口语,恰当的用好单词也能出奇制胜。像something is off-key (这事儿有些不对头/蹊跷),Mr.Know-it-all is humbled (你这个“万事通”这回可砸牌子啦!),Don't be such a goody-goody (不要跟个老好人似得谁也不得罪)等等。 4. Mud in your eyes. 我们在敬酒的时候都知道用"Bottoms up!" "Cheers!" "Here's a toast to you!" ,其实还有一句就是"Here's mud in your eyes!"。这句话通常是在幽默轻松的环境来用的,多表示“祝你好运”。


常用英语口语 1.We had a deal. 我们说好了的。 2.Likewise.同样的Ep: Weird meeting you .见到你很别扭。Likewise.我也是。 3.Let’s go. 走吧。 4.Why does everyone assume that? 为什么大家都这么设想? 5.I come here to bury him. 我是来收拾他的。 6.He never picks a fight he can’t win . 他从来不打无把握之仗。 7.Imagine that feeling . 想想那种感觉。 8.You need a release. 你需要发泄。 9.Scratch that itch. 过把瘾。You’ve had an itch you can’t scratch.你会心痒难耐。 10.I can see it’s eating you. 我知道你为此也很闹心。 11.I’ll do it. On one condition. 我同意,但有一个条件。Name it . 任何条件。 12.I promise I won’t bother you again . 我保证我再也不打扰你了。 13.That’s not an answer. 这不算回答。 14.It’s open and shut. 这真是一目了然、昭然若揭。Ep: It's an open and shut case. The hospital is at fault. 这件事一目了然,责任在医院一方。 15.Muscle memory.下意识。 16.Forest for the trees. 只见树木,不见森林。 17.It’s kind of loud in here . 这里太吵了。 18.Are you kidding ? 别逗了。 19.I was set up. 我中圈套了。 20.It went exactly the way I think . 和我预想的一样。 21.You okay ? 你还好吧? 22.Her dedication had paid off. 她的心血没有白费。 23.What was I saying ? 我说到哪了? 24.What’s your point exactly?你到底想说什么? 25.I need some sleep. 我要睡一觉。


第一章测试题 1 【单选题】 (1分) 表示接电话的短语是__D__up A.pick B.get C.take D.Make 2 【单选题】 (1分) QR code指的是(A) A.二维码 B.质量保证 C.问题代码 D.档案密码 3 【单选题】 (1分) Many things grow in the garden that were never sown there 是什么意思(B) A.芳树无人花自落,春山一路鸟空啼 B.有心栽花花不开,无心插柳柳成阴。 C.云想衣裳花想容,春风拂槛露华浓。 D.碧玉妆成一树高,万条垂下绿丝绦。 4 【单选题】 (1分) 表示挂电话的短语是__A__up。 A.make B.pick C.hang

D.hold 5 【单选题】 (1分) on cloud nine这个短语的意思是__C___。 A.将要下雨 B.阴雨密布 C.心情舒畅 D.飞得很高 第二章测试题 1 【单选题】 (1分) Espresso是指(D) A.美式咖啡 B.曼巴咖啡 C.哥伦比亚咖啡 D.意式浓缩咖啡 2 【单选题】 (1分) 下图是什么样的奶(C) A.纯牛奶 B.酸奶 C.脱脂奶 D.全脂奶 3

在调制鸡尾酒时需要加的基酒通常是指某一种烈性酒下面哪一种不是六大基酒?(D) A.Rum B.Gin C.Whiskey D.Liqueur 4 【单选题】 (1分) 图中的运动对应下面的____B_。 A.sit-up B.push-up C.squat D.stretch 5 【单选题】 (1分) 图中的付款方式可以用下面哪个来表达__A___。 A.credit card B.WeChat transfer C.cash D.WeChat red envelop 第三章测试题 1


学商务英语推荐美国热播美剧The Apprentice--飞黄腾达 一套美国NBC电视台播放的真人秀节目,节目是在一群壮志雄心的商界男士与商界女强人中,选拔一个年薪25万美元的人,成为美国著名地产大王Donald Trump的徒弟,为Trump 集团效力的比赛。 美女上错身 美丽的模特Deb由于一次意外丧命。在去到天堂后,她因为和她的守门人Fred起争执按动了返回人间的按钮。但是意外再次发生,她居然上错了身。进入了一个肥胖但又聪明能干的律师Jane的身体。没有了美貌的Deb要如何在人间生活,她又要如何才能找回自己的过去呢? 丑女贝蒂 她外貌平平甚至于说是难看,但是她的自信、聪明、勤奋使她进入了时装界的风云杂志《Mode》,并且与上司丹尼尔·明德在时装界打滚。本剧是依据一部哥伦比亚同名电视剧《Yo soy Betty, la fea》改编的美国纽约版。 100句经典商务口语短句 1 Do I have to make a reconfirmation? 我还要再确认吗? 2 Is there any earlier one? 还有更早一点的吗? 3 Could you tell me my reservation number, please? 请你告诉我我的预订号码好吗? 4 Can I get a seat for today's 7:00 a.m. train? 我可以买到今天上午7点的火车座位吗? 5 Could you change my flight date from London to Tokyo? 请你更改一下从伦敦到东京的班机日期好吗? 6 Is there any discount for the USA Rail pass? 火车通行证有折扣吗? 7 May I reconfirm my flight? 我可以确认我的班机吗? 8 Are they all non-reserved seats? 他们全部不预订的吗? 9 Do I have to reserve a seat? 我一定要预订座位吗?


美剧中常用的口语 1.小事一桩 That’s a piece of cake. That’s as easy as pie! I can do it with my eyes closed. 2. 请你客气点 Who do you think you’re talking to? Don’t get fresh with me. (get fresh with 大多用于母亲对孩子的斥责之时)! 3. 等着瞧 You’ll see/ We’ll see. Time will tell. 4. 多管闲事 (It is) None of your business. Mind your own business. Who asked you? This has nothing to do with you. 5. 别狗眼看人低 Do I look like a fool? Who do you think I am? What kind of a fool do you take me for? 6. 不要告诉别人 Don’t tell anybody (about it)! This is just between you and me. This doesn’t leave this room. This is for your ears only. 7. 当然 You bet. You know it. 8. 你在开玩笑 You are kidding(joking)! You’ve got to be kidding(joking). Are you kidding me? 9. 没错,就是这样 You got that right. You wit the rail on the head. 10. 世界真小 It is a small world. Small world! You never know whom you will bump into! 11. 既然如此,你自己来吧 Do it yourself,then. 12. 这才像话 That is more like it 13. 太过分了 That is going too far. 14. 我老早就告诉过你了 See I told you(so). 15. 那又怎样? So what? 16. 就指望你了 I’m counting on you. You’re my only hope. 17. 想想办法吧!(别老是坐在那里) Do something (about it). Don’t just sit there. 18.别装傻了 Stop playing the fool! Don’t act stupid! 19.你有何不满? Any complaints? Do you have anything to say? 20. 船到桥头自然直 Thing will work out. It will work out. Everything will be fine. 21. 久仰大名! I’ve heard so much about you! 22. 我早就知道了 I’m fully(well) aware of that.


美联英语提供:美剧、电影里那些很经典、让人念念不忘的英语口语(四) 关于英语那些你不知道的事都在这里 https://www.doczj.com/doc/077980838.html,/test/quwen.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 1 Opposites attract. 1 异性相吸 2 The feeling is mutual. 2 有同感 3 the calm before the storm 3 暴风雨前的宁静 4 The early bird catches the worm 4 早起的鸟儿有虫吃 5 Better left unsaid. 5 最好还是不要说 6 Tomorrow is another day. 6 明天又是崭新的一天 7 come out in the wash 7 真相大白;得到圆满的结果

8 Every dog has his day. 8 十年风水轮流转 9 bury the hatchet 9 言归于好;和好 10 A good man is hard to find. 10 好人难找 11 in the nick of time 11 及时 12 Don't speak too soon. 12 别说的太早 13 There's no such thing as a free lunch. 13 天下没有免费的午餐 14 without batting an eyelid 14 眼睛眨都不眨;泰然自若 15 know the ropes 15 知道学习规则或内容 16 pay through the nose

16 花很多钱 17 sell like hot cakes 17 很畅销 18 What's done is done. 18 做了就做了 19 Look before you leap. 19 三思而后行 20 When the chips are down. 20 在重要关头;到了关键时刻 21 bet one's bottom dollar 21 确信无疑 22 Variety is the spice of life. 22 多样化丰富生活 23 a wolf in sheep's clothing 23 披着羊皮的狼 24 Haste makes waste. 24 欲速则不达


美剧中常见的短语句子 by all means means是“方法、手段”,by all means是“必定、一定、无论如何”的意思,有ofcourse“当然”之意,通常是加强语气之用。比如人家邀请你去吃饭,你就可以说I'll come by all means。“我一定会来的。”要注意的是,by any means 同样也是“一定、无论如何”之意,但是通常用在否定句之中。还有一个词组by no means,这个的意思就是“绝不” in my way of thinking 依字面上之意,是“以我思考的方式”,所以in my way of thinking就是“以我看来,就我而言”的意思。同样的意思,你也可以说as far as I'm concerned,或者简单一点的in my opinion。这都是一种谦虚表达意见的方式,在发言之前先声明这纯属个人的想法。 What's this all about? 这句话的意思是“这是怎么回事?”相当于What's up with that?,这句也完全等于What happened?或是What's going on?,当你搞不清楚状况时,这几句话都可以为你除疑解惑。不过用What's this all about?来寻求解答时,是比较想知道事情的来龙去脉,而不仅只是想知道发生什么事而已。 a sight for sore eyes 这是美语中一个口语化的说法,“看到你真是消除眼睛疲劳”意思就是“人见人爱的悦目之物”,白话一点就是“见到你真好”,有点像是见到救星的那种感觉,或者是看到好久不见的朋友,也可以用上这一句话。比如说你刚吃完一顿大餐,酒足饭饱之余才发现没带钱,正当不知所措准备进厨房洗碗时,看到了好友就在别桌用餐,总算露出一线生机,你就可以跟你的朋友说:You are a sight for soar eyes。


经典推荐:十部提高英语水平的美剧.txt会计说:“你晚点来领工资吧,我这没零钱。”你看得出我擦了粉吗?虽然你身上喷了古龙水,但我还是能隐约闻到一股人渣味儿。既宅又腐,前途未卜。既宅又腐,前途未卜。你被打胎后是怎么从垃圾桶里逃出来的?史上最神秘的部门:有关部门。不可否认,马赛克是这个世纪阻碍人类裸体艺术进步最大的障碍!学习英语的材料的问题是太多了而不是相反,more is less. 个人觉得美剧在作为学习的效用上超过了欧美电影,因为其持续的时间长,可以对一个范围主题内的英语内容进行长时间的反复学习,需要一直重复某些内容。有利于英语输出能力的培养,例如写作和口语。另外由于趣味性,和生活化的内容,学习的适应性也大于各大欧美媒体的有声新闻。 和美剧有相类似作用的是欧美的课程,当然如果你喜欢的话。因为两者的内容很大部分是不重叠的,课程的学习更有利于英文某个领域内内容的熟悉,而且也更加的学术化,可以互为补充。当然你能找到活的洋人除外,再写就跑题了。一家之言:开宗明义,个人认为最好的材料是老友记Friends 和绝望主妇 Desperate Housewives,只是从英语学习的角度来说,个人其实并不是最喜欢这两部剧集,尤其是后者越来越乏味了。 可能有的人认为这两部比较容易,但是对于口语来说却不是这样。这两部戏的口音比较纯正,发音清晰,而且语速适中,比较适合模仿,而且内容和词汇量都很适中,没有太大的难度,正是口语学习模仿的好材料。就是听力来说也可以应付一般的日常的听力了,对付较难或者不熟悉的内容也可以较快的适应。 对于以下十部美剧/电视剧的评价: Desperate housewives 时而压抑、时而诙谐、人物性格刻划得鲜明,只是觉得剧情不是那么贴近生活,不过里面的句子还有哲理性,几个主演的英语也是非常标准,是一部学习英语值得推崇的super soup。 丑女贝蒂(Ugly Betty) 也不错,里面能学到很多商务类的英语词汇,而且对个人的性格修为有所帮助,我很喜欢Daniel的处世风格。 Sex and the city 欲望都市是很有内涵的片子,不是一般肥皂剧比得了的。从女性的视角叙述女人的性与情感,中国男人看了估计会受不了。 Friends 老友记是一部很好的帮助我们学习英语口语及常用短语、日常用品的单词的连续剧,就我个人而言,我会在第一遍不看字幕过一遍,第二遍借助字幕理解第一遍不清楚的地方,第三便把印象深的短语句子写下来,反复读记,第四遍在过一遍。比如我就会想起:snow-in-a-can 雪花罐 working on commission 赚佣金look no further!不要再找了 take


看美剧学口语的正确打开方式 雅思听力教材好无聊,BBC纪录片又比较枯燥,有没有又有趣又能练听力口语的方式呢?下面就和大家分享看美剧学口语的正确打开方式,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 看美剧学口语的正确打开方式 一、边听边说,提高听口能力。 相信许多人看美剧都是默口无声的,其实听力和口语很难分开学习,只有将二者结合才能事半功倍,所以,最好的观影方式,应当是模仿。因此,暑假观赏英美剧电影时,不妨尝试从剧中选择一个自己喜欢的角色,结合字幕,模仿他(她)的台词,不仅是跟的上语速,并且尽力达到语调一致,这样的过程,自然不是一遍就能做到的,所以,重复观看和模仿就是最好的途径了。不过,我相信反复观看自己喜欢的剧集、模仿自己钟爱的剧中人物,过程一定还是很愉快幸福的。 二、边听边看字幕,提升词汇累计 一些不常用于生活我们极少使用的学术词汇在背诵的时候 是非常困难的,但是如果我们是在美剧或是一个很有趣的纪录片中看到这个单词,那结合剧中的情景就会让人印象深刻,在我们关注字幕的时候,就可以发现大量我们背过的词汇身在其中,看

完之后印象深刻了不少,如若能反复观看,印象便自然进一步加深了! 三、学习口语的地道表达 美剧中的口语通常都是日常生活对话性质的,这对于没有具体语言环境的考生们来说不失为学习地道口语的方法,像《生活大爆炸》《老友记》等更是有一些美国俚语穿插其中,习惯了中式英语表达,多看看美剧说不定就可以走出这个怪圈,在口语考试中一口地道的英语表达也会令考官印象深刻,好感度上升。所以别在像看国产剧一样地看美剧了,张开口睁大眼,跟着美剧练习口语听力表达,才不会在看了那么多美剧以后只记住讲了什么故事,而没有其他一点收获。 每日一句影视英语口语:嘘,别告诉别人…… 【影视实例】 影视《绯闻女孩》点此看GG3.09完整剧集和学习笔记 剧情引导:沙龙舞会,小J一心想要找Graham Collins做舞伴,Eric的舞伴Kira恰是他的邻居,想要借以替她传话接近小J,Eric却因为对J怀恨在心阻止了Kira...... Kira: Whos her escort? Eric: Well, shes obsessed with getting Graham Collins.

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