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Improving fine-grained irregular shared-memory benchmarks by data reordering

Improving fine-grained irregular shared-memory benchmarks by data reordering
Improving fine-grained irregular shared-memory benchmarks by data reordering

Improving Fine-Grained Irregular

Shared-Memory Benchmarks by Data Reordering

Y.Charlie Hu,Alan Cox and Willy Zwaenepoel

Department of Computer Science

Rice University




We demonstrate that data reordering can substantially

improve the performance of?ne-grained irregular shared-

memory benchmarks,on both hardware and software

shared-memory systems.In particular,we evaluate two dis-

tinct data reordering techniques that seek to co-locate in

memory objects that are in close proximity in the physical

system modeled by the computation.The effects of these

techniques are increased spatial locality and reduced false


We evaluate the effectiveness of the data reordering tech-

niques on a set of?ve irregular applications from SPLASH-

2and Chaos.We implement both techniques in a small

library,allowing us to enable them in an application by

adding less than10lines of code.Our results on one hard-

ware and two software shared-memory systems show that,

with data reordering during initialization,the performance

of these applications is improved by12%–99%on the Ori-

gin2000,30%–366%on TreadMarks,and14%–269%on



Over the last few years we have seen the development of

several benchmark suites for shared-memory parallel sys-

tems[25,26,30,33].These benchmark suites have proven

to be invaluable research tools,providing a basis for com-

parison between various shared-memory architectures(e.g.,

[13,25]).Results from these benchmark suites have,how-

ever,also been taken as a measure of the performance that

can be obtained on shared-memory architectures for the

classes of applications that these benchmark programs rep-


parallel systems.The new benchmarks and data reordering library will be made available,and should prove more accu-rate in predicting the performance of shared-memory archi-tectures for?ne-grained irregular applications.The paper also makes contributions in the area of optimization tech-niques for shared-memory parallel programming,showing that data reordering techniques can be applied with sub-stantial bene?t to?ne-grained irregular shared memory pro-grams,and presenting guidelines for the choice of the ap-propriate reordering technique.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows.Section2 describes the class of?ne-grained irregular applications that we are concerned with in this paper and the problems oc-curring with the standard benchmark programs on shared-memory architectures.Section3describes the data reorder-ing techniques that we use.Section4describes the exper-imental environment.We present the results of our exper-iments in Section5.We discuss related work in Section6 and conclude in Section7.

2.Fine-grained Irregular Applications

The applications considered in this paper solve some computational problemsq in some given physical domains. The laws of physics cause these applications to have good locality in physical space:the objects interact mostly with other objects close to them in physical space.For instance, the gravitational force quickly decays with the distance,and approximations using only short-range interactions produce accurate results.Such applications are typically parallelized in one of two ways.

The?rst approach,which we refer to as Category1,tries to partition the computation between the processors in an intelligent way,in particular,in such a way that physically close objects are handled by the same processor.This ap-proach reduces the number of interactions between the pro-cessors,but requires a separate data structure to maintain the physical proximity relationships,in addition to the ob-ject array that records the relevant characteristics of each object.This additional data structure typically consists of a collection of cells,each one corresponding to a physically contiguous region,and maintained either in a tree or in a grid.A tree is used in Barnes-Hut and FMM;a grid is used in Water-Spatial.

The second approach does not make an attempt at so-phisticated computation partitioning.Instead,it typically uses a simple block partitioning of the object array.The object array entry for a speci?c object maintains a list of objects in physical proximity,with which interactions are computed.This computational structure occurs in the moldyn and the unstructured benchmarks from the Chaos benchmark set.

For both categories of programs,data reordering,i.e.,re-ordering the locations in memory of the objects in the ob-ject array,achieves substantial bene?ts.Although for both categories the bene?ts arise from better memory locality, more detailed inspection reveals that the nature of this im-provement in spatial locality is different for both categories. Therefore,different reordering methods achieve the best re-sults for each category.

2.1.Category1:Sophisticated Computation Parti-


The?rst category covers hierarchical N-body algorithms such as the Barnes-Hut method and the Fast Multipole Method[16]and grid-based applications such as Water-Spatial.In these applications,the computation is partitioned using an additional data structure,such as the tree in hierar-chical N-body algorithms or the grid in grid-based N-body algorithms,as opposed to directly partitioned on the object array.The computation is partitioned to have each processor work on some subtrees or subgrids corresponding to some physically contiguous domain.Since objects interact with physically close objects,each processor updates particles or mesh points located within and near the boundary of that physically contiguous domain.The objects are,however, often initialized and stored in the shared address space in some random order,and physically adjacent particles are scattered all through memory.

The combination of random placement in memory and computation partitioning grouping physically adjacent bod-ies has two harmful effects.First,the bodies updated by a particular processor are spread throughout memory,giving rise to serious false sharing,especially in page-based soft-ware shared memory systems.False sharing occurs when two or more processors access different locations in the same consistency unit,and at least one of these accesses is a write.It is particularly serious in page-based software shared memory systems,because the consistency unit,a page,contains many bodies,but it is also present on hard-ware shared memory systems where a cache line may con-tain multiple bodies.Second,in order to update its own ob-jects,a processor needs to read its(physically)neighboring objects.These neighboring objects are spread over many different consistency units,which gives rise to a large num-ber of access misses.This effect is more pronounced on systems with a small consistency unit.

We use the Barnes-Hut benchmark to illustrate the prob-lem on a4-processor software shared memory system. Barnes-Hut[29]is an-body simulation code using the hi-erarchical Barnes-Hut method[2].A shared tree data struc-ture is used to represent the recursively decomposed sub-domains(cells)of the three-dimensional physical domain containing all the particles.The other shared data structure is an array of particles corresponding to the leaves of the


P1P2P3Page 0

Page 1

Page 2

Page 3


Figure 1:Locations of the 168particles in each of the four 4-kilobyte pages to be updated by the four processors.We assume particles do not cross page boundary,and a page contains 4296-byte particles.

tree.Each iteration is divided into two steps with barrier synchronization after each.

1.Build tree:a single processor reads all of the particles and rebuilds the tree.1

2.Force evaluation:the processors ?rst divide up the par-ticles in parallel through an in-order traversal of the tree.Speci?cally,the th processor assigns itself the th subset of contiguous subtrees weighted according to the workload recorded from the previous iteration.The force evaluation for each of the particles then in-volves some partial traversal of the tree.In this step each processor reads a large portion of the tree.

The input particles are often generated and stored in the shared particle array in random order,unrelated to their physical location.

The Barnes-Hut method is typically used in astrophysics to simulate the evolution of galaxies.Therefore,we fo-cus on the three-dimensional two-Plummer distribution test case of the benchmark here.A single Plummer particle dis-tribution is used to model a single galaxy of stars where the density of stars grows exponentially in moving towards the center of the galaxy.This example consists of 168stars,each represented by a 96-byte record in the object array,oc-cupying in total 44Kbyte pages.The actual generation of the coordinates of the particles uses a random number gen-erator.Figure 1shows the locations in memory to be up-dated by each processor during the second iteration:each processor needs to update locations in several pages.

In another example,we ran the code with 32768bod-ies which collectively occupy 3848Kbyte virtual memory pages.We then plot the number of processors sharing each of the 384pages when running on 2,4,8,and 16proces-sors,respectively.The plot,shown in Figure 2,shows that each page is falsely shared by more than half of processors!

constructs a sorting key for every object(a particle,a mesh point,etc.)and sorts the keys to generate the rank;second, the actual objects are reordered according to the rank.Since the second step is the same for all reordering methods,we

focus on different ways of generating sorting keys.Figure3 shows the two types of ordering:space-?lling curves(Mor-ton or Hilbert)and row or column ordering.

3.1Space-Filling Curves

Morton[27]or Hilbert[17]space-?lling curves create a linear ordering of points in a higher-dimensional space that preserves the physical adjacency of the points.The Mor-ton ordering is achieved by constructing keys for sorting the subdomains by interleaving the bits of the subdomain coordinates.For Hilbert curves,algorithms based on bit manipulation[5]and?nite-state diagrams[3]exist.An ele-gant recursive algorithm can be found in[18].We focus on Hilbert reordering because it traverses only contiguous sub-domains and thus potentially results in better data locality in the reordered data structure.

3.2Column and Row Ordering

The sorting keys for row or column ordering are gen-erated by simply concatenating the bits of the z–,y–, and x–coordinates of data units.For column ordering,z-coordinates form the least signi?cant bits,and for row or-dering,x-coordinates form the least signi?cant bits.


To combat poor spatial locality resulting from the mis-match between the random data ordering of the main data structure and the physical locality desired by the computa-tion partition,we reorder the main data structure once using some space-?lling curve.Going back to the example from Section2,the locations of the particles to be updated by each processor after Hilbert reordering are shown in https://www.doczj.com/doc/fc17320999.html,paring Figure4with Figure1,one can see that most particles in the same pages will be updated by the same processors.The effectiveness of this data reordering on re-ducing false sharing can be dramatic.For example,if we reorder the particle array in the Barnes-Hut benchmark de-scribed in Section2.1using the Hilbert ordering,the degree of false sharing on the same384pages containing the32768 particles is drastically reduced,as shown in Figure5.On16 processors,the average number of processors sharing a page is reduced from9.5to3.


For irregular applications in Category2,reordering the main data structure using space-?lling curves does not al-





Page 0Page 1Page 2Page 3


Figure4:Locations of the168particles in each of the four 4-kilobyte pages to be updated by the four processors after Hilbert reordering.

ways produce the best result.Recall from the discussion in Section2that because of the block partitioning of the object array,these applications already exhibit good spatial locality for writes.The goal of reordering here is to im-prove the spatial locality for reads.To do so,we need to co-locate physically close particles as before,because that makes most of the interactions through the interaction list local.Having done that,however,we also want,for each processor,to reduce the number of consistency units con-taining particles assigned to other processors but on the in-teraction lists of particles assigned to.

Intuitively,row or column reordering tends to partition the3-D space into slices,whereas space-?lling curves tends to partition the space into cubes(see Figure6).As a result, with column reordering,the objects on the partner list of the objects assigned to processor tend to be assigned to fewer processors than with Hilbert reordering.For large consistency units,as in page-based software shared mem-ory systems,column ordering produces the best results,be-cause the objects on the interaction list tend to be on a few consistency units on these neighboring processors.In con-trast,with Hilbert reordering,consistency units need to be fetched from a larger number of processors.For smaller consistency units,as on hardware shared memory systems, the larger surface of the slice produced by column reorder-ing compared to the surface of the cube generated by Hilbert reordering produces the opposite effect.Here,column re-ordering spreads out the objects on the interaction list over more consistency units,and therefore Hilbert reordering works better.

3.5.Programming Interface

Column(or row)ordering is trivial to generate.The space-?lling curves are more involved to compute,even though the Hilbert[17]space-?lling curves have been known for over a century,and algorithms based on bit ma-nipulation[5]have existed for almost three decades.We therefore implement both reorderings as library functions. Both functions consists of three steps:generating keys,

Column major Row major


Hilbert Figure 3:Data reordering methods:space-?lling curves (Morton and Hilbert)and column or row major ordering.ranking the keys,and reordering data according to the ranks.Including all three steps,the Hilbert curve reordering func-tion is about 100lines of C code.The data reordering func-tions provided are sequential,and can be called by a single processor as often as necessary.

In order to implement data reordering primitives that are applicable to arbitrary data types,the interface to each func-tion includes a pointer to the object array,the size of an object,the number of objects,the dimensionality of the co-ordinates,and a function for obtaining the th coordinate of the th element.Speci?cally,the C interfaces to the two reordering primitives are:

void column_reorder(void *object,

int object_size,int num_of_objects,int num_of_dim,

double (*coord)(...));

void hilbert_reorder(void *object,

int object_size,int num_of_objects,int num_of_dim,

double (*coord)(...));

The following code segment shows the original data structure for particles in Barnes-Hut and the added code for calling the hilbert reordering function.

/*struct definition for a body */typedef struct {

short type;real mass;

double pos[3];...

}body,*bodyptr;bodyptr bodytab;

/*program provided coord function */

double coord(bodyptr btab,int i,int dim){

return btab[i].pos[dim];}main(){

/*serial initialization of particles */hilbert_reorder(bodytab,sizeof(*bodytab),


/*parallel executions */}

4.Experimental Environment


We evaluate the effectiveness of the data reordering tech-niques presented in this paper on both software distributed shared memory systems and the newest generation of hard-ware shared memory machine –the SGI Origin 2000.4.1.1SGI Origin 2000

Our hardware shared memory platform is an SGI Origin 2000[23]with a total of 16300Mhz MIPS R12000pro-cessors,con?gured as two boxes of 4nodes each.The two boxes are connected with a CrayLink.Each node consists of two processors.Within a node,each processor has separate 32KB ?rst level instruction and data caches,and a uni?ed 8MB of second-level cache and 128byte block size.The machine has 10GB of main memory and a 16KB page size.4.1.2Software DSMs

We use the TreadMarks system [1]from Rice and a mod-i?ed version of TreadMarks that implements Princeton’s home-based LRC (HLRC)protocol [35].Both systems are page-based and use multiple-writer protocols and lazy re-lease consistency to alleviate the worse effects of false shar-ing.The two protocols differ in the location where modi?-cations are kept and in the method by which they get prop-agated.A detailed comparison between the two protocols can be found in [10].

Both DSM systems run on a switched,full-duplex 100Mbps Ethernet network of 16300MHz Pentium II-based computers.Each computer has a 512K byte sec-ondary cache and 256M bytes of memory.All of the com-puters were running FreeBSD 2.2.6and communicating





N u m b e r o f P r o c s S h a r i n g t h e p a g e

Page id






N u m b e r o f P r o c s S h a r i n g t h e p a g e

Page id


Figure 5:Number of processors sharing each of the 384pages for the particle array of Barnes-Hut with reordering particles with 32K particles on 8and 16processors.through UDP sockets.On this platform,the round-trip la-tency for a 1-byte message is 126microseconds.The time to acquire a lock varies from 178to 272microseconds.The time for an 16-processor barrier is 643microseconds.The time to obtain a diff varies from 313to 1,544microseconds,depending on the size of the diff.The time to obtain a full page is 1,308microseconds.


We used ?ve irregular applications in this study:Barnes-Hut with sequential tree building,Fast Multipole Method,and Water-Spatial from the SPLASH-2benchmark suite [33],Moldyn and Unstructured from the Chaos bench-mark suite [11].2

Size/Iter.Object Size


104Fast Multipole Method





b,l them to our shared-memory platforms.



Figure 7:Speedup comparison among random,original,and reordered versions of the applications on Origin 2000with 16processors.

Application Version

Cost of 1Processor











































On16processors,compared with the original versions of the benchmarks,all benchmarks except Water-Spatial achieve bene?ts from reordering,ranging from12.4%for Barnes-Hut to99%for Unstructured.

Data reordering improves the performance even on a single processor of the Origin.Speci?cally,the execution times of the reordered versions are between1.6%to8.3% lower than those of the original versions for four out of the?ve benchmarks.For these four benchmarks,the im-provement comes either from signi?cant reductions in TLB misses,e.g.,a factor of9.15for Barnes-Hut and a factor of38.7for FMM,or from a reduction in L2cache misses, e.g.,4.6%for Moldyn(using Hilbert reordering)and a fac-tor of4.9for Unstructured(using Hilbert reordering).For Water-Spatial,there is no improvement in execution time since the object(molecule)size,680bytes,is much larger than the L2cache line size.In fact,there is a slight increase in the L2cache misses and TLB misses.This is because on a single processor,the traversal on the3-D grids degen-erates to column ordering,which conforms well with the initial molecular ordering from initialization.

Table2shows that for the four benchmarks which show improvement as a result of reordering,the additional im-provements for16processors on top of those already seen on a single processor,come mainly from reduced L2cache misses.Speci?cally,the reduction in L2cache misses ranges between a factor of2.0for Barnes-Hut and a factor of2.2for FMM.Data reordering makes little difference for Water-Spatial.Since the data object size in Water-Spatial is much larger than the L2cache line size,there is little false sharing regardless of how the data is ordered.

5.2.Overall results on software DSMs

Figures8and9show the speedup comparison among the various versions of each benchmark under TreadMarks and HLRC on16processors.Table3presents sequential exe-cution time,parallel execution time(excluding reordering), execution time of the reordering routine,number of mes-sages,and amount of data on16processors for the various versions of the benchmarks on TreadMarks and HLRC.

On TreadMarks,the reordered versions of the bench-marks achieved from30%to366%better speedups than the original versions.On HLRC,the reordered versions of the benchmarks achieved from14%to269%better speedups than the original versions.In both cases,Moldyn bene?ted the least and FMM the most.

The improvements in the reordered versions of the benchmarks come from reduced false sharing,which results in dramatic reductions in both the amount of data transmit-ted and the number of messages.On TreadMarks,compared with the original versions,the reordered versions of the benchmarks send from2.0(Moldyn)to3.7(FMM)times less data,and from1.4(Unstructured)to12.3(Barnes-Hut) times fewer messages.

On HLRC,compared to the original versions,the re-ordered versions of the benchmarks send from1.2(Mol-dyn)to5.0(FMM)times less data,and from1.4(Moldyn and Unstructured)to3.5(FMM)times fewer messages.

The reason reduced false sharing results in a larger per-formance improvement in TreadMarks than in HLRC is be-cause compared to in HLRC,TreadMarks sends many more messages(though with the same amount of total data)for the same degree of false sharing.The detailed explanation for this can be found in[10].

5.3.Detailed Discussions


Barnes-Hut simulates the evolution of a system of particles under the in?uence of gravitational forces,as described in detail in Section2.1.It is modi?ed from the SPLASH-2 Barnes-Hut benchmark by changing the parallel tree build-ing step into a sequential tree building phase.The code implements a hierarchical(also called tree-based)N-body algorithm.Reads and writes are to individual particles and thus occur with very?ne granularity.The high degree of false sharing comes from the mismatch between the ran-dom ordering of particles in the shared particle array and the spatial locality among particles accessed by each processor. The mismatch is largely removed by a Hilbert reordering of the particles in the particle array which to a large extent brings particles updated by the same processor to the same pages.

Fast Multiple Method from SPLASH-2,like Barnes-Hut,also simulates the evolution of a system of particles under the in?uence of gravitational forces.However,it sim-ulates interactions in two-dimensions and uses a different hierarchical n-body algorithm called the adaptive Fast Mul-tipole Method[16].It has the same major data structures as https://www.doczj.com/doc/fc17320999.html,ly,it has particles and tree cells,but dif-fers from Barnes-Hut in that the tree is not traversed once per particle.There is only a single upward traversal fol-lowed by a single downward traversal which together com-pute interactions between the cells and propagate their ef-fects down to each leaf cell.The effect on each leaf cell is then applied to the particles inside that cell.

The false sharing in FMM is similar in nature to that in Barnes-Hut.On one hand,computation(i.e.the tree)is par-titioned using some space-?lling curve and has good spatial locality in the tree cells,which are created independently by the processors and stored in some per-processor(though shared)arrays.On the other hand,the particles are gener-ated and stored in random order in the shared array without any locality between particles adjacent in space.This cre-ates false sharing at the various stages of FMM that access

24681012Figure 8:Speedup comparison among the various versions of the benchmarks on TreadMarks on 16processors.

24681012Figure 9:Speedup comparison among the various versions of the benchmarks on HLRC on 16processors.

particles.Our solution is to reorder particles in the particle array using the Hilbert ordering.Table 4shows that the im-provement in the reordered version compared with the ran-dom or original versions is seen at various steps that access the particles.

Version Original

Build tree 6.78


Partition 0.40


Inter particle 25.1


Other 8.16Total


Application Version Seq.Cost of TreadMarks HLRC

Data Data





reordered0.6813.2360485 6.77167519









lose the aggregation effect of large consistency units,which our system maintains while still considerably reducing false sharing.

Jiang et al.[22,21,20]have studied how to re-structure some of the SPLASH-2benchmarks for software DSM on networks of uniprocessors and multiprocessors,and on large hardware DSMs.Their restructuring techniques fall into three categories:padding and alignment,data structure changes,and algorithmic changes.Padding and alignment cause only limited fragmentation on hardware shared mem-ory machines,but for page-based software shared memory, where a page can be100times larger than a data object,the fragmentation cost quickly becomes prohibitive.Their data structure changes consist mainly of changing2-D arrays into4-D arrays to block data elements in dense matrix com-putations.While similar in its goals to our data reordering, the applications that bene?t from it are different.The algo-rithmic changes are by nature application-speci?c and re-quire extensive knowledge about the applications.Our data reordering techniques are less intrusive in terms of source code modi?cations and require less knowledge of the appli-cation.We intend to study whether some of their proposed optimizations can be combined with data reordering for ad-ditional performance improvement.

Data locality has long been recognized as one of the most signi?cant performance issues for modern uniprocessor ar-chitectures.There has been a large body of research on loop transformations for dense matrix codes,e.g.[14,32,7,31]. Recently,several works have focused on array and pointer-based data structures in irregular applications.Ding and Kennedy[12]and Mellor-Crummey et al.[24]looked at irregular applications which perform irregular accesses of array elements via interaction(indirection)arrays.Such ap-plications fall into our Category2.The basic idea in Ding and Kennedy[12]is to examine the contents of indirection array and generate a new ordering for the array elements based on the access af?nity implied by the indirection array. They then reorder data in memory and adjust the contents of the indirection arrays.The technique does not require the geometric coordinates of the physical quantities that array elements are modeling.Like our work,Mellor-Crummey et al.[24]use of space-?lling curves to reorder data and/or computation,but they focus on the uniprocessor memory hierarchy.

There have been several semi-automatic data placement approaches to improving cache performance on uniproces-sors for heap objects.Calder et al.proposed cache con-scious data placement[6].They use pro?le information to?nd temporal locality between data objects,and reorder them in memory accordingly.Chilimbi et al.improve the performance of trees by clustering parent and child nodes in memory[9].They developed a tree optimization routine to adjust the memory layout of a tree for improved local-ity for a given traversal,and a memory allocator that allo-cates memory close to a user speci?ed heap location.They also proposed two techniques,structure splitting and?eld reordering,that improve temporal locality by changing the internal organization of?elds of a data structure[8].These optimizations are targeted at applications with data struc-tures larger than a cache block.


This paper has demonstrated that data reordering can achieve substantial improvements in the performance of ?ne-grained irregular applications on shared memory sys-tems.These data reordering techniques attempt to co-locate in memory the data that represents physically close ob-jects.The result is improved spatial locality and reduced false sharing.Hilbert reordering is appropriate for hardware shared memory machines and for applications with sophis-ticated computation partitioning on page-based software shared memory systems.Column reordering works bet-ter for block-partitioned computations on software shared memory systems.We have provided a library which imple-ments both reordering methods,and we have demonstrated that it can be used with very little modi?cation to the bench-mark programs.These libraries are also independent of the speci?c platform used.The revised programs should serve as better benchmarks for this class of applications on shared-memory machines.


We thank Doug Moore for contributing a highly opti-mized Hilbert ordering code.


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机械设备安装工程施工及验收通用规范目次 第一章总则 第二章施工准备 第一节施工条件 第二节开箱检查和保管 第二节设备基础 第三章放线就位和找正调平 第四章地脚螺栓、垫铁和灌浆 第一节地脚螺栓 第二节垫铁 第三节灌浆 第五章装配 第一节一般规定 第二节螺栓、键、定位销装配 第三节联轴器装配 第四节离合器、制动器装配 第五节具有过盈的配合件装配 第六节滑动轴承装配 第七节滚动轴承装配 第八节传动皮带、链条和齿轮装配 第九节密封件装配 第六章液压、气动和润滑管道的安装 第一节管子的准备第二节管道的焊接和安装第三节管道的酸洗、冲洗、吹扫和涂漆第七

章试运转 第八章工程验收 附录一设备基础尺寸和位置的允许偏差附录二水平拉钢丝时,两支点距离、钢丝直径、重锤的选配和钢丝自重下垂度附录三YG型胀锚螺栓的规格、适用范围和钻孔直径及深度的规定附录四环氧砂浆的调制程序和技术要求 附录五斜垫铁和平垫铁附录六无收缩混凝土及微膨胀混凝土的配合比附录七座浆混凝土配制的技术要求及施工方法附录八压浆法放置垫铁的施工方法附录九金属表面的常用除锈方法 附录十碱性清洗液和乳化除油液配合比附录十一常用金属清洗剂 附录十二脱脂剂 附录十三防咬合剂 附录十四螺栓刚度及被连接件刚度的计算方法附录十五联轴器装配两轴心径向位移和两轴线倾斜的测量方法附录十六具有过盈的配合件装配方法 附录十七冷装用的常用冷却剂附录十八管道酸洗液的配合比附录十九管道冲洗清洁度等级标准附录二十本规范用词说明 附加说明 第一章总则 第1.0.1 条为了指导机械设备安装工程的施工及验收,确保质量和安全,促进技术进步,提高经济效益,制定本规范。 第1.0.2 条本规范适用于各类机械设备安装工程,从开箱起至设备的空负荷试运转为止的施工及验收,对必须带负荷才能试运转的设备,可至负荷试运转。 第1.0.3 条设备安装工程应按设计施工。当施工时发现设计有不合理之处,应及时提出修改建议,并经设计变更批准后,方可按变更后的设计施工。 第1.0.4 条安装的机械设备、主要的或用于重要部位的材料,必须符合设计和产品标准的规定,并应有合格证明。 第1.0.5 条设备安装中采用的各种计量和检测器具、仪器、仪表和设备,应符合国家现行计量法规的规定,其精度等级,不应低于被检对象的精度等级。 第1.0.6 条设备安装中的隐蔽工程,应在工程隐蔽前进行检验,并作出记录,合格后方可继续安装。 第1.0.7 条设备安装中,应进行自检、互检和专业检查,并应对每道工序进行检验和记录。工程验收时,应以记录为依据。


v1.0可编辑可修改 项目监理典型表式 承包单位(设计、施工、调试)向项目监理部报送的表式 DJH-A-01(98版)工程项目设计计划报审表DJH-A-02 (98版)施工图交付进度计划报审表DJH-A-03(98版) 工程项目设计图纸报审表DJH-A-04(98版)工程洽单位 单 DJH-A-05(98版)分包单位资质报审表 DJH-A-06(98版)施工组织总设计报审表 DJH-A-07(98版)专业施工组织设计 / 重大施工技术方案报审表DJH-A-08(98版)调试方案报审表 DJH-A-09(98版)重要工程开工报审表 DJH-A-10(98版)保温工程施工申请单 DJH-A-11(98版)工程进度计划报审表 DJH-A-12(98版)变更工期申报表 DJH-A-13(98版)复工申请表 DJH-A-14(98版)主要材料及构(配)件供货单位资质报审表 DJH-A-15(98版)主要工程材料报审表 DJH-A-16(98版)主要设备开箱申请表 DJH-A-17(98版)设备缺陷通知单 DJH-A-18(98版)设备缺陷处理报验单 DJH-A-19(98版)工程控制网测量报验单 DJH-A-20(98版)特殊工种人员统计报表 DJH-A-21(98版)主要施工机械、计量器具、检测仪表检验统计表DJH-A-22(98版)施工质量检验项目划分报审表 DJH-A-23(98版)工程质量报验单 DJH-A-24(98版)土建交付安装中间验收交接表 DJH-A-25(98版)安装交付调试中间验收交接表 DJH-A-26(98版)工程质量事故报告单 DJH-A-27(98版)质量事故处理方案报审表 DJH-A-28(98版)质量事故处理结果报验表 DJH-A-29(98版)工程进度报告报审表 DJH-A-30(98版)工程变更费用报审表 DJH-A-31(98版)索赔报审表 DJH-A-33(98版)整改报验单


设备安装施工记录表格 SLA-JX001~021-2007 1

机械设备安装施工记录目录 序号文件名称编号在卷页数备注 1封面首页JX001-20071 2基础检查记录JX002-20071 3设备开箱记录JX003-20071 4设备安装垫铁检查记录JX003-20071 5设备安装找正记录JX004-20071 6联轴器对中检测记录JX005-20071 7设备拆检及组装间隙测量记录JX006-20071 8电机空气间隙测量记录JX007-20071 9滚动轴承装配记录JX008-20071 10滑动轴承装配记录JX009-20071 11齿轮安装检查记录JX010-20071 12卧式静置设备安装检查记录JX011-20071 13立式静置设备安装记录JX012-20071 14塔盘安装记录JX013-20071 15设备试压记录JX014-20071 16单机试运转记录JX015-20061 17透平机试运行记录JX016-20061 18设备清扫检查记录JX017-20061 19设备填充记录JX018-20071 20桥式起重机安装记录JX019-20071 21起重机轨道安装记录JX020-20071 22桥式起重机试运行记录JX021-20071 23基础沉降测量记录JX022-2007 QG/DJ1104/02 SLA-JX001-2007

设备安装施工交工技术文件 项目: 装置: 工号: 建设单位: 施工单位: 年月日

QG/DJ1104/02 SLA-JX002-2007 项目 分部基础检查记录 分项 位号设备名称施工图号执行工艺标准 序号项 目允许偏差(mm ) 实际偏差(mm )备 注 纵向 1 基础坐标位置 横向 ±20 2 不同平面的标高+0、-20平面外形尺寸±20凸台上平面外形尺寸+0、-203 凹穴尺寸+20、-0每米5包括地坪上需安装设备的部分 4 平面水平度 全长 10每米55 垂直度 全长 <10标高+20、-0顶端 6 预埋地脚螺栓 中心距±2在根部和顶部测量 中心位置偏移 ±10深度+20、-07 预埋地脚螺栓孔 孔壁铅垂每米 <10标高 +20中心线位置偏移±5水平度每米5带槽的锚板水平度每米2带螺栓孔的锚板 8 预留活动地脚螺栓锚板套管预埋垂直度 <10建设单位代表 基础施工单位代表监理单位代表 施工单位 安装施工单位代表


设备安装检查记录 通风机安装检查记录 工程名称东博煤矿通风机安装工程建设单位东博煤矿 内蒙古煤炭建设工程集团总公司技术监理施工部位 1#通风机安装监理单位部 执行标准 MT 5010-95 检查日期 2010年8月16日序检查项目允许偏差检查结果号 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 0 1 主轴及传动轴的水平度 0.1/1000 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0.1 0.1 2 机体纵横向水平度 0.2/1000 1 2 1 0 -1 -1 1 0 3 轴流式通风机叶轮与机壳间隙 ?2mm 符合要求 4 通风机转子安装后检查 5 联轴器安装符合要求 6 轴流式通风机风叶角度符合要求 7 滑动轴承装配符合要求 检查结论: 符合标准规定 施工单位 监理单位: 吧验质检员: 项目技术负责人: 专业负责人: 收 意见 年月日年月日年月日 风门提升装置龙门架制作、安装检查记录 工程名称通风机安装工程建设单位东博煤矿

内蒙古煤炭建设工程集团总公司施工部位提升装置监理单位技术监理部执行标准 MT 5010-95 检查日期 2010年8月22日序号检查项目允许偏差检查 结果 1 原材料进场符合设计、有出厂合格证 2 焊条、焊剂 E43型,符合设计要求 3 焊工证书施焊人员有焊工证、均在施焊范围内 4 钢材切割无裂纹、夹层 5 焊材匹配点焊与焊接材料相同 6 焊缝外观无裂纹、气孔、夹渣 7 构件长、宽度 ?4 -1 2 8 表面平度 3/1000 2 3 9 焊缝宽窄差 1 0 1 10 焊缝高低差 3.5 2 2 11 错边 1.0 0 0 12 安装水平度 15/1000 2 13 安装位置 5 2 检查结论: 符合标准规定 监理单位: 施工单位 验 收质检员: 项目技术负责人: 专业负责人: 意见 年月日年月日年月日 绞车安装检查记录 工程名称通风机安装工程建设单位东博煤矿 内蒙古煤炭建设工程集团总公司施工部位提升绞车监理单位技术监理部执行标准 MT 5010-95 检查日期 2010年8月24日序号检查项目允许偏差检查 结果 1 垫铁、基础螺栓符合要求 2 主轴安装符合要求 3 滚筒组装符合要求 4 传动系统安装符合要求 5 制动系统安装符合要求 6 辅助装置安装符合要求 7 试运转合格 8 9 10 11 12 13 检查结论: 符合标准规定 监理单位: 施工单位


机械设备安装工程施工及验收通用规范 目次 第一章总则 第二章施工准备 第一节施工条件 第二节开箱检查和保管 第三节设备基础 第三章放线就位和找正调平 第四章地脚螺栓、垫铁和灌浆 第一节地脚螺栓 第二节垫铁 第三节灌浆 第五章装配 第一节一般规定 第二节螺栓、键、定位销装配 第三节联轴器装配 第四节离合器、制动器装配 第五节具有过盈的配合件装配 第六节滑动轴承装配 第七节滚动轴承装配 第八节传动皮带、链条和齿轮装配 第九节密封件装配 第六章液压、气动和润滑管道的安装 第一节管子的准备 第二节管道的焊接和安装 第三节管道的酸洗、冲洗、吹扫和涂漆 第七章试运转 第八章工程验收 附录一设备基础尺寸和位置的允许偏差 附录二水平拉钢丝时,两支点距离、钢丝直径、重锤的选配和钢丝自重下垂度

附录三YG型胀锚螺栓的规格、适用范围和钻孔直径及深度的规定 附录四环氧砂浆的调制程序和技术要求 附录五斜垫铁和平垫铁 附录六无收缩混凝土及微膨胀混凝土的配合比 附录七座浆混凝土配制的技术要求及施工方法 附录八压浆法放置垫铁的施工方法 附录九金属表面的常用除锈方法 附录十碱性清洗液和乳化除油液配合比 附录十一常用金属清洗剂 附录十二脱脂剂 附录十三防咬合剂 附录十四螺栓刚度及被连接件刚度的计算方法 附录十五联轴器装配两轴心径向位移和两轴线倾斜的测量方法 附录十六具有过盈的配合件装配方法 附录十七冷装用的常用冷却剂 附录十八管道酸洗液的配合比 附录十九管道冲洗清洁度等级标准 附录二十本规范用词说明 附加说明 第一章总则 第1.0.1条为了指导机械设备安装工程的施工及验收,确保质量和安全,促进技术进步,提高经济效益,制定本规范。 第1.0.2条本规范适用于各类机械设备安装工程,从开箱起至设备的空负荷试运转为止的施工及验收,对必须带负荷才能试运转的设备,可至负荷试运转。 第1.0.3条设备安装工程应按设计施工。当施工时发现设计有不合理之处,应及时提出修改建议,并经设计变更批准后,方可按变更后的设计施工。 第1.0.4条安装的机械设备、主要的或用于重要部位的材料,必须符合设计和产品标准的规定,并应有合格证明。 第1.0.5条设备安装中采用的各种计量和检测器具、仪器、仪表和设备,应符合国家现行计量法规的规定,其精度等级,不应低于被检对象的精度等级。 第1.0.6条设备安装中的隐蔽工程,应在工程隐蔽前进行检验,并作出记录,合


表1:总承包项目部季度考评汇总表 项目分期(标段)名称:总承包单位: 项目经理:建筑面积: 2、季度考评以分期项目(标段)为单位进行;根据本季度现场实际进度选择唯一对应的“工程施工阶段”。总承 包在实体工程开始施工后正式参与考评,当本季度仅有施工准备阶段时,不再单独参与季度考评。

表2 施工准备阶段评分表 项目分期(标段)名称:总承包单位:

表3 施工阶段评分表 项目分期(标段)名称:总承包单位:

说明: 1、出现表中扣分项所述情况,在该评分项进行扣分,直到扣完为止。质量事故、安全事故根据《关于做好房屋建筑和市政基础设施工程质量事故报告和调查处理工作的通知》(建质[2010]111号)、、《生产安全事故报告和调查处理条例》进行界定。 2、质量缺陷评级标准: 2.1 D类质量问题:反映严重影响主体结构或建筑物使用功能的质量缺陷,评定为D 类: 2.1.1 桩接头严重错位达6mm或桩尖使用远不达设计(合同)要求的情况; 2.1.2 基础土方开挖方法不正确,造成工程桩不满足桩基验收规范或基坑边坡出现严重安全隐患; 2.1.3 柱钢筋偏位达6cm以上或顶层柱纵筋水平段热弯、截断的情况; 2.1.4 主要受力构件钢筋没有技术方案擅自进行代换或植筋; 2.1.5 柱错位达4cm以上; 2.1.6 主要混凝土构件大面积的蜂窝(>0.6 ㎡)或出现孔洞(>0.05 ㎡或深度>4cm)露钢筋等; 2.1.7 屋面或楼板结构存在严重的渗水现象(大面积渗漏现象); 2.1.8 主要结构部分的楼板厚度减少10%以上或梁、柱、剪力墙等构件与设计要求偏差较大; 2.1.9 直接拆除后浇带模板造成两边梁、板构件悬挑的情况; 2.1.10 防水工程使用劣质材料,或防水层厚度达不到设计要求的一半;


承包人用表(编号 A )

目录 1、施工组织设计报审表…………………………………………………A-1 2、动员预付款支付申请表………………………………………………A-2 3、施工技术方案报审表…………………………………………………A-3 4、施工放样报验单………………………………………………………A-4 5、建筑材料报验单………………………………………………………A-5 6、进场设备报验单………………………………………………………A-6 7、分包申请………………………………………………………………A-7 8、工程开工申请单………………………………………………………A-8 9、承包人每旬工作计划………………………………………………A-9 10、中间检验申请单……………………………………………………A-10 11、工程报验单…………………………………………………………A-11 12、合同外工程单价申报表……………………………………………A-12 13、计日工单价申报表…………………………………………………A-13 14、材料价格调整申报表………………………………………………A-14 15、工程计量表…………………………………………………………A-15 16、计量支付数量汇总表…………………………………………… A-16 17、合同工程月计量申报表……………………………………………A-17 18、合同外工程月计量申报表…………………………………………A-18 19、计日工月计量申报表………………………………………………A-19 20、索赔申报表…………………………………………………………A-20 21、复工申请……………………………………………………………A-21 22、一般设计变更报审表……………………………………………A-22-1 23、重大设计变更报审表……………………………………………A-22-2 24、事故报告单…………………………………………………………A-23 25、延长工期申报单……………………………………………………A-24


机械设备安装工程施工及验收通用规范(1) 第一章总则 第1.0.1条为了指导机械设备安装工程的施工及验收,确保质量和安全,促进技术进步,提高经济效益,制定本规范。 第1.0.2条本规范适用于各类机械设备安装工程,从开箱起至设备的空负荷试运转为止的施工及验收,对必须带负荷才能试运转的设备,可至负荷试运转。 第1.0.3条设备安装工程应按设计施工。当施工时发现设计有不合理之处,应及时提出修改建议,并经设计变更批准后,方可按变更后的设计施工。 第1.0.4条安装的机械设备、主要的或用于重要部位的材料,必须符合设计和产品标准的规定,并应有合格证明。 第1.0.5条设备安装中采用的各种计量和检测器具、仪器、仪表和设备,应符合国家现行计量法规的规定,其精度等级,不应低于被检对象的精度等级。 第1.0.6条设备安装中的隐蔽工程,应在工程隐蔽前进行检验,并作出记录,合格后方可继续安装。 第1.0.7条设备安装中,应进行自检、互检和专业检查,并应对每道工序进行检验和记录。工程验收时,应以记录为依据。 第1.0.8条设备安装工程的施工,除应按本规范执行外,尚应符合国家现行标准规范的规定。第二章施工准备 第一节施工条件 第2.1.1条工程施工前,应具备设计和设备的技术文件;对大中型、特殊的或复杂的安装工程尚应编制施工组织设计或施工方案。 第2.1.2条工程施工前,对临时建筑、运输道路、水源、电源、蒸汽、压缩空气、照明、消防设施、主要材料和机具及劳动力等,应有充分准备,并作出合理安排。 第2.1.3条工程施工前,其厂房屋面、外墙、门窗和内部粉刷等工程应基本完工,当必须与安装配合施工时,有关的基础地坪、沟道等工程应已完工,其混凝土强度不应低于设计强度的75%;安装施工地点及附近的建筑材料、泥土、杂物等,应清除干净。 第2.1.4条当设备安装工序中有恒温、恒湿、防震、防尘或防辐射等要求时,应在安装地点采取相应的措施后,方可进行相应工序的施工。 第2.1.5条当气象条件不适应设备安装的要求时,应采取措施。采取措施后,方可施工。 第2.1.6条利用建筑结构作为起吊、搬运设备的承力点时,应对结构的承载力进行核算;必要时应经设计单位的同意,方可利用。 第二节开箱检查和保管 第2.2.1条设备开箱应在建设单位有关人员参加下,按下列项目进行检查,并应作出记录: 一、箱号、箱数以及包装情况; 二、设备的名称、型号和规格; 三、装箱清单、设备技术文件、资料及专用工具; 四、设备有无缺损件,表面有无损坏和锈蚀等; 五、其他需要记录的情况。 第2.2.2条设备及其零、部件和专用工具,均应妥善保管,不得使其变形、损坏、锈蚀、错乱或丢失。 第三节设备基础 第2.3.1条设备基础的位置、几何尺寸和质量要求,应符合现行国家标准《钢筋混凝土工程施工及验收规范》的规定,并应有验收资料或记录。设备安装前应按本规范附录一的允许偏差对设备基础位置和几何尺寸进行复检。


A类用表(承包单位用表)A1工程开工/复工报审表 A2施工组织设计(方案)报审表A3 分包单位资格报审表 A4报验申请表 A5工程款支付申请表 A6监理工程师通知回复单 A7工程临时延期申请单 A8费用索赔申请表 A9工程材料/构配件/设备报审表A10工程竣工报验单 沪A1施工进度报审表 B类用表(监理单位用表)B1监理工程师通知单 B2工程暂停令 B3工程款支付证书 B4工程临时延期审批表 B5工程最终延期审批表 B6费用索赔审批表 沪B1巡视旁站检查记录 C类表(各方通用表) C1监理工作联系单 C2工程变更单

中华人民共和国国家标准规范用表 (GB50319-2000)A1 工程开工/复工报审表 工程名称:阜阳市颍州明珠小区1#、2#楼 及人防地下室/消防工程编号:致:安徽省永信人防工程建设监理有限公司:(监理单位) 我方承担的阜阳市颍州明珠小区1#、2#楼及人防地下室/消防工程,已完成了以下各项工作,具备了开工/复工条件,特此申请施工,请核查并签发开工/复工指令。 附: 1、开工报告 2、本工程项目部机构图 3、本工程项目部人员名单 4、本工程主要施工机械表 承包单位(章) 项目经理 日期 审查意见: 项目监理机构 总监理工程师 日期

(GB50319-2000)A2 施工组织设计(方案)报审表 工程名称:阜阳市颍州明珠小区1#、2#楼 及人防地下室/消防工程编号: 致:阜阳市安信监理有限公司:(监理单位) 我方已根据施工合同的有关规定完成了阜阳市颍州明珠小区1#、2#楼及人防地下室消防工程施工组织设计(方案)的编制,并经我单位上级技术负责人审查批准,请予以审查。 附:施工组织设计(方案) 承包单位(章) 项目经理 日期 专业监理工程师审查意见: 专业监理工程师 日期 总监理工程师审核意见: 项目监理机构 总监理工程师 日期


A类表承包单位用表 目录 1. A1 工程开工报审表 2. A2 施工组织设计(方案)报审表 3. A3 分包单位资格报审表 4. A4 工程报验申请表 5. A5 工程款支付申请表 6. A6 监理工程师通知回复单 7. A7 工程临时延期申请表 8. A8 费用索赔申请表 9. A9 工程材料报审表 10. A10 工程竣工初验申请单 11. A11 工程复工报审表 12. A12 施工测量成果报验申请表 13. A13 工程构配件报审表 14. A14 工程设备报审表 15. A15 工程联系单 16. A16 工程变更单

工程开工报审表 A-1 工程名称:崇左南方水泥窑尾框架工程 编号:20130421


1.本表用于工程项目开工。如整个项目一次开工,只填报一次,如工程项 目中涉及较多单位工程,且开工时间不同,则每个单位工程都应填报一次。 2.开工报告应作为附件单独提交,可以是表格形式也可以是其它型式。其 内容应符合有关要求(如:建设、设计、监理单位名称;建筑面积;结构及层数;供料办法;投资来源;合同价;计划开、竣工日期;建筑执照;施工许可证)。 3.表中证明文件,是指证明已具备开工条件的相关资料。 4.如建设单位不需签署,可在第三栏中划“ / ”。 5.本表必须由项目总监签认。

A-2 施工组织设计(方案)报审表 工程名称:崇左南方水泥窑尾框架工程编号:20130421 致:马鞍山迈世纪工程咨询有限公司 我方已根据施工合同的有关规定完成了崇左南方水泥窑尾框架工程施工组织设计(方案)的编制,并经我单位上级技术负责人审查批准,请予以审查。 附:施工组织设计(方案) 承包单位(章):项目经理:日 期: 专业监理工程师审查意见: 监理工程师:______________ 日期: 总监理工程师审核意见: 项目监理部(章):___________ 总监理工程师: 日期: 建设单位审核意见: 建设单位(章): 建设单位代表:_______________ 日期: 本表一式叁份,建设、监理、承包单位各一份


精制~ 1 工程设备安装验收记录 工程名称: 日期: 序号 项 目 质 量 要 求 项目负责人自检结果 复检结果 1 管线部分 管道基础的高程和固定支架的安装位置应符合设计要求 管道安装的接口以及和阀门的连接必须牢固严密 闸、阀启闭时应满足在工作压力下无泄漏 管道焊缝应饱满,表面平整。不得有裂纹、烧伤、 结瘤等现象 管口粘接应牢固,连接件之间应严密、无孔隙 管壁厚10mm 以内焊口平直度允许偏差为管壁厚1/4 管壁厚10mm 以上焊口平直度允许偏差为3mm 管道安装的线位应准确、直顺 部件安装应平直、不扭曲,表面不应有裂纹。重皮和麻面等缺陷,外圆弧应均匀 2 机械格栅 格栅除污机应定位准确。安装角度偏差应符合产品随机技术文件规定。各机架的连接应牢固 格栅除污机两侧与沟渠壁间隙应不大于格栅条间隙 设备平面位置允许偏差20mm 设备标高允许偏差±20mm 栅条纵向面谕导轨侧面平行度允许偏差≤0.5/1000 设备安装倾角允许偏差±0.5° 3 螺旋输送机 设备平面位置允许偏差10mm 设备标高允许偏差+20,-10mm 螺旋槽直顺度允许偏差1/1000, 全长≤3 设备纵向水平度1/1000 水泵底座应采用地脚螺栓固定,二次浇注材料应保证密实。 引导潜水泵升降的导杆必须平行且垂直,自动连接处的金属面之间应有效密封

精制~ 2 序号 项 目 质 量 要 求 项目负责人自检结果 复检结果 4 水 泵 水泵出水口配置的成对法兰安装应平直 潜水泵导杆过长时,中间应有可靠的加固措施 水泵轴导杆垂直度允许偏差<1/1000,全长≤3 皮带轮、联轴器水平度允许偏差≤0.5/1000 设备标高允许偏差±5 泵体内纵向水平度允许偏差≤0.05/1000 泵体内横向水平度允许偏差≤0.1/1000 设备平面位置允许偏差±5 5 曝气管 微孔曝气器的接点应紧密,管路基础应牢固、无泄漏 各个曝气器之间的高度偏差≤10㎜ ABS 管接头无渗漏 系统安装完毕后,微孔曝气器管路应吹扫干净,出 气孔不应堵塞 微孔曝气装置应做48小时清水曝气试验,保持出 气均匀 6 鼓风机 鼓风机基础与安装应严密,无松动 设备安装位置和标高应符合设计要求 管路中的进风阀、配管、消声器等辅助设备的连接应牢固、紧密、无泄漏现象 设备平面位置允许偏差10mm 设备标高允许偏差±20 7 脱水机 设备标高允许偏差±20 设备水平度允许偏差1/1000 按设备安装说明书就行安装 启闭机中心与闸门板推力吊耳中心应位于同一垂线,垂直度偏差应不大于全长的1/1000 闸门安装应牢固,密封面应严密 启闭机开启应灵活,无卡阻和抖动现象。限位装置应灵敏、准确、可靠


XXXXXXXXXXX有X X限公司 密炼机上辅机系统 安装施工组织设计 审批: 校核: 编制: XXXXXXX股X份有限公司

密炼机上辅机系统施工组织设计目录 1、第一章编制依据...........................................2 2、第二章工程概况.........................................2-3 3、第三章施工布置.........................................3-4 4、第四章施工准备.........................................4-6 5、第五章施工方案.......................................6-10 6、第六章系统调试..........................................10 7、第七章有关施工组织管理的措施........................10-15 8、第八章文明施工......................................15-30 9、第九章保证施工安全的技术措施........................19-21 10. 第十章按规范要求进行施工现场理........................21 11. 第十一章施工现场管理制度..............................22 12. 第十二章安全生产管理制度............................22-24 13. 第十三章职业健康安全................................24-25


第四节设备安装施工方法 一、设备安装工艺流程 二、基础验收和放线 如果设备有基础,在设备安装之前要会同甲方代表、监理代表对设备基础进行验收,设备基础应符合下面规定: 基础中心线允许偏差:士20mm; 基础上平面水平度每米偏差:士5mm; 基础上平面水平度全长允许偏差:士10mm.。 三、放线 设备就位前,应按施工图和有关建筑物的轴线或边缘线及标高线,划定安装的基准线。互有连接、衔接或排列关系的设备,应划定共同的的安装基准线。必要时,应按设备的具体要求,埋设一般的或永久性的中心标版或基准点。平面位置安装基准线与基础实际轴线或厂房墙(柱)的实际轴线、边缘线的距离,其允许偏差为±20mm。设备定位基准的面、线或点对安装基准线的平面位置和标高的允许偏差,应符合下表规定:

四、设备卸车 1 卸车前的准备工作 根据设备到货时间和设备的重量,提前一天联系好合适的汽车起重机,在设备到场后马上安排汽车起重机到场,并组织好施工人员进行卸车。起重作业必须由专职起重工统一指挥,各种起重吊具在使用前应认真检查,确认所有吊具安全无损后才 能使用。 2 吊索具选择 设备采用4点绑扎点,其中靠近重心端 的两点应串接倒链,起着调节设备水平的作 用。钢丝绳的吊装仰角度应在60~75度之 间。吊索具选择时,按最大设备和最不利的 仰角进行考虑,如右图示。 4Tsinβ=F=K1*K2*G T—吊索拉力 β—吊索仰角 F—吊装重量 K1—动载系数,K1=1.1 K2—不均匀系数,K2=1.2 G—设备重量 T=K1*K2*G/(4sinβ) 根据吊索最大拉力,选择吊索具。 2 吊索绑扎与试吊 设备上有专用吊耳的地方,使用钢卸扣把设备吊耳和钢丝绳连接在一起进行吊装;如果设备没有专用吊耳且包装在木箱里面的使用钢丝绳绕箱底进行吊装,且在木


机械安全运行管理档案有限公司XXXXXXXXXX机械设备安全技术档案XXXXXXXX有限公司XXXXXXXXX工程项目部 2013年10月 1 有限公司XXXXXXXX建筑 机械安全运行管理档案有限公司 XXXXXXXXXX施工机具管理 记录施工机具供应方评价记 录............................. 1 施工机具合格供应方名录............................. 2 施工机具配置计划 ................................... 3 施工机具采购(租赁)合同登记表...................... 6 新设备测试记录..................................... 5 机械设备维护、保养、运行记录卡...................... 6 项目设备管理台帐 ................................... 7 (起重)机械设备日常点检卡 .......................... 8 机械设备运转台班记录表............................. 9 机械设备定机、定人台帐. (10) 设备安全使用检查表................................ 11 项目设备日常维护记

录 .............................. 12 机械设备维修计划表 ................................ 13 械设备维修计划完成情况表 .......................... 14 机械设备维修记录 .................................. 15 设备购置报告审批表 ................................ 16 机械设备验收单 .................................... 17 机械设备月报表 .................................... 18 设备进、出场交验记录 .............................. 19 机械设备管理台帐 .................................. 20 设备维修运转台账 .................................. 21 设备报废申请表 .................................... 22 大型施工机械安装(拆除)方案台帐................... 23 大型施工机械安装(拆除)方案审批记录.............. 226 2 有限公司 XXXXXXXX建筑 机械安全运行管理档案有限公司XXXXXXXXXX施工机具供应方评价记录编号:01 供应商名称编号评估项目合作次数合格数评估等级 1.机具的质量是否合格 2.是否按期交货 3.材料数量是否足够 4.价格是否合适 5.供应商售后服务质量6.供应商紧急情况是否采取积极措施 7.供应商是否有改进机制8.供应商能否对所提供产品进行充分保护评估结论:


卧式设备安装检验记录 SH/T 3503-J315 卧式设备安装检验记录工程名称:16万吨/年液化气合成清洁燃料项目 单元名称:装置区设备安装 编号:PTNY-JSSA-SBAZ-013 设备名称废酸脱烃罐设备位号D-215 规格Φ400/1200×10×4224

注1:图中B、C、D、E为设备筒体水平度测量基准点。 注2:设备安装标高测量值为设备基础上的标高基准线到设备支座底板下表面的距离。 注3:4:L为两端测点间的距离。 单 单位:mm 项目测量部位允许值实测值项目测量部位允许值实测值 支座中心位置偏差纵向±5 1 纵向水平 偏差 B- C L/1000 1.4 横向±5 -2 D- E L/1000 1.2 支座标高偏差滑动端±5 3 横向水平 偏差 B- D 2D/1000 1.4 固定端±5 2 C- E 2D/1000 1.2 滑动端支座滑动裕量13mm螺母松开和锁紧情况符合设计及规范要求检验结论:符合设计及施工规范验收要求。 建设/ 监理单位总承包单位施工单位 监理专业工程师: 建设单位专业工程师: 日期:年月日专业工程师: 日期:年月日 专业工程师: 质量检查员: 施工班组长: 日期:年月日 SH/T 3503-J315 卧式设备安装检验记录工程名称:16万吨/年液化气合成清洁燃料项目 单元名称:装置区设备安装 编号:PTNY-JSSA-SBAZ-014 设备名称碳四原料缓冲罐设备位号D-101 规格Φ800/2600×10/14×9412

注1:图中B、C、D、E为设备筒体水平度测量基准点。 注2:设备安装标高测量值为设备基础上的标高基准线到设备支座底板下表面的距离。 注3:4:L为两端测点间的距离。 单 单位:mm 项目测量部位允许值实测值项目测量部位允许值实测值 支座中心位置偏差纵向±5 -1 纵向水平 偏差 B- C L/1000 4.3 横向±5 2 D- E L/1000 4.2 支座标高偏差滑动端±5 1 横向水平 偏差 B- D 2D/1000 2.3 固定端±5 -2 C- E 2D/1000 2.1 滑动端支座滑动裕量13mm螺母松开和锁紧情况符合设计及规范要求检验结论:符合设计及施工规范验收要求。 建设/ 监理单位总承包单位施工单位 监理专业工程师: 建设单位专业工程师: 日期:年月日专业工程师: 日期:年月日 专业工程师: 质量检查员: 施工班组长: 日期:年月日 SH/T 3503-J315 卧式设备安装检验记录工程名称:16万吨/年液化气合成清洁燃料项目 单元名称:装置区设备安装 编号:PTNY-JSSA-SBAZ-015 设备名称脱正丁烷塔回流罐设备位号D-214 规格Φ400/1200×8/10×6770


1.静设备安装 2.2 设备验收 设备的开箱检验必须有业主和监理工程师在场共同验收,根据装箱清单进行下列项目的检查,随机文件应齐全,设备名称、型号、规格、数量应正确,设备外形尺寸和管口方位与图纸相符。外观检查应无损伤、锈蚀,设备的随机配件和专用工具符合清单要求。设备开箱检验完毕,应及时填写“设备开箱检验记录”,并由有关检验人员签字,随同随机文件一起保管。 2.3 基础验收及处理 ●基础验收 在设备安装前,会同业主现场代表和监理工程师及土建承包商对基础进行验收。在基础上应明显地标识标高基础线和纵横中心线,重要设备的基础应有沉降观测点,基础外观不得有裂纹、蜂窝、空洞、露筋等缺陷,按有关图纸对基础的尺寸进行复测检查,其允许偏差应符合GB50231-98规范要求。 ●基础处理

基础验收合格后,应铲麻面,麻点深度不小于10mm,垫铁处理基础表面铲平,其水平度为2mm/m,然后根据设备重量和底座情况合理布置垫铁,用水准仪测量垫铁标高满足设备图纸的要求,然后将基础上的碎石、泥土、积水等杂物清理掉。 2.4 设备就位 设备就位前,首先核对设备的管口方位、管口尺寸、管口相对位置,并标注管口号,在设备底座上标注设备中心方位,就位时应与设备基础方位中心线对齐,然后选择合理可靠的方法将设备吊装就位,装置区域内的设备先试压后安装,装置区域以外的设备先吊装后试压。静设备调整和测量的基准规定如下: ●设备支承的底面标高应以基础上标高基准线为基准。 ●设备中心线位置应以基础上中心线位置为基准。 ●立式设备的方位应以基础上距离设备最近的中心线为基准。 ●立式设备的铅垂度应以设备两端部的测点为基准。 ●卧式设备的水平度一般应以设备的中心划线为基准。 2.5 设备灌浆 ●对于初步找平、找正的设备的预留孔进行一次灌浆,灌浆用料用规定标号的 细石砼,当预留孔内的砼的强度达到设计强度的75%后,进行设备的找正、找 平工作,并且用垫铁进行调整,严禁用松紧地脚螺栓的方法进行找正、找平 工作,满足规范要求后,均匀拧紧地脚螺栓,点焊垫铁,填写隐蔽工程记录, 进行二次灌浆。 ●二次灌浆工作在隐蔽工程检查合格,设备最终找正找平后24小时后进行,并 且在灌浆之前应对设备的找平、找正数据进行复测。二次灌浆工作必须连续 进行,不得分次浇灌,灌浆用料一般细碎石砼为宜,其标号应比基础混凝土 的标号高一级。 2.6 设备试压 耐压试验以清洁水<氯离子浓度不大于25PPm浓度>进行试验,对于在制造厂已作过耐压试验,且有完备的证明文件的设备,安装前可不做耐压试验,但对于有法兰连接的设备及列管式换热器等,在运输过程中容易引起泄漏的,应在设计压力下用液压试验检测其严密性。压力试验完毕后,填写“设备压力试验记录”。经有关方面签字认可。 2.7 设备清理、封闭


施工工作常用表格 1表格说明 1.1 表格可分为以下两种类型: 1 承包人用表。以CB××表示。 1.2 表头应采用如下格式: 注1:“CB11”——表格类型及序号。 注2:“施工放样报验单”——表格名称。 注3:“承包【】放样号”——表格编号。其中:①“承包”:指该表以承包人为填表人,当填表人为监理机构时,即以“监理”代之。②当监理工程范围内包括两个以上承包人时,为区分不同承包人的用表,“承包”可用其简称表示。③【】:年份,【2003】表示2003年的表格。④“放样”:表格的使用性质,即用于“放样”工作。⑤“号”:一般为3位数的流水号。 如承包人简称为“华安”,则2003年承包人向监理机构报送的第3次放样报表可表示为: 2表格使用说明 2.1 施工单位可根据施工项目的规模和复杂程度,采用其中的部

分或全部表格;如果表格种类不能满足工程实际需要时,可按照表格的设计原则另行增加。 2.2 各表格脚注中所列单位和份数为基本单位和最少份数,工作中应根据具体情况和要求具体指定各类表格的报送单位和份数。 2.3 相关单位都应明确文件的签收人。 2.4 “CB01 施工技术方案申报表”可用于承包人向监理机构申报关于施工组织设计、施工措施计划、工程测量施测计划和方施工工法、工程放样计划、专项试验计划和方案等。. 2.5 承包人的施工质量检验月汇总表、工程事故月报表除作为施工月报附表外,还应按有关要求另行单独填报。 2.6 表格底部注明的“设代机构”是代表工程设计单位在施工现场的机构,如设计代表、设代组、设代处等。 3施工工作常用表格目录3.1承包人用表目录



中华人民共和国国家标准 机械设备安装工程施工及验收通用规范 GB50231-98中华人民共和国国家标准 主编部门:原中华人民共和国机械工业部 批准部门:中华人民共和国建设部 施行日期:1998年12月1日 关于发布《机械设备安装工程施工及验收通用规范》等十项国家标准的通知建标[1998]9号根据国家计委计综[1986]2630号文和计综[1987]2390号文的要求,由原机械工业部会同有关部门共同修订的《机械设备安装工程施工及验收通用规范》等十项标准,已经有关部门会审。 现批准下列规范为强制性国家标准,自一九九八年十二月一日起施行。原国家标准《机械设备安装工程施工及验收规范》TJ231及《制冷设备安装工程施工及验收规范》GBJ66/84同时废止。 《机械设备安装工程施工及验收通用规范》GB50231/98《连续输送设备安装工程施工及验收规范》GB50270/98《金属切削机床安装工程施工及验收规范》GB50271/98《锻压设备安装工程施工及验收规范》GB50272/98《工业锅炉安装工程施工及验收规范》GB50273/98《制冷设备、空气分离设备安装工程施工及验收规范》GB50274/98《压缩机、风机、泵安装工程施工及验收规范》GB50275/98《破碎、粉磨设备安装工程施工及验收规范》GB50276/98《铸造设备安装工程施工及验收规范》GB5

0277/98《起重设备安装工程施工及验收规范》GB50278/98上述规范由国家机械工业局负责管理,具体解释等工作由机械工业部安装工程标准定额站负责,出版发行由建设部标准定额研究所负责组织。中华人民共和国建设部 一九九八年八月二十七日 修订说明 本规范是根据国家计委计综[1986]450号文的要求,由原机械工业部负责主编。具体由机械工业部安装工程标准定额站组织,会同冶金部第一冶金建设总公司、化工部施工技术研究所、全国安装协会技术标准中心和重庆建筑大学等单位共同修订而成。 在修订过程中,修订组认真总结了原《机械设备安装工程施工及验收规范》第一册“通用规定”贯彻执行以来的经验,充分调查了解了我国机械设备安装行业的新材料、新技术和新工艺,严格按照建设部修订标准规范的程序、步骤和要求的规定,最后由我部会同有关部门审查定稿。 本规范共分为8章、18节和20个附录。修订的主要内容有:1.将原设备安装工程“通用规定”,修改为全国各类机械设备安装工程都适用的通用规范,扩大了规范的覆盖面。 2.增加了新技术、新工艺等新的内容,如胀锚地脚螺栓、环氧砂浆锚固地脚螺栓、减振垫、无垫铁安装、座浆法、液压、气动润滑管道,联轴器装配扩大至11个品种和类型,清洗、除锈和脱脂的技术要求、方法和质量检验更加明确。 3.原规范是70年代制订,其参数和技术要求科学性、实用性较差。随



目录 1、承包人用表使用说明 2、施工组织设计报审表………………………………………………A—1 3、动员预付款支付申请表……………………………………………A—2 4、施工技术方案报审表………………………………………………A—3 5、施工放样报验单……………………………………………………A—4 6、建筑材料报验单……………………………………………………A—5 7、进场设备报验单……………………………………………………A—6 8、分包申请……………………………………………………………A—7 9、工程开工申请单……………………………………………………A—8 10、承包人每旬工作计划……………………………………………A—9 11、中间检验申请单…………………………………………………A—10 12、工程报验单………………………………………………………A—11 13、合同外工程单价申报表…………………………………………A—12 14、计日工单价申报表………………………………………………A—13 15、材料价格调整申报表……………………………………………A—14 16、工程计量表………………………………………………………A—15 17、计量支付数量汇总表…………………………………………… A—16 18、合同工程月计量申报表…………………………………………A—17 19、合同外工程月计量申报表………………………………………A—18 20、计日工月计量申报表……………………………………………A—19 21、索赔申报表………………………………………………………A—20 22、复工申请…………………………………………………………A—21 23、一般设计变更报审表…………………………………………A—22-1 24、重大设计变更报审表…………………………………………A—22-2 25、事故报告单………………………………………………………A—23

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