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As a middle school student,I learn many subjects,I study so hard every day. When I get home,I will do my homework and then go over the book. But when holiday comes,I feel a little confused,because I don t want to study and do something new.Then I don t know what to do, my mind get blank.

作为一个中学生,我学许多科目,我每天那么努力学习。当我回家时,我会做作业,然后复习书本。但当假期来临的时候, 我感到有点困惑,因为我不想学习,想做一些新的事情。我就不知道要做什么,我的头脑一片空白。

I decide to develop my interest.Some day,I happened to see a tennis match,and I couldn t stop watching, then I fell in love with tennis. So I started to learn playing tennis,I felt so happy.

我决定培养我的兴趣。有一天, 我碰巧看到一场网球比赛,我无法停止下来看,然后我爱上了网球。因此我开始学习打网球,我感到很高兴。培训兴趣爱好

Now tennis is my favorite sport,I find a way to relax myself.



如何用英文介绍自己的兴趣爱好? 不管是面试、自我介绍,还是跟朋友、同事交流,都会常常聊到一个话题就是兴趣爱好。学英语那么久,关于“爱好”话题的英文表达,你懂多少? 基本提问的方式: (1)How do you spend your spare time? 你的业余时间怎么度过? (2)What kind of sports do you like most? 你最喜欢什么运动? (3)What are your hobbies? 你的业余爱好是什么? (4)What do you like to do in your free time? 你业余时间喜欢做什么? 基本回答的方式: (1)I have an interest in traveling. 我对旅游感兴趣。 (I have an interest in+(),in后面加上你喜欢的爱好) (2)I like playing basketball. 我喜欢打篮球. (I like+( ),like后面加上你喜欢的爱好) 对话示例: 格雷: What do you like to do in your free time? 你业余时间喜欢做什么? 李磊: I like playing basketball. What is your hobby?

我喜欢打篮球.你的爱好是什么? 格雷: I like reading books. 我喜欢读书. 李磊: What is your favorite book? 你最喜欢的书是什么啊? 格雷: I like reading Wuthering Height. 我喜欢读(呼啸山庄). 李磊: That is really a good book. 那可是本好书啊. 格雷: Yes, I have read it several times. 是的.我已经读过很多次了. 李磊: It seems that fate rules their lives. 似乎命运控制了他们的生活. 格雷: Yes, I agree with you. 是的.我同意你的说法.


培养兴趣爱好英语作文 【英语作文】 As a middle school student,I learn many subjects,I study so hard every day. When I get home,I will do my homework and then go over the book. But when holiday comes,I feel a little confused,because I don t want to study and do something new.Then I don t know what to do, my mind get blank. 作为一个中学生,我学许多科目,我每天那么努力学习。当我回家时,我会做作业,然后复习书本。但当假期来临的时候, 我感到有点困惑,因为我不想学习,想做一些新的事情。我就不知道要做什么,我的头脑一片空白。 I decide to develop my interest.Some day,I happened to see a tennis match,and I couldn t stop watching, then I fell in love with tennis. So I started to learn playing tennis,I felt so happy. 我决定培养我的兴趣。有一天, 我碰巧看到一场网球比赛,我无法停止下来看,然后我爱上了网球。因此我开始学习打网球,我感到很高兴。培训兴趣爱好 Now tennis is my favorite sport,I find a way to relax myself. 现在网球是我最喜欢的运动,我找到一个方法来放松自己。


描写我的兴趣爱好的英语作文范文 导语:问题不在于教他各种学问,而在于培养他有爱好学问的兴趣,而且在这种兴趣充分增长起来的时候,教他以研究学问的方法。下面是为大家,英语范文,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注FLA学习网! I like to have: dance, jump rope, rubber band skipping, but my favourite is singing. Singing is my hobby! I like to sing, as long as it is. I hear a five or six times can singing along, I started to like singing from the age of 7. Seven and a half years old, I fell in love with singing. Even if the toilet when they sing, sing almost idle. School held a variety of singing, I participated in almost all! So the songs are also much more special, my sister said, maybe I can be the singer in the future! Sometimes my classmates also said, I can sing very well. Mother's day, we sang wanderer, especially make the audience like it! Six, at that time, also intends to show in our school, of course, also have me. Hey hey! Someone asked: "why do you like singing?" I can tell you, because some songs are very good to listen! Listening to music can make me in a good mood! So I like singing, also like listening to music.


兴趣爱好英语范文 对于要写自己的兴趣爱好,这样的英语作文,相信大家很快就会有写作灵感。下面是给大家整理的兴趣爱好英语范文,供大家参阅! I like play football very much.I think it is one of the most popular way to relax.And it can help your body grow more strong.I often play football on PE lesson and after school.In this way I make friends with a lot of football-liker.we always play together.Football bring me so much,I like it! 兴趣爱好英语范文2Diffrent people have diffrent hobbies I have a lot of hobbies like reading books,watching movies and so on.I like reading books because I get lots of know ledge I find more interesting things so I like reading diffrent kinds of books I also like watching movies I enjoy my leisure time so I usually watch movies in my free time it's makes me happy. I think watching movies and reading books are most interesting than any hobbies I love life.myhobbies make life colourful.I like chinese book. 兴趣爱好英语范文3I am a 15-year-old student in junior Grade 3. Though I am occupied with my study, I would like to


初中英语自我介绍和兴趣爱好 初中生在认识新朋友时,自我介绍是让别人了解你的第一步,你 肯定都想要先告诉别人你的一些基本信息、兴趣、爱好等,以下是为你整理的初中英语自我介绍和兴趣爱好,希望大家喜欢。 初中英语自我介绍和兴趣爱好篇〔Autobiography From a middle class family, I was born in Hsi n Ying, Tainan on October 10th, 1965. My father is a civil official at Tai nan City Government. My mother is a house wife good at cooking. Although I am the only child of my pare nts, I am by no mans a spoiled one. On the contrary, I have been expected to be a successful man with advaneed education. I study hard at school. Besides texts knowledge, journalism is my favorite; whenever reading, my heart is filled with great joy and in teresti ng. “ Being good is must; successful, however, is plus. ” Father adopts the idea of his father. Especially in military service, I realized it more precisely. People said: Military service makes a boy to man, I agree that. I realized the importanee of English and began to study dilige ntly whe n I was eightee n. I did not start in my early age, but I hope that I could pass the test of General English Proficie ncy Test.


谈论“个人爱好”的英语表达 Do you have any hobbies? 个人爱好 In my spare time, I like reading books, collecting cards and coins, playing volleyball, communicating with friends, and so on. I also like English very much, I am fond of watching English films and listening to English songs, I passed College English Test Band six in September, 2003, I do believe there is still a long way for me to learn English well enough, however I will not shrink back, Because I realize that English is a bridge connected our country with the outside world. Learning English is the most direct and available method for intercourse among countries and also useful for us to get advanced knowledge and technology from other nations. 兴趣爱好是人们在谈话中经常会涉及到的内容,现在让我们了解一下英文中相关兴趣的一些说法: 如What’s your hobby? 你爱好什么? What do you do in your spare time? 你业余时间都做什么? What are you interest in? 你对什么感兴趣? Are you a basketball fan? 你是一个篮球迷吗? What are your interests?你爱好什么? I favor black and gray.我喜欢黑色和灰色. Will you do me a favor and lent me two hundred yuan? 你能否帮个忙借我200元.

英语面试 兴趣爱好篇

英语面试03:性格爱好篇 [1]Words&Expression [2]简历中赞美自己性格的词汇 [3]BASIC EXPRESSIONS [4]CONVERSATIONS Personality and Hobby 通过个性和爱好的问答,主考官可以初步判断面试者的性格特点是否适合职位的需要。性格外向的人往往容易给人留下热情活泼、思维敏捷但不深沉的印象,这类性格的人在面试时说话的节奏要适当放慢,语言组织得当,要注意给人以博学多才、见多识广的良好形象。性格内向的人则容易给人留下深沉有余、反应迟缓的印象,在面试时,这类性格的人要力争积极回答,并就某一重大观点展开论述,以弥补自己性格上的不足。兴趣爱好有助于工作的胜任愉快,而且热爱本职,从事的专业岗位与自己的兴趣爱好相吻合也更有利于出成果。Words&Expression: Hobby:爱好,尤其指业余爱好 Spare time:空闲时间,业余时间 Be good at:擅长 Favorite:最喜欢的,特别喜欢的,中意的Detective:侦探,侦探的;在对话中指侦探小说 Performance:表演,演出 Ballet:芭蕾舞 Introverted:内向的,含蓄的,闭关自守的,性格内向的人 Extroverted:外向的,喜社交的,性格外向者 Ambivert:中向性格者,具有中向性格的Personality/character/disposition/ temperament:个性,性格Characteristic:独特的,特有的,表示特性的 Enthusiastically:热心地,狂热地open-minded开明的,开放的easy-going容易相处的personality个性,人格enthusiastic充满热情的leisure空闲的,闲暇的 play the guitar弹吉他reading阅读 play chess下棋 play话剧 long distance running长跑play bridge打桥牌 collect stamps集邮 play tennis打网球 jogging慢跑 sewing缝纫 travelling旅游 listen to symphony听交响乐do some clay scultures搞泥塑 应试者应该根据应聘职位的需求,尽量的使用适当的词语形容自己的个性特点。例如,应试者如果应聘秘书的职位,那么他(她)在形容自己的个性特点时应尽量选用类似


面试英语对话:如何表达性格与爱好 性格与爱好 通过个性和爱好的问答,主考官可以初步判断面试者的性格特点是否适合职位的需要。性格外向的人往往容易给人留下热情活泼、思维敏捷但不深沉的印象,这类性格的人在面试时说话的节奏要适当放慢,语言组织得当,要注意给人以博学多才、见多识广的良好形象。性格内向的人则容易给人留下深沉有余、反应迟缓的印象,在面试时,这类性格的人要力争积极回答,并就某一重大观点展开论述,以弥补自己性格上的不足。 兴趣爱好有助于工作的胜任愉快,而且热爱本职,从事的专业岗位与自己的兴趣爱好相吻合也更有利于出成果。 basic expressions 基本句型表达 (1) what kind of character do you think you have? 你认为自己是什么性格的人? (2) are you introverted or extroverted? 你内向还是外向? (3) what kind of person would you like to work with? 你喜欢和什么样的人一起工作呢? (4) -how do you get along with others? 你和别人相处得怎样? -i get on well with others. 我和别人相处得很好。 (5) do you have any particular strengths or weaknesses? 你有什么特别的优点和缺点吗? (6) what basic principles do you apply to your life? 你生活中的基本原则是什么? (7) how do you spend your spare time? 你的业余时间怎么度过?


如何用英文介绍自己的兴趣爱好 不管是面试、自我介绍,还是跟朋友、同事交流,都会常常聊到一个话题就是兴趣爱好。学英语那么久,关于“爱好”话题的英文表达,你懂多少 基本提问的方式: (1)How do you spend your spare time 你的业余时间怎么度过 (2)What kind of sports do you like most 你最喜欢什么运动 (3)What are your hobbies 你的业余爱好是什么 (4)What do you like to do in your free time 你业余时间喜欢做什么 基本回答的方式: (1)I have an interest in traveling. 我对旅游感兴趣。 (I have an interest in+(),in后面加上你喜欢的爱好) (2)I like playing basketball. 我喜欢打篮球. (I like+( ),like后面加上你喜欢的爱好) 对话示例: 格雷: What do you like to do in your free time 你业余时间喜欢做什么 李磊: I like playing basketball. What is your hobby

我喜欢打篮球.你的爱好是什么 格雷: I like reading books. 我喜欢读书. 李磊: What is your favorite book 你最喜欢的书是什么啊 格雷: I like reading Wuthering Height.我喜欢读(呼啸山庄). 李磊: That is really a good book. 那可是本好书啊. 格雷: Yes, I have read it several times.是的.我已经读过很多次了. 李磊: It seems that fate rules their lives.似乎命运控制了他们的生活. 格雷: Yes, I agree with you. 是的.我同意你的说法.


兴趣爱好与学习英语之间的联系 英语这一科目在现阶段的学习中是十分重要的,是作为学生必须熟练掌握的技巧。但在日常学习中,我们往往会因为英语成绩不好而烦恼,英语也因此成为了我们的心病。那么主要的问题有哪些呢,我们该如何解决呢?我归结如下。 英语成绩不好的主要原因有三,一,单词记不住。二,不了解语法。三,没有语感。导致了我们英语水平难以提高,因而产生了厌倦的心理,越讨厌就越不想学,越不想学成绩就越差,如此往复形成了恶性循环。对英语也就没有兴趣了。其实兴趣是我们学习的最好的老师,也是我们前进的最好的动力,那么怎样才能变得对英语有兴趣。我认为,在学习英语之前要对英语有一个全面的了解,明白英语的本质及其特点才能更好的学习英语。 英语是现在使用最广泛的语言,其中暗含着深厚的西方文化底蕴,是西方民族文化的积淀,和汉语一样,千百年而不衰,凝结着人们的智慧,流传到今天。英语的单词之间透漏着西方人民的性格以及办事方式。举个最典型的例子来说,当受到别人夸奖时,往往回以谢谢。体现了西方人民的直爽,有礼貌,开朗的性格。英语是文化的载舟,也是我们了解这个社会,这个世界的一种重要的工具。 从以上我们可以看出,英语本身就是文化的一种表达方式,其学问不下于汉语,这就会引起我们的学习欲望,对英语的喜欢与接纳会指引我们更好的进行学习。所以我们可以说,兴趣爱好对学习英语有引导

牵引的作用。那么,一些英语学习爱好者又是通过怎样的方式对英语进行学习和研究的呢? 以我自身为例,在读单词的时候,往往会借助于音标,英语音标有48个,我们老师讲音标都起了好听易记的名字。如鬼哭狼嚎双元音[au],穿针引线音[i:],还将音标变成了音标歌帮助我们记忆,从此音标不再枯燥变得妙趣横生。我们那个班出来的学生发音都很标准,记单词的时候也记得更快,更准。说到记单词,其实要有自己的方法对于一些特殊的单词可以寻找一些技巧,举个例子来说,“固执的”stubborn,中有一个爆发音[A],就表示很强烈的态度,固执就是很顽固,所以就记住了在“固执”里有个[A]的音,这样就好记多了。 对于单词的记忆,我们可以去找一些很巧妙的方法来培养我们的兴趣,级单词记得又快又牢,发音也十分标准。由此我们可以知道,兴趣爱好对于学习英语来说有提高学习英语的效率,提高英语成绩的作用。这仅仅是单词的学习,在语法上,培养出来的兴趣又有哪些积极作用呢? 其实,语法和语感有相同之处,有不少学习优秀的同学都是听着英语磁带入睡的,还记得有个英语老师,一天夜里睡觉被人给踢醒了,为什么?他说梦话说的全是英语。再有,有的同学拥有语感,在做题的时候不自觉的就能选对答案,只是觉得这样读起来非常的“顺”,语感就是这样,老师告诉我们无论时间有多么的紧张,在做完完形填空后一定要读一遍文章,都写对了感到非常的“顺”,条理十分清晰。语感无外乎多读几遍课文,多听老师讲课积少成多,最后自然而然就


必学英语:recreational 关于兴趣爱好,在网申中的英文开放性问题中,最常见到的表达不是interests或hobbies,而是recreational和leisure。以毕马威(KPMG)的网申英文题为例“Please give a b rief summary of your current recreational and leisure activities including sports and hobbies”。这里的recreational and leisure activities就是业余时间的娱乐活动,也就是兴趣爱好。 问兴趣爱好的目的不是真的想知道你是喜欢阅读还是喜欢打篮球(又不是组织同城活动),而是想从中了解你的某些能力和潜力。比如喜欢打篮球的人可以表现自己的团队合作能力,喜欢阅读的人可以表现自己的钻研精神等。 在网申中,关于兴趣爱好的英文开放性问题,主要有以下几种问法: Please give a brief summary of your current recreational and leisure activities including sports and hobbies. What clubs and societies are you a member of and in what capacity? What community or students' clubs do you belong to and to what extent are you involved? 下面沪江小编为你总结一些在用英文描述兴趣爱好时必不可少的表达(欢迎补充): recreational and leisure activities: football 美式足球soccer英式足球 tennis 网球 volleyball 排球 table tennis 乒乓球badminton羽毛球 bowling 保龄球 fishing 钓鱼 surfing 冲浪 rowing 划船 skating 溜冰 swimming 游泳 horseback riding 骑马 hiking 徒步 climbing 爬山 cooking 烹饪gardening 园艺reading 阅读blogging/writing 写博客/写作 DIY/Design 手工/设计singing 唱歌 dancing 舞蹈 video games打游戏

小学英语作文:My Hobby 我的兴趣爱好

小学英语作文:My Hobby 我的兴趣爱好 导读:本文小学英语作文:My Hobby 我的兴趣爱好,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 【篇一】Since I was very small, my parents have sent me to learn many skills, such as dancing and drawing, but I am not interested in them. I want to play tennis. I tell my parents my real idea, then they respect me and let me do what I like. Now I spend some time with my friends to play tennis when we have time. I feel so happy. 在我非常小的时候,我的父母就送我去学习很多技能,像跳舞、画画,但我都不感兴趣,我想打网球。我告诉我父母我真正的想法。他们就尊重我,让我做我喜欢做的事情。现在当我们有时间的时候,我会和我的朋友去打网球。我很高兴。 【篇二】Two years ago, I lived in my hometown. It is a beautiful place for me and I like the life there. Every day, I wake up early in the morning, then I will walk in the country road with my grandma. We will meet some people and we say hello to each other. The trees are so green and the water is so clean. I play a lot of time in the small river. I have the beautiful memory there. 两年前,我住在家乡My Hometown'>我的家乡。对我来说那是一个美丽的地方。我喜欢那里的生活。每一天,我都醒得很早,然后我会和我奶奶在乡间小路散步。我们会碰到一些人之后


面试英语口语:兴趣爱好 Basic expressions 基本句型表达 1) How do you spend your spare time? / What do you do for leisure? 你的业余时间怎么度过? 2) What kind of sports do you like most? 你最喜欢什么运动? 3) What are your hobbies? 你的业余爱好是什么? 4)I have an interest in / am fond of / like / love traveling. 我对旅游非常感兴趣。/我喜欢/爱好旅游。 Dialogue 会话 A=Applicant I=Interviewer I: What kind of person do you think you are? A: Well, I am always energetic and enthusiastic. That's my strongest personality trait. I: What are your strengths and weaknesses? A: Em, as I have said just now, I'm diligent and industrious. On the other hand, sometimes I work too hard and I put myself under too much pressure to make things perfect.

I: What qualities would you expect of persons working as a team? A: To work in a team, in my opinion, two characteristics are necessary for a person. That is, the person must be cooperative and aggressive. I: How do you spend your leisure time? A: I like playing games and sports. They are my favorite hobbies. I: So, what kinds of sport do you like most? A: Oh, it's hard to narrow it down to just one. I mean, I like all kinds of sports, basketball, swimming, bike riding and so on. Maybe it is just the reason why I am so energetic and vigorous.


英语短文 英语短文:拥有兴趣爱好的四大益处 英语短文: When people say they are overloaded or cannot keep up with their todos, it is usually the result of taking on too much. Most of the time, I advise people that they need to “Say No” more often. Being able to “Say No” is key to avoiding being overcome by obligations others ask us to take on. 每当人们感到压力山大或事情总也做不完时,多半是因承受太多造成的。大部分情况下,我会建议他们多尝试“说不”。能够“说不”至关重要,可避免被别人要求帮忙的事情压垮。 There is one exception… when it comes to saying no to yourself. 但也有例外——就是千万别对自己说不。 When the going gets rough and people start buckling down, they start saying no to themselves first. After all, saying no to others is hard, saying no to yourself is easy.

遭遇困境时,人们首先会屈服,对自己说不。毕竟,拒绝别人很难开口,否定自己可就容易多了。 So, they begin denying themselves the things that keep them alive and energized. Leisure activities, sports, spending time with their family, are often the first things to go. 于是,人们开始否定那些让自己保持活力四射的事情。首当其冲的便是休闲活动、运动以及与家人共度的时光。 What is Your Hobby? 你的爱好是什么? When people ask for advice because they are too busy at work, one of the first things I ask them is, “What is your hobby?” To which they respond, “Are you kidding? I don’t have time for a hobby!” 当人们因为工作繁忙而向我求助时,首先我会问他“你的爱好是什么?”。结果他们会反问道:“开什么玩笑,我哪还有时间发展爱好!” I tell them, “you don’t have time not to.” In fact, spending more time on yourself will result in more time and productivity at work. 我告诉他们:“时间有的是啊。”其实,多花点时间在自己身上还能提高时间利用和工作的效率呢。


英语表达个性和爱好的问答 英语表达个性和爱好的问答英语表达个性和爱好的问答通过个性和爱好的问答,主考官可以初步判断面试者的性格特点是否适合职位的需要。性格外向的人往往容易给人留下热情活泼、思维敏捷但不深沉的印象,这类性格的人在面试时说话的节奏要适当放慢,语言组织得当,要注意给人以博学多才、见多识广的良好形象。性格内向的人则容易给人留下深沉有余、反应迟缓的印象,在面试时,这类性格的人要力争积极回答,并就某一重大观点展开论述,以弥补自己性格上的不足。兴趣爱好有助于工作的胜任愉快,而且热爱本职,从事的专业岗位与自己的兴趣爱好相吻合也更有利于出成果。 Basic vocabulary (基本词汇) open-minded 开明的,开放的easy-going 容易相处的 personality 个性,人格enthusiastic 充满热情的 leisure 空闲的,闲暇的hobby 业余爱好 应试者应该根据应聘职位的需求,尽量的使用适当的词语形容自己的个性特点。例如,应试者如果应聘秘书的职位,那么他(她)在形容自己的个性特点时应尽量选用类似efficient (有效率的)、careful(办事仔细的)、responsible(负责的)等词语而不应该选用purposeful(有目的的)或liberal(心胸宽大的)等不着边际的词语。 1) What kind of character do you think you are?

personality person 你认为你自己具有什么样的性格。 你认为你自己具有什么样的个性。 你认为你自己是个什么样的人。 2) Do you have any particular strengths or weaknesses? What are your strengths and weaknesses? merits strong points shortcomings 你有什么特别的强项或缺点吗? 你的强项和缺点是什么? 你有什么优点? 你有何长处? 你有何缺点? 3) How do you spend your leisure time? = What do you do for leisure? spare free 你的休闲时间如何度过? 你的空闲时间怎么打发? 你的空闲时间怎么打发?


Unit 12 Hobby兴趣爱好 单词 jogging [d?ɑɡ]慢跑Skiing[?ski:??] 滑雪Diving 潜水 table tennis 乒乓球badminton 羽毛球tennis 网球 running 跑步football/soccer 足球basketball 篮球Swimming 游泳swimming 游泳Tennis 网球 Singing 唱歌dancing 跳舞computer games网游 对话 A:John, have you ever watched Beijing Opera[?ɑp?r?]? 你看过京剧吗? B:Yes, I watched once. 是的,我看过一次。 滑冰Skating A:What can I do for you, young man? 有什么需要吗,小伙子? B:I need to rent three pairs of skates for the morning. 我需要租三副今天早上用的滑冰鞋。 A:Wow, this is amazing. I'm glad we've come here. So cool. 哇,这真是太棒了。真高兴我们到这里来。太酷了。 B:I always love skiing. You know, it's a cool game for cool people. Stay with me and you will be cool, too. 我总是很喜欢滑雪。你知道,这是给酷人玩的酷游戏。跟我一起你也会变酷。 A:I love breathing fresh air in the suburb places, while sitting in the morning sunshine. 我喜欢这样到郊外,坐在清晨的阳光中,呼吸新鲜空气。 B:I can't agree more. We need to get away from work from time to time. 我非常同意。我们就需要这样时不时地放下工作出来玩。 A:Daddy, what's next? What else do we do now? 爸爸,接下来做什么?现在我们还能玩点什么呢? B:There is a man-made fishing pond nearby. So, What do you think of going fishing there? 这附近有一个人工渔场。那么,你觉得我们去那里钓鱼怎么样? 打篮球Playing Basketball A:Hey, Terry, have all the players got here? 嗨,泰瑞,大家都到齐了吗?


高考英语话题-兴趣爱好 [话题解读]“兴趣爱好”是高中英语课程标准24个话题之一,亦是高考英语常考话题。本话题包括音乐、舞蹈、表演、体育运动、游戏(包括网络游戏)、集邮、阅读、烹饪、看电影、看电视、听收音广播、欣赏戏剧、音乐会、观光旅行、招待客人、参观博物馆、饲养宠物等,是学生熟悉又比较关心的话题。 [高考探究]“兴趣爱好”这一话题,常出现在高考阅读理解、完形填空和书面表达中。就阅读理解和完形填空而言,命题人可能就家长如何培养孩子的兴趣爱好、电影与电视的优劣比较、现场看表演和看电视转播的比较、极限运动兴起的原因分析等话题发表看法。如:2016年天津卷阅读理解C篇;2016年上海卷阅读理解A篇;2014年新课标全国卷Ⅰ完形填空等。就书面表达而言,命题人可能要求考生介绍某一项兴趣爱好,写一份校园比赛的海报,给英国笔友写一封信描述自己是如何度过课余时间的等。如2012年江西书面表达等。 省状元老师整理的高考话题(7)——兴趣爱好 写作练习 为了迎接运动会,学校开展了“体育周”活动。学校英语广播电台举办了征文比赛,请同学们谈一谈自己最喜欢的运动。请你以“My Favorite Sport”为题,写一篇文章参赛。要点如下: 1.最喜欢的运动是什么; 2.为什么喜欢这项运动;

3.运动给你带来什么好处。 省状元老师整理的高考话题(7)——兴趣爱好 佳作欣赏 My Favorite Sport Sport is an important part of my life.I not only like watching the sports meet,but also like playing sport.My favorite sport is basketball.Firstly,it can help me to keep healthy and happy.Secondly,I can make a lot of friends through playing basketball and we can share our success and failure.I can also learn a lot from playing basketball with others,which makes me understand that there is no “I”in the team.And every player should cooperate with other players in the team.So,I keep on playing it with my friends and classmates every day. 省状元老师整理的高考话题(7)——兴趣爱好 名师点睛 文章要点全面,并使用了高级词汇,如share,cooperate with,keep on doing等;文章还使用了一些连接词,如firstly,secondly等,使得文章结构合理、层次清晰,并有一定的逻辑性。文章应用了高级句型,如not only...but also...,which引导的非限制性定语从句及宾语从句。 省状元老师整理的高考话题(7)——兴趣爱好 话题单词 1.collect vt.收集;搜集→collection n.作品集;收藏品;一批(人或物品)


日常英语口语:你有什么爱好? What are your hobbies? 你有什么爱好? A: What are your hobbies? 你有什么爱好? B: My hobby is singing alone. 我的爱好是一个人唱歌。 What's your favorite pastime? =What's your favorite amusement? 你最喜欢什么娱乐方式? What are your interests? 你对什么感兴趣? A: What's your favorite pastime? 你最喜欢什么娱乐方式? B:I like listening to music.我喜欢听音乐。pastime n. 消遣,娱乐 amusement n. 娱乐 What do you do when you're free? 你空闲时间做些什么? How do you spend your free time? 你是怎样花费空闲时间的? A: What do you do when you're free?

你空闲时间做些什么? B: I like to go to the movies in my spare time. 空闲时间我喜欢看电影。 I pursue English as my hobby. 我把学习英语作力我的业余爱好。 A:What do you do after work? 业余时间你都干什么? B: I pursue English as my hobby. 我把学习英语作为我的业余爱好。pursue v. 追求 My favorite recreational activity is television. =My favorite amusement is television. 我最喜欢的娱乐方式是看电视。 He's a man of middle height. 他是个中等个子。 He's tall. 他是个大高个。 He's of about the same height as you. 他跟你差不多高。 I'm taller than Jordan. 我比乔丹高。 A:How tall are you?

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