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outlet 分销点,营业网点

delegate 授权

creditor 债权人

balance sheet 资产负债表

findings 零件,调查结果


lessee 承租人lessor 出租人


authentic 真实的,可信的

GAAP/GAAPP 通行的会计原则与实务Accounting Equation账目平衡

ledger 分类账general ledger 总账prepare/compile/construct编制(报表、预算)Financial Statements财务报表

financial position财务状况

financial status财务状况,信用状况

credit standing信用等级


share-holders’ equity股东权益

profit and loss statement损益表-

financial statements财务报表

liquidity流动性liquidate 清算

arrangement 制度安排或契约安排

assembly line 生产线,流水线

residual value残值

plc. Public listed corporate公开上市公司

a holding firm控股公司

by separate arrangement另行安排

on industrial estate 工业园

paid-in capital实收/交纳资本

creditworthiness 资信度

working capital 流动资金

appr eciation 升值

break-even point 保本点

accounting equation账目平衡

establishment 建立,设立

on behalf of …为了…的利益,代表

remittance in USD美元汇款单

advance (payment) 预付款

interim payments 工程进度款

interim certificates 进度款付款凭证

test key 密押

in excess of sth超过debtor债务人creditor 债权人common/ preferred stock普通股/优先股

to have preference over sb in sth.

to make trade-off between/among sth

insight into sth.(行家,专家的)看法

entitle sb to do sth 使某人有权利做…

buy sth on mortgage按揭买…

launch a service/product推出服务/产品

Press launch of sth发布

to lease or to purchase premises 租赁或购买房产

be at sb’s discretion由某人自行决定

fail to do sth不能

external guarantees 国外保函

customs declaration 报关单

school-wide sports meet 校运动会

external=overseas 国外的

Capital Account Transaction 资本项目交易

become short-listed 入围,列入决选名单的

Warrant vt.证明是必须的n.认证股权

incur vt. (费用,成本,权利和义务)的产生

turnover 1.营业额2.人员流动、跳槽3. 资金周转facility 1.设施2.制造基地3. 精通facility with sth. 4信用arrive at 1.到达、来到2达成,获得、作出(决定)Reviewing board=jury 评委会bid reviewing 投标复审

contribution of investment/investment contributed 出资

liquidated damages违约罚金(无形资产的侵害,违约的侵害)accumulated/accelerated/straight-line depreciation累积/加速/直线prepaid expenses预付费用unearned revenues 预收款项

in an accrued basis 应计accrual basis accounting权责发生制化mortgage loan 抵押贷款= secured loan担保贷款in-secured loan The People’s Municipal Government of Wuhan武汉市人民政府Property (in financial statements) = Real property 不动产

pre-qualification/ become pre-qualified通过资格预审

in international trade and finance国际贸易和金融

proceeds from disposal of used van处置旧货车的所得

collection 托收collection letter=reminder 催还款信

to forge your core competency打造你的核心竞争力

unless otherwise particularly specified/stipulated 除另有特殊规定之外financial leasing金融租赁project financing 项目融资

Time/Demand C/D (Certificate of Deposit) 定期/活期存单

maturity date 到那天开始生效expiry date 到那天失效

bonus 奖金interest权益company benefits公司福利

dividend 股利v.s allowance 津贴v.s subsidy 津贴,补助金eligible 符合条件的qualified 符合资格的,有资格的

specify 详细说明stipulate (尤指在协议或建议中)规定

evaluate assess appraise估价asset appraisal report资产估值报告