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believe inyourself,that isSelf-confidence.

Confidence is power--the power to attract, persuade, influence, and succeed.Imagine whatyour life would belike if you had an abundanceof self confidence!

Confidence isn't an inheritedtrait, it' s a learned one. This means thatyou can have anabun-

dance of self-confidence. Start here,rightnow.

Confidence starts in themind.What you thinkofyourself very much influences the wayyou feelabout yourself.This, inturn,affects the wayyou speak and act.

No onecanmake you feel inferior withoutyourconsent.

The very first thing you haveto do tocreateabundant self-confidenceistostart thinking with confidence. Pay attention to yourinternaldialogue,and learntonotice when you a llow negativity or doubttocontrol the course ofyour thinking.

Your environment has atremendousinfluence on you. Thebooks youread,thepe opleyou spendtimewith, and themusic you listen to all influence the way youthink andfeel aboutyourself andthe world around you.

In anutshell, yourenvironment caneither build up your self-confidenceor dragit down.

If you're in a situationwhere you're discouraged, such asan unhealthyrelationship or

amiserablejob, you have to change that situation if youwant your self-confidence level togrow.

Create an environment that supports you if yourdesire to have abundant self-confidence.Spend time with confident people.

Rememberthose, self-confidencecan be yours. Take it!









Life is What We MakeIt

Areyoudissatisfied withtoday's success?It is the harvest from yesterday'ssowin g.Do you dream ofagolden morrow? You will reap what youare sowing today. Weget out of life justwhat weput into it.

Nature takes onour moods: she laughs with thosewholaugh and weeps withthosewho weep.If we rejoice and are gladthe very birdssing more sweetly, the woodsand streamsmurmurour song. But if we are sad andsorrowful a suddengloom falls upon Nature's face; the sun shines,but not in our hearts, the birdssing,but not to us.

Thefuture willbejust what we make it. Our purpose willgive it its character. One'sresolut ion is one's prophecy.Leave all your discouragingpessimismbehind.Do not prophesy evil, but good. Men ofhopecome to thefront.





My topic is "Can moneybuy happiness".

As we all know,money canbuy all the goods in our life,no matter how huge it is.Aspaces

hip,for example, if you really feel your bank account canafford it.

However, whenit comesto love, satisfaction, happinessand many other human fee lings,itis completely not likethis. The result ofmany recent research cansupportmy poi nt.They said that,thoughpeople received far more moneythan ever,theirstandard for happinessalso rised.Thatmeans,ifyou had one yuan, a carmight be your dream, but ifyou had one million,you might consider owning a space trip. So whenpeople always hope for thosethey can not afford, theywill push themselves to an unhappysituation.Anyhow, money equalwealthy in life but not happiness in mind. Only by changingour attitudeto money and enjoying every day, can we obtain a truely happy future!

Blue Planet

We all haveacommon home.Sheprovidesuswith enough food, enough water and enough living room. Weget everythingfrom the nature to livebetter, but wedonnotdoanyt

hing toprotecther. How the air ispolluted; the earthis poisoned;water isunsafe to

drinkandrubbish is burying thecivilizationthat manowns.

Ourenvironment isbeing pollutedfaster than natureand man's present efforts can prevent. Time isbringing us more people, and more peoplewill bring usmore industry. So many trees will be cut down, andmorelarge cities will besetup. Lots of waste material,