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一、Part I Writing

1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on judgment by referring to the saying "Don't judge a book by its cover until you've read the book." You can give examples to illustrate your point and then explain how you can make rational judgments. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

Section A

(A)Food packaging.

(B)Varieties of fish.

(C)A new snack food.

(D)An artificial food flavoring.

(A)To preserve it longer.

(B)To give it a particular taste.

(C)To make it smoother.

(D)To increase the fermentation.

(A)Its low purchase price.

(B)Its wide availability.

(C)Its good nutritional value.

(D)Its high water content.

(A)Because the product is out of stock.

(B)Because it will take months to arrive.

(C)Because the food hasn't been produced yet. (D)Because the special fish is in short supply. (A)She forgot the time.

(B)She didn't feel hungry.

(C)She attended a prolonged class.

(D)She ran into an old friend.

(A)He is unable to prevent students from fighting. (B)He is popular for his devotion to teaching. (C)His lectures are hard to understand.

(D)He is ignorant of his students' health.

(A)To visit the professor privately.

(B)To argue with the professor.

(C)To attend the professor's class.

(D)To skip the professor's class.

(A)They make him feel good.

(B)He is indifferent to them.

(C)They bore him to death.

(D)He is overburdened.

Section B

(A)The merits and drawbacks of a large population.(B)The disadvantages of a large population.

(C)The advantages of a small population.

(D)The rapidly growing world population.

(A)The level of education varies around the world. (B)The economists' attitudes to population differ greatly. (C)The living standard varies from country to country. (D)The countries' attitudes to population differ greatly. (A)Great pressure on housing.

(B)Rising demands of goods.

(C)The prosperity of the building industry.

(D)A declining market for manufactured goods.

(A)Rising fuel costs to limit the use of it.

(B)Saving energy and use other sources.

(C)Having protection against fuel shortage.

(D)Putting in a solar unit in every house.

(A)The disadvantages of solar energy.

(B)The pollution of other energy sources. (C)The rising fuel costs and fuel shortage. (D)The costs of solar energy system. (A)There is no space to put in solar units. (B)It is decided by Mother Nature. (C)It is not the right time to use it.

(D)It costs too much to use it.

(A)It will go up.

(B)It will come down.

(C)It will go up and down.

(D)It will stay the same.

Section C

(A)Cultivating creative talents.

(B)Producing university professors. (C)Fostering industrial leaders.

(D)Nurturing great artists.

(A)All-around development.

(B)Creativity for the future.

(C)Basic social skills.

(D)Academic capability.

(A)Very normal in the 21st century.

(B)Absolutely correct forever.

(C)Profoundly wrong for now.

(D)Rattier absurd in the 19th century.

(A)It's a commercial plane with two captains.

(B)It's a newly produced American plane.

(C)It's a fighter armed with high technology.

(D)It's an auto-driven plane without pilots.

(A)They are only in restricted use by army.

(B)They carry passengers but no pilots.

(C)They drive automatically with pilots in them.

(D)They themselves can handle anything wrong.

(A)They're similar to a radio-controlled model aircraft. (B)They fly throughout the world freely just like eagles. (C)They can autonomously comply with the air rules. (D)They are more flexible and faster than bigger aircraft. (A)They are always safer than manned planes.

(B)They are faster than many helicopters.

(C)They can do many jobs at a lower cost.

(D)They can carry out all jobs conveniently.

(A)The advanced science and high technology.

(B)The close connections across the globe.

(C)The well-educated young generatioa

(D)The wise policy made by governments.

(A)Good relationship with the managers of the company.

(B)Willingness to work overtime for the company.

(C)Adaption to business trips around the world.

(D)Overseas experience with languages and cultures..

(A)Finding a good job in a famous international company.

(B)Shaping the future of your country and the whole world.

(C)Bringing honor to your family by the oversea study experience.

(D)Getting a Green Card to work and live in a foreign country.

Section A

26 Innovation, the effective recipe of progress, has always cost people their jobs. Over the past 30 years the digital revolution has【C1】______many of the mid-skill jobs that supported 20th-century middle-class life. Typists, ticket agents, bank tellers and many production-line jobs have been【C2】______with.

For those who believe that technological progress has made the world a better place, such change is a natural part of rising【C3】______. Although innovation kills some jobs, it creates new and better ones, as a more productive society becomes richer and its wealthier inhabitants【C4】______more goods and services. A hundred years ago one in three American workers was employed on a farm. Today less than 2% of them produce far more food. The millions freed from the land were not delivered to joblessness, but found better-paid work as the economy grew more【C5】______. Today the pool of secretaries has【C6】______, but there are ever more computer programmers and web designers.

Optimism remains the right starting-point, but for workers the dislocating(扰乱

的)effects of technology may make themselves evident faster than its benefit. Even if new jobs and【C7】______products emerge, in the short term income gaps will widen, causing huge social dislocation and perhaps even changing politics. Technology's impact will feel like a tornado, hitting the rich world first, but【C8】______sweeping through poorer countries too. Worse, it seems likely that this wave of technological【C9】

______to the job market has only just started. From driverless cars to clever household devices, innovations that already exist could destroy jobs that have【C10】______been untouched.

A)prosperity E)partition I)conversely M)demand

B)dispensed F)eventually J)shrunk N)complicated

C)inquire G)sophisticated K)fragile O)hitherto

D)wonderful H)displaced L)disruption

27 【C1】

28 【C2】

29 【C3】

30 【C4】

31 【C5】

32 【C6】

33 【C7】

34 【C8】

35 【C9】

36 【C10】

Section B

36 Do Britain's Energy Firms Serve the Public Interest?

[A]Capitalism is the best and worst of systems. Left to itself, it will embrace the new and uncompromisingly follow the logic of prices and profit, a revolutionary accelerator for necessary change. But it can only ever react to today's prices, which cannot capture what will happen tomorrow. So, left to itself, capitalism will neglect both the future and the cohesion of the society in which it trades.

[B]What we know, especially after the financial crisis of 2008, is that we can't leave capitalism to itself. If we want it to work at its best, combining its doctrines with public and social objectives, there is no alternative but to design the markets in which it operates. We also need to try to add in wider obligations than the simple pursuit of economic logic. Otherwise, there lies disaster.

[C]If this is now obvious in banking, it has just become so in energy. Since 2004, consumers' energy bills have nearly tripled, far more than the rise in energy prices. The energy companies demand returns nearly double those in mass retailing. This would be problematic at any time, but when wages in real terms have fallen by some 10% in five years it constitutes a crisis. John Major, pointing to the mass of citizens who now face a choice between eating or being warm—as he made the case for a high profits tax on energy companies—drove home the social reality. The energy market, as it currently operates, is maladaptive and illegitimate. There has to be changed.

[D]The design of this market is now universally recognised as wrong, universally, that is, excepting the regulator and the government. The energy companies are able to disguise their cost structures because there is no general pool into which they are required to sell their energy—instead opaquely striking complex internal deals between their generating and supply arms. Yet this is an industry where production and consumption is 24/7 and whose production logic requires such energy pooling. The sector has informally agreed, without regulatory challenge, that it should seek a supply margin of 5%—twice that of retailing.

[E]On top the industry also requires long-term price guarantees for investment in renewables and nuclear without any comparable return in lowering its target cost of capital. The national grid, similarly privately owned, balances its profit maximising aims with a need to ensure security of supply. And every commitment to decarbonise British

energy supply by 2030 is passed on to the consumer, rich and poor alike, whatever their capacity to pay. It will also lead to negligible new investment unless backed by government guarantees and subsidies. It could scarcely be worse—and with so much energy capacity closing in the next two years constitutes a first-order national crisis. [F]The general direction of reform is clear. Energy companies should be required to sell their electricity into a pool whose price would become the base price for retail. This would remove the ability to mask the relationship between costs and prices: retail prices would fall as well as rise clearly and unambiguously as pool prices changed.

[G]The grid, which delivers electricity and gas into our homes and is the guarantor that the lights won't go out, must be in public ownership, as is Network Rail in the rail industry. It should also be connected to a pan-European grid for additional security. Green commitments, or decisions to support developing renewables, should be paid out of general taxation to take the poll tax element out of energy bills, with the rich paying more than the poor for the public good. Because returns on investment take decades in the energy industry, despite what free market fundamentalists argue, the state has to assume financial responsibility of energy investment as it is doing with nuclear and renewables.

[H]The British energy industry has gone from nationalisation to privatisation and back to government control in the space of 25 years. Although the energy industry is nominally in private hands, we have exactly the same approach of government picking winners and dictating investment plans that was followed with disastrous consequences from the Second World War to the mid 1980s. In the 1970s and early 1980s, the consumer got unfair treatment because long-term investment plans and contracts promoted by the government required electricity companies to use expensive local coal.

[I]The energy industry is, once again, controlled by the state. The same underlying drivers dictate policy in the new world of state control. It is not rational economic thinking and public-interested civil servants that determine policy, but interest groups. Going back 30 years, it was the coal industry—both management and unions—and the nuclear industry that dictated policy. Tony Benn said he had "never known such a well-organised scientific, industrial and technical lobby". Today, it is green pressure groups, EU parliamentarians and commissioners and, often, the energy industry itself that are loading burdens on to consumers. When the state controls the energy industry, whether through the back or the front door, it is vested interests(既得利益)that get their way and the consumer who pays.

[J]So how did we get to where we are today? In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the industry was entirely privatised. It was recognised that there were natural monopoly elements and so prices in these areas were regulated. At the same time, the regulator was given a duty to promote competition. From 1998, all domestic energy consumers could switch supplier for the first time and then wholesale markets were liberalised, allowing

energy companies to source the cheapest forms of energy. Arguably, this was the high water mark of the liberalisation of the industry.

[K]Privatisation was a great success. Instead of investment policy being dictated by the impulses of government and interest groups, it became dictated by long-term commercial considerations. Sadly, the era of liberalised markets, rising efficiency and lower bills did not last long. Both the recent Labour governments and the coalition have pursued similar policies of intervention after intervention to send the energy industry almost back to where it started.

[L]One issue that unites left and many on the paternalist right is that of energy security. We certainly need government intervention to keep the lights on and ensure that we are not over-dependent on energy from unstable countries. But it should also be noted that there is nothing more insecure than energy arising from a policy determined by vested interests without any concern for commercial considerations. Energy security will not be achieved by requiring energy companies to invest in expensive sources of supply and by making past investments redundant through regulation. It will also not be achieved by making the investment environment even more uncertain. Several companies all seeking the cheapest supplies from diverse sources will best serve the interests of energy security. [M]The UK once had an inefficient and expensive energy industry. After privatisation, costs fell as the industry served the consumer rather than the mining unions and pro-nuclear interests. Today, after a decade or more of increasing state control, we have an industry that serves vested interests rather than the consumer interest once again. Electricity prices before taxes are now 15% higher than the average of major developed nations. Electricity could be around 50% cheaper without government interventions. We must liberalise again and not complete the circle by returning to nationalisation.

37 It can be said that liberalisation of energy industry reaches a high level in the late 1990s.

38 The rising consumers' energy bills, combined with the falling wages, make the energy market more problematic.

39 Coal industry and nuclear industry have both served as interest groups that determine policy in history.

40 The production logic of energy industry calls for an energy pooling which currently does not exist.

41 The British energy industry switched between nationalisation and privatisation for over two decades.

42 Electricity could be half as cheap if there were no government intervention.

43 Consumers, whether rich or poor, will pay for the decarbonisation commitments.

44 Capitalism is a system that can only respond to what happens today, not tomorrow.

45 The cost related to renewable developments should be paid by general taxation.

46 Energy security will be best achieved if energy companies all try their best to lower their cost by buying from varied sources.

Section C

46 President Barack Obama's pick to head the Environmental Protection

Agency(EPA), Lisa Jackson, has spent 20 years as an environmental officer at the state and national levels. She'll need every bit of that experience to revive an agency that has been corrupted for years, say scientists and environmentalists who welcomed this week's announcement.

A 16-year veteran of EPA's Superfund site remediation(整治)program before taking the top environmental job for the state of New Jersey, Jackson holds a master's degree in chemical engineering. "She will be an outstanding adrninistrator, committed to defending the integrity of the science on which EPA regulations must be based," says David Michaels, a research professor of environmental and occupational health at George Washington University(GWU)in Washington, D.C.

That combination of skills and ethics is badly needed at EPA say Michaels and other scientists. Kathryn Mahaffey, who left EPA this summer for GWU after 15 years of studying the risk to humans from exposure to pollutants, says that she was instructed three years ago by a politician to "go back and recalculate" her results on blood mercury levels among U.S. women. Political interference has grown so serious, she says, that outside scientists "aren't sure what scientific publications coming out of EPA they really should have confidence in"

One issue waiting for the next EPA adrninistrator is whether the agency will regulate carbon emissions under the Clean Air Act Although the U.S. Supreme Court told EPA a few years ago to re-examine its opposition to doing so, agency Administrator Stephen Johnson said this summer that "the Clean Air Act is the wrong tool for the job". An assistant to Obama said that Obama would instruct EPA to regulate carbon under the act if Congress didn't adopt a cap-and-trade system in the next 18 months. Another policy opposed by many environmentalists—to deny California and other states the right to tighten auto emission standards—could be reversed by the new EPA administrator.

As head of New Jersey's EPA Jackson developed a plan to slash the state's carbon emissions and worked with other Northeast states on a regional program to do the same. Dena Mottola Jaborska, executive director of Environment New Jersey, credits Jackson with making the state "a leader on global warming." At the same time, some groups have criticized Jackson for making inadequate progress on cleaning up toxic waste sites. This month, she became chief of staff to Governor Jon Corzine. If confirmed by the Senate, Jackson, 46, would become the first African-American to lead EPA

47 During her career, Lisa Jackson had spent the longest time in_____.

(A)being an environmental officer at the national level

(B)being the top environmental officer in New Jersey

(C)defending the integrity of science

(D)researching chemical engineering

48 By mentioning what the politician did to her, Kathryn Mahaffey most probably intends to reveal _____.

(A)the reason why she left EPA

(B)that EPA has been corrupted for years

(C)what outside scientists think about EPA

(D)the difference between politicians and scientists

49 What is EPA's attitude towards carbon emission, according to the fourth paragraph? (A)It will impose restrictions on carbon emission.

(B)It will finance the regulation of carbon emission

(C)It severely punishes carbon emission.

(D)It refuses to regulate carbon emission.

50 California and other states are most likely to think that the present auto emission standards are_____.

(A)too strict


(C)too loose


51 According to Dena Mottola Jaborska, the state of New Jersey_____.

(A)has a worse and worse problem with warming climate

(B)should make more efforts to clean up toxic waste sites

(C)benefits from Jackson's plan to slash carbon emissions

(D)will soon appoint Jackson chief of staff to the Governor

51 In the push to cut the amount of carbon we release into the atmosphere, solutions usually focus on how to reduce our power use or how to replace our carbon fuels with renewable sources. But even in the most optimistic situation, we will be using fossil fuels such as coal for years to come. China and India aren't going to suddenly shut down all their new coal power plants, nor will West-em industrial giants close their factories overnight. Solar and wind may be today's attractive new energy sources, but coal is the fastest-growing fuel in the world, boasting twice the known gas reserves and three times the known oil reserves. "Coal is here to stay," Milton Catelin, head of the World Coal Institute, told the World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi. That's why governments and industry have recently begun to pay more attention to carbon capture and

storage(CCS)—a process that traps CO2 produced by factories and gas or coal power stations and then stores it, usually underground. The potential impact of CCS is huge. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says CCS could contribute between 10% and 55% of the accumulative worldwide carbon-reduction effort over the next 90 years. Though it requires up to 40% more energy to run a CCS coal power plant than a regular coal plant, CCS could potentially capture about 90% of all the carbon emitted by

the plant. To solve the problem of climate change, we "need to use every option we can," says Nick Otter, head of the newly created Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute(GCCSI)in Australia. "And we've got to have some realism to the approach." Like most technologies, CCS was developed as a way to make money. Oil companies started injecting CO2 into underground oil-bearing rock layers in the U.S. in the 1970s. The technique—known as enhanced oil recovery—allowed them to extract up to two-thirds more oil than by simply pumping the fuel to the surface. The first country to store CO2 underground deliberately to keep it out of the atmosphere was Norway. When the government there introduced a carbon tax in the early 1990s, energy giant Statoil began capturing the CO2 from its Sleipner natural-gas platform in the North Sea and pumping it into a saline-fitted(充满盐溶液的)sandstone layer under the seabed. Since 1996, the operation has cut Norway's CO2 emissions by almost a million tons a year, or about 3% of the country's 1990 CO2 emissions. Other projects have followed, including one on the U.S.-Canada border that has been pumping CO2 from a coal plant into an oil reservoir(储藏)for the past decade.

52 The passage mainly focuses on discussing______.

(A)a new source to replace carbon fuel

(B)the problems on using fossil fuels

(C)a new way to deal with carbon release

(D)the impact of CO2 on the atmosphere

53 Governments and industry have begun to pay more attention to CCS because______. (A)fossil fuels will be used up in years

(B)we will be using fossil fuels for years

(C)CCS will become the best renewable energy

(D)running a renewable energy plant is too costly

54 What does the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change think of CCS?

(A)It may not produce immediate impacts.

(B)It is expected to be applied worldwide.

(C)Its effects are not clearly known yet

(D)It can effectively help reduce carbon.

55 CCS was first used to______.

(A)locate oil-bearing rock layers

(B)make oil industry more profitable

(C)decrease the volume of CO2 in oil

(D)improve the technique of oil-pumping

56 What did the Norwegian government do to reduce CO2 emission?

(A)Enforcing a carbon tax.

(B)Pumping CO2 under the seabed.

(C)Urging Statoil to store CO2.

(D)Terminating natural-gas exploitation.

二、Part Ⅳ Translation

57 中国是一个有56个民族的大国。不同的民族有不同的婚俗。中国传统婚礼包括6个必备步骤,即说媒、定亲、聘礼(betrothal gifts)、迎娶、拜堂(三鞠躬)、喝交杯酒(wedlock wine)。如今典型的中国婚礼如下进行:新人订婚后,接下来就是挑选吉(auspicious)日成亲。为了亲戚朋友们能来参加婚礼,大部分人喜欢挑选法定假日或某个中国传统节日。婚礼庆典通常很隆重,最后是奢华的婚宴。人们举杯祝愿新人相爱一生、幸福美满以及早生贵子等等。


南昌大学 2013~2014学年第一学期期中考试试卷 1. 内燃机气缸壁厚8mm δ=,热导率50/(.)w W m K λ=,燃气与气缸内表面的对流换热系数2600/(.)ci h w m K =,辐射传热系数230/(.)ri h w m K = ,汽缸壁外表面与冷却水的对流传热系数21800/(.)o h w m K =。设内燃机气缸壁可近似为平壁,试计算内燃机气缸壁传热的总热阻t R 。运行一段时间后,冷却水侧结了1mm 厚的水垢,水垢的热导率2/(.)f W m K λ=,试估算由于水垢引起的总热阻的相对变化。(15分) 答:(1)无水垢时: 11 ()10.0081 0.0023/(60030)150118001 W t i w o ci ri W o R R R R h h A A h A K W δλ=++=++ += ++=+??? (7分) (2)有水垢时: 11 ()10.0080.0011 0.0028/(60030)150******** f W t i w f o ci ri W f o R R R R R h h A A A h A K W δδλλ'=+++=+++ += +++=+???? (6分) (3)总热阻的相对增加:0.00280.0023 21.86%0.0023 t t t R R R '--==(2分) 2.由导热微分方程的一般形式如下: ()()()v t t t t c q x x y y z z ρλλλτ???????=+++??????? 简述上面方程中各项的物理意义。(2)将其简化成二维、非稳态、无内热源常物性的导热微分方程。(8分) 燃气 气缸内壁面 气缸外壁面 水垢外壁面 冷却水



绝密★考试结束前 全国2018年4月高等教育自学考试 国际市场营销学试题 课程代码:00098 请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂、写在答题纸上。 选择题部分 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必将自己的考试课程名称、姓名、准考证号黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸规定的位置上。 2.每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试题卷上。 一、单项选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题1 分,共10分。在每小题列出的备选项中只有一项是最符合题目要求的,请将其选出。1.国际市场营销规律主要包括国际市场上产品发展变化规律、产品生命周期规律和 A.产品价格变化规律 B.产品分销规律 C.产品促销规律 D.企业之间的竞争规律 2.禁止药品做广告的国家是 A.英国 B.美国 C.法国 D.德国 3.做生意很在意供应商给予的回扣,供应商给回扣是普遍现象,已养成不成文习惯的国家是 A.美国 B.日本 C.加拿大 D.新加坡

4.汇率的风险有三种:会计风险、交易风险和 A.政治风险 B.经济风险 C.法律风险 D.社会风险 5.电子商务使得企业的营销管理发生了较大的变化,以下描述不正确的是 A.使得企业的销售环节减少 B.使得企业的分销效率提高 C.使得营销的市场范围缩小 D.使得支付手段发生变化 6.当今世界促进生产力要素结构变化的主要动力是 A.制造工艺 B.信息技术 C.物流技术 D.人力资源 7.系统地、客观地识别、收集、分析和传递有关国际市场营销活动中各方面的信息,提出与企业有关的特定的国际营销问题的研究报告,以帮助国际营销管理者制定有效的国际营销决策的系统是 A.内部报告系统 B.营销情报系统 C.


心之所向,所向披靡 心之所向,所向披靡 2010-2011学年第二学期期末考试 市场营销基础期末考试试卷 试卷说明: 1.本试卷适用于客服信息服务专业,10级;考试方式为闭卷。 2.整套试卷共6页,试卷共4页,答题卷共2页,共7大题、44小题,满分100分,考试时间90分钟。 1、分销渠道: 2、取脂定价策略: 3、促销: 4、公共关系: 5、营销战略: 二.填空题(18分) 1.影响企业定价的外部因素有 、 和 。 2.企业促销的四种基本方式是 、 、

第2页 此 处 请 勿 答 题 和 。 3.中间商的功能包括 、 和 . 4.公共关系使用的策略包括 、 、 和 四种。 5.营销战略的特点,分别为 、 、 、 和 。 三.判断题(对的打“T ”,错的打“F ”,共10分) 1.在大型企业中,由于商品种类、品牌繁多,为便于不断适应市场的需求, 商品定价决策由具体销售人员来决定。 ( ) 2.世界著名品牌的定价往往采用的是竞争导向定价法( )。 3.分销渠道越短,商品流转速度越快,因此中间环节越少越好,没有更好。 ( ) 4.密集性分销渠道适用于价值较高的商品,消费者重视品牌的商品。 ( ) 5.广告使用的前提条件之一是消费者对企业的商品或服务缺乏认识。( ) 6.在公共汽车内设置的各种广告,被认为是户外广告。 ( ) 7.权力营销的对象首先是“守门人”,即拥有决策权力的官员或决策中的关键人物。( ) 8.权力营销应利用一切手段让“守门人”满意。( ) 9.企业机会是市场上未滿足的需要。( ) 10.营销管理过程是企业与它最佳的市场机会相适应的过程。( ) 四. 单选题(10分) 1.商品价格下降,需求量增加;价格上升,需求量减少,这种关系称为( )。 A 、需求原理 B 、供应原理 C 、价格原理 D 、市场原理 2.商品定价目标与企业( )总目标必须保持一致,才能体现出企业盈利最大化水平。 A 、商品 B 、营销 C 、质量 D 、数量 3.生产者在一定时期内只选择几家批发商和零售商来推销本企业的产品,这是一种( )分销策略。 A 、密集性 B 、选择性 C 、独家 D 、联合 4.摩托车生产企业在推销产品时,宜选择( )分销渠道。 A 、较宽的 B 、较窄的 C 、较长的 D 、集团联合 5.商品进入成熟期阶段,广告的主要内容是介绍商品的( )。 A 、品牌 B 、包装 C 、功能和特点 D 、知名度 6.既可认为是人员推销,又可认为是营业推广的促销策略是( ) A 、展销会 B 、上门推销 C 、商品表演 D 、赠送样品 7.企业以不计报酬的方式参于社会公益事业的一种公关活动是( )。 A 、专题创意 B 、媒介事件 C 、情感服务 D 、公益活动 8.由被叫方付费的热线电话这种公关活动是( )。 A 、专题创意 B 、媒介事件 C 、情感服务 D 、公益活动 9.在波士顿矩阵中,业务增长率为15%,相对市场份额为5的产品,属于( )。


年12月大学英语六级模拟题 Part I Writing (30 minutes ) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Learn to Be Grateful by commenting on the saying, “God has two dwellings, one in heaven, and the other in a meek and thankful heart. Being grateful to others is a way to show your love.” You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. Learn to Be Grateful ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2014


2013年小学期中考试 三年级语文试卷 题号一二三四总分 分数 一、拼音识字。(20分) 1、读拼音,写汉字组词。(8分) Yōu huàn wǔmìlín ( )伤()想威()神()()时chuīzhúguī ()烟()渐()矩 2、给带点的字选择正确的读音,用“√”表示。(6分) 清脆(chuì cuì)滋(zī zhī)味邻(lín líng)居脑(lǎo nǎo)袋名称(chēn chēng)责(zé zhé)任 3、比一比,再组词。(6分) 侧()购()寒() 测()构()赛() 拌()茫()等() 伴()芒()持() 二、积累运用。(32分) 1、照样子,写词语。(8分) 昼夜________ _________

蕴藏________ _________ 树冠________ _________ 堆城堡________ _________ 2、选词填空。(4分) ①班长()校长把下周国旗下讲话的机会交给我们班。(乞求请求) ②爸爸那()的话语我牢记在心。(坚决坚定) ③站在死海岸边,只见海水轻轻涌动,泛出一种()的光晕。(奇异奇特) ④我很后悔,()没问他的姓名、地址和电话。(竟然居然) 3、用心想一想,写一写。(4分) ①读完朱熹的“____________,____________。”让我的眼前仿佛出现了一幅绚丽迷人的春景图。 ②乐乐做事不够踏实,老师教育他说:“___________, __________,你一定要从小事做起,做好。” 4、照样子,写句子。(7分) ①天很黑,又有点雾,尽管有路灯,能见度仍然很差。 ______________,尽管____________,仍然___________。 ②植物的色彩多种多样,有褐色的,有紫色的,还有红色的。__________________多种多样,有________,有__________,还有__________。


北京语言大学网络教育学院 《国际市场营销》模拟试卷一 注意: 1.试卷保密,考生不得将试卷带出考场或撕页,否则成绩作废。请监考老师负责监督。 2.请各位考生注意考试纪律,考试作弊全部成绩以零分计算。 3.本试卷满分100分,答题时间为90分钟。 4.本试卷分为试题卷和答题卷,所有答案必须答在答题卷上,答在试题卷上不给分。 一、【单项选择题】(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)在每小题列出的四个选项中只有一个选项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项前的字母填在答题卷相应题号处。 1、PEST分析法中的P代表的是()。 [A] 政治和法律环境[B] 经济环境 [C] 技术环境[D] 社会环境 2、在营销组合中,哪一项决策属于最基本的决策()。 [A] 产品决策[B] 渠道决策[C] 定价决策[D] 促销决策 3、差异化全球营销战略相对于无差异全球营销战略最大的优点在于()。 [A] 生产成本更低[B] 市场覆盖范围广 [C] 满足不同市场的个性化需求[D] 企业的投入少 4、在维持产品原有的质量和价格的前提下,增加同一种产品的款式、规格与花色,这属于()。 [A] 缩短产品组合策略[B] 扩大产品组合策略 [C] 产品仿制策略[D] 产品线延伸策略 5、本国政府为了支持国内企业的出口行为会给企业额外补贴以奖励出口行为,但是进口国为了抵消这种补贴行为,推出()。 [A] 反补贴税[B] 从量税[C] 特惠税[D] 反倾销税 6、一个厂家对分销商基本上不加选择,任何一个分销商都可以分销企业的产品,这种渠道模式是()。 [A] 选择分销[B]密集分销[C] 稀疏分销[D] 以上均可 7、施耐德公司由于成本和竞争等原因于2002年申请破产保护,TCL国际控股有限公司2002年出资收购这一公司,从而利用施耐德的销售网络迅速进入了欧洲,这种进入国际市场的途径是()。 [A] 由出口商或进口商进行分销 [B] 国内企业同外国企业进行营销系统的置换和共享 [C] 中国企业自己在境外建立营销网络 [D] 通过并购方式收购国外企业的营销渠道系统 8、某企业生产小型洗衣机,通过出口将产品运至国外市场,洗衣机的定价采取与国外


市场营销策划期末考试试卷(A卷) 一、单项选择题(10小题共20分,每小题2分) 1. 企业在市场营销活动中所使用的各种手段,如产品、定价、分销和促销等组成的系统称为()。 A、核心市场营销系统 B、企业内部管理系统 C、市场营销策略系统 D、市场营销环境系统 2. 运用科学的抽象概念来揭示事物本质、表达现实结果的这种创造性思维形式是()。 A、理论思维 B、抽象思维 C、联系思维 D、倾向思维 3. 企业收购和兼并若干个上游企业,控制原材料和供货的渠道,实现供应与生产的一体化,则这种一体化是()。 A、后向一体化 B、前向一体化 C、水平一体化 D、垂直一体化 4.在企业业务的主要类型中,把面临高机会和高威胁环境情况的业务单位称为()。 A、理想型业务单位 B、风险型业务单位 C、困难型业务单位 D、成熟型业务单位 5.五粮液酒的包装时尚典雅,五粮液酒更是芳香宜人,盛装五粮液酒的酒瓶是()。 A、内包装 B、中层包装 C、外包装 D、携带包装 6.市场需求量虽然在增长,但销售量增长速度开始减慢,生产技术已完全成熟,这种市场特点属于产品生命周期中的()。 A、引入期 B、成长期 C、成熟期 D、衰退期 7.在需求导向定价中,企业根据买主对产品或服务项目价值的感觉而不是根据卖方的成本来制定价格的定价方法是()。 A、习惯定价法 B、理解定价法 C、区分定价法 D、通行价格定价法 8. 某家电企业推出一款新手机,上市初期价格定得高,以便在较短时间获得较大利润,这种新产品定价策略称为()。 A、撇脂定价策略 B、渗透定价策略 C、满意定价策略 D、获利定价策略 9. 生产商将产品通过两个或两个以上的分销渠道系统与同一细分市场接触,这种渠道形式称为()。 A、垂直渠道 B、水平渠道 C、多元渠道 D、网络渠道 10.A企业在制定某产品价格折扣策略时规定:批发商获10%的折扣,零售商获5%的折扣。则A企业的此价格折扣策略通常可以被认为属于( )。 A.现金折扣 B.数量折扣 C.职能折扣 D.季节折扣 二、多选题(5小题共10分,每小题2分)


2016年12月英语六级听力模拟试题及答 案第二套 SectionA 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。 11.A)Take her to another hike. B)Go hiking again next week. C)Plananother rally for next week. D)Go to the rally when it takes place again. 12.A) He is looking for a better employment in New York.B1 He’slooking forward to working in New York. C)Hehopes to work in the same place. D1 Heexpects his company to move to New York.13.A)Seeing a doctor. B)Having the dinner. C)Givinga lecture. D)Studying in some place. 14.A)The man will be punished for his lateness.

B)ProfessorLee is always punctual. C)Thewoman thinks that the man is playing a joke on her. D)Thewoman suggests the man give a watch to Professor Lee. 15.A)Have a sound sleep right away. B)Try something less sweet. C)Visitthe College Board. D)See the campus.doctor. 16.A)They are a bargain worth buying. B)They are of poor quality. C)Theyare available everywhere. D)They are over priced. 17.A)He decided not to sell the piano. B)He found a place to store the piano. C)No onehas bought the piano. D)He'll post notices at local stores. 18.A)It is going to be sunny with breeze. B)It is going to be cloudy with heavy wind. C)It isgoing to be hot,humid and gloomy. D)It is going to be very cold. Conversation One 19.A)The one with the lowest price.


石泉县职业教育中心2013年上学期期末考试卷 适用年级: 13春机电班、电子班 科目:电工基础 考试范围: 第五、六章 命题人: 王春举 同科审核人: 教研组长: 一、填空题、作图题、计算题请在试卷上作答 二、 选择题答题卡 三、判断题答题卡 一、填空题(每空1分,共36分)。 (1)磁感线的方向:在磁体外部由 指向 ; 在磁体内部由 指向 。 (2)如果在磁场中每一点的磁感应强度大小 ,方向 ,这种磁场叫做匀强磁场。在匀强磁场中,磁感线是一组 。 (3)描述磁场的四个主要物理量是 、 、 和 它们的符号分别是 、 、 和 ;它们的国际单位分别是 、 、 和 。 (4)磁场间相互作用的规律是同名磁极相互 ,异名磁极相互 。 (5)载流导线与磁场平行时,导线所受磁场力为 ;载流导线与磁场垂直时,导线所受磁场力为 F= 。 (6)、左手定则的内容:伸开左手,使大拇指与其余四指垂直,并且都与手掌在一个平面内,让 垂直进入手心,并使四指指 向 ,这时手掌所在的平面与磁感线和导线所在的平面垂直, 大拇指所指的方向就是通电导线在磁场中 的方向。 (7)磁导率μ是用来表示媒介质 的物理量。任一媒介 质的磁导率与真空磁导率的比值叫做相对磁导率,即μr = (8)磁场强度的计算公式为 (9)磁感应强度B 是描述磁场 的物理量,磁感应强度B 的单位为 (10)磁场和电场一样,是一种______,具有_________和________的性质. (11)对于通电直导线,用右手握住导线,让伸直的大拇指指 向 ,那么弯曲的四指指向 的方向。 二 选择题(每题2分,共20分。将答案写在答题卡上。) 1. 判断通电导线或通电线圈产生磁场的方向用( ) A 右手定则 B 右手螺旋法则 C 左手定则 D 楞次定律 2. 下列与磁导率无关的物理量是( ) A 磁感应强度 B 磁通 C 磁场强度 D 磁阻 3 .如图1所示,直线电流与通电矩形圈同在纸面内,线框所受磁场力方向为( )


国际市场营销学期末考试试题库 一、单项选择题 1、国际贸易和国际营销在以下哪个环节是不同的() A、定价 B、利润 C、购销 D、促 销2、推动企业营销观念变化的根本原因是() A、消费需求的变化 B、竞争状况的变件 C、社会生产力水平的提高 D、消费观念的变 件3.奉行全球化战略的企业在营销策略的使用上() A、既重视国外市场又重视国内市场 B、重视各国市场的差异 C、按国别组织营销活动 D、更强调一体 化4、属于国际市场营销策略组合4PS 中的策略是() A、国际产品策略 B、国际公共关系 C、国际市场探查 D、国际广告策 略5、下列观点体现了现代市场营销观念() A、“酒香不怕巷子深” B、“帮助客户成功就是成功你自己” C、 “己所不欲不施与人”D、“营销就是推销产品” 参考答案: 1、 C 2、 C 3、 D 4、 A 5、 B 一、单项选择题 1、下列行为中不属于政治干预的是() A、没收、征用和国有化 B、外汇管制 C、政治冲突 D、本国 化2、国际商业纠纷的解决途径有() A、友好协商、谈判和诉讼 B、友好协商、诉讼和仲裁 C、友好协商、谈判和仲裁 D、诉讼、审判、仲裁 3、东道国的“号召人民只买国货;反对进口;反对外国投资”等观念和行为是()的表现。 A、民族主义 B、政局不稳定 C、文化分裂 D、经济主义 4、外国雇员限制、税收政策限制、地方含量法规等属于政治风险中的() A、政局不稳定风险 B、所有权风险 C、经营风险 D、转移风险 5、由于教育水平的差异,导致各国居民对() A、同一消费品偏好相同 B、同一消费品偏好不同 C、任何产品接受程度不同 D、产品接受程


市场营销学期末考试试卷 班级姓名学号 一、名词解释(每小题5分,共20分) 1.市场营销 2.市场细分 3.消费者市场 4.生产者市场 二、单项选择题(每小题2分,共20分) 1.当新产品的试用率高,再购率低时,应该采取的对策是( ) A.迅速投放市场 B.改进产品 C.加强促销 D.尽早放弃 2.空调生产企业与电风扇生产厂家之间是( )关系。 A.形式竞争者 B.品牌竞争者 C.一般竞争者 D.愿望竞争者 3.某商店经营以下四类产品,其中( )类适宜采用声望定价。 A.日常生活用品 B.高档化妆品 C.小食品 D.文具用品 4.自古至今许多经营者奉行“酒好不怕巷子深”的经商之道,这种市场营销管理哲学属于()。 A.推销观念B.产品观念 C.生产观念D.市场营销观念 5.汽车厂收购或兼并轮胎厂是实现( )战略的表现。 A.前向一体化 B.后向一体化 C.横向一体化 D.横向多角化 6.独家经销一般不适合分销( )的产品。

A.购买者较少 B.技术较为复杂 C.要求便利 D.单价较高 7.生产纯净水的某企业最近向市场推出纯牛奶,这是通过( )寻找市场营销机会的方法。 A.产品开发 B.市场开发 C.市场渗透 D.多种经营 8.中国电信规定每日21:00—24:00拨打国内长途电话按半价收费。这种定价策略属于()。 A.成本加成策略B.差别定价策略 C.心理定价策略D.组合定价策略 9.人们购买制冷用的空调主要是为了在夏天获得凉爽空气。这属于空调产品整体概念中的()。 A.核心产品B.有形产品 C.附加产品D.直接产品 10.通过试用或试销产品,分析效果后再决定是否作大规模推销的方法称为( ) A.实验法 B.观察法 C.顾客意见法 D.询问法 三、简答题(每小题8分,共24分) 1.与消费者市场相比,生产者市场有什么特征? 3.市场营销学的研究对象是什么?? 3.微观环境和宏观环境各包括哪些?

热学2012-2013年第一学期 期中考试一 答案

第 1 页 共 6 页 8、 三个绝热过程方程: 、 、 。 二、选择题(单选题,本题10小题,每小题 3分,共30分) 1、正常人的体温是37℃,相当于华氏多少度: ( B ) (A) 96.8℉. (B) 98.6℉. (C) 32℉. (D)212℉. 2、单原子分子理想气体的定容摩尔热容: ( B ) (A) 12R . (B) 32R . (C) 52R . (D) 7 2 R . 3、理想气体的压强: ( C ) (A) 12k p n ε= (B) 13k p n ε= (C) 23k p n ε= (D) 3 2 k p n ε= 4、根据麦克斯韦速率分布率,求得速率倒数的平均值: ( D ) (A) 1v . (B) 1v π. (C) 2v π . (D) 4v π 5、一打气筒,每打一次气可将打气筒外压强p 。=1.0atm, 温度T 。=-3.0℃、体积V 。 =4.0L 的空气压缩到一容器内.设该容器的容积V =1.5×l03L ,容器内初始为真空,问要打多少次气才能使容器内的空气压强p =2.0 atm 、温度t =45℃. ( D ) (A) 45次; (B) 283次; (C)980 次; (D)637次。 6、按麦克斯韦速率分布率,理想气体在温度为T 的平衡态下的最概然速率: ( A ) (B) ; (C) ; (D) 7、 关于平均自由程,下列哪种说法正确: ( C ) (A) 与分子有效直径平方成正比,与分子数密度成反比,与平均速率有关; (B) 与分子有效直径平方成正比,与分子数密度成反比,与平均速率无关; (C) 与分子有效直径平方成反比,与分子数密度成反比,与平均速率无关; (D) 与分子有效直径平方成反比,与分子数密度成正比,与平均速率无关; 8、理想气体体积由V 1变到V 2(V 2>V 1),哪个过程中对外作功最多:( C )


2014—2015学年第一学期《国际市场营销》期末考试卷(B) 考试时间:120分钟、满分100分 年级:_________班级:____________________姓名:____________________学号:____________________得分:____________________ 一、单选题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分。) 1、市场营销的实质是() A 增加需求 B 减少需求 C 需求管理 D 增加供给 2、系统地、客观地收集、整理和分析市场营销活动的各种资料或数据,用于帮助营销管理人员制订有效的市场营销决策,我们称为() A 营销信息系统 B 市场营销调研 C 市场营销预测 D 决策支持系统 3、能满足购买者某种愿望的同种产品的各种品牌是() A 愿望竞争者 B 一般竞争者 C 产品形式竞争者 D 品牌竞争者 4、体育明星、歌星等一般属于() A 首要群体 B 次要群体 C 成员群体 D 向往群体 5、采用无差异性营销战略的最大优点是()。 A 市场占有率高 B 成本的经济性 C 市场适应性强 D 需求满足程度高 6、竞争者战略目标不包括() A 生存 B 获利 C 竞争 D 发展 7、某服装店售货员把相同的服装以800元卖给顾客A,以600元卖给顾客B,该服装店的定价属于() A 顾客差异定价 B 用途差异定价 C 空间差异定价 D 时间差异定价 8、对市场容量大,而每次购买数量少的商品,在选择销售渠道时,宜采用() A 宽渠道、长渠道 B 窄渠道、长渠道 C 宽渠道、短渠道 D 窄渠道、短渠道 9、促销工作的核心是() A 出售商品 B 沟通信息 C 建立良好关系 D 寻找顾客 10、网络营销是()的一种形式。 A 服务营销 B 体验营销 C 概念营销 D 直复营销 二、多选题(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分。) 11、市场营销调研的类型主要包括() A 探测性调研 B 描述性调研 C 解释性调研 D 研究性调研 E 传统性调研 12、市场营销环境的特点大致有() A 相关性 B 复杂性 C 客观性 D 变动性 E 差异性 13、消费者市场中差异性的变量主要有() A 地理变量 B 心理变量 C 人口变量 D 消费变量 E 行为变量 14、影响产品定价的主要因素有() A 产品成本 B 市场需求 C 市场竞争 D 政府调控 E 市场环境 15、对中间商的评估可以从()方面进行。 A 经营管理能力 B 销售能力 C 偿付能力 D 储运条件 E 信誉 三、名词解释(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。)


市场营销期末考试试题库(一) 一、单项选择题 1、产品组合的长度是指企业所拥有的()的数 量。【】 A.产品品种 B.产品项目 C.产品线 D.产品品 2、无差异性目标市场策略主要适用于( )的情 况。【】 A.企业实力较弱 B.产品性质相似 C.市场竞争者多 D.消费需求复杂 3.某商场规定,顾客一次性购买其产品满200元,给予10%的折扣,这种折扣属于【】 A.数量折扣 B.现金折扣 C.季节折扣 D.以旧换新 4.产品特色属于产品整体中的( )部 分。【】 A.核心 B.附加 C.形体 D.特设 5.为避免与强大的竞争对手发生正面交锋,将自己的产品定位于远离竞争对手的区域。这种市场定位策略 是 【】 A.迎头定位策略 B.对峙定位策略 C.避强定位策略 D.从众定位策略 6.1960年,著名学者()提出了4P组合概念,即产品,价格,渠道与促销。【】 A.菲利浦.科特勒 B. 杰罗姆.麦卡锡 C.约翰.霍华德 D.威廉.莱泽 7、产品改良、市场改良和营销组合改良等决策适用于产品生命周期 的【】 A.介绍期 B.成长期 C.成熟期 D.衰退期 8.许多冰箱生产厂家高举“环保”、“健康”旗帜,纷纷推出无氟冰箱,它们所奉行的经营哲学 是 【】A.生产观念 B.推销观念 C.营销观念 D.社会市场营销观念 9、企业生产经营不同产品满足同一顾客群的需求的策略 为【】 A.产品市场选择型 B.产品市场集中型 C.产品专业化 D.市场专业化 10儿童智力玩具一般宜选择( )作为广告媒 介。【】A.报纸 B.广播 C.电视 D.杂志

11.市场容量大,消费者熟悉这种产品,但对价格反应敏感,并且存在潜在竞争者时用()决 策。 【】 A.快取脂 B.快渗透 C.慢取脂 D.慢渗透 12.某企业将A产品以行业的平均价格水平为基础进行定价,则这种定价方法属于【】 A.随行就市定价法 B.竞争价格定价法 C.理解定价法 D.需求导向定价法13.在制定生产资料的促销策略时,通常首先考虑的促销手段 是【】 A.广告 B.人员推销 C.营业推广 D. 公共关系 14、人员推销不包 括 【】 A.柜台销售 B.上门推销 C.派送样品 D.会议推销 15.产品特色属于产品整体中的( )部 分。【 】 A.核心 B.附加 C.形体 D.特设 16.企业通过开发其他企业已经开发而本企业尚未生产的新产品策略 是【】 A.产品发展策略 B.市场渗透策略 C.多角化经营策略 D.产品革新策略 17. ()市场结构,企业只是既定价格的接受者,而不是价格的制定者。【】 A.垄断竞争 B.完全垄断 C.寡头垄断 D.完全竞争 18.消费者对某品牌的电脑的可接受价格是5000元,电脑零售商的经营毛利是20%,电脑批发商的经营毛利是10%。用可销价格倒推法计算企业的出厂价格是() 元。【】A.5000 B.4500 C.3600 D.3000 19.顾客对一件产品的效能与期望值进行比较后的感受就是我们常说 的【】 A.顾客满意 B.顾客满意度 C.顾客忠诚 D .顾客满意率 20.企业以高价格和低促销费用将新产品投放市场,称为()策略。【】 A.快速渗透 B.快速撇脂 C.缓慢渗透 D.缓慢撇脂 21.生产家用电器的企业与房地产公司 是 【】 A.一般竞争者 B.行业竞争者 C.品牌竞争者 D.欲望竞争者


2014年12月大学英语六级CET6考试 模拟试题及答案 2014年12月大学英语六级CET6考试模拟试题及答案(3)Part Ⅱ Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section C (复合式听写调整为单词及词组听写,短文长度及难度不变。) Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written. There is growing dissatisfaction toward rich people, according to a new online poll. The poll by the China Youth Daily 26__________ https://www.doczj.com/doc/ff3104218.html, has highlighted the apparent 27__________ over the country’s widening income gap. Nearly 8,000 people filled in online 28__________ last week, and when asked to use three words to describe the society’s rich, the top 29__________ were “extravagant”,“greedy” and “corrupt”. About 57 percent of those 30__________ said that “extravagant” was the best word to d escribe the rich, followed closely by “greedy”. 31__________ , despite their dissatisfaction, 93 percent of those polled wished they could be rich too, and that richer people should be “socially 32__________ ”. Some 33__________ percent of respondents also praised rich people for being “smart”. Nearly 90 percent of respondents agreed that most people in society, including themselves, 33 speak up for the poor but were 34__________ to take action and actually do something for them. The survey comes on the heels of a heated debate over comments made by renowned economist Mao Yushi, who said a couple of days ago that he was speaking for the rich and working for the poor. A report released by the Asian Development Bank last Wednesday revealed that China’s Gini co efficient—an indicator of the wealth divide—rose from 0.407 in 1993 to 0.473 in 2004. An earlier Chinese Academy of Social Sciences report said that the richest 10 percent of Chinese families now own more than 40 percent of all private assets, while the poorest 10 percent in the country share less than 2 percent of the total wealth. The country’s income gap is close to that of Latin America, the report which 35__________ in January said.



国际市场营销学自学考试模拟试题一 一、单项选择题(从四个备选答案中,选出一个正确答案,每小题1分,共15分) 1.某企业采用标准化的产品、价格、分销和促销策略开展国际市场营销,其经营指导思想属: A.市场营销观念 B.推销观念 C.营销战略性观念 D.大市场营销观念 2.一家只有国内业务的公司决定从事国际市场营销,最初的主要动因是: A.获得海外市场的销售利润 B.国内市场竞争激烈 C.推销剩余产品 D.获取国际市场信息 3.造成国际市场营销企业海外业务中绝大多数问题的根源是: A.日益猖獗的贸易保护主义 B.产品质量不高 C.营销渠道太长 D.没有及时调整营销策略适应新环境 4.中小企业在进入国际市场时,适合以一个或少数几个国家的市场部分或亚市场作为目标市场,为一个或少数几个国家市场部分服务,即为下述目标市场策略: A.无差别市场营销 B.集中市场营销 C.差别市场营销 D.多角化经营 5.某服装出口企业发现,目标市场所在国的消费者按年龄结构划分,存在老年、中年和青年三种需求偏好不同的群体,且群体内需求偏好相近。该市场顾客偏好分布属: A.分散偏好 B.同质偏好 C.人文变数细分 D.集群偏好 6._ 就是指企业利用国内外中间商,把产品出口到目标国市场。这是一种最脆弱的进入国际市场的方式。 A.间接出口 B.许可证贸易 C.对外直接投资 D.直接出口

7.当国际市场营销环境发生变化,出现了有利于新市场建立的时机;或是原有市场需求饱和,导致企业采取向新市场扩张。 A.市场渗透策略 B.产品开发策略 C.市场开发策略 D.多角化经营 8. _是影响国际市场消费者购买行为的最大、最深远的因素。 A.文化因素 B.经济因素 C.社会因素 D.心理因素 9.在下述营销调研方法中,最适宜于分析购买者行为和意向的是: A.询问法 B.观察法 C.实验法 D.类比分析法 10.当企业外销产品品种多、数量大、外销市场多时,宜采用的组织形式是: A.国际业务部门化 B.职能部门化 C.产品部门化 D.地理位置部门化 11. _指在老产品基础上采用多种改进技术,使其结构、性能、造型、款式或包装具有新的特点的产品。 A.全新产品 B.换代新产品 c.仿制新产品 D.改进新产品 12.产品在成长期的营销策略,应突出一个“_”字。 A.“快” B.“长” C.“转” D.“好” 13.对国际市场营销企业而言,实行_易于控制市场,强化服务,提高经营效率,但这种分销策略的风险亦很大。 A.国际市场广泛分销策略 B.国际市场选择性分销策略 C.国际市场独家专营策略 D.集中市场营销策略 14.跨国公司广泛利用公司各部门之间的来逃避子公司所在国的税收。 A.参考价格 B.记账贸易价格 C.转账价格 D.滑动价格 15.率先提出大市场营销或广义市场营销思想的人是: A.科特勒 B.鲍敦 C.麦卡锡 D.弗龙


2012-2013 学年度第二学期期中考试 一.单项选择 1. What _______ fun it is to play ________basketball in such hot weather! A. a; a B. a; / C. /; the D. /; / 2. Our English teacher ________America, and he won’t be back until next term. A. has gone in B. has been to C. has gone to D. has been in 3. Spring is coming. The flowers in the garden ________ good now look lovely. A.are smelling B. smell C. are smelled D. smelling 4. Lily with her cousins ________Oxfam since three years ago. A. has joined B. have been in C. has been in D. have joined 5. -----When will the party be held? ----___________. A.Not until next Friday B. Until next Friday C. After a few days D. For a few days 6. How many years is it since the theatre __________? A. come into service B. is in service C. came into service D. was in service 7. This film will be shown ________next week. A. some times B. some time C. sometimes D. sometime 8. Listen! How _______ the music _________! A. beautiful; sounds B. beautifully; sounds C. beautiful; hears D. beautifully; hears 9. ------Is Lucy or Lily the ________of the twins? ------Lucy. She was born half an hour earlier. A. younger B. youngest C. older D. oldest 10. I have to prepare food for seven people _______me. A.included B. including C. which including D. includes 11. The red car ___________on the road for about an hour. A. has been B. has stopped C. stopped D. is stopping 12. -------_________to her? She is crying so sadly over there. A. What happens B. What has happened C. What is happened D. What was happening 13. My uncle ________ a farmer. Now he _________ the life of a driver. A. used to be; has been used to B. was used to be; has been used to C. used to be; is used to be D. was used to be; is used to 14. The little girl is often _________ the ballet on Sundays. A. seen practice B. seen to practice C. seen practicing D. seem to practice 15. -------I’m sorry I’ve forgotten to post the letter for you. ------- __________. I will post it myself tomorrow morning. A. I’m sorry to hear that B. All right. C. Not at all D. Never mind 二.完形填空 William Shakespeare was born more than 440 years ago and spent his childhood in his hometown,Stratford-on-Avon. Little was ___1______ about his childhood though many stories are told,some of which may be true. He probably went to Grammar school at Stratford. At thirteen he had to leave school as his father became poorer at one time. So William had to

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