当前位置:文档之家› 英语词汇学200要点(不过就难啊)




1) Denizens ,cup from cuppa , port form portus

2) Aliens garage , décor

3) Translation –loans e.g. long time no see

4) Semantic- loans.e.g. dream.

2.Motivation 分类:

onomatopoeic motivation, morphological motivation,

semantic motivation, etymological motivation.

Types of meaning: grammatical ~ & lexical ~; conceptual ~& associative ~(connotative~, stylistic~, affective ~, collocative ~,)


Polysemy is a common feature peculiar to all natural language that one word has two or more senses or meanings. Diachronic approach is an approach to polysemy which studies how a word derived its different meanings from its primary meaning in the course of time.

3.Synchronic approach

is an approach to polysemy which studies the coexistence of various meanings of the same word in

a certain historical period of time.

4.Primary meaning is the only meaning that a word had when it was first created.

5.Derived meanings are the meanings that a word gets from the primary meaning at different stages of its development in the course of time.


Homonymy is one of the features of words that a word is different in meaning from another,

but either identical both in sound and spelling or identical only in sound or spelling with the other Homonyms generally fall into three classes:

perfect homonyms (same name); homographs (same spelling) and homophones (some sound). Perfect homonyms are those words identical both in sound and spelling, but different in meaning, e.g. bear /bea/ (n) a large heavy animal; bear /bea/ (v) to put up with.

Homographs are the words identical only in spelling but different in sound and meaning, e.g. saw / / (v) to scatter seeds; sow /sau/ (n) female adult pig.

Homophones refer to the words identical only in sound but different in spelling and meaning, e.g. dear /dia/ (n) a loved person; deer /dia/ (n) a kind of animal.


Perfect homonyms and polysemants are fully identical with regard to spelling and pronunciation. This creates the problem of differentiation.

The fundamental difference between homonyms and polysemants lies in the fact that the former refers to different words which happen to share the same form and the latter is the one and same word which has several distinguishable meanings.

One important criterion is to see their etymology, i.e. homonyms are from different sources whereas a polysemant is from the same source which has acquired different meanings in the course of development. The second principal consideration is semantic relatedness. The various meanings of a polysemant are correlated and connected to one central meaning to a greater or lesser degree, e. g. neck (See 6.1 Polysemy) . On the other hand, meanings of different homonyms have nothing to do with one another. In dictionaries, a polysemant has its meanings all listed under one headword whereas homonyms are listed as separate entries.


are words which share the same or nearly the same meaning with each other but different in sound and spelling.

There are absolute synonyms and relative synonyms which result from borrowing, dialects and regional English, figurative and euphemistic use of words, coincidence with idiomatic expressions.

There exists the difference between or among synonyms in terms of their denotation, connotation or application.

Absolute synonyms or complete synonyms are words which are identical in meaning in all its aspects. Relative synonyms or near-synonyms are similar or nearly the same in denotation,

but embrace different shades of meaning or different degrees of a given quality.

9.Sources of Synonyms

1) Borrowing

2)Dialects and regional English

3) Figurative and euphemistic use of words

4) Coincidence with idiomatic expressions


Difference in denotation2 Difference in connotation 3 Difference in application

11.What are the characteristics of antonyms?

1) Antonyms are classified on the basis of semantic opposition

2) A word which has more than one meaning can have more than one antonym.

3) Antonyms differ in semantic inclusion.

4) Contrary terms are gradable antonyms, differing in degree of intenisty, so each has its own corresponding opposite.

12.上下义关系:Hyponymy deals with the relationship of semantic inclusion.That is, the meaning of a more specific word is included in that of another more general word.

Superordinates refer to some general words; subordinates denote those more specific words. Hyponymy can be described in terms of tree-like graphs,

with higher-order superordinates above the lower subordinates.

But their status either as superordinate or subordinate is relative to other terms.

For example, horse, dog, pig are subordinates in relation to animal,

but superordinates of mare, hound and boar, Animal itself becomes a subordinate of creature. And creature in turn becomes

13.词义变化的种类There are five types of meaning, changes:

extension, narrowing, degradation, elevation, and transfer among which extension and narrowing are the most common.

Changes in meaning can be accounted for from extra-linguistic factors (historical reason, class reason, and psychological reason)

and intra-linguistic factors (shortening, the influx of borrowing, and analogy).


Extension is a process by which a word with a specialized sense is generalized to cover a broader or less

15.definite concept. Compare the following;

词义的缩小Narrowing is a process by which a word of wider meaning acquires a specialized sense;

词义的升华Elevation is a process by which a word moves from a derogatory or neutral sense to a neutral and/or appreciative sense;

词义的降格Degradation is a process by which a word of reputation slides into a pejorative use,;

词义的转移Transfer is a process by which a word denoting one thing changes to refer to a different but related thing. Paper serves as an example.

This word formerly denoted an African plant papyrus, which was once used to make paper.

In modern times, paper is made from rags, wood, straw and the like,

but the product has retained the same name. There is associated transfer.

There are other kinds of transfer, such as, concrete to abstract, abstract to concrete and transfer of sensation.

16.语境的种类:非语言语境。语言语境:词汇语境和语法语境。There are two types of contexts: linguistic context and extra-linguistic (or non-linguistic context).

Extra-linguistic context refers to those situations and features which are not directly a part of the language in use but which either contribute in conveying a message or have an influence on language use. Linguistic or Intra-linguistic context is further subdivided into lexical context and grammatical context. By lexical context we mean the words that occur together with the word in question.

By grammatical context we mean that the meanings of a word may be influenced by the structure in which it occurs.

17.语境的作用:Three major functions of context:

elimination of ambiguity, indication of referents, provision of clues for inferring word-meaning. Context an be summed up as follows:1) definition 2) explanation 3) example 4) synonymy

5) Antonymy 6)hyponymy 7) relevant details 8) word structure

18.英语习语的特点The characteristics of idioms include semantic unity and structural stability.


According to the criterion of their grammatical functions, we classify them into idioms nominal in nature, idioms adjectival in nature, idioms verbal in nature, idioms adverbial in nature, and sentence idioms. The stylistic features are characterized with colloquialisms, slang, and literary expressions.

20.英语习语的使用The use of idioms

involves their stylistic features, rhetorical features , and variations of idioms.

21.英语习语的修辞色彩The rhetorical features of idioms are represented with phonetic manipulation ( alliteration 头韵法and rhyme叠韵) ,

lexical manipulation ( reiteration复用, repetition重复and juxtaposition反义词叠用),

figures of speech ( simile明喻, metaphor暗喻, metonymy转喻, synecdoche借代, personification拟人, euphemism委婉)


In the variations, addition, deletion, replacement, position-shifting and dismembering are involved in the changes in idioms constituents .

23.Associative meaning :

1) associative meaning is the secondary meaning supplemented to the conceptual meaning.

2)It differs from the conceptual meaning in that it is open-ended and indeterminated.

3)It is liable to the influence of such factors as culture , experience, religion, geographical region, class background,education, etc.

4)Associative meaning comprises four types : connotative, stylistic, affective, and collocative.

24.Metonymy 和Synecdoche ,修饰有何区别?

Both metonymy and synecdoche involve substitution of names, yet they differ in that the former is a case of using the name of one thing for another closely associated with it and the latter is that of substituting part for the whole and vice versa.

25.词典的种类There are four types of dictionaries with their features mentioned in this parts:

(1) monolingual and bilingual dictionaries,

(2) linguistic and encyclopedic dictionaries,

(3) unabridged, desk and pocket dictionaries,

(4) specialized dictionaries. A monolingual dictionary is a dictionary which is written in one language.

26.A bilingual dictionary is one in which two languages are involved.

27.A linguistic dictionary

is a dictionary which aims at defining words and explaining their usages in the language.

28.An encyclopedic dictionary is one in which encyclopedic information is provided along with the general information as in a linguistic dictionary .

29.An encyclopedia is a dictionary which only provide encyclopedic information concerning each headword.

30.An unabridged dictionary is an unshortened dictionary with at least 200,000 headwords that can supply a great quantity of basic, information about a word.

31.A desk dictionary is a medium-sized dictionary containing words ranging from 50,000 to 150,000.

32.A pocket dictionary is a dictionary which has about 50,000 entries or fewer.



2、对单词进行分析:re-collect-ion——归属free morpheme, bound morpheme——解释

3、构词法进行分析:word formation: 例如:VIP=very important person 属于aronym


注:重点有1、idioms相关知识;2、一些名词解释,如术语等;3、types of meaning;


Introduction 部分:

34.Lexicology 这门课算哪一种学科的分支:Lexicology is a branch of linguistics.


1)Morphology 2) Semantics 3) Stylistics 4) Etymology 5) Lexicography

36.研究lexicology 的两大方法:

1) Diachronic approach : 历时语言学

2) Synchronic approach : 共时语言学e.g. wife纵观历时语言学的方法论,woman 词义的变化算是词义变化的哪一种模式?

Woman 的词义的变化算Narrowing or specialization


37.What is word ?词具有哪些特点?词的特点也就是对词的名词解释。

1) A word is a minimal free form of a language;

2) A sound unity or a given sound ; 3) a unit of meaning;

4) a form that can function alone in a sentence.以上词的四个特点也就是词的名词解释

38.词的分类(classification of a word)词根据发音可以分为哪两种词?或者说词根据拼写可以分为哪两类词

1) simple words

2) complex words单音节词例子:e.g. Man and fine are simple多音节词例子:e.g. Management, misfortune, blackmailmanagement 可以次划分为manage 和–ment misfortune 可以次划分为mis- 和fortuneblackmail 次划分为black 和mail

39.What is the relationship between sound and meaning?

1)There is ‘no logical relationship between the sound and actual thing.e.g. d og. Cat

2)The relationship between them is conventional.

3) In different languages the same concept can be represented by different sounds.

40.What is relationship between sound and form?

1)The written form of a natural language is the written record of the oral form. Naturally the written form should agree with the oral form, such as English language.

2)This is fairly true of English in its earliest stage i.e. Old English

3)With the development of the language, more and more differences occur between the two.

41.What are the great changes that causes illogical relationship or irregularity between sound and form?

1)The internal reason for this is that the English alphabet was adopted from the Romans, which does not have a separate letter tore present each sound in the language so that some letters must do double duty or work together in combination.

2)Another reason is that the pronunciation has changed more rapidly than spelling over the years, and in some cases the two have drawn farapart.

3)A third reason is that some of the differences were created by the early scribes.

4)Finally comes the borrowing, which is an important channel of enriching the English vocabulary.


1) influenced by Romans2) Pronunciation changed3) early scribes4) borrowing

42.你能不能举出外来语对英语发音,拼写造成不一致的例子有哪些?e.g. stimulus (L) ,fiesta (Sp) ,eureka (Gr), kimono (Jap)外来语对英语造成的最大的影响就是‘sound and form ’不一致。

43.What is vocabulary? Vocabulary refers to the total number of the words in a language, but it can stand for all the words used in a particular historical period. Vocabulary also refers to all the words of a given dialect, given book, a given discipline and the words possessed by an individual person.

44.Classification of Words (本课的一个重点, 年年考试都考)

45.What is the classification of words? How to classify words in linguistics?

Three criteria :1) By use of frequency 2) By notion 3) By origin

By use of frequency 可划分为:1) The basic word stock 2) Nonbasic word vocabulary

By notion可划分为:1) Content word2) Functional word Content words are also known as notional words . (Content words 的别称)Functional words are also known as empty words, or form words. (Functional words 的别称)Functional words possesses a characteristic of basic word stock, i.e. stability

46.According to Stuart Robertson ,et al (1957),* (年年考试必考) t he nine functional words , namely ,and , be , have , it , of , the , to , will ,you

47.What are the characteristics of basic word stock?

1)All national character2) Stability3) Productivity4) Polysemy5) Collocability

要把握住‘All national character’词,就是和我们日常生活息息相关的,最普通词

48.稳定性是基本词的一个很大特点,请你举例说明?e.g. man, woman , fire, water …e.g. machine, video, telephone …e.g. bow, chariot , knight Stability is relative, not absolute.

49.根据词的use frequency 划分出的基本词之外,还有一类词叫作None basic vocabulary, 非基本词有几大特点?或者是几大分类?1) Terminology e.g. sonata, algebra2) Jargon e.g. Bottom line ( Jargon ) 3) Slang e.g. smoky, bear ( Slang ) 4) Argot e.g. persuader5) Dialectal words e.g. station ( AusE = ranch ) bluid ( ScotE= blood)6) Archaisms e.g. wilt (will)7) Neologisms e.g. email ( Neologisms )beaver 是girl 的slang 表达方式,但是二者之间存在着Stylistic difference

50.Which constitutes the larger number among English vocabulary, content or functional words ?

Answer : Content words What is native words?

Answer : (1) By origin, English words can be classified into native words and borrowed words.

(2) Native words are words brought to Britain in the fifth century by the German tribes: the Angles, the Saxons, and the Jutes, thus know asAnglo-Saxon words.

(3) Words of Anglo-Saxon origin are small in number ,amounting to roughly 50,000 to 60,000, but they form the mainstream of the basic word stock and stand at the core of the language 51.什么叫borrowed words?Answer:

(1) words taken over from foreign languages are know as borrowed words or loan words or borrowings in simple terms.

(2) It is estimated that English borrowings constitute 80 percent of the modern English vocabulary

(3) The English language has vast debts .In any dictionary some 80% of the entries are borrowed.

52什么叫Denizens?Denizens are words borrowed early in the past and now are well assimilated into the English language. In other words they have come to conform to the English way of pronunciation and spelling, such as port from portus (L).‘Denizens’的例子都要记:Port from portus (L), cup from cuppa (L),shift from skipta (ON), shirt from skyrta (ON), change from changier (F), pork from porc (F).

53什么叫Translation-loans ?T ranslation-loans are words and expressions formed form the existing material in the English language but modeled on the patterns taken from another language, such as ‘ long time no see from haojiumeijian (Ch)

54什么叫Semantic-loans ?words of this category are not borrowed with reference to the form ,

But their meaning are borrowed , in other words, English has borrowed a new meaning for an existing word in the language ,such as the word dream ,

which originally meant ’joy’ and ‘music ’, and its modern meaning was borro wed later from the Norse.

第二章:The development of the English vocabulary

The Indo-European Language Family It is assumed that the world has approximately 3,000(some put it5,000)languages ,which can be grouped into roughly 300 language families on the basis of similarities in their basic word stock and grammar .

55.(重点:语系划分的标准)What is the criteria to divide language families ?

The answer : 1. the basis of similarities in their basic word stock

2. grammar(重点)The Balto-Slavic comprises such modern languages as(选择题内容:)Prussian, Lithuanian , Polish ,Czech, Bulgarian ,Slovenian and Russian.

56.‘Indo-European’ 两大分支:

1.Eastern set

2.Western set Eastern set: Balto-Slavic, Indo-Iranian, Armenian and Albanian Western set : Celtic, Italic , Hellenic, Germanic. In the western Set, Greek is the modern language derived from Hellenic. Celtic :Scottish, Irish, Welsh, Breton The five Romance languages,

namely ,Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian , Roumanian all belong to the Italic.

The Germanic family consists of the four Northern European Languages: Norwegian ,Icelandic, Danish and Swedish ,which are generally known as Scandinavian languages.

Then there is German, Dutch ,Flemish and English.With Vikings’ invasion, many Scandinavian words came into the English language. It is estimated that at least 900 words of Scandinavian origin have survived in modern English. Old English has a vocabulary of about 50,000 to 60,000 words. It was a highly inflected language just like modern German.

57.重点句: Modern English began with the establishment of printing in England

古英语最大的模糊性的概念来自于(scripts )古英语正因为出现印刷术才打破了( early scripts)Sound and form 真正达到统一是在什么时期?.Sound and form reached their concord in ( Modern English period )如果从词汇变化的角度而言,Modern English 又可以细划分为early period ,modern period.


Early modern English appeared in the Renaissance

59.Modern English period 有什么样的外来语的进入?

The Latin words swarmed into English in early modern English period现代英语时期,英语词汇大量丰富还有另外一个原因是(colonization)The richness of Modern English in vocabulary also arises from (Colonization )The English language has evolved from a synthetic language to the present analytic language ( 重要选择或填空内容)Growth of Present-day English Vocabulary

60.Three main sources of new words :

1)The rapid development of modern science and technology

2)Social, economic and political changes;3)The influence of other cultures and language

61.Modes of Vocabulary Development

1)creation 2) semantic change 3) borrowing2)Semantic change (还包括外来词的Semantic loans )Elevation, degradation, extension, narrowing, transfer 外来词可以被称作borrowed words , 因此又可以被称作 .重点句:borrowed words are also known as loaned words

.恢复古英语的用词是美国英语的一大特色Reviving archaic or obsolete words also contributes to the growth of English vocabulary though quite insignificant. This is especially trueof American English.

62.英语从synthetic language 发展到present analytical language 是在英语的哪一个阶段完成的?

答案:Modern English period

63.文艺复兴时期,恰逢英语发展的哪个阶段?答案:Early Modern English period

64.在英语发展过程在哪个阶段出现三语鼎立的现象?French, Latin, English in Middle English period

65.easel, port, freight, 出现于英语发展的哪个阶段,属于哪一种外来词的引入?

答案:Middle English , Dutch

66.在英语发展的某一个阶段,有一种语言进入英语,它一共带来了2500 个词汇,这种语言是什么?

答案:Dutch (前年考题)


答案:50,000 to 60,000 他们的来源是(Anglo_Saxon tongue )第二次世界大战以后,大量外来词进入英语中,如:Mao jackets , black belt , kongfu, 这些词属于英语词汇发展的Present - day English Vocabulary 注意:第二章出大题的内容无非就是请简述印欧语系的发展与组成。

68.Old English 和Middle English 最大的striking distinction 存在于哪一个方面?

答案:Old English was a language of full endings, Middle English was one of leveled endings.


这对英语词汇的丰富具有什么样的影响? 答案:Greek , Roman cultur

70.某些希腊词被引入到了英语是在什么阶段? 答案:Modern English


答案:Printing这导致sound and form 出现concord , 出现standardization.


72.The smallest unit in the English language refers to (morphemes)

73.The minimal free form in the English language refers to (word)

74.In the plural form changing, some of the words will take internal vowel change , this internal vowel change is called (allomorphs)

75.Deer 复数没有变,还是deer, sheep 复数没有变,还是sheep, 因此,这种变化被称作(zero derivation)


76.Morphemes : The minimal meaningful units in a language are known as morphemes. In other words, the morphemes is the smallest functioning unit in composition of words

77.Allomorphs : The alternative morphs are known as allomorphs, e.g.the morpheme of plurality {-s} has a number of allomorphs in different sound context, e.g. in cats in bags, matches It can be realized by the change of an internal vowel as in foot-feet, man-men, goose-geese or by zero morphs as in deer-deer, fish-fish

78. what are the types of morphemes ? (答简答题时,名词解释)

答案:Free morphemes and bound morphemes 。

79.Free morphemes :

1) Free morphemes are independent of other morphemes and are considered to be free.

2) These morphemes have complete meanings in themselves and can be used as free grammatical units

in sentences.

3) They are identical with root words, as each of them consists of a single free rootwords ,as each of them consists of a single free root

4) free morphemes are free roots.

80.bound morphemes:

1) Morphemes which cannot occur as separate words are bound..

2) They are bound to other morphemes to form words.

3) Bound morphemes include two types: bound root and affix

affix 分为两类: inflectional and derivational affixes.

Inflectional affixes : Affixes attached to the end of words to indicate grammatical relationships are

inflectional, thus known as inflectional morphemes.

Derivational affixes:

1)derivational affixes are affixes added to other morphemes to create now words.

2) Derivational affixes can be further divided into prefixes and suffixes.

root :

1) a root is the basic form of a word which cannot be further analyzed without total loss of identity.

2) the root, whether free or bound, generally carries the main component of meaning in a word

3) a ’root is that part of a word form that remains when all inflectional and derivational affixes have been r emoved’ stem :

1) a stem may consist of a single root morpheme as in iron or of two root morphemes as in a compound like handcuff.

2) It can be a root morpheme plus one or more affixational morphemes as in mouthful, underestimate.

3) Therefore, a stem can be defined as a form to which affixes of any kind can be added.

81.问题:Stem 和root 有一个最大的区别在哪里? ( 连着两年没有考过)

答案:a stem can be defined as a form to which affixes of any kind can be added.

82.问题:请加以区别下面两个词的特征: nation , dict 请加以理论的分析?

Both nation and dict belong to roots, nation is free root, which can function alone in a sentence, Nation as a free root, has complete meaning, when both prefixes and suffixes attached to it are removed, nation as a free root, still remains Dict is a bound root, which can not function alone grammatically , dict carries the fundamental meaning of words, dict has to combine with the other morphemes to create new words , for example , dictionary , contradiction .

83.问题:分析下面一句话: He is much more cleverer than any other one in the village, too heads are better than one.请从构词角度分析以上的例子, cleverer , better cleverer (-er : inflectional affixes ) better ( good , well 的特殊变化) It is allomorph of good and well.




1) Affixation 2) Compounding 3) conversion

4) shortening 5) clipping 6) acronymy

7) blending 有三种最常用: affixation , compounding and conversion





87.问题:Affixation 又被称为什么? 它分为哪两类?

答案:Affixation is also known as derivation Affixation falls into two subclasses :

prefixation and suffixation 要点: 有哪些前缀属于什么样的类别:a-, non, ir : negative prefixes de- , dis- ( 既属于negative , 也属于reversative prefixes )

mal-, pseudo-, mis- : pejorative prefixes super , sur-, extra :prefixes of degree or size anti-, contra-, counter-, pro- : prefixes of orientation and attitude trans-, fore- tele- : locative prefixes fore-, post- : prefixes of time and order bi-, uni-, semi- : number prefixes pan-, vice - : miscellaneous prefixes suffixation : 1. Noun suffixes

1) Denominal nouns

2) Deverbal nouns

3) De-adjective nouns: ity, -ness,

4) Noun and adjective suffixes

注意Compounding, acoronymy , blending , conversion , clipping 的名词解释.

88.要点:复合词分为哪三类: 1)solid 2) hyphenated 3) open

89.简答题: what are the characteristics of compounds ?What are the d ifference between compounds and free phrases ?

答案:1) phonetic features 2) Semantic features 3 ) Grammatical features

最常见的三种词性: 1) Noun compound 2) Adjective compounds 3) verb compounds

90.问题:在名词性复合词中有哪几种有多产性, 哪两种不具有多产性? 在形容性复合词当中, 哪三类有多产性? 动词性复合词是靠哪两种方法复合在一起的?

名词解释:Conversion ( 重点,还没考过)

Conversion is the formation of new words by converting words of one class to another class. Functional shift = conversion

Zero-derivation ( 选择或填空要点)Adjective to noun : (1) full conversion (2) partial conversion


答案:由Adjective to verbs : (1) Transitive (2) Intransitive

92.简答题: 形容词变动词的三种类别(没考过) 问题:请你举出由conjunction 变为noun 的一个例子?

答案:Ifs and buts blending are also called blends or portmanteau words ( 选择或填空要点)

93.问题:‘blending’ 分为哪四类合成词?1. head + tail 2. head + head 3. head + word 4. word + tail

94.问题: 绝大多数blending 都是什么词性?

答案:nouns,The overwhelming majority of blends are nouns;

very few are verbs and adjectives are even fewer.

95.问题:截短法clipping 分为哪四类?

答案:There are four common types of clipping :

1) Front clipping 2) Back clipping

3) Front and back clipping 4) Phrase clipping

要注意clipping 的例子有一个特殊变化:fridge ( refrigerator 截短之后在i, g 中间加一个d ) ,

还有拼写发生变化,比如说:coke ( coca cola)


A cronymy is the process of forming new words by joining the initial letters of ne ames of social

and political organizations or special noun phrases and technical terms

Acronymy 包含两类:1) initialisms (不发音)e.g. BBC, VOA, TB

2)acronyms (形成新的发音)e.g. CORE, TEFL Words from proper names

有四大类:1. Names of people e.g. bobby : Names of people

2. Names of places e.g. champagne, rugby

3. Names of books e.g. utopia

4. Tradenames e.g. cabal


e.g. diagnosis ---?diagnose : (先有诊断的名词,后有了诊断的动词,这种构词被称作)

backformation bloomers (它的构词法满足哪一种词法):

属于Words from proper names 中的Names of people VJ-day :(这种构词法是由哪一种构成的)属于Initialisms 中的Acronyms Pop: (采用哪一种构词法构成的) : clipping Sitcom : blending FORTRAN : head + head Bath (名词) ----- bathe ( 动词) Bath 和bathe 存在一种什么关系? ( Conversion )

重点句:Conversion is also known as functional shift.

98.问题:Noun + v-ing, 这类词构成的词是什么词?答案:compounding

99. 问题:Record-breaking , 它是属于复合法中的哪一种?答案:Adjectives compounds

100.问题:请说出Adjectives compounds 中多产性强的有几类?

答有三类1) n + v-ing 2) n + a3) n + v-ed

101.问题:up-bringing 是属于哪一类构词法构成的词?

答案:noun compounds (adv + v-ing )


答案:区别也就是复合词的特点:1) Phonetic features

2) Semantic features

3) Grammatical features

103.问题:red meat, green horn,它们是复合词的哪一个特点构成的词?

答案:Semantic features (也就是从构词上推不出它的涵义)


105.问题:由compounding 或composition 构成的词被称作什么?答案:compounds


答案:分为三类:solid, hyphenated, opensolid : blackmail , blackmarkethyphenated:

brother-in-law, open : green horn , green hand


Adjectives to verbs答案:有三类:

1) Both transitive and intransitive

2) Only transitive

3) Only intransitive

108. 问题:由人的行为所造成的结果进行转类之后,转成了什么词性?

答案:verb to noun e.g. catch


答案:分为两类:1) full conversion e.g. black , white

2) partial conversion e.g. the rich , the poor


答案:1) Concrete

2) abstract e.g. host : (可加-ess 变成具体名词)friend : (加-ship 可变成抽象名词)

111.问题:(只作了解) A word is unity of sound and meaning ( true or false )

答案:true ( 可从word 的四个特点看出)

112.问题:Most loaned words are borrowed from foreign languages without any change in sound and spelling. (true or false).

答案:true 外来词分为四类:1) Denizens e.g. cup from cuppa , port form portus

2) Aliens e.g. garage , décor

3) Translation –loans e.g. long time no see

4) Semantic- loans.e.g. Dream

113.判断对错题:1.Conversion means transfer of a word from one class to anther . (true or false )


2.The relationship between a word symbol and its meaning is mostly arbitrary and conventional.


3.a word used in different contexts may contrast with different antonyms .(true or false)答案:true

4. an allomorph is any of the variant forms of morphemes. (true or false ) 答题:false

重点句:A word which has more than one meaning can have more than one antonym. E.g. fast (fast 在不同的语境中对应着不同的概念)


1) C hinese is our native language, but we can not say the Chinese is our ?

.a)mother tongue b) first language c) mother language d) official language 答案:C)mother language ( 不存在的一种说法)

2)问题:以下的哪一个词is not an expression used by American?

A)Tube B) bar C) Mailbox D) Congress

答案:tube ( 只有英国人把地铁叫tube , 美国人把它叫作subway, underground )

3)问题:‘smog’它是‘smoke , fog’ 合在一起形成的词,它是采用了下面哪一种构词法?

A) clipping B ) compounding C) blending D) backformation 答案:C ) blending

4)问题:以下的词哪些属于:A)simple word B) compound word C) derived word

D) shortened form.e.g. goldmine

(compound word )bike

( shortened form )process

(derived word : cess 是一个不可分割的bound root,pro 它是一个前缀)

supermarket ( derived word )language ( simple word )driver ( derived word )dorm ( shortened form, clipping )modernize ( derivation )blackboard ( compound )bus ( shortened form ) (omnibus ) (可能会出现的题)

115.What is the difference between content words and functional words, illustrate your point with examples ? ( 未考过)注意:答题时先答名词解释,再加以例子说明。(复习要考虑的题)

116.What is the difference between denotative meaning and connotative meaning? (论述题)

117.What are the fundamental features of the basic word stock of the English vocabulary? ( 未考过)答题时先答名词解释basic word stock 再答五大特点并配以例子加以说明。(关键答好第一个特点:‘All national character ,它又分为五个特点)

118.问题:Which of the following word s is not formed through clipping?

A)dorm B) Motel C) gent D) zoo 答案:Motel: (blending)

119. 问题:Old English has vocabulary of about how many words ? 答案:50,000 to 60,000


答案:粘着词素分为:Bound root 和affixes

121.选择题或填空:Besides French words, English also absorb as many as 2,500 words in the Middle English Period. (Dutch ) A word is a symbol that B .

A ) is used by same community

B) represents something else in the world

C) both simple and complex in nature

D) Show different ideas in different sounds The opposite of semantic elevation in meaning change is called degradation or pejoration .Pronouns and numerals enjoy nationwide use and stability, but has limited Productivity


1) heart and soul ( Adverbial in nature )

2) father - male parent ( conceptual meaning )

3) City-bred ( noun + v-ed )

4) Lip-reading - lip read (backformation )

5) headache (compound n + v )

6) antecedent ( 下划线的这一部分是什么:bound morphemes )

7) preview ( prefix : 前缀)8) receive ( bound root )9) called ( inflectional affixes )

123.第五章:Word Meaning The meanings of‘Meaning’ 指的是哪三个层次的内容?意义中的含义的三个层次的划分: What are the meanings of ‘Meaning’?

1) Reference (有reference 的词必然具有sense, 也必然具有Concept )

2) Concept( 能够形成Concept 的词必然有reference )

3) Sense (有sense 的词未必具有concept , 也未必具有reference)

(Conjunction , prepositions, adverbs, 它们都是具有sense 的词,但是未必具有reference ,

也未必具有concept, 例如:if, but, probably : 它们有sense, 但没有concept )

124. What is the relationship between the reference and the thing outside the language?

(等同于:What is r elationship between sound and form)答: Arbitrary and conventional

125.名词解释: reference

名词Concept : 1. Meaning and concept are closely connected but not identical .They are both related directly to referents and are notions of the words but belong to different categories.

2. Concept, which is beyond language, is the result of human cognition, reflecting the objective world in the human mind .

3. Concept is universal to all men alike regardless of culture, race, language and so on.

4. a concept can have as many referring expressions as there are languages in the world. 126.重点: sense 的名词解释:

Sense : 1. ‘ sense’ denotes the relationships inside the language. ‘ The sense of an expression is its place in a system of semantic relationships with other expressions in the language.’

2. Since the sense of an expression is not a thing, it is often difficult to say what sort of identity it is. It is also an abstraction. *

3. Every word that has meaning has sense (not every word has reference)

127.重点:What are the type of motivation?

1) Onomatopoeic motivation

2) Morphological Motivation

3) Semantic Motivation

4) Etymological Motivation。

128..填空题some of the words when edited with prefixes and suffixes,

it will become another new word, either new in meaning or new in sense,

this motivation is called ( morphological motivation )

129. Compounds are totally different in the meaning before it was carried out with different elements, so the meaning of a compound can not be deduced from component constituted this compound ,

this motivation is called ( morphological motivation )

130. pen in old English , refers to the feather, but with the development of technology,

fountain was invented , but the name of this material was kept up to this day,

people still used the pen to refer to writting tool, this motivation is called (etymological motivation) 131. Conceptual meaning also know as (denotative meaning )

https://www.doczj.com/doc/f318205184.html,conic answer (简短回答), laconic 的形成是属于哪一种理据(etymological motivation)

133.问题: pingpong ball , cuckoo 是靠哪一种理据形成的新词?答案: Onomatopoeic Motivation

134.问题:at the foot of mountain, the mouth of river, 此时采用了哪一种理据构成?答案: Semantic

135.movtivation 论述题: 1. What are the types of motivation?

What are the types of meaning?

按大的分支来分分为: (1)grammatical meaning (2)Lexical meaning

136.分析题:*’The dog is chasing a cat’, analyze the sentence based on grammatical meaning.

Lexical meaning itself has two components: conceptual meaning and associative meaning.

(语法意义上分析没考过, 但从词汇意义上分析考过)

语法意义指一个词的词性, 句中充当的成份, 句子的时态,单复数形式等.

1)’Dog, cat’ are nouns, and ’chase’ is transitive verb.

2) The sentence is used in present continuous tense.

3) ’The dog, a cat’ are singular form.

137.问题:The pen is mightier than sword?

请从语法意义的角度上分析这句话?Both ’pen and sword’ are nouns. ’mightier’ is an adjective, and ’than’ is preposition.

The sentence is in simple present tense.


Mightier than’ is comparative degree.’pen and sword’ are in singular form.

’The pen’ is subject, and ’sword’ functions as an object to preposition ’than’.’mightier’ is predictive 138.重点名词解释: Conceptual meaning:

1) Conceptual meaning (also known as denotative meaning) is the meaning given in the dictionary and forms the core of word-meaning.

2) Being constant and relatively stable, conceptual meaning forms the basis for communiation as the same word has the same conceptual meaing to all the speakers of the same language

139.Associative meaning :(一定要把它的四种分支答上)

1) associative meaning is the secondary meaning supplemented to the conceptual meaning.

2)It differs from the conceptual meaning in that it is open-ended and indeterminated.

3)It is liable to the influence of such factors as culture , experience, religion, geographical region, class background,education, etc.

4)Associative meaning comprises four types : connotative, stylistic, affective, and collocative.

140. 问题: Connotative meaning is not the same to everybody, every situation and every time, analyze the statement?

答案: e.g. A child is prejudiced against, often jeered at,

beaten or scolded at home, then home to his is nothing but ’ a hell’, hence unfavourable connotatitions,

141.问题: 某些贬义词是不是任何时候都是贬义词?

答案:e.g. A phrase like ’son of a *****’ which normally has an associative meaning of crude vulgarity may convey the connotation of ’friendliness’ and ’intimacy’ used

between two close friends when they meet after some prolonged period of time.

142.问题:Stylistic meaning 根据字典上的划分有几种划分?根据The Five Clocks 划分,有几种划分?

答案:In some dictionaries, stylistic features are clearly

marked as ’formal’, ’informal’, ’literary’, ’archaic’, slang’.

Martin Joos in his book The Five Clocks suggests five degrees of

formality: ’frozen’, ’formal’, ’consultative’, ’casual’ and ’intimate’.

143.问题:在日常生活中,人们把文体只简单地划分为哪三类?答案:1)formal 2)neutral 3) informal

注意:要把书中89页中例子[22][23]分析要记好.在情感意义affective meaning, 考试往往要落脚在affective meaning 的两个分类:(年年affective meaning 例子都考)

(1) appreciative meaning

(2) pejorative meaning Collocative meaning

中的例子要记好: pretty , handsome Green

搭配的例子记好: green on the job, green fruit , green with envy , green-eyed monster.

144.问题: Blackmail 从发音的角度被划分成什么词,从理据的角度被划分成什么词?

答案:Complex Morphological motivation

145.问题: 有reference 的词必然具有sense and concept ( 正确)

有sense 的词一定具有reference.(错误)

The word which have meaning does not have necessarily reference.

146. 问题: ’Forget, forgot, forgetting , forgotten , forgets’这是从哪一个角度来界定这个词的分支?

答案: Grammatical meaning

147. 问题: ‘frozen, ‘formal’ , ‘consultative’, ‘casual’ and ‘intimate’ 这五个词是总结了什么的划分,是根据什么的划分? 答案: stylistic meaning , 是根据The Five Clocks written by Martin Joos.

148. 问题:But in daily life , we always refer to (formal), (neutral) , (informal).

149.问题: ’Pretty boy, pretty woman , pretty garden, pretty garden , pretty car’,


答案:Collocative meaning, when pretty is used to modify different nouns both animate and inanimate , their collocative meaning are totally different.

150.问题:Table tennis can be replaced by pingpong ball and the name of the bird is also called cuckoo , which can also be reused to refer to the sound of the bird , so their two words are (onomatopoeically) motivated.

151.问题:’Unexpected, expectation, expecting’, these three words are (morphologically) motivated. 152.问题:’Hopeless, jobless, dislike’, 这三个词是靠什么motivated. ( morphologically motivated)

153.问题:’East or west , home is best’ and ’there is no place like home’. 这两话是使用了什么样的意义构成的?答案: Connotative meaning

第六章: Sense Relations and Semantic Field polysemy, homonymy, synonymy, antonymy and hyponymy.(五种关系的名词解释要记住)

Two Approaches to Polysemy: 1) Diachronic approach

2) Sychronic approach Two Processes of Development

1)radiation (1) radiation is a semantic process in which the primary meaning stands at the centre and the secondary meanings proceed out of it in every direction like rayes.

(2) the meaning are independent of one another, but can all be traced back to the central meaning. e.g. face, neck


(1) meaning ‘ linking together’, is the semantic process in which the meaning of a word moves gradually away from its first sense by successive shifts until, in may cases ,there is not a sign of connection between the sense that is finally developed and that which the term had at the beginning .

(2) In plain terms the meaning reached by the first shift may be shifted a second time, and so on until in the end the original meaning is totally lost. e.g. treacle


154问题:In the linguistic study, what are the sense relations and what are the types of sense relations ?答案: A word which is related to the other words is related to them in sense, so it is called sense semantic relations. types of sense relations : polysemy, homonymy, synonymy, antonymy and hyponymy.


155.问题:Fruit 与apples bananas, pineapples, lychees 是什么语义关系?答案:Hyponymy?

156.问题:Fruit 这一类里包含apples, bananas, pineapples, grapes 它们形成了一种什么样的理论?

答案:Semantic field

157. 问题:有的时候在英语中存在着一种语言不共容的现象,那就是反义词的不共容的现象,

那么这种不能够相互溶合,这样的词在反义词当中被称作什么词。比如说:dead , alive , 它们之间的反义关系是什么样的一种关系?答案:Contradictory terms它们之间形成的语义关系被称作antonymy

158.问题:Contradictory terms 有一个最大的特点是什么?

答案:Mutually exclusive and are non-gradable, They cannot be used in comparative degrees and do not allow adverbs of intensity like very to qualify them.


答案:表明two poles, two extremes,的反义词,它们之间存在一种包容现象,这种包容现象被称作(Middle ground)e.g. huge / tiny(它们之间存在着big , small , quite big, quite small)e.g. young / old这类反义词被称为(Contrary terms)

160.问题:fast 这个词, 它表示紧的概念时, 它和loose 是一组反义词,表示快的概念时,它和slow 是一组反义词,这样的一种语义关系算什么样的语义关系?答案:polysemy

161.问题:分析deer , dear 这两个词是什么样的词?答案:Homophone

162.重点: homonyms 有哪三个类别的划分?

1) perfect homonyms e.g. bank , bear

2) homographse.g. bow, sow

3) homophones e.g dear, deer right, write, rite

163.重点:Origins of Homonyms 1) Change in sound and spelling

2) Borrowing 3) Shortening

164.问题:shortening 可以表现在哪些分支结构构成上?

1) Acronymy

2) Homonymy

3) Narrowing

4) Idioms 重点问题:Homonymy 和Polysemy 的区别?(未考过)

165.Rhetoric Features of Homonyms e.g. Long time no sea. ( puns ) humor, sarcasm or ridicule

重点:名词解释Synonyms Types of Synonyms :1) Absolute synonyms

2) Relative synonyms

166.重要简答题:Sources of Synonyms ( 四大来源,配以例子说明就可以了)

1) Borrowing

2)Dialects and regional English

3) Figurative and euphemistic use of words

4) Coincidence with idiomatic expressions

167.重点:如何区分同义词?(Discrimination of Synonyms )

1) Difference in denotation

2) Difference in connotation

3) Difference in application antonymy :

168.反义关系要点:反义词的三种类别的划分: What are the different types of antonyms?


1) Contradictory terms exclusive 特例: they cannot be used in comparative degrees and do not allow adverbs of intensity like very to qualifythem. e.g. single/ married (有可能放在分析里去论述)

2) contrary terms 关键词: two poles or extremes middle ground e.g. rich / poor (中间还可出现well-to-do)

3) Relative terms e.g. parent / child , predecessor/ successor

169.问题: What are the characteristics of antonyms?

1)Antonyms are classified on the basis of semantic opposition 特例:Many words, though having

synonyms, do not find their semantic opposites, e.g. read, hit, house, book, power, magazine.

Therefore, in a language, there are a great many more synonyms than antonyms.

2) A word which has more than one meaning can have more than one antonym. (这个特点只适用于

polysemous )e.g. fast , dull

3)Antonyms differ in semantic inclusion.

(这里讲的包容性是指一个反义词必然包含着另外一个反义词的绝对的概念) e.g.man/ woman (man 除了指男性,还可以指整个人类, woman 算作人类的一部分, 所以woman 也算在man 的范畴内,因此,woman 被man 所包容) dog / ***** ( dog 除了指狗类通称,还可以指公狗, *****是母狗, dog指狗类通称的时,*****是狗的一种,因此我们说*****必然被dog所包容,所以,它们之间存在着Semantic inclusion) (语义上的包容性还没有考过) e.g. tall/short, old /young

4)Contrary terms are gradable antonyms, differing in degree of intenisty, so each has its own

corresponding opposite.

(特例)Some words can have two different types of antonyms at the same time, one being the negative and the other opposite,(未考过, 重要的选择或填空内容) e.g. happy / unhappy/ sad ( happy/

unhappy 之间的反义关系是negative, happy/sad 之间的关系是opposite )The use of Antonyms (通常用在习语当中) e.g. rain or sine high and loweasy come, easy go

170.名词解释:Hyponymy (未考过,很重要的概念) Hyponymy :

1) hyponymy deals with the relationship of semantic inclusion.

2)That is to say, the meaning of a more specific word is included in that of another more general word.

3) These specific words are known as hyponyms. The general words are the superordinate terms and the more specific ones are subordinate terms.

注意:hyponyms 和subordinate 都是指下义词.

比如说:考试给你hammer, saw, spanner这些词, 然后再给你tool这个词, 然后让你用语义关系的理论加以分析这组词?分析: hammer, saw , spanner 都是specific word, 它们和tool 存在的关系是semantic inclusion , 所以too是一个superordinate , hammer, saw, spanner 属于subordinate 或者是hyponyms. (用上下义语义关系进行理论分析的题,也是一个考试的要点) hyponymy ( 它与语义场semantic field具有一定的联系)注意: 上义词与下义词不是一成不变的, 也不是绝对的, 是一个相对的概念,不同的语义场就存在不同的上下义关系.

171.重点:Semantic Field (名词解释) (未考过) Semantic Field:

1)The massive word store a language like English can be conceived of as composed around a number of meaning areas, some large, and others smaller. Viewing the total meaning in this way is the basis of field theory.

2) The German linguist Trier saw vocabulary as ‘an integrated system of lexemes interrelated in sense. Therefore, the ‘words of languages can b e classified into semantically related sets or fields.

3) According to Trier’s vision of fields, the whole vocabulary can be divided up into fields.

4)Words in each field are semantically related and define one another.注意:答语义场的简答题与它的名词解释相同.

172.问题:在反义关系中, 同一个词具有不同的涵义, 因此也就具有了多个不同的反义词( true or false )问题: true e.g. fast, dull 问题: 反义词分为哪三类:1) Contradictory terms 2) Contrary terms 3) Relative terms

173.问题:可以用形容词比较级, 可以用程度副词加以修饰的反义词是属于哪一类?

答案: Contradictory terms

174.问题: 可以接纳一个Middle ground, 这样的词是属于哪一类反义词? 答案:contrary terms

175.问题: Husband and wife , man and woman 这都是表示性别的反义词,但是他们属于同一类反义词的划分, 对还是错? 答: 错husband and wife : relative terms man and woman : contradictory terms

176.问题: empty 与vacant 这两个词都表示空荡荡的感觉,

empty表示的是修饰容积,容量, 没有填充物的空荡荡,

而vacant 表示的是一个not occupied, not taken

所以一般我们说没有放家具的房间叫做vacant apartment, 而人去楼空的房间叫empty room,


(书111 页)答案: Differnece in application : Empty, vacant are synonyms, but their collocations are not the same.

Empty implies that there is no one or nothing inside while vacant suggests that something or some place is not occupied.

177.问题: 反义词之间存在不存在包容性概念semantic inclusion, 请举例说明?

答案: e.g. man / woman , dog/ ***** tall/ short, old /young


1 B a s i c C o n c e p t s 基本概念 1.1 the definition of a word ( alone in a sentence. A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function.) 1.2 sound and meaning :symbolic connection is almost always arbitrary and conventional . A dog is called a dog not because the sound and the three letters that make up the word just automatically suggest the animal in question. 1.3 sound and form : 1.4 vocabulary 1.5 classification of words 词汇分类 basic word stock 基本词汇 nonbasic vocabulary 非基本词汇 by use frequency 按使用频率分: basic word stock and nonbasic vocabulary 基本词汇和非基本词汇 by notion 按概念分: content words and functional words 实义词和功能词 by origin 按起源分: native words and borrowed words 本地词和外来词 all national character 全民性 stability 稳定性 productivity 多产性 polysemy 一词多义 collocability 搭配性 terminology 术语 jargon 行话 slang 俚语 argon 黑话 dialectal words 方言词 archaism 古语词 neologism 新词 neutral in style 文体上中性 frequent in use 使用频繁 native words 本地词 borrowed words 外来词 denizens 同化词 aliens 异形词 translation-loans 译借词 1. No enough letters: alphabet from Latin 2. Pronunciation changed more rapidly 3. Early scribes: change spelling for easier recognition 4. Borrowing: different rules of pronunciation and spelling obvious characteristics 明显的特点 (Functional words do not have notions of their own and their main function is to express the relation between notions, words, etc.)


1、选择题(2 ×15=30) 2、填空题(2×5=10 ) 3、搭配题(1×10=10) 4、名词解释题(4×5=20) 5、问题回答(5×3=15) 6、论述题(第39题7分,第40题8分) 选择题: 1. Which of the following is an initialism ? D. UN 2. The following are all nominal suffixes EXCEPT A. –ful . 3.Both English and B. Danish belong to the Germantic branch of the Indo-European language family. 4.Affixes added to the end of words to indicate grammatik relationships are known as C. inflectional morphemes. 5.Motiation accounts for the connection between word-form and C.its meaning. 6.Ambiguity often arises due to polysemy and C.homonymy. 7.Affixes attached to other morphemes to create new words are known as B .derivational affixes. 8.The semantic unity of idioms is reflected in the A.illogical relationship between the literal meaning of each word and the meaning of the idiom as in rain cats and dogs. https://www.doczj.com/doc/f318205184.html,ually a small number of languages have been designated official languages for an organization’s activities ,for example, the UN was established with five official languages English, French, A.Spanish Russian, and Chinese.中英俄法西


试题三 第一部分选择题 I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the bracket.(30%) 1.According to the degree of similarity, homonyms can be classified into ( ) A. perfect homonyms B. homonyms C. homophones D. all the above 2.Transfer as a mode of semantic change can be illustrated by the example ( ) A. ad for “advertisement” B. dish for “food" C. fond for “affectionate” D. an editorial for “an editorial article" 3.It is a general belief that the meaning does not exist in the word itself, but it rather spreads over ( ) A. the reader’s interpretation B. the neighbouring words C. the writer's intention D. the etymology of the word 4.Which of the following is a prefix of time and order? A. extra- B. pro- C. re- D. semi- 5.Which of the following dictionaries is not a specialized dictionary? A. The Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology B. Chamber's Encyclopedic English Dictionary C. Longmont Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs D. Webster's New Dictionary of Synonyms 6.Which of the following statements is Not true? A. Reference is the relationship between language and the world. B. The relationship between a word and its referent is arbitrary. C. Concept is universal to all men alike. D. Sense denotes the relationships outside the language. 7.The words which occur before or after a word and may affect its meaning form ( ) A. physical context B. grammatical context C. lexical context D. linguistic context 8."Smith is an architect. He designed World Trade Center. "The clue provided in the context is ( ) A. definition B. explanation C. example D. hyponym 9.The term "vocabulary" is used in different ways because of all the following reasons EXCEPT that ( ) A. it can refer to the common core of a language B. it can refer to the total number of the words in a language C. it can represent all the words used in a certain historical period D. it can stand for words in given dialect or field 10.The idiom "a dark horse" is a ( ) A. simile B. metaphor


现代英语词汇学概论最强版复习资料c h a p t e r 文件管理序列号:[K8UY-K9IO69-O6M243-OL889-F88688]

Chapter 9 Changes in Word Meaning 9.1 Causes of Changes in Word Meaning 9.2 Four Tendencies in Semantic Change 9.3 Semantic Development or Change Resulting from the Figurative Use of Words Definition: Change of meaning refers to the alteration of the meaning of existing words, as well as the addition of new meaning to established words. 9.1 Causes of Changes in Word Meaning A.Historical cause 历史原因 It often happens that though a word retains its original form ,its meaning has changed because the object which it denotes has changed . *Changes of meaning because of increased knowledge of the object described are common in the history of science. Eg. pencil ==is from a Latin word meaning “a little tail” or “a fine brush”, like our Chinese “pen”毛笔.Later, when it was made of wood and graphite ,it was still called a “pencil”. atom ==It was borrowed though Latin and French from Greek arouos,invisible. Thus atom meant originally “an particle too small to be divided”. This meaning is now out-of-date, because scientist have found out that atom can be split.


一、选择题 1.—Dad, are you ________this afternoon? —Yes, I have no time to play with you, Mary. A.late B.free C.busy D.happy 2.We’d better finish our work ________ one go. Don’t put it off till next time. A.in B.to C.on D.for 3.—Jerry looks so tired. He works too hard. —He has to ________ a family of four on his own. A.offer B.support C.provide D.remain 4.I don’t want to go. __________, I am too tired. A.However B.And C.Besides D.But 5.When I as well as my cousins __________ as a volunteer in Beijing, I saw the Water Cube twice. A.were treated B.treated C.was served D.served 6.He can’t wait to get a ticket to the movie, so he________ for it yesterday. A.spent B.paid C.took D.cost 7.You should be careful to pay over the Internet, ________it’s not always safe. A.so B.because C.after D.as soon as 8.—Look! It’s raining________ outside. —Yes, it is. It has been dry for many days, and the rain is good for crops. A.heavily B.hardly C.quietly D.badly 9.—Can you ________ some of the famous tourist attractions in Paris? —Sure. There is Notre Dame, the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, etc. A.call B.tell C.name D.talk 10.The next Olympic Games will be held in Japan________ 27th July 2020. A.on B.in C.at D.of 11.We 'll have a trip to America ______ February. A.of B.at C.on D.in 12.Remember to return the book to the school library in time, ________ you will be fined(罚款). A.or B.and C.but D.so 13.Your advice is very________to me. I’m sure our activity will be more meaningful. A.terrible B.comfortable C.impossible D.valuable 14.—Bill, do you like________? —Yes. They’re healthy. A.ice-cream B.carrots C.salad 15.—Which kind of food smells or tastes ? —Sorry, I don't know.


全国高等教育自学考试 英语词汇学试题 课程代码:00832 Ⅰ.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that best completes the statement and put the letter in the bracket.(30%)1.According to semanticists, a word is a unit of ______.() A.meaning B.Sound C.combination of sounds D.Group 2.The pronunciation has changed ______ spelling over the years.() A.more slowly than B.As quickly as C.more rapidly than D.Not so quickly as 3.Words may fall into the basic word stock and nonbasic vocabulary by ______.()A.use frequency B.notion C.origin D.sound 4.Rapid growth of science and technology breeds such new words as the following EXCEPT______.() A.green revolution B.fast food C.moon walk D.space shuttle 5.Semantic change means an old form which takes on a new ______ to meet the new need. ()A.form B.meaning C.look D.pronunciation 6.Reviving archaic words also contribute to the growth of English vocabulary. For instance, in American English “fall” means ______ in British English.() A.four B.fell C.for D.autumn 7.The plural morpheme “-s” is realized by /s/after the following sounds EXCEPT ______. ()A./t/ B./g/ C./p/ D./k/ 英语词汇学试卷第 1 页共9 页


Explain the following terms 一1) free morpheme/ A free morpheme is one that can be uttered发出,表达alone with meaning. It can exist on its own without a bound morpheme. In the traditional sense, a free morpheme is a word. 例如hand ,eat, get 2) bound form/never used as sentences. – ess in countess, lioness and duchess –ish in boyish, childish and greenish –s in hats, books and cups 3) function words/ function words are often short words, they do not have much lexical meaning and some of them have no lexical meaning of their own; They are often short words such as determiners限定词, conjunctions连词, prepositions介词, auxiliaries辅助物, and so forth. 如to, the , of , by 4) content words实词/ They are used to name objects, qualities, actions, processes or states, and have independent lexical meaning. They are the nouns, main verbs, adjectives形容词and adverbs副词of a language. 二1) syntheti c综合的language / inflectional grammatical markers, French, German and Russian. 2) analytic language/word order, prepositions or auxiliary verbs , English and Chinese 3) Indo-European family of languages/ Europe and parts of Southern Asia Eight groups 三1) morphemes /The morpheme is the smallest meaningful linguistic unit of language, not divisible可分的or analyzable into smaller forms. 2) allomorphs/variants变体of the same morphem如im-, ir-, il- : allomorphs of the morpheme in- 3) root / is the basic unchangeable part of a word, and it conveys the main lexical meaning of the word. work able, work er, work ed, and work ing 4) stem /A stem is of concern only when dealing with inflectional morphology. Inflectional (but not derivational) affixes are added to it. It is the part of word-form which remains when all inflectional affixes have been removed. 如undesirables, undesirable; desired, desire 5) base / A base is any form to which affixes of any kind can be added. Desirable, desire - base and root, not stem; undesirable, desirable-base, not root and stem 6) inflectional affixes/A inflectional affix serves to express such meanings as plurality复数, tense, and the comparative比较的or superlative 最高的degree. 如-s, -ed, -er, -est 7) derivational affixes / When they are added to another morpheme, they derive a new word. re+write, mini+car, super+market, modern+ize, work+er 8) compounding 复合法/Compounding is a word-formation process consisting of combining two or more bases to form a compound word 9) derivation 派生法/Derivation or affixation is generally defined as a word-formation process by which new words are created by adding a prefix or a suffix or both to the base 10) conversion 转化法/Conversion is a word-formation process in which a word of a certain word-class is shifted into a word of another word-class without the addition of an affix. 11) initialism/It is a type of shortening, using the first letters of words to form a proper name, a technical term, or a phrase. 12) acronym首字母缩略词/Acronyms are words formed from the initial letters of the name of an organization or a scientific term, etc. Acronyms differ from initialisms in that they are pronounced as words rather than as sequences of letters. 13) blending拼缀/Blending is a process of word-formation in which a new word is formed by


考研英语词汇复习笔记 翻硕复习的一大重头戏就是词汇,而词汇量是巨大的,必须要有日常的积累和复习,并且掌握科学的记忆方法,才能最有效地积累词予匚量。下面是关于英语词汇的学习笔记,以供大家参考。(1) 1. bereave :使某人丧失(尤指亲属)bereave Sb Of Sb an accident WhiCh bereaved Him Of his Wife 使他丧失妻子的事古攵the bereaved husband 死了妻子的男人 the bereaved丧失亲人的人 bereavement(n):丧亲之痛,丧失亲人 deprive : take Sth away from sb;PreVent Sb from enjoying Or USing Sth剥夺sb/sth的sth;阻止某人 享有或使用Sth deprive sb/sth Of Sth deprive Of OneS CiVil rights剥夺某人的公民权deprivation(n):剥夺;贫困;被剥夺的事物WideSPreaCl deprivation 普遍贫困 MiSSing the HOIiday WaS a great deprivatiOrL错失假日是极大的损失。 deprived(adj):贫困的,穷苦的deprived ChildhOOd 贫苦的童年

2. abdomen : Part Of the body below the CheSt and CliaPhragm,cOntaining the stomach.腹部 abdominal(adj)腹部的an abdominal OPeratiOn 月复咅8手术belly : (口)front Of the HUman body from the WaiSt to the groin;belly 肚子,胃 With an empty belly 空着肚子 in the belly Of a ShiP 在船腹里 belly OUt(动词用法):鼓涨,凸出The Wind bellied OUt the SaiIS 3. c onSeCrate : devote sth/sb to Or reserve sth/sb for a SPeCial (esp religious) PUrPOSe 扌巴sth/sb 献给 sth/sb 做某种(尤其宗教)用途COnSeCrate sth/sb to Sth COnSeCrate OneS Iife to the SerViCe Of GOd,to the relief Of SUffering献身于为神服务(解除世人痛苦)的事业 devote : give OneS time z energy to sth/sb; dedicate 为某人付出,向某人奉献,献身于devote Oneself/sth to sb/sth devoted(adj):热爱的,非常忠实的Z全心全意的a devoted SOn


一、选择题 1.Maria ________ speaks Chinese because she doesn’t know much Chinese. A.seldom B.always C.often D.usually 2.We’d better finish our work ________ one go. Don’t put it off till next time. A.in B.to C.on D.for 3.In modern life, shopping online is________ used by many people, especially for teenagers. A.exactly B.badly C.heavily D.widely 4.I once worked for a travel magazine for one year and the ________ helped me get a job as a reporter. A.experiment B.information C.experience D.instruction 5.Pay no attention to those who laugh at you. What __________ most is how you see yourself. A.matters B.minds C.cares D.counts 6.You should be careful to pay over the Internet, ________it’s not always safe. A.so B.because C.after D.as soon as 7.The song Where Is Time Gone sung by Diamond(张碧晨)________the yearly general champion of China’s Voice. A.lost B.won C.beat D.got 8.World Book Day takes place ________ April 23rd every year. A.at B.in C.on 9.I didn't know which dictionary was better, so I took ________. A.none B.neither C.each 10.We loved the food so much, ________the fish dishes. A.special B.especial C.specially D.especially 11.He wrote his phone number ________ a piece paper. A.on B.for C.in D.from 12.Remember to return the book to the school library in time, ________ you will be fined(罚款). A.or B.and C.but D.so 13.I’d like to________the mall because it’s crowded and noisy. A.visit B.hang out C.walk D.go off 14.—Bill, do you like________? —Yes. They’re healthy. A.ice-cream B.carrots C.salad 15.Jane always gets on well with other classmates. We make ________our monitor. A.she B.her C.him D.herself 16.The movie Amazing China is on show at the theater. Would you like to see it ________me. A.to B.for C.with D.about 17.Amy makes fewer mistakes than Frank. She does her homework .


英语词汇学试题 Introduction and Chapter 1 Basic Concepts of Words and Vocabula ry(练习1) I.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement. 1.Morphology is the branch of grammar which studies the structure or forms of words, primarily through the use of _________construct. A. word B. form C. morpheme D. root 2.________ is traditionally used for the study of the origins and history of the form and meaning of words. A. Semantics B. Linguistics C. Etymology D. Stylistics 3.Modern English is derived from the language of early ______ tribes. A. Greek B. Roman C. Italian D. Germanic 4. Semantics is the study of meaning of different _________ levels: lexis, syntax, utterance, discourse, etc. A. linguistic B. grammatical C. arbitrary D. semantic 5.Stylistics is the study of style . It is concerned with the user’s choices of linguistic elements in a particular________ for special effects A. situation B. context C. time D. place 6.Lexicography shares with lexicology the same problems: the form , meaning, origins and usages of words, but they have a _______ difference. A . spelling B. semantic C. pronunciation D. pragmatic 7. Terminology consists of _______ terms used in particular disciplines and academic areas. A. technical B. artistic C. different D. academic 8. __________refers to the specialized vocabularies by which members of particular arts, sciences, trades, and professions communicate among themselves. A. Slang B. Jargon C. Dialectal words D. Argot 9 ._________ belongs to the sub-standard language, a category that seems to stand between the standard general words including informal ones available to everyone and in-group words. A. Jargon B. Argot C. Dialectal words D. Slang 10. Argot generally refers to the jargon of _______.Its use is confined to the sub-cultural groups and outsiders can hardly understand it. A. workers B. criminals C. any person D. policeman 11.________ are words used only by speakers of the dialect in question. A. Argot B. Slang C. Jargon D. Dialectal words 12. Archaisms are words or forms that were once in _________use but are now restricted only to specialized or limited use. A. common B. little C. slight D. great 13. Neologisms are newly-created words or expressions, or words that have taken on ______meanings. A. new B. old C. bad D. good 14. Content words denote clear notions and thus are known as_________ words. They include nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and numerals. A. functional B. notional C. empty D. formal 15. Functional words do not have notions of their own. Therefore, they are also called _______words. Prepositions, conjunctions, auxiliaries and articles belong to this category. A. content B. notional C. empty D. new


英语词汇学复习题(A) (2012-05-29) Ⅰ.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that best completes the statement and put the letter in the bracket. 1.According to semanticists, a word is a unit of ______.() A.meaning B.sound C.combination of sounds D.group 2.The pronunciation has changed ______ spelling over the years.() A.more slowly than B.as quickly as C.more rapidly than D.not so quickly as 3.Words may fall into the basic word stock and nonbasic vocabulary by ______.()A.use frequency B.notion C.origin D.sound 4.Rapid growth of science and technology breeds such new words as the following EXCEPT______.() A.green revolution B.fast food C.moon walk D.space shuttle 5.Semantic change means an old form which takes on a new ______ to meet the new need. () A.form B.meaning C.look D.pronunciation 6.Reviving archaic words also contribute to the growth of English vocabulary. For instance, in American English “fall” means ______ in British English.() A.four B.fell C.for D.autumn 7.The plural morpheme “-s”is realized by /s/after the following sounds EXCEPT ______. () A./t/ B./g/ C./p/ D./k/ 8.There are ______ free morphemic words in the following: bird, man, red, collection.()A.one B.two C.three D.four 9.The following words have derivational affixes EXCEPT ______.() A.works B.prewar

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