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ASTM D3330 中英文对照版
ASTM D3330 中英文对照版

ASTM D3330 中英文对照版

Designation: D 3330/D 3330M – 00

名称:D 3330/D 3330M-00

Standard Test Method for Peel Adhesion of Pressure-Sensitive Tape1


This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 3330/D 3330M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the

year of last reapproval. A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval. 此标准是根据D 3330/D3330M 整理修订;名称后面的数字代表首収年仹。括号内为最近修订年仹。带有上标e 表


1. 1. Scope

1.1 范围

1. 1.1 These test methods cover the measurement of the peel adhesion of pressure-sensitive tapes.

1.1.1 这些测试方法主要是针对压敏胶带剥离强度的测试

1. 1.1.1 Test Method A gives a measure of the adherence, when

peeled at 180° angle, to a standard steel panel or to other surface

of interest for a single-coated tape.(加载板) 方法A 是压敏胶带从一标准金属板180°剥离测试方法;


2. 1.1.2 Test Method B gives a measure of the adherence to the backing of a single-coated tape. 方法B 是测试单面背衬胶的粘性

3. 1.1.3 Test Method C gives a measure of the adherence of double-coated tape to a standard steel panel or other surface of

interest. 方法C 是双面背衬胶与标准金属板的粘性测试方法;

4. 1.1.4 Test Method D gives a measure of the adherence of the release liner to the adhesive of either single-or double-coated tape. 方法D 是测试单面或者双面背衬胶离型纸的粘性

5. 1.1.5 Test Method E gives a measure of the adherence of an adhesive transfer tape to a standard steel panel or other surface of

interest. 方法E 是测试无基材胶带与标准金属板之间的粘性

6. 1.1.6 Test Method F gives a measure of the adherence, when peeled at 90° angle, to a standard steel panel or other surface of

interest for a single-coated tape. 方法F 是测试胶带90°剥离方法;

7. 1.2 These test methods provide a means of assessing the uniformity of the adhesion of a given type of


adhesive tape. The assessment may be within a roll of tape, between rolls, or between production lots.

7.1.2 这些测试方法,是胶带的统一的评定方法;----------

8. 1.3 Variations in either the tape backing or the adhesive, or both, affect the response. Therefore, these test methods cannot be

used to pinpoint the specific cause(s) of non-uniformity. 9. 1.4 These test methods may not be appropriate to test tapes having relatively stiff backings, stiff liners, or backings showing

high stretch at low forces. These characteristics will result in a high variability for the test response which is not a true indication

of the real nature of the adhesive bond.

10. 1.5 Values stated in either SI or inch-pound units are to be regarded separately as standard. The values stated in each system

may not be exact equivalents, therefore, each system must be used independently without combining values in any way. 11. 1.6 These test methods are intended to replace AFERA 4001, EN 1939, PSTC-1,

PSTC-2, PSTC-3 and PSTC-4.

1.7 This standard does not purport to address all of the 1 These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-10 on Packaging and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D10.14 on Tape and Labels. Current edition approved Oct. 10, 2000. Published December 2000. Originally published as D 3330 – 76. Last previous edition D 3330/D 3330M – 99. Copyright . ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States. safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the

applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

2. Referenced Documents

2.1 ASTM Standards: A 666 Specification for Austenitic

Stainless Steel, Sheet, Strip, Plate and Flat Bar2 D 996 Terminology of

Packaging and Distribution Environments3 D 3715/D 3715M Practice for Quality Assurance of Pressure-Sensitive Tapes3 D 4332 Practice for Conditioning Containers, Packages or Packaging Components for Testing3 D 5750 Guide for Width and Lengths of Pressure-Sensitive Tape3 E 122 Practice for Choice of Sample Size to Estimate a Measure of Quality for a Lot or Process4

2.2 AFERA Standard:5 4001 Self adhesive tapes – Measurement of peel adhesion

2.3 European Norm:6 EN 1939 Self adhesive tapes – Measurement of peel adhesion from stainless steel or from its own backing 2.4 Pressure Sensitive Tape Council Standards:7 PSTC-1 Peel Adhesion of Single Coated Pressure-Sensitive Tapes at 180°Angle

PSTC-2 Peel Adhesion for Single Coated Pressure-Sensitive Tapes at 90° Angle PSTC-3 Peel Adhesion of Double

Coated Pressure-Sensitive Tapes at 180° Angle PSTC-4 Adhesion to Liner of Presure-Sensitive Tapes at 180° Angle

1. 3. Terminology

2. 3.1 Definitions—Terminology found in Terminology D 996 shall

apply. 2 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.03.

3 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.09.

4 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.02.

5 Association des Fabricants Européens de

Rubans Auto Adhesifs (AFERA), LAM, Laan Copes van Cattenburch 79, NL-2858 EW, The Hauge, Netherlands.

6 European Norm, (EN); available from Comité Européen de Normalisation (CEN), Rue de

Stassart, 36, B-1050, Brussels, Belgium.

7 Pressure Sensitive Tape Council (PSTC),

400 North Michigan Ave., #2200, Chicago, IL 60611–4267.

1. 4. Summary of Test Method


2. 4.1 Test Method A—Single-Coated Tapes, Peel Adhesion at 180°Angle—A strip of tape is applied to a standard test panel (or other surface of interest) with controlled pressure. The tape is peeled from the panel at 180° angle at a specified rate, during

which time the force required to effect peel is measured.

方法A 是压敏胶带的180°剥离。用标准荷重把胶带试样粘加到到实验板上。测试当用确定的速度把胶带从同实验板180


3. 4.2 Test Method B—Adhesion to Backing, Single-Coated Tapes —A strip of the tape under test is applied to a rigid panel. A

strip of the tape under test is applied to the backing of the first strip of tape and tested for peel adhesion as described in Test

Method A.

方法B 是测试单面胶的粘性。胶带试样一被固定到金属板上。另取一试样黏贴到第试样一的背面,然后如方法A 所述


4.3 Test Method C—Double-Coated Tapes:

方法C 是双面胶

1. 4.3.1 Face Side Adhesion—The double-coated tape is adhered to a stainless steel panel (or other surface of interest), liner side

up. The liner is removed and the exposed adhesive covered with a strip of 0.025-mm [0.001-in.] thick polyester film. The resulting tape is then tested as described in Test Method A. 表面粘力-把胶带固定到不锈钢试验板上,衬纸面向上。除去衬纸后,用厚度为0.025-mm [0.001-in.]聚酯薄膜贴在暴露

的胶黏面上。接下来用上述方法A 迚行测试即可。

2. 4.

3.2 Liner Side Adhesion—The face side adhesive is adhered

to a 0.025-mm [0.001-in.] polyester film. The liner is removed and the tape is applied adhesive down to a stainless steel panel (or other surface of interest). Testing is conducted as described in Test Method A.

衬纸面粘力—粘性面用厚度为0.025-mm [0.001-in.]聚酯薄膜贴附上。揭掉衬纸后把胶带黏贴到不锈钢试验板上。按照

方法A 迚行剥离力的测试。

3. 4.4 Test Method D—Adhesion to Liner—The tape is adhered to

a standard steel test panel with the liner side up. The liner is

peeled from the adhesive in the same manner as in peeling a single-coated tape from a standard panel as described in Test Method


方法D 是测试离型纸胶带(单面或者双面)的粘性—胶带被黏着在标准试验板上,衬纸面向上。同方法A 中把单面胶


4.5 Test Method E—Adhesion of Adhesive Transfer Tapes:

方法E 无基材胶黏带粘力测试

1. 4.5.1 Face Side—The tape is adhered to a standard panel (or other surface of interest). The liner is removed and a 0.025-mm

[0.001-in.] thick strip of polyester is adhered to form a film-backed strip of tape. The adhesion is measured as described

in Test Method A.


0.025-mm [0.001-in.]的聚酯薄膜形成一个背衬薄膜胶带

试样。按照方法A 迚行剥离力的测试。

2. 4.5.2 Liner Side—The transfer tape is applied to a strip of 0.025-mm [0.001-in.] thick polyester film, the liner is removed and

the resulting tape’s adhesion is measured as described in Test Method A.

衬纸面-胶带试样黏着在厚度为厚度为0.025-mm [0.001-in.]的聚酯薄膜上,除去衬纸,按照方法A 迚行剥离力的测试。

3. 4.6 Test Method F—Single-Coated Tapes, 90° Peel—A strip of tape is applied to a standard test panel (or other surface of interest) with controlled pressure. The tape is peeled from the panel at 90° angle at a specified rate, during which time the force required to effect peel is measured.

方法F 单面胶90°剥离—用标准荷重把胶带试样黏着在标准实验板上。计算当用确定的速度把胶带从同实验板90 度


4. 5. Significance and Use


5. 5.1 These test methods are tools for quality assurance use. Given specific pressure-sensitive tape and a requirement in terms of

the minimum or maximum peel value expected for this tape, the data from the test can be used in conjunction with acceptance criteria.



6. 5.2 Test Method A, B, C, E, or F can show the relative bond strength of a given tape to one or more surfaces (material and texture) as compared to the standard stainless steel panel. Substitution of representative samples of materials in question for the

standard steel panel would suffice to do this.

方法A, B, C, E, or F 能测试出除用标准试验板之外,胶带同其它一种或多种试验面(不同材料和质地)所产生的相对


7. 5.3 Test Methods A, B, C, E or F cannot be used to compare two pressure-sensitive tapes of the same type but of different

manufacture for their ability to adhere to a surface. This is because the measured peel force is not normalized for a fixed area of

stress. The area under stress varies with backing stiffness and adhesive rheology (firmness). Two different tapes seldom agree in

these properties.

方法A, B, C, E or F 不能被用来对比测试同类但不同粘着力的胶带。这是因为测试的剥离力幵没有规范为一定压力范围。


1. 5.4 Test Method D can show the amount of force required to remove a liner that covers the adhesive side of a tape at a specified peel rate. The force will be different at other peel rates.

方法D 可以测试在特定剥离速度下剥离掉黏胶带的离型纸所需要的不同力值。不同的玻璃速度剥离力不同。

2. 5.5 These test methods may not provide design information as there is usually no direct relationship between peel adhesion and

any functional requirement.

这5 种测试方法没有提供设计信息,原因在于通常粘着力和功能要求


3. 6. Apparatus


4. 6.1 Specimen Cutter8—The specimen cutter shall hold two single-edged razor blades in parallel planes, a precise distance

apart, to form a cutter of exact specimens widths. Two cutters, 12-and 24-mm [0.05-and 1-in.] cutting width, shall be available.

Appropriate alternates which will not cause edge damage may be used.9

取样器8—取样器应该使用平行的单刃刀片,精确的分开距离,这样可以剪切出宽度精确的试样。两种剪切12 和24-mm

[0.05-and 1-in.]剪切宽度都是可用的。为了不引起试样边缘破损,取样器9 也可以选用。


—The 12-mm [0.5-in.] cutter shall consist of a 12-mm [0.5-in.] thick by 220-mm [8-in.] length aluminum bar stock 12-mm [0.05-in.] wide. The edges for about 125 mm [5 in.] from one end shall be slightly rounded to form a handle. The width of the bar

for 75 mm [3 in.] from the opposite end shall be narrowed to

exactly 12 mm [0.5 in.] minus the thickness of a single razor blade

(one of two used as cutting edges). The razor blades shall be held in position using side plates. The end of the cutter shall be cut

away at 45° angle to expose the cutting edge at one end of the blades. The edges shall be separated by 12 6 0.10 mm [0.5 in.]. The

24-mm [1-in.] cutter shall follow the same description except the bar stock shall be 24.0 mm [1 in.] and shall be narrowed exactly 24 mm [1 in.] minus the thickness of a single razor blade.

12-mm [0.5-in.]剪切刀规格应为12-mm [0.5-in.]的宽度和220-mm [8-in.]长度的铝制把柄。刀刃125 mm [5 in.]手柄

6.2 Dispensing System—For solvents, such as a wash bottle. 剂量器分配器溶剂洗涤瓶

6.3 Panel8—A stainless steel panel, 50 by 125 mm [2 by 5 in.] no less than 1.1 mm [0.043 in.] thickness, conforming to Type 302 or 304 of Specification A 666, having a bright annealed finish. The surface roughness height shall be 50 6 25 nm [2.06 1.0

μin.] arithmetical average deviation from the mean line.

Panels showing stains, discoloration, or many scratches are not acceptable. New panels should be cleaned prior to use as described in 11.1, except with ten washes of the final solvent. Between

uses, the panel test surface shall be protected from scratches and contamination, and the panels stored at conditions described in

Section 10.

6.4 Roller—Mechanically or hand operated.

8 压辊-自动和手动

1. 6.4.1 A steel roller 85 6

2.5 mm [

3.25 6 0.1 in.] in diameter and 45 6 1.5 mm [1.75 6 0.005 in.] in width, covered with rubber approximately 6 mm [0.25 in.] in thickness, having a Shore scale A durometer hardness of 80 6 5. The surface shall be a true cylinder void of any convex or concave deviations. The mass of the roller shall be 2040 6 45 g [

4.5 6 0.1 lb].

压辊规格为直径85 6 2.5 mm [3.25 6 0.1 in.] 轴宽45 6 1.5 mm [1.75 6 0.005 in.],表面橡胶厚度为6 mm [0.25 in.]左右,

硬度为邵耳80. 压辊表面为无仸何凹凸缝隙的光滑圆筒。滚轴兊重为2040 6 45 g [4.5 6 0.1 lb].

2. 6.4.2 No part of the apparatus shall increase the mass of the roller during use. The roller shall move either

mechanically or


8 Available from Chemsultants International, 9349 Hamilton Dr., Mentor, OH 44061-1118, and PSTC, 400 North Michigan Ave.,

#2200, Chicago, IL 60611–4267.

9 These widths correspond to the primary metric (SI) units described in Guide D 5750. These so-called “modular metric”units

are used throughout the world, except for Europe. If it is desirable to test slightly different widths (for example, 25 mm) of

specimens than those described in 9.1, this should be noted (see 18.1.7) and calculations must also account for the difference (see

17.1). by hand at the rate of 10 6 0.5 mm/s [24 6 0.5 in./min].

A mechanically operated roller is recommended for referee purposes.

这些数据是根据Guide D 5750 的公制计量单位。除了欧洲外所谓的组合公制世界通用。建议用自动操作的压辊。

NOTE 2—A simple check to determine if the rubber surface is cylindrical is to wrap the roller in a very thin paper (onionskin)

and drag it across a flat glass plate on which is placed carbon paper, face up. The carbon rubs off onto the thin paper wrapper to reveal high spots or hollows on the rubber surface.



6.5 Adhesion Tester—A constant-rate-of-extension (CRE) tension tester shall be used. It is proposed to use an electronic

machine taking at least one reading per mm [0.1 in.] of tape peeled. The tester shall have two clamps with centers in the same

plane, parallel with the direction of the motion on the stressing clamp, and so aligned that they will hold the specimen wholly in

the same plane; a means of moving the stressing clamp at a uniform rate of 5.0 6 0.2 mm/s [126 0.5 in./min] and a device for

recording load. The instrument shall be calibrated to an accuracy of 0.5 % of full scale and the scale range used for any test shall

be such that the mean test level falls within 20 to 80 % of full scale.


力方向平行的夹具,其同试样统一在同一工作台。用恒定速率5.0 6 0.2 mm/s [126 0.5 in./min]拉动夹具然后另一装置做


6.6 Fixture—90° peel for Test Method F.

8 90°剥离夹具—用于方法F

2. 7. Reagents and Materials


3. 7.1 Purity of Reagents—Reagent grade chemicals should be used in all tests. Other grades may be used, provided it is first ascertained that the reagent is of sufficiently high purity to permit its use without lessening accuracy of the determination. 试剂纯度—试剂的化学等级适用于所以试验。其它可选试剂必须是在保证其纯度不会影响其检测结果精度的情况


7.2 Solvents:溶剂

7.2.1 Any of the following solvents may be used for cleaning: 以下所有可能用作清洁的溶剂

... Diactone alcohol non-residual, technical grade or

better, 双丙酮酒精无残留技术等级或者更高

1. 7.

2.1.2 Methanol (95 %), 甲醇

2. Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK), 丁酮

3. n-Heptane, or

. Acetone. 丙酮

2. 7.2.2 For final cleaning before each test, MEK or acetone shall be used


3. 7.2.3 Where toxicity and flammability requirements are paramount, a mixture of n-heptane and a fluorinated hydrocarbon,

such as refrigerant, may meet requirements.


4. 7.3 Cleaning Material—Absorbent, surgical gauze, cotton wool or tissue may be used. To be suitable, materials must be lint-free during use, absorbent, contain no additives that are soluble in the solvents listed in 7.2 and made exclusively from virgin


清洁材料:吸收剂,外科纱布,棉毛或者薄纸。材料必须为无棉绒纸;吸收剂不能含同有7.2 所列溶剂可溶的添加剂幵


5. 8. Sampling

6. 8.1 Acceptance Sampling—Sampling shall be in accordance with Practice D 3715/D 3715M.


可选试样—试样必须符合Practice D 3715/D 3715M 标准

7. 8.2 Sampling for Other Purposes—The sampling and the number of test specimens depends on the purpose of the testing. Practice E 122 is recommended. It is common to test at least five specimens of a particular tape. Test specimens should be taken

from several rolls of tape, and whenever possible, among several production runs of tape. Strong conclusions about a specific

property of a tape cannot be based on tests of a single unit (roll) of a product.





1. 9. Test Specimen

2. 9.1 The specimen shall be 24-mm [1-in.] wide. If the specimen is of a different width, refer to Note 5. A tolerance of6 0.5 mm

[61/64 in.] shall be allowed. The length shall be approximately 300 mm [12 in.].

试样规格宽为24mm [1-in.] 如果宽度不同于此,参考NOTE5. ±0.5 mm [61/64 in.]的误差范围是允许的。长度规格为

300 mm [12 in.].左右。

3. 9.2 Discard at least three but no more than six outer wraps of tape from the sample roll before taking the specimens for testing.

作为试样的胶带,必须先从胶带卷上去掉至少3-6 圈之后再取材

4. 9.3 Remove one specimen per sample roll for each test to be performed. Remove the specimen from a freely 旋转rotating roll at the rate of 500 to 750 mm/s [20 to 30 in./s]. Where width or other factors causing a high adherence to backing makes it impossible to remove the specimen at the prescribed rate, remove it at a rate as close to 500 mm/s [20 in./s] as possible. 从每个胶带卷上取下一块试样的方法。以500 to 750 mm/s [20 to 30 in./s]的速率从旋转的胶带卷上扯下试样。当由于胶

带宽度或某些原因致使粘性过高而不易扯掉试样时,速率可以减少到500 mm/s [20 in./s]。


组装、冲压、喷漆等专业词汇 Assembly line组装线 Layout布置图 OOBA开箱检查 fit together组装在一起 fasten锁紧(螺丝) fixture 夹具(治具) pallet栈板 barcode条码 barcode scanner条码扫描器 fuse together熔合 repair修理 operator作业员 QC quality品管 supervisor 课长 section supervisor课长 deputy section supervisor =vice section superisor副课长 ME制造工程师 MT制造生技 cosmetic inspect外观检查 inner parts inspect内部检查 thumb screw大头螺丝 lbs. inch镑、英寸 front plate前板 rear plate后板 chassis基座 bezel panel面板 power button电源按键 reset button重置键Hi-pot test of SPS高源高压测试 V oltage switch of SPS 电源电压接拉键 sheet metal parts 冲件 plastic parts塑胶件 SOP制造作业程序 material check list物料检查表 trolley台车 carton纸箱 sub-line支线 left fork叉车 personnel resource department 人力资源部 production department生产部门 planning department企划部 QC Section品管科 stamping factory冲压厂 painting factory烤漆厂 molding factory成型厂 punching machine 冲床 robot机械手 lathe车床 planer |'plein|刨床 miller铣床 grinder磨床 driller??床 linear cutting线切割 electrical sparkle电火花 welder电焊机 staker=reviting machine铆合机 position职务 president董事长 general manager总经理 special assistant manager特助 factory director厂长 department director部长 deputy manager | =vice manager副理 group leader/supervisor组长 line supervisor线长 thickness gauge厚薄规 gauge(or jig)治具 power wire电源线 buzzle蜂鸣器 defective product label不良标签 identifying sheet list标示单 iudustrial alcohol工业酒精 Tiana天那水 packaging打包 missing part漏件 wrong part错件 excessive defects过多的缺陷 critical defect极严重缺陷 major defect主要缺陷 minor defect次要缺陷 not up to standard不合规格 dimension/size is a little bigger尺寸偏 大(小) cosmetic defect外观不良 slipped screwhead/slippery screw head 螺丝滑头 speckle斑点 rust生锈 deformation变形 burr(金属)flash(塑件)毛边 poor staking铆合不良 excesssive gap间隙过大 grease/oil stains油污 inclusion杂质 painting peel off脏污 shrinking/shrinkage缩水 mixed color杂色 scratch划伤 poor processing 制程不良 poor incoming part事件不良 painting make-up补漆 discoloration羿色 water spots水渍 polishing/surface processing表面处理 exposed metal/bare metal金属裸露 lack of painting烤漆不到位 safety安全 quality品质 delivery deadline交货期 cost成本 engineering工程 die repair模修 enterprise plan = enterprise expansion projects企划 qualified products, up-to-grade products良品 defective products, not up-to-grade products不良品 to return material/stock to退料 scraped |'skræpid|报废 (be)qualfied, up to grade合格 not up to grade, not qualified不合格


(按中文拼音首字母排序) B 暴民:mob 比拟法:analogical method 比例抽样:proportionate sample 不可知论:agnosticism 变态心理学:abnormal psychology 不完全归纳:incomplete induction 边际效用递减:law of diminishing marginal utility 柏拉图式爱情:Platonic love C 丛众:conformity 残疾人:the handicapped 参考书目:bibliography 参考群体:reference group 成人教育:adult education 初婚年龄:age at first marriage 垂直流动:vertical mobility 出身群体:descent group 抽样误差:sampling error 抽样范围:sampling frame 参与式观察:participant observation D 代沟:generation gap 对照分析:contrastive analysis 定性分析:qualititive analysis 定量分析:quantitative analysis 定额抽样:quota sample 多重人格:multiple personality 地位流动:status mobility 第一手资料:primary data 第二手资料:raw data 单因素实验:single-factor experiment 地域性流动:geographical mobility F 法人:fictitions person 反隔离:desegregation 犯罪学:criminology 父居家庭:patrilocal family 父系亲属:agnate 父子关系:filiation 分析性研究:analytical research 封闭式监管:close custody 封闭型问题:closed question 分层随机抽样:stratified random sample G 规范:norms 更年期:menopause 过激主义:ultraism 个案研究:case study 个人主义:individualism 归属需求:need to belong 个人崇拜:personality cult 功能主义:functionalism H 行话,黑话:argot 横坐标:abscissa 合理趋势:rational trend 霍桑效应:Hawthorne effect 婚姻调适:marriage adjustment 宏观分析:macroscopic analysis 黄金分割:golden section 互补角色:complementary role J 家谱:family religrees 截点:cut-off point 拒答率:refusal rate 绝对值:absolute value 监护人:chaperonage 角色冲突:role conflict 角色距离:role distance 角色紧张:role strain 金钱崇拜:mammon worship 间接暗示:indirect suggestion 价值中立:value free 价值判断:value judgement


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语文课程与教学论 名词术语中英文对照表 the Chinese Course and Teaching and Learning Theory in Chinese and English Teaching materials editing teaching materials /Chinese Teaching Materials /edit teaching materials /Uniformed Chinese Teaching Materials /Experimental Teaching Materials /Mother Tongue Teaching Materials /Teaching Materials of the New Course *textbook *reading book *teaching reference book *exercises book *studying plan Technology /Educational Technology /Modern Educational Technology /Educational Technology in Chinese Teaching /multi-media technology /net technology /cloud serving technology *white board *net meeting *chat room *blog Teaching Basic Theory of the Teaching teaching aim teaching task teaching objective teaching model teaching tactics teaching principle teaching program teaching reform teaching case Courseware teaching resources teaching experiment /mother tongue teaching A Term List of 1. 教材( JC ) 教材编写 /语文教材 /编写教材 / 统编教材 /实验教材 /母语教材 /新课程教材 * 课本 * 读本 * 教学参考书(教参) * 练习册 *学案 2. 技术( JS ) / 教育技术 /现代 教育技术 /语文 教育技术 /多媒 体技术 / 网络 技术 /云服务技 术 * 白板 *网 络会议 *聊天室 * 博克 3. 教学 (JX ) 教学基本理论 教学目的 教学 任务 教学目标 教学模式 教学 策略 教学原则 教学大纲 教学 改革 教学案例 教学课件 教学 资源 教学实验 /母语教学



CDB工程专业术语中英文对照(二) 添加时间:2013-4-24 节流截止放空阀 2011-08-10 16:50:46| 分类:English | 标签:|字号大中小订阅 六、仪表及自动控制 通用描述 COMMON DESCRIPTION 设备名称Equipment Name 缩写 ABB. 分散控制系统Distributed Control System DCS 安全仪表系统Safety Instrumentation System SIS 紧急切断系统Emergency Shutdown system ESD 火气系统Fire and Gas system F&G 监视控制和数据采集系统 Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition SCADA 可编程逻辑控制器Programmed Logic Controller PLC 远程终端单元Remote Terminal Unit RTU 站控系统Station Control System SCS 中央控制室Central Control Room CCR 操作间Operation room 机柜间Equipment room/ Cabinet room 大屏显示系统Large Screen Display system LSD 流量类仪表 FLOW INSTRUMENT 设备名称Equipment Name 孔板Orifice Plate 文丘里流量计Venturi Flowmeter 均速管流量计Averaging Pitot Tube 阀式孔板节流装置 Orifice Plate in quick change fitting 涡轮流量计Turbine Flowmeter


房务部:Rooms Division 前厅部:Front Office 客房部:Housekeeping 大堂副理:Assistant Manager 宾客关系主任:Guest Relation Officer 前台:Front Desk 接待处:Reception/Check-in 收银处:Cashier/Check-out 领班:Captain 主管:Supervisor 班次负责人:Shift Leader 商务中心:Business Center 客房服务代表:Guest service agent(接待和收银合并之后的前台人员的称呼)简称GSA 电话总机:Switch Board 接线员:Operator 预订处:Room Reservation 礼宾服务处:Concierge 大厅服务处:Bell Service 金钥匙:Golden Key 行政楼层:Executive Floor 行政酒廊:Executive Lounge 行李生:Bellman 迎宾员:Doorman 夜审:End of Day /Night auditor 2.前厅服务项目专业术语介绍 入住:Check-in 退房:Check-out 外币兑换:Foreign Currency Exchange 问询:Information 接送机服务:Pick up service 叫醒服务:Wake up call 请勿打扰服务:DND Do not disturbed 失物招领:Lost and Found 国内直拨和国际直拨电话:DDD and IDD Domestic Direct Dial and International Direct Dial对方付费电话:Collect Call 3.前厅常用物品术语介绍: 住宿登记单:Registration card 欢迎卡:Welcome card 订房凭证:Voucher 交接本:log book 信封:Envelope 房卡钥匙:Room key 安全保管箱:Safe Deposit Box 客房统计和出售率统计的术语 预离房:Expected Departure 预抵房:Expected Arrival


documentary(film)记录片,文献片 filmdom电影界literaryfilm文艺片musicals音乐片comedy喜剧片 tragedy悲剧片draculamovie恐怖片sowordsmenfilm武侠片detectivefilm侦探片ethicalfilm伦理片affectionalfilm爱情片eroticfilm黄色片westernmovies西部片filmd’avant-garde前卫片 serial系列片 trailer预告片 cartoon(film)卡通片,动画片 footage影片长度 full-lengthfilm,featur efilm长片short(film)短片 colourfilm彩色片(美 作:colorfilm) silentfilm默片,无声片 dubbedfilm配音复制的影 片,译制片 silentcinema,silentfil ms无声电影 soundmotionpicture,tal kie有声电影 cinemascope,CinemaScop e西涅玛斯科普型立体声 宽银幕电影,变形镜头式 宽银幕电影 cinerama,Cinerama西涅 拉玛型立体声宽银幕电影, 全景电影 title片名 originalversion原着 dialogue对白 subtitles,subtitling字 幕 credits,credittitles对 原作者及其他有贡献者的 谢启和姓名 telefilm电视片 演员actors cast阵容 filmstar,moviestar电影 明星 star,lead主角 double,stand-in替身演 员 stuntman特技替身演员 extra,walker-on临时演 员 characteractor性格演员 regularplayer基本演员 extra特别客串 filmstar电影明星 filmactor男电影明星 filmactress女电影明星 support配角 util跑龙套 工作人员technicians adapter改编


英文翻译中文在线翻译 英文翻译中文在线翻译 (一)促进经济平稳较快发展 1. Promoting steady and robust economic development 扩大内需特别是消费需求是我国经济长期平稳较快发展的根本立足点,是今年工作的重点。 Expanding domestic demand, particularly consumer demand, which is essential to ensuring China’s long -term, steady, and robust economic development, is the focus of our economic work this year. 着力扩大消费需求。加快构建扩大消费的长效机制。大力调整收入分配格局,增加中低收入者收入,提高居民消费能力。完善鼓励居民消费政策。大力发展社会化养老、家政、物业、医疗保健等服务业。鼓励文化、旅游、健身等消费,落实好带薪休假制度。积极发展网络购物等新型消费业态。支持引导环保建材、节水洁具、节能汽车等绿色消费。

扩大消费信贷。加强城乡流通体系和道路、停车场等基础设 施建设。加强产品质量安全监管。改善消费环境,维护消费 者合法权益。 We will work hard to expand consumer demand. We will move faster to set up a permanent mechanism for boosting consumption. Wewill vigorously adjust income distribution, increase the incomes of low-and middle- income groups, and enhance people ’s ability to consume. We will improve policies that encourage consumption. We will vigorously develop elderly care, domestic, property management, medical and healthcare services. We will encourage consumer spending on cultural activities, tourism, and fitness; and implement the system of paid vacations. We will actively develop new forms of consumption such as online shopping; support and guide the consumption of green goods such as environmentally friendly building materials, water-saving sanitation products, and energy-efficient vehicles; and expand consumer credit. We will improve the urban-rural logistics system and infrastructural facilities, such as roads and parking lots, strengthen supervision over product quality and


电影专业术语中英文对照 A Above-the-line 线上费用 A-B roll A-B卷 AC 交流电 Academy ratio 学院标准画框比 Adaptation 改编 ADR editor ADR 剪辑师 Aligator clamp=gaffer grip 固定灯具的弹簧夹,又称鳄鱼夹 Ambient Sounds 环境音 Amp 安培 Amplification 信号放大 Amplitude 振幅 Analog 模拟 Anamorphic lens 变形镜头 Aperture 光圈 Answer Print 校正拷贝 Arc 摄像机的弧度运动 Art director 艺术指导 Aspect ratio 画框比 Atmosphere sound 气氛音 Attack 起音 Audio board 调音台 Audio mixer 混音器,混音师 Automatic dialogue replacement 自动对白补录 Automatic focus 自动对焦 Automatic gain control 自动增益控制 Automatic iris 自动光圈(少用) Axis of action 表演轴线 B Back light 轮廓光 Background light=Scenery light 场景光 Balance 平衡 Balanced 平衡电缆 Barndoor 遮扉(灯具上的黑色金属活动板,遮光用的) Barney 隔音套 Base 片基(用来附着感光乳剂的胶片基底) Base plate 底座(固定灯的) Baselight level 基本亮度 Batch capturing 批次采集 Below-the-line 线下费用 Bidirectional 双向麦克风 Bit depth 位元深度(在数字声音中每次取样的数目,通常是8,12,16)


姓名中英文翻译大全 A: 艾--Ai 安--Ann/An 敖--Ao B: 巴--Pa 白--Pai 包/鲍--Paul/Pao 班--Pan 贝--Pei 毕--Pih 卞--Bein 卜/薄--Po/Pu 步--Poo 百里--Pai-li C: 蔡/柴--Tsia/Choi/Tsai 曹/晁/巢--Chao/Chiao/Tsao 岑--Cheng 崔--Tsui 查--Cha

常--Chiong 车--Che 陈--Chen/Chan/Tan 成/程--Cheng 池--Chi 褚/楚--Chu 淳于--Chwen-yu D: 戴/代--Day/Tai 邓--Teng/Tang/Tung 狄--Ti 刁--Tiao 丁--Ting/T 董/东--Tung/Tong 窦--Tou 杜--To/Du/Too 段--Tuan 端木--Duan-mu 东郭--Tung-kuo 东方--Tung-fang E: F:

范/樊--Fan/Van 房/方--Fang 费--Fei 冯/凤/封--Fung/Fong 符/傅--Fu/Foo G: 盖--Kai 甘--Kan 高/郜--Gao/Kao 葛--Keh 耿--Keng 弓/宫/龚/恭--Kung 勾--Kou 古/谷/顾--Ku/Koo 桂--Kwei 管/关--Kuan/Kwan 郭/国--Kwok/Kuo 公孙--Kung-sun 公羊--Kung-yang 公冶--Kung-yeh 谷梁--Ku-liang H:

韩--Hon/Han 杭--Hang 郝--Hoa/Howe 何/贺--Ho 桓--Won 侯--Hou 洪--Hung 胡/扈--Hu/Hoo 花/华--Hua 宦--Huan 黄--Wong/Hwang 霍--Huo 皇甫--Hwang-fu 呼延--Hu-yen I: J: 纪/翼/季/吉/嵇/汲/籍/姬--Chi 居--Chu 贾--Chia 翦/简--Jen/Jane/Chieh 蒋/姜/江/--Chiang/Kwong


Accordion 手风琴 Aftertouch 触后 Alto 女低音 Amplitude 振幅 Amplitude Modulation(AM) 调幅Analogue 模拟的 Anticipation 先现音 Arpeggio 琶音,分解和弦Attack 起音 Audio 音频 Augmented 增音程,增和弦Ballade 叙事曲 Band 波段,大乐队 Banjo 班卓琴(美国民间乐器)Bank 音色库 Baritone 男中音 Barline 小节线 Baroque 巴罗克 Bass 贝司 Bassoon 大管(巴松) Brass 铜管总称 Cassette 卡座 Cello 大提琴 Channel 音色通道 Choir 人声合唱 Chord 和弦 Chorus 合唱效果器 Clarinet 单簧管 Clef 谱号 Combination 组合音色Compressor 压缩效果器Concerto 协奏曲 Console 调音台 Contrabass 低音提琴 Ctrl 控制器 Cymbal 镲,钹 Decay 衰减 Delay 延迟效果器 Digital 数码的 Diminished 减音程,减和弦Distorted 失真效果器 Dolby NR 杜比降噪

Dominant 属音(和弦) Dot 附点 Drum 鼓 Duration 音符的时值 Echo 回声,反射 Effector 效果器 Encore 返场加演曲目 English Horn 英国管 Enhance 增益 Envelope 包络 EQ(Equalizer) 均衡器 Exciter 激励器 External 外置的,外部设备的Fade in 淡入 Fade out 淡出 Fantasia 幻想曲 Filter 滤波器 Flange 凸缘效果器 Flat 降号 Flute 长笛 French Horn 圆号(法国号)Frequency 频率 Frequency Modulation(FM) 调频Fret 吉它指板 Fretless Bass 无品贝司 Grace Note 装饰音 Grand Piano 三角钢琴 Graphic 图解式的 Guitar 吉它 Harmonica 口琴 Harmony 和声,和声学 Harp 竖琴 Harpsichord 古钢琴Instrument 乐器 Intermezzo 间奏曲 Internal 内置的,内部的Interval 音程 Inversion 转位 Key 调 Keyboard 键盘 Leading-note 导音 LFO 低频震荡器


网络游戏专业术语中英文对照版 中英对照的网络游戏术语 AC – Armor Class,盔甲等级、级别 Account –账号,与密码P assword相对 Add –一只玩家加入到组队中,如果请求别人组队,可说Add me pls. AOE– Area E ffect Damage,区域作用魔法,指的是一个可以伤害一个区域中的一群怪物的魔法,即所谓的群攻,现并非魔攻专用 AE– Area E ffect,区域作用伤害 AFK – A way from Keyboard,暂时离开(键盘),意味着玩家暂时不再操控游戏角色,通知其他玩家注意 Aggro –指一些敌对、主动攻击的怪物,当角色接近它时,它会试图攻击角色,这种行为成为Aggro Aggro Radius –怪物周围的区域,进入它意味着怪物会“苏醒”并主动攻击你 Agi – Agility的缩写,意为敏捷,多指代游戏中角色的属性 Avatar –你的角色,互联网中常用来指头像,如论坛中的会员头像等 Beta –游戏的测试 Bind(Bound) –重生复活点 Boss –游戏中的终极怪物,通常各个级别段都有不同的Boss,中文里可以称为大王,老头儿等 Buff –主要指辅助类角色为别人施加的有益状态,通俗的说法就是“加状态”,典型的如增加防御、回血速度、躲避率等等 Bug –游戏中的漏洞 Carebear –喜欢帮助别人攻击怪物的玩家 Caster –不能抗怪的角色,如法师 CBT – Closed Beta Test 游戏封闭测试 CD – Cool Down, 多指技能的冷却时间 Character –游戏中的角色 Cheat –游戏中的作弊,也只游戏秘笈 Cheese –利用游戏的不平衡之处牟利 Combat P ets –被玩家控制的NP C,在战斗中帮助玩家及其队友,直译也有宠物的意思 CR – Corpse Retrevial的缩写,指取回尸体,这要看具体游戏的设置而论,很多游戏没有这个设置 Creep –怪物 Creep Jacking –当其他玩家与怪物战斗的时候趁机攻击该玩家 Critters –面对玩家攻击不会反击的怪物 DD – Direct Damage,直接伤害,非持续性伤害作用 DBUFF – De-Buff的简写,对怪物或敌对玩家施放的具有负面状态,如是对方减速、降低防御、降低准确率等等Defense –防御,这是通俗的叫法,具体还有物防、魔防等分类 DKP– Dragon Kill P oint的缩写,直译是屠龙点数,一种对玩家贡献的衡量标准 DMG – Damage的缩写,指伤害 DOT – Damage over time,在一段时间内持续对目标造成伤害,持续伤害 DP S – Damage per second的缩写,每秒伤害 Dungeon –指地宫、地下城等,多指游戏中难度很大的地形,也是Boss的栖居地 FH – Full Health的简写,指生命值全满 FM – Full Mana的简写,指法力全满 Forge –要塞,可以是游戏中的场景、地图 FS – Full Sport的缩写,指完全负责辅助的角色;汉语里可以做为法师的简称,注意区别


电气专业术语中英文对 照 TYYGROUP system office room 【TYYUA16H-TYY-TYYYUA8Q8-

一.电气名词 Electric items 二.线路(母线、回路)Lines (Bus , circuits) 三.设备 Equipments 四.保护、继电器 Protection , relays 五.电气仪表 Electric instruments 六.防雷 Lightning protection 七.接地 Grounding , earthing 八.室、所 Room , Substation 九.电修车间设备 Equipments of electric repair 十.材料 Material 十一.图名 Drawings , diagrams 十二.表头 Tables 十三.标准图词汇 Terms from standard DWG 一.电气名词 Electric items 交(直)流 Alternating (direct) current

短路电流 Short-circuit current 起始次暂态短路电流 Initial subtransient short-circuit current 冲击电流 Impulse current 稳态短路电流 Steady state short-circuit current 临界电流 Critical current 切断电流 Rupturing current 熔断电流 Blow-out current 故障电流 Fault current 计算电流 Calculating current 极限有限电流 Limit effective current 过电流 Over current 逆电流 Inverse current 整定电流 Setting current 额定电流 Rated current 电流密度 Current density 短路电流最大有效值 Maximum effective value of short-circuit current 高压 High-voltage , High-tension 低压 Low-voltage , Low-tension 计算电压 Calculating voltage 激磁电压 Exciting voltage 冲击电压 Impulse voltage 临界电压 Critical voltage 残留电压 Residual voltage 击穿电压 Puncture voltage


会计专业专业术语中英文对照一、会计与会计理论 会计accounting 决策人Decision Maker 投资人Investor 股东Shareholder 债权人Creditor 财务会计Financial Accounting 管理会计Management Accounting 成本会计Cost Accounting 私业会计Private Accounting 公众会计Public Accounting 注册会计师CPA Certified Public Accountant 国际会计准则委员会IASC 美国注册会计师协会AICPA 财务会计准则委员会FASB 管理会计协会IMA 美国会计学会AAA 税务稽核署IRS 独资企业Proprietorship 合伙人企业Partnership 公司Corporation 会计目标Accounting Objectives 会计假设Accounting Assumptions 会计要素Accounting Elements 会计原则Accounting Principles 会计实务过程Accounting Procedures 财务报表Financial Statements 财务分析Financial Analysis 会计主体假设Separate-entity Assumption 货币计量假设Unit-of-measure Assumption 持续经营假设Continuity(Going-concern) Assumption 会计分期假设Time-period Assumption 资产Asset 负债Liability 业主权益Owner's Equity


缩略语英文全称中文全称 ADE Adverse Drug Event 药物不良事件 ADR Adverse Drug Reaction 药物不良反应 AE Adverse Event 不良事件 AI Assistant Investigator 助理研究者 BMI Body Mass Index 体质指数 CI Co-investigator合作研究者 COI Coordinating Investigator 协调研究者 CRA Clinical Research Associate 临床监查员(临床监察员)CRC Clinical Research Coordinator 临床研究协调者 CRF Case Report Form 病历报告表 CRO Contract Research Organization 合同研究组织 CSA Clinical Study Application 临床研究申请 CSA Clinical Study Agreement 临床研究协议 CTA Clinical Trial Application 临床试验申请 CTX Clinical Trial Exemption 临床试验免责 CTP Clinical Trial Protocol 临床试验方案 CTR Clinical Trial Report 临床试验报告 DSMB Data Safety and monitoring Board 数据安全及监控委员会 EDC Electronic Data Capture 电子数据采集系统EDP Electronic Data Processing 电子数据处理系统 FA Financial Agreement 财务协议 FDA Food and Drug Administration美国食品与药品管理局FR Final Report 总结报告 GCP Good Clinical Practice 药物临床试验质量管理规范GLP Good Laboratory Practice 药物非临床试验质量管理规范GMP Good Manufacturing Practice 药品生产质量管理规范 IB Investigator’s Brochure 研究者手册 IC Informed Consent 知情同意 ICF Informed Consent Form知情同意书 ICH International Conference on Harmonization 国际协调会议IDM Independent Data Monitoring 独立数据监察 IDMC Independent Data Monitoring Committee 独立数据监察委员会IEC Independent Ethics Committee 独立伦理委员会 IND Investigational New Drug 新药临床研究 IRB Institutional Review Board 机构审查委员会 IVD In Vitro Diagnostic 体外诊断 IVRS Interactive Voice Response System 互动语音应答系统 MA Marketing Approval/Authorization 上市许可证 MCA Medicines Control Agency 英国药品监督局 MHW Ministry of Health and Welfare 日本卫生福利部 NDA New Drug Application 新药申请 NEC New Drug Entity 新化学实体 NIH National Institutes of Health 国家卫生研究所(美国)


电影专业术语中英文对照 documentary (film) 记录片,文献片filmdom 电影界 literary film 文艺片 musicals 音乐片 comedy 喜剧片 tragedy 悲剧片 dracula movie 恐怖片 sowordsmen film 武侠片 detective film 侦探片 ethical film 伦理片 affectional film 爱情片 erotic film 黄色片 western movies 西部片 film d’avant-garde 前卫片 serial 系列片 trailer 预告片 cartoon (film) 卡通片,动画片 footage 影片长度 full-length film, feature film 长片 short(film) 短片

colour film 彩色片(美作:color film) silent film 默片,无声片 dubbed film 配音复制的影片,译制片 silent cinema, silent films 无声电影 sound motion picture, talkie 有声电影 cinemascope, CinemaScope 西涅玛斯科普型立体声宽银幕电影,变形镜头式宽银幕电影cinerama, Cinerama 西涅拉玛型立体声宽银幕电影,全景电影 title 片名 original version 原著 dialogue 对白 subtitles, subtitling 字幕 credits, credit titles 对原作者及其他有贡献者的谢启和姓名 telefilm 电视片 演员actors cast 阵容 film star, movie star 电影明星 star, lead 主角 double, stand-in 替身演员 stunt man 特技替身演员 extra, walker-on 临时演员 character actor 性格演员 regular player 基本演员

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